Monday, February 6, 2023

Goddess Temple Project Cobra Interview and an Urgent Meditation for Turkey/Syria

A new Cobra interview about Goddess Temple project has been released on Youtube:

You can read the transcript in English here:

In German here: 

In French here: 

In Italian here: 

In Spanish here: 

In Portuguese here:

In Romanian here:

In Slovenian here:

In Polish here:

In Hungarian here:

In Arabic here: 

In Persian here:

In Hindi here: 

In Telugu here: 

In Japanese here: 

And in Chinese here:


The Light Forces have requested those who feel so guided to participate in our meditation to heal the consequences of the recent Turkey / Syria earthquake:

Victory of the Light!


  1. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    The post in french / L'article en français :

    The interview in french / L'interview en français :

    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

    1. Information for distribution

      Daily Clout - "Dr. Naomi Wolf Details ‘The Chamber of Horrors’ the Jab Poses to Women’s Reproductive Health"

  2. VICTORY OF THE LIGHT ✨🌠⭐ Templos da deusa serão construídos no Brasil por mim, nos estados do Ceará, Espírito Santo, Bahia e Santa Catarina, louvado seja a deusa 🙏❤️

    1. Estamos juntos, fico com São Paulo .

    2. Estaremos juntos sempre como uma Família ❤️❤️ ninguém anda sozinho por aqui..

  3. German translation of the interview / deutsche Übersetzung des Interviews:

    1. Recent Light🌎💗

  4. En español:

    Cobra: Okay. I would like to say that those who are still maintaining and holding the Light are very courageous and brave beings and very powerful beings, because there have been so many tests, so many challenges, so much disappointment in the last few years, that those who are still holding the Light are heroes of the new society, and Victory of the Light!

  5. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

  6. Méditation FRANCAISE/FRENCH meditation

  7. It's endless, there is always something to push back the event....

    1. Isn't it time to accept that there won't be an event?

    2. L événement est l anéantisement de cette civilisation 😒

    3. sherman , the usual that we do many lifes now.. come and go and repeat.. if you follow the blog from the early days, its easy to understand what B wrote..

    4. @Ingi
      so, in otherwords, be a disposable utility?

      and, just for your information, there will be NO more lives for ME after this.

    5. Why is it that every time celestial beings come down to Earth they compel humans to build temples and worship them as gods and goddesses? This is how every religion that ever came to be started. It is always the same old song and dance. They come here with a bunch of unfulfilled promises and half truths. They promise us paradise and threaten Armageddon at the same time as some kind of coercive duality. Why do omnipotent beings need to be worshiped anyway? Can't people understand it is WE who have the power.

      Humans need to stand up and stop groveling. Learn to stand in your own "I am" presence. You ARE the temple. Stop giving your power away to these phonies. We are the heroes we are looking for.

    6. Ahh.. yes let's follow B advise.. because we are not getting the results of his and or some's expectations... because a planet Liberation that has been in lockdown for 2600 years, the process of freeing has had taken too long in his lifetime. well let's see, the planet Liberation has been ongoing since before this present incarnation I bet.. n his expectation of being completed by now has not been met as drawbacks is not pausable at this stage per his view.. because after all.. nothing is dynamic or volatile...

      Expect similar comments at any other post where he or others do not see the "done" idea.

      In fact.. is my understanding that when the event happens it will just happen without us being informed via this medium.. everyone will notice it.. right before their eyes... but what you will get in meantime via this medium is a progress report.. which includes the ups and down as the battle still rages at all levels.. so expecting all roses as report is bit off as a view imho.

      Assuming you are not trying purposely to bring peoples hope down.... as we know that would be ideal for the bad guys.. such remarklk may make a dent on a few's morale level especially the newbies but doubtful on the majority. None the less would be always advisable to be mindful of your thoughts especially when u know it could bring others down with you... if your intent of course was innocent in nature as it sometimes happens then the above advise applies.

    7. sherman, be just as ourselves.. i am glad for you that its your last one , my regards

    8. DEMONSTRATE this 'power', Nov....for that 'we are the ones we have been waiting for!' always, and I mean always, makes me roll my eyes. So, show us this power, oh bad ass sensei....

    9. @ingi

      I'll 'be myself' once the aliens come and restore me....can't be myself now. Also, as I said, IF I am doomed to die on this rotten planet, as I am now, I will die with hatred for both the darkies AND the light forces, and both of them are gonna be dealing with a soul full of murderous fury, and hate, and I am gonna hunt 'em Obi Won said, "strike me down, and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly imagine", think a feminine Unicron. So, if I get an unhappy ending.....I'll become a monster, DON'T be too glad for me.

  8. (Pour FRANCOPHONES) 8 février 21h CET ( et en replay) ÉMISSION spéciale explication "Équateur de la Déesse" (Cobra) + Sororité de la Rose/énergie de la Déesse + Temples de la Déesse/projets

    (For FRENCH-SPEAKERS) February 8th, 21:00 CET (and replay) french session to explain "Equator of the Goddess" (Cobra) +interview+ Sisterhood of the Rose/Goddess Energy + Temples of the Goddess/Projects

  9. Hi everyone,

    A reminder to everyone that we have a discord server where we discuss Cobra's posts and hand out. Everyone is welcome to participate.

    We also have a space on an app called Element. It's also used and might be good to have since our last discord server got shut down, better be safe than sorry.

    See you there 😌

  10. V slovenščini:

    Dragi bralci, prevod prepisa intervjuja je v teku.

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  11. With all due respect we need to prevent events like Turkey people are killed...bldgs taken down .. earthquake weapons being used.

    1. I realize some quakes are manmade (HAARP). Some are the result of underground bases being destroyed, and some are a release of stuck dark energy by Gaia herself. It's kinda hard to tell which is the case...

    2. As long as there is still primary anomaly, such events can be limited but not prevented.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. @3k14Pi TAKING OUT HAARP, taking out their operators.

  12. Thanks for the interview!
    Interview transalated to spanish
    Entrevista traducida al castellano

    Meditación urgente de la Columna Búdica para Turquía y Siria

  13. PFC Japan asks great questions. I tried the Goddess Vortex Meditation, the one where you spin and say "iiiiiii, eeee-aaaa", it felt amazing! You can get the tone to really resonate through your being, even if it's quiet.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Interview transcription in Portuguese:

  16. [Abridged]
    Terry: You mentioned in the post "The Return of the spirit" that when the black hole from the implants and from the inverted grid on the surface of the planet are removed and go below their critical mass level, the positive spiritual energy from the Buddhic plane will again begin to precipitate on mental, astral and etheric and physical planes on the surface of the planet. What is the relationship between the positive energy and the bubbles of heaven?

    Cobra: This positive energy is going to come from the Galactic Central Sun and actually also from the Cosmic Central Sun, and will increase first gradually and then exponentially, and it will start creating bubbles of heaven, which will first be unnoticeable because they'll be so small. But those bubbles will actually be bubbles of pure energy without anomaly, and at some point they will become noticeable.

    Terry: So that means the positive energy is the source for the bubbles of the heaven?

    Cobra: Yes.
    Cobra: Gold with quartz creates a very powerful and very beneficial combination that connects us with our higher self and strengthens our free will. So it's a very beneficial, very spiritual and very powerful combination.

    It has to be natural gold in quartz (not tachyonized).
    Jedi: Next. Both Goddess Atargatis and Goddess Isis come from Sirius Star System. Is there any remarkable relationship between them?

    Cobra: Yes. They both come from the same soul family.
    Jedi: You mentioned that the Galactic Central Sun is a portal of the 7th dimension. What dimension can Cosmic Central Sun access as a portal?

    Cobra: 11th dimension.

    Jedi: You also mentioned that Cosmic Central Sun is not a physical Sun, so what form of existence does it belong to? Is it plasma, ether, or something even more energetic?

    Cobra: It has a physical form, but this is not the main part. The main part is the "huge energy being" that inhabits that particular location.

    Jedi: Is Cosmic Central Sun the singularity of the Big Bang?

    Cobra: No.
    Jedi: Does Cosmic Central Race get involved with Planetary Liberation more actively since the Divine Intervention Activation?

    Cobra: Yes, but they have encountered more obstacles than they expected.

  17. Hi cobra good interview thanks, victory of the light ✨...

  18. Please, Cobra, explain who that did in Tukiye. Why could this happen? I think it wasn't a natural event. What happens to the souls? Are they able to do that again? How did they do that? Thank you very much.

    1. I think it was done on purpose, the darkies have weather manipulation, so I am sure they got some sort of 'earth quake machine' in their arsenal as well.

    2. I agree with Sherman ... I believe this was done because Turkey wants to leave nato and join brics. I don't understand why the LF won't do anything to stop them from doing this.
      It doesn't seem to bother them that so many people are dying. I can't disconnect like that. Even though my personal life is comfortable, I can't stand to see others suffer ... it really breaks me up inside. I'm sure they consider me foolish for feeling this way.
      How many more people have to die before they are stopped?

      I was really disappointed that nothing was discussed in the interview about the geopolitical situations. The effect it has on the masses is huge, yet we hear very little about it. It is extremely difficult to hold the light went we are in trapped in darkness.

    3. I feel in the same way. I am devastated and I feel deep mercy for all people who suffer such an incredible tragedy. This double very strong earthquache very close to surface was not natural, somehow I am sure and I heard an argument from a specialist in this domain. Perhaps the main stream media is not telling always the truth. But we have a few TV channels here, which include very brave persons telling and showing the real facts. These companies will survive even after the Event, when the media will be closed worldwide and only those will be let to function which will tell only the truth to population. I pray with tears for the people in Turkey and Syria and I am doing meditations. As the Goddess energy increases in my soul and heart, even far more insignificant events or problems are touching me and it is obviously seen as I start to cry in seconds. So, I ask and make a strong appeal to everyone to make this mass meditation, to help to calm the situation in both countries, sending our collective energy and will far away to them to help and stabilize the tectonic movements. God bless them and make easier these hard days! Victory of the Light!

    4. Light Forces are going to have a LOT of explaining to do.

  19. Replicator Disclosure

  20. Thank you, I will do my best to meditate. I read the interview also. I have vertigo right now but will do my best. Thank you.

  21. Meditation: The Ecstasy that Ends Anxiety ~ Shunyamurti Retreat Teaching - Sat Yoga Institute Channel

  22. It was exactly 11:55 when I finished reading the interview. Thank you COBRA for calling us heroes. And I must add another that for past few years I have been getting direction to build a Goddess temple in my own house. According to the given directions the energy center should be right in the middle of the property which is called "Brahma Paada" in Vedic Astrology. And was instructed to place rose Quatz and crystals on it about seven feet above the ground level. I'm sharing this information so it may help for those who have the calling to manifest goddess energy to this physical plane. 💖


  23. It is good to Know that when the DARPA pit falls the Event will happen shortly.

    1. Linchpin being the containers :

  24. Prosím o překlad do českého jazyka.

    Děkuji 🌞


  25. Dear Cobra and lightworkers! Here is the Romanian and Italian translation of this post and also the Telegram Cobra channels post:
    Il Portale Cobra:
    Portalul Cobra:

    Thank you Cobra! Victory of the Light!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. The boiling point breaking Through
      2.5-Still now
      today is 2.10.

  27. Seems like it is the same interview year after year after year. Every time it seems like the event might be close there is always something new that comes up to delay it. It is like we are in an endless loop where the event will always be on the horizon but never actually arrive. The light forces need to up their game and take more risks, go with delta option if they have to. People down here can't take it anymore. We need it to end one way or another.

    1. Yep, it's time to take off the white gloves and start fighting dirty.
      And as I said, many of us are volunteering to join the actual fighting.....light forces, our offers still stand, you know.

    2. Oh it is so hopeless that we can't take it, right? Oh no we are in an endless loop? What a full on load of shite! Maybe to a shill, yeah? Actually, we can take it and we are taking it. And we don't need to fight dirty. We just need to get rid of the psychopaths once and for all. We need to clear up the media, get rid of the narcissists!

      It is full blown narcissist city over in Australia! The media is horrible, I don't know how anyone can watch them laughing at us and not go mad. It's brutal and they need to take down the banks and their rate hikes, now. Which I think they are close to doing! They keep turning it up. Let's get rid of all the shills crying in here, speaking negatively in here out of their arses.

      They have totally turned it up and no, we lightworkers won't give up. We will pray, we will meditate, we won't cry (imagine that!) and we will get rid of the last anomaly, we will keep going through the rubbish they give us and guess what, we don't bloody care. Keep shilling it up to us while you still have time. What freaking losers!

    3. @Ed February
      Yes, many of us feel similarly. But we also know why. And in spite of all these, we need to hold the light!
      This is why we incarnated here. It wasn't promised to be easy. But, we are strong and powerful as Cobra said. And even if we has had enough, we never give it up! Never !!

    4. To Ed: We are at the end of an nearly 26.000 years cycle. We are here, aren´t we? We have to end it one way or another? Come on. On the long way all ends. But not "another". Wanna get out now? Free choice. "This is the end of the world as we know it..." It's time, agreed. But I think million of good souls do have a weightful power, too, so that "wibbergibber" ain´t no longer necessary. VOTL means more than sitting on a sofa.

    5. @Psychic
      to get rid of the psychopaths once and far all, gotta fight dirty, especially when THEY fight dirty, there is no other way. Don't be like Optimus Prime in the 1986 Transformers movie.

    6. @starseed. I did not chose to incarnate here. I'd rather crack darkie skulls, not hold the light.

    7. I am proud of you psychic.. the spirit of a fighter.. even when you are against many odds.. but you know deep inside you are not alone.. above and below.. everyone is on it fighting on their own way within their own space and beyond for a greater cause other than our own whether they are conscious of it or not.. yes it can be weary.. painful etc.... but you know everyone got to do what he or she got to do regardless of personal gain or loss. Some may feel like giving up.. Some may close to do so.. but some will carry on.. and at times carry the load of those who declared themselves down... the battles may be win or lose for some but the war must be won for all.
      Those that feel down and out.. fine take a break... but regain your stand... as much "soul on deck" is necessary. Do not allow your book of life be written with a fradulent simple phrase at the end of the chapter... "I' quit"... for that does no justice to ur soul.
      You can still shine your light even at most darkness of times... this is such times

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. @psychic ... I guess I am one of the shill you speak of. Yes I am crying ... for those people that are suffering ... and to speak out about it is being negative so be it. This is wrong ... it should not be and I am frustrated and angry that it continues.

      Back when I was in my late twenties a channeller told me I was here to help aid the changes needed for a future and that's The Event. I figure, that is the only reason I'm still here. So I do the best I can. But I don't like this situation ... not one damn bit.

      Off topic ... I've been getting messages when I log in to comment that google was unable to log me in ... finally I figure to hit the sign in then reload the page ... anyone else have this problem? I'm using firefox.

  28. Polish translation:

  29. Of course we will meditate! The call is also made on our PFC group "New Atlantis".

  30. @Steph
    I feel that my home planet, my real home planet, will be the garden for me.

  31. Thank you Cobra for taking the time to do this interview. Thank you to Hoshino and his team for putting this together!

    The tragedy in Turkey and Syria takes my breath away. The location is way too coincidental. I don't think this is "Mother Earth" doing natural movements as the earth energy changes.

    Probably this earthquake attack is one of the final gasps of the dark to cause as much damage as possible to the Hassuna-Samarra goddess vortex, and the nearby goddess vortices we know about.

    Maybe this is even in response to the information Cobra has given us about the goddess equator and restoring the light grid.

    I did a quick search on the website to look up the locations of the vortices there.

    Yes, I'll do the Buddhic column meditation as often as I can in the next few days and sending everybody in that zone as much love as possible.

    Thank you Cobra and Light Forces.
    Victory of the Light!

    1. @GoddessPower
      I have the same feeling. I intuit too, that probably this earthquake is one of the dark power attack to cause damage to the very important Hassuna-Samarra goddess vortex, and the nearby goddess vortices. They crazy panicking now, like a cornered wild animal.

    2. It's interesting that I've been seeing 9:11 on the clock for past several weeks. This been coming for some time.

    3. @Goddess and others, Around two weeks after CoBra posted this article a major earthquake hits exactly where the 25000 year old atlantean equator was. It also hit a key place on that old equatorial line where atlantis wasnt completely lost which was among other places within turkey and syria. Sun and earth changes can cause quakes but the timing makes the whole thing seem like cabal weather warfare to me. Maybe revenge for this info hitting the collective consciousness and steps being taken towards the new atlantis?

  32. ... ,, It is because the Light Forces which are involved in the liberation of this planet had to go through their own process of gathering enough courage to be... So that they will be able to go in partnership with the Andromedan team, because those people are really courageous and they have no fear and there needs to be a certain process. People... Light Forces individuals who are working on the liberation had to clear their traumas "... How serious?! Specifically, which Light Forces do you mean? So they gather courage and heal their traumas, while humanity on the planetary surface every other day without real liberation it collects new traumas and deepens its old traumas. So is it time for such games?... Who will tell the captive children that there is enough time for liberation?!... Who will tell this to the face of the people of Turkey and Syria after the earthquake ?!... How many more such disasters must there be? Who will tell the children in Donbas? and so on. This clearly needs a wider explanation, which forces of light and why. What is actually the main problem. Because such incomplete information they create resentment, anger and cast a shadow over the process of liberation.

    1. I consider this too. One aspect is if you think Putin is bad, try taking on Yaldabaoth and The Lurker. I think for the Light forces who try to bring down galactic evil, they can go through even worse hell. Another aspect is the LF path and ours is not directly connected as in your premise. Them battling The Lurker, and starving children in Ukraine is different. You and I could help people on Earth too but we don't! Just like half the galaxy. And why should they. Imagine you're an ET that lives 1,000+ years and you're going to throw away the rest of that life, fighting to save humans most of whom WANT the cabal? I often wonder why any ET would help Earth.

    2. @Radovan


      Ain't it GREAT being a human?

    3. @ Patrick Kehoe
      I never wrote anywhere that Putin is evil. From my point of view, he is teetering between two forces and believes he is doing the best he can. The Lurker, Hitler, the Rigel Solar System, Ukraine, Syria, and the children of Donbass are all manifestations of one flaw in our universe. It is not different, separate. It is one issue, one battlefield. Yaldaboat no longer exists thanks to the forces of light and the central sun. The forces of light dedicate their lives to the repair of this universe, and to the liberation of planet Earth. My star family has helped me personally beyond what is written on this blog and more than once. I specified my question in that comment above and it still stands. That doesn't mean I despise my star family. On the contrary, I stand by them in my heart, just as they stand by me.

    4. But I wonder why these ETs don't all go home, ALL of them; even the dark ones.
      They leave us free to decide whether we want darkness or light. We will decide without conditioning of any kind.

      This would be true freedom and responsibility... today instead we are only yanked and guided by others who often, if not always, have agendas of their own that are harmful to us. :(

    5. @Patrick
      Many of us CAN'T. Many of us are struggling to survive on our fight the evil human power mongers...we need resources...weapons, tech, supplies, and funding. Many people tried to take on the cabal...and were of them being a US president in 1963. I remember Steven Greer said once a highranking genral was gonna help him get the free energy tech out....sending him a device and skimatics to make more....that general was found floating face down in a river shortly after. HOW the hell can WE do anything, especially if we got nothing to fight with, against foes with superior arms and tech?

      And IF i were an alien with +1,000 years life, I'd be like Dr. Who, or Samus Aran, taking on baddies...human and non human, and enjoying it.

    6. @Radovan
      hm... Yes, this information
      has made me a bit uneasy...and thinking...
      My question would be that, the Andromedas aren't the member of the Galactic Confederation ?Or if yes, ...and probably yes, then why they haven't worked closer with the GLFs? Wondering,.... what has been going on. Or we are not ready to hear it at this point?

    7. Well, as a matter of fact, the Pleiadians can be pretty tough too. I read somewhere that about a million years ago, the reptiles were fumigated to such an extent that almost all life on Mars was extinguished. ceased.

    8. @Claudio
      ONLY if I get to go with them. Also, the masses are TOO BRAINWASHED, the programming to strong....the sheeple have MEGA Stockholm Syndrome.

    9. @ Starseed
      That's exactly what I mean. I was already worried when Cobra wrote on this blog that the Andromedans came in to help and turned the situation around... And it wasn't necessary until now?! After all, it was already too late 1000 years ago. What all mankind has suffered. And now they have withdrawn from direct action again... So the personal time-spaces of the surface population will continue to collapse - cancer, mental disorders, existential struggle, financial problems and so on. Hopefully there was so much self-reflection and they didn't put another winter solstice meditation on divine intervention and direct physical intervention. I understand when they didn't intervene because they stole their twin flames, I also partially understand that they were giving protective intel to the cabal's controlling members (although it's a strange idea that I'm going to rid the world of a draconian and do justice if someone destroys my children and they would report it to the cabal, I understand it, because thanks to this tactical mechanism some of us are still alive ), I also understand the risk of toplet bombs. But definitely not even a minute of waiting, because someone is traumatized, or that they will tactically wait for a partial collapse of society to better work with the masses and so on. Not that ! I specifically criticize this. But as I wrote above in the comment, this needs to be clearly explained, because this is how it casts a shadow. It is necessary to say directly where the main problem actually is. Truth can be understood in the heart. Nobody is perfect. But in any case, let's keep the light on.

    10. @Anonymneminem
      A lot can change in a million years.

      If we are not ready now, we never will.

    11. each alien race has its own's like you want all the people on this planet to come to an will never happen

    12. So long as I get to go to my real homeworld, I don't care, B.

  33. Here are the Italian and Romanian translations - posts for your great Interview, dear Cobra!
    Thank you so much for your wonderful interview and the Project of Goddess temple!
    Victory of Love & Light!

  34. @Steph
    So, despite the darkies having screwed me up, I still gotta go through some sorta 'purgatory' and 'work' my way to going home? Sounds like fire and brimstone Catholicism, Steph.

    Lovely....get violated by the darkies, then earn my way back home....sounds like punishing a rape victim, telling her to EARN her way back to happiness in the world that harmed her in the first place. *slow clap*

  35. Grazie mille, Cobra per questo nuovo aggiornamento!
    x Chi è interessato, si potrebbe dare un’occhiata, giusto per acclimatarsi con le energie che fluiscono nei dipinti di questo creatore François Boucher, che tra l’altro ha inventato il “rose noyée" ( Victory of The Light!!! 💜💫✴

  36. And now the obvious act of war of detonating train cars filled with the worst chemical substance in prime farmland in ohio. This is so intentional and the timing...what next??? People in and around that area need to evacuate asap. Fish dead within 48 hours. How about the people breathing the air???That huge black cloud may as well be as bad as black goo.. I'm sick and tired of these vile evil scum still being able to so much as *breathe* because this level of evil is what they use even their last gasp of life doing, cornered and dying or not... they need to be exterminated right now, and it will have never have been soon enough for these blood drinking bastards.
    I swear.. if people just stopped giving them the time of day feeding their never-ending lies even to the point of damn well accepting it normal for 5 year olds to have heart attacks we wouldn't need galactic intervention except for clearing out the draco/archons etc... but we can't even do the bare minimum of just waking tf up, (lest a few snowflakes get their trivial little feelings -egos- hurt) so now we need the GF to even hold our hands just to put our damn foot down and humanity can't even do that... I long for full disclosure because I feel that'll be most effective since they know knowledge is power..that's why they gatekeep it from us. But until then, humanity is just giving all its power to the enemy by still thinking they're our friends and the actual lightwarriors/workers the enemy. Tired of the inversion too, damn demonic clown world hellscape, I denounce it. /vent

    1. Like I always say...the only good darkie is a DEAD darkie.
      I got NO faith in humans, and really ashamed there is human DNA in my genetic makeup.....I can't wait to give my genetics a long overdue enema, as it were.

  37. COBRA:
    "It is because the Light Forces which are involved in the liberation of this planet had to go through their own process of gathering enough courage to be... So that they will be able to go in partnership with the Andromedan team, because those people are really courageous and they have no fear and there needs to be a certain process..."

    If that's the case and the Pleiadians are still frozen with fear then why doesn't the Galactic Confederation allow the Andromedan team take the lead on the final assault of Chimera stronghold below DARPA? After the pit is finally secured and the Vail, biochips, implants, and toplet bombs can be desolved The Event can finally manifest and the Ashtar Command Pleiadian teams can help with the surface arrests of the Cabal and their minions and begin the Fist Contact and physical intervention we've been asking, petitioning and outright begging for so WE can finally get the help and healing WE ALL NEED to be a better help and inspiration to the rest of humanity after our detoxification and unblocking aboard the ships. I will continue to anchor and hold the Light and do appreciate COBRA acknowledging us as true heros... but even heroes have moments of stress and fear. Can I financially and physically hold out until The Event???
    That's my biggest fear and so far I've been very lucky and very blessed but I still worry about it everyday the Event doesn't happen. I also worry about my children... hoping and praying they stay safe and remain healthy until The Event. I know these may come off as selfish concerns but they are concerns nonetheless. However, once The Event does happen and WE are able to get the help and healing WE NEED after First Contact I look forward to coming back to help the rest of humanity rise up, awaken, heal, and prepare for evacuation... it's what I was born for.
    I know that the LF and RM monitor each and every one of us Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Starseeds so I think it important that they know and understand that WE'RE READY TO GO and have been for some time. No more delays please... this has gone on for too long and gone too far as COBRA has said of late. Please get your Galactic BALLS and shut this shit show down!

    With Love and Light

    1. U found that in this interview?. I have yet to read it.

    2. Here it is with the question from Terry @Dragon Heart (DH) so you have a reference and context:
      "Terry: Wow. Great. Okay. Next, although there is an anti-Chimera expert team in Andromeda Galaxy, why didn't they participate in the planetary liberation until the situation around the Earth almost went out of control last year?

      Cobra: It is because the Light Forces which are involved in the liberation of this planet had to go through their own process of gathering enough courage to be... So that they will be able to go in partnership with the Andromedan team, because those people are really courageous and they have no fear and there needs to be a certain process. People... Light Forces individuals who are working on the liberation had to clear their traumas and their situation to the point where they could match the Andromedan team."

  38. Now does a quantum financial system really work now, or only partially, semi-for how long ?

  39. If Jesus really came to the lost sheep, then He really came to the Hebrew Jews, didn't He.? (According to B Marciniak, Jesus was very well received by the Jewish common people.) The Khazars have something to do with this ..?

  40. Ha, I just want to say after watching the interview. If it does, after liberation I must get to know the guy who is in charge of the Earth liberation war.

  41. We continue to hold the Light! Damn the torpedoes! We shall be victorious!

  42. Official or jubilee announcement regarding QFS, June.?? Removal of the rest of the KM control network, expected also in June ??

  43. I've noticed pretty much 95%of the earthquakes in Turkey are at ten kilometres deep,or 33000 feet🤔...


    1. The two big ones were deeper but there are indeed lots of quakes at a depth of 10km; and that is always the depth where artificially induced HAARP-quakes happen.
      Every big quake in the last 20 years (tsunami 2004, Haiti, even Japan 2011, Iran) was at 10km and caused by HAARP technology.

      For a few days before quakes Turkey announced that they would block Sweden's bid to join NATO due to the koran-burning that happened there. It would be quite typical that as punishment and to apply pressure the West struck with its earthquake weapon.
      As I said, the big two were at a greater depth, but having dozens of 10km quakes around the eventual epicentres certainly points to something fishy going on.

      The fact that HAARP is still allowed to work (and is being expanded worldwide) should tell you everything you need to know how close we are to actually "being liberated." :-((


    2. Why don't the light forces simply phaser HAARP out of existence?

  44. This is a great one!...from a Buddhist point of view! Thank you father God.

    And this one from Ashtar Sheran...

  45. Since there are so many, dare I say shills, who we must read on here, I wish to provide the opposite. Yes, encouragement! So here is a message from Serapis Bey. Only a minute and a half long.

    And here is something I must of missed, in fact I did miss it. I really don't feel any of that garbage most feel. Look at this link:

  46. Arabic translation of this post/الترجمة العربية لهذا المنشور:
    لكي يتم إعلامك فورًا بترجمة جديدة ، يمكنك متابعتنا على تيليجرام:

  47. Amazing and informative interview!!! Thank you, Cobra.💖💖💖🙏 [BTW I'm not getting notifications on my email]

  48. We're continually having new bizarre stuff in the sky. What's with these streaks? Looks controlled after spraying.

    This is the usual sky. Totally real!

  49. It is still somewhat confusing, this part of Cobra message:
    "The Light Forces which are involved in the liberation of this planet had to go through their own process of gathering enough courage to be... So that they will be able to go in partnership with the Andromedan team,...."
    So I am puzzled,....why has taken to overcome it for such a long time? Especially now .
    The GLFs consist of many highly evolved beings too. I suppose they have many different sophisticated healing systems getting through traumas . Medical beds (Andromeda invention I heard). And also highly evolved energy healing system,... (also heard the
    Arcturians are one of the best .)
    Among the GLF there are ascended masters.
    So how is it possible that they haven't been able to overcome it up until now?
    Then, ...and sorry for my drifting,... how will they heal humanity and all the heavily traumatised children and beings saved from our planet and the Astral realm?
    And my beloved Ashtar Command ? They are courages too! Aren't they?! Or they too, haven't been involved in the Galactic Command logistic decisions ?
    I really don't want to ask these questions ...but, it gives me a kind of background static in my mind.

    1. Indeed, these kinds of explanations make me feel at times they are not much better than us and just some wimpy volunteers who don't know what they're doing whenever they are left without advice from veterans of such wars the God itself for 5 minutes.

  50. The detail of waves in the cloud is amazing.

  51. @Steph got your message, and then seen this one and felt this was a good place to give an update to RM, LF's, GF's, Folks, on my Bro :), Calladion has passed from Cat (fire element), and rebirthing in the 2D Plant Consciousness (water element), Bro Call, Broccoli... Bro C/3D Coil. Received all the love and attention one could ask for while passing vs resentment of being left to die. We are rebirthing in Love and that is one way to move Absolute Power to Absolute Love. (We have to be the example of the reality we wish because we are the local conscious co-creators, the apex of a mother's nature)

    I will be back around, will explain why we humans don't have an ascension plan and why every alien anyone wants to show me is already here on the surface and they ascended their conciousness. Example reptiles are here and been here for a long while, evolved into higher conciousness and folks now know a Dino as Odin. Plants made it (mother tree and many more) butterflies to fairies, beetle made it out Dung Beetle as Christ conciousness isn't left or right it is in the middle typically cleaning up a mess, rolling a wheel/ball. I'll give some more perspectives and tie in how to navigate the 3D signs, for example how the Balloon over USA represents Buddha the air class elemental which is the evolved BOA and a heck of an AO, B1 class elementals. B one, Bones, Hollow with matter, and why some broskies like to fist bump... :) I'll write as I can and will copy and paste it to the blog. (eyes are sensitive to stimulation right now, screens, places like Walmart, advertisements, etc use certain patterns and colors of energy to draw attention) I'm direct from Source so I know you will get to meet my God :)

  52. Dragi bralci, tu je prevod prepisa najnovejšega intervjuja v slovenščini:

    Hvala vsem za potrpežljivost.

    Zmaga Luči!

    Victory of the Light!


  54. The Light Forces really need more courage. They can go and accept more risks to act. I would advise the Light Forces not to go for infallibility. It takes more time to pursue a 100% probability of success than to accept a 95% probability of success, when the people of Earth will also suffer more.

    The Dark Forces also fear their own destruction and they will not set off a bomb easily. The bomb is mainly a bargaining chip to be used in negotiations. The Dark Forces would also suffer if they did detonate.

    1. BINGO. As I said, many of US wanna join in the actual fighting...and we're just genetically raped monkeys.

  55. The Light Forces really need more courage. They can go and accept more risks to act. I would advise the Light Forces not to go for infallibility. It takes more time to pursue a 100% probability of success than to accept a 95% probability of success, when the people of Earth will also suffer more.

    The Dark Forces also fear their own destruction and they will not set off a bomb easily. The bomb is mainly a bargaining chip to be used in negotiations. The Dark Forces would also suffer if they did detonate.

  56. This galaxy war is so brutal and tragic.

  57. Arabic translation of the new cobra interview/الترجمة العربية للمقابلة الجديدة مع كوبرا :

  58. I wonder what Cobra has to say about this future timeline table regarding the liberation of the solar system published by Corey Goode:

  59. Why the interviewer asks so much about goddess temples instead why they are important in the first place. I don't like his questions. Can we submit our questions to Cobra???

    1. of course you can, but you will never get an answer

  60. The light forces just let 20,000 people die in Turkey

  61. I have seen any improvement on the implants. Don't feel any change

  62. For those interested, we have a Discord server where you can chat, meditate and collaborate with like-minded people, associated with members of Sisterhood of the Rose (SotR), Prepare For Change (PFC), We Love Mass Meditation (WLMM), and this blog, 2012 Portal.

    Direct link:
    Or follow instructions here:

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. I seem to be running out of material to put on here as all my sources went bad. Anyway, I found one piece of information - only one, that I thought was good. I don't have the written translation. It's father God of course. So I hope you are all ready to ascend soon, because we have to go soon. I'm not regressing, not getting vaccinated, not obeying. It's easy, let's keep going into the light!

    p.s. Saw a 45min video of everyone dying after they got vaxxed. Don't get vaccinated. And please hurry up with this show as it is starting to drag on.

    1. Ici, personne n est mort, alors que 80% des gens sont vax. Vraiment que du pipo

  65. Telugu:మరియు-ప్రిపేర్-ఫర్-చేంజ/

  66. Chimera running the DOD = entirely responsible for the pokes.

  67. Addressing Imbalance

  68. ❤️ Hello dear Light Beings! ❤️

    ✨ We propose you a new path to work together, whatever your location in the world might be, on high level spiritual exercises, to bring in a short time frame, as much as possible Light to you and the Earth!

    🏃🏽‍♀️ We call this new path an International or World Spiritual Marathon”! Why a Marathon? Because we will do a series of powerful spiritual exercises during a time frame which is, more or less, the time needed for an athlete to run a marathon. But instead of being exhausting, this might give you a lot of energy but it can also trigger some healing process for you and the Earth.

    🧘🏽‍♂️ We will apply very powerful and reliable protocols and work on protection, connection with I AM presence, Goddess return, dissolving implants, Violet flame, and triggering the so-called Event!

    🌎 We propose a time slot which could be suitable for Americas (morning), Europe & Africa (midday) and Asia (evening), which is Saturday at 2 pm UTC. The next stair for our second marathon is proposed on the 11th of February 2023, at 2pm UTC.

    🌎 Details about this new event are here :
    This time we are proposing you a booster effect through the tachyon chamber. Please check the post for the details.

    🌈 We will broadcast the on-line event on the “Victory Of The Light” Youtube channel ➡️ and also on the “Let's Meditate for Planetary Liberation” Telegram chat group ➡️

    ✨ To have all information about these new on-line events, we invite you to join the following Telegram chat group called "World Spiritual Marathon" :
    We are delighted to propose you such a powerful session to help Light Forces to bring humanity to the...

    🌟 Victory Of The Light! 🌟

  69. Light Forces frozen in fear, traumatized.
    Then I'd advise them to take a good luck at the human warriors who risk their lives every second to evacuate the Turkish-Syrian earthquake victims from under the rubble in hellish conditions. Many nations, many religions working together, many that have been mortal enemies throughout history. Jewish. Muslim. Turkish. Greek. Working together hand in hand, not giving a second thought to their safety, yes, probably very much frozen in fear, beyond traumatized without a doubt..yet working for their fellow human brethren anyway! with no weapons, no light technology, no replicators, no magical healing abilities, no saving lightships, and hundreds of years long lifespan. All the stuff our light brothers have.
    Good stuff. :/
    Yeah, tell us about traumatized.
    I've seen traumatized. The palpable, pure sheer and shock in the eyes of those children in those videos. The wailing of the mothers. The strong fathers collapsing on the ground screaming in pain.
    No more excuses.
    No more excuses.
    My God, just enough already.

  70. Those who are terribly frightened should be allowed to leave the front line as soon as possible, and they should receive treatment as soon as possible.
    Let those who are good at fighting fight. Let those who are good at healing heal.
    Let people do what they are good at.


  72. @Novusod
    We are ultimately powerful.
    However we are not able to access our full potential and our authentic power up until we become highly evolved beings by purifying our consciousness, our thoughts, our body and maintaining high vibration. Lightworkers need healing as well.
    The Feminine Divine Goddess energy is one of the strongest energy in the Universe.
    Without integrating this pure energy, it is impossible to unite with our I AM Eternal Presence.
    The goddess energy will also play a major role in our liberation process and in the new earth creation.
    Goddesses don't compel anyone to built temples.
    It is our free choice to do so, if we understand, that it is our interest and how important to anchor and integrate the goddess high vibrational energy of love harmony ,beauty and peace, the divine feminine aspect of creation.
    At this stage, the goddess energy doesn't exist on our planet.
    On the subject of starting religions...actually the dark forces were the ones who created the religions.
    The goddess mystery is an occult and spiritual knowledge.

  73. @Shermann
    Believe me, I am aware of it .🙂

  74. Prevod intervjuja v slovenščini:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Dear Cobra, please add the link to the Slovenian translation to your post.

    Victory of the Light!

  75. "Terry: Wow. Great. Okay. Next, although there is an anti-Chimera expert team in Andromeda Galaxy, why didn't they participate in the planetary liberation until the situation around the Earth almost went out of control last year?

    Cobra: It is because the Light Forces which are involved in the liberation of this planet had to go through their own process of gathering enough courage to be... So that they will be able to go in partnership with the Andromedan team, because those people are really courageous and they have no fear and there needs to be a certain process. People... Light Forces individuals who are working on the liberation had to clear their traumas and their situation to the point where they could match the Andromedan team."

    Interesting how it takes the light forces quite some time to get courage....yet quite of few of us here have been asking, nearly begging, to join in the actual fighting...irony.

  76. We just don't know and understand how the LFs have been traumatized . I think they have seen and experienced so much tragedies in our galaxy.
    Entire planet, benevolent beings and their wonderful culture were wiped out.
    And at some point our solar system was in a huge danger to be destroyed by the dark power. And many more. We just don't know whether they personally were among the victims or what exactly they witnessed.
    For that reason they are very well aware what the dark forces are still!! capable to do. All these have made them too catious.
    I get that. They are not gods.
    But, now they have to get out of it. And it is time!!
    Also I think it is wise to wait for Cobra's next Intel about this massive Earth quack. What has caused it and either way why the GLF couldn't help?!
    I just hope that after this terrible catastrophy has finally made them realise that too much hesitation l,dragging the chain, only causing unnecessary suffering and loss of too many human lifes.
    So dear Cobra, we need some explanation. It becomes a paradox, ...meaning....they are holding back not to trigger bigger catastrophy but, exactly their cautiousness can also result it. It is difficult.


  77. It's always doubtful and questionable that the light is supposed to be caled the light forces.

    Now, it's very clear they are not forces with Cobra's reply at the latest interview.

    Cobra: It is because the Light Forces which are involved in the liberation of this planet had to go through their own process of gathering enough courage to be... So that they will be able to go in partnership with the Andromedan team, because those people are really courageous and they have no fear and there needs to be a certain process.

    Why didn't Andromedan team take a planet earth liberation job "from the beginning" instead of stupid donkey light forces who are letting Cabal land continue ?

    Okay, the light forces might be the light, but they don't have enough substantial distinguished visible power to be possibly called the light forces.
    The light have no power to penetrate and remove many clouds covering the sky.
    However, when the light shines through the clouds, then it would be called dreamland or event , what an irony.

  78. Persian translation of Cobra's recent interview (Goddess Temple Project):

    Victory of Light 💜

  79. Az interjú magyarul ~ the interview in Hungarian

  80. Grazie Cobra, si trova in Italiano anche qui:

  81. "Terry: Okay. Understood. A Japanese Lightworker group has successfully planted Cintamani stones at the South Pole at the end of last year. The first Cintamani project to Antarctica was in early 2016. Although it was in Antarctica, but not exactly at the South Pole. How would the Cintamani stones at the South Pole influence the geopolitical situation surrounding the liberation?

    Cobra: It does not influence the geopolitical situation. It influences the stability of the planetary axis. It helps the Light Forces stabilize the Earth axis as we are expecting a new polar shift very soon. This is very important and such Cintamani project would be very welcome on the North Pole as well."

    "The planetary energy grid of New Atlantis is namely the energy tool that will manifest the Compression Breakthrough, the Event and the New Society.

    Cintamani grid around the planet is one of the major tools in manifesting that aim."

  82. Hey funny story from last week I will try and make it Quick,was at work having lunch, stinking hot day 35°c clear blue sky not a cloud so I uploaded a couple of comments to the portal.walking back to work across a football oval,a massive cloud formation was right in front of me in the sky,iam thinking that looks familiar . very strange shape lol but what give it away was the pink streaks across the sky when I looked to the left .was tempted to film but out of respect I kept my phone in my pocket thanks victory of the light ✨...
