Thursday, February 16, 2023

Meditation for Peace between Russia and NATO on February 21st a 3 pm UTC

Tensions between Russia and NATO are escalating to the next level: 

Black nobility is engineering this to create world war 3.

To counteract that, the Light Forces are asking as many people as possible to participate in our meditation for peace between Russia and NATO on February 21st at 3 pm UTC.


Instructions in English are here:

In German here: 

In French here: 

In Italian here: 

In Spanish here: 

In Portuguese here: 

In Romanian here: 

And in Slovenian here: 

If you feel so guided, you can also join the Fire the Grid activation on the same day at 11:07 am UTC: 

Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!


  1. Spanish meditation instructions
    Instrucciones de la meditación en castellano

    1. Come and chat to other like-minded people where your conversations don't get forgotten whenever Cobra posts a new update. 🥲

      Just don't talk about "health misinformation" like dangers of masks and vaccines! (Thanks, Big Tech.) Anything else is fine. Just in case, we have a backup Matrix/Element chat server now. Join that too!

  2. Replies
    1. Recent Light✨💖

  3. Galactics reaching out to connect through the veil! See You there in full liberation Teams! 🌹✌🏼
    #SisterhoodoftheRose 🌹

    1. Yep, someday we'll be baptized into the universe, come out of the water a new creation.

  4. I hate how there's always SOMETHING!

  5. méditation FRANCAISE /FRENCH meditation ( another article,autre article)

    création d’un nouveau facebook et Telegram avec sous-groupes encore plus beau, complet, et intuitif qui diffusera plus largement encore les informations, conseils et outils nécessaires à la transition exopolitique et spirituelle actuelle.

    Nous l’avons nommé « Libération Planétaire et Ascension » et espérons qu’il saura combler vos attentes et répondre à vos questions dans une large mesure. Il est constitué d’un canal principal auquel s’ajoutent de nombreux sous-groupes relatifs aux méditations, aux intels de COBRA, à l’ascension spirituelle, aux protocoles de guérison, etc.
    ✅ LIBÉRATION PLANÉTAIRE ET ASCENSION => canal général de nos émissions YouTube, salons vocaux, échanges, partage et questions.
    ✅ MÉDITATIONS => le canal principal pour les méditations de groupe.
    ✅ COBRA l’Intégral => toutes les intels de COBRA compilées dans un document PDF de plus de 2000 pages couvrant l’intégralité de ses mises à jour et interviews depuis 2012. Pour retrouver n’importe quelle information en un clic, rendez-vous à la FAQ de la page 14.
    ✅ ASCENSION Spirituelle => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif au processus d’ascension actuel, avec comme ouvrage de référence, « L’Escalier de Cristal » d’Eric Klein.
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    ✅ GALACTIQUE et COSMOS => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif à la Confédération Galactique, au Codex Galactique et plus largement aux lois universelles et cosmiques.
    ✅ Sessions IMPLANTS => canal principal de nos émissions de dissolution d’implants et de résiliation de contrats d’âme.
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    Retrouvez toutes nos émissions en intégralité sur notre chaine YouTube :
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  7. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    The post in french / L'article en français :
    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

  8. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  9. German translation of this post / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Posts:

  10. The black nobility attempting to trigger the Solar Flash.

  11. 💖🛸💜Goddess wants peace and peace it shall be 💜🛸💖

  12. "They're not ruling out aliens as possible invaders as they continue to shoot down UFO's over United States and Canada."

    What kind of a joke is this? That's hilarious! They've gone more mad than I thought possible.

    They say the EBS will go off in up to 30 days (probably sooner). We'll see. From Byington.

    1. Yah Judy but she also reports RV about to happen in a few days..this has been the same for years now.. Q deltas...then I read no fixing election 2024.. on and on...oh fungus lockdowns per Goodchild.. turkey gets hit how many dead? How does all of this raise the collective consciousness to trigger the event? Confused now ...expected a full stop..ebs and military stepping up and taking the rest down..maybe it will happen just trying to remain upbeat no fear..I love Judy Byington just think her sources are a bit questionable but she stays the course so I commend her

  13. I'm only going to do this because I don't want more bloodshed on either side even though Ukraine is clearly in the wrong. I can't stand to see the people suffer. It's the least I can do even though the LF/RM won't show me any kind of tangible evidence that they are out there ... like a hover and fly by ... still looking for that. It's the least they can do yet they won't.

    And what about Ohio? What about all the millions of people effected by that derailment? Fish ... livestock ... pets are dead that are miles away from the accident. The Ohio River is affected and it ties into the Mississippi we are talking millions who use that water. What is being done about that? Do they lives of all those millions matter or no? Are they expendable?

    Still have to play around with the reload to get the comment box to show.

    1. Like I said before, if the light forces don't do something now, and this nightmare continues, they are going to be met with pitchforks and torches and shotguns by the survivors once they arrive. Pain and suffering does NOT make people better, for it makes them worse.

    2. I ain't gonna argue with doing something now. I'm still pretty pissed about the 2025 deadline being removed.

      I think they would jap us with a raygun before we got close with those pitchforks :D

  14. Merci Cobra pour les nouvelles, nous allons appuyer le soutien en Méditation, Gratitude, Que la Paix Soit Victoire de la Lumière Sandrine ,

  15. All Posts / Interview on Black Nobility

  16. what do we have the galactic codex for?!?

  17. So I ask, where are the chimera experts from Andromeda right now, when the surface population needs them the most? Certain forces of light gather courage, while those competent in the fight against the chimera from Andromeda are in the background... Who decided on such a strategy?! What will earthlings say about this? Are there enough of them to die? So the Andromedans are in the background and the surface population, who are really affected by such delays, are now supposed to meditate... Who decided on such a strategy and why?!

  18. Who is the Goddess u are talking about? How much influence she actually has?

    1. It's not about Who....

      It's about the divine feminine energy... That has come back to balance the divine masculine....

  19. I feel like way more people are "awake" than they were 10 years ago, but we have this split in society; this second group, they are radicalised through social media. Negatively charged, as if the cabal has a sort of backdoor access to their minds through their etheric technologies, and its causing these people to make terrible decisions. Peak stupidity as Cobra might say...

    But just because this group of petulant toddlers can shriek the loudest, it does not mean they are the majority. Perhaps it just seems like they are because they are so loud, but they are not actually winning.

    They have tried so hard to cause WW3 - China and Taiwan, Russia and Ukraine, the bombing of the pipeline. WEF imposing their globalist green agenda to cause poverty in nations across the globe. A financial crash through locking down the planet then printing of trillions of bucks and now cranking interest rates to squeeze us from both sides...

    Its been 3 years since the scamdic began. Nearly everyone is still alive. It's been been a YEAR since the war began and they have utterly failed to create a global conflict. We're still standing, maybe our backs are a little bowed, but we're not kneeling.

    I think this is proof we're on a good timeline. The sky is darkest before dawn.

  20. If there ever was 1 thing to inject some manifestion into is disabling NATO for sure, they were the ones that invaded on Feb 2022 into the sovereign territories of donetsk and luhansk.

    1. Totally agree with you, why the light forces doesn't have told nato and ukraine that if they continue to kill innocent people in the dombass region or they do not declare the independence of the dombass region they will show up???

      Because the light forces have told russia to not invade completely and now we see the result of that, completely failure of the light forces command to understand it, now i can completely understand why russia generals don't want to talk anymore with them.

      If russia would have invade completely all of this will be over way sooner.

      Why the light forces doesn't put this kind of fear to Nato member? Yeah very strange.

      Light forces need to understand that America is heavily infiltrate with archonte ideas and is destroying the youth of Americans and now europe is being brainwashed even more with that. Family and common sense is being destroyed by the west and this virus is coming to Europe way more rapidly than you think.

      Ahh and all of this no sense that is appening is in fact directly connected to joe biden.

      I still remember very well this message " the light forces have tell that how is president will not effect the overall plan for the liberation"

      Yeah but forgot to say humanity will very much suffer a little fucki3big more between it.

      Light forces and lightworkers thinking that the 2020 election doesn't matter are completely stupid and lack of knowledge and self awareness.

      The world as become way more dangerous and unstable.

      I am not even American to say that trump was a better option, he is not perfect but he is a way better option that with this national embarrassing retarded person. I can't even belive how much the society is programed to not see the problem and vote for this guy.

      Any stupid lightworker coming wity the only way of attacking me saying i am a trump supporter need a therapy.

      Lightworker community is actually very weak and more stupid than ever before.

    2. Yep, Trump was not perfect, but he was a HELL of a lot better than those before him, especially between the time of Johnson in '63 and 2016. And seeing soooo many people, on the roads, miles in length rallies....least you saw this whole 'we must UNITE!' shtick that the love and light folks keep going on about. And considering how most of D.C., the media and ESPECIALLY Hollywood HATED his guts, Trump had to be doing SOMETHING good, right?

    3. @Sherman .... Hollywood hate Trump because he is part of the Jesuit faction and they are part of the Rothchild faction of the cabal ... they are fighting. Folks don't want to accept that fact. The trumpsters think he can walk on water and can do no wrong. I believe everything Cobra said about Donny is true. He proved that when he violated his oath of office and allowed a illegitimate government to take power. I don't trust Donny ... never have ... never will. I give Donny credit when he is on the side of Right ... but when he does bad things I point in out and damn the trumpsters backlash.

      Also I'd like to comment on the Turner link where he states that nukes will be use. What happened to the LF and them removing all the nuke? Sounds like the guy is fearmongering.

      See yall at today meditation ...

    4. Never said he was the answer, but he sure did a lot better than the guys before him in the past 50 years or so is all.

      Also, remember, a president never had any REAL powers since the 1950's, since Eisenhower. Now the president is just a joke ever since.

      Hurry up, aliens, please.

    5. @Sherman don't need to wait. US government has been administered by aliens. None government is runned by humans. All wars have been arranged because of aliens and their hybrids vs other aliens and their hybrids. Sorry!...

    6. @Rosa
      I'm talking about the GOOD ALIENS. Like Biff said, "Think, McFly, think".

      And, as I said, beside my masculinity, I plan to also purge myself my humanity. So far, I've yet to see ANYTHING good about being human, not to mention any advantages to being human over alien. I've seen nothing good about it.

    7. @Sherman, as a incarnated starseed in a Terrestrial Human vessel and I do see a great potential in Humans/Humanity. The problem as I understand it, is not as much as the colonization taken by abusive ET's as much as the limitations we were subjected to, if voluntary or unvoluntary, by the frequency barrier which, as a consequence, originates the forgetness of our truth identity, potential and life purpose.

  21. Yeah if lightforces didn't stopped russia to invade completely and force then to invade partially, things will have been very different. Ukraine would already capitulated and at the end of the day less deaths would have been seen.

    Seems lightforces doesn't understand at all how things works.

    Now we are again with that. Why simply not have said if you invade we show up???

    Or if you continue to kill russian people in the dombass to the Ukrainian gouvernement and the black nobility we show up. I bet they would have stopped and the dombass will already been independent.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Agreed the Russians are literally fighting the dark Nazis and liberating their people...what are we to do passive where has that got us? More enslaved as we keep trusting the plan that keeps dragging out year after year wonder qhht practioners are quiet now they all had the solar flash happening already...I realize delays but we have GodSource on our side!!

    3. you have no clue at all. you contradict with Cobra basic info so what are you even doing here ?

    4. No i don't knowledge protect, i study very carefully the information of cobra, maybe its you that can't understand what i am saying. Seems you can't remember a simple old update.

      Never mind. If you can't tell me where there is a contradiction because there is none, just telling my opinion on things.

      Don't even know why i am wasting my energy for stupid comments like this.

    5. @Galactique and others, There are cabal run people on both sides of this conflict although there are russian patriots clearing facilities, labs, pits, etc. Any ukrianian patriots are fighting a foreign invader and dont understand they are being used. There is good and bad on both sides but I have to lean towards russia. Just like world war 2 where the light leaned towards the united states and narrowly the soviet union over the axis who had lots of archon and reptilians backing them. Even though there were entities and cabal here they didnt have as much power because the government and mega corporations werent as big at the time. The US used to have the healthiest and best educated people. The wealth and life quality and land ownership gap between elites here and common people was smaller than say in europe or many other places.

    6. That was long, long ago, LongStar.

  22. This is SO NEEDED at this time Cobra!! Thank you!!

  23. Here is the Romanian and Italian post with the instructions of the meditation (on We Love Mass Meditation blog)!
    Thank you Cobra!!! Victory of the Light!


  24. Yesterday evening I talked to a friend about how all the big earthquakes in the last 20 years had been at exactly 10.0 km depth.
    The 2004 tsunami, Haiti, Japan 2011, Iran, China 2018 and others.
    He knows about HAARP but that was news to him and he was a bit skeptical at first. When we heard that there were still massive aftershocks in the Turkey/Syria region I went on
    to take look at what was happening.

    I swear I hadn't looked before going to the website and didn't know what to expect; I was just as shocked and surprised as my mate.
    In the two hours that were shown on the map (between roughly 7pm and 9pm Europen time) there were five earthquakes in that region.
    And FOUR of them were at exactly 10.0km depth. Four out of five in just two hours.
    So in case anyone is still in doubt, that should be proof that the region was and still is being attacked with high-energy ELF waves and that this tragedy is not of natural causes.
    It wasn't an earthquake, it was a HAARPquake.
    They did it again. How many more times will they get away with this?


    1. The 2004 tsunami was a shot down space ship (positive)

  25. Instructions in Portuguese:

  26. How did the "ufos" get through the firmament though?

    1. The "ufos" are fake, man-made garbage . Probably from some black money project but made to look somewhat "real" so no, it's not from outside the 'firmament'.

    2. What 'firmament'?

      Also, if the spacecrafts look like they were put together in some assembly line, like Skunkworks or McDonnell Douglas, then they probably were.

      My question: Will the light forces ALLOW this to occur?

    3. THE firmament. There is only one. Research it shermann.

    4. @Riddles
      Why not just TELL us, hmmm?

      Also, 'firmament', this suspiciously sounds like something those PRATS known as the flat earthers would say.

  27. 🌌

  28. So confused isn't this the near death experience we have been told so many times will happen and not to worry no nuclear war will be allowed this is all a movie to awaken and then lead to mass arrests etc etc ??I can't live in fear anymore .sorry if we go out then that was "trust the plan" lol.. Ukraine has to be taken down...they all have to be taken down just like the chimera and those damn pits.
    I have an idea...send the solar flash 😉

    1. Both of them seem to have a interest of keeping the war longer for money i could be wrong tho.

    2. This keeps up, I say take out BOTH sides. Like Dr. Who....during the timewar, a war fought between the Timelords of Gallifrey and the Daleks, which was destroying so many lives and worlds in the process, the Doctor went and took out both sides, thus ending the war, for keeps.

  29. Thanks for the reminder! Would be very interesting to get an update on these probabilities!

  30. 💜💜💜 much about the impact of shining your light vs. being negative all the time. People who are riding the complain-train fail to realize they are part of the problem..

  31. Yes of course cobra everything is connected victory of the light ✨...

  32. Yes this is all connected to nato iia operations clearforce..

  33. Watching a good report from Kim goguen which ties everything in nicely,know your enemy educate yourself victory of the light ✨...

  34. This message is from Nibiru, and it is very positive. I really felt his masculine energy quite powerfully.

  35. And just remember when they start projecting false stuff on the skies, it won't be real. There will be a lot of this stuff going on I think, a lot of false projections on the sky, even invasions, so don't trust that garbage. It will all be FAKED!

    1. Will the light forces ALLOW this to happen?
      Last thing we need is MORE BS.

  36. Tunia explains the fallacy in believing everything happens for a higher purpose.

  37. Ukranian foreign minister Kuleba has told that between 23 and 24th February something that Russia will dislike will happen, that’s true but he specified that his speech is related on economic sanctions (the same old economic sanctions). Nothing to be feared by Russia, in other words. Nothing that will put the world in danger. Moreover, Putin speech on 21th February is scheduled since the end of January and probably is related to some new russian terrestrial military operations, scheduled since last December. Once again Hal Turner is proving us that he’s nothing more than a kind of journalist that is looking only to create false sentationalisms; I don’t think he is someone to be kept in consideration

  38. Hello, cobra, I am sure you will read this post. Recently we got info from Sebastian from the unveiling about the serious situation and the biggest possibility to Event not to happen for years from now, so could you make a clear statement for us, who were following this blogspot from ther very start every day, that event will not happen in 2025 and probably will never happen, could you show at least that amount of respect, since we trust you more then anyone about the information of planet state that you provide, so biggest request for you by kindly asking to inform people not to wait that event at least for the next five years, people are sitting by this page and waiting for years!

    1. Again you are wrong bbb, cobra said 25% for the pole changes.

      Seems the vast majority of people here can't even read properly an interview about the subject that was told many times before.

      The event and the pole change are two separate things for the god of the univers how many times we have to tell you.

      Seems this comment section is retarded. I really think by reading these messages something is very wrong about all of you.

      The event can append when the chimera is vastly cleared and the toplet bombs 100% cleared.

      After the event there will be a short time of months or years for the surface population to make contact with the light forces and so on even if cobra have said many times the time between the event and the pole shift is shorter and shorter so at the time of the pole shift then there will be the evacuation.

      It is in fact even possible that first contact append before all toplet bombs are cleared by specific condition and if you study clearly the updates then you will already know that.

      Please read carefully the old updates of cobra if you are not sure about something instead of talking BS in the comment section and just create something that cobra never spoke.

    2. They always find some excuse to delay it further. At this point I am just hoping it happens in our lifetimes. I always worried about being too old by the time it happens, but it doesn't really matter how old we are when it happens since after the Event, med-bed technologies will be released to the public that will be able to age reverse us. So it's all good.

    3. @Angel, people cannot put everything on the event. Who knows? The plans changed before and they can change again. The previous plans were very ambitious and unrealistic.

    4. Law or One had it in 2011 .. 2035? Uncle

    5. @BBB He was referring about the Pole Shift not the Event with that 2025 or 2035 2037 probabilities.

    6. @Angel I'd say better stick with Cobra's intel cause that Unveiling blogspot seem to be just making his own analysis about the situation which he also basing in what Cobra has posted.

    7. Reply to ANGELA
      thank you for your post... I have same sentiment... I've been following this blog from the very beginning and I feel that we are kept in the dark about many things and there were promises that never manifested such as the Divine Intervention - the clearing of the primary anomaly of the four planes. Not much change can be seen in our reality. I keep wondering if the idea of the Event is just a way of keeping us hoping that there is a light at the end of the tunnel but nothing else!

      Dear Cobra we ask you to kindly give us a proper situation update... we need to know what's happening.

      Thank you

    8. The will lose the trust of most of the lightworkers in "years from now".
      And, bye-bye ground crew after all these 'years from now'!

    9. Angel, you will never get a date. Live your life .

    10. Read this for more info.
      There is an update February 15th. Click on "blog"

    11. Cobra has explained it many times.
      The question is who do you believe? Sebastian or Cobra? Keep away from false spiritual mentors.

    12. @BBB I think you may understand some deviation. The 25% probability is the probability of the solar activity peak. During the solar maximum period, strong solar flares will occur to promote the pole shift. So that is more like the probability of pole shift than the event. As for when event happens, I agree with Cobra once mentioned in the interview that "some very fixed things need to happen before the event, and the event will not happen until they happen". Now the last pit. It used to be a bomb or an implant. That pit is more like the sum of all the small, complicated and unsolved matters. Cobra clearly mentioned that if the pit disappeared, it would disintegrate the rule of cabal on the earth's surface, which absolutely means event.

    13. Originally pole shift was 2025..they can make it any time they want...seems to me we were supposed to have 3 waves before 2025!! Sorry but damn now turkey people killed..Ohio poisoned ..none of this seems to help raise the vibration not sure the goal of any of it now

    14. @Ed
      "They always find some excuse to delay it further. At this point I am just hoping it happens in our lifetimes. I always worried about being too old by the time it happens, but it doesn't really matter how old we are when it happens since after the Event, med-bed technologies will be released to the public that will be able to age reverse us. So it's all good."

      Well, we gotta still be ALIVE when the finally GET here. With the darkies trying to kill us, or least least lower our life spans, it's gonna be a gamble...and on this planet, the table is rigged, the cards are marked, and the dice are off centered.

      Also, if we're gonna be old and soldered by the time they get here....there might be a lot of ill feelings to the light forces....I've known MANY old people who changed from what they were when younger.

    15. @Truth and Love Wins
      "They are probably selfish noninterventionalist's or they have enough of their own problems. The evil side is breaking these treaties all the time, all their treaties are not worth anything. Well, whoever is in charge or responsible for this madness should be punished. On both sides. This genocide has gone too far and need to be stopped immediatly, there is no but,however or because. They should finnaly take some actions, otherwise, there is huge possibility that human race on this planet will not welcome them in the future, once they find out.. I don't believe that they have fear of evil or don't know how to interact.."

      BINGO. IF it ends up that the good stuff finally happens AFTER so much crap....wars, disease, natural disasters, hunger, etc.....and it's just a a scattered number of human survivors, living like in the Road Warrior movies or Hunger Games, I don't think the survivor will welcome the Light Forces then, I feel it will be like this:

      And all it will result in is human actually "UNITING!" like the love and light hippies keep going on about, but where humans cast aside stuff like homophobia, skin color issues and so on, and exchange it for 'interstellar bigotry', pretty much becoming space nazis, when they reach the stars. And that is NOT a good thing at all. We need contact ASAP, not just to get the good stuff to finally happen, but to prevent an actual Terran Empire from being created.

    16. @Aquilla

      "Live you life"

      What there is of it......this is hardly what I call 'life'.

    17. @Libra
      This is why I keep saying, NEVER rely on the human forces down here, ESPECIALLY the military industrial complex. It's like the flower power vs the army back in the 1960's.

    18. @Libra
      That cooperation, as I said many times, will ONLY happen with a long overdue CULTURE SHOCK......something that will shock even the most brain dead monkey to make the meager few brain cells they got to rub together and make some sparks happen....and something so damning, that the darkies, their human cabal stooges and their media yes men are able to hide, lie about, or deny it.

      Guess living 40+ years on the planet of the apes really gets to you. George Carlin (who I think died a VERY disappointed man, who said that he'll welcome death when it comes) said,

      "Scratch a cynic, and you'll find a disappointed idealist".
      He's right....after years and years of being tortured by the darkies on a daily basis, and denied the help I been calling out for from the aliens since childhood, that idealist I was, back in my teens and early 20's, is either dead, or on life support, tubes up the nose and all, Libra.

      I just wanna go home, damn it. Contrary to what some on this blog, and those new age, love and light hippies have to say, I did NOT volunteer to come to this planet and be some grand 'light worker'....and I'll always stand by that take. Only thing giving me any will to live, now, are the aliens, and what they can do to help me become who, and what, I was a former, actually happy life. Otherwise, now I would have either become a drug addict, or have put bullet in my brain long ago.

  39. Arabic translation of this post/ الترجمة العربية لهذا المنشور:

    لكي يتم إعلامك فورًا بترجمة جديدة ، يمكنك متابعتنا على تيليجرام:

  40. Replies
    1. a large anomaly was directed in the planet. But on the February 19, the light forces partially managed to dissolve what was directed through the planet's field.

    2. Ah I see. Thank you, hope it continues to improve!

  41. It hasn't been too long. Just 26 years have passed since 1997. So I'm not in a hurry, because things can't emerge in a short time.

    1. 26 years is a long time for a human. The aliens, not being genetically raped, don't have that problem. To THEM, 26 years is like a weekend.


  43. Thank you Cobra for deleting messages, it shows that truth is still under a ban. Its shame that so many lightworkers still believe in pro- putin agenda about ukro nazi and other BS propaganda. It s a shame so many people infiltrared blogs here and there with supporting real neo Nazism and neo Stalinism in the face of rus dictator regime. Its shame people whom know nothing about 2014-2022 period posting disinformation about war (ignoring facts rus army
    and special forces started war in 2014-2015 not home guard as ipso instill).Get a life, leave your comfortable esoteric bubbles. Genocide of ukranians will be over un 2023 and the truth come true.

    1. Sorry, but if the mainstream media is reporting Russia is the bad guy then you know the opposite must be true. Since when does the corrupt cabal controlled mainstream media like CNN and BBC report the truth? If they are saying Russia is bad, then you know Russia is fighting the good fight and the cabal is panicking. Everything the media says is lies, don't believe it.

    2. You have to be kidding all the bio labs...all the dumbs.. zelensky is an actor...Nazi photos of Ukraine the MSM is suddenly honest now by supporting Ukraine and attacking Putin? Same MSM promoting a fake pandemic and kill shots that MSM? What the hell are you talking about..go Russia take them down!

    3. @99 We know plenty of what happen between 2014 and now. The people living there told us that Ukraine is in the wrong. For 9 years the Ukraine government have been killing people in east Ukraine. Who do you think we are going to believe ... the people that live there or you? Doug make good points too that you will not be able to dispute.

    4. And the Ukraine government has been one of THE most corrupted governments there has been. I'm sure Kissinger and Schwab give it their seal of approval.

    5. Guys)) you are so naive! It s funny to read your comments btw)As being lived for all 22-23 years in putin regime i must
      say its the most hypocritical , disinngenous, canting, pretended, insencere , histrionic deception you can find on planet earth right now. I see you you prefer pro-putin propaganda(bio labs, ukro nazist..heh..they infiltrated western people with that trash,Its your own choice to believe it. And ukraine havent killed east ukraine people, they killed only enemy/colloborants/ paid marginals infiltrated by Fsb.Ben fulford , you are corrupt Kremlin agent, hell is waiting for you. Ed! i sware you one day you will understand what i was writing about. I see you a smart guy . Russia is great country and people are good. What you didnt get ..State of russia is problem, because of bloody dictatorship , repressions, demonic neo nazism which is absolute real and is Religion right now. Religion to kill people whom f*ck off Russian state with Janukovich, putin puppet, whom said No to Putin and No to his empire many times. I just add one thing..Chris, Evolution, StonE..Guys you are pretty smart..not like spiritoo)No event, no Disclosure next 3-5 years, thats the problem. And know why?Learn 3D lessons on this 3d planet, if you cant see simple things, cant analyze with cold mind No evolution will happen.if you prefer comfort zone Nothing will happen.Bye)

    6. @nikkon and others, its a mixed bag with both having cabal run people pushing for this war but there are definitely patriots who at the least want a better deal for russia no matter what happens. They probably have mixed feelings about where the cabal wants to take things. The various white hats sound like gray hats but at least they dont want the surface wiped out with nukes. CoBra linked to a site years ago. With underground clearings, physical reptilians were forced to the surface in syria or iraq under the cover of a created sandstorm. It may of been putin himself, personally warned donald trump that his military in the area would all be killed. They were pulled out. Among the light forces who dealt with these reptilians were spetsnaz trained and outfitted with technology probably similar to the resistance movement soldiers. Maybe not as powerful but we will find out the details.

    7. @99 ... I may not be very smart, but I know enough to believe what the people living in E Ukraine are saying over a 20 something that thinks they have all the answers when they don't.

      The people say the Ukraine government has been killing civilians, for 9 year now, and you expect us to believe they are lying? The evidence against Ukraine is overwhelming. No amount of self projection on your part will change that.

      For those that want the TRUTH go check out Patrick Lancaster's youtube channel ... for a whole year he has been on the front line in Ukraine talking directly to the civilians involved. If you watch those videos there will be no way you can dispute the facts of what is really going on in Ukraine.

      @99 Bu-bye

    8. The problem is duality. Western people agerly ate the version of putin propaganda because of duality. Cabal is bad guy , yes. Nazists infiltrated usa after ww 2. Yes, thats awful. Etc et.c. you just want to see smth good in this got dsmn world full of fiat money system, sacrificing rituals. Baited hook is ready!. Russia is so sweat, mr. Putin is looking so sincere, he saying good things(except all is total lie with smile on his face). Voila!!thats all , they caught you in a trap!.... Im talking sbout every lightworker, not spiritoo. They will fool you again and again, year after yaer. The plan was ,my naive friends ,was to hit ukraine then go to moldova(its already occupied by putin in Prednistrovie), then lithuania or latvia, Belarus of course. Nothern kazahstan was in plan too further. Just territory, just more power, money flows. People lifes?? For such psychopats no problem at all. All you see about satanism and nazism is just a projection of putin Ego on other world. He will kill anyone because he hates humanity, he hates freedom, he is outta of his mind. For those who believe of 8 years in Donbass i promise all proof and evidence that it was trick of putin agenda will be shown worldwode .its billion dollar dark marketing i have no words how to describe it. You can call me traitor or freak but the major terrorist attacks with rockets in donbass region since feb 22 was not from ukraine side(just guess from what side and please remember Holland plane was hit by putins puppet Girkin strelkov). And the evidence will be right after ending of conflict. You simply have no clue whom you are dealing with..its not a bad guy as Biden, he is pure Evil.Yes im renegade here though im reading tjis blog since 2015. I know nobody will believe me here but i communicated with real ukranians, not trolls, and they are thankful to me that i saying smth really important. Ukranians are not nazi, they are still shoked since 2014 how russians agrresovely invaded their country. I was to admit how intellegent and kind ukrainians. The reality is 100 % different from sites with theories conspiracy.

    9. Wow 99 I'm so glad you are here to determine who is a lightworker and who isn't man that saves a lot of time! Without your expertise we'd have no way of knowing! People that provides proof you can't dispute are definitely not lightworkers.

      Your insinuation that Patrick is talking to trolls and you talk to "real Ukrainians" is total BS. Do you really believe the folks here are buying this? Patrick's videos proves WITHOUT A DOUBT that Ukraine is the one bombing Donbas and for 9 years ... any one can go to youtube to Patrick's channel and see for themselves. Unlike you I don't make things up ... I look at the evidence. It is obvious the people Lancaster talked to are not lying or are trolls. Big time self projecting in your comment. You expect us to take you at your word and with only a promise about evidence that doesn't exist? Really? You serious?

    10. Ukraine is one of the most corrupted governments there is. And that senile, money hungry, child molesting Biden keeps sending more and more money to Ukraine, whilst folks here in the states are struggling. Shit, Biden encountered a bunch of hecklers at dinner one time, pity no one threw bricks at him. Same for Zelensky....he's comparing himself to Churchill...whilst I was never of fan of that tubby, at least he fought against nazi's, Zelensky's fighting along side em.

  44. We connect All Together for Tuesday - 02/21/2023 Yellow Ribbon/Yellow Flower Victory of Light!!! Vittoria della Luce!!! 💜☀✴

  45. It hurts me there is no hungarian version listed since there is romanian and slovenian awaylable. I could translate to hungarian if you need. Nonetheless I will join to the meditation and I am quite excited about it. Have a nice day to you all!
    Love and Blessings!

    1. I believe people volunteer in translating the info.. is my guess... so if you feel compelled in translating to any language.. go for it

    2. Dear Kendra,

      Thanks for addressing a Hungarian translation. I absolutely understand that you (people in general) would prefer to have the information and maybe guided audio available in your language.

      Actually DH is right - we have a wonderful global team of volunteers who translate + publish Cobra's intel and record guided audios in many different languages. And of course we have an amazing Hungarian team - so all info (Cobra and WLMM) is provided in Hungarian.

      There are different ways to find the according media outlet for your language.

      In December 2021 Cobra shared the link to a website that has published the links to all then available Portal 2012 Telegram channels. You can find translations of Cobra's posts there.

      WLMM articles are published in many languages, the Hungarian blog is here:

      And on the WLMM YT channel you can find all guided audios in many languages (in the YT description you usually find links to websites/blogs in the corresponding languages).

      I sincerely hope you find this info in time for today's meditation and maybe we see each other when we join the live stream for today's meditation.


  46. I'm going to try something called Energy Enhancement System or EES, which is scalar technology. It is coming to Geelong in a few weeks! It's only in a few places in Australia. Right when I have vertigo, which is only slight but sometimes too dizzy to drive. I'm spinning even on the computer. There are amazing reviews about it. I will hope it can start to fix me up a little.

  47. Reiji Matsumoto passed away on Monday February 13th.


    His work:


    sounds like these aliens talked about by mr hellyer are pleiadians - then again - we are all aliens after all - are we not - hahahahaha.....

  49. Let´s hope this meditation brings common sense to Zelensky´s mind, and compassion to his heart, so that he agrees to do the necessary concessions to end the conflict. And also to all the deep state hierarchy pushing him behind the scenes to promote the war, otherwise they wouldn´t allow him do it. Or maybe yes, would it be possible if it was just Zelensky´s will? From the outside it seems he has no choice, that he´s surely compromised, has been bribed and there would be dire consequences for him if he went out of the script signing an agreement. But maybe not that much and that possibility exists.
    Anyway, maybe if nothing of what we have to imagine in the meditation happens, it however can help to stabilize this situation

    1. He is an actor!! The real one is Biden actor...this is all a script...Ukraine needs taken down next Switzerland and cern...we can't wait on galactics they are to slow..sorry but damn it's been years now since we were told Draco ships were taken out ..2018 go Russia!!

    2. Of course he´s an actor, it was even acknowledged when Sean Penn gave him his oscar statue for as long as the war lasted. That´s why I was wandering, in case those actors (or compromised people in other cases), decided not to follow the script, if they would have the power to do it (aside of the consequences for them), and think unfortunately it´s highly improbable. That´s why I´m a bit skeptic about this meditations producing the good efects we visualize in them, though not about influencing for the better the overall situation

  50. Tudo está exatamente como foi previsto por COBRA em seu Blog O Portal 2012, e Prepare For Change.
    Este dia determina o catalizador quando as pessoas sentirão um Flash de Luz, e sentirão que a Nova Terra nasceu.
    Muitos não estão preparados. É por isto que estamos aqui, para orientar, ajudar a conscientizar.
    Quem estiver preparado saberá que fazer. Vai precisar de alguns minutos para organizar os pensamentos, e então perceberá que outras pessoas precisam de ajuda. E é aqui que você entra, para ajudar as pessoas a se orientar para a sua nova ida dentro da energia de 5ª Dimensão, na Nova Terra. Tudo parecerá igual, mas diferente ao mesmo tempo. Muitas cidades de cristal começam a surgir, e as velhas cidades ficarão vazias, porque ninguém precisa delas. As florestas e os animais retomam a natureza para que o planeta volte a ser exuberante.
    The Cosmic Event. O Evento Cósmico.

  51. Victory of the Light
    Just a few months ago, when I was doing a certain light work, I soon felt attacks of the dark forces. Now I no longer notice anything of this.

    1. Lucky you. Still happening over here. Still wanna know what that intruder we had a few nights ago was.

  52. "As Forças da Luz definitivamente deveriam levar em consideração o estado de sofrimento da população da superfície e arriscar mais, ser mais ativas na superfície"

    1. Alguns levam, outros só assistem enquanto coçam os tomates... É mais isso.

  53. Well, from seeing how other things happened in the past, whenever bad guys bring up negotiation, it simply means that they need time to reload their weapons.

  54. If anything, black‘ball’ is a more accurate description than black hole.

  55. Let's bring it on! I will be ready! Victory Of the Light!!

  56. I work as a custodian in a school. It is decent pay, though of course many things could be better. Such as organic food for the children.. More money is needed for all, but especially for people who work everyday at a job with a very low wage . Perhaps voting third party (such as Green Party (in America) who have policies that suggest we reduce military budget by 75% and give everyone basic income, housing, thus eliminating poverty overnight will fix that) or perhaps it will not. Voting is just a tool. It holds no power for the individual. Voting gives away your power. Yet this is a label and not a reality. The reality is that voting gives you the power to change minds if you see it as a tool and not as something that traps your soul. Changing minds gives you a reality you prefer. One of peace, equanimity, and therefore, the increased possibility of open contact. Giving away money is the point of compassion. None of these have ever fully manifested in the way they were written, only commerce and trade yet voting ensures non-violent transition into seeding the ideas into people's heads, into talking about these ideas so that they manifest in reality through changing our beliefs of what is possible and what is probable, as well as what needs to happen to reduce the chances of war and increase the chances of zero poverty which of course is the likely first step to world peace. The superpowers all THREE agreeing to reduce their military budgets. America would need to reduce its budget the most.

    1. @Rokazulu

      While that might look good on paper, let me let you in on something here about America.

      Voting does NOT work, PERIOD. To have good government, you need to have the hot irons near their feet at all times.

      "If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it. " - Mark Twain.

  57. Also I will meditate for peace at the correct timing! I probably work, but I can find the space for myself and assume the supervisor will allow it. I have changed the entire energy there by just doing my job. However, much work seemingly remains, assuming if we all choose something not preferable for the good of all.


  58. Ein schöner Tag.

    Wenn er zuende geht ist nichts mehr wie es war.


  59. This is from Ashtar. He talks about what will happen. Us, we will have more compassion, remain balanced. Then there are those who will loose balance entirely, become harmful; plus there are those he says who "worship the dark ones". They are loosing power. They will eventually loose power over the media - great! But could be years away...

    He says there are weapons deep within the planet which is what they have to clean now. So yes it takes time. It is difficult, some weapons are huge. They have to be very careful, go slowly and calmly. Lots of strategy.

    So yeah. They do have the power to use bad weapons on us, even a smaller one. They don't want this. We just have to leave it up to them I suppose, be hopeful and get on with our lives, such as they are. It's tricky. I'm sure many won't agree with this, lol, especially as there are many false trolls who are negative in here. But I support Ashtar in this! We will (or have) eventually win!

    1. @Psychic
      Will only matter if we're alive and young enough to enjoy the good stuff when it FINALLY happens. And when you say "get on with our lives," my question is what lives? There's nothing here...and living on a gulag, whilst everyone ELSE out there live real's not gonna help anything down here. Will only mean something to ME if I'm around to experience it myself.

  60. LF again do not see the important events. Iran will soon develop a nuclear bomb and then Israel will attack the regime. And LF are busy with something else. Interesting...

    1. How many years have the us and israel been claiming Iran will have a nuke soon? israel will never attack a country that can fight back. If they can't get the us to do it ... it will not happen. israel is a big time deep state control ... like the us.

  61. Wow, the White Hats have unleashed their A.I. bots and systems against DARPA, CIA, CERN AI Systems in an AI war. Go White Hats.

    What is happening in America is awful, in terms of train derailments and toxic chemicals. Scary. They say it will last a generation but I hope the LF will be able to clean it up. Gross.

  62. Donbass situation since 2014
    A very sad eye-opening documentary

  63. After I finished the meditation for peace between Russia, Ukraine and NATO, when I pronounced "The goddess wants peace and peace will be had" my body shivered all over and at the same time it was like a breath of love and light, INCREDIBLE VICTORY OF LIGHT

  64. Yea, I don't know about you, Libra, but it's like pressure cooker for me and my mother over here.

    And I STILL wanna know WHAT that intruder we had a few nights ago was.

  65. To HELL with the sheep. As Cobra said, we can't keep waiting for them to 'get it'.

  66. I think WE did well Libra...

  67. Wonder how many are gonna fall for it, this time....

  68. Regarding real raw news site, I usually don't criticize other sources but you need to be careful about this one because I alerted M. Baxter about his outright misinformation and my post with corrections was not posted.

  69. The meditation went very well. Did almost an hour, they attacked the solar plexus chakra as usual but after 10 secs they were all gone into the light. Hehe, we know how to send them away.

    This morning there is big news in Australia, the biggest spy ring here has been broken up. They were offering overseas trips (that's cheap) but also money so they can get info. Idiots. Send them off, wherever you send em.

  70. Dear Cobra,
    could you please, tell us why does the war between Russia and Ukraine stretching out so long? Many people are disappointed and don't understand why Russia hasn't been able to stop it yet.


  71. Oxygene


  72. Thank you Cobra!
    The meditation went well,..still going in every four hours.
    However, Putin 's annual speech here below translated in English.
    If you have open mind curious and want to know as it its pristine translation form.
    Meaning,... no program presenter's comments and his/her interpretation trying to influence what to think.
    Only you and Putin's words.
    I speak Russians and I have gone through several translations ..finding this the best, exact,.. nothing left out from his peach.
    I suggest starting from Min.5 as it is only waiting time for him - to Min 30. He says it all about the Ukraine war.
    Then he goes on talking about Russia' economical,social , infrastructure development plan.

  73. Anyone watch the why files he is awaking alot of people it may not be correct information he getting people to think.

  74. To my fellow Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Starseeds.
    I'm curious if anyone else here is going through major attacks? I've been hit over the last 2 to 3 weeks with major bouts of depression that get so bad I find myself wanting to end my life... and then I snap out of it and am my usual happy and optimistic self only to be brought down days later. Each time it happens it's getting more and more difficult to snap out of it. I feel like I'm wearing out physically, mentally, and emotionally and it's getting harder and harder to maintain holding the Light. Usually I'm trying to uplift everyone else and have always had a nitch for that but these attacks are really wearing me down lately. I believe the Light Forces, Resistance Movement are doing everything they can to neutralize the threat so we can finally experience The Event but I feel like I'm running on fumes. I'm most definitely not trying to complain but even COBRA said this has gone on too long and went to far. I know my 1221Team is doing everything they can to help and protect me but without the physical intervention and First Contact we asked and petitioned for I'm becoming concerned with how much I'm being attacked and wearing out in the last moments. I'm sharing this with all of you to see if anyone else is experiencing similar physical, mental and emotional attacks so I know they're just attacks and not just me folding under the pressure. I know I have a great deal to contribute, especially after THE EVENT... I just hope and pray I can continue to hold the light until then. I know we're doing all of this on behalf of humanity but I definitely need some time aboard the ships to detox, unblock and get the help and healing I need in order to come back and pay it forward and spread the Light to the billions needing it to awaken, process, heal and prepare for the upcoming mass evacuation.
    Thank you for reading this my fellow Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Starseeds. Thank you also for reading this Sananda, Ashtar, Semjasi and the Galactic Confederation Of Light, Light Forces and the Resistance Movement. Please end this stand off and neutralize this threat so we can finally have the long overdue Event before some of us are completely drained... please. These attacks are VERY harsh and getting harder and harder to overcome.
    Please hurry on behalf of
    ALL OF US...


    1. Indeed the attacks have been on the rise lately with also a lot of depression, malaise, anxiety of illness and death before living and seeing the event, attacks that reach the physical plane (ears under pressure, pressure on the heart, nausea, sometimes even toothaches in the teeth that we no longer have, at regular hours although for some time it is more random, a good sign that they are weakening? ), low vibratory rate, despite our teams 12 21 and 771, despite the usual protections.... We have the impression that the "beast" has gone crazy and bites in all directions before dying... However all the workers of the Light do not feel these attacks which reach the physical in the same way, we are not numerous or nobody dares to speak about it.... These last two days have been lighter though ..... But we have to continue. Not too long I hope!!!

    2. Same. I've been going through regular cycles of feeling very positive and optimistic about the future, then drop down to extreme depression, despair, and pessimism about the future. Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat. I'm getting sick of it.

    3. درودبرشما، به زیر آبشارنور بعدالهی، سفیران نور بیاییدخودرا زیر آبشارنور شارژ عشق کنید، آنها بسیار ریز وحقیر هستند شبها جایی نیست که دنبالشان نباشیم اما از ما بسیار هراسناکند. ما از شما به شدت محافظت میکنیم فقط در هنگام حمله سفیران نور را فرا بخوانید

    4. It is not sane, to be sane, in an insane world... I feel you, and am sending you love and light and hugs and joy. If interested, for hope and relief, research and read the entire section "Avoiding the Death Trap" that way no matter what, one knows how to not get reincarnated here again. Much love ❤

    5. Oh man, I'm sorry to hear you are having such a hard time!
      I personally feel pretty good overall (considering i just let go of my weed addiction and even stopped smoking tabak after almost 20 years).
      There were attacks in recent times, but I feel they almost always happen when I am out of balance and let myself be drawn into arguments on the internet for example (as if certain people's own little army of parasites will come after you once you open yourself up to them).
      What helps me is taking time off and focus solely on my own heart and my connection to the goddess. Shining the light of my higher self's consciousness into the dark places within me to transform any negative emotions so there is no hook the dark ones can attatch to.
      I feel its always a combination of unresolved personal issues (since we are all still in the process of healing our trauma) and attacks.. and when protection doesnt suffice, then we should try and resolve the underlying emotional imbalance to become less of an easy target.
      Hold on my brother! You are very strong and definately got this! Wish you all the best! 💜

    6. I understand and wish you a speedy recovery. Sending you pink light!

    7. @a Troy@
      Ciao, bella Anima! Grazie per la tua Condivisione e Complimenti per il tuo Coraggio di metterti “a nudo”!!! Sconvolgente!!! Mi sembra un copy paste di quello che mi succede da quasi 3 anni da questa parte, e in una maniera MOLTO AGRESSIVA nei ultimi 3/4 mesi. E' IMPORTANTE RICORDARE SEMPRE CHE QUEI PENSIERI NERI NON SONO I TUOI, NON TI APPARTENGONO!!! SAPPI CHE PIU’ TRATTIENI LA LUCE, PIU’ TI ATTACCANO DA TUTTE LE PARTE E SU TUTTI I FRONTI!!! Se vuoi parlarne possiamo dialogare in privato. Indicami una tua mail. In bocca al lupo!!! Peace, Light and Love!!! Vittoria della Luce!!! Victory of The Light!!!💜✴💫

    8. You guys are AMAZING!! I can't thank all of you enough for the encouragement and positive suggestions that came my way. You guys are truly my family of LIGHT! I'm sure I'll be fine and continue to hold the line and HOLD THE LIGHT but sometimes it get's difficult... especially when we're so close to the final VICTORY. Your words have given me a very nice and much needed boost and like I said in so many comments in the past... I can't wait to see all of you aboard the ships for a well deserved rest.

      With Love and Light

  75. Anymore, I just don't have it within me to be positive. I've seen too much abuse and have been abused too much.

    I do, however, have it in me to be neutral. I can harmonize with my environment in a neutral state, beyond the duality of Light vs. Dark. Then, ironically, equilibrium and a positive state can come forth naturally. Yet, there is no 'reaching' for anything. There is no more trying to 'hold the light.' Such ideas are artificial.

    I just am. Reality just is. An adept I used to know said it well:

    It is possible that God/Source is not centered around humanity. There are many other types of lifeforms that can supersede humanity. Perhaps Source has other plans that do not include humanity. Again, this is stated as a possibility. As always, time will tell.

  76. Putin recruited Steven Seagal to fight the Anunnakis? That's very good man!... I never saw him to get a slap on his face in any of his movies. I believe it will works. By the way, don't know if you are aware off by Russians have very hard fighters on their side. I saw a picture where Medvedev stands pretty small compared with the other guys that looked like mongols or something, so tall like bulls standing in two legs. They have angels there too (winged guys for real). Forget the sheeps, there's no more stage for them. Things are definitly heating and at the end the Goddess win always. :D

  77. @LongStar117
    Yes, many lightworkers too, mentioning a lot and have face in so called White Hats. But, have they done any positive things? How are they ? "White Hats ,White Hats."

  78. @Lilith LGBT is anti human.
    Its purpose to destroy the Divine goddess Feminine energy ,one of the strongest energy in the universe. The dark ET power /the cabal / black Nobility are afraid of it. They couldn't destroy it so now their new tactic is confusing sexes. They have highjacked human sexuality for their benefit.

    1. @Starseed




      Lemme tell you something, sparky. LGBT people are NOT evil....not anti human....they merely want a peaceful life. You see....YOU don't need to worry about getting rejected for jobs.....or being disowned by families......or getting MURDERED....just for being what you are.

      Gays and Trans DO.

      And various sexuality and gender rolls been around a long time.....with Native Americans, as well as pre-christian Asian culture. So PUT a sock in sound like those mega christian prats on 'resist the mainstream' or cosmic agency.....

      SO-CALLED 'awakened' folks just looking for someone frown upon. The darkies are using LGBT as a NEW make the 'superior normies' hate and fear them, like how 9-11 was used to make people hate and fear people with brown skin. Also, not everyone wants to make babies, Starseed. Even Cobra said twin flames CAN be of the same sex, and I heard that there's quite a few alien races out there that also are not 100% straight.

      I myself plan to purge both my humanity AND masculinity once the aliens arrive and they can help ME become what I was before this human, so-called 'life' and what I SHOULD have been ALIEN WOMAN. Does that make ME a new world order agent, Seed?

      The universe is NOT a conservative christian or Victorian era England paradise, Starseed. DEAL WITH IT.

    2. Totally agree with you!!! Lilith i have to say you need to reflect more on what you said, this is basically the programation the cabal wants you to have.

  79. @Nicon99
    For you to listen to.

    1. No thanks, i have tthis cheap propaganda 24/7 in russia. Zombie tv, radio stations, newspapers shouting day and night that fake which cost million dollars. People that awakened turned off tv and inet sites promoting lie. Semonyan is a head of Rt , she is private propogandist of mr putin.

  80. درودبربیدارشدگان درودبرشورای عالی بعدالهی درودبرسفیران نور، پیشنهادما اینست:حمله کنید، ما همه چیز را کنترل خواهیم کردنگران نباشید، مادر این سیاره فرود نیامدیم که ازبین برود همه را سالم به 5 هدایت خواهیم کرد هرآنچه مابخواهیم میشود واین خواست ماست درودبرمنبع نور

  81. درود بر نوریان، هرزمان مورد حمله قرارگرفتید:کافیست ماراصدابزنید(سفیران نور) همه شمانوریان واقعی ازاکنون تحت سپر ماقرارمیگیریدوشمارا زیرآبشار نور بعدالهی درمیآوریم. ایدون باد چه زیباوباشکوه هست زیبا رویان

  82. @OneOf144K

    I hear you.
    How could I help?

    What I can say is, that we do know many protection spiritual practices .
    From Cobra too,...the violet flame, the divine white bubble of light, the protecting blue light of AAngel Michael and Faith protecting blue light, and red ring roses of Faith. Metatron AN fire and his octahedron merkabah and the violet Flower of Life as a protection over us, to invoke and call forth.

    Breathing in the bright divine white light and breathing out anything what doesn't serve our soul. But not just once!
    As breathing deeply many times a day, it is slowing, calming a fearful mind down.
    Because, when you control your breathing you can control your mind through it too.
    And not the other way around in case of depression, when clearly your negative thoughts created by dark attacks controlling you, your mind and your breathing too.

    You need not give in to negative thoughts. You are stronger than what you think.
    But, it is very important to be present and being aware of your thoughts and not being lost in them.
    Immediately when they appear in your mind, distract them, with whatever works for you the best.
    Being in pristine nature or music, exercise, whatever, works for you. And of course the protecting exercises.
    It is also important to look for a good reliable healer.

    I know depression. I don't get into it deeper.
    However I was attacked in many different forms of psychic attacks.
    Fortunately never physical.
    First when I was 8 yrs old. Then, when it suppose to be my best years when I was 17, which really knocked me and my life around, and last time when I was 30 years old.

    I don't get into details how I got out of it, and without any medication. But, I did it every time, consciously and using Yoga breathing was one of them.
    And of cource by the Grace of God, my Twin Flame and the ascended masters' angels' help.
    At that time I wasn't aware of it but, I still intuited something intangible good around me, and having hope and trust.
    You too, and everyone have all this help. By now, we are very well aware of them. Reach out, connect to them, ask their help and especially the ascended masters.

    Do you remember Cobra shared with us ?...
    You can command 12, 21 3 times out loud .
    An invocation lightcode .
    After the first 3 calls a special Lightforce team will be organized around you, consisting of those who know you and help whenever they can if you call them.
    And For emotional healing, you can keep using Command 771 protocol: again 3 times out loud.
    A Pleiades medical ship will let down a pillar of healing light on you.

    Use them!
    I know it is not easy for many of us , but we are so close now.
    Victory of the Light!

    1. Thank you @Starseed! Your words of encouragement and compassion are exactly what I needed.
      I'll take your suggestions and work on beefing up my protection.
      Love and Light,

    2. Just send a Pleiadian ship to come that me.....THAT will help a lot for me.


  83. Since the outbreak of the war, 1.6 million Ukrainians have found shelter with Polish families, Polish Deputy Interior Minister Pawel Szefernaker told Polish public radio.He stressed that thanks to society's solidarity with refugees, Poland has not had to set up refugee camps, but has established temporary mass shelters for humanitarian aid, which have received half a million people in the past year,


    According to the deputy minister, Ukrainian refugees are quickly settling in Poland and are eager to lead a normal life despite Russian aggression in their country. He said that 1.5 million Ukrainian citizens have been issued with Polish identity numbers (PESEL), which allow them to carry out official business and set up companies.


    The Polish authorities are using PESEL to establish the number of Ukrainians who have remained in Poland, i.e. have not returned to their country or travelled to a third country. But Szefernaker said in an interview on Thursday that some Ukrainians with identity numbers have returned to their home country, so the number of Ukrainians planning to stay in Poland for a longer period is currently estimated at around 1.3 million.

    Referring to surveys among refugees, Szefernaker said that around 80 percent of them are self-employed, i.e. have found jobs and are sending their children to school. "The Polish state provides support for mothers with several children, as well as for sick, elderly and disabled Ukrainian citizens," he said.

  84. LF could not prevent it. They are weak.

  85. I am still amazed how billions of war ships can't take a few chimera ships. We need an explanation about this.

    We know they are connected to toplet bombs but common it's a embrassent at this point.

    More than one year without any update on the chimera fleet and the non physical plane why????

  86. I don't see how some martial artist is gonna take down darkies. How does a kung fu guy take on platoons of soldiers with guns and full body armor?

  87. Prove Me Wrong

    2012portal and the Light Forces are critical of Russia, but I understand why Russia is taking action. There's a recent video found by Hal Turner that explains quite a bit:

    The Light Forces expecting Russia to just sit back and allow Ukraine to become a nuclear threat to them is completely ridiculous.

    Did the Light Forces stop Covid and the resulting horrific abuse from the vax campaign? No. Why would Russia expect the Light Forces to protect their country then? The Light Forces were never able to do anything tangible for humanity on the planet surface. Russia is simply doing what it must do.

    No, I don't want China ruling the world. But no, I don't want the WEF to keep their cabal stronghold in Ukraine either, and the cabal in the US need to be removed from power, and it should be painfully obvious by now that the Light Forces (and Underground Resistance) won't be the ones to get the job done.

    Unless there's some intel from 2012portal that shows how I'm wrong, I'm going to leave this post up. (It's a near certainty that this post will remain.)

    14 months after the Divine Intervention Activation, the message is very clear: The surface population is on its own.

    I don't want to be right. I'd love to be wrong, but reality keeps proving me right.

    1. The latest post confirms the black holes I've been seeing as pitch black dots though.

      So, maybe I'll do some more Lightwork, maybe not. No one ever knows what I'll do. I prefer to be unpredictable.

  88. The Platinum Star Unikorn Pink Alert is more dangerous then the Titanium Black Alert, but not deadly like a stupidity.

  89. Next Update from Cobra it's Coming.

  90. Well im not against you starseed and others. Im just trying to show how that dark system works. And thanks Lilllith, appreciated. When i m talking about naiveness pls bear in mind one thing. The whole state of RF is conrolled and ruled by KGB. Their methods and managing are still from 70-80's with mafiozi style.They still uses heavy propaganda and they stuck in one postulate. Western world is enemy ,and they choose strategy to infiltrate as much as possible everything they could. They bought loyalty of NY times, Fox news,Netanyahu, Le Figaro ,some parties of Bundestag, Orban with cheap gas for him etc et.c.The problem of Ukraine that they ve chosen not to be with Putin empire and this war is revenge for that. And i must say Europe is guilty for letting Dicttator to occupy part Moldova and then the fast war in Georgia. Ohh yeees..the same old fairy tale from Kgb. We are ptotecting smbody from themselves!! Ohh smbody ..just paste russian speaking or native littl population matter what! And then they attack.This trick again and again. And they have money to buy all world. So..Ben fullford, Lancaster or any truth teller..its just another 100000$. Europe swallowed everything that top kgb-st done while being president.It was fatal, but rivers of money flew to puppets in europe elite. Sorry to destroy hopes of good guy, Reality is only power, money, resources, war, blood, terrorism.Unfortunately Kremlin elite was infiltrated with Hitler idealogy and right now in 2023. Fourth reich is raising up. And please google Dnipr attack messile. Thats not a bunker of zelensky, nor azov base.37 (?)victims of modest their house.Ohh..they attack themselves.Methods of Goebells principles propaganda.
