Sending some love and some flower of life energy, to wherever this is.... I look forward to hearing about the Ascension Paris conference and... Victory of the Light!
Movies :
"Chimera" in Entertainment Media :
- For those base level truthers who are only aware of 1 small aspect of the light forces on the surface** even your sources know about them & tried to tell you :
I've noticed in the agenda that the goal is to create ugly people and to divide people into camps that oppose one another, and to castrate children. Yet actual transsexuals do not oppose beauty, but seek it, just like their loud opponents. Peace and love.
The trans agenda like all agendas is initiated by the cabal, not average people. Is open borders created by migrants? Every person I see, even on Facebook is explicitly blaming the cabal for this stuff, not average people. The establishment viscously defends gender affirming care which, like everything they say is code, for mutilating surgeries and hormone blocking drugs for children that permanently destroy their bodies. For every real trans child there are 50 who are just going through phases or frankly brainwashed into thinking their dissatisfaction with life is because they're the other gender. A Gallop poll showed 21% of Gen Z identify as LGBT, come on, that's mostly people saying it because the TV and their teacher told them it's cool. Then there's the points that even if people really have gender dysphoria, is it a good idea to destroy one's body? Statistically it makes them more miserable so no. Cutting off body parts will make one feel like crap forever. In some countries, and they're trying everywhere, the government will kidnap children from their parents and do this awful stuff to them anyways. The system tells boys if they like to play with dolls they should cut their dick off and they'll snatch them from their "hateful" parents for preventing it. It's in legislature even here in the US and media like NPR is frothing at the mouth to promote it so don't tell us we're imagining it. I just noticed a CNN podcast episode about the "life threatening" issue of losing gender affirming care. See what they're doing there? Just like us pandemic doubters were "killing people", anyone who wants children to not be mutilated are "killing them" as well. So I don't know what to tell people crying "bigot." They think CNN, NPR, and Stephen Colbert are on their side? Trans issues are the new Weapons of Mass Destruction and pandemic. It's all the same dark forces using all the same tactics.
@Devon Needs more than spirit and soul....the body is JUST as important, I tell you what.
"Billboards with fashion ads often show boys, with long hair, looking like girls, these days, and girls, somber looking, without a trace of a smile, with botox-lips, and brittle frail bodies, knitting needles." I WISH I had long hair...I WISH I had HAIR, damn it......for me, it's another reason, of many, I HATE my masculine body....It's bad enough when someone, say in their 50's lose their hair....but when someone at SIXTEEN, like ME, lost their's total's like shell shock or PTSD for war veterans. Seriously, SOURCE.......WHY do we even HAVE hair loss..what do we NEED it for?! Also, what's wrong with a male look and sounding like a girl? I'd KILL to look and sound like a girl, Devon.
Not everyone XY is gonna be John Wayne, nor is everyone XX going to be Aubry Hepburn.
And transgenderism has been around for a loooooong time, possibly millennia, it's NOT 'an abomination of life, an ignorance of natural law' Devon. <---- As well as today....having a family of conservative Christians and Catholics, I had no hope in getting the help I needed. And the ravages of puberty were rough on me....went from looking a girl (if you took a picture of my when I was a child, and a picture of my mother when she was a child, you'd think you'd be looking at the same person) from Lord of the Rings, or Charlie Brown in the flesh....NOT good, and something I'll never forgive, for this body is NOT mine...just some freak's who was smart enough not to claim it, leaving me with it.
And when Cobra said that an omnipotent, all powerful god is mere propaganda by the dark forces really makes sense...since NO all knowing, all loving, all caring, all powerful god would allow the shit me, and others, have gone through.
I hope I get to KILL as many darkies as possible. I want both justice and vengeance, Devon. The Archons and the Chimera, once I am healed, and restored to an alien woman.....WILL learn the TRUE meaning of PAIN, Devon, for what they did to me. For once I am through with them, they will PRAY FOR DEATH.
Woke up at 3:33 this morning heard a pop and something trying to open a dark portal on my wall that has been troublesome, but stayed closed. Saw dark shadow in a turned off TV reflection in my dream and some dark filaments briefly IRL upon waking. I think the Archons are panicking and trying to syphon off any last energy they can from us and reactivate dark grids (won't work those grids are already damaged beyond repair). Did feel really peaceful today, like a major Light victory will be apparent to even regular Earth humans VERY soon!
O livre arbítrio não está se do respeitado aqui. Acho que já passou da hora de agirem. Impossível que a luz não tenha forças para vencer. Chega de promessas e ilusões.
The richest China building construction company CEO jumped out of his home from 38th floor and ended his life a few days ago. And 11 construction company owner also ended their lifes. And many are in heavy debt and can't even afford to pay house loans, credit card debt, etc and can't even have food on the table. How many more death do the light forces expected before the intervention? What happened to the promised NESARA/GESARA? I totally lost faith in the light forces with all the empty promises!!!
Yes, the economy is really bad and most people are living under stress. In this case, there is a greater need for meditation to stabilize the energy grid of the earth, especially the Russian and NATO peace meditation. A stable energy grid can speed up the clearing of the light forces. If we can all turn our complaints into action, then the incident is very likely to happen next year.
So you have abandoned the light because rich people commit suicide. If there really rich why can't they pay off there credit cards loans etc etc. You seem to think that earthlings can do whatever they want and the galactics will just solve everything. How about people take responsibility for there actions and use common sense rather than just be reckless and leave the mess and problems they create for someone else to sort out.
I can't many more have to die of the V? Watched a video from all exhibited same symptoms ..looking upward turning in a circle falling down..limbs all stiff and outstretched!! Horrible but it's happening ..sure soul contracts and all but gesara and truth wld change alot..where I live they just adjusted our property taxes 30%no joke..or $2000 a's insanity food prices all of it...more will commit suicide as it gets worse
@Scott2, They were the richest construction company before the Pandemic and now they are in deep debt and cannot withdrawn from such hardship and chosen to end their lifes in such pathetic way. And many are enduring the same scenario now in China and everywhere else. If you have a little compassion, you would not said the above because you are not going thru the same suffering like them. First, you asked yourself this question "Who created the Pandemic and caused so many death and suffering around the world now?". Then, asked yourself this question "Do they deserve such suffering and end their lifes this way and if this happened to yourself and your family, what would you do?". Lastly, I left this site due to the low compassion of so called "Lightworkers" here when the Russia invasion started (I totally DO NOT agreed with is invasion) and now you see how many people were killed during this operation?). Now, you see this invasion is not doing any good and destroyed many families and lifes. And there is a huge risk of World War 3 too if this continue.
@Unbeknown Universe, The Translation for Lightpower is as follows :- "We are going too far with this stalemate. It takes a powerful intervention that puts an end once and for all to this evil. Another two or three years like this would be intolerable."
We don't really know what is happening in the background . If those execs were made to commit suicide or they did it out of debt frustration or what other reason.. We don't really know.. we can only speculate or take the view of the news or others. Also as far as ww3.. we can live in that fear that it will happen. Or choose that it won't.. u opt to feel it will fine... How many times have we been on the threat of it and yet has not happened... We already been told it won't be allowed.. and if we choose not to believe that then well wwiii should be sufficient to fill all the fear glasses me thinks. In any case, honestly How many things we choosing to worry about.. why don't we add to the list.. let's worry about the black death.. that the bad guys could unleash... Or another aids epidemic.. or the next plandemic that is being advertise out there... How about if we worry about how we can make the next day better for ourselves and for the e next sitting or standing by you . Something we ourselves can handle.. within your grasp. I can assure u .. you make ur day a good day and you will radiate that to one beside u who probably needed a soothing moment... We spend the day grouchy discontent.. guess how u will affect those around you. You may not have the money or be the healthiest.. but you can still make a difference in your and people's lives.. btw this has nothing to do with being a light worker or newager or not ... I say this before those that think trying to live in a more positive manner is a cult or is some sort of phenomenon this is more in the area of "the little choo choo that could" (self empowerment) than anything else. Take a moment and look at the mirror while u express the discontent everytime you feel down . What do you see... If we look at it in another way... Worries causes ulcers among other health issues... How many u want to accumulate. Yes we can voice our discontent for current events.. but please do not allow that to rule your life.. for u would have none but worries to feed u blind.
@piperon you know what I don't agree? That the bastards that have been pulling the same colour revolutions in countries they overthrow to use as proxies continue to do so without ANY consequence to them or their own ilk. I also don't agree with Israhell invading Palestine bc the people didn't want to be part of it. Well Donbass was in the same predicament for 8 years and I don't agree those people deserved to be genocided nor demonized either. I don't agree any of it should have happened. I only agree that the likes of Nuland, McCain, Cheney, Biden, clintons etc including low level morons like yats and poro/tymoshenko etc need to have their entire bloodline purged off the face of the earth and all existence. All of them. That is all.
@piperon hi piperon as far as China goes didn't they build brand new cities or at least a whole lot of new housing to attract people to come live in China etc. Than something happened and people decided not to move there which created the financial situation your referring to. That sounds like a good plan to turn a rich company into a deeply indebted company not to mention regular people who were employed and now can't afford to feed there families which I am sympathetic to but that's what I meant when I said about people needing to be more responsible not just citizens but businesses and governments. As far as Russia goes yes I feel bad for the lightworkers as there caught in the middle just like innocent Ukrainians but from multiple sources I've read it seems putin is the good guy in this situation as apparently there wax some real sick and evil shit going on that the Americans amongst other groups or nations that were in support of the terrible and horrible crimes being committed. As far as ww3 I've read and heard that the galactics will not allow nuclear weapons to be used as God himself has declared they cannot and will not be detonated.
@Dragon Heart, @SN, @Scott2, We only live here for 100 years or less, so nothing make me worried and this is only an experience to learn certain lessons but if the Dark were to allowed to wrack havoc everyway they wanted, do you think this is justifiable? And the light forces had been promising many things but none happened. So, do you still trust them? So my conclusion, they are not going to intervene no matter how worst the situations here on Earth because they are not allowed. World War 1 claimed 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. World War 2 claimed 85 million deaths. So, why bother about the nuclear war if so many deaths was allowed? If million death is not bothering you guys, then you should join the Cabal side because you guys fixed the bill completely. Bye.
@Piperon We live 100 years of less, due to the darkies RAPING our DNA. Also, this is NOT a mother fucking 'experience to learn certain lessons'. No, earth is a fucking's NOT a 'school'. And this is NOT a 'movie', nor is it a 'game'. It's WAR, pal. I sure as hell did not chose to come here, I was FORCED against my will.
I was subjected to dream attacks for days on end, but the attacks were so weak that they were meant to be funny. Like today, a man tried to cut me with a knife in my dream. Because I'm so used to it, I was instantly conscious, wants to take his knife, and then I wake up. The entity that attacked me probably realized I was going to cut him next.
A few days ago I had a quick attack from something I felt was sent from the shill here. Yep, I'm psychic. It was recycled in 5 seconds. I'm pretty fast now.
Meanwhile, good thing they exterminated Tom Hanks already. New movie coming out I see *vomit*.
FULCANELLI ET VICTOR HUGO...LES CATHÉDRALES. ...Tesla, Marconi and Fulcanelli are all members of the Brotherhood of the Star...
Angels are ultraviolet, and I venture to say that the Violet Flame opens the doorway to accessing the ultraviolet. The Violet flame may act as a bridge between humans and Angels.
Channelings are totally deceitful. I've seen different people claiming to channel the same being like St. Germain but giving conflicting information. After that I gave up on listening to gurus' channelings.
There is no way to ensure channeling being it the channeler being deceived or doing the deceiving. It's like those shows with psychics, knowing about people in the audience...either certain audience members are plants, actors who merely play a part, or the psychics simply know how the ask questions to legit audience members, asking stuff they'd most likely react right to.
@Astral I say FUCK making earth a 'school'. The experiment's FAILED. Plus my childhood, in regards to school, just helped make me the basket case that I am today. Remember that Pink Floyd song, "Another brick in the wall".
IF the galactics are smart, they will NEVER try this experiment EVER again, it's just not worth it.
Az angyalok miattam vannak itt. Betörtem a területükre. Ugy volt hogy kimaradnak a föld felszabadításából. Mikor megtudták ki vagyok egy sereget küldtek. Azóta segítenek.
Así que han atacado los hombres araña.. buena excusa para que en el contraataque se vaya un poco la mano y caiga lo poco que les queda, un pit y supongo que poco más.
In this period of extreme aggravation of the attacks of the dark forces of the system, while the system is trying to demand from people the release of energies of fear, suffering, hatred, tension, despair, it is very important to counteract this. Fear nothing and no one! Visualize in your mind positive thought forms and pure thoughts of happiness, joy, love, harmony. Try to have peace in your soul and gratitude for everything. And all the positive energies that exist in the Universe will be attracted to your pure energy and will be happy to serve and help you in everything!
Jeannie would be Tony's deficient connection to his I Am Presence, because he cares too little about his Higher Mind and instead puts too much emphasis on the lower mind plane.
NASA he said, would be a means of piercing the veil.
The eye test would be a test of the Light Forces to determine if the Lightworker has enough Higher Dimensional Insight to work with them.
Never A Straight Answer. Using 1950's tech, TODAY, as well as the founders having Nazi and Masonic ties, and that stupid ass Brookings Report, I don't have any faith in NASA.
As I said before, there's a number of us wanting to join the lightforces with the actual fighting....just fix me up, restored me to what I was, and I'll gladly join in the actual battles.
Jinn was an alien race from Vulpecula constellation. They were a humanoid race with reptiloid legs. Their presence in the Middle East gave rise to the mythology of the Jinn but their immune system could not cope with Earth's atmosphere and left Earth. The same applied to Chupacabra, a blood sucker dog creatures that were released by the Reptilian to terrorize the human race. Fortunately, they also die off due to the incompatible atmosphere environment.
The meditations don't work. I think Cobra realized this which is why he's not organizing one. Look at all the meditations we have done over the years, and look at the condition of the planet. Just keeps getting worse and worse. I don't know how things can be fixed, but it is clear mediations are not the answer.
And considering that after each BIG meditation, SOMETHING shitty happened. In January 2020, there was a big one, with like a million participants....then came the covid nonsense. After the big one we did last Xmas, with the petition that the darkies tried to sabotage several times, the Ukraine nonsense happened.
I always look to this quote when it comes to what I think needs to be done:
"Diplomats! The best diplomat I know is a fully activated phaser bank!"
Struggle for the I Am Presence The Blue Djinn would be the programmed I Am Presence of the cabal.
Question: Rothschild's connection to "I Am" should be very weak. Then how can they manifest so many things?
COBRA: The answer will surprise you. The Rothschilds are also very connected to their I Am Presence. They are very advanced and they have a very strong connection to the inner being. But their consciousness has been seriously distorted by implants and their perception of the world has been very distorted...
The freeing of the Blue Djinn should be the elevation of the cabal into higher positions through, for example, admiration and elections.
Jeannie: "if I go with you, will you spare him?" should be the forced withdrawal of the I Am Presence or the Higher Self by the dark forces.
“The dark forces use various things to close the connection with the Higher Self, so it is good to take steps to reopen it.”
As Cobra had said, the Archons could never do 100 percent serious work during the drizzle. But for the most part, those who won't disturb much water were left alone. -Few Soul Years- . The excellent souls were either disabled or weakened, etc.. Currently, even the-vibrating-tree leaves are valued more by the Pleiadians than these great souls who have been set aside...
From 10th December the energy rised up, the consciousness shifted towards the heart within the collective. This high energy is not a bad things but I realize here it seems a emergency. Now some of us ascended. It's beautiful.
I have small children, and i am in so much depression. I start to think a lot about my next life, like this one ended. I feel very bad for my children because i feel like this life has nothing more for me. I feel also that i am not doing my part in the light obligations. Because i dont do what i want, i only do things that are good for other people. I feel absolutly no light in the end of tunnel, never. I dont know how to pass the days. I feel really so bad. Like the purpose of life doesnt exist for me. I dont know how can i live this life until the end. So many strange things are happening. Like something wants to destroy me. I never comment here. Sorry
Maybe you once obliged yourself to help the humanity grow out of the 3d "reality"(like me), but you were doing it at your own expense. It is wrong and unproductive. The people who you want to better will not change unless you leave their thing to them, and concentrate on what YOU want. If you don't do that, they will never change, and it would be you who prevent them from changing, by living for them. You have the right to want anything from life, to experience anything you like, because you chose to live here out of love, and the fact that you are incarnated here says that it's also your world and you have the power to create in it. Don't give your power away, because it is a short way to burnout and not wanting to live anymore. As for children, they are little and deserve care, but we must always strive for solutions that are a win win situation, not that one side lives for another side of the equation.
Thank you so much. I think about what you all 4 said a lot. You made difference in my life. I am glad i commented. You made me happy and i feel more understood.
Attention! The Cabal is preparing a fake alien invasion. Holograms will be displayed. They want to create the NWO. The war in Ukraine will end in March. Information from the Galactic Federation of Light.
I feel very powerful energies right now. Every meditation or dzogchen like practice is increasing its power very much. Like wiping out thought patterns much easier than before, and they also popping up far less (hopefully their number is beginning to decrease significantly). I hope it´s not a false impression and I´m just having a good day..
In this video, Corey Goode says that he made up many things regarding his story. This is from a deposition dated september 26 2022.
It´s better this way, years ago I decided he was not trustworthy with the visit of Sigmund to the Oumuamua "mothership", the superfederation meetings etc. He´s so barefaced that describes himself as a "content creator" for entertaiment, all the time implying all his story is his fictional intellectual property. The point of the deposition is just business. In the end we can only be sure the cabal exists, they have exposed themselves enough, for the rest there´s always a risk of deception, which in his case was too high
I created the Star Races series - a short introduction to the Star Beings for the past 16 years and make NOTHING from my work and yet I was called a BEGGER when I setup a Patreon account to collect some small funds to help the victim of the Myanmar war. Who would do this for free? (And also get humiliated so many times).
Watch the Star Races series at Thanks Cobra for his hard work for so many years.
I found your hard work to be admirable in regards to the series you brought out to the public. In this paradigm is almost necessary to figure out a way to collect money... To some is needed to survive... Your artwork, video n content is not much different from an artist of other genre from painter to writers etc that create their work n sells them. People could pay as a form of support n appreciation or because it finds it useful... Those that feel if u seek compensation is a form of begging or being greedy just because u r a newager.. may need to review that we still function under some rules where money is a necessary. Being compensated is not an evil deed... Is what you do with the wealth you get that can be evil... You could use the money for bigger projects which may help humanity in even more ways.. but to do that there is a need for wealth.... No one is meant to live in a state of lack or need. So don't be discourage by those that put down ur effort to be compensated... In fact is expected that will happen. If not by other newagers but also by the bad guys in an attempt to make sure u don't grow in that aspect.
@Dragon Heart (DH), I thank you sincerely for your encouragement and wise words of advice. I didn't make a single cents for my artwork and hardwork for the past 16 years. Who would do this for free and grain nothing unless you know it is for humanity. I volunteered to be here on Earth but didn't expect to received such harsh setback and humiliation. I will not involve in any future mission in any other planet as voiced. May the LOVE be with you always!
Russia is unable to "defeat the NATO bloc" without using nuclear weapons, a Russian commander has admitted.
Aleksander Khodakovsky, commander of Russian forces in Donetsk, stressed that Russia is fighting against the entire Western world, so the next escalation of the war in Ukraine "can only be one: nuclear."
Thanks for sharing this. Nothing he claimed ever resonated with me, so I never gave him much credibility. Not surprised but a bit relieved that I was always right about that one too.
@Life, I havent listened yet but here are my memories of hearing of Goode. I heard his name somewhere in the alt media years ago. Offplanet media, specifically Randy Maugans and his friend Duncan Ofinioan, were out there by around 2017 calling out the alt media ssp supersoldier blue avian stuff as being a psyop and it made sense to me. CoBra sometime after in interviews and maybe on his blog said that there were things in the exopolitical sphere like the 20 and back programs and ships the size of Jupiter that he could not verify were real.
Real paranormal and secret programs have always been put into myth and media in an altered form like modern science fiction. Some of it is true and some of it is not. Goodes stories seemed like that same over the top science fiction was taken and pushed in the alt media as 100 percent truth. The only real parts were already existing alt media info that sounded like they were blended with a bad comic book.
I listened to his first interview about half way through. He sounded like a traumatized person with few answers. I listened to one more of his that came out later in 2022. He had all the answers, said that the portal blog and people in contact with pleidians were all being deceived, and came across like a Bill Murray character. I never cared for Goode.
For those who are interested there is an episode of Stargate SG-1 where the 4-member team gate to a planet which is found in ruins along with some advanced technology left behind by the civilzation that used to live there.
An Ascended Being follows them back through the stargate (invisible to everyone) and interacts with one of the main team members and shares information about his Ascension. His name is Orlin and he tries to stop the Earth military from activating the weapon left on the planet they traveled to.
The episode is titled 'Ascension' (season 5 episode 3) and you can watch it for free here if you want:
It was said in a post of yours cobra that if we use command 12 21 we would get help.
How is it possible that I haven't had any help with minimal things and my general life quality has dropped so much as time goes by.
I guess I have to understand that a certain ammount of attacks need to happen. But I can barely stay awake 10 hours and have to stay asleep for 12 hours.
The problem isn't even that but the fact that I can't even eat propper food anymore (quality and quantity )to get by without starving ar having health problems.
What is up here? The command 12 21 doesn't work or if it does it is so weak and almost useless. If I can't get even get help with food in general or with this command what is even the point?
Not that I care that much at this point, but things have been tangled at a certain way that one would think need some sort of assistance from beings that claim to help.
Sounds like me and a lot of people. Always so tired can barely move. Food is weird, air is weird, electromagnetic pollution is nuts. I can tell the non-physical planes are improving, but the physical is getting worse. I think that's what's up with 12-21, they can do little or nothing on the physical plane. It's amazing to watch it happen to everyone though. It's a rapid downward spiral. Oh well, this world is pretty entertaining so I try to enjoy that. The mainstream news is filled with sudden deaths and heart attacks, it's hilarious people don't make the connection. It's been increasing the past 2 months. There's at least one case of this every day, just on CNN, and that's just the famous people.
Ed Dowd does a great job with statistics taken from insurance companies showing colossal damage from the vax. At least I have and always will avoid that.
Hi cobra just wondering were the vtx requirements met 3days ago?,my Question is dreamland just another Matrix new program of enslavement?5D,5g etc.because the old one is broken just a thought.i had more but for some reason I choose to deletE💀 victory of the light ✨...
Hey , Je voulais juste informer que le president russe Poutine subissais dénormes attaques spirituelles et que visiblement son etat de santé se degraderais bien vite . Spirituellement vaut mieux pour lui den finir maintenant car chaque jour sa peine spirituelle augmente et le nombre d actes commis contre la loi de l un aussi . Mais ce nest pas le seul en tort ...
Change timelines in time Tony is unhappy with a situation and tries to correct former timelines afterwards to change past events. This is not possible (or only with very high consciousness).
There are ways to straighten timelines for the future. Important for this are for example focused meditations, holding the light and spreading the truth.
Are you guys on a different universe or timeline? Or is this from the future? A reference to a video game campaign? On my timeline the government can't hide anything from us. We only have one international space station, not more than one.
Not happy as in Australia the Deep State murdered some people, but they set them up. They were murdered in their sleep and then the DS waited for police to arrive for a kidnapping and murdered the police! No one saw them shoot them, they just assume it was them - not so. They were murdered themselves. Now it is recorded they were conspiracy theorists who hated police etc etc. Such a giant lie! Really good people, they just do this to anyone they disagree with. I hate having to see this. Wake up people! Don't buy into the DS rubbish!
Meanwhile, we had police parked outside my home as well as a police helicopter circling above. I swear they can't kill me. They recently tried to drop things out of the helicopter but I saw them disappear. They just vanished. These guys really are stupid. So I'm just writing here in case anything happens. Anyway, my guides insist I'm safe as anything - if they have to they will raise my vibration and just spirit me away. Although I want to stay obviously. Gesara / Nesara is coming. It's so exciting now! You know what the DS is like before Christmas - blah. I'm sure they are setting up for many tragedies to happen right before Christmas.
i got no money to rent, i have to scrounge to eat, estranged from family middle class three houses in a one acre compound. became persona non grata after waking up. no recourse in sight except the grim reality of life here-ugandan brother
-cont'd... novel heroes.... alek and jada "the trinity factor" die nidal "eye of the needle" ken follett -hollis... "the charm school" nelson demille magnus pym "a perfect spy" john le carre(R.I.P) the jackal "to the ends of the earth"-david yallop
We must resist the present false Light that Chimera has put in place, a lot of disinformation is present in the alternative media, we must wait for the Cobra update to find out what is going on, the situation is drastic lately, I am going to the Tachyon chamber soon to heal myself in the subtle bodies and reconnect with source so I will be more effective which is not the case right now,my inner ME pushes me to go so I'm going to go, we must free this planet at all costs! but I have to heal my subtle bodies first and detoxify my whole body, I suffered a lot of attacks in my sleep I know that! I am a seed of Light who is awake but cannot yet act even if I meditate because I am too full of negative entities, but I will not let myself be, the Tachyon chamber will heal my subtle bodies and I will really act . I will go there with my mom who will also act, we are more and more numerous when we wake up and it is high time to help our brothers of Light. Victory Of The Light
Hold the Lines!
ReplyDeleteWe are LOVE
We are TRUTH
We are LIGHT
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThat is, what lines should we keep?
DeleteHold the line...
ReplyDeleteSending some love and some flower of life energy, to wherever this is.... I look forward to hearing about the Ascension Paris conference and... Victory of the Light!
ReplyDeleteSexual Healing Meditation :
An example of being programmed sexually :
(Awareness on Top Dark Force Hierarchy,those responsible )
Spiders :
in Cartoons
Games :
Movies :
"Chimera" in Entertainment Media :
- For those base level truthers who are only aware of 1 small aspect of the light forces on the surface** even your sources know about them & tried to tell you :
Ascension :
*reads powerpuff*
DeleteFor once I'd like NOT to see 'TRANS AGENDA!' or 'trans - satan' Ya know?
I've noticed in the agenda that the goal is to create ugly people and to divide people into camps that oppose one another, and to castrate children.
DeleteYet actual transsexuals do not oppose beauty, but seek it, just like their loud opponents. Peace and love.
The trans agenda like all agendas is initiated by the cabal, not average people. Is open borders created by migrants? Every person I see, even on Facebook is explicitly blaming the cabal for this stuff, not average people. The establishment viscously defends gender affirming care which, like everything they say is code, for mutilating surgeries and hormone blocking drugs for children that permanently destroy their bodies. For every real trans child there are 50 who are just going through phases or frankly brainwashed into thinking their dissatisfaction with life is because they're the other gender. A Gallop poll showed 21% of Gen Z identify as LGBT, come on, that's mostly people saying it because the TV and their teacher told them it's cool. Then there's the points that even if people really have gender dysphoria, is it a good idea to destroy one's body? Statistically it makes them more miserable so no. Cutting off body parts will make one feel like crap forever. In some countries, and they're trying everywhere, the government will kidnap children from their parents and do this awful stuff to them anyways. The system tells boys if they like to play with dolls they should cut their dick off and they'll snatch them from their "hateful" parents for preventing it. It's in legislature even here in the US and media like NPR is frothing at the mouth to promote it so don't tell us we're imagining it. I just noticed a CNN podcast episode about the "life threatening" issue of losing gender affirming care. See what they're doing there? Just like us pandemic doubters were "killing people", anyone who wants children to not be mutilated are "killing them" as well. So I don't know what to tell people crying "bigot." They think CNN, NPR, and Stephen Colbert are on their side? Trans issues are the new Weapons of Mass Destruction and pandemic. It's all the same dark forces using all the same tactics.
DeleteNeeds more than spirit and soul....the body is JUST as important, I tell you what.
"Billboards with fashion ads often show boys, with long hair, looking like girls, these days, and girls, somber looking, without a trace of a smile, with botox-lips, and brittle frail bodies, knitting needles." I WISH I had long hair...I WISH I had HAIR, damn it......for me, it's another reason, of many, I HATE my masculine body....It's bad enough when someone, say in their 50's lose their hair....but when someone at SIXTEEN, like ME, lost their's total's like shell shock or PTSD for war veterans. Seriously, SOURCE.......WHY do we even HAVE hair loss..what do we NEED it for?! Also, what's wrong with a male look and sounding like a girl? I'd KILL to look and sound like a girl, Devon.
Not everyone XY is gonna be John Wayne, nor is everyone XX going to be Aubry Hepburn.
And transgenderism has been around for a loooooong time, possibly millennia, it's NOT 'an abomination of life, an ignorance of natural law' Devon. <---- As well as today....having a family of conservative Christians and Catholics, I had no hope in getting the help I needed. And the ravages of puberty were rough on me....went from looking a girl (if you took a picture of my when I was a child, and a picture of my mother when she was a child, you'd think you'd be looking at the same person) from Lord of the Rings, or Charlie Brown in the flesh....NOT good, and something I'll never forgive, for this body is NOT mine...just some freak's who was smart enough not to claim it, leaving me with it.
And when Cobra said that an omnipotent, all powerful god is mere propaganda by the dark forces really makes sense...since NO all knowing, all loving, all caring, all powerful god would allow the shit me, and others, have gone through.
I hope I get to KILL as many darkies as possible. I want both justice and vengeance, Devon.
The Archons and the Chimera, once I am healed, and restored to an alien woman.....WILL learn the TRUE meaning of PAIN, Devon, for what they did to me. For once I am through with them, they will PRAY FOR DEATH.
What's wrong?
ReplyDeleteAs usual.
ReplyDeleteWho is making these security breaches and to whom? Regardless, this is probably going to be fine anyway, just like with 50 or so "breaches" before?
DeleteI asked myself what's the best way to help with this drastic security breach at 504. Answer:
ReplyDelete6 of swords reversed.
in a nutshell, we (or I) are not using our rational, scientific, systematic, logical mind to its fullest potential.
In other words, we are missing something!
Let's regain our footing here friends!
Muito bem colocado. É exatamente a minha percepção sobre mim mesmo! Essa é a dura realidade.
DeleteLove is all !
ReplyDeleteWoke up at 3:33 this morning heard a pop and something trying to open a dark portal on my wall that has been troublesome, but stayed closed. Saw dark shadow in a turned off TV reflection in my dream and some dark filaments briefly IRL upon waking. I think the Archons are panicking and trying to syphon off any last energy they can from us and reactivate dark grids (won't work those grids are already damaged beyond repair). Did feel really peaceful today, like a major Light victory will be apparent to even regular Earth humans VERY soon!
ReplyDelete1 small screw left to wash... I understand. Soap goes in a mouth for a reason. Pete confirmed.
ReplyDeleteEvento agora por favor. Chega de esperar.
ReplyDeleteSe isso tudo for real por favor acionar o evento agora. Chega de espera e tortura.
ReplyDeleteO livre arbítrio não está se do respeitado aqui. Acho que já passou da hora de agirem. Impossível que a luz não tenha forças para vencer. Chega de promessas e ilusões.
ReplyDeleteEverybody is tired of the fucking Cabal...
ReplyDeleteCan we just remove them from this realm?
Agreed teleport them now
DeleteMaybe time to shut 504 down and relocate...?
ReplyDeleteDoes anybody know a great book on opening chakras and spreading positive energy?
ReplyDeleteThank you guys so much!
Victory of the Light!
Thank you.
DeleteThe little choo choo that could :)
DeleteKundalini & the Chakras: Evolution in this Lifetime by Genevieve L. Paulson
DeleteThe richest China building construction company CEO jumped out of his home from 38th floor and ended his life a few days ago. And 11 construction company owner also ended their lifes. And many are in heavy debt and can't even afford to pay house loans, credit card debt, etc and can't even have food on the table. How many more death do the light forces expected before the intervention? What happened to the promised NESARA/GESARA? I totally lost faith in the light forces with all the empty promises!!!
ReplyDeleteLightpower could not translate it
DeleteYes, the economy is really bad and most people are living under stress. In this case, there is a greater need for meditation to stabilize the energy grid of the earth, especially the Russian and NATO peace meditation. A stable energy grid can speed up the clearing of the light forces. If we can all turn our complaints into action, then the incident is very likely to happen next year.
DeleteSo you have abandoned the light because rich people commit suicide. If there really rich why can't they pay off there credit cards loans etc etc. You seem to think that earthlings can do whatever they want and the galactics will just solve everything. How about people take responsibility for there actions and use common sense rather than just be reckless and leave the mess and problems they create for someone else to sort out.
DeleteIt's time money goes the way of the in EXTINCT, like in Star Trek. Sorry, to me, making money is NOT living.
I can't many more have to die of the V? Watched a video from all exhibited same symptoms ..looking upward turning in a circle falling down..limbs all stiff and outstretched!! Horrible but it's happening ..sure soul contracts and all but gesara and truth wld change alot..where I live they just adjusted our property taxes 30%no joke..or $2000 a's insanity food prices all of it...more will commit suicide as it gets worse
DeleteThey were the richest construction company before the Pandemic and now they are in deep debt and cannot withdrawn from such hardship and chosen to end their lifes in such pathetic way. And many are enduring the same scenario now in China and everywhere else. If you have a little compassion, you would not said the above because you are not going thru the same suffering like them. First, you asked yourself this question "Who created the Pandemic and caused so many death and suffering around the world now?". Then, asked yourself this question "Do they deserve such suffering and end their lifes this way and if this happened to yourself and your family, what would you do?". Lastly, I left this site due to the low compassion of so called "Lightworkers" here when the Russia invasion started (I totally DO NOT agreed with is invasion) and now you see how many people were killed during this operation?). Now, you see this invasion is not doing any good and destroyed many families and lifes. And there is a huge risk of World War 3 too if this continue.
@Unbeknown Universe,
DeleteThe Translation for Lightpower is as follows :-
"We are going too far with this stalemate. It takes a powerful intervention that puts an end once and for all to this evil. Another two or three years like this would be intolerable."
Thanks Piperon google would not let me translate
DeleteWe don't really know what is happening in the background . If those execs were made to commit suicide or they did it out of debt frustration or what other reason.. We don't really know.. we can only speculate or take the view of the news or others. Also as far as ww3.. we can live in that fear that it will happen. Or choose that it won't.. u opt to feel it will fine... How many times have we been on the threat of it and yet has not happened... We already been told it won't be allowed.. and if we choose not to believe that then well wwiii should be sufficient to fill all the fear glasses me thinks. In any case, honestly How many things we choosing to worry about.. why don't we add to the list.. let's worry about the black death.. that the bad guys could unleash... Or another aids epidemic.. or the next plandemic that is being advertise out there... How about if we worry about how we can make the next day better for ourselves and for the e next sitting or standing by you . Something we ourselves can handle.. within your grasp. I can assure u .. you make ur day a good day and you will radiate that to one beside u who probably needed a soothing moment... We spend the day grouchy discontent.. guess how u will affect those around you. You may not have the money or be the healthiest.. but you can still make a difference in your and people's lives.. btw this has nothing to do with being a light worker or newager or not ... I say this before those that think trying to live in a more positive manner is a cult or is some sort of phenomenon this is more in the area of "the little choo choo that could" (self empowerment) than anything else. Take a moment and look at the mirror while u express the discontent everytime you feel down . What do you see...
DeleteIf we look at it in another way... Worries causes ulcers among other health issues... How many u want to accumulate.
Yes we can voice our discontent for current events.. but please do not allow that to rule your life.. for u would have none but worries to feed u blind.
@piperon you know what I don't agree? That the bastards that have been pulling the same colour revolutions in countries they overthrow to use as proxies continue to do so without ANY consequence to them or their own ilk. I also don't agree with Israhell invading Palestine bc the people didn't want to be part of it. Well Donbass was in the same predicament for 8 years and I don't agree those people deserved to be genocided nor demonized either. I don't agree any of it should have happened. I only agree that the likes of Nuland, McCain, Cheney, Biden, clintons etc including low level morons like yats and poro/tymoshenko etc need to have their entire bloodline purged off the face of the earth and all existence. All of them. That is all.
Delete@piperon hi piperon as far as China goes didn't they build brand new cities or at least a whole lot of new housing to attract people to come live in China etc. Than something happened and people decided not to move there which created the financial situation your referring to. That sounds like a good plan to turn a rich company into a deeply indebted company not to mention regular people who were employed and now can't afford to feed there families which I am sympathetic to but that's what I meant when I said about people needing to be more responsible not just citizens but businesses and governments. As far as Russia goes yes I feel bad for the lightworkers as there caught in the middle just like innocent Ukrainians but from multiple sources I've read it seems putin is the good guy in this situation as apparently there wax some real sick and evil shit going on that the Americans amongst other groups or nations that were in support of the terrible and horrible crimes being committed. As far as ww3 I've read and heard that the galactics will not allow nuclear weapons to be used as God himself has declared they cannot and will not be detonated.
Delete@Dragon Heart, @SN, @Scott2,
DeleteWe only live here for 100 years or less, so nothing make me worried and this is only an experience to learn certain lessons but if the Dark were to allowed to wrack havoc everyway they wanted, do you think this is justifiable? And the light forces had been promising many things but none happened. So, do you still trust them? So my conclusion, they are not going to intervene no matter how worst the situations here on Earth because they are not allowed. World War 1 claimed 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. World War 2 claimed 85 million deaths. So, why bother about the nuclear war if so many deaths was allowed? If million death is not bothering you guys, then you should join the Cabal side because you guys fixed the bill completely. Bye.
DeleteWe live 100 years of less, due to the darkies RAPING our DNA. Also, this is NOT a mother fucking 'experience to learn certain lessons'. No, earth is a fucking's NOT a 'school'. And this is NOT a 'movie', nor is it a 'game'. It's WAR, pal. I sure as hell did not chose to come here, I was FORCED against my will.
On comprend pas tout, ça veut dire quoi. Merci beaucoup
ReplyDeleteCe sont des codes à l'attention du mouvement de la Résistance, donc pas pour nous (These are codes towards RM, not for us)
DeleteOur entire solar system is changing rapidly:
Vem aí um portal 21/12 o que poderemos esperar, meu coração dizendo algo grande no ar.
ReplyDeleteFor all the Lightworkers out there, here is an app that includes a series of simple techniques for contacting benevolent angelic entities:
Also, if you like it and feel so guided, feel free to share, rate and review this app.
Victory of the Light!
Angels are much more powerful than I previously thought. Very synchronistic, thank you.
DeleteWell next week i hope a update is coming, let's go light forces, destroy this last base!
ReplyDeleteCobra is the last base destroyed? , i feel something have changed!
DeleteI was subjected to dream attacks for days on end, but the attacks were so weak that they were meant to be funny. Like today, a man tried to cut me with a knife in my dream. Because I'm so used to it, I was instantly conscious, wants to take his knife, and then I wake up. The entity that attacked me probably realized I was going to cut him next.
ReplyDeleteA few days ago I had a quick attack from something I felt was sent from the shill here. Yep, I'm psychic. It was recycled in 5 seconds. I'm pretty fast now.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, good thing they exterminated Tom Hanks already. New movie coming out I see *vomit*.
Is there any proof Hanks is worm food, now?
DeleteFULCANELLI ET VICTOR HUGO...LES CATHÉDRALES. ...Tesla, Marconi and Fulcanelli are all members of the Brotherhood of the Star...
Who remains that can do this?? I thought all off world brings were removed??
ReplyDeleteUpdated: An Important Divine Message for the Cabal/Dark Forces and ANYONE Involved in Negative Activities
Angels are ultraviolet, and I venture to say that the Violet Flame opens the doorway to accessing the ultraviolet. The Violet flame may act as a bridge between humans and Angels.
ReplyDeleteThis is St Germain. Very interesting.
I liked the bit at 5.40 onwards. I didn't even quite realise.
Channelings are totally deceitful. I've seen different people claiming to channel the same being like St. Germain but giving conflicting information. After that I gave up on listening to gurus' channelings.
DeleteThere is no way to ensure channeling being it the channeler being deceived or doing the deceiving. It's like those shows with psychics, knowing about people in the audience...either certain audience members are plants, actors who merely play a part, or the psychics simply know how the ask questions to legit audience members, asking stuff they'd most likely react right to.
DeleteI say FUCK making earth a 'school'. The experiment's FAILED. Plus my childhood, in regards to school, just helped make me the basket case that I am today. Remember that Pink Floyd song, "Another brick in the wall".
IF the galactics are smart, they will NEVER try this experiment EVER again, it's just not worth it.
(It's unknown if Angels are the same as the Light Forces. Maybe there is an overlap.)
ReplyDeleteAz angyalok miattam vannak itt. Betörtem a területükre. Ugy volt hogy kimaradnak a föld felszabadításából. Mikor megtudták ki vagyok egy sereget küldtek. Azóta segítenek.
DeleteI feel it Cobra. I close my eyes and the ground shakes beneath me. Are we in the storm?
ReplyDeleteIn the middle of the apocalypse...
DeleteThe revelations
Así que han atacado los hombres araña.. buena excusa para que en el contraataque se vaya un poco la mano y caiga lo poco que les queda, un pit y supongo que poco más.
In this period of extreme aggravation of the attacks of the dark forces of the system, while the system is trying to demand from people the release of energies of fear, suffering, hatred, tension, despair, it is very important to counteract this.
ReplyDeleteFear nothing and no one!
Visualize in your mind positive thought forms and pure thoughts of happiness,
joy, love, harmony. Try to have peace in your soul and gratitude for everything.
And all the positive energies that exist in the Universe will be attracted to your pure energy and will be happy to serve and help you in everything!
Suitable for cooperation with the light forces?
ReplyDeleteJeannie would be Tony's deficient connection to his I Am Presence, because he cares too little about his Higher Mind and instead puts too much emphasis on the lower mind plane.
NASA he said, would be a means of piercing the veil.
The eye test would be a test of the Light Forces to determine if the Lightworker has enough Higher Dimensional Insight to work with them.
So far, all that NASA means is
DeleteNever A Straight Answer.
Using 1950's tech, TODAY, as well as the founders having Nazi and Masonic ties, and that stupid ass Brookings Report, I don't have any faith in NASA.
As I said before, there's a number of us wanting to join the lightforces with the actual fighting....just fix me up, restored me to what I was, and I'll gladly join in the actual battles.
Anyone have a link of the notes from cobra conference in Paris ?
ReplyDeleteWas wondering if Cobra could give his perspective on the Jinn. 🙂
ReplyDeleteJinn was an alien race from Vulpecula constellation. They were a humanoid race with reptiloid legs. Their presence in the Middle East gave rise to the mythology of the Jinn but their immune system could not cope with Earth's atmosphere and left Earth. The same applied to Chupacabra, a blood sucker dog creatures that were released by the Reptilian to terrorize the human race. Fortunately, they also die off due to the incompatible atmosphere environment.
DeletePiperon, there is information I'm referring to that goes way beyond the Et stuff when it comes to Jinn.
DeleteWell, its the 12th of december and Cobra didnt announce and schedule a 21th december global meditation yet
ReplyDeleteThats weird
The meditations don't work. I think Cobra realized this which is why he's not organizing one. Look at all the meditations we have done over the years, and look at the condition of the planet. Just keeps getting worse and worse. I don't know how
Deletethings can be fixed, but it is clear mediations are not the answer.
Maybe not needed!! Let's go!
DeleteAnd considering that after each BIG meditation, SOMETHING shitty happened. In January 2020, there was a big one, with like a million participants....then came the covid nonsense. After the big one we did last Xmas, with the petition that the darkies tried to sabotage several times, the Ukraine nonsense happened.
DeleteI always look to this quote when it comes to what I think needs to be done:
"Diplomats! The best diplomat I know is a fully activated phaser bank!"
- Scott, after Fox leaves the bridge
Struggle for the I Am Presence
ReplyDeleteThe Blue Djinn would be the programmed I Am Presence of the cabal.
Question: Rothschild's connection to "I Am" should be very weak. Then how can they manifest so many things?
COBRA: The answer will surprise you. The Rothschilds are also very connected to their I Am Presence. They are very advanced and they have a very strong connection to the inner being. But their consciousness has been seriously distorted by implants and their perception of the world has been very distorted...
The freeing of the Blue Djinn should be the elevation of the cabal into higher positions through, for example, admiration and elections.
Jeannie: "if I go with you, will you spare him?" should be the forced withdrawal of the I Am Presence or the Higher Self by the dark forces.
“The dark forces use various things to close the connection with the Higher Self, so it is good to take steps to reopen it.”
The ultimate escape would be the result of the connection to the I Am Presence.
ReplyDeleteAs Cobra had said, the Archons could never do 100 percent serious work during the drizzle. But for the most part, those who won't disturb much water were left alone. -Few Soul Years- . The excellent souls were either disabled or weakened, etc.. Currently, even the-vibrating-tree leaves are valued more by the Pleiadians than these great souls who have been set aside...
ReplyDeleteFrom 10th December the energy rised up, the consciousness shifted towards the heart within the collective. This high energy is not a bad things but I realize here it seems a emergency. Now some of us ascended. It's beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI have small children, and i am in so much depression. I start to think a lot about my next life, like this one ended. I feel very bad for my children because i feel like this life has nothing more for me. I feel also that i am not doing my part in the light obligations. Because i dont do what i want, i only do things that are good for other people. I feel absolutly no light in the end of tunnel, never. I dont know how to pass the days. I feel really so bad. Like the purpose of life doesnt exist for me. I dont know how can i live this life until the end. So many strange things are happening. Like something wants to destroy me. I never comment here. Sorry
ReplyDeleteMaybe you once obliged yourself to help the humanity grow out of the 3d "reality"(like me), but you were doing it at your own expense. It is wrong and unproductive. The people who you want to better will not change unless you leave their thing to them, and concentrate on what YOU want. If you don't do that, they will never change, and it would be you who prevent them from changing, by living for them. You have the right to want anything from life, to experience anything you like, because you chose to live here out of love, and the fact that you are incarnated here says that it's also your world and you have the power to create in it. Don't give your power away, because it is a short way to burnout and not wanting to live anymore.
DeleteAs for children, they are little and deserve care, but we must always strive for solutions that are a win win situation, not that one side lives for another side of the equation.
Beloved, by being here in physical you are already shinning your Divine light to balance out the Dark. May the LOVE be with you always!
DeleteBut the dark needs to be destroyed.....can't just 'shine the light' and that's it.
DeleteThank you so much. I think about what you all 4 said a lot. You made difference in my life. I am glad i commented. You made me happy and i feel more understood.
DeleteFrom the Federation of Light:
ReplyDeleteThe Cabal is preparing a fake alien invasion. Holograms will be displayed. They want to create the NWO. The war in Ukraine will end in March.
Attention! The Cabal is preparing a fake alien invasion. Holograms will be displayed. They want to create the NWO. The war in Ukraine will end in March. Information from the Galactic Federation of Light.
ReplyDeleteWill the light forces ALLOW said fake alien invasion? I could see the masses fearing and hating aliens, like they did with Arabs after 9-11.
DeleteI feel very powerful energies right now. Every meditation or dzogchen like practice is increasing its power very much. Like wiping out thought patterns much easier than before, and they also popping up far less (hopefully their number is beginning to decrease significantly). I hope it´s not a false impression and I´m just having a good day..
ReplyDeleteIn this video, Corey Goode says that he made up many things regarding his story. This is from a deposition dated september 26 2022.
ReplyDeleteIt´s better this way, years ago I decided he was not trustworthy with the visit of Sigmund to the Oumuamua "mothership", the superfederation meetings etc. He´s so barefaced that describes himself as a "content creator" for entertaiment, all the time implying all his story is his fictional intellectual property. The point of the deposition is just business.
DeleteIn the end we can only be sure the cabal exists, they have exposed themselves enough, for the rest there´s always a risk of deception, which in his case was too high
Thank you. No mercy to those who lie about Ets.
DeleteAt around 45 minutes in Goode definitely says it's not real. Wow!
DeleteI created the Star Races series - a short introduction to the Star Beings for the past 16 years and make NOTHING from my work and yet I was called a BEGGER when I setup a Patreon account to collect some small funds to help the victim of the Myanmar war. Who would do this for free? (And also get humiliated so many times).
DeleteWatch the Star Races series at
Thanks Cobra for his hard work for so many years.
I am grateful for the truth, to much deception in this reality. One day, eveything will come to light 💙
DeleteI found your hard work to be admirable in regards to the series you brought out to the public. In this paradigm is almost necessary to figure out a way to collect money... To some is needed to survive... Your artwork, video n content is not much different from an artist of other genre from painter to writers etc that create their work n sells them. People could pay as a form of support n appreciation or because it finds it useful... Those that feel if u seek compensation is a form of begging or being greedy just because u r a newager.. may need to review that we still function under some rules where money is a necessary. Being compensated is not an evil deed... Is what you do with the wealth you get that can be evil... You could use the money for bigger projects which may help humanity in even more ways.. but to do that there is a need for wealth.... No one is meant to live in a state of lack or need. So don't be discourage by those that put down ur effort to be compensated... In fact is expected that will happen. If not by other newagers but also by the bad guys in an attempt to make sure u don't grow in that aspect.
DeleteErr.previous message was for piperon
Delete@Dragon Heart (DH),
DeleteI thank you sincerely for your encouragement and wise words of advice. I didn't make a single cents for my artwork and hardwork for the past 16 years. Who would do this for free and grain nothing unless you know it is for humanity. I volunteered to be here on Earth but didn't expect to received such harsh setback and humiliation. I will not involve in any future mission in any other planet as voiced.
May the LOVE be with you always!
Russia is unable to "defeat the NATO bloc" without using nuclear weapons, a Russian commander has admitted.
Aleksander Khodakovsky, commander of Russian forces in Donetsk, stressed that Russia is fighting against the entire Western world, so the next escalation of the war in Ukraine "can only be one: nuclear."
The USA and NATO are the scourge of humanity
DeleteSpiritual manipulators
ReplyDeleteJeannie may be Toni's still poorly trained relationship to the I Am Presence.
Tony may be a man who gives up his own training of the relationship to the Inner Reality and instead seeks help from the outside.
The Blue Djinn represents a "spiritual teaching" supported by the Dark Forces, e.g. "Suffering serves spiritual growth".
Roger being someone who wants to make the I Am presence of others work for him by manipulating others.
Corey goode disposition, what a watch, admits made up stuff, anshar, 20 and back etc, cringing, it's on video
DeleteThanks for sharing this.
Nothing he claimed ever resonated with me, so I never gave him much credibility. Not surprised but a bit relieved that I was always right about that one too.
@Life, I havent listened yet but here are my memories of hearing of Goode. I heard his name somewhere in the alt media years ago. Offplanet media, specifically Randy Maugans and his friend Duncan Ofinioan, were out there by around 2017 calling out the alt media ssp supersoldier blue avian stuff as being a psyop and it made sense to me. CoBra sometime after in interviews and maybe on his blog said that there were things in the exopolitical sphere like the 20 and back programs and ships the size of Jupiter that he could not verify were real.
DeleteReal paranormal and secret programs have always been put into myth and media in an altered form like modern science fiction. Some of it is true and some of it is not. Goodes stories seemed like that same over the top science fiction was taken and pushed in the alt media as 100 percent truth. The only real parts were already existing alt media info that sounded like they were blended with a bad comic book.
I listened to his first interview about half way through. He sounded like a traumatized person with few answers. I listened to one more of his that came out later in 2022. He had all the answers, said that the portal blog and people in contact with pleidians were all being deceived, and came across like a Bill Murray character. I never cared for Goode.
Are you serious Goode made it all up or is he being threatened now to say that??
DeleteEither way, Doug, he's a fraud.
DeleteDrastic security breach at Earth...
ReplyDeleteThings are escalating quickly, make sure to get under the desk for protection...
ReplyDeleteNight Shift.
For those who are interested there is an episode of Stargate SG-1 where the 4-member team gate to a planet which is found in ruins along with some advanced technology left behind by the civilzation that used to live there.
ReplyDeleteAn Ascended Being follows them back through the stargate (invisible to everyone) and interacts with one of the main team members and shares information about his Ascension. His name is Orlin and he tries to stop the Earth military from activating the weapon left on the planet they traveled to.
The episode is titled 'Ascension' (season 5 episode 3) and you can watch it for free here if you want:
Thank you
DeleteIt was said in a post of yours cobra that if we use command 12 21 we would get help.
ReplyDeleteHow is it possible that I haven't had any help with minimal things and my general life quality has dropped so much as time goes by.
I guess I have to understand that a certain ammount of attacks need to happen. But I can barely stay awake 10 hours and have to stay asleep for 12 hours.
The problem isn't even that but the fact that I can't even eat propper food anymore (quality and quantity )to get by without starving ar having health problems.
What is up here? The command 12 21 doesn't work or if it does it is so weak and almost useless. If
I can't get even get help with food in general or with this command what is even the point?
Not that I care that much at this point, but things have been tangled at a certain way that one would think need some sort of assistance from beings that claim to help.
Sounds like me and a lot of people. Always so tired can barely move. Food is weird, air is weird, electromagnetic pollution is nuts. I can tell the non-physical planes are improving, but the physical is getting worse. I think that's what's up with 12-21, they can do little or nothing on the physical plane. It's amazing to watch it happen to everyone though. It's a rapid downward spiral. Oh well, this world is pretty entertaining so I try to enjoy that. The mainstream news is filled with sudden deaths and heart attacks, it's hilarious people don't make the connection. It's been increasing the past 2 months. There's at least one case of this every day, just on CNN, and that's just the famous people.
Ed Dowd does a great job with statistics taken from insurance companies showing colossal damage from the vax. At least I have and always will avoid that.
Hang in there!
What's so entertaining about this planet?
DeleteHi cobra just wondering were the vtx requirements met 3days ago?,my Question is dreamland just another Matrix new program of enslavement?5D,5g etc.because the old one is broken just a thought.i had more but for some reason I choose to deletE💀 victory of the light ✨...
ReplyDeleteMonetarily, the United States is over, but despite this, it is still holding its own. Thanks to the gray hats .
DeleteThey won't take America
DeleteA bunch of pits were cleaned by the Andromedans in half a month. Then after a month and a half, where can they be ?
ReplyDeleteat Wewelsburg in Germany if Cobra confirms, they are in the pits of the castle, but at this point i'm not sure
DeleteHey , Je voulais juste informer que le president russe Poutine subissais dénormes attaques spirituelles et que visiblement son etat de santé se degraderais bien vite . Spirituellement vaut mieux pour lui den finir maintenant car chaque jour sa peine spirituelle augmente et le nombre d actes commis contre la loi de l un aussi . Mais ce nest pas le seul en tort ...
ReplyDeleteChange timelines in time
ReplyDeleteTony is unhappy with a situation and tries to correct former timelines afterwards to change past events. This is not possible (or only with very high consciousness).
There are ways to straighten timelines for the future. Important for this are for example focused meditations, holding the light and spreading the truth.
DeleteAre you guys on a different universe or timeline? Or is this from the future? A reference to a video game campaign? On my timeline the government can't hide anything from us. We only have one international space station, not more than one.
ReplyDeletePlease expand.. Who is the president on your timeline. //You are referring to which comment or the blog post?
DeleteThey been able to hide many's not the mainstream narrative that's it's incompetent clowns running things.
Not happy as in Australia the Deep State murdered some people, but they set them up. They were murdered in their sleep and then the DS waited for police to arrive for a kidnapping and murdered the police! No one saw them shoot them, they just assume it was them - not so. They were murdered themselves. Now it is recorded they were conspiracy theorists who hated police etc etc. Such a giant lie! Really good people, they just do this to anyone they disagree with. I hate having to see this. Wake up people! Don't buy into the DS rubbish!
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, we had police parked outside my home as well as a police helicopter circling above. I swear they can't kill me. They recently tried to drop things out of the helicopter but I saw them disappear. They just vanished. These guys really are stupid. So I'm just writing here in case anything happens. Anyway, my guides insist I'm safe as anything - if they have to they will raise my vibration and just spirit me away. Although I want to stay obviously. Gesara / Nesara is coming. It's so exciting now!
You know what the DS is like before Christmas - blah. I'm sure they are setting up for many tragedies to happen right before Christmas.
As a Rock.
That's what this Love is.
There is No Stopping the Inevitable
Confronting The Duality - Earth Empaths and Randy Maugans
i got no money to rent, i have to scrounge to eat, estranged from family middle class three houses in a one acre compound. became persona non grata after waking up. no recourse in sight except the grim reality of life here-ugandan brother
ReplyDeletenovel heroes....
alek and jada "the trinity factor"
die nidal "eye of the needle" ken follett
-hollis... "the charm school" nelson demille
magnus pym "a perfect spy" john le carre(R.I.P)
the jackal "to the ends of the earth"-david yallop
We must resist the present false Light that Chimera has put in place, a lot of disinformation is present in the alternative media, we must wait for the Cobra update to find out what is going on, the situation is drastic lately, I am going to the Tachyon chamber soon to heal myself in the subtle bodies and reconnect with source so I will be more effective which is not the case right now,my inner ME pushes me to go so I'm going to go, we must free this planet at all costs! but I have to heal my subtle bodies first and detoxify my whole body, I suffered a lot of attacks in my sleep I know that! I am a seed of Light who is awake but cannot yet act even if I meditate because I am too full of negative entities, but I will not let myself be, the Tachyon chamber will heal my subtle bodies and I will really act . I will go there with my mom who will also act, we are more and more numerous when we wake up and it is high time to help our brothers of Light. Victory Of The Light