Thursday, October 10, 2019


It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the opportunity of the Mercury transit on November 11th to create a portal through which we will unify our consciousness and enlighten the energy of the worldwide financial system.

Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post it on your websites and blogs. Invite spiritual groups to join us. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook event for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations and activations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this activation can actually help bringing the Breakthrough closer to us:

This activation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to resolve the deadlock inside the debt-slavery financial system, finally setting humanity free. Number of people doing that activation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up the process.

We can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this activation! This will create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field worldwide.

November 11th is the yearly day of the 11:11 portal and this year it is also the day of a rare transit of Mercury across the Sun:

If you plan to observe the transit with your eyes or telescope, never look directly to the Sun, this may damage your eyesight, as it was already clearly stated at the previous transit in 2016:

Transits of Mercury across the Sun are very rare and the next one will happen in 2032. The transit of November 11th, 2019 will be the most precise alignment of Mercury and Sun in the 21st century, as Mercury will be only 76 arc seconds from the geometrical center of the Sun at the peak of the transit as seen from Earth.

Astrologically, transits of Mercury across the Sun are the best possible moments for everything related to finances.

We all know that current financial system is not fair and that it was in fact designed to enslave humanity.

The coming systemic collapse of the current financial system is actually the collapse of the debt-slavery bubble:

Current shocks in repo market are just the tip of the iceberg signs of the underlying systemic instability of the system. The mega bank behind those shocks is JP Morgan, the bank at the very core of the global financial system:

Another structural weakness of the current system is the large amount of counterfeit US notes. If this information goes mainstream, it could undermine trust in US dollar as the global reserve currency:

Much greater threat to the current financial system are quantum supercomputers, which can easily break all encryption that protects financial data stored at the supercomputers in central banks and other financial institutions:

Quantum computers that can break all military grade encryption and could theoretically take over the current financial system are already here:


Theoretically, anyone could take advantage of that quantum computing power by simply signing in its cloud servers here ( the first minute of quantum computing time is free!):

The awakened part of the human population needs a hedge against the systemic collapse of the financial system.

Therefore the Light Forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to buy as much silver as they feel guided, on the day of the Mercury transit on Monday, November 11th, 2019. It is very important that you buy your silver (physically or online) on November 11th and NOT before or after, to ensure the coherence and harmonic efficiency of our action.

Those without much money need to know that silver coins are not expensive. You can buy a single half ounce silver coin for about $12, which equals a few coffees at Starbucks.

Those who feel guided can buy enough silver to finance them for about 1-2 weeks (the expected time of reboot after the systemic financial collapse).

Those who would like to invest can buy more silver, as silver is an undervalued asset and the price is likely to rise:

Large investors reading this blog who would like to participate need to buy physical silver which needs to be stored at their own location, NOT paper silver such as ETF or ETN.

You can buy silver as coins or bars at your local dealer, online, on ebay or in a bank:

If the critical mass of 144,000 people buy silver on November 11th, this will create the needed trigger to globally expose the manipulation of silver and gold prices by JP Morgan:

In the mid 1970s, Hunt brothers almost dominated silver market for a few years against the global Cabal:

If a few brothers can do that, can you imagine what our collective power is!

If this knowledge goes into mainstream global consciousness, it will create some of the needed conditions for the global financial Reset that will set the foundations of the new fair financial system.

Esoterically speaking, silver is the metal that connects us to abundance and to the Goddess energy:

Energetically speaking, buying silver will be a symbolic act of bringing abundance into your life.

We will be also doing a mass meditation which will energetically support our physical action of buying silver.

The purpose of our meditation is to anchor as much Light as possible in the global financial system to ease and harmonize the transition.

We will be doing this meditation at the moment of the maximum of the Mercury transit on Monday, November 11th at 15:15 pm GMT in London. This equals 11:15 pm CST in Taipei and Beijing, 5:15 pm EET in Cairo, 4:15 pm CET in Paris, 10:15 am EST in New York, 9:15 am CST in Chicago, 8:15 am MST in Denver and 7:15 am PST in Los Angeles. Japan and Australia will already have November 12th and the meditation will take place at 2:15 AEST in Sydney and 0:15 am JST in Tokyo.

You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:


1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to bring the Light to the global financial system.

3. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.

4. Visualize this Light transmuting all remaining darkness of the current financial system, healing all inequalities, erasing all poverty and bringing abundance to all humanity. Visualize a new grand cosmic cycle beginning, bringing pure Light, Love and Happiness to all beings on Earth.
Suggested time for our meditation is 20 minutes.

Updates about the Silver Trigger:


  1. Wow.. we need to do four meditations all at once now. Flower of life. Syria Conflic... again! the Typhoon hitting japan and now this... great!

    1. other meditations may well remain a day without being made ...

    2. Perhaps its time to follow your inner guidance and do the best you can...can you do at least that?

    3. and don't forget the meditations we have to do to improve ourselves, conect to Spirit and bring our vibrations higher!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. anami, What would be the best years for Canadian coins? thanks

    2. Anami, hahaha Enzo was my favorite character in Big Blue as well! Did see that movie many many times. Thanks you for the answer Bro!

  3. Thanks for the update
    Translated to spanish
    Traducido al castellano

  4. 柯博拉,我想问一个问题:在11月11日当天下单好呢,还是提前就可以买?

    1. 為了確保白銀購買行動能達成臨界質量並且推高眾人的氣勢,請大家在11月11日當天購買(實體店面或網路商店都可以)白銀。請不要在11月11日前後購買。

    2. It is very important that you buy your silver (physically or online) on November 11th and NOT before or after, to ensure the coherence and harmonic efficiency of our action.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. It can be a silver ring for example or it has to be coins?

    1. I’m pretty sure he means silver bullion coins and bars. Do check out the links he provided. Since the value of silver is by its weight, a one-ounce coin of pure silver priced at $12 would be worth FAR more than a ring that weighs a mere fraction of an ounce, and likely costs twice that much to buy! If you later need to sell/barter for food or other necessities, coins or bars are the practical and logical way to go. Just makes sense.
      Besides, you can’t be guaranteed that silver jewelry is pure silver, and to reframe what I mentioned above regarding its weight value: you’d need to purchase several pure silver rings (plain, without the added weight of any stones/gemstones set in) AND at inflated retail costs, to accumulate one ounce. MUCH cheaper to spend around $12 for a one-ounce coin!🙂👍

      Personally, I plan to buy as many coins/bars as possible on November 11th!😉🙂

      Love and (silver)Light to all my brothers and sisters!!! Let’s do this!

      Victory of the Light!

    2. Oops!- Correction...I meant to say half ounce for $12 in my previous reply.. which would be $24 for full ounce. Same logic still applies though.😉

    3. Sure. For example, if you pay with a rare August denarius worth thousands of dollars... So you get everything. |It was just a joke!|

    4. @AnniusCatillius
      Lol!!😆.. though of course I wasn’t including or referring to valuable/rare collectors coins. But I could just imagine walking into Walmart with one of those .. and stupid Walmart thinking it’s only “worth” a can of beans?!

      Seriously, though, I hope that everyone who will be buying any amount of silver realizes that it must be done ON November 11th... and that its physical symbolic energy is important to the energy of the meditation! It doesn’t matter if you can only buy a half ounce, or a boatload of silver! - just buy whatever you can afford ON the 11th to add that energy to this critical meditation!✨🙏🏼✨

      And of course, as Cobra and others have said .. if one is able to buy more coins .. it will be useful for obtaining supplies during that week or two (post-Event) until the new fair financial system is in place for us.

      We can do this!

    5. I m a bit worried now, cause I m so financially broken that I can t afford a mere half ounce of silver... But I ll help anyway by joining the Mass Meditation, as I have always done. 🌹

    6. @R Grasso

      Please do not worry!.. You are not the only one.
      For those who absolutely cannot afford to buy silver on that day but will be joining the Mass Meditation...may I suggest the following?: Since silver connects us to abundance and to the Divine Feminine, maybe wear or hold a small piece of pure silver (a ring, necklace chain, etc.) while doing the meditation. Also, visualize yourself buying a silver coin while stating your intention for the meditation. Just a thought...😌❤️✨

    7. Moon Mamma, thank you for your tips and for your care.🌹

  7. We must take part in this action! Cobra put it on the blog to remind us that it's as important as the return of Holy Light! Do your best to participate! Let's collapse the financial bubble together! Come on!
    Cobra's announcement may also mean that the top quark bomb is about to be completely dismantled!
    Think about this exciting news! Although it's just my guess!

    1. I'ms so EXCITED! Let's DO IT and become ONE!

  8. We must take part in this action! Cobra put it on the blog to remind us that it's as important as the return of Holy Light! Do your best to participate! Let's collapse the financial bubble together! Come on!
    Cobra's announcement may also mean that the top quark bomb is about to be completely dismantled!
    Think about this exciting news! Although it's just my guess!

  9. I already did the silver thing. Silver has it's spiritual principals, but it is easy to fall into the trap of hoarding little precious things. True abundance pours from our solar plexus chakras. People who are ready will be able to replicate whatever they need with their mind. Imagine being able to pull a silver or gold coin out of your pocket anytime you need one. The impossible will be possible. Mark 9:23 (NLT) “What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.”

  10. I will probably not take part in this meditation, unless Light Forces are real and show me this!

  11. 11:11 is a special nexus for me that is timeless.
    Before reading this blog, I had a strong pull to buy silver all day from the moment I awoke and throughout the day.
    No surprise then when I read about the silver connection to Goddess. It's great confirmation that foresight is to be trusted - it is the creative urge from Inner Divinity.
    I am onboard the mass meditation energy call for Hue♥manity to step up and assist hu-manity.
    Thank you for all you do.
    I appreciate you.

  12. Thank you beloved <3 We'll be participating <3

  13. With regards to Silver purchases, be sure to buy from London Bullion Merchant Association (LBMA) 'Good Delivery' certified dealers. This will ensure the highest quality and integrity for your purchase.

    You have 1 month to take this time to find a reputable dealer. Do not wait until the last minute.

    Enquire on their customer buyback policy. Check the company's background and reviews. Keep the invoice and ensure the serial numbers on both the Silver bar and the invoice match.

    Do not buy Silver certificates (SLVs, same goes for the gold certificates or GLDs), as certificates they are basically another version of the fraud of paper certificates that is today's national unbacked currencies.

    Get the physical Silver and keep it in a place where only you have access to it. Do not deposit in third party holding vaults or banks. If you don't hold it, you don't own it.

    Look up Dr Jim Willie's site for more information and his interviews on Youtube.

    1. Why buy LBMA silver when you can go to your local coin shop and buy there? You will pay a high premium to buy silver from Britain not to mention the shipping. You can get a silver dime for the price as a candy bar these days. 14 pre-1965 silver dimes will get you an ounce of silver. Any ounce of silver that you can get for less than 20$ (in the US) is a steal. Cobra is right, silver is the most undervalued asset in the world right now. Get some!

    2. Buying from an LBMA certified dealer does not mean you buy all the way from Britain. It means the supplier is certified to have the highest standards and integrity in its Silver manufacturing to delivery as well as customer protection and you have to ensure the coin dealer you go to carries these brands and have the necessary paperwork and invoices as proof of purchase.

      Pamp Suisse is an example of an LBMA certified company based in Switzerland. Perth Mint is another LBMA certified company based in Western Australia. Royal Canadian Mint is a LBMA certified company in Canada. These are manufacturing companies that sell to dealers.

      LBMA certified companies are important if you later want to trade or sell off the Silver after the price correction.

  14. Nevic Grid Update – Pleiades 1
    by Disclosure News | Updated on 10 October, 2019 | Pleiades 1 EN

  15. I support the Resistance Movement
    We all know that Google is part of the deep state and their 'quantum computer' is not going to break the bitcoin hashing:

    Sorry but the Event and Reset will not happen unless at least 25% of population is awake. Currently only 1% are awake, sorry that is the sad story.
    Also Mark Passio highlights why we have these non sense wars: without the military doing the dirty jobs there will be no wars
    So we need to awake also those people from military, those simple military men...

    I still have hope
    Thank you Cobra!

    1. Don't really need 25%, just the critical mass of 144,000.

    2. One percent? And I thought it was at least part 1/15. (so out of the population, up to half a billion beople. )

    3. Where do you get the 25%? AR Bordon said only 3% of a population being awakened can drive changes in the rest of the population. Researc him and Michael Lee Hill if you are unaware of them. Mia Feroleto claims the number is greater than 3% but less than 10% as I recall.

    4. Personally I can't afford to buy any gold ,silver etc.Good luck for the people that can do it!

  16. Thank you Cobra, Light forces and All who are of the Light, I Love You. We might be tired and weary and feeling the burden folks but these are the final pushes towards breakthrough. Just a little bit more of a push. Lets do this! Make it happen. The Light is Victorious and always will be!

  17. In 2013 I had 15 bitcoins but since I trusted silver more just bought silver of it. And today instead of 300k$ I have 50$ worth of silver, yeah best investment of my life :D Silver ofcourse :DDD

  18. I'm in!!! See you there guys!! For God and Country!!👍🙋

  19. Just bought around $400 dollars worth of physical bullion 😁

    1. We're meant to buy this on 11th Nov

    2. Lol, I thought it was today, and there's me already buying it 🤗, coz it's the 11th today, disaster 🤗

    3. Anyway will get some virtual on the 11th November & will post on forumns/newspaper comments to try and get people buying on 11th(obviously not gonna mention meditation).

    4. 😂😂😂 fun times indeed, reminds me of something I would do.


  20. Replies
    1. How come that since a few days I receive nothing on my mail about new placed articles and comments???

  21. Thanks Cobra ❤️ Victory of the Light 🙏🏼❤️🌈

  22. This is our WLMM facebook meditation event <3
    The Silver Trigger 2019-11-11
    Victory of the Light!

  23. Sorry if I am naive but it is better to ask, if there will be no money circulating and there will be no banks in service, how will we make silver our currency to survive those weeks? Where will that silver be changed? if there will be no money ?? And what will happen to the most bulnerables who can't buy silver? In them the depopulation agenda will be fulfilled because they will starve to death? if there will be a financial collapse, the ideal is that we have a holographic society without money as in other planets with everything we need, not a 3D system where the politician's still have control of the monetary system and the changes will be within the monetary and political system that is more of the Matrix.
    if We will really be freed from the monetary system like a Galactic society, a social holographic system should need been established, not changes within the same system!! because a reset as the politicians are handling will only decorate the cage.
    while money and money dependency continue to exist we will continue in the Matrix.

    With out a holographic society, we will never be really free.
    If politics and materialism continue to exist, this will not change as expected before the event.
    Matrix 3D = Politics, financial system, religion.

    1. There are plenty of interviews, articles, about what is EXPECTED to happen.

    2. In order to go ahead effectively, everyone must treat their hidden fears (besides the visible ones).

    3. No one will starve to death in just 1-2 weeks… it usually takes more than 30 days to die from starvation. Water and medication would be bigger problems. But water is relatively easy to get for free and people who need meds to survive usually have at least 2 weeks supply.
      And about the silver - we already had situations like hyperinflation when people were using gold and silver as an emergency currency. You don't need to exchange it anywhere. You'll just buy things directly with the coins. Even when the system collapses people still want to trade. The government doesn't need to tell us what currency to use and how much it's worth. The market will decide that on its own.
      You can also keep alcohol, ciggaretes, or just food for barter.

    4. @Tropby

      Money needs to go the way of the dinosaurs.

  24. Do you have to wait till 11/11 to buy the silver or can you start to buy it now and how many bars is suggested to buy?

    1. The energetic effect applies to 11-11. That's clearly stated. You have to buy the silver coins on 11-11. How many? Try to connect with your Higher Self and your spiritual guidance.

  25. I hope this meditation will be successful. The ultimate victory of light !!!

  26. Thanks for the update,Cobra.🙏😘🙏

  27. Thank you Cobra !!! always together as ONE person in mass meditation to reach critical mass again and again !!! much Love & Light !Victory of the Light !

  28. Thanks for the update, i gonna participe like always. Victory of the Light!!

  29. Thanks COBRA! "Promotional videos in progress". Please send me the translated texts to VICTORY OF THE LIGHT!

    1. Thank you COBRA !!!
      Thank you Steve for your work for the videos being prepared, which will be as usual, beautiful!
      Love and Light,

  30. We need a video for youtube and a facebook event for this

  31. I think it's silly to buy silver when people have no money for food !
    Cobra - better spend meditating to this financial collapse is fiction ask Playdance to help and did not let the collapse occur . Announce to everyone that from today, all meditated to nebylo the global financial meltdown . Otherwise, it's your defeat Cobra ! Worthless silver if you make the hunger of the war and the collapse of the money ! This defeat of the Resistance Movement that they are powerless to change something ! This Defeat the Forces of Light for something that will stand on the sidelines and watch as people starve and cry . Every day ! Cobra !

    1. So, if One does have money to buy silver..One has some means to acquire goods etc. One could share in times of need... And UNITE as One..

    2. Physical action is necessary to materialize something on the physical plane from higher dimensions and to take action against the actions of the dark ones you have spoken of.

      It is enough if 144,000 do this. Maybe you can encourage some to buy silver coins on 11-11.

    3. Are you trolling here or really being miserable?
      If second, please collect yourself and stop blaming in advance. Do what you can and stay loved - others will take care of it. Lots of us will buy silver to end this plight of constant gold-price terror. If you do not have much money just stack some water and food for yourself. Bless you

    4. When I have money for something like that, I immediately give it to those in poverty. I don't want silver, I want a clean conscience, and people living a tiny bit better.

  32. it's not a coincidence

  33. I will add to my collection on November 11th. I currently have a few dozen ounces from a few years ago.

  34. Well anyway I just bought 10 ,10 0unce silver Bars

    1. You were supposed to wait till 11-11 November 1.

    2. How about you? How will you be participating besides commenting on others.

  35. Anyone not supporting these meditations will have chosen a degree of regret in not supporting their own liberation and/or are paid "trolls" of the dark forces so would face such deception within themselves by force.

  36. Za slovenske bralce:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podporo Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  37. Just read this on the morning of October 11th, one month prior to the meditation, and I can feel already the build-up to it, the countdown has begun and it will sure be another magical moment pushing us forward to the liberation of humanity! We will get to the reset button before they are able to crash the system and this meditation is key! Thanks for the great update, as always you can count me in!
    By the way I can feel as weel that mass arrests are just around the corner, steady now as the cabal's house of cards keeps falling and failing, prayers and flower of life meditations everyday now for Mother Earth to get rid of the chains smoothly, Let's do it, Victory of the Light! <3

  38. Even if 144k bought $1000 in actual physical silver that would only be $144M

    Who is paying the US Inc debt payment due Oct 17th?

    Why dont Galactics use Quantum Computer to take down the fiat system?

    I will buy more silver but isnt a Gold backed $$ the future?

    Confused in Idaho 😏

    1. Gold is limited to jewellery, some tech applications like IT software and jet engine parts, but is largely used for storage of wealth. Silver has a much bigger use in industrial applications as well as medical uses as it has anti-bacterial properties, and is thrown away as its considered too cheap to be recovered.

      Gold will be used at the national level when the world walks away from the toxic and most manipulated currency in the world that is also the world reserve currency, that is the US dollar. The price will definitely increase.

      However, the total global Silver Supply is now lower than Gold's (source: Robert Kiyosaki)

      When the price correction and restoration of Gold standard arrives, Silver prices will rise up much more than Gold, i.e. its price multiplier will be greater once industries realize Silver is a precious commodity.

      So as an investment its a better choice of investment.

      I am not a financial advisor so more research on your part is recommended before purchasing an investment asset.

    2. Money needs to go the way of the dinosaurs.

  39. Cobra,
    Whoever briefed you on quantum computers has significantly overblown the issue.
    Latest Google experiment (they haven't even issued a peer-reviewed report on it yet) demonstrated a tentative success at simulating something which can't be correctly checked by current machines.
    But the main idea is - Google's computer is NOT UNIVERSAL. Meaning, other than doing that one experiment they built it for, you can't run anything else on it.

    There are billions of assets on btc blockchain that can be easily encashed, if one did manage to break the encryption underlying it. But as none of the coins have moved - it hadn't happen.

    Claiming that anyone can use D-Wave (it's quite peculiar for you to use them of all the vendors) to break military grade encryption - ... Oh well, if this were true, D-Wave wouldn't have had so much problem of convincing their potential customers that those industrial fridges can compute anything useful.

    Universal quantum computers that can retain coherence long enough to actually calculate something useful and not fall into quantum noise is decades upon decades away. Maybe 2030s.

    If anyone is interested on the issue, look up Scott Aaronson's blog.

    Profoundly sad to see this level of intel presented to the public. Makes one wonder about quality of the rest presented here.

    1. But neither you show any qualifications to speak about that, just saying to people look at someone blog doesn't mean anything.
      Profoundly sad to see people complaining about everything like they know all the truth of universe. Event can happen tomorrow and 1 month later we can be travelling around the universe who knows, time don't even exist anyways.

    2. I agree Quantum Computers are worse than the old basic computers of the 1960s. However being Quantum by their nature they could enter into other realities, including those that contain entities not for our benefit.

      C333 and the Entity-Saturated Crossing of the Quantum Abyss - OpenSourceOccultTV

    3. @Dede,
      Scott is a leading scientist in quantum computing. I hope his qualifications would be satisfactory for you.

      Anyone can rent D-Wave's machines for ~$2000/hour (5 hour minimum order). IBM offers their machines through Quantum Experience program.
      Surely, if they were capable of breaking encryption, we would've had troves of disclosure footage available everywhere. Or whatever else is hidden behind those ciphers.

    4. I think Light Forces can already interfere with quantum computers. (Cobra was not talking about IBM quantum machines) The problem is that retaliation still exists .

  40. Recommended meditation background music:

    Audiomachine - Invocation

  41. Recommended meditation background music:

    Audiomachine - Invocation

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Yeeeee, thank you Cobra, thank you Light Forces!!! :))
    That is what we've been waiting for, that's what we've been expecting! :) I'll buy a few kilos and recommend it to dozens of my friends. Let's purchase early in the morning and sit focused in the meditation in the afternoon.
    Here we go with all we have, for the Victory of the Light!!! :))
    See you in Light very soon I hope :)

    1. We will be doing this meditation at the moment of the maximum of the Mercury transit. It's the specific time stated in the post. 10:15 am EST

  44. In Hungary approx since 2012, silver repro coins have not been minted. But why? (I am thinking of very high quality reproductive coins!) Since 2012 --well not interesting ?

  45. whats with all these conditions of exit?

    not good.

    take into account the conditions of our lives, not good either.

  46. The US central bank prints as much as they want for the few and their minions. It has worked beautifully thus far, would they stop anytime soon?

    1. Agreed buying silver wont change it with a 1 day spike what am I missing? Buying coins from dealers wont impact the market to me Cobra is being very clever in telling us to have some silver on hand 😉

    2. If I understand correctly, this silver buying activity has a symbolic significance at the energy level, especially on that particular day with the proper position of the planets and stars. Dark forces in rituals also perform physical activities that give strength to their black meditations. So it is with the Light Forces. If you can't believe that physical activity combined with meditation can influence things on a planetary level, then you don't believe in the power of meditation and intention as a whole, and you have no point in continuing. Buying silver at the energy level will reinforce our intention to create prosperity for ourselves and for other people on this planet. We must begin to believe what we are doing in the name of liberating the planet, thereby giving power to our intentions. In my opinion, buying silver is a very nice, beautiful symbolic act, and in addition, you have the opportunity to choose a silver case that suits your eyes and heart for a long time to come. Just add more love to your efforts.

    3. @Bāleliņš: Very well said!

    4. Thank you Cobra for your confirmation!

    5. >Patrick Closin

      Price manipulation will continue but it will soon come to a point that its ineffective. See They are using Zimbabwe style economics and it is unsustainable.

      Once the price manipulation ends and we have a return to the Gold Standard, Silver will dominate and will be the new king of commerce.

  47. The Pleiadians monitor this twitter feed as do the beings from the Central Race. Vote. Comment.

  48. I’ve bought from JM Bullion before with no troubles. There’s also Money Metals Exchange, Apmex, SD Bullion and Miles Franklin, not to mention goldsilver that was linked by Cobra. All said to be reputable.

  49. I am going to buy 1 kg of silver on November 11.


  50. A good day for the Event. The second of February 2020 or
    0202 2020. I like the synchronicity. 02022020

    1. >Aquilla
      2nd of February 2020? That would be a little over 111 days left. Yeah I certainly could use a change of environment now.

    2. @unknown 2021 actually doesn't make sense, cobra has already stated months ago we don't have time for Islands of light and I would think that is enough time to build some, he has also stated since then things have accelerated even further.


    3. It will start on november 11th.
      I'm starting to get worried about having not silver or suplies enough.
      Anyways thy will be done.

    4. C'mon guys, for Goddess sake, stop playing with the dates. Didnt we have enough of it? Instead, go and eat some dates they will be more nourishing for your brain and body

  51. If there is still a money system in place, but a fair one in the future for the transition, there are those who should be compensated (myself included) for being targeted by secret ops programs against their will. Seriously compensated, thank you.

    In the meantime, I will buy silver on November the 11th and do the meditation.

  52. Well, very nice! We who will participate this special mass meditation need to buy physical silver ,NOT BEFORE OR AFTER, but "ON" Monday November 11th! It is very important!!!

    The purchased silver metal will be very useful at and just after the Event in buying foods and goods!

    Victory of the Light!

    1. Dear Cobra, first of all thank you for everything you have been doing for the Light Side but let me ask you, why are we doing a meditation that is related to financial system, why do not we organize a mass meditation related to toplet bombs so we can remove them in November and start the event ?

      Thank you in advance and have a nice lifetime.

    2. @bb financial system is important tool that helps dark ones to keep people enslaved. Imagine if throughout the world people's debt was written off for instance. That would surely lead to increase of vibration across the planet. Increased vibration would help to increase the consciousness of people, would mean more awakenings and I guess would be a major step to collapse this matrix.. Other good things could follow after this such as new technologies etc..

    3. Thank you for the explanation Klodi.


    4. I also wonder why there is no meditation to remove toplet bombs..

    5. Boris Yurinov

      There is this meditation

  53. It seems I'm cut off from some mails as well, on both adresses.

  54. one message says your mailbox is full (please post this)

  55. Love and Light to All!!!

  56. About 30 years ago, I dreamed about a new earth. This planet had become more humane, and the financial system of slavery abolished. The ruling-class still had their (printed and stolen)trillions of dollars, but "money" had become absolutely worthless.

    1. Thing is, though, how long before it is a reality?

    2. I don't know. I've given up on this planet. I am focusing on moving out of this matrix of degeneracy.

  57. Why spend 12.00 for a half oz silver when it costs 19.00-20. (With fees included) for one full oz American Eagle? I’ve been collected since 2008 - sure glad I started back then cause it’s goibf to rise to hundred if not thousands.

  58. One can summarize this action as well, I think: in fact, meditating and buying silver coins, we are going to do as a "ritual" of white magic to go against black magic! Let's go!

    1. Well put! I am soooo looking forward to this!!! :))

  59. Thank you for posting your meditation announcement in advance. In a month, more people will be able to prepare for this event.

  60. I will be promoting this meditation, no doubt. I will be buying silver on 11-11 and I will be participating in the meditation as always. Victory of the Light! Thank You Cobra.

  61. Coincidence?
    The silver price is undervalued and women mostly underpaid.
    Someone is trying to suppress the divine femininity.
    Please make group coins!
    Let others participate!
    Ask everyone you know!
    (symbolic act for the event)

    1. Womans are overvalued unfortunatelly.

    2. Womans? Do your English grammar homework TruthSeeker, it will add some value to you whoever you are

    3. Most of us not native English speaker and we make mistakes yeah, if I have time to consider I know the women is the right word but I wrote fast and not thought about the grammar since if you want to understand what I want to say you will anyway.

    4. What is "overvalued" is the girl turning macho, the "empowered girl". But the real feminity is surpressed. Few can understand this difference. Macho-Women are not feminine, they are just weird, twisted creatures. This is what you see in this "free" world today.

    5. A woman is free to do as she chooses.

      Hell, if I can find the ET's, and see if they can give me my proper gender body, no one will tell me how to live or do this or that, only I shall.

    6. Yes gerSey you are right! And especially when you want to help to raise this feminity in them you will most likely face with a fail. People feels so brain washed lately I really gave up every hope to have a proper relationship. The women I had interest in the "awekened" community is taken or just made no difference like any other regular people out there. I experienced much hypocrisy, lies etc. here, they usually running after the same type of mens like usual woman do with a ruined love blueprint, then they suprised about another relationship fail :D

  62. And on the same planet that day: SCI-FI ECONOMICS LAB in Brussels, November 11th 2019

  63. I will meditate and buy silver. I think this is both symbolic and useful when system goes dark. 3 or 4 yrs ago I was on the dark timeline as a Catholic as I could see the ctrails, knew 9ii was staged and ETs real etc so I bought 100 ozs of silver coins. What online source do people suggest I used Westminster Mint the last time. Of course I am not catholic anymore and have tried to show others how dark the papacy is and all religions control us.
    Victory of the Light!

    Cobra I applaud your efforts to keep us informed and positive as we anxiously await the Event and the official beginning of new earth

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. thanks a lot cobra-merci chef......namaste.....sounds like a brilliant plan.....we will buy out the cabal.....hahahahaha.....
    heres some footage of aerial fighting by advanced fighter craft-red barons of the cosmos.....the war is whitehot with whitehats kicking ass(whitehats of course come in various skin colors,scales,furs etc).....hahahahaha.....

  66. big moves manifesting-it now becomes harder and harder for gooooonba cabal capos wanting to invade others territories.....brilliant moves here by the military whitehats by the looks and sounds and feels of it.....

  67. Thank you Cobra for this quite amazing post.

    I find it fascinating you are linking to articles by Jim Willie and Bix Weir, whose writings I've been reading for a long time.

    The idea that silver is connected to abundance and Goddess energy! Well, it's quite astounding. You have talked about gold quite a bit but not silver. Maybe it wasn't yet the time.
    But it's now the time!

    Okay, so people, let's get ready for Nov. 11, 2019! Lots to do!

    This is all exciting.

  68. This is the world we live in:
    "Manchester Teen Faces Sex Offender Status for Touching 17-Year-Old on the Arm, Waist"

    These issues need to be addressed or the transition to the Event will be a very difficult one.

    1. I'd say Griffiths acted against the girl's free will. That's not OK.

      Problems between men and women are often artificially created by the dark ones because of "divide and conquer". Cobra has talked about this enough. It is not his job to go into details. This would tie him to details, which is not his life plan. Of course, others can delve deeper into it. But that's not what this blog is for.

  69. Hi Cobra,

    Based on the timezone that can be seen by moving the pointer over the time of every blogpost, this blog is being published out of the same timezone as California.

    Ham Radios are the last line of defense when everything else is downed by natural or man-made disasters. By removing them, they are effectively rendering you helpless in a disaster.

    If this blog is being posted from California and not from other areas that are the same timezone as California (eg Baha California, Mexico, or Alaska), suggest making plans to bail or move to another state before things go down so as to effectively broadcast essential intel.

    Thank you.

    1. >AstralTraveler
      Go to Cobra's post, scroll to the bottom to this small footnote:
      Posted by Cobra at 5:21 PM

      Mouse over the time and wait for the popup, it will show in sequence the date in YYYY-MM-DD, then the time in 24 hour clock (in this case 17:21), and then a third set of numbers at -7:00. This is the timezone with respect to UTC, which falls on the region of California. Government of California is banning Ham Radio recievers required for Ham Radios in times of emergency. When they take away your stuff needed for emergency, I guess they would be planning something.

      Fair enough the other post was a bit off topic, I figured anyway men are seen as expendable in this day and age, useful only to pay for a woman's trinkets, and no one cares what happens to them, because only women are all important and precious, right?

      Good luck in your meditations.

    2. >AstralTraveler
      Besides its up to Cobra and his mods to decide what can be posted or don't. You on the other hand have no business telling me what I should or shouldn't post. Your opinion is just that, your opinion.

    3. The posts have been published under this time zone for a long time. Several commentators know this and create harmonious times for their comments that appear under the same time zone.

      Perhaps the whole thing has occult reasons. California plays an important role in the liberation process. That is why the dark ones are also very active there.

      But that's why no light warrior needs to be scared away by them.

      Translated with


    4. It should be noted that Blogspot allows its blogger to set the timezones that they want for their blog, independent from where they actually are.

      I've set my blog's time also to Pacific Standard Time 'cause that makes it easier for me to have certain time stamps show up on my post.
      Like this one ;-)


  70. Promotional video in French:

  71. promotional video in German:

  72. Can we get some of the physics of ascension please? DNA? Superposition? Virtual particles? It would be great if we could have some idea of how ascension physically works. I know you said pleadian ships are supposed to facilitate this with their beaming pillars you speak of, but theres more to it than that.

    1. I would also appreciate any info on ascension transformations and on DNA in general as well :)

    2. The e-mail subscription button is located in the right sidebar. The blog is available worldwide under ShadowBan & censorship!

      The improvement of our DNA-RNA an the Beings of Light

      As the amount of photons of light heading towards Earth increases many things will continue to be modified, all that we are will be impossible to hide and the consciousness will awaken in one direction or another, following the path that each of us has chosen.

      Therefore, whilst we are in this purifying limbo-purgatory of transition the Rescue Beings are indicating to us the importance of preparing ourselves thoroughly and it is urgent to be positive, affectionate, empathic, show solidarity as well as learning to digest or transform density into subtlety.

      Likewise, we are being asked that as much as possible we prevent ourselves from experiencing reactionary, disturbing or turbulent states so that we avoid falling into strong outbursts or discharges of emotion, as is the case with the vast majority of people who do not know how to conduct themselves prudently, intelligently and with good sense.

      We are experiencing are the result of conspiracies and provocations, which have been clearly, deliberately and perfectly staged with the aim of keeping us trapped within the low frequency the dark ones emit.

      So, in order to counteract this dominating anti-light we must fight to free ourselves from the shackles that have bound us for centuries and whilst this huge change of genetic vibration takes place, we must try to recover the stellar heritage that rightfully belongs to us only in this way will we achieve the freedom of our soul-consciousness, which has been eternally ours.

      A metamorphosis is taking place throughout the planet and behind it lies the defining photonic energy, the photons spur us on to establish our preferred stance, desires and tastes, whether towards the light or towards darkness, and all that they entail.

      This situation is experienced by the whole of humanity alike, this is why there is no place to which we can attach ourselves, complain, use to shield ourselves, or from which we can try to seek help, the only thing that is true is the harmony and integration that each one of us feels and can develop with others.

      Victory of the light! 🕊

    3. Serioisly cobra, you need to pull your audience back into reality. Look at the above replies to my questions. WTF are "ascension transformations" "genetic vibrations" "soul-consciousness"

      None of these terms are used in biology or physics. Why dont you refer to our body parts and what happens to them upon ascension in scientific, academic terms? How can ascension conceivably work? What happens to the chemical systems in our bodies? What happens to our instestines? Do they go into a superconductive state and absorb energy from the quantum vacuum? Or maybe our brain and its stem completes separates from the rest ournof body upon ascension as the other organs might not be needed.

    4. We need DIRECT ET contact, and we need it YESTERDAY!

  73. Promo video in English:


  74. Cobra, how do you find a supposed 'laser mandala' device (something like your 'Mandala Laser Systems') using the Silver laser as light source?
    Would you consider proper this light for esoteric purposes, as long you claim that "silver is the metal that connects us to abundance and to the Goddess energy"?

    Need however to say that the Helium–silver (HeAg) metal-vapor laser emits 224.3 nm wavelength (this is in UV spectrum); - but let suppose it might be built to emit visible light, - would you consider it?

    Helium–silver (HeAg) metal-vapor laser[3]
    224.3 nm
    Electrical discharge in metal vapor mixed with helium buffer gas.
    Scientific research


      "Typically the metal vapour of the metal vapour laser of the present invention is a (…) gold vapour (…) silver vapour (…)"

  75. Dutch Central Bank Issues Stunning Warning: "If The Entire System Collapses, Gold Will Be Needed To Start Over"

    "...The article, as loosely translated and titled “Goud van DNB” (“Gold from DNB”) states:

    "If things go wrong, prices may fall. But, crisis or not, a gold bar always holds value." This makes it the opposite of "shares, bonds and other securities" all of which have inherent risk..."

  76. promotional video in Spanish:

  77. Traducido al español / Traducido al castellano:

  78. All energetics aside i find the idea of buying currency on any date let alone a"prominent"one to be ready for a collapse etc etc as a bit skewiff....i've already invested 300 odd(Australian)dollars on 2+weeks worth of food-gas-1st aid-lights-water etc......if i can find a place here in my hometown that sells actual silver coins/ingots then great i'll buy one...but you cant eat money.....

  79. Dear COBRA,

    As in the big, so in the small.
    The situation is very critical.
    I can not hold the light for much longer.
    The darkness affects all people in my immediate vicinity.
    And I stand alone.
    The collapse is imminent.

    "The lion who goes into the cave and makes love has to leave the cave, the darkness is everywhere in the cave, he has to leave the cave alone without his children, and the darkness wins, since the separation and not the unity was created the future was destroyed."

    Yours sincerely

    1. Don't give up. If you emanate light, if you hold love inside you, you will attract the same.

  80. promotional video in Chinese:

  81. Promotional video in Romanian:

  82. French event : 

  83. I meditate to see a bright future, the rabbit is happy to jump on the grass, the cat is drinking a clean river, the small animals in the tree are taken care of, my family calls me from afar, and I am heading towards my family.

  84. < Self-Healing / Philosophy >
    Lazarus - Divine Madness and The Dionysian Affirmation of Life

  85. Since silver is anti bacterial and had other health giving properties, I will invest in silver plates, spoons and tumblers on Nov 11th. Or should I just buy silver coins and ingots then?

    1. Copper is better for that. Similar to Cintamani, only silver is not so obvious .

    2. I'd say buy at least one silver coin for symbolic purposes on November 11th. after (or before) that other silver ought to be fine as well as long as you have a guarantee of it's silver content.

  86. Humanos Felizes. Sim. Nós somos assim na essência.

  87. Benjamin Fulford today says things are definitely happening. Here's the blurb, which you can read as a nonsubscriber.

    In the full blurb, he says the Turkish army is heading toward Israel. The US and Russia voted similarly (this hasn't happened since the 1940s) to basically give approval to Turkey's move.


    Happy Indigenous People's Day!

    (It's okay by me to honor a group other than the conquering Spanish Crown and the Catholic church).

    1. The Ottoman Sultan El-Fatih Mehmed is now expanding east and south. (what for him Kurdistan...)

    2. Not sure if I can agree with Ben Fulford. The initial apparent direction based on SouthFront's analysis seems to go the other direction, largely towards Northern Iraq, another Kurd stronghold. Turkey is dead set on taking down the YPG, Kurd's militant forces, at least in public announcements.

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. What we need is a "meme" that can go viral,... something like "Freedom Loves The Earth",... or whatever. A simple short phrase everyone likes,... & w/ that,... we can then all sychronize, get in tune, get on the same "wavelength" & agree to "free the planet",... Then quickly "critical mass" will follow,...

  90. Promotional video in Slovenian:



  92. Ocean


  93. I linked to the meditation in my blog and will try to spread the word. The problem is that no one really knows about my blog.

  94. Barack Hussein Obama II, o queniano muçulmano que governou os orgulhosos Judeus da América, e que foi o 44.º presidente dos Estados Unidos de 2009 a 2017. Ele morreu. Foi executado depois do julgamento e da sentença condenatória por crimes como traição contra Os Estados Unidos.

    Ou: Obama não morreu.
    Porque você não relaxa e curte a vista?
