Friday, February 1, 2019


Pandora/GCOM in progress, P501 in progress. LSIP BNF ANNABELLA.exe operational, rootkit removal in progress. ECL2 GR+, total APR sequence in progress, to be evaluated in next Project 501 update at RRR10. Minimum M requirements met, minimum HP requirements not met.


  1. Click on ads to support.

  2. We finally need results, the cabal does what it wants, now it's Venezuela's turn ... It feels like a big stop

  3. getting closer!
    Victory of the light

  4. Patiently waiting for The Event

  5. LORD OF WAR - Intro (The Life Of A Bullet) [HD]

    1. I really like that movie. There is a lot of truth in it so theres going to be cabal as well like knight of malta nicholas cage. The ukrainian military selling its own weapons on the black market was a fact, thats why they had massive ammo shortages in their recent civil war. Liberia was and is a disaster. The cabal organized crime running our gov who run the weapons, which is shown at the end of the film. Lots of reptilians and archons in africa and lots of africans with major stockholm syndrome killing other africans with those weapons.

    2. We need the aliens to come and help get rid of these mother fuckers, or give us the weapons to do it.

      At this point of my life, I have NO problems as the aspect of spilling blood, and taking lives it means getting my freedom, as well as the stuff we SHOULD have have at LEAST several decades ago. For we literally lost at least a century of development.

  6. What the hell all of this mean? .

  7. Great work guys! Let's bring this home!!

  8. 有没有华人区的光工来解读下代码ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

  9. In USA, mass arrests : February 15
    In France : February 21
    GO ON

    1. Nothing, happening until now! They, telling us years the same story, bath I don't see fact's nothing happening. Nothing in US, nothing in Europe or same else. Only eat happened, the cabal is very busy to create new wars or new desastDe to install NWO. The rest of storys are in my opinion fantasy storys for brain washed sclawes, wat we Al are...! Believe it or not, bat everyone mast find auto for him self...

  10. Wish I knew what that means, and if it's good or bad.

    Anyhow, I remember how Cobra said the light forces underestimated how bad it is down here. No surprise, there.

    Unless the good aliens up there, safely in their starships, had to go through what WE are going through....let me make a comparison as to how I view the bad guys (elites, cabal, whatever you wanna call these blood suckers)

    The 1986 Transformers Movie is a good example how to illustrate this in the simplest ways. Cobra, please show these clips to the light forces, good ET's.

    The Transformers are a fictional race of living machines, capable of changing their forms to blend in to the worlds they visit (they can disguise as cars, or as wild animals, or household objects). Their are 2 factions, the good Autobots (and their descendants, the Maximals) and the evil Decepticons (and their descendants, the Predacons).

    Both sides are in an ongoing war that lasted millions of years. The Autobots are trying to avoid extinction at the hands of the Decepticons, who want to take over EVERYTHING....Earth, Cybertron (the Transformers home planet), and all other worlds. The Autobots made contact with humans in 1984, and had established themselves with the human race by 2005, to the point the Autobots were allowed to make a decent sized base on earth, serving also as a power plant (you'll notice wind, solar and hydroelectric power generators in the backgrounds).

    The Decepticons, led by Megatron, have no regard for it the humans or the Autobots, seen here.

    Here, we see Megatron fighting the autobot leader, Optimus Prime. The fight goes back and forth, Optimus getting some injuries...but nothing too bad. UNTIL Optimus gets the upper hand and has Megatron, unarmed, on the ground. Optimus walks over to get his gun, and takes aim at Megatron, who, for millions of years, have destroyed countless millions of lives, lands and, as in in the previous clip, brutally EXECUTED some of Optimus' closest friends. Megatron, seeing he literally is in Optimus' sites, sees a pistol laying behind a piece of the torn, upturned metal floor. Megatron pretends....mind you...PRETENDS, to beg for mercy and be spared. Optimus, the FOOL that is he, actually considers this for a moment. Until Hotrod, a young Autobot fighter, seeing Megatron slowly crawl to the pistol, leaped, trying to stop Megatron. And Megatron then used Hotrod for a SHIELD...knowing Optimus would not risk shooting Hotrod.
    THIS, I feel, seems to be something the light forces have a problem.

    Ill post more here in a moment.

  11. continuing from before.

    After the battle (Optimus Prime DIED, by the way), the Decepticons, still licking their wounds from the battle of Autobot city....begin to bicker among themselves who among them lives and who gets chucked into space to rot.
    It's a pretty good example of the social Darwinism the cabal have.....getting rid of those who are no longer useful....not just us, but their own fellows. Starscream, who has been plotting to usurp Megatron for eons, smirks and throws Megatron out into space. Also, note how the other decepticons who were being thrown of them even said, "brothers, don't!" The Cabal, when they know they are about to be in a jam, SACRIFICE their own fellows....often the lower ranking ones....such as the various politicians, clergymen and hollywood celebs who are getting in trouble for pedophilia.

    And, after Megatron and his injured party are drifting through space for awhile...they run into Unicron, a dark, god like being. After making a pact with Unicron, Megatron and his party are given NEWER, BETTER bodies. This is why mercy on the cabal is NOT an option, they either get healed with the advanced technology they are hiding from us (which can explain how Gargoyles like Dick Cheney are still alive) or they can get a new, clone body, better than the previous (which is also being kept hidden from us)


  12. And then, Megatron is given a better form.
    Give the bad guys any time to regroup, and they reload their weapons, BETTER WEAPONS this time.

    And Unicron tortures Galvatron several times for failure, or challenging him

    And at the end of the movie, HotRod managed to throw Galvatron, the upgraded Megatron, through Unicron's body and into space...and killed Unicron....BUT...despite Hotrod saying the war was over...Galvatron did come back, later. Cyclonus and Scourge found Galvatron on a distant planetoid, emerged in a lava pool.....and the damage from the lava, and several times Unicron PAINFULLY tortured Galvatron, Galvatron become insane, and more dangerous....even blasting his own forces, either for failure or just because he was pissed off.

    Conclusion: TAKE OUT THE BAD GUYS, NOW!!!!!!! Either lock 'em away, or take them out completely.

    1. Optimus prime is goku, starscream is vegeta, megatron is frieza, they are the classic archetypes. I liked goku in dragon ball but starscream in transformers for some reason. I am questioning this whole event/liberation narrative. I have, on and off, for years now. I wanted to make an internet/radio show or something but then I developed speech issues after archon attacks, so thats out.

      The most I could do is make a blog but its going to be pretty dark though. All I can add to the alt media distraction tabloids (much of it is) are my experiences and perspectives. I really dont want to. I dont want attention or to share my horrible life experiences with others. The archons/chimera had me boxed in from early on and theres not much I can do to help except the obvious things. Stay out of trouble, do everything in the highest state of conciousness possible, take part in mass meditations, etc.

    2. I can not meditate anymore, whenever I do, my legs or my shoulder flinch or twitch hard enough to snap me out of each time. As if someone was poking me with a stick, or a cattle prod, saying "NO YOU DON'T!" Like I am being attacked.

      We need DIRECT, PHYSICAL ET contact, and we need it YESTERDAY.

      For what we are in as a WAR.
      Either the aliens show up and help us, OR least give me SOME sort of weapon or power to fight and DESTROY the bad guys, I'd rather perish with a weapon in hand, blood in my teeth, FIGHTING on my feet, rather than live as a slave/hostage on my knees.

      This video clip says it all. And the same view point on god/creator as well.


  14. Much love + gratitude to RM / Army of the Light / Cobra and all Light Workers. Acceleration. Awesome time to be alive.

  15. I also dreamed that I was in a place
    weird. I wanted to go home.
    I was in a building that looked like a hospital.

    in the building I saw a wooden door that was rotten
    the side of the door fell apart in my hand
    when I got it
    and I talked to a woman - in charge - about it

    I walked through several streets and I ended up
    arriving in the same place; like walking in circles.
    in a place that looked like a car workshop
    3 men offered me cocaine and I said no
    use - I showed my marijuana bag and asked
    if they want to smoke a joint ... they do not
    After walking, I started to fly.
    I was flying in the streets, but I was afraid to touch
    on the electrical wires. I woke up

    *I always dream that I'm somewhere
    which I want to leave and I can not find the way out

    *I also always dream that I'm flying and the
    street electrical wires (lighting - public energy)
    keep me from climbing

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Mine are like that too. I'm always trying to figure out logistics to get out and I never can. When I'm flying I can't get past some barrier. Once I was drawn down into and through a bed with an emerald green cover and pulled along to a shaded place like a big warehouse. I could see outside to a bright sunny place like a desert through a curtain. It seemed like burlap with a large weave with lots of holes in it. Someone said; "The veil is lifting." That gave me hope for a long time but it's been over three years since then. I'm nothing but tired and empty at this point. And sick of being here.

  16. I wish to share a very important podcast that is really an eye opener.

    If you want to know why the 'financial reset' has not happened yet (and likely never will), what the truth is about Venezuela, a possible peace treat between the Taleban and America, why the arrests have not happened yet, why FEMA has not helped Florida rebuild after hurricane Michael, how deep the Deep State really goes, and more, I invite you to listen.

  17. Positive Energy Noticeably Increasing Since Successful Group Eclipse Meditation. Heaven is Being Established on Earth Again.
    1 to the Infinite Power
    Twitter: @awb555

  18. Rio had a temperature of 42ºC on the last day of January which is the warmest in almost 100 years.
    Even before the end of the month, this is already the hottest January since 1922. The average of the last 30 days in the capital is 37.6ºC. Records have been made by Inmet 97 years ago and since then there was no record of a hot January. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


  19. A 'device' to bring into connection soul family members should be brought into existence...

    what kind of device?... gueees!!...

  20. I wish we could help somehow to speed this up. We are sending our focus and best thoughts to you. Go, go, go! :):):)

    I enjoy this:


    Subject: Setting voltage standards for household power supply.

    PAGE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION - Some data is put together...


  22. At this point in time I would like to give a big Thank You.
    It's been only 10 days since I started that little blog of mine, and already people from all over Gaia have taken a look.
    And I mean LITERALLY All Over The World :-)

    There have been people from Europe, South America, North America, Russia, Africa, Asia, Australia and Japan dropping by, I am totally impressed and happy about the fact that EVERY continent is represented. Soo cool, THANK YOU to all of you.

    That was one reason why I started this little thing over at

    We're Moving On Up

    And the dark is Moving On OUT!!

    Lots of Love and Light

    I AM DC

  23. Thank you! Things are speeding up really fast...we are changing..the whole world is changing..♡♡♡Thank you all beautiful Souls for being who you are♡♡♡

  24. Posted by Cobra at 1:44 AM .... :)

    Go 144000

    ALF21 >/<


  25. I AM

    I AM DC



    When something's dark, let me shed a little light on it
    When something's cold, let me put a little fire on it
    If something's old, I wanna put a bit of shine on it
    When something's gone, I wanna fight to get it back again

    Yeah, fight to get it back again

    When something's broke, I wanna put a bit of fixing on it
    When something's bored, I wanna put a little exciting on it
    If something's low, I wanna put a little high on it
    When something's lost, I wanna fight to get it back again

    Yeah, fight to get it back again

    When signals cross, I wanna put a little straight on it
    If there's no love, I wanna try to love again

    I’ll say your prayers, I’ll take your side
    I'll find us a way to make light
    I'll dig your grave, we'll dance and sing
    What's saved could be one last lifetime

    Yeah, fight to get it back again
    Yeah, fight to get it back again
    Yeah, fight to get it back again

    CopyRight Universal Music

    And FIX IT We Will

    I AM DC

  27. Thank you dear Cobra ✨ Light Brother ✨ Victory of the Light ✨🙏🏼❤️🌈

  28. Sittin in LA I could see the being that holds its spell over the city. The mountains have a way of appearing and disappearing in the smog. Truly this city sleeps FURIOUSLY and thrives vigorously in the underworld.

    The money is intoxicating. The city calls to dreamers like sirens in treaturous waters.

    Now that I've seen it, im not sure if I should stay in my cozy little hole in texas.

  29. there seems to be a steadiness of progress in most items of these latest updates, if however minimal. As sure as The Event will happen in a seemingly not distant future (many feel and say that this is the year) I have shifted away from thinking about it so much towards my own ascension process and well being. This shift has brought some positive affects and upliftment in the past week or so in my own personal time line. thank you Cobra for hanging in there and forging ahead with this positive time line.

  30. Sending infinite Love and Light. Appreciate all the work Light Forces have done! Thank you!

  31. Brothers and sisters, liberation will come from Russia. Coming soon! Wait.
    Братья и сёстры, освобождение придёт из России. Скоро! Дождитесь.

  32. Братья и сёстры, освобождение придёт из России. Скоро! Дождитесь.

  33. And how I know that the dark forces AR not take this information cobra post just free in the internet to use it for himslefs as defence cuz I know cobra write those post's not for people like us.. How many it is the possibilities to something like that happen right now! BTW I need an answer from. Someone who can axplain it mabe this posts are usufull for the dark forces mabe the dark forces can't understand what cobra says but at the other hand theyhave advanced technology I mean they can surely know what cobra says. I just need a question. I'm follow this portal since 2016 I'm a hoper with faith just this have faith

  34. Братья и сёстры, освобождение придёт из России. Скоро! Дождитесь.

  35. I spoke with Jesus(Yeshua) about you. I have been following you since 2012. Why do you not give glory to Christ? Why do you not post about the free gift of our Creator that truly frees mankind, the shed Blood of Christ? How come when I search your posts I find no hits for "Jesus" "Christ" "Yeshua" or even "Creator". We are told in these perilous times a new leader will step on the scene who will have all the answers all the solutions, he will set himself up in a position higher than God and call himself God. As time goes on he eventually forces worship and all those who do not keep the Commandments of YHWH will take his mark and be damned forever for eternity. Why do you not mention these things? I pray for a Kingdom age for mankind where Christ Consciousness rules the Earth. Are you onboard with this?
