Friday, December 16, 2022

Ascension Conference Report and a Short Situation Update

Our Ascension Conference in Paris was a huge success. After the long covid pause this was the first conference in years, and thus we have decided to keep the group small. Interest among the surface population was more than expected, and the conference was sold in a few days after being announced. Despite all organizational challenges everything went smoothly at the conference, and we had a strong and dedicated group of about 320 participants. For many of them it was the first opportunity in years to reconnect with their fellow Lightworkers and Lightwarriors.

We have managed to reawaken and revive the Sisterhood of the Rose, and hopefully you will hear from them soon. You can read quite reliable notes from the conference here:

Another set of notes from the conference is here:

After the conference, a dedicated group of about 70 people have strengthened the Paris vortex and another group of 35 people has done the same with the Versailles vortex.


A very peculiar object has appeared in skies over Paris just after the conference:



It is a very interesting synchronicity that China has dropped its zero covid policy just after the weekend:

It is also interesting to note that Iran appears to have disbanded or at least weakened the power of its “morality police” during the weekend:

This is the first victory of the renewed Goddess energy and is related to the reactivation of the positive Qajar Goddess timeline which is happening behind the scenes:

Qajar dynasty has reactivated Goddess mysteries in the early 19th century in the Persian court:

Some people never give up, and the WEF is still pushing for its version of the Reset:

They are trying to create a new world war by antagonizing USA and China:

Their attempts to escalate to nuclear exchange will fail:

And all their plans to create a covid virus are being exposed for all to see:

Meanwhile, the clearing of the Chimera group continues.

In early December, The Light Forces have started to clear the huge last pit which extended below Washington D.C. in a spiderlike formation which roughly followed the subway system:



They have managed to clear the vast majority of the pit, including the cloning facilities for politicians, MILAB facilities under Pentagon, the “Clinton morgue” and the “Hillary's shapeshifter chamber”.

The only part of the pit now remaining is the facility under DARPA with the central quantum computer.

The Light Forces should definitely take the status of the suffering of the surface population into consideration and risk more, be more active on the surface, but at least we got this:

And the indirect evidence that this universe is about to experience a huge quantum transition is coming for an unexpected source: the Planck stars:

Victory of the Light!



  1. Sisterhood of The Rose :

    1. Recent Light🌎🎉

  2. Great news COBRA! THANKS LF and RM! Keep pushing for the COmpression BReAkthrough and we'll have our long overdue EVENT! 👏

    1. maybe we are lucky in this lifetime.. my regards

  3. Chimera Battle :

  4. -Quote from 2018 - see #4

    "The physical biochip (produced by Siemens) located next to the implant of every incarnated human sends a constant audio-video feed to the main Chimera control center, located on the surface of the planet:

    Plasma implants and physical biochips are the seals that are covering up all layers of programming that the surface population has received:

  5. What about the remaining primary anomaly and our good old friend The Lurker?


    1. Lurker will be cleared when vast majority or all of the subquantum anomaly is forced into simpler quantum fluctuations , it might be like evaporating the water from a fishes bowl instead of just pouring it out.

      Once anomaly is in that state its much easier to clear however this is the kind which powers the biochips which contains the toplet bombs and the anomaly is essentially the "ammo" for the bombs . The implants keep the anomaly in place around us (thus the only safe place for entities)so as they loosen its easier to grow spiritually & for the light forces to clear the toplet bombs & entities (& their scalar weapons)

      tools for clearing implants

      & some possible examples of the lurker here :

      The state of the anomaly at this point is likely deeply classified (like details on chimera) b/c those types of questions are almost like asking "when is the event" simply b/c the liberation is exactly connected to those 2 things being cleared(anomaly/chimera) & almost every other topic to expose is irrelevant.

      for all who are interested in another way of thinking before a new year approaches

      If only key people would be open to learn b/c never before has it been easier to know whats going on
      & I could be wrong but it just does not seem like trumps team will be removing the quantum anomaly & toplet bombs nor the annunaki /archons therefore funneling awareness into these subjects, having it discussed every other video might turn 2023 into all the years we experienced before & thats on the community , this is 1 reason liberation takes so long . At the end of the day the real block is not on the physical plane therefore it is 100% Impossible for a Donald Trump to have anything to due with moving the dial on The Planetary Liberation :

      When people claim intel about ET's
      ask yourself
      what does this have to do with the liberation or ascension
      for me personally & collectively
      be results based
      then you wont spend years on a movement
      wasting time/energy thats doomed to bear 0 fruits
      on the real goal we all share
      Liberation (must come before Ascension)

      ---its a good Q btw birimbau

    2. Good question and a detailed answer

  6. It makes complete and total sense. Few places have made me feel complete and outer dread than the DC Metro

  7. See how much of societies structures are designed like spiders
    a picture of DC as well :

  8. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    The post in french / L'article en français :

    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

  9. enjoy the wait, forces of unknown intent!!!!!!!!!!

  10. "The Light Forces should definitely take the status of the suffering of the surface population into consideration and risk more, be more active on the surface"

    Go go LFs clownworld can't wait for another 10 years.

  11. Thank you Cobra, does anyone have an idea of what is the “Clinton morgue” and the “Hillary's shapeshifter chamber”?

    Victory Of The Light! Victoire de la lumière !

  12. This is an awesome update thank you for sharing!

  13. excellant-the matrix is going to completely collapse any moment now by the looks and sounds and feels of it-as advanced lightforces enter the last of the dark forces controlled pit systems -a quantum computation matrix operating centre.....

    i meditated at notre dame cathedral in paris for 4 days before returning to the extra day i spent in paris than anticipated as i was refused entry on an airplane because it was stopping in the united states as a layover....

    and i was just in the united states a week or so before that-hahahahaha.....

    i said to the airport staff they were imposing things that are illegal under american french canadian etc laws - and also breeching international laws -including the nuremberg code-which so much of the human families blood was spilled to manifest.....i said to them how can you keep following orders from the demons.....

    as it turned out that 4th extra meditation day(35 minutes) at notre dame cathedral - i began to see pinkish light beginning to eminate from the paris versaille goddess of love goddess ISIS double vortex-flowing through the local ether of the earth surface and beyond.....

    the priestesses are definitely working very hard above and below the surface in opening up more and more this goddess of love super powerful double vortex - bravo zulu.....

  14. Thank you Cobra and thank you Light Forces!! My gosh, thank you "Military" and whomever else, for going into those awful tunnels under Washington DC.
    We were told (by truthers) about this 'clearing of the tunnels under DC' a year or more ago, BUT ... to imagine what is down there numbs the mind.

    The surface population is most likely not going to believe it. Maybe I'll test this information out on my family at Christmas (good Christmas dinner conversation...right?). (joke). :)

    Thank you to everyone and Victory of the Light!

    Reminder: Implant removal session on zoom at 1 pm Mountain time, 12 noon Pacific time on Wednesday, Dec. 21, the day of the Winter Solstice. I believe this information is posted on a few Telegram channels, but I don't know where else it is posted.

    Peace and love to all and Victory of the Light!

    1. FRENCH Youtube channel for clearing implants sessions and other topics included Cobra's articles
      ENGLISH Youtube channel for international healing sessions +clearing implants

  15. Thank you dear Cobra! Here is the Romanian translation of this new situation update and congratulations for your very successful Ascension Conference, it was so much needed! Link:

    Victory of the Light!

  16. Spaceships sightings in Arlington(DARPA center) and Washington DC in this december. The first and second records of this video:

    Amazing information COBRA!

  17. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

  18. So much to take in. Thank you! I think we got rid of whoever was operating behind the emergency services main helicopter team. I hope so. But Cabal are trying to now bring in new gun laws for those few with guns. The Chimera, for some reason that is giving me big chills. The energy I get off that is creepy. I wonder, nearly gone? It may be their desperation I'm getting. I'm glad they are losing!

  19. Thanks for the update!
    Post translated to spanish
    Post traducido al castellano

    Translated "Notes taken during cobras ascension"
    Traducido las "Notas tomadas durante la “Conferencia de Ascensión”

  20. so happy to see all these people in the picture in france, i wish i could be a part or meet physically people that actually have the same beliefs.. about all we read here..

  21. Very interesting update and report! I look forward to translating both colleagues' notes, many thanks for your thoughtful and heartfelt work! Here is the link for the Italian translation of this great article! Link: Vittoria della Luce!

  22. Merci Cobra, j'étais à la conférence, c'était magnifique, belle connexion entre Travailleurs et Guerriers de Lumière de Gaia, Gratitude, Victoire de la Lumière <3 Sandrine canal Telegram Méditons Ensemble pour la Libération Planétaire

  23. To add to what Cobra was saying regarding people not giving up...

    The same people involved in the Event 201 'Pandemic Simulation' three months before the pandemic was announced, did another 'simulation' in October this year.

    From their website which also features the Event 201 simulation. They even released a public statement about how people were wondering if they predicted the pandemic which they denied, of course:

    "The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in partnership with WHO and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, conducted Catastrophic Contagion, a pandemic tabletop exercise at the Grand Challenges Annual Meeting in Brussels, Belgium, on October 23, 2022.

    The extraordinary group of participants consisted of 10 current and former Health Ministers and senior public health officials from Senegal, Rwanda, Nigeria, Angola, Liberia, Singapore, India, Germany, as well as Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

    The exercise simulated a series of WHO emergency health advisory board meetings addressing a fictional pandemic set in the near future. Participants grappled with how to respond to an epidemic located in one part of the world that then spread rapidly, becoming a pandemic with a higher fatality rate than COVID-19 and disproportionately affecting children and young people..."

    1. So all gathered there...why was it not taken out ?? Why weren't they removed with extreme prejudice?? Why are they allowed to continue this? If chimera can be removed surely human satanists can..

    2. @DougJamesVOTL Yeah this seems like actionable intelligence.

  24. "Biden's Basement Government" "Devil wears PRADA/DARPA"



    Paris December 04th 2022-photos taken about 15 seconds apart-lightforces ship is in the sky-thanks big brothers and sisters – from the city of light – hahahahaha…..

  26. A huge thank you to those seen and unseen who made the conference possible and to those who took the time to volunteer to write the notes.

  27. درودبرشما، ازجنگهای ستاره ای چه خبر؟

  28. merci pour cette magnifique Conférence de Lumière, Méditons ensemble pour la libération planétaire et aider la Lumière et l'Energie de la Déeese a s'ancrer Gratitude Cobra Victoire de la Lumière : Canal Telegram francophone

  29. I just watched Avatar and it has something about something similar to Adrenochrome which isn't a real thing but is made up by disinfo agents working for YHVH. YHVH is the same god worshipped by both the Light Forces and the Dark Forces yet seemingly they fight each other. There is no such thing as Adrenochrome and soon when the EBS comes the Devil/Beast in Revelations, YHVH, will show people a false truth that so and so Hollywood actors, politicians, Democrats etc drank Adrenochrome from children they killed. That is not true. There is no Adrenochrome to reverse aging. However it is true many did sacrifice children to YHVH. They do it because it is a Jewish practice, ritual blood sacrifice, to satisfy their God YHVH whom uses the spiritual energy of the child being stabbed to death to create mirror worlds and spiritual ascension, whom Jesus called the Jews' Father of Lies John 8:44 KJV.

    The "Cabal" members like Hollywood actors, politicians, businessmen etc did it to please the Most High God YHVH who is the GREAT I AM. The SAME God the Light Forces worship. YHVH is the Devil and the Beast in Revelations BECAUSE he is worshipped by BOTH the Dark "Deep State Cabal" AND the Light Forces (Galactic Federation of Light/Alliance/Lightworkers) and he uses both to deceive the world. Pin the tail on the Dark Forces/Deep State Cabal and make the Light Forces whom YHVH also controls the hero. Go from the boiling pot straight into the fire. From serving the evil "Satan" to the light and love filled "Lucifer".

    One day soon TRUE believers in Jesus Christ the Lord and his Heavenly Father (who is NOT the God of Moses, but came to save people from yoke of the Law i.e. the Torah/Talmud which teaches Gentiles are scum to be enslaved and exterminated) will be yoked in with so the called Deep State Cabal and Dark Forces and will be persecuted and beheaded by the Light Forces. Those Light Forces lead by Donald Trump, one of the 10 Kings who will reign with the Beast for one hour, and make the way to the Antichrist. The Antichrist known as Yeshua. The false Christ. The Beast Empire which whom the Restored Republic of the United States under Donald Trump/JFK Jr will make all people take the Mark of the Beast which is NESARA/GESARA and whomever gets connected to the Lucifer Light filled Quantum Financial System will become totally possessed by the Devil YHVH and his demons.

    In the beginning you think you will win. But God's Justice will reign in the end. You are not the Resistance. You are the Tyrants. You may have deceived the people but you will not deceive the Universe nor the True Creator or his Creations. In the end YHVH, the so called GREAT I AM will get his due punishment and all who stand with him will be tormented in the Lake of Fire for Eternity. Jesus Christ the Lord will reign on Earth and your false spirit of Gaia will NOT destroy our planet Earth. This planet belongs to the Tribulation Saints who will worship and honor our Lord Jesus Christ (NOT the false Jesus Sananda/Yeshua Antichrist imposter sent by YHVH) even unto death. It does not belong to the Lucifer Lightworkers (the Beast) nor the dying Deep State Cabal (Whore of Babylon). Amen.

    1. Adrenachrome is very real...they have factories where they induce fear and trauma and extract the blood from children... Yahweh was a messenger like yeshua he wasnt dark .the negative ETs convinced the early humans to sacrifice children for a good crop all in the old testament..why the Bible shouldn't be followed it's not of the light totally..some truth yes but take yeshua..he was married to Maryagdalene and alot of evidence says he wasn't sacrificed that was a story used to perpetually sacrifice him in church and have people drink his blood eat his flesh..a satanic act.

    2. Seriously Jesus christ is a Greek name...his real name was yeshua Ben yoseph ..he isn't our lord not savior! You save yourself the dark ones made people victims sinners needing a savior ..yeshua was an ET who volunteered to incarnate and teach about the law of one..he could manifest as he was of a higher vibration ..simple as that

    3. Why is this comment even not deleted? Apocalypse in Bible is fake vision from not this Earth. Resistance as the bad guys? Trump coming to power again? Come on.

    4. Steph, if you get convinced doesnt mean you are right.

    5. Adrenochome does not reverse fact, I think is accelerates it. Many of these famous folks...their faces look like they are MELTING, and many of them have red splotches on their faces. Adrenochrome, I think, just makes them very high and horny, that is all. And think about it, various tribal cultures speak of drinking the blood of their enemies, or eating their lives......not TOO far off.

  30. are the light forces going to come up with more excuses after both locations are cleared? I assume there should be zero reason not to start the event when the cabal lose the ability to use the bombs or have the ability to directly influence our thoughts at the click of a button but I won't hold my breath.

    1. Why no one is talking about " everyone left on the Earth will die" part ?
      From which time its a reasonable thing?

      As i watch a lot of different information type… Such persons as Megan Rose underline many times that ANY type of indo where we die on Earth - desinformation.
      Okay. We got solar flare, magnetic shift etc - we need to escape

      So why we need some type of new gold financial system, prosperity instead being poor?
      cause getting to Event will take 30+ years or more?

      Im little bit of confused.
      Also it will be great to hear from Cobra about dark russian invasion? When its over? A lot of innocent people dying every day - but you told their plans wont succeed.
      Light forces and white hats making that invisible progress all over the world that we hear only by these types of updates.

      Yes - if this is truth - start the big drama liberation
      People will wake up cause of shock!
      its too long.

      p.s hope 2023 will give answers

  31. Please excuse my French...
    ...Fuck Yes!!!

    1. @Infinity, Pardon my French but... get this thing off of me!

    2. Hell Yeah! is probably much better

  32. Very glad and encouraged to know that the Andromeda faction of the Chimera is experiencing their endings. I expect that it will be much easier for light beings on the surface of Earth to shine their lights soon.

  33. Really interesting conference notes. I'm intrigued by the different size and types of black holes. I can imagine how it works. Space and energy gets ripped up, it's like trying to think while loud crappy music is playing. Interesting how ships and beings can't manifest or they'd get torn up too. It perfectly explains the behavior and emotions seen in people. Tiny little twists in them. Like having a vertebrae out of place. That section finishes by saying how dangerous Earth is. I love danger, I'm there! (I've always been clear on why I came.)

    I'm certain I can hear/sense the infra and ultrasound. Maybe it's electromagnetic, but either way there is a shrieking and rumbling everywhere I've noticed for many years. It's different depending on location and time.

    The neolithic period was actually fun and beautiful. Beauty can be boring though and need a jolly good war to spice things up. It's time for it to end though. My soul can't even keep my body from falling apart so it's time.

    1. @Patrick, I could hear and feel and see the frequencies and entities in the air when alone or trying to sleep as a child. Truly terrifying.

  34. Thanks for this. Can the protection be more personalized or does it have to be a blue shield? Can it be any color?

    1. Imagine a golden energy psychic shield around you. I usually use that when I do binaural beats and isochronic tones meditation it works the Anunnaki could not contact me directly and had to come to me through intermediaries

  35. Ci voleva questo aggiornamento. I risultati positivi che ci sono stati attraverso lo sgombero dei tunnel è meraviglioso. Però sprono le Forze della Luce a metterci più determinazione nell'aiutare la popolazione di superficie. Fortunatamente la conferenza sull'Ascensione di Parigi è stata un grande successo. È stato messo un altro tassello che ci avvicina all'Evento. Grazie Cobra. Vittoria della Luce!

  36. Very good! You in circle are beatiful! Love and Light. Matteo

  37. after reading the notes from the conference, I wonder if we will wait until the year 25 for the event? or why not meditation 21/12?

  38. eating, dancing, writing....year after year....Those who have truly ascended have left this hell long ago

    1. The majority left here are all Organic Portals/NPCs...soulless psychic vampires. The few true light beings left here are all awake to the truth and finishing up their part of the game of breaking down this matrix frequency trap

    2. Orfeopn, NOT a 'game', call it what it is, a war.

      And as I said, we're not all here by choice.

  39. Super , je suis content daprendre que nous avons bientot fini la phase de nettoyage . Comme ca on peut passer a la phase suivante . Défois je me dis c est un peux lent tout ca mais tout ce que lunivers produit est bon , parfait . Pressé de commencer cette "nouvelle année "

  40. Corey Goode Being Exposed is a Major Blow to the Cabal

    (Thank you to DayStar for posting the video below in a previous comment on 2012portal.)

    Corey Goode calls his own works "intellectual property." Intellectual property is fictional by nature. Corey Goode even admits that his work is fictional, as can be seen at around 45 minutes here:

    From watching the above video, and hours of other parts of the depositions, Corey Goode is definitely a disinformation agent. His purpose is to distract people from the actual, real secret space program.

    I'm going to go as far to say that Corey Goode may actually wind himself in jail from exposing his own money laundering in the depositions. Also, the people Corey Goode is suing are people Corey Goode himself took money from.

    This exposure is a major victory! All the lies Corey Goode has been peddling, trying to make the Light Forces appear to be the villains and so forth - it's over! Innocent people who were duped can finally move on from the turmoil and confusion Corey Goode has parasitically inflicted!  

    All disinformation agents on Ets are committing crimes against humanity, because the consequences of the disinformation are negative on a planetary scale, as this damages first contact with real positive Ets, slowing the process of planetary liberation. All such individuals need to be brought to justice.

    1. Very disturbing Intel..I noticed his messages lately were quite negative and he talked about the zulu tribe ETs liberating earth nothing about arcturians pleaidians sirians etc..and his updates were often set acks little progress ..too bad I did learn alot yrs ago to research more and more and that landed me here among other is 20 and back a real thing? I assume ssp is real? I have heard of solar warden James McKinnon etc..what to believe wave now me thinks .. we can't go on living in this dark matrix

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Lol. He did that to cover his ass. He's an insider leaking information because this is what the controllers want so they have control over what you hear and know...altho much of what he says is true. There are some of us that have done our should too.

    4. Wow. I called it earlier this year when I posted that screenshot of the disagreement I had with him. The guy isn't who he purports to be. What a novel time we live in.

    5. note I don't follow Goodie since I first heard his interview.. but let's ignore for a min this is about him.. how would anyone go about to bring a lawsuit regarding occult and out of this world phenomenon.. under the present paradigm. To be honest the minute he would have said all he wrote was real... The suit would have been about his state of mind or sanity... And not about some intellectual property. Isn't this the reason why much of the occult was being encoded on written work or plays or movies or music... Those that created the prev listed work could suit others for using their information.. . Am I wrong in this thinking?.. this does not mean I believe Goodie is a true medium . I really have no opinion about him except I chose not to follow him. note I have not watched the video link.. the opinion however still stands. I did read here at some point that he blasted many others as fake and him holding the only true info. That suffice to make one wonder about him.

    6. Fascinating. He always struck me as woefully inauthentic. Anyways, of all the charlatans out there, I wonder why he's the one getting caught with this hand in the cookie jar.

    7. orfeopn, I've researched quite a bit on both sides for several years. One side says the GFL are the bad guys. The other side says the GFL are the good guys. I guess in the end one has to make a decision. I find it unwise to make conclusions similar to Corey Goode's, and I've definitely done my homework, along with quite a bit of extra credit.

    8. When C Goode was so popular in 2016 I remember Cobra said, answering questions mostly of Rob Potter, that the SSP had been cleared out years ago , in the 2001-2004 timeframe, and those programs had been used to prepare, building bases etc., the arrival of more dark forces in 1996. So he said it had existed, the SSP.
      Cobra also said that his sources had told him the 20 and back doesn´t happen. Also he could not confirm the "Blue Avians" existence. Neither C Goode´s off planet conferences nor the Anshar story.
      The only thing he confirmed was that CG had been in the SSP, from his sources and because CG knew things he couldn´t have known otherwise.

    9. DH - then surely Corey saying this stuff isn't real would be lying under oath if it actually happened? 😅

      Interviewer: "did you ever go to space?"
      Corey: "In my physical body? I don't believe so, no."

      Anyone that's heard his testimony will know it's going to be hard for anyone that still had faith in Corey to hear him say that and continue to believe his tale. So what his 20 years off planet before the age regression was all in meditation?

      What interests me though is when he made the video of the black helicopter over his house.. didn't he say his whole family have to move because of that? How could his wife..his kids be in on the scam?

      Either way, much of his intel can still be truthful despite potentially being a fraudulent grifter - after all, COBRA did collaborate with him a few years back.

    10. Cobra did a joint interview, maybe more than one I do not remember, with CG. I wonder if he will make a statement about any of it.

    11. As far as the recent Corey Goode info is concerned it brings me back to Emily Moyer, Randy Maugans Offplanet media, and Andrew Basiago and a couple of talks they had about the subject. Basiago believed he physically visited places. Moyer believed that the programs he and possibly Goode and others were in used the human consciousness to go on missions and take part in programs. They could be involved in things but not in the way they think. Goode seemed like he knew some things and seemed authentic early on but that doesnt mean it happened the way he remembers or that he is being entirely honest either. Its a major gray area.

    12. Divination. Lol @'all in his meditation...'
      I need to correct I said I didn't watched the video.. I did part of it .not the whole video listed.
      I do agree with you divination on his statement some being contradictory at times.
      Immanerize.. as far as the interviews..what I recall.. cobra would provide his views on the interviewer's question on SSP and Corey his... Is hard for me to remember fully the interview but I don't believe Cobra ever confirm or denied about Corey's true involvement in the SSP.

      You might some of the interviews and interaction here

      Under the Menu choose

      Hope it helps

      What I do know is that those playing control opposition.. 1. They will mix truth with the lies.. they have to sound or look believable.. 2 they will also need to be looked at as victims and being persecuted by the bad guys... .. in the mind of an average Joe . Only good guys get targeted.. 3. Etc etc..

  41. Does the Event have a 25 percent chance in 2025? That's very few! When will it be 100 percent? In the year 2100? I'm losing faith in this Event story.

    1. Change will only happen when we reach the precipice.

    2. 50% chance to happen in 2037... That's why you should never ever wait for it because you may be gone way before that.

      I don't think I'll be around by 2037 that's why I decided to go on with my life.

    3. No! You guys still don't understand.. (and to be fair, the notes are not clear about this):

      2025 is the solar maximum and the chance for a complete polar shift is about 25% (rising by 25% for each next solar maximum, so if the shift doesnt happen in 2025, it will have a 50% chance to happen in 2037 and so on..)

      But the Event / the moment of the final liberation is completely independent from the polar shift and can happen any time before that. 😘

    4. Just read correctly, FluffyFraclalshard is right

  42. Always great to hear from you, my friend, specially with such good news! We are still here, that's why we're called The Resistance! It ain't over til it's over, and yes we get tired of all the suffering, but finally the end is near, Victpry of the Light!

  43. About that «cloud ufo»... I've seen this before. Turned out kids had emptied a bottle of liquid soap in a nearby fountain. The result was big sparkly clouds floating around like the one in the video. Sorry, probably not a ufo.

    1. This is a contender for the least convincing argument from a skeptic I've ever heard. Who are you trying to convince here 😂

    2. I'm not a skeptic at all. I would say i'm neutral when it comes to E.T. stuff. So many lies around us... asking for more than a few blurry videos and random lights in the sky to be convinced is not skepticism, just common sense. And I did see that foam cloud floating by my 3rd story window a few years ago. It really startled me for a second, but I then realized what it was and it looked exactly like that «cloud UFO» in the video. So i'm not saying E.T.s are not real, just that these videos are not proof of it.

  44. Check out Archaix on YouTube. We are living in a simulation which has been confirmed by many others.

    1. I already checked out Archaix on youtube. Total rubbish.

    2. Simulation Theory is a dark propaganda piece making people feel even more disempowered and nihilistic towards this reality.
      The fact, that greater realities surround us and that the physical realm can be interpreted as a holographic expression of pure consciousness, doesn't mean that we are trapped inside of a simulation, but rather, that we are able to ascend back into these higher realms, leaving the illusory ego and duality behind.

  45. I hope The LF can bring lightworkers more perceived help. The main reason some lightworkers give up is that nothing happened.

    I heard that the LF is developing a technology that can bring great help to lightworkers in reality. I hope this technology can be completed and applied as soon as possible.

    1. Yep.....can't treat the folks here on the ground as expendable utilities, you know.

  46. Merci pour la Bulle Bleue de protection, je visualise aussi le rayon doré, ou violet, ou rose suivant le moment, mais cette bulle bleue de protection est très très efficace, Gratitude Cobra <3

  47. After the last pit is cleared, what other unexpected obstacle will come that will delay the Event? Don't let me be right! But this suffering is too much for a light worker.

    1. 顶夸克和一些蜘蛛

    2. This. ⬆️ What would be next obstacle, Cobra?

  48. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  49. Command 1221, Command 1221, Command 1221

    To my team,

    Thank you for assisting me with the 'thing.' I hope that everything which results from it is 'positive.' Before moving on to metaphysical matters, I have to address some things.

    I have to:

    1. Learn to trust.
    2. Learn discernment.
    3. Develop tools for protection.

    I expect you guys to know EXACTLY what I mean by these things. For far too long, I've been running around in circles with the same issues driving me up the wall. This has to stop. I'm tired. I NEED to make progress. NOW. Make it happen.

    From this point forward, I will not acknowlege labels such as 'god,' 'goddess,' 'hero,' 'king,' 'queen' etc. They only serve to confuse and alienate. I want to understand beings as indviduals, not as a collection of labels. But I understand that I am very far away from this ideal state and this is why I need your help.

    The common thread between these labels is that they represent beings who are 'above' me and therefore have authority over me. This is a complete rejection of that authority, whether it is real, or imagined as a result of conditioning.

    There may be more to this rejection than what meets the eye, but delving any deeper into this requires data I do not have access to yet.

    I am Me.

    (The communication of this message to my team is not contingent upon the approval of this comment.)

    1. @Ryuga, Here is a shotgun blast of ideas and info. Maybe some of it will help someone.
      1. I would be cautious who and what I trusted under the archon network although there will be a time when it comes down that this gets better. I trust myself and everything I have learned and that this is going where it should be and will get better.
      2. I use intuition, compassion, and logic for discernment. I try to stay away from polarized right or wrong views most of the time and it has served me well.
      3. CoBra had a post about protection with exercises, the violet ray machine, and tachyonis products. An effective routine and an ethical lifestyle can help. I have used salt with some effect. Cleaning my room and getting rid of things followed by salt water spray on the walls and ceiling, a salt water mop, and a bowl of salt in each corner of the room. Burning sage with the intent of clearing helps and some swear by silver for protection.

      Objects like totems or statues or art being placed in a way that feels right to you can have some benefits. A black tourmaline and selenite grid is a good idea. Figuring out what to carry on your person or what to wear while you sleep is effective too. My cintamani during sleep was very protective. During the day amethyst and a steel saint bendedict cross helped too. The benedict cross and heavy steel was grounding and protective which surprised me.

      Purple energy videos helped me. Clearing all of the negativity we have accumulated will help with protection because these are often openings the darks use to attack us. These things will have to be cleared at some point and the purging feels like an attack. Purple energy videos and tachyonis or other stones and crystals together seems effective.

    2. From the ascension conference:
      (vizualize a blue bubble of light)

      "May a bubble of Light surround me.
      May its Light shield and protect me from all negative energy.
      And so it is."

  50. I have been seeing bright, static white lights shining in the night sky over my city for a decade. Over the last couple of years they've become even more blatant and I can now see them on any night; as long as it's not too cloudy. Whenever I go out for a walk to get some shopping in the evening, I record a quick video on my phone. I see them so much I have literally dozens of clips at this point.

    It is a testament to how asleep everyone is that to this day I have not seen another soul looking up at them. Nobody cares.

    Strangely I've not seen anyone else commenting here about white lights spotted in the night sky.. it makes me wonder if it only happens in the UK - after all, most crop circles appear in the UK so it's plausible.

    1. @divinasion, I have been seeing them here in south Florida for over a decade. I have seen them move and have seen them hide behind clouds as well, although I have no photos or footage. From 2010 to 2020 I saw around a dozen. In the second half of 2022 starting in October till now I have seen around a dozen. Its a huge increase.

    2. That is sad that no one looks at the sky. I saw, a few years ago, the most incredible sky show of cloud ufos. Not just round ones but others that took all kinds of shapes. Many were truly big. They were beautiful. It went on for hours...literally 5 hours or so, followed by a storm front. There were so many that drifted by...
      At some point, I went out to Kmart. In the parking lot, I spied three round ufos that were connected by a thin cord or cloud. They were layered and amazing. I just stood there for a while looking up. I saw one or two people doing the same as me, but everyone else in that busy car park just walked around asleep, looking at the ground. It was so unreal. I remember going home and writing an article for my website about it so I "caught" all the amazing things I had seen. Haven't seen such a show since, sadly, but I sure remember. I'm in Geelong, Australia. Always look at the sky!

    3. Same in the USA, nobody looks up. They have their faces in the phone. Check out ECETI Ranch videos on YouTube. I went out there and so many craft I stopped counting at 20.

    4. That's awesome, keep your stories coming! Several years ago I took the bus home, and through the window on my right, there was my old friend, the bright light holding position in the sky over London. For most of the ride I had my head angled towards it, blatantly staring at the light, while the groups of people around me couldn't have been less interested. This is the norm.

      @Libra man: It seems you are trying to turn my thread into a place to criticise me or other lightworkers. I would appreciate it if you could see the the irony in your comment, and try not to add to the toxicity here by leaving unnecessarily negative comments. If you must, make your own thread and do it there, thanks 😃

    5. Why did you not shout to them to look up???

    6. I see ships in the sky nearly each night.....and shouting, "Please....come....PICK ME UP.....TAKE ME HOME!!!!!".

      We need more than lights in the sky, we need LANDINGS, and FIRST CONTACT.

      I myself just need ONE ship to come down and take me home....just one ship is what I'm asking for.

  51. Replies
    1. These dates are only regarding the polar shift as the solar maximum will be reached in 2025, 2037, 2049 etc. and each solar maximum has an increasing chance for the poles to completely flip.
      But the timing of the poleshift does does not say anything about the Event/the liberation, nor will a complete shift necessarily be the result of the huge galactic superwave which will inevitably come - exactly when the time is right.

    2. Focus on the highest timeline, for they all occur, and you don't want to be stuck on a lower one. Think timelines, not just one but many. We have a percentage.

      I know for a fact I got off one of the bad timelines. I died. I was not compatible with it, at all. Then a small part of me jumped into this timeline, merged if you like. It was how I knew it happened. I took a long time thinking about it. There were some very bad timelines, where we were all rounded up, forced to take the vax, and worse. We really are on one of the better timelines. So pick the best one! It is determined by US. So let's focus on the good!

  52. Give many thanks for this. "Cobra" Oneness of heart. Victory of the Light

  53. When working with the Violet Flame with certain beautiful and powerful melodies that 'run chills up the spine,' very strong light activates and can be felt within the body.  

    Do I, a non-adept, non-initiated individual, dare say that this the beginning of ascension? Yes, I dare.

    Why such strong efforts to keep me in a fallen state? Why so many attacks? Maybe this has something to do attempts to block the ascension process. Such attempts are failing.

    If this is not ascension, still, extremely high realms are being accessed - this is undeniable.

    Many others are having similar experiences.  

    Keep going.

    1. @Starlight, Which melodies are you referring too?

    2. LongStar117, various soundtrack music. Certain parts of this are very powerful:

      I also made a playlist a while back:

  54. @unknown. | It is likely that the neutralization of the toplet bombs will be the last chapter, which will be easier after the elimination of the central qu. computer. (And after 60-70% neutralization, the long-awaited event.)

  55. I read in the notes from the conference that there´s 50% of probability that the event happens in 2037, most likely it´s an error and it was meant to say 2027, but it would be good to make it clear, because we all have to make decisions about our lives depending on the expectations for the short-mid- long term. If that´s the probability of being here like now for 15 more years I´ll have to change a number of them. Well, it wouldn´t be like now because the cabal woul have implemented the agenda 2030

    1. I believe there are lots of timelines. The other timelines will also happen. They all happen, but try to stick to the higher timeline. I've been hearing others say 2037 or thereabouts. So that is out there...I don't think it is a mistake. It was 25% for 2025 wasn't it? I think that is really positive. Aim for that.
      Some of the timelines were extremely dark and did happen. Lucky we aren't there...

  56. Big Thank You Cobra and We Love You and Love and Light!💛💛🌟🌟

  57. The normal people have been living in active denial. I'm sure Goddess has mercy on them but many will have a train wreck experience much like happened after Soviet Union fell.

  58. The Hall of Records was the Movie Script. It ended in mid 2000.
    Since then, Telemetry has been collected in order to orchestrate the control system since 2000. DARPA created the internet, not as something for us but for "them".

  59. Eckhart Tolle's works go into similar ideas regarding detachment. This is on a healthy track! Disconnecting to all the distractions - politics, conflicts, and all the mundane stuff is essential to connecting to higher realms.

  60. German translation of the conference notes (PFC France Official since 2013) / deutsche Übersetzung der Notizen zur Aufstiegskonferenz (von PFC Frankreich Offiziell seit 2013):

    My sincere thanks for preparing and providing the notes (a true service to others) goes to Véronique F., leader of Prepare For Change France Official since 2013. It's the team spirit and collaboration that make a difference.

  61. Soft Disclosure :

  62. " Taiwan will have a very important role in the Event which can not be disclosed yet. "

    ---Space Force is a Chimera Operation

    More here :

  63. Ok so the spheres are attenuating the energies ..all the more reason to end this 3D experiment now so people can awaken en mass and get gesara and a the med beds and replicators and such don't see that happening on earth if a pole shift occurs but I think cobra told us there wouldn't be a catastrophic pole shift too bad as it allowed galactics to not act with more urgency as he himself is now asking for. 2025 was to be the date for a pole shift and if we were to have 3 waves of ascension we needed some time ..we are now at 2023. Last pit is being taken down...I assumed there were some in Switzerland perhaps already cleared?
    I know if a gesara type reset was implemented freeing humanity from debt slavery and fear of lack of money that wld raise global consciousness quickly..of that is the goal to trigger the solar flash..then let's do it I know it would raise mine weay be ascending but I still have property tax bill, mortgage, food.indiranxe a 5D life sounds great but it doesn't put food on the table and a roof over my head and family yet


    Also, I strongly recommend getting energy healing, especially during these turbulent times. There are a lot of healers around and I am one of them. And I am more than willing to heal you without taking your money before the session!

    Thanks again to everyone, and to Cobra!! I hope we all survive this period.

  65. If the conference was a HUGE success, then why can't I see its effects in most countries?? China and Israel are too remote for me to feel any effect.

  66. Here is the translation into Romanian language of the second notes made so well and acurate by Prepare of Change France 2013! Next will come the first author in your list dear Cobra! Thank you very much PFC France team for your wonderful cooperation on our translations and on all the issues we encountered in the meantime! When Lightworkers come together with open hearts, approaching each other with love, patience and understanding, it can result in proper lightwork and great results! Link: VOTL!

  67. Some ideas that are not of the light:

    Light is Victorious!

    1. I'm with all those, apart from the last one....we NEED the aliens for outside way in hell can the masses take on the darkies....nor will they wake up on their own.

    2. Yes I agree with you, we need help. But what I meant is we need to help outselves too. We should do our own part. And act as sovereign beings.



  69. Reading ATVOR technology reminds of my childhood habit I had. I would stand under a sun beam which would peak through the roof and ask the beam to take me up. Sometimes I try to climb it and would cry because I couldn't. This lasted til I was nine years old. Not until after I get my memories back, I understood what and why I was doing that.

  70. Wish I was there fighting with you in these underground tunnels. But I guess my soul chose different mission for this incarnation. So strike them harder and faster for me!

    And chop them to bloody pieces! Bring the flamethrowers! Drop grenades behind their barricades! If it serves the faster and best course of liberation of course...

    1. @szszymon, you could be and not know it.

    2. I WANT to be in those tunnels, shredding as many darkies as I can.

      Ya hear this, light forces? There are those of us who WANT to join the battle (just fix me up, heal me, and I'll gladly fight), and not merely 'hold the light' and take pot shots from the darkies, as we are now.

  71. Thank you to those who took such excellent notes at the conference !! The ones shown here by Cobra are really good. We all so appreciate the effort. Victory of the Light!

  72. Offplanet media is having a special show for the winter solstice on the 21st:

  73. The part 2 of the conference report on has been published here :
    Thanks !

  74. Now.... where did I put that EMP!!

  75. It seems something funny is going on with my emails. You know they have total control of my computer. (reading things, they have control of deleting things). I've seen them in there affecting things before. It's a bit annoying.

  76. Let's Talk About the Astral!

  77. There´s a blog (the know), that I and many people here visit to learn more details about the updates in this one, because it was a kind of "validated" by a least one link to it posted here. Until now the information from both blogs has matched very well, but this time, regarding the "last pit", the other one says it´s below a certain castle in Germany, and this blog says it´s below Washington DC. Maybe one is considered to be a pit and not the other, I don´t know. Maybe a new link to that blog would clarify it a little bit, like this issue is just because of a different nomenclature

    1. To clarify, I did mention in the post that it is not actually a pit but a huge base. That base below Wewelsburg in Germany is regarded the ‚occult center of Earth‘ by contemporary occultists.

      I stated there already that it probably is not the last pit Cobra meant but it certainly has high relevance for the chimera.

  78. I'm not going to expect to be picked up by a ship. Sorry guys, that's not happening. People need to start getting right with nature and the metaphysical realms. Don't rely on Ets to come save you. That's not only foolish. It's actually extremely dangerous.

    Not to be gloom and doom, but we are in serious trouble. Don't go thinking all the chaos is ok because the event will save us. Ask the question, "How does this information change my life in the here and now?" If it doesn't help, throw it out.

    If people get balanced and unite with nature, take care of their bodies, and know a good magician or magicians (not the evil kind, but the kind who know the importance of being nice to animals), they might stand a chance.

    1. Don't rely on Ets to come save you. That's not only foolish. It's actually extremely dangerous, because when under this impression, people disregard their well-being, both physically and metaphysically. I've seen this happen way too many times.

      Thing is, I can take a lot of abuse from being hit with stuff. Problem is, I get older. It starts to wear me down, but they don't let up, and the aging process weakens me to the point where they finish me off. Hopefully it's not too late, and I can get back to where I'm supposed to be, back to the basics - nature, being present, and healthy/safe learning about dimensions. Also, possible assistance from people who know what they are doing.

    2. The ships will be picking "us" up but I doubt they will take you, you are right. The Tribulation will see many left on the planet, who will then mostly resort to killing others. There won't be any food around. So I think it good you are being realistic. Society on earth will fall, but we will be on the ships. Good that you are coming to terms with it.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I agree, it is foolish for people to plan their lives around ETs saving the day. The chances of any kind of event ever happening is practically zero at this point. If the event was going to happen it would have happened by now, not a decade+ after it was originally promised. People are addicted to that hopium though so it will be a bitter pill for most to swallow. The Christians have been waiting around for 2000 years for that rapture to save them and yet they still hold on to that false hope. Hope springs eternal but understand nobody is going to save you, you must save yourselves.

      The solution is to look to nature. Avoid urban areas and controlled environments. Become self sufficient. The single greatest act of defiance one can give the new world order is to grow your own food. They do not like it when people do that for they cannot control people who are self sufficient. The more people that do this the better off we will all be.

      The second bit of advice to give would be to embrace and accept your own mortality. All living things eventually die. There is no future in the long term for any of us. Nothing lasts forever. The future will never be as good as the past. Survivability always trends towards zero given a long enough time frame. The real secret to escaping the matrix happens after mortality. The cycle of birth, death, and rebirth will too eventually end if enough people awaken to the deception of the archons. The Earth is a prison planet not a school. You do have a choice. Let this life be your last sojourn through hell planet Earth. See reddit to learn more:


      You are the resistance.

    5. Pftttt.ain't gonna happen. NO way will humanity survive if we have to live like hippies or like in Mad Maxx. We need TECHNOLOGY....not hocus pocus, nor flower power.

      And the aliens are MY only way to happiness. I never wanted to come to this awful planet to start with, nor will I simply accept to stay here, living like a Tibetan monk.

    6. Violet Flame is still accessed though. It helps.

      Novusod, well said!

    7. @Novusad about...NO. You sound a LOT like Cosmic Agency on youtube.

      And look at those who tried to be self sufficient in the past.....look what happened at Waco, Texas, 1993. The feds SLAUGHTERED them all. And I got better things to do than raise crops and do back breaking labor from sunrise to sunset....I want a STAR TREK life....NOT Little House on the Prairie. And we will NOT be better'll see tribal/feudal communities cropping up, and, thus, local resource wars. And the darkies will still be LAUGHING at us, while THEY live like kings.

      And for mortality, I heard the aliens either live very long lives, or are immortal. We can as well, with the technology and our DNA getting FIXED.

      And no, when you die, you'll come back to earth, earth is a reincarnation TRAP, your soul trapped like a fly in amber.

      Sorry, but to merely exist is not enough.
      To merely survive is not enough.

      And IF I am doomed to die on this planet, in this wrong body....I will come back, to quote Obi Won Kenobi:

      “If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.”

      ...and I will not only go after the dark forces out there...but also the LIGHT FORCES.....and, to quote Galadrial:

      "In place of the Dark Lord you will set up a Queen. And I shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night! Fair as the Sea and the Sun and the Snow upon the Mountain! Dreadful as the Storm and the Lightning! Stronger than the foundations of the earth. All shall love me and despair!”

      I'll pretty much be like this, but beautiful and feminine, not a masculine demon:

      See, if the war between the light forces and dark forces won't be ended by them....

      ....I'LL END IT, for keeps.

      It's like that old saying, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned".

      So, Novu, I think I shall decline your like smelly hippies and overrated Tibetan monks will not be a better way to live. And, no, the masses won't awaken to the deception of the Archons, not natually. You wanna live a meaningless existence, and die like a sick dog, go ahead, I won't stop you, but I also will NOT go that route.

      MY salvation is out there *points to the stars*, with the aliens. Otherwise, I will know this quite is true, then:
      "Evil Will Always Triumph, Because Good Is Dumb" - Dark Helmet Spaceballs.

    8. @BBB
      Love and light won't slay the darkies, nor will love and light protect one from enemy bullets or directed energy weapons.

      Technology I want is that which can make me into my TRUE self once again...that of an ALIEN WOMAN....and no longer a male member of a genetically raped species of monkeys. There is NO benefits to being human, and I see NO enjoyment being a MAN.

      Also, to destroy the darkies, we need weapon, REAL weapons.....not 'love and light!'. That's why the hippie generation FAILED in their youth, and are now just a bunch of aged pot heads. We are in a WAR, remember. A war for our very lives and souls..and it's kill THEM before they kill US.

      And I am in NO hurry to simply DIE, and MAYBE get what I need so badly,, that's borderline RELIGION right there...akin to the pearly gates for Jesus not throwing you into a fiery pit....72 virgins for the d whatever the Jews gets....a mountain of money, I guess.

      And the 'higher self' can go FUCK OFF....let the 'higher self' experience suffering first hand if it is sooooo desperate for it. I am NOT going to jump through hoops for ANYONE....higher self or otherwise. And remember, it was the ARCHONS who chose FOR me.
      "Either they made a conscious decision to enter the Quarantine Earth to anchor the Light and help the Light forces to liberate the planet, or they have simply wandered into a dangerous zone in the Galaxy without fully understanding the risk and got caught by the Archons in the interdimensional scalar net, dragged to Earth and forced into reincarnation cycle." <---- RIGHT THERE. And I have EVERY right to DESTROY them for this.

      YOU wanna go with the 'shit happens' shtick, go ahead...I WON'T. I need the aliens to help me, I can become the REAL me without their help. Understand?

    9. It's actually possible to bypass the 'control matrix,' as I'll call it, even with their entrapping tech. This requires a massive amount of effort by learning about the occult, going what's called the Right Hand Path. Well, ultimately it's the Midway Path, but because there's so much Left Hand 'stuff' going on... Right Hand probably = Midway, lol! Doing this takes a huge amount of patience. It's not the easy way, but ironically, people are wanting the easy way from positive Et intervention, but the easy way is worse than the occult way, because there's no intervention in the true sense, and for some, it's no intervention in the true sense... over decades of time! Quite the irony indeed...

    10. People want it easy, which makes it even more difficult than before.

  79. Indeed! The light forces should not only take the pitiful state of the surface population and their suffering into consideration. It should be at the forefront of everything they do!

  80. With the chimera being weakened
    So too are the Jesuits :

  81. LS432 abbiamo tutto l'occorrente per fare bene, ma quasi nessuno ne è consapevole e soprattutto non c'è sufficiente risveglio. Per cui o la maggior parte si risveglia ( quasi impossibile) oppure ci sarà un intervento delle forze di Luce d'emergenza. E questo succederà perché sarà la Terra a decidere cosa, non noi. È la Terra che non ne può più. Noi contiamo certo, ma Lei di più. L'onda, lo tsunami al momento dello spostamento dei Poli magnetici terrestri deve esserci. E io sono contento perché questa sottocultura piena di errori ed orrori deve ASSOLUTAMENTE SCOMPARIRE!!In 4,5 miliardi di anni la Terra si è ribaltata 20.000 volte!! Piuttosto che qui in queste condizioni ( non mie , ma in generale) preferisco rischiare. Se proprio va male torno spirito disincarnato, che problema c'è?

  82. I just noticed that 117 + 117 = 234
    Turn that backwards and you have 432
    Well a lot of people choose numbers and we've had a few of them choose 117. One of them even called themselves by my entire address, ie my street name and my street number. What a coincidence. And then they seem to stalk me, always replying over and over. Now their getting more clever, times it by 2 and turn it backwards to be sure, just saying. Another innocent coincidence.

  83. Initiate the last half part of program, proceed anyway.

  84. I´ve been following my guidance to discern about apparent inconsistencies from Cobra and concluded most likely they are not so, just the consequence of human bias and limitation entangling things:
    - Cobra confirmed C Goode had been involved in a SSP, from his sources, and had joint inteviews with C Goode: his ET sources I don´t think they get into such specific matters, it had to be his surface human sources, subject to commit mistakes like we all. And from CG´s level of knowledge they concluded mistakenly it had to be true. This after not confirming all the rest of his stories (Avians, Anshar, 20 and back etc). Somehow CG had managed to get a lot of specific intel about SSP, which was very unlikely but happened.
    - "50% chance it will happen in 2037": it refers to the pole shift, not the event. So if the event happens in the mid 20´s and the shift in 2037 we´ll have plenty of time to say goodbye to the planet
    - The other intel blog: this one is minor. It could be Cobra posted his link at one point because it conected some dots well and later it became a bit of a "content creator" thing. Who knows..

  85. You only have 2 choice either go to the ships or don't go to the ships. I will be going to the ships cos there won't be much chance of surviving a mile hight Tsunami (just one of the occurences). The Magnetic Polar shift is a Very powerful event. I would say, expecting to survive on th ground is a niaive concept. It is possible though, but I would imagine it is a frightening experience.

  86. This is definitely not a step forward, but a step backwards: Women cannot study in Afghanistan

  87. Hi cobra thanks for the update that's awesome good to hear,all good here minor attacks nothing to moan about lol,hope everyone is well merry Christmas 🎄 victory of the light ✨...

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. Did you know that the greys are Jinn? I've been biting my lip, but not any longer, with permission from another. This one's a shocker:

  90. Sareste in grado di individuare un seme stellare , un guerriero di Luce in mezzo agli altri? Si? Come? Ci siete riusciti quasi a colpo d'occhio? Se non ci siete riusciti almeno una volta nella vita , o non ne avete mai trovati, o non siete della Luce.

    1. Come sempre, è bene esercitare il discernimento. Non tutto è "o/o". Le persone sono complicate, hanno aspetti chiari e oscuri. Non c'è nessuno sulla Terra che sia puro al 100%, perché se lo fosse sarebbe già asceso.

    2. Certamente; però una frequenza deve prevalere sull'altra a questo punto. E la volontà individuare serve per fare la scelta più appropriata in merito al servizio che vogliamo svolgere, che sia il più possibile attinente al nostro vero SE.

  91. Domani è il 22 dicembre. Siamo nello spartiacque , in piena biforcazione. Tra poco tempo ci saranno gli ululati di dolore degli oscuri da una parte e la felicità dei giusti dall'altra.

  92. Totally disagree with this!!! This group in question is sectarian, the proof, I was fired purely and simply as they fire all those who ask questions, who post comments! That's not a pretty picture of PFC.... Dear Cobra, clean up, educate yourself!

  93. il est vrai que malheureusement le PFC facebood de Veronique Fratila est assez restreint en échange, pas de commentaire possible, pourtant les information devraient être accessible facilement, de plus l'équipe francophone réalise et diffuse les session de dissolution des implants et elle ne sont pas partagées sur sa page, c'est dommage c'est un travail d'équipe et de corrélation avec les diffuseurs et les participants à ces sessions et cela aide bien au travail énergétique pour faire passer beaucoup plus de Lumière en chacun et sur Gaia, Gratitude infinie Cobra et tous les travailleurs et guerriers de Lumière <3 bisousss aux équipes au sol et au dessus de nous <3

  94. sun tzu-quote—–“If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant.”—–unquote…..


  95. Dear Cobra, I go back to my point, I don't want to be disrespectful of course, I use a google translator, it may be mistranslated because in French 'inform' translates to 'educate you' and subject to misunderstanding on your part, I just wanted to suggest that you make up your own mind after observing. Now, so close to the event, is it important to quarrel? I don't know...

  96. Désolée, je ne suis pas d'accord avec vous. Je suis travailleur de lumière depuis longtemps et je connais bien ce groupe où il n’y a aucun dialogue et où tout le monde se fait éjecter sans comprendre pourquoi. Ce groupe est en autarcie et ne désire travailler avec personne. Et c’est bien dommage. Il m’à beaucoup déçue...

  97. Message received. From the girls. I like girl talk, it can be fun. We all had a nice little chat. No harm was meant. Sorry, really meant no harm. Oops. But hehe. There really are some nice girls.

    Merry Christmas everyone! Got to have a break from here.

  98. The new conference notes are good. Some of the scenes from the Victory of the Light video are amazing. I always knew I'd do something like that, zoom!

  99. "Crê na vida de bons cidadãos
    Ruas iluminadas roupas limpas
    Nada parece ser como é
    Onde há muros há o que esconder
    Você - Dead Fish


  100. It is Winter Solstice, the day of the Return of The Light as the days get longer again.

    All the best and lots of Love.

    One Way.


  101. The strange object just after the conference over Paris bears resemblance to an object I saw near Siebengebirge in Germany in the early 1990s. My distance to the object was approximately a few 100 meters. It was early in the morning and the object had a dark gray color. It was hovering motionless at an altitude of maybe 100 meters and was estimated to be 50 meters high. A very strange atmosphere emanated from the object, as if from another world. I have never had such a feeling before or since. The next day in the morning I saw such an object again from maybe 10 km distance near Cologne.

  102. I think the low back pain is that negative entities absorb essence. But that's not true. It's LF clearing implants. My waist hurts more because light workers have more powerful implants than ordinary people. High fever is the response of the immune system due to LF technology. Everything is in plan. Push forward, victory can be expected

  103. 5d is already here. The portal is open. Iw wonder why don't you say that directly. Baby steps you can be also straight forwatd now there is no fear they the dark part see this information because some people alreadya ascended and is already all activated. Are you info full updated?

    1. It is? Well that means 5D is no different than 3D which is a bummer. Do we have to wait until we move up to 6D before we see any positive changes?

  104. BIG THANKS AND LOVE!! To all the lightworkers, whose posted the Cobra conference notes for all of us to read!!

  105. I think Black Rock is familiar to everyone here.
    Its development and technology center is in Budapest, Hungary, with the support of Viktor Orbán and the FIDESZ government. Don't let anyone believe that OV is a saint because he is apparently on Putin's side. He is a two-colored figure. He always turns to what his interest dictates. Here is a presentation based on the research of the president of another Hungarian party (there are English subtitles). :

  106. the state locked me up for 19 months for challenging their fraud. its still not over but i came home because of a breakthrough brought on by what was in my opinion divine intervention. a book was given to me which explains the mechanics of neuroplasticity and epigenetics and how these sciences can be applied through focused meditation to free yourself from emotional trauma and manifest your intent. i went home within two weeks of reading this book and applying what i learned. get it if you can!


  107. On the 20th I heard a certain guitar tune in an 18 year old Top Gear episode. Couldn't remember what it was and there were no lyrics.
    "Don't worry, it will show up on YouTube tomorrow. It's in an 19 year old show that you are watching anonymously on a stream, but it will be played."
    And it was.

    On the 21st I finished assembling a model of the Sanctum Sanctorum from the Dr. Strange character in the Marvel movies, Illumination included.
    Once I had put it where it belongs anf turned on the Lights I started a recommended Music Mix , adjusted a few things and not many songs in heard the familiar guitar tune from a day before.
    "Oh, it's the song from the Top Gear show! It really IS showing up."

    And then I remembered what it's called.

    She Sells Sanctuary.

    Sanctum Sanctorum.



  108. As mentioned somewhere before.

    She Sells Sanctuary.


  109. The key light workers are very tired and on the brink of giving up. However strong a soul may be, there is a limit to everything. With another covid wave coming.. Would you expect us to survive?? I urge LFs to start taking physical interventions please
