in progress, M
signal field substable.
Dreamland v0.7 activated, wipeout sequence 9 in progress. Minimum M /
DL / MDS / HP / SD requirements met, VTX requirements not met.
The Light Forces are developing protocols that would utilize those portals and using Mjolnir technology, they would like to make them useful for the surface Lightworkers to improve their life situations.
Yes of course! one way or another, small or big it is allways striving its progress on multiple ways, just as all the other ongoing positive operations and are affecting more and more on all levels of consciousness of life in more light and love to the final breaktrough. Victory of the Light! =)
The 2012Portal Discord server was deleted but we've regrouped! Come and chat to other like-minded people where your conversations don't get forgotten whenever Cobra posts a new update.:smiling_face_with_tear:
Just don't talk about "health misinformation" like dangers of masks and vaccines! Anything else should be fine. Just incase, we have a backup Matrix/Element chat server now. Join that too!
Hello there! Any info about brazilian situation? Native people's genocide is happening because of gold mining in "protected" natural lands on Amazon. This gold is going to the chimera base, for bad agenda's plans, may your contacts have some info about that. Brazil is the land where the new humanity is going to grow, we have the sacred forest medicines, the harmonic native people, but the market is still being a strong influence in here, and people may think they're on a subversive side, along they are really keeping the exploration of their own minds with those speechs. The far-right went too far here. Save YANOMAMI!
black cat, white whiskers, white chest hair patch, muddy tail, was punching out, Justin went and rescued, took warm bath and loved Hela's touch. It was nice to see my brother again, has some healing to do, I want him to not live in remorse any longer than he needs to, we won't go back as dueling is over. Glad to see the LF's closer, Clones and tech's false light program got a lot of the talent locked in the internet and not the inner self, not the first hive death cult mindset, so many want power to deliver more death, pretty negative on surface still. "Are we there yet", I should have known it was going to be used as a tactic. :) haha, some subtle programs just stick and work well.
We have made headway with ascension, this is and continues to be a big mission, not easy to end duality especially when both sides have been warring for so long it is easy to get lost in the experience of absolute power. Not many know Humans didn't have an ascension plan or more specifically a conscious pathway to Source (slotted for destruction if we, in freewill, didn't evolve our conciousness), many went to internet, or the tech ages answers vs our inner self, or our inner net (All seeing eye or the system of Cali from the 3rd Atlantis had the world headed away from Source, as destruction does) some used both internet and inner self to see the manifestation of balance as the experience around us is a projection of our inner selves. Nearly have the Earth Logos balanced, we are on air now with an evolved timeline as Cobra posted and why we seen in 3D vision high gas prices to now high egg prices (Sulphur gas/air element and egg symbolizes a rebirth) Buddha is the gases giant, air elemental and why the love of laughter pushes positive air, and the virtue is growing with patience. I look forward to thanking your Goddess for dealing with us while we find our way. I will stop back by and give an update if you have interest?
Heavy Astral and Physical battles last night. Most dark entities seem to have left or been "recycled". Archons are the most prevalent hangers on. This movie is at the thrilling conclusion. Light workers/warriors we are making a huge difference so keep the faith! With our Star Family, Ascended Masters and Angelics helping us we can't lose! VOTL!
The citizens movement that revealed and prosecuted Indian residential school crimes in Canada is launching a new direct-action campaign on February 9, the 25th anniversary of the movement’s birth.
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian high Council January 31, 2023 through Valerie Donner
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council. I speak to you today with reverence and all the love in my heart. I am here to encourage you, and the Earth Council is here to inspire you. We have the best team ever comprised in any ascension process on any planet.
This is because of you, ground crew. You are the best of the best. You are doing an excellent job! Things are starting to get a little jagged and rocky. We are all working overtime to maintain balance and harmony. We recommend you do the same. Keep yourselves in balance and harmony. Restrain from getting caught up in the frenzy of the masses who do not know what is going on. They are looking for love and relief wherever they can find it. Many are opening up and having awakenings. With their discordant behavior they are sometimes awakening to new truths. They are also exhausted from what it takes to maintain life on earth and survive. Many simply want to escape.
We want you to know that the Creator is in charge. This divine plan is bringing out new truths that the dark forces cannot stop. It is part of the great awakening and the homecoming back to Source. Pretty soon you will discover that your main stream news will not have the impact it has in the past because they have been dishonest. A large part of humanity no longer trust their governments, or the media. This is a positive step in the right direction.
We can share with you that you are a part of a brilliant masterful plan for the freedom of the Earth. It is like the ending to a movie that has unexpected events bringing humanity together. This is part of Ascension. It is the rising awareness of perfection, magic and miracles that come from the quantum energies of creation. This plan is toppling the dark ones by increasing their demise. There is simply no more room for them, and there never will be, back on this planet.
We ask you to please assist and help each other as necessary. You are no longer living in the wrong interpretation of the Darwin theory of survival of the fittest. The actual theory is about cooperation and helping each other, not just looking out for one’s self. We’ve already told you that those who are Service to Self will no longer be on the Earth. (My note: Goodbye shills, your time is really shortened.)
You will begin to see more departures from the earth. This is important to remove the dark ones and also to honor peoples’ decisions that they have made with the Creator. We know that many of you have had losses of loved ones. Please be assured they are being given what they need on the other side. Some are truly angry their lives were shortened. They wanted to do other things and to experience more, but it was not their future. They’ve also been signposts to awaken others and many people are starting to realize this fact.
Please stand united ground crew. The best is yet to come!
I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council looking after you as always. I love you!
I feel this too, @Sherman. I also feel like there’s this sentiment of guilt and not admitting to doing something wrong— out of pride or because they think it’s not the right time to come clean? Correct me if I’m wrong, but weren’t the Pleiadians the ones who merged their DNA with Earth’s primates to create humans, and then left humanity?
@Ezra IF the Pleiadian made us.....WHY are we so inferior, genetically and physically, to them? Why do WE get pathetically short life spans, why do we age, and prone to diseases?
I said it before, I'll say it again, homo sapiens are genetically raped moneys.
@Sherman, yea, I know what you mean. At the same time we’re still capable of great feats— so long as we’re not psychologically messed up. AKA being aware of the planetary situation/ being part of the liberation effort at least in some energetic way.
@Avatar BB, that’s not what I’ve read. I haven’t read anything about Annunaki involvement outside of Sumerian history. Cobra hasn’t mentioned the Annunaki, unless it’s another name for the Archons? We got the Archons, Reptilians and Chimera that are the currently ruling Dark Forces on Earth. I think it’s really important for Cobra to post a new article revealing the full history of Earth from the point of view of the light forces— this would help with the transition into the next age.
I think all the cricketers are bought off, and the commentary team. There is only about 3 who aren't bought off. They're playing the finals and both teams, all players, are in on it. So sad. No competition is present, it's sad, slow, full of bad throws that are miles off target, obvious bad commentary, they show them with hideous smiles - the whole thing is off. Off. Cricket is finished. I'm going to bed. It wasn't like this last year.
Last year I downloaded a cash winning app on my phone. Payout was at $100, and I thought it would be easy because I kept "winning" 20-30 bucks a day, easily. After $60 it slowed to a dollar a day. When I got to $89 dollars, it became a trickling of a few cents per week. I am a diligent person though and refused to quit. It took 3 months to make the remaining few cents to make it to $100. Then I hit 100$ - at which point the game crashed and I was never able to load it ever again and redeem. I am not suggesting that Liberation is a scam. I am saying the Light Forces need to understand how abused we've been and how difficult it is to keep the faith down here. Their methods for liberation resemble to Dark Force torment methods from our earthly perspective ... and we are hurting severely. Me personally, I am not only hurt by Dark Forces, but more so by the seeming complete betrayal of the Light :/
Cobra said the DARPA pit was the last one. If it's the final dark stronghold it's only natural it will be much tougher to clear than the previous ones. Still, feels like it won't be long now...π€·♂️
In a continued sign of strength for Solar Cycle 25, sunspot counts just hit a 9-year high. This plot from NOAA shows how the monthly sunspot number skyrocketed in January 2023
The monthly sunspot number of 144 in January 2023 was only percentage points away from topping the previous solar cycle, Solar Cycle 24, which peaked in Feb. 2014 with a monthly value of 146.
Originally, forecasters thought Solar Cycle 25 would be about the same as Solar Cycle 24, one of the weakest solar cycles in a century. Current trends suggest Solar Cycle 25 will surpass that low threshold, at least. Solar Maximum is not expected until 2024 or 2025, so it has plenty of time to strengthen further, bringing X-flares, geomagnetic storms and auroras.
A message to the light forces and the resistance movement: We will not come to you, you need to come to us for us! If you want us to change before we die, you need to come here and adapt to our way so that you can build reporr, so that you can have any chance of us ever listening to you. I know it's a very harsh prospect for you to leave your heaven, come into a surface human comunity or family, abstain from all forms of intercourse, subdue and enchain your freedom of choice, speach, movement, thought, come down to our level of intelligence, bare the idea of madness and stupidity, agree with it and play along while witnessing all the damage and wrong it's doing all around us, all the while when you can clearly see a better path; be constantly attacked from all sides, criticised and berratex for the most insignificant details of your body, mind and behavior, never receive any love or gratitute for anything and endure all of this rejection, pain and fasting while YOU and only you have to be the one that's most loving, accepting and making positive changes in everybody-else's life. If this sounds like hell and torture and you would rather not have to ever experience something like this, remember that you can always take a little vacation back up in your heaven,go back to your family, be loved, make love and be free .... we can't.
With all the programming and limitations we are subject to here, we don´t have neither the perspective nor the knowledge to tell the light forces what to do. And they do have it. The fact that solving the hostage situation is very complicated and is taking them quite a long time doesn´t mean that they don´t know very well what should be done when the liberation happens, also considering the circumstances (inminent polar shift and so on)
They better get the lead out, Pepe.....I don't wanna suffer longer, only to get drowned by a big ass tidal wave Earth decides to have its long awaited enema, as it were.
@Libra Well, I KNOW I did not chose. No weapons, no tech, no intell, no super powers, little to no memory of what to me, that is, especially in war, which is what all this is, is tactically dangerous....not to mention illogical and stupid.
And what 'ground forces' are they all if they got no ways to defend themselves, or take to the offensive? Even the Vietcong, who were pretty much farmers, at least had machine guns and bombs to fight with.
Light Forces are gonna have a LOT of explaining to ME once they arrive....and man, am I going to GRILL their asses, Libra.
It is no secret that I have a very negative opinion of you. As far as I am concerned, you are not my mother, father, brother, sister, or friend. You are a stranger who, I'm told, I should respect and revere.
You are not to be worshiped, I am told. Yet you have temples dedicated to you complete with 'priestesses.' A clear contradiction in my opinion.
I am a god, I am told. But I see no temples built for me. Ergo, I am not a 'god. '
There is a lot of conflicting information that is difficult to make sense of.
This is the current situation.
Having said this, I dislike the idea of judging someone based on second-hand information. I would like to get to know you as individuals.
All that matters is your Name. Nothing more nothing less.
You mean all of us here, including you, and all the other Deities from all legends and mythologies across time. For all of us, including you are Fractals of the same ONE Divine Source Creator; individual expressions of the ONE.
Ergo we are all your brothers, sisters, families and friends. We are strangers as per the Illusion of Separation and lost of memories while in this temporary meatsuit, but that's as far as being "stranger" goes.
Being sovereign souls ourselves including you, it's our right (not a privelege) to respect each other, and revere (i.e. admire) and be inspired by the best qualities of each of us and aim towards even greater heights to become our greatest version, and learn from the mistakes (and not repeat it ) of the negative qualities of each of us, including the Deities from all legends and mythologies across time.
Worshipping someone, be that a fellow human or a non-incarnated Deity is up to the individual themselves; it should never be demanded or forced--the Deities do NOT need it. Only those who force and demand Worship and Sacrifices are nothing more than parasitic impostors who feed on the energy.
You have no temple? Wrong. Your Physical bodies that you inhabited accross all of your incarnations IS the temple, hence take care of it and respect it like an external temple would.
Ergo, YOU are your own priest/priestess of your own temple (physical body) dedicated to YOU; one of the Gods/Goddesses.
Many people talk in terms of "worship" here in the comments, but I´ve never read in any update that we should worship anything. The temples of the goddess are to anchor her energies, not to worship her, I understood. And it makes sense because it´s only those goddess energies that have been supressed completely (since the 4th century I belive). Every soul is a tiny fraction of god, released by himself to experience duality until eventually merge again into oneness, but I don´t think this is a reason to be worshipping around one another, God, the Goddess or anyone. Just anchor the energies and be aligned with them
Yes Don pepe. People when they hear about gods n goddesses they immediately think of worship like done in present religions. I myself don't recall the old ways if I was ever present during such a times.. but my understanding is that the goddesses/ gods promote certain qualities n inspirations if one is able to tap to their frequencies... And of course such is to be perform with certain grace/respect and gratitude.. In balance... Like those pursuing music career . It comes in handy Seeking inspiration of the goddess of art music ... However ur heart per say needs to be aligned in order to receive anything.
In short those key words.. temple / gods/goddesses are triggers for many because pretty much most is filtered thru a 3D lense.
@Pepe I'm done 'experiencing' for 'god' anymore. If god wants to suffer under duality....let 'god' arrive down here...make a useless human body and learn directly. Sorta like in Dogma, when god would make a human body once a month and go to earth to play skee-ball.
Of course transmutation of matter and various other "miracles" require training.
If you want to see where your powers truly are, then take the time to study and practice Initiation Into the Hermetics by Franz Bardon, Quareia by Josephine McCarthy and Neville Goddard's teachings, then come back to me after completing them all, that is, if you still doubt your own powers after such rigorous training. I'm still learning myself.
If you want quick results, then just by doing Astral Projection and transcending the limitations of your temporary meatsuit every time your body is asleep, you can already realize so much more of your own inherited divine powers (as cheesy as that sound for you); manifesting something at the mere thought of it is child's play while not bounded by your temporary physical body in a dense environment such as this 3rd Density.
We humans are creators; realize that all man-made creations you see and use before you are first conceived via imagination. Never underestimate the power of imagination. Study more Neville Goddard's teachings and come back here; with all due respect.
And please realize as well that while the "You" outside the confines of your temporary physical vessel is indeed a Divine Being in of itself (i.e. you are more than your physical body), being in a meatsuit can severely limit the amount of talent and powers your massive soul has; you can only put so much in your body, and depending on if the meatsuit is primarily at low density environment like 3D.
This is why magickal, metaphysical, spiritual and Hermetic schools and systems exists: so those practicing and studying them can still output great metaphysical abilities while confined in a temporary meatsuit, through training and dedication, not wasting time wallowing on feelings of powerlessness and defeatist attitude and focusing only on the fact that you are more than your temporary, perishable physical bodies.
Master Manifestators like those who practice Sigil Magick and Neville Goddard's teachings are also among the few I could mention.
At the end if the day, if the majority of the Collective Unconscious don't get their crap together, these trials will go on until "humanity gets it right".
This is a good exercise to show you who the shills are. They will never admit to liking a god/goddess. Even though ALL of us are a tiny piece of that god/goddess. No, they keep lying to you and want you to believe that there is no god/goddess. They want to disempower you. They want all of us as slaves. Nope, we are ALL part of god/goddess. We were created this way. We are powerful. Anyone who isn't will be remade in the great central sun. Or sent onto another earth where they can continue to try to fool people in 3D. Who cares about them.
@Azure Don't got TIME to train, buddy boy......many of us are too busy trying to survive. And if this is gonna involve hours and hours of meditation, and living like a Tibetan monk....forget it. I just want my true self restored, via the alien tech...and most, if not all my problems will be solved.
DID that astral stuff....not good enough...for you ALWAYS return BACK ON what is the point?
And STOP calling it a 'meat suit', a suit is something one can change wen they want....WE CAN'T DO THAT.
"At the end if the day, if the majority of the Collective Unconscious don't get their crap together, these trials will go on until "humanity gets it right"." You sound like Cosmic Agency....or that Prime Directive crap. And as many of us said.....we're in SURVIVAL MODE, no one has the time, energy, or at this point, patience, to 'get their crap together'. COUPLED with the Galactic Codex, which is NON-NEGOTIABLE....we need outside help.
"And lastly, remember always:
"There is no spoon"
"Your focus determines your reality"
"I think therefore I am"
"What you resist, persists"
"What you give attention to, you give life and/or extend it"
"All the world's a stage, and God (Source) plays all the parts""
Still waiting to see an alien woman in the mirror.
YOU go do that 'training' and then go video tape yourself magically creating well as taking on the dark forces, via Goku or He-Man, THEN I'll listen to you.
Then allow me to give you a "no-training-required" way to use your powers now, and since you seemed to have done Astral Projection already, this should be child's play to you.
Allot about 15 minutes (minimum) of your time after waking up and before sleeping (until you fall asleep), and even while eating (if you can do it), to do the following:
1. Write and memorize a short, simple scene/event (duration's up to you) that would come/happen to you AFTER the realization of your desires. Make it as definitive as you can so you can reuse this "scene" on subsequent sessions.
2. Relax the body and mind & immobilize the body (if possible), do slow deep breaths, clear the mind just enough to become fully focused and immersed on the 3rd step.
3. Engage your imagination: keep replaying the short scene/event that you composed from step 1. Include ALL of your 5 senses (important) into the scene--be completely immersed and absored in it by also incorporating your FEELINGS into it.
4. Focus and continue reinforcing what you would feel AFTER your desires have been realized and you're doing the things you want in the imagined scene as if it's happening now. Be in the state of the "feeling of the wish-fulfilled", of accomplishment, with utmost sincerity, conviction and faith.
5. Keep replaying this "short film", completely shutting the outside world and transferring your consciousness and the sensory information from your 5 senses and your feelings from the world outside your body INTO the world inside your imagined short film. Make this imagined scene of yours into your "present reality" by being immensely immersed in it.
6.Keep doing this until 15 minutes are up or for as long as you want. If doing this before sleeping, keep at it until you fall asleep with it. If doing after waking up, after the time you alloted is done, "wake up" and declare that "it is done" (as in the scene already happened on your present reality) and stretch a bit and go about your day.
IMPORTANT: live your day while maintaining the feeling of the wish-fulfilled and the emotions you had during your short film. Live as if you've already become that which you've always wanted to be.
Keep doing that, and your subconscious and the universe will conspire to instigate events and circumstances that will eventually lead you to the state that you've composed on Step 1.
More info on why and how it works at NevilleGoddard subreddit.
And please do understand that this whole mess is the mess of humanity as a collective.
Even if there are individuals who could definitely go toe-to-toe metaphysically with the Entropic forces (and there are), if the rest of humanity doesn't do their part, it will still be quite difficult.
All I can tell is that the plan is in motion, and there are still those individuals who haven't--and cannot--yet "play their part".
So instead of waiting for those individuals who haven't "played their parts" yet, utilizing the powers you already have outside of your physical body (the power of focused imagination with intent), is of great help towards the total liberation of this planet, alongside us who still haven't yet to play our respective parts.
The events must go according to the "script" of this Grand Play; which can be changed by anyone, anytime, anywhere, since all of us are both the writers, directors, and actors of this Play and can create and destroy individual timelines according to our actions and decisions.
I hope the Neville Goddard's technique I shared to you will be helpful anyhow.
@Ryuga I agree 100%. Show yourselves, insert yourself into our situation, understand it and then we'll talk about it. Otherwise we don't need you; and maybe you don't even exist...
Oh we are showing ourselves and inserting ourselves in our situation alright--for we are all Gods and Goddesses, including YOU.
"We don't need you"? "Maybe you don't even exist"? Well, I have bad news for you.
So whether you awaken into that realization that you are more powerful than you realize or continue to cling to an external savior outside of yourselves, is all up to you.
All it takes is a simple mindset shifting, meditation, and focusing your thoughts and emotions on the Wish as if it's already fulfilled. "Living from the End--the state of wish-fulfilled".
Not a Christian anymore, but this sums up one of your powers as a Deity yourself:
'What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." Mark 11:24
The lot of you here definitely need to learn some of Neville Goddard's teachings, some meditation and Hermeticism or else y'all will continue to wait for external saviors, huh.
@Azure I NEED the aliens to help me, I tried EVERYTHING to become both feminine and alien again on my own.....nothing. Still waiting for MY prayers to be answered....for over 30 years.
Awakening to the realization that one's focus determines one's reality and the true power of the self/"I AM"-ness, we just couldn't help but see every individual here to be a walking Super Saiyan, who, for some reason, just cannot acknowledge that they themselves are already "Super Saiyans" and instead suppress their powers with limiting beliefs, with "I can't" or "this is impossible" and other excuses.
Such was also my mindset during my youthful days, but through the teachings of self-empowerment provided by the Void and Neville Goddard, I've long since realized that everyone, not just me, can work together to clean the mess of this planet, with something as simple as a mindset shift and paradigm shift.
We don't need to be walking on water, raising the dead, levitating, etc. (though according to Franz Bardon, these can be done with training), all it takes is a shift in mindset, in one's energy, frequency and vibration, for each individual which affects those around them, spreading like wildfire.
Yet what do I see? It's like I'm surrounded by overpowered deities (i.e. all of you) who can create realities and timelines by merely changing focus, mindset, paradigms, and correct actions and decisions, yet are too busy immersing themselves in limiting beliefs and mindset.
And it's not like Neville Goddard's techniques require weeks to accomplish; his techniques are so simple you could even do it now as long as you have a functioning brain.
And it's not even a lack of empathy; putting myself in other people's shoes is child's play for me, so much that it has become a habit and had to train myself to control that or else the only words you will see me say is "oh I'm so sorry, I'm so sad for you, I know what you feel, love and light, don't worry, it gets better, but it's so painful" all while offering nothing helpful that could potentially get the person out of their predicament.
No, I can't waste time babying anyone at this point, hence my messages contain intent to REMIND people of the power they truly possess that they keep suppressing with their limiting beliefs and mindset. And whether or not they act upon it is up to them, I'm just reminding people.
I know how it feels to "fall" in that state, hence it gives me the drive to remind everyone that fell that they can stand up again and keep going, and that remaining in that depressive/defeatist/victim state doesn't feel nice at all, and is about the most disgraceful thing one can do for themselves with their limited lifespan.
All the more when I know that they are very powerful in their own right and can definitely stand up again and keep going no matter what.
At the end of the day, what limits oneself is just the idea that one is limited. Free your minds.
But then again, all I speak here are just mere reminders and guideposts. Do what you will with that information, or ignore it, whatever floats your boats.
And all it takes to contribute in this "war effort" is spending at least 15 minutes after waking up and before sleeping (until one falls asleep), to immerse themselves, their thoughts, emotions and 5 senses into the scene of what happens after their desires have been fulfilled.
All the while being in that state of "wish-fulfilled" throughout the day or until sleep, in both thoughts and emotions.
For just a total of 30 minutes a day of simple immersive imagination with intent, dedication, focus and faith in maintaining the necessary state (of the wish-fulfilled), so much can already be contributed.
And you can even use Neville Goddard's methods to include the collective, not just yourselves.
Mass-landings, advanced technology released, justice, etc.? Just like when creating something, it all starts from imagination, and can be easily done from there, and keep doing it until it descends here in the present because your subconscious will be thoroughly impregnated with that "seed" so much so that it has no choice but to "give birth" to it on your present/certain date reality and timeline.
Just 15 minutes (minimum) of immersive (both emotions and thoughts) and conscious imagination of a scene that would happen after the realization of your desires, all with intent for it to manifest at the present or a certain date. No training required. Not really a complicated thing to do.
As long as you keep telling yourselves that you have no powers, weapons, or you cannot do this and that unless this and that happens etc., all it does is to impregnate your subconscious with that very thing you keep telling yourselves and as a result, it will give it to you because that's what you're giving it.
At the end of the day, your subconscious will only give birth to you what you "seed" it with, without judgment and without regard whether it is beneficial for you or not, and whether or not it is what you truly want.
You want more details? Then give this a read, should be concise enough to give explanations, the whys and the how's on to what I'm preaching here.
@Libra Also, it reminds me of that Simpsons episode, where Lisa swiped the teachers' 'teachers edition' books, without which, the teachers were totally useless. Or like my miserable years in college....the teachers gave SOME lecture...and then said to pretty much 'read the book', and EXPECT us to get it.....shit, we had one teacher go take 4-6 smoking breaks during the class periods...we started with like 30 people in that class (this was in early 1999, by the way), and the semester ended with only SIX. And there were worse once, lemme tell you. Those were wasted times for me.
I keep asking, "WHAT POWER?!" And I say, "Come, oh wise ones.....teach ME, then, damn it." Nothing. And some of them point to Jesus Christ and how he had power....YET, if I remember those excruciating years that was k-4th grade (I went to private Catholic school those years, 1984-1990...I was in kindergarten, twice...not because I flunked or anything, but in 1984 (the year MY innocence pretty much died, being shoved into this cruel society), we were about to move to a new house, and my folks did not see feel it was fair for me to now make friends, and suddenly lose them, so they pulled me out of school for the rest of the year, moving in mid 1985 and starting over kindergarten properly), and those 5 years of Catholic school really messed me up, haunting me even now, 30+ years later....don't know who was the worse bullies....the students or the teachers......anyhow, I digress....
...I recall those bible times, and the story of christ..we go from his childhood to his 30's.....all that in between time is missing. The point I'm trying to say is 'teachers' expect us to, somehow, figure it out on our own....throwing us into the deep end, seeing if we sink or swim....but, like Dr. Evil once said,
@Libra Oh, I've been fed up with Earth, and humans, for a long, LONG time. Either I feel totally alone, even in a room full of raped monkeys, er, humans....or I feel like a pilgrim in unholy land, having to hide from the demons.....kinda like "Doomguy", but at least Doomguy had an arsenal to take on the monsters.
I lived in Detroit during my child hood, and frequently returned, after moving, during my teens to have to hang with my relatives (my 2 cousins were ok, when we were kids...but now, both of them are sheeple, of the flock, shall we say), I have NO love for that city......crime, drugs, gang bangers, crooked cops, corrupted city politicians (the stuff you seen in the Robocop movies were pretty close to being accurate....minus the futurery buidlings....they had to go to Texas to find some).
People tell me, "But the city is full of history...the car industry, motown music, ect!", I tell them: "Translated: OLD AS SHIT. And they go, "But they are getting better, rebuilding, renovating!", and I tell them, "Polish a turd, it's still a TURD!" I view Earth as I view Detroit....a dank, urine soaked HELL HOLE full of lunatics, monsters and criminals...and I never went back to Detroit in years.
Right now, I am READY to leave with the aliens, NOW....all I need is just five to ten minutes advanced notice, to get myself ready (I got a small box filled with a few changes of clothes, a notebook, few pens and some food.....for I don't know how long I'd need to wait to not only get my true self restored, but some new threads as well), say my goodbyes to the cats both inside and outside the house, and wait in whatever agreed place for them to pick me up.
I'm not coming back to it 'new earth', 5D earth', 'heaven on earth', and so with Detroit, too many painful 'nam veterans with shell shock, they will NOT go back the Vietnam, even nearly 50 years after the war ended. I don't care about 'building a brave, new world', I just want to go HOME, where things are ALREADY good and amazing. And I am sure there are TONS of planets I can go addition to my TRUE planet of origin, whatever that one is. And even if I only get to live on a space station, or a spaceship, I'm fine living in a big metal box, so long as it's all hunky dory, and I can travel the stars, and find me some lovely lesbian alien girls to hook up, I'll be just fine. Come on, Light Forces....I just need ONE, SMALL spaceship.....and with so many reports of people having alien ships land on their property, and meeting the occupants....surely you can do the same for ME.....and I got a LOT of land, ideal for a landing/first contact site. I'm offering you guys up there something, and you guys said you wanna start ASAP. I'm putting out my hand in friendship....time to meet me half way.
@Azure Leaves I agree completely with what you said above. The best favor you can do to those in this self pity/victimhood mindset is making them aware that it´s undermining them, increasing their suffering and impeding them to move forward. And the best advice, to supress any thought in those terms that they may have, until they disappear. They will have to renounce to the little pleasure they bring, but the benefit is overwhelmingly bigger
Alongside the 15 minute (minimum) exercise I gave you in one of the comments here, let me explain to you where your (and our, as humanity) power comes from--as per what I learned from the teachings of Neville Goddard:
-It comes from the "I AM": one's Awareness of Being; the very core/essence of one's existence beyond the Physical Body which has an unbreakable connection to the Divine Source.
-Each of us are leaves (i.e. individual fractals and expressions) of the Divine Source (i.e. the tree), experiencing and doing different things. Being leaves from the tree, we are part of the same tree, which is the Divine Source, hence any powers it has is also within us.
-In essence, we are all "max-leveled" and "overpowered" deity-leveled "players" in this Divine Play. For we are all the writers, directors and actors in the story we are writing in our own Book of Life, however:
-Our physical bodies in this 3D environment have severely limited our abilities; its constitution, by default, cannot hold the rest of the full might of our souls, hence it's filtered down, returning us to level 1 players and start from square one to experience more things.
-But the Spiritual and Metaphysical abilities and powers our soul has can be incorporated in this physical body through training (meditation and various magickal/spiritual practices), paradigm shifting, mindset change and letting go or even destroying limiting beliefs, and acknowledging the fact that we are all Fractals of the Divine Source and hold limitless potential to do great things by first getting rid of the obstacles of the mind and heart (e.g. limiting beliefs: "I can't do this and that unless this and that happens", "this is impossible", "'I AM' powerless, weaponless, useless) etc.)
-One of the usages of your powers is taking absolute heed on what words and sentences follows your "I AM" sentences. If the words you speak that follow that "I AM" is of negative, entropic and non-beneficial/limiting in nature, then that's what you will feed your subconscious, which is the main "manifestor" of your desires; the womb or creation that only gives birth, without judgment, to what you seed it with with your "I AM" sentences.
Explanation aside, you can find out more how to easily utilize your divinely inherited powers as a co-fractal of the Divine Source through the teachings of Neville Goddard; the usage of which only require minimal training, without having to go through years of study and training if you were to go peruse "Initiation into the Hermetics" by Franz Bardon and other systems.
Everything you need to get started on utilizing your powers through Neville Goddard's techniques are here:
It has the basic method on how it works, but the books he wrote will explain to you how and why Neville Goddard's techniques works and what Jesus Christ truly meant when all he can do, other people can do as well (which is literal; which was written and documented by Franz Bardon in his books including the training to do such "miracles").
Please read the 2nd link first, it's from a user who wrote an easy to understood ways on how you can utilize your powers and contribute to the "war effort" now. And you can do that regardless of what level of training your physical body has, as long as you have a functioning brain; which you do have unless you won't be here reading this.
After 2nd link, move to the first link and please read the rest of it first and then utilize the audiobooks listed there while you go about your day and do mundane tasks, Neville Goddard will explain through those books the mechanics and why and how his method works, along with testimonials from the people who used his teachings to improve their lives and gain what they desire, including the methods they used.
The books I recommend you to read/listen to on Audiobook is linked on the 1st link Wiki itself, please take the time to finish the 10 books listed in the "Books (Includes Audio):" section of the 1st link, after you read the user-written guides on the 2nd link I gave.
After finishing the 2nd link and the 10 books and practicing the step-by-step guide I gave you, you're pretty much set for the next part. Please take the time to do this; it will only take you a day or less than a week depending on your daily schedule.
Now with the complete understanding of who you truly are at your core (after finishing the 10 books, and reading the user-written guide on the 2nd link). It's time to use it practically this time:
For the Step 1 (the step-by-step method I gave you in one of the comments) of composing your "scene" of what happens after your wish has been fulfilled, include a scene there as well wherein not only you, but everyone that is pure-hearted, innocent, ignorant and good people, from all around the world, are also able to become happy as well, include the positive Extraterrestrials landing on here and teaching Earth humans how to build and use the advanced technology, med-beds that can heal any diseases and can change the look, form and biological sex of a body, etc.
And include any other scene you would like to happen, all while incorporating all of your 5 senses, and filling and reinforcing your emotions of what you would feel once your desires have been realized, and maintaining that throughout the Conscious Imagination exercise and throughout the day. And keep doing that, day after day, relentlessly, for 15 minutes minimum to as long as you want, and your subconscious, being thoroughly impregnated by that technique, will have no choice but to give birth to what you seed it with--your Subconscious, the Universe and your reality will conspire to bring about the realization of your desire without judgment; it takes "time" but this is where faith comes in--Neville will explain this in one of his books too, keep reading.
Aside from that, everything else is in the Subreddit links I shared and on the Step-by-step method of using your powers I gave you in one of the comments here.
Please allot at least a week to do them and peruse the materials I gave. Have patience; I am already showing you the door towards being able to use your divinely-inherited powers as one of the Fractals of the Divine Source, with little strenous training, and just a few hours of reading that can even be done in a single day.
I apologize for being harsh to you, but I cannot help but put myself in the shoes of people like you, hence my tendency to want to "get out" of that "fell" state by reminding people that they can get back up, and keep moving forward, to never give up hope, for everyone is very powerful in their own right.
I showed you the door now to utilizing your Divine Powers, it's up to you to walk through it now or not.
Now with the complete understanding of who you truly are at your core (after finishing the 10 books, and reading the user-written guide on the 2nd link). It's time to use it practically this time:
For the Step 1 (the step-by-step method I gave you in one of the comments) of composing your "scene" of what happens after your wish has been fulfilled, include a scene there as well wherein not only you, but everyone that is pure-hearted, innocent, ignorant and good people, from all around the world, are also able to become happy as well, include the positive Extraterrestrials landing on here and teaching Earth humans how to build and use the advanced technology, med-beds that can heal any diseases and can change the look, form and biological sex of a body, etc.
And include any other scene you would like to happen, all while incorporating all of your 5 senses, and filling and reinforcing your emotions of what you would feel once your desires have been realized, and maintaining that throughout the Conscious Imagination exercise and throughout the day. And keep doing that, day after day, relentlessly, for 15 minutes minimum to as long as you want, and your subconscious, being thoroughly impregnated by that technique, will have no choice but to give birth to what you seed it with--your Subconscious, the Universe and your reality will conspire to bring about the realization of your desire without judgment; it takes "time" but this is where faith comes in--Neville will explain this in one of his books too, keep reading.
Aside from that, everything else is in the Subreddit links I shared and on the Step-by-step method of using your powers I gave you in one of the comments here.
Please allot at least a week to do them and peruse the materials I gave. Have patience; I am already showing you the door towards being able to use your divinely-inherited powers as one of the Fractals of the Divine Source, with little strenous training, and just a few hours of reading that can even be done in a single day.
I apologize for being harsh to you, but I cannot help but put myself in the shoes of people like you, hence my tendency to want to "get out" of that "fell" state by reminding people that they can get back up, and keep moving forward, to never give up hope, for everyone is very powerful in their own right.
I showed you the door now to utilizing your Divine Powers, it's up to you to walk through it now or not.
Lastly, if you want to join the frontlines, you can borrow, or even copy, metaphysical weapons from the Archangels, and follow along the Metaphysical Assignments arranged here:
You can take part in the Assignments there, or you can go about your own and fight your way, while seated in complete stillness and letting your imagination do the work, and you can even do it (and is even recommended) to do it while in Astral Projection, in an "Out of Body" state; that is an advanced application of Astral Projection.
For many Mages also utilize Astral Projection before doing spiritual and metaphysical work--we are not only there to enjoy flying and floating or other idle BS, we utilize Astral Projection to do "THE WORK", and that includes healing others, self-defense, vanquishing enemies etc., while in the "Out of Body" state.
Our powers relies mostly on conscious imagination (not idle daydreaming), and utilizing all of our senses, including emotions and thoughts for the imagined acts. Which is also the basis of pretty much every metaphysical and spiritual abilities and techniques, including Magick. It's one of the ways to bypass the limitations imposed on us Divine Souls by our Physical Body in this 3D environment (and once our bodies are in the 5D environment and above, it won't be a hindrance anymore).
I told you before, never underestimate the power of Imagination--"there is no spoon". And Astral Projection (which you seemed to be capable of doing), can also help with this--you can even use it to augment Neville Goddard's techniques while you are in the Out of Body state.
Once again, Astral Projection's uses extend far beyond just "flying" or "passing through walls" or "going to other places or planets"--its full potential actually lies in making the YOU (beyond your physical body), be able to do various metaphysical workings and tasks, as you can manipulate your powers even freely from there, and even manifest Metaphysical Weapons and equipment to heal, protect, vanquish, etc., what you can do in while seated in conscious imagination or even Astral Projection in an Out of Body State is only limited by your own imagination.
That's it. I hope I was able to remind you of the tremendous power you already possess, and how to use them, and show you that you are NOT powerless and weaponless. All it takes is a mindset & paradigm shift, and telling yourself the RIGHT things.
Lastly, never forget after doing the exercises, Neville Goddard's techniques, metaphysical healing, manifestation--after using your powers, to always be in a state of Gratitude.
And then live the rest of your day after the spiritual workings maintaining the feeling of the "wish-fulfilled" and of gratitude.
The more people who do it, the more the Collective Unconscious of humanity gets redefined, the faster the 3D Matrix dissolves.
Right now, the ones actually powering up the 3D matrix and all of the Entropic forces that is in it, all the suffering and misfortune, is due to the Collective Unconscious of Humanity, who, as Deities in their own right, keeps manifesting the worst possible outcomes due to fear and limiting beliefs.
Since every individual Humanity has the power to manifest such horrors of immense magnitude, each of us also has the power to manifest the opposite; we possess the ability to dispel and vanquish such horrors, by making full use of the full-capabilities of our Subconscious Mind, by "seeding" it with all the good things we desire for ourselves and others, without any fear, without any limiting beliefs, without any entropic emotions and thoughts.
And Neville Goddard's teachings and techniques are one of the few ones out there that can help you utilize your Subconscious Mind--your very own personal physical reality projector, which only outputs what you "Feed" it with through your own mindset, paradigms and any words or sentences that follows the "I AM" sentences you say to yourself, without judgment.
"Garbage in, Garbage out; beautiful things in, beautiful things out", is the way the Subconscious works, as per Neville Goddard's paradigms.
Thanks for feedback. Actually I apologize but if you'd allow me to rant & vent my frustrations a little bit & I'm not deleting this unlike a certain someone:
See, I cannot do the heavy-lifting for them; only support--I do the heavy lifting for my own life, hence I only provide information & reminders of the powers they truly possess; I am doing them a favor of NOT babysitting and enabling their self-destructive behavior and yet they accuse me of lacking empathy?
They didn't seem to realize how difficult it is for empaths like me to not automatically put myself in their place and feel their suffering and try to distance myself from it or else I won't be able to send a rational message and function?
They keep asking for empathy, but where are those who empathize with US who are aware of the divine powers each human being holds all the while automatically putting ourselves on the place of people who does nothing but hate upon themselves whenever they look at a mirror for not looking a certain way or being a certain biological sex, who keeps doing their utmost best to NOT wake up and realize they themselves are the ones perpetuating the hell they are experiencing?
They keep acting like victims and snowflakes while not realizing their entropic attitudes affects other people who come upon their messages of powerlessness and victim-mindset!
Do they have any idea how difficult & frustrating it is for people like me to see people like them who keeps on telling themselves all the wrong things, feeding their subconscious (i.e. personal reality projector) with loads of BS and garbage, hating upon themselves, decreeing they are powerless, weaponless, limited, being snowflakes and acting like beggars to Extraterrestrials or whatever, and just keeps on doing that kind of BS that serves nothing but suppress the Divine Powers they already hold?
It's like watching a walking deity in the flesh who keeps on feeding their subconscious mind with all the negative and entropic things that prolongs their suffering and due to their immense power and their subconscious mind, they manifest that instead, all the while acting like victims and snowflakes and blaming their predicament on individuals and situations that are outside of themselves while begging and waiting for an external savior to save the day and clean up their own mess for them, when they themselves are already very powerful enough to destroy and get out of that self-created hell they are in.
Another problem is those people who sends messages that are nothing but "keep holding the light" or "love and light" or "victory of the light" or "trust the plan" or other random string of acronyms from god knows where!
Those mfs just does nothing but perpetuate the inactivity of other people, especially those who are already rock-bottom on their lives, causing them to wait for external saviors while remaining oblivious to the divine powers they already hold! They keep telling people that they are powerful and must keep holding the light, but doesn't even give a freaking clue HOW to use that Light!
So there you go, I gave methods from Neville Goddard's techniques and teachings (AND IT'S ALL OVER REDDIT AND IN PUBLIC DOMAIN TOO) that require little to no years of training to do, and all it requires is a functioning brain and imaginative mind. Where passive and idle daydreaming doesn't do crap, Neville Goddard's methods with his conscious imagination with intent--way different than idle daydreaming--and incorporating all the senses and perpetuating the feeling of the wish-fulfilled throughout the day, all the while being in a state of gratitude and love for oneself and denying the evidence of the senses that they do not want, is already a very effective method to get out of their predicament.
What's even better is they can use Neville Goddard's techniques for OTHER PEOPLE, or even the people of a country, or even the collective of this whole planet!
Yet they still keep on feeding themselves and their subconscious with all kinds of GARBAGE, while wallowing in their victim/powerless/defeatist/weaponless mindset, of being snowflakes, of self-hatred, of allowing themselves to get affected by their "triggers" and various other BS instead of realizing they are very powerful, sovereign beings and are way above those lowly mindset, triggers and such self-destructive BS.
I had moments in my youth wherein every time I look at the mirror I did hate myself for all of my short-comings, but it's all the past now. I remind people that they can get out of that, that there is a way out using their own power, and to rise above. No extraterrestrials will do the heavy lifting for you--deities, spirits, angels, dragons, ETs, whatever, are only there for the support role; each individual humanity themselves are the "Carry": the ones that does the heavy-lifting; other entities, even humans, cannot and should not do the work for them.
Anyway, I sincerely apologize again for venting to you; but then again this is a public forum so let's just look at it another way and see as if I vented my frustrations to all the people here who would read those two venting messages.
I'm trying to stay strong while other people suffer around me, since I'm still unable to do my "role" in this play due to personal circumstances and on how major it is.
So while I let the progress advance itself, let the plan/script play out and let the other "actors" and "actresses" play their part before I could play mine, all I can really do is to offer recommendations, and remind people--who are so rock-bottom or clueless--of the power they truly possess and the ways they can USE it.
Either through the simple, no-training required techniques of Neville Goddard (which only requires a few hours of reading to know the mechanics on how and why it works, and the very simple and short basic way to use his techniques), to complicated ones that can take years such as "Quareia", "Initiation Into the Hermetics" and so on... yet they hardly listen!
Truth be told, I think those two venting posts are the first time I ever vented in any community related to this.
I've been rock-bottom too many years ago, literally down in the dumps with no hope of salvation except death, but here I am today, still standing after every "fall" I endured in this path, and through research and teachings of Neville Goddard and other wise individuals, I realized my own power and the power of my fellow human beings too...
Yet what do I see them doing? Using their immense power of manifestation to manifest all the wrong things, feed their subconscious all the self-destructive and self-limiting things and perpetuate the hell they are in while acting like a victim, beggar, snowflake, you name it.
It's so frustrating, especially when I know that they are very powerful enough to destroy that hell they created and get out of that and rise above to become the greatest version!
They can literally destroy and overcome their trials in life, even their soul/core of their being that exists outside the confines of their temporary meatsuit knows it, yet they just don't do it, and even infect other people with such entropic emotions and thoughts.
Well in any case, I have a blog in the works on this platform.
I'll dump out all of the realizations, things I've learned, my insights and so on for the public to see and hopefully it can help people who will be receptive of it.
I can only really go so far by spreading what I know and realized on the comment sections of various websites and forums at this point. It truly is time to make my own platform soon so I can organize them better.
Well, at the end of the day, it's really just so sad, and even frustrating for me, seeing such amazing, powerful and beautiful human beings doing such disservice upon themselves, and even disgracing themselves in this way.
What's more they are using the very power that they possess (e.g., their subconscious) to do just that, instead of using it to become their greatest version, with the help of the multitude of methods, techniques and teachings from very wise people out there (e.g. Neville Goddard, Franz Bardon and such) who realized and teaches the true power and potential of humanity and how to use them.
@Azure " They keep asking for empathy, but where are those who empathize with US who are aware of the divine powers each human being holds all the while automatically putting ourselves on the place of people who does nothing but hate upon themselves whenever they look at a mirror for not looking a certain way or being a certain biological sex, who keeps doing their utmost best to NOT wake up and realize they themselves are the ones perpetuating the hell they are experiencing?
They keep acting like victims and snowflakes while not realizing their entropic attitudes affects other people who come upon their messages of powerlessness and victim-mindset!
Do they have any idea how difficult & frustrating it is for people like me to see people like them who keeps on telling themselves all the wrong things, feeding their subconscious (i.e. personal reality projector) with loads of BS and garbage, hating upon themselves, decreeing they are powerless, weaponless, limited, being snowflakes and acting like beggars to Extraterrestrials or whatever, and just keeps on doing that kind of BS that serves nothing but suppress the Divine Powers they already hold?"
Contrary to what YOU and certain others, who shall remain nameless...or unknown, as it were....I do NOT hate myself, I love myself more than anyone else.....THAT is why I want and need to get my become an alien woman again, to get off this rotten planet, and to go HOME, and find my REAL friends and family. IF I hated myself, I'd settle for being an little ugly human man, living on planet gulag, living under a region of artificial status quo. And I did not chose this life, nor perpetuate it. I tried, tried TRIED to fix myself, but no luck, and require outside help.
And BEFORE you point your finger at me and shout "SNOWFLAKE!!!!" "VICTIM!!!!" "YOU ARE GIVING AWAY YOUR POWER!!!!!" I got news for you.....asking for help takes a LOT more courage than trying to tackle something alone. It takes more guts and courage to say one, or both of the following:
"I don't know"
"Please, help me"
Boy, I could see you being a police officer, or a fire fighter in some emergency, you'd just get into your full metal jacket mode and shout to, say someone in hostage crisis, or in the top floor of a burning building, "TAKE CARE OF IT, YOURSELF, SNOWFLAKE!" "STOP ASKING FOR SOMEONE TO SAVE YOU!" Or I can imagine you at one of those Nazi concentration camps, or those facilities where kids are getting farmed for adrenachrome, calling either the mostly started prisoners or the kids getting raped and tortured as 'snowflakes' or yelling at them for 'giving away their power'.'re gonna be quite the role model to everyone, Azure.
And, correct me if I am wrong...but is this NOT a universe where know, HELP EACH OTHER? Service to others, love and light, love thy neighbor, etc, etc? Or as there some sorta fine print, or asterix next to it or something?
YOU might has solved YOUR problems....yay, congrats, way to go.....but not all of us can do that...and YOU show ME how to become an alien woman again, how to get off thus P.O.W. camp of a planet, and travel the stars (and DON'T start the lecture on astral travel, for it is CRAP)
If YOU are sooooo mighty and powerful.....SHOW OFF that amazing 'power' YOU claim to have, buddy-boy.
Though you'll probably do nothing, like all the other 'experts' and 'teachers' always do.
Are you even reading what I'm saying to you? I told you already: that doing the step-by-step techniques I gave as taught by Neville Goddard, daily for at least 15 minutes right after waking up and before sleeping--until you fall asleep--will "seed" your subconscious with the necessary information, energy, frequency and vibration, and as a result, will give "birth" to the realization of your desires!
As you do the techniques, your subconscious, along with your reality, your Divine "I AM"-ness/Awareness of Being, and the Universe itself will CONSPIRE to bring your imagined scene into your present reality by making you and other people do what must be done, and cause SPECIFIC EVENTS to happen in your life in order for that reality you imagined to happen on your present reality, because that's how it works! And yes, HELP WILL COME TO YOU if you do those techniques and utilize your own powers, not by "having the courage" to ask--or god forbid beg--for help.
And what do you think is "THE EVENT" that will enable you to have what you desire? It's nothing more than "The Event" talked about by COBRA and many others! Including--but not limited to--the exchange/revelation of advanced technology so that the rest of humanity can be helped and healed and get the kind of body you all want, the vanquishing of the Entropic forces and etc.
Hence I get so frustrated when people like you talk about being "powerless" or "weaponless" or can't do X unless this and that happened and drown in your defeatist and self-limiting mindset, because you can already do so much more due to you having a functioning brain coherent enough to read and make sentences and do basic stuff like imagination!
Doesn't matter how hard you prayed for 30-odd years if you're doing it WRONG and you are praying from a state of lack, begging and need, instead of FROM a state of abundance, gratitude and the state of the wish-being-already-fulfilled as taught by Neville Goddard!
"What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." Mark 11:24
I'm no longer a Christian but it's in the freaking Bible, and that is also how Neville Goddard interpreted that passage as one of the basis of his teachings!
What's also disappointing is how you're looking for proof about your own powers, when your miserable state of needing help (from what I can glean from many of your posts in this blog) is the living proof that you are using your immense powers of manifestation to create the hell you're into now because you seem to keep following up your "I AM" sentences with self-destructive BS, looking at yourself in the mirror and project BS energy to yourself and feeding your subconscious with nothing but powerless, defeatist and limiting mindset and beliefs!
You just keep impregnating your subconscious with garbage upon garbage and then you wonder why you're in that state when your subconscious outputs that same garbage you fed it, along with your "misconduct" (through your faulty beliefs) towards yourself, is the reason why!
Your subconscious is only obeying your command as its "boss", it doesn't give a damn whether or not what it will manifest (based on what you feed it) is beneficial or not for you, or whether or not it is what you truly want! It's just your "personal reality projector", it will--and can only--output whatever your feed it, for better or for worse.
What you resist, persists; what you focus your attention on, you give power and life.
Absolutely NONE of you are powerless, weaponless, and limited from a metaphysical and spiritual standpoint! Sure your physical bodies can only do so much along with this crippling monetary system, yet your conscious imagination, spiritual and metaphysical prowess can do so much more and with much more freedom than your physical bodies will ever have.
It seems to me you all just keep on underestimating the power of imagination so much when it's the very same thing that first conceived every creation of mankind you see and use, and it's also one of the basis of metaphysical and spiritual prowess of us Mages and even the Entropic mages of the Cabal.
You all think they robbed any of you the means to fight back against them with this messed up government, societal and monetary systems, when in fact, no matter how hard they try, they cannot even deprive any of you the ability to use your Divine Powers through conscious imagination and memory/sense recall--with focused intent and other such CREATIVE powers, and yet you still believe you are powerless, weaponless and limited?
This is such a disgraceful behavior and mindset coming from very powerful, divine, noble and beautiful beings you all are.
And before I forget something, Sherman, did you just have the gall to compare your situation to those powerless kids, prisoners and such people in concentration camps, burning buildings and other sick scenarios you thought of, all the while painting ME the bad person in it by ignoring their plight in a physical emergency?
You, who has access to the internet and can possibly eat meals everyday with roof over your head without an active fire or a gun pointed to your head right now where your life is threatened every second?
You have the gall to compare you, an inherently spiritually and metaphysically powerful human being who has the cognitive faculty of conscious imagination, to people who are in a state of PHYSICAL emergency with their limited physical bodies that could die at any second?
And when I thought you couldn't even surpass insulting this planet and its inhabitants even further, you display this disgraceful behavior?
I did you a favor since you seem to be asking for help; I gave you such help through the information on how to utilize your own divine spiritual and metaphysical powers (DIFFERENT FROM PHYSICAL POWERS THAT CAN BE USED FOR PHYSICAL EMERGENCIES BY THE WAY) with little to no years of training on your part--with only a few hours of your day required, yet you still keep on spouting this disgraceful drivel!
With all due respect, shut up and do the necessary spiritual and metaphysical work (which is the only way to solve this planetary mess on our part as mere civilians)--if you want PHYSICAL help to come at all!
Stop asking others to do YOUR work for you. I have my own role to play at certain phases of this plan/script and so are everybody else.
It's so disgraceful of you to ask others to prove their powers to you, when they are already giving you ways to prove this very same power to yourself THROUGH YOUR OWN EFFORTS.
Stop wasting your time moping around with your limiting beliefs and defeatist attitude and do the work--that is if you truly want help to come to you and if you truly want to help contribute in cleaning up this mess, if at all.
And this plan is time-sensitive, I cannot act out of turn, so what are you gonna do? Wait and see until I and others act, when I already went ahead and showed you the methods how you can take steps to get out of your predicament now and even contribute to cleaning up this mess, and subsequently prove to yourself what I'm talking about through your own efforts?
I'm not going ahead and execute my role out of turn and mess up the "script" and everyone's parts for your "unreasonable" demands, when I'm already giving out so much with what is allowed.
Stop wasting your time and effort waiting for others to make their move when you can already make your move NOW; I already showed you the door that can enable you to do just that.
Those people still challenging the light forces to come down and live among us etc etc... Really people? ... I would understand if you are new on the blog and think the star being presence on earth is a new thing ... And the liberation of the planet was planned starting last few years... And you also believe no one here on earth may have any ET origin and we don't have a Galactic history... So yeah I would understand if such comments come from a blog newbie... Who in addition have not read beyond a few blogs.. if that is not the case.. I would encourage those people to read some more.. a lot more. So Let's get the record straight and please someone correct me if I am wrong. The planet liberation entails the participation of all beings at different levels of existence (above n below) not limited to human native or star seed.. there are also animal n plants devic kingdom etc.
So the next time someone commands for the light forces to spend one day on the ground . Direct them to any star seed you know... And ask him or her as you point at the star seed ... .. "what is he,. Chopped liver?"
Yes communication between above n below was severed for sometime that we learn but we are beyond that point... So let's skip the part where we think there is no knowledge of the ground struggles because that is just impossible. Just take a peek at the comments thru the years... Plenty of victimhood comments to paint a canvas clearly
@Dragon We got no powers, no weapons, no powers (Show ME someone who HAS the powers, and actually taking on the darkies....I'll wait for you).....many of us are trying hard just to survive, now....
Add to that star seeds, as well as those of us forced to come to this planet unwillingly, have been persecuted and spat on by the masses in addition to the darkies.....we pretty much are 'chopped liver'. If the starseeds can actually GET something, be it mega tech, weapons, or having amazing powers like Super Man or She-Ra, flying in the air, taking on whole platoons of darkies, tying their guns into knots, and totally destroying the darkies, THEN they can actually do things.
"Holding the Light" is not enough, especially when WE are the ones get attacked by the darkies on a daily basis.
Sherman.. first you should know the answer by now why those things are not possible or not happening in the open.
By the way How you know people are not doing just that (taking on the darkness)... maybe they are participating in other levels. When people are trying to right the wrongs.. that is battling darkness... when people are saving animals from atrocities.. rescuing human trafficked individuals... the cops saving someone from spouse abuse... stopping robbery.. people getting together clearing portals.. getting together to meditate and raise vibration... the list is endless.. the power is within them as they face what seem impossible odds.. so while we complain why this and that and wait cause we dont have a laser gun.. others have to carry our load... assuming the person that is waiting is truly just waiting which is a pity.
Unfortunately the paradigm we are under.. has rendered us weaponless in some ways but not in all. Yes it may be too uncomfortable and inconvenient we don't have those lasers... so we do with what we got... complaining of what we don't have do nothing to improve anything.
Last... how you know people are also not contributing in other higher or lower dimensions. Maybe while you dream you are doing what your conscious mind wish could be happening on this dimension
There is too much we don't know to assume "what we see is what we got".
@Ryuga I meant need them, the "gods", not me. Maybe they don't even exist, in the sense that they are part of us or they are fake. I hope I made myself clear. So the external savior is just a metaphor, but then what's the use of COBRA?
Do not trust experts too much Here is a simple arithmetic problem that the physics genius Albert Einstein could not solve by logical thinking. He only figured it out by recalculating. But he was fair enough to admit it.
I have changed the task to free it from unnecessary ballast:
A car travels at a speed of 50 km/h on the first half of the track.
How fast does it have to go on the second half so that the average speed over the whole distance is 100 km/h?
Solution: For the half of the distance with 50 km/h the car needs the same time as for the twice as far distance with 100 km/h. But: The time has already expired after the 1st half of the distance. Therefore, the speed on the 2nd half would have to be infinite.
If experts can't come up with such simple solutions, then the question arises as to what else they can't come up with.
"Since our meditation, Galactic Command forces have started the next phase of the planetary liberation and now have a very strong presence in our Solar System that is relatively accurately described here:
Galactic Command forces in our Solar System are comprised of:
1.Jupiter Command, located in the outer Solar System beyond the asteroid belt with the primary purpose of processing all negative entities that get cleared from the Earth quarantine through the Ganymede sorting facility towards the Galactic Central Sun.
2. Ashtar Command, located in the inner Solar System with the primary purpose of liberating planet Earth.
3. Atlantis Command, about which nothing can be said. Many years ago, Ashtar Command has given quite accurate guidance for the Ascension process through a channel named Eric Klein. Here are the recordings of those channeling sessions that were given to us trough a contact inside the Brotherhood of the Star:"
Zero Hedge is starting to talk about the mile-high tsunami:
They will have a LOT of explaining to do, if that is the case. And IF that is the case, I can see the population, starseeds included, meeting the light forces (when everyone is living like in the Road Warrior movie, or Hunger Games) with pitch forks and torches.
Here is an amazing prophetic message from the Pleiadians for those who are interested. Everything in one picture (you may need to zoom in to read the text):
On January 30th I was looking through a beautiful subreddit which features pictures and videos of nature and animals. I felt a wonderful uplifting energy along with getting 'Pleiadians' in my mind's eye. I also got 'paradise coming' which I documented in an email (included in the pic at the link above).
Then on February 5th I saw a video uploaded to a YouTube channel I'm subscribed to titled 'Paradise, Here We Come!' which features 6 hours of footage of French Polynesia:
And we know that the Pleiadians have a base under Bora Bora island in French Polynesia:
"...The Pleiadians, however, managed to negotiate a permission from the Negative Military to build a secret base under Bora Bora island in French Polynesia, under the condition that its existence remains unknown to the surface population..."
"...The Pleiadians, however, managed to negotiate a permission from the Negative Military to build a secret base under Bora Bora island in French Polynesia, under the condition that its existence remains unknown to the surface population..."
And how is that a good thing, respecting the darkies' demand? They outta announce themselves and wipe the negative military out of existence.
It is interesting to read comments here and it is clear that the complainers in almost all of Cobra's posts keep themselves in a low vibration. If you truly want to ascend you have to work on your shadows and start changing your thoughts and attitude. Raise your frequency to help yourself. There are those that are soul contracted to go to 5D and there are those that are not. Create happiness in your life in any small way that you can. BE grateful for the fact that we are actually going through ascension and that you have this opportunity to be able to do it by being in a human body. Enjoy the ride until we reach the end. Focus on the progress we are making. For me it is interesting to be on a planet with people all at different frequencies and different beliefs...this is very educational.
Victory of the Light!
ReplyDeleteWednesday, November 2, 2022
DeleteSituation Update
The Light Forces are developing protocols that would utilize those portals and using Mjolnir technology, they would like to make them useful for the surface Lightworkers to improve their life situations.
Can this matter still be expected?
Any progress on the DreamLand?
ReplyDeletevery much needed.
DeleteOnly after the event it will take place.
DeleteA changed in status... from operational to activated.
DeleteYes of course! one way or another, small or big it is allways striving its progress on multiple ways, just as all the other ongoing positive operations and are affecting more and more on all levels of consciousness of life in more light and love to the final breaktrough. Victory of the Light! =)
DeleteGreat catch @DH!
DeleteDreamland 1.0 will br Russia releasing free energy.
DeleteHi all,
ReplyDeleteWe have a discord server talking about Cobra's posts & more.
Feel free to join us and have a chat.
Hope to see you there!
victory of light
DeleteThe 2012Portal Discord server was deleted but we've regrouped!
ReplyDeleteCome and chat to other like-minded people where your conversations don't get forgotten whenever Cobra posts a new update.:smiling_face_with_tear:
Just don't talk about "health misinformation" like dangers of masks and vaccines! Anything else should be fine. Just incase, we have a backup Matrix/Element chat server now. Join that too!
Victory of the light π«
ReplyDeleteHappy St. Bridget's day to you all, the Celtic Goddess π
ReplyDeleteHello there! Any info about brazilian situation? Native people's genocide is happening because of gold mining in "protected" natural lands on Amazon. This gold is going to the chimera base, for bad agenda's plans, may your contacts have some info about that. Brazil is the land where the new humanity is going to grow, we have the sacred forest medicines, the harmonic native people, but the market is still being a strong influence in here, and people may think they're on a subversive side, along they are really keeping the exploration of their own minds with those speechs. The far-right went too far here. Save YANOMAMI!
ReplyDeleteblack cat, white whiskers, white chest hair patch, muddy tail, was punching out, Justin went and rescued, took warm bath and loved Hela's touch. It was nice to see my brother again, has some healing to do, I want him to not live in remorse any longer than he needs to, we won't go back as dueling is over. Glad to see the LF's closer, Clones and tech's false light program got a lot of the talent locked in the internet and not the inner self, not the first hive death cult mindset, so many want power to deliver more death, pretty negative on surface still. "Are we there yet", I should have known it was going to be used as a tactic. :) haha, some subtle programs just stick and work well.
ReplyDeleteCool as a Cucumber
Two of the largest accelerants, oxidizers, and propellants of duality is LIGHT VS DARK.
DeleteWhy I ask we followed our hearts, end the death cults, so we can return to Source.
Christ conciousness doesn't go left or right, walks the path least traveled, a positive from a negative.
We have made headway with ascension, this is and continues to be a big mission, not easy to end duality especially when both sides have been warring for so long it is easy to get lost in the experience of absolute power. Not many know Humans didn't have an ascension plan or more specifically a conscious pathway to Source (slotted for destruction if we, in freewill, didn't evolve our conciousness), many went to internet, or the tech ages answers vs our inner self, or our inner net (All seeing eye or the system of Cali from the 3rd Atlantis had the world headed away from Source, as destruction does) some used both internet and inner self to see the manifestation of balance as the experience around us is a projection of our inner selves. Nearly have the Earth Logos balanced, we are on air now with an evolved timeline as Cobra posted and why we seen in 3D vision high gas prices to now high egg prices (Sulphur gas/air element and egg symbolizes a rebirth) Buddha is the gases giant, air elemental and why the love of laughter pushes positive air, and the virtue is growing with patience. I look forward to thanking your Goddess for dealing with us while we find our way. I will stop back by and give an update if you have interest?
DeleteTu me manques tellement, mes bains sont beaucoup moins apaisant sans ta prΓ©sence, notre lien me manques.
ReplyDeleteHow is the final chimera pit?Use you LF all to clean it forever.
ReplyDeleteδ½ ε₯½ε―η±
DeleteRufuse any failure!
ReplyDeleteHeavy Astral and Physical battles last night. Most dark entities seem to have left or been "recycled". Archons are the most prevalent hangers on. This movie is at the thrilling conclusion. Light workers/warriors we are making a huge difference so keep the faith!
ReplyDeleteWith our Star Family, Ascended Masters and Angelics helping us we can't lose! VOTL!
ReplyDeleteOh oui Victoire de la LumiΓ¨re Paix dans les coeurs et Amour Γ toutes les Γmes incarnΓ©es
ReplyDeletefree Yanomami!!!! The gold of Brazil can not be helping the dark agenda anymore!!
ReplyDeleteVOTL! hoping vtx can meet the requirements soon
The citizens movement that revealed and prosecuted Indian residential school crimes in Canada is launching a new direct-action campaign on February 9, the 25th anniversary of the movement’s birth.
Can someone from LF help us in Brazil??
ReplyDeleteIAm Anchoring Light and Goodness ❤
ReplyDeleteIAm Consenting to Light and Goodness ❤
IAm do Not consent to evil and harm...
IAM Consent to The Galactic Codex ❤
They are so hard trying to push a race war
ReplyDeleteThe dark forces are trying hard to push any/all wars not just race wars tho!
DeleteA Message from Mira from the Pleiadian high Council January 31, 2023 through Valerie Donner
ReplyDeleteGreetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council. I speak to you today with reverence and all the love in my heart. I am here to encourage you, and the Earth Council is here to inspire you. We have the best team ever comprised in any ascension process on any planet.
This is because of you, ground crew. You are the best of the best. You are doing an excellent job! Things are starting to get a little jagged and rocky. We are all working overtime to maintain balance and harmony. We recommend you do the same. Keep yourselves in balance and harmony. Restrain from getting caught up in the frenzy of the masses who do not know what is going on. They are looking for love and relief wherever they can find it. Many are opening up and having awakenings. With their discordant behavior they are sometimes awakening to new truths. They are also exhausted from what it takes to maintain life on earth and survive. Many simply want to escape.
We want you to know that the Creator is in charge. This divine plan is bringing out new truths that the dark forces cannot stop. It is part of the great awakening and the homecoming back to Source. Pretty soon you will discover that your main stream news will not have the impact it has in the past because they have been dishonest. A large part of humanity no longer trust their governments, or the media. This is a positive step in the right direction.
We can share with you that you are a part of a brilliant masterful plan for the freedom of the Earth. It is like the ending to a movie that has unexpected events bringing humanity together. This is part of Ascension. It is the rising awareness of perfection, magic and miracles that come from the quantum energies of creation. This plan is toppling the dark ones by increasing their demise. There is simply no more room for them, and there never will be, back on this planet.
We ask you to please assist and help each other as necessary. You are no longer living in the wrong interpretation of the Darwin theory of survival of the fittest. The actual theory is about cooperation and helping each other, not just looking out for one’s self. We’ve already told you that those who are Service to Self will no longer be on the Earth. (My note: Goodbye shills, your time is really shortened.)
You will begin to see more departures from the earth. This is important to remove the dark ones and also to honor peoples’ decisions that they have made with the Creator. We know that many of you have had losses of loved ones. Please be assured they are being given what they need on the other side. Some are truly angry their lives were shortened. They wanted to do other things and to experience more, but it was not their future. They’ve also been signposts to awaken others and many people are starting to realize this fact.
Please stand united ground crew. The best is yet to come!
I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council looking after you as always. I love you!
Sounds like more silent cheer leading.
DeleteI feel this too, @Sherman. I also feel like there’s this sentiment of guilt and not admitting to doing something wrong— out of pride or because they think it’s not the right time to come clean? Correct me if I’m wrong, but weren’t the Pleiadians the ones who merged their DNA with Earth’s primates to create humans, and then left humanity?
DeleteIF the Pleiadian made us.....WHY are we so inferior, genetically and physically, to them? Why do WE get pathetically short life spans, why do we age, and prone to diseases?
I said it before, I'll say it again, homo sapiens are genetically raped moneys.
No annunaki merged the DNA. And they are governing the earth since then
DeleteEither way, our genetics are raped.
@Sherman, yea, I know what you mean. At the same time we’re still capable of great feats— so long as we’re not psychologically messed up. AKA being aware of the planetary situation/ being part of the liberation effort at least in some energetic way.
Delete@Avatar BB, that’s not what I’ve read. I haven’t read anything about Annunaki involvement outside of Sumerian history. Cobra hasn’t mentioned the Annunaki, unless it’s another name for the Archons? We got the Archons, Reptilians and Chimera that are the currently ruling Dark Forces on Earth. I think it’s really important for Cobra to post a new article revealing the full history of Earth from the point of view of the light forces— this would help with the transition into the next age.
I think all the cricketers are bought off, and the commentary team. There is only about 3 who aren't bought off. They're playing the finals and both teams, all players, are in on it. So sad. No competition is present, it's sad, slow, full of bad throws that are miles off target, obvious bad commentary, they show them with hideous smiles - the whole thing is off. Off. Cricket is finished. I'm going to bed. It wasn't like this last year.
ReplyDeleteI'm seeing beautiful lightships in the sky here in Canada! VOTL! Thank you for the update πππ
ReplyDeleteThe news sounds good, but the question remains...
ReplyDelete"Father/Mother God" source, how long will more than 8 billion human, elemental and galactic lives perish on this planet?
Mercy, Mercy, Mercy!
Time to destroy this last pit!!!!
ReplyDeleteProgress has slowed significantly. In one year, 999 pits were cleaned and not one in 2 months. Interesting...
ReplyDeleteLast year I downloaded a cash winning app on my phone. Payout was at $100, and I thought it would be easy because I kept "winning" 20-30 bucks a day, easily. After $60 it slowed to a dollar a day. When I got to $89 dollars, it became a trickling of a few cents per week. I am a diligent person though and refused to quit. It took 3 months to make the remaining few cents to make it to $100. Then I hit 100$ - at which point the game crashed and I was never able to load it ever again and redeem. I am not suggesting that Liberation is a scam. I am saying the Light Forces need to understand how abused we've been and how difficult it is to keep the faith down here. Their methods for liberation resemble to Dark Force torment methods from our earthly perspective ... and we are hurting severely. Me personally, I am not only hurt by Dark Forces, but more so by the seeming complete betrayal of the Light :/
DeleteCobra said the DARPA pit was the last one. If it's the final dark stronghold it's only natural it will be much tougher to clear than the previous ones. Still, feels like it won't be long now...π€·♂️
DeleteWhy are the VTX requirements not being met? What is preventing this?
ReplyDeleteit's supposed to be nothing. the fiat-system is truly dying.
Deletevtx is computer programming lingo.
DeleteComo fico abismado com a lerdeza no pensar de tanta gente, e sempre a mesma ladainha... As datas vão mudando e a "salvação" esta chegando... E os ignóbeis gritando frenéticos "Vitoria Da Luz!!!!" "Vitoria Da Luz!!!!" Bobagem pura bobagem sempre novas datas são dadas aos imbecis e o que vemos de realidade??? o time do inferno continua a fazer gol.
ReplyDeleteIn a continued sign of strength for Solar Cycle 25, sunspot counts just hit a 9-year high. This plot from NOAA shows how the monthly sunspot number skyrocketed in January 2023
The monthly sunspot number of 144 in January 2023 was only percentage points away from topping the previous solar cycle, Solar Cycle 24, which peaked in Feb. 2014 with a monthly value of 146.
Originally, forecasters thought Solar Cycle 25 would be about the same as Solar Cycle 24, one of the weakest solar cycles in a century. Current trends suggest Solar Cycle 25 will surpass that low threshold, at least. Solar Maximum is not expected until 2024 or 2025, so it has plenty of time to strengthen further, bringing X-flares, geomagnetic storms and auroras.
ReplyDeleteA message to the light forces and the resistance movement:
ReplyDeleteWe will not come to you, you need to come to us for us! If you want us to change before we die, you need to come here and adapt to our way so that you can build reporr, so that you can have any chance of us ever listening to you. I know it's a very harsh prospect for you to leave your heaven, come into a surface human comunity or family, abstain from all forms of intercourse, subdue and enchain your freedom of choice, speach, movement, thought, come down to our level of intelligence, bare the idea of madness and stupidity, agree with it and play along while witnessing all the damage and wrong it's doing all around us, all the while when you can clearly see a better path; be constantly attacked from all sides, criticised and berratex for the most insignificant details of your body, mind and behavior, never receive any love or gratitute for anything and endure all of this rejection, pain and fasting while YOU and only you have to be the one that's most loving, accepting and making positive changes in everybody-else's life.
If this sounds like hell and torture and you would rather not have to ever experience something like this, remember that you can always take a little vacation back up in your heaven,go back to your family, be loved, make love and be free .... we can't.
DeleteAnd, IF I am doomed to die on this rotten planet, and as in ugly little human man.....this video clips is directed to the Light Forces:
And in their safe, cozy spaceships, Steph.
DeleteYea that sounds all too familiar to me, Aria!
DeleteWith all the programming and limitations we are subject to here, we don´t have neither the perspective nor the knowledge to tell the light forces what to do. And they do have it. The fact that solving the hostage situation is very complicated and is taking them quite a long time doesn´t mean that they don´t know very well what should be done when the liberation happens, also considering the circumstances (inminent polar shift and so on)
DeleteThey better get the lead out, Pepe.....I don't wanna suffer longer, only to get drowned by a big ass tidal wave Earth decides to have its long awaited enema, as it were.
Well, I KNOW I did not chose. No weapons, no tech, no intell, no super powers, little to no memory of what to me, that is, especially in war, which is what all this is, is tactically dangerous....not to mention illogical and stupid.
And what 'ground forces' are they all if they got no ways to defend themselves, or take to the offensive? Even the Vietcong, who were pretty much farmers, at least had machine guns and bombs to fight with.
Light Forces are gonna have a LOT of explaining to ME once they arrive....and man, am I going to GRILL their asses, Libra.
ReplyDeleteTo 'gods' and 'goddesses.'
ReplyDeleteI shall speak plainly.
It is no secret that I have a very negative opinion of you. As far as I am concerned, you are not my mother, father, brother, sister, or friend. You are a stranger who, I'm told, I should respect and revere.
You are not to be worshiped, I am told. Yet you have temples dedicated to you complete with 'priestesses.' A clear contradiction in my opinion.
I am a god, I am told. But I see no temples built for me. Ergo, I am not a 'god. '
There is a lot of conflicting information that is difficult to make sense of.
This is the current situation.
Having said this, I dislike the idea of judging someone based on second-hand information. I would like to get to know you as individuals.
All that matters is your Name. Nothing more nothing less.
You know where to find me. Do drop in.
You are God (Universe).
DeleteI'm sure they will read this after they check their email and twitter.
DeleteHave you ever thought that your definition of God is incorrect?
Delete--"To 'gods' and 'goddesses.'"
DeleteYou mean all of us here, including you, and all the other Deities from all legends and mythologies across time. For all of us, including you are Fractals of the same ONE Divine Source Creator; individual expressions of the ONE.
Ergo we are all your brothers, sisters, families and friends. We are strangers as per the Illusion of Separation and lost of memories while in this temporary meatsuit, but that's as far as being "stranger" goes.
Being sovereign souls ourselves including you, it's our right (not a privelege) to respect each other, and revere (i.e. admire) and be inspired by the best qualities of each of us and aim towards even greater heights to become our greatest version, and learn from the mistakes (and not repeat it ) of the negative qualities of each of us, including the Deities from all legends and mythologies across time.
Worshipping someone, be that a fellow human or a non-incarnated Deity is up to the individual themselves; it should never be demanded or forced--the Deities do NOT need it. Only those who force and demand Worship and Sacrifices are nothing more than parasitic impostors who feed on the energy.
You have no temple? Wrong. Your Physical bodies that you inhabited accross all of your incarnations IS the temple, hence take care of it and respect it like an external temple would.
Ergo, YOU are your own priest/priestess of your own temple (physical body) dedicated to YOU; one of the Gods/Goddesses.
I'm god, huh? *tries to turn water into wine* Nope, nothing happened....some 'gods' we are...
DeleteMany people talk in terms of "worship" here in the comments, but I´ve never read in any update that we should worship anything. The temples of the goddess are to anchor her energies, not to worship her, I understood. And it makes sense because it´s only those goddess energies that have been supressed completely (since the 4th century I belive).
DeleteEvery soul is a tiny fraction of god, released by himself to experience duality until eventually merge again into oneness, but I don´t think this is a reason to be worshipping around one another, God, the Goddess or anyone. Just anchor the energies and be aligned with them
Yes Don pepe. People when they hear about gods n goddesses they immediately think of worship like done in present religions. I myself don't recall the old ways if I was ever present during such a times.. but my understanding is that the goddesses/ gods promote certain qualities n inspirations if one is able to tap to their frequencies... And of course such is to be perform with certain grace/respect and gratitude.. In balance... Like those pursuing music career . It comes in handy Seeking inspiration of the goddess of art music ... However ur heart per say needs to be aligned in order to receive anything.
DeleteIn short those key words.. temple / gods/goddesses are triggers for many because pretty much most is filtered thru a 3D lense.
Thank you for the detailed reply.
I don't doubt that humans have the potential to become 'deities.' But most people aren't operating in that capacity.
This blog seems to be referring to 'ascended' beings as 'gods' and 'goddesses.' So that is who I addressed.
I view my body as a prison I need to escape from for reasons I am not going to get into. We'll have to agree to disagree on that one.
DeleteI'm done 'experiencing' for 'god' anymore. If god wants to suffer under duality....let 'god' arrive down here...make a useless human body and learn directly. Sorta like in Dogma, when god would make a human body once a month and go to earth to play skee-ball.
You missed the point, Sherman.
DeleteOf course transmutation of matter and various other "miracles" require training.
If you want to see where your powers truly are, then take the time to study and practice Initiation Into the Hermetics by Franz Bardon, Quareia by Josephine McCarthy and Neville Goddard's teachings, then come back to me after completing them all, that is, if you still doubt your own powers after such rigorous training. I'm still learning myself.
If you want quick results, then just by doing Astral Projection and transcending the limitations of your temporary meatsuit every time your body is asleep, you can already realize so much more of your own inherited divine powers (as cheesy as that sound for you); manifesting something at the mere thought of it is child's play while not bounded by your temporary physical body in a dense environment such as this 3rd Density.
We humans are creators; realize that all man-made creations you see and use before you are first conceived via imagination. Never underestimate the power of imagination. Study more Neville Goddard's teachings and come back here; with all due respect.
And please realize as well that while the "You" outside the confines of your temporary physical vessel is indeed a Divine Being in of itself (i.e. you are more than your physical body), being in a meatsuit can severely limit the amount of talent and powers your massive soul has; you can only put so much in your body, and depending on if the meatsuit is primarily at low density environment like 3D.
DeleteThis is why magickal, metaphysical, spiritual and Hermetic schools and systems exists: so those practicing and studying them can still output great metaphysical abilities while confined in a temporary meatsuit, through training and dedication, not wasting time wallowing on feelings of powerlessness and defeatist attitude and focusing only on the fact that you are more than your temporary, perishable physical bodies.
Master Manifestators like those who practice Sigil Magick and Neville Goddard's teachings are also among the few I could mention.
At the end if the day, if the majority of the Collective Unconscious don't get their crap together, these trials will go on until "humanity gets it right".
And lastly, remember always:
Delete"There is no spoon"
"Your focus determines your reality"
"I think therefore I am"
"What you resist, persists"
"What you give attention to, you give life and/or extend it"
"All the world's a stage, and God (Source) plays all the parts"
This is a good exercise to show you who the shills are. They will never admit to liking a god/goddess. Even though ALL of us are a tiny piece of that god/goddess. No, they keep lying to you and want you to believe that there is no god/goddess. They want to disempower you. They want all of us as slaves. Nope, we are ALL part of god/goddess. We were created this way. We are powerful. Anyone who isn't will be remade in the great central sun. Or sent onto another earth where they can continue to try to fool people in 3D. Who cares about them.
DeleteDon't got TIME to train, buddy boy......many of us are too busy trying to survive. And if this is gonna involve hours and hours of meditation, and living like a Tibetan monk....forget it. I just want my true self restored, via the alien tech...and most, if not all my problems will be solved.
DID that astral stuff....not good enough...for you ALWAYS return BACK ON what is the point?
And STOP calling it a 'meat suit', a suit is something one can change wen they want....WE CAN'T DO THAT.
"At the end if the day, if the majority of the Collective Unconscious don't get their crap together, these trials will go on until "humanity gets it right"." You sound like Cosmic Agency....or that Prime Directive crap. And as many of us said.....we're in SURVIVAL MODE, no one has the time, energy, or at this point, patience, to 'get their crap together'. COUPLED with the Galactic Codex, which is NON-NEGOTIABLE....we need outside help.
"And lastly, remember always:
"There is no spoon"
"Your focus determines your reality"
"I think therefore I am"
"What you resist, persists"
"What you give attention to, you give life and/or extend it"
"All the world's a stage, and God (Source) plays all the parts""
Still waiting to see an alien woman in the mirror.
YOU go do that 'training' and then go video tape yourself magically creating well as taking on the dark forces, via Goku or He-Man, THEN I'll listen to you.
DeleteThen allow me to give you a "no-training-required" way to use your powers now, and since you seemed to have done Astral Projection already, this should be child's play to you.
Allot about 15 minutes (minimum) of your time after waking up and before sleeping (until you fall asleep), and even while eating (if you can do it), to do the following:
1. Write and memorize a short, simple scene/event (duration's up to you) that would come/happen to you AFTER the realization of your desires. Make it as definitive as you can so you can reuse this "scene" on subsequent sessions.
2. Relax the body and mind & immobilize the body (if possible), do slow deep breaths, clear the mind just enough to become fully focused and immersed on the 3rd step.
3. Engage your imagination: keep replaying the short scene/event that you composed from step 1. Include ALL of your 5 senses (important) into the scene--be completely immersed and absored in it by also incorporating your FEELINGS into it.
4. Focus and continue reinforcing what you would feel AFTER your desires have been realized and you're doing the things you want in the imagined scene as if it's happening now. Be in the state of the "feeling of the wish-fulfilled", of accomplishment, with utmost sincerity, conviction and faith.
5. Keep replaying this "short film", completely shutting the outside world and transferring your consciousness and the sensory information from your 5 senses and your feelings from the world outside your body INTO the world inside your imagined short film. Make this imagined scene of yours into your "present reality" by being immensely immersed in it.
6.Keep doing this until 15 minutes are up or for as long as you want. If doing this before sleeping, keep at it until you fall asleep with it. If doing after waking up, after the time you alloted is done, "wake up" and declare that "it is done" (as in the scene already happened on your present reality) and stretch a bit and go about your day.
IMPORTANT: live your day while maintaining the feeling of the wish-fulfilled and the emotions you had during your short film. Live as if you've already become that which you've always wanted to be.
Keep doing that, and your subconscious and the universe will conspire to instigate events and circumstances that will eventually lead you to the state that you've composed on Step 1.
More info on why and how it works at NevilleGoddard subreddit.
DeleteAnd please do understand that this whole mess is the mess of humanity as a collective.
Even if there are individuals who could definitely go toe-to-toe metaphysically with the Entropic forces (and there are), if the rest of humanity doesn't do their part, it will still be quite difficult.
All I can tell is that the plan is in motion, and there are still those individuals who haven't--and cannot--yet "play their part".
So instead of waiting for those individuals who haven't "played their parts" yet, utilizing the powers you already have outside of your physical body (the power of focused imagination with intent), is of great help towards the total liberation of this planet, alongside us who still haven't yet to play our respective parts.
The events must go according to the "script" of this Grand Play; which can be changed by anyone, anytime, anywhere, since all of us are both the writers, directors, and actors of this Play and can create and destroy individual timelines according to our actions and decisions.
I hope the Neville Goddard's technique I shared to you will be helpful anyhow.
Lol divination @tweeter ...
ReplyDeleteI agree 100%. Show yourselves, insert yourself into our situation, understand it and then we'll talk about it. Otherwise we don't need you; and maybe you don't even exist...
Oh we are showing ourselves and inserting ourselves in our situation alright--for we are all Gods and Goddesses, including YOU.
Delete"We don't need you"? "Maybe you don't even exist"? Well, I have bad news for you.
So whether you awaken into that realization that you are more powerful than you realize or continue to cling to an external savior outside of yourselves, is all up to you.
All it takes is a simple mindset shifting, meditation, and focusing your thoughts and emotions on the Wish as if it's already fulfilled. "Living from the End--the state of wish-fulfilled".
Not a Christian anymore, but this sums up one of your powers as a Deity yourself:
'What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." Mark 11:24
The lot of you here definitely need to learn some of Neville Goddard's teachings, some meditation and Hermeticism or else y'all will continue to wait for external saviors, huh.
DeleteI NEED the aliens to help me, I tried EVERYTHING to become both feminine and alien again on my own.....nothing. Still waiting for MY prayers to be answered....for over 30 years.
Well, what am I to do?
DeleteAwakening to the realization that one's focus determines one's reality and the true power of the self/"I AM"-ness, we just couldn't help but see every individual here to be a walking Super Saiyan, who, for some reason, just cannot acknowledge that they themselves are already "Super Saiyans" and instead suppress their powers with limiting beliefs, with "I can't" or "this is impossible" and other excuses.
Such was also my mindset during my youthful days, but through the teachings of self-empowerment provided by the Void and Neville Goddard, I've long since realized that everyone, not just me, can work together to clean the mess of this planet, with something as simple as a mindset shift and paradigm shift.
We don't need to be walking on water, raising the dead, levitating, etc. (though according to Franz Bardon, these can be done with training), all it takes is a shift in mindset, in one's energy, frequency and vibration, for each individual which affects those around them, spreading like wildfire.
Yet what do I see? It's like I'm surrounded by overpowered deities (i.e. all of you) who can create realities and timelines by merely changing focus, mindset, paradigms, and correct actions and decisions, yet are too busy immersing themselves in limiting beliefs and mindset.
And it's not like Neville Goddard's techniques require weeks to accomplish; his techniques are so simple you could even do it now as long as you have a functioning brain.
And it's not even a lack of empathy; putting myself in other people's shoes is child's play for me, so much that it has become a habit and had to train myself to control that or else the only words you will see me say is "oh I'm so sorry, I'm so sad for you, I know what you feel, love and light, don't worry, it gets better, but it's so painful" all while offering nothing helpful that could potentially get the person out of their predicament.
DeleteNo, I can't waste time babying anyone at this point, hence my messages contain intent to REMIND people of the power they truly possess that they keep suppressing with their limiting beliefs and mindset. And whether or not they act upon it is up to them, I'm just reminding people.
I know how it feels to "fall" in that state, hence it gives me the drive to remind everyone that fell that they can stand up again and keep going, and that remaining in that depressive/defeatist/victim state doesn't feel nice at all, and is about the most disgraceful thing one can do for themselves with their limited lifespan.
All the more when I know that they are very powerful in their own right and can definitely stand up again and keep going no matter what.
At the end of the day, what limits oneself is just the idea that one is limited. Free your minds.
But then again, all I speak here are just mere reminders and guideposts. Do what you will with that information, or ignore it, whatever floats your boats.
And all it takes to contribute in this "war effort" is spending at least 15 minutes after waking up and before sleeping (until one falls asleep), to immerse themselves, their thoughts, emotions and 5 senses into the scene of what happens after their desires have been fulfilled.
DeleteAll the while being in that state of "wish-fulfilled" throughout the day or until sleep, in both thoughts and emotions.
For just a total of 30 minutes a day of simple immersive imagination with intent, dedication, focus and faith in maintaining the necessary state (of the wish-fulfilled), so much can already be contributed.
And you can even use Neville Goddard's methods to include the collective, not just yourselves.
Mass-landings, advanced technology released, justice, etc.? Just like when creating something, it all starts from imagination, and can be easily done from there, and keep doing it until it descends here in the present because your subconscious will be thoroughly impregnated with that "seed" so much so that it has no choice but to "give birth" to it on your present/certain date reality and timeline.
Just 15 minutes (minimum) of immersive (both emotions and thoughts) and conscious imagination of a scene that would happen after the realization of your desires, all with intent for it to manifest at the present or a certain date. No training required. Not really a complicated thing to do.
As long as you keep telling yourselves that you have no powers, weapons, or you cannot do this and that unless this and that happens etc., all it does is to impregnate your subconscious with that very thing you keep telling yourselves and as a result, it will give it to you because that's what you're giving it.
DeleteAt the end of the day, your subconscious will only give birth to you what you "seed" it with, without judgment and without regard whether it is beneficial for you or not, and whether or not it is what you truly want.
You want more details? Then give this a read, should be concise enough to give explanations, the whys and the how's on to what I'm preaching here.
DeleteAlso, it reminds me of that Simpsons episode, where Lisa swiped the teachers' 'teachers edition' books, without which, the teachers were totally useless. Or like my miserable years in college....the teachers gave SOME lecture...and then said to pretty much 'read the book', and EXPECT us to get it.....shit, we had one teacher go take 4-6 smoking breaks during the class periods...we started with like 30 people in that class (this was in early 1999, by the way), and the semester ended with only SIX. And there were worse once, lemme tell you. Those were wasted times for me.
I keep asking, "WHAT POWER?!" And I say, "Come, oh wise ones.....teach ME, then, damn it." Nothing. And some of them point to Jesus Christ and how he had power....YET, if I remember those excruciating years that was k-4th grade (I went to private Catholic school those years, 1984-1990...I was in kindergarten, twice...not because I flunked or anything, but in 1984 (the year MY innocence pretty much died, being shoved into this cruel society), we were about to move to a new house, and my folks did not see feel it was fair for me to now make friends, and suddenly lose them, so they pulled me out of school for the rest of the year, moving in mid 1985 and starting over kindergarten properly), and those 5 years of Catholic school really messed me up, haunting me even now, 30+ years later....don't know who was the worse bullies....the students or the teachers......anyhow, I digress....
...I recall those bible times, and the story of christ..we go from his childhood to his 30's.....all that in between time is missing. The point I'm trying to say is 'teachers' expect us to, somehow, figure it out on our own....throwing us into the deep end, seeing if we sink or swim....but, like Dr. Evil once said,
I need the INFO!
DeleteOh, I've been fed up with Earth, and humans, for a long, LONG time. Either I feel totally alone, even in a room full of raped monkeys, er, humans....or I feel like a pilgrim in unholy land, having to hide from the demons.....kinda like "Doomguy", but at least Doomguy had an arsenal to take on the monsters.
I lived in Detroit during my child hood, and frequently returned, after moving, during my teens to have to hang with my relatives (my 2 cousins were ok, when we were kids...but now, both of them are sheeple, of the flock, shall we say), I have NO love for that city......crime, drugs, gang bangers, crooked cops, corrupted city politicians (the stuff you seen in the Robocop movies were pretty close to being accurate....minus the futurery buidlings....they had to go to Texas to find some).
People tell me, "But the city is full of history...the car industry, motown music, ect!", I tell them: "Translated: OLD AS SHIT. And they go, "But they are getting better, rebuilding, renovating!", and I tell them, "Polish a turd, it's still a TURD!" I view Earth as I view Detroit....a dank, urine soaked HELL HOLE full of lunatics, monsters and criminals...and I never went back to Detroit in years.
Right now, I am READY to leave with the aliens, NOW....all I need is just five to ten minutes advanced notice, to get myself ready (I got a small box filled with a few changes of clothes, a notebook, few pens and some food.....for I don't know how long I'd need to wait to not only get my true self restored, but some new threads as well), say my goodbyes to the cats both inside and outside the house, and wait in whatever agreed place for them to pick me up.
I'm not coming back to it 'new earth', 5D earth', 'heaven on earth', and so with Detroit, too many painful 'nam veterans with shell shock, they will NOT go back the Vietnam, even nearly 50 years after the war ended. I don't care about 'building a brave, new world', I just want to go HOME, where things are ALREADY good and amazing. And I am sure there are TONS of planets I can go addition to my TRUE planet of origin, whatever that one is. And even if I only get to live on a space station, or a spaceship, I'm fine living in a big metal box, so long as it's all hunky dory, and I can travel the stars, and find me some lovely lesbian alien girls to hook up, I'll be just fine. Come on, Light Forces....I just need ONE, SMALL spaceship.....and with so many reports of people having alien ships land on their property, and meeting the occupants....surely you can do the same for ME.....and I got a LOT of land, ideal for a landing/first contact site. I'm offering you guys up there something, and you guys said you wanna start ASAP. I'm putting out my hand in friendship....time to meet me half way.
@Azure Leaves
DeleteI agree completely with what you said above. The best favor you can do to those in this self pity/victimhood mindset is making them aware that it´s undermining them, increasing their suffering and impeding them to move forward. And the best advice, to supress any thought in those terms that they may have, until they disappear. They will have to renounce to the little pleasure they bring, but the benefit is overwhelmingly bigger
@Sherman (and to others who might need it)
Alongside the 15 minute (minimum) exercise I gave you in one of the comments here, let me explain to you where your (and our, as humanity) power comes from--as per what I learned from the teachings of Neville Goddard:
-It comes from the "I AM": one's Awareness of Being; the very core/essence of one's existence beyond the Physical Body which has an unbreakable connection to the Divine Source.
-Each of us are leaves (i.e. individual fractals and expressions) of the Divine Source (i.e. the tree), experiencing and doing different things. Being leaves from the tree, we are part of the same tree, which is the Divine Source, hence any powers it has is also within us.
-In essence, we are all "max-leveled" and "overpowered" deity-leveled "players" in this Divine Play. For we are all the writers, directors and actors in the story we are writing in our own Book of Life, however:
-Our physical bodies in this 3D environment have severely limited our abilities; its constitution, by default, cannot hold the rest of the full might of our souls, hence it's filtered down, returning us to level 1 players and start from square one to experience more things.
-But the Spiritual and Metaphysical abilities and powers our soul has can be incorporated in this physical body through training (meditation and various magickal/spiritual practices), paradigm shifting, mindset change and letting go or even destroying limiting beliefs, and acknowledging the fact that we are all Fractals of the Divine Source and hold limitless potential to do great things by first getting rid of the obstacles of the mind and heart (e.g. limiting beliefs: "I can't do this and that unless this and that happens", "this is impossible", "'I AM' powerless, weaponless, useless) etc.)
-One of the usages of your powers is taking absolute heed on what words and sentences follows your "I AM" sentences. If the words you speak that follow that "I AM" is of negative, entropic and non-beneficial/limiting in nature, then that's what you will feed your subconscious, which is the main "manifestor" of your desires; the womb or creation that only gives birth, without judgment, to what you seed it with with your "I AM" sentences.
@Sherman (and to others who might need it)
Explanation aside, you can find out more how to easily utilize your divinely inherited powers as a co-fractal of the Divine Source through the teachings of Neville Goddard; the usage of which only require minimal training, without having to go through years of study and training if you were to go peruse "Initiation into the Hermetics" by Franz Bardon and other systems.
Everything you need to get started on utilizing your powers through Neville Goddard's techniques are here:
It has the basic method on how it works, but the books he wrote will explain to you how and why Neville Goddard's techniques works and what Jesus Christ truly meant when all he can do, other people can do as well (which is literal; which was written and documented by Franz Bardon in his books including the training to do such "miracles").
Please read the 2nd link first, it's from a user who wrote an easy to understood ways on how you can utilize your powers and contribute to the "war effort" now. And you can do that regardless of what level of training your physical body has, as long as you have a functioning brain; which you do have unless you won't be here reading this.
After 2nd link, move to the first link and please read the rest of it first and then utilize the audiobooks listed there while you go about your day and do mundane tasks, Neville Goddard will explain through those books the mechanics and why and how his method works, along with testimonials from the people who used his teachings to improve their lives and gain what they desire, including the methods they used.
The books I recommend you to read/listen to on Audiobook is linked on the 1st link Wiki itself, please take the time to finish the 10 books listed in the "Books (Includes Audio):" section of the 1st link, after you read the user-written guides on the 2nd link I gave.
After finishing the 2nd link and the 10 books and practicing the step-by-step guide I gave you, you're pretty much set for the next part. Please take the time to do this; it will only take you a day or less than a week depending on your daily schedule.
@Sherman (and to others who might need it)
Now with the complete understanding of who you truly are at your core (after finishing the 10 books, and reading the user-written guide on the 2nd link). It's time to use it practically this time:
For the Step 1 (the step-by-step method I gave you in one of the comments) of composing your "scene" of what happens after your wish has been fulfilled, include a scene there as well wherein not only you, but everyone that is pure-hearted, innocent, ignorant and good people, from all around the world, are also able to become happy as well, include the positive Extraterrestrials landing on here and teaching Earth humans how to build and use the advanced technology, med-beds that can heal any diseases and can change the look, form and biological sex of a body, etc.
And include any other scene you would like to happen, all while incorporating all of your 5 senses, and filling and reinforcing your emotions of what you would feel once your desires have been realized, and maintaining that throughout the Conscious Imagination exercise and throughout the day. And keep doing that, day after day, relentlessly, for 15 minutes minimum to as long as you want, and your subconscious, being thoroughly impregnated by that technique, will have no choice but to give birth to what you seed it with--your Subconscious, the Universe and your reality will conspire to bring about the realization of your desire without judgment; it takes "time" but this is where faith comes in--Neville will explain this in one of his books too, keep reading.
Aside from that, everything else is in the Subreddit links I shared and on the Step-by-step method of using your powers I gave you in one of the comments here.
Please allot at least a week to do them and peruse the materials I gave. Have patience; I am already showing you the door towards being able to use your divinely-inherited powers as one of the Fractals of the Divine Source, with little strenous training, and just a few hours of reading that can even be done in a single day.
I apologize for being harsh to you, but I cannot help but put myself in the shoes of people like you, hence my tendency to want to "get out" of that "fell" state by reminding people that they can get back up, and keep moving forward, to never give up hope, for everyone is very powerful in their own right.
I showed you the door now to utilizing your Divine Powers, it's up to you to walk through it now or not.
@Sherman (and to others who might need it)
Now with the complete understanding of who you truly are at your core (after finishing the 10 books, and reading the user-written guide on the 2nd link). It's time to use it practically this time:
For the Step 1 (the step-by-step method I gave you in one of the comments) of composing your "scene" of what happens after your wish has been fulfilled, include a scene there as well wherein not only you, but everyone that is pure-hearted, innocent, ignorant and good people, from all around the world, are also able to become happy as well, include the positive Extraterrestrials landing on here and teaching Earth humans how to build and use the advanced technology, med-beds that can heal any diseases and can change the look, form and biological sex of a body, etc.
And include any other scene you would like to happen, all while incorporating all of your 5 senses, and filling and reinforcing your emotions of what you would feel once your desires have been realized, and maintaining that throughout the Conscious Imagination exercise and throughout the day. And keep doing that, day after day, relentlessly, for 15 minutes minimum to as long as you want, and your subconscious, being thoroughly impregnated by that technique, will have no choice but to give birth to what you seed it with--your Subconscious, the Universe and your reality will conspire to bring about the realization of your desire without judgment; it takes "time" but this is where faith comes in--Neville will explain this in one of his books too, keep reading.
Aside from that, everything else is in the Subreddit links I shared and on the Step-by-step method of using your powers I gave you in one of the comments here.
Please allot at least a week to do them and peruse the materials I gave. Have patience; I am already showing you the door towards being able to use your divinely-inherited powers as one of the Fractals of the Divine Source, with little strenous training, and just a few hours of reading that can even be done in a single day.
I apologize for being harsh to you, but I cannot help but put myself in the shoes of people like you, hence my tendency to want to "get out" of that "fell" state by reminding people that they can get back up, and keep moving forward, to never give up hope, for everyone is very powerful in their own right.
I showed you the door now to utilizing your Divine Powers, it's up to you to walk through it now or not.
@Sherman (and to others who might need it)
Lastly, if you want to join the frontlines, you can borrow, or even copy, metaphysical weapons from the Archangels, and follow along the Metaphysical Assignments arranged here:
You can take part in the Assignments there, or you can go about your own and fight your way, while seated in complete stillness and letting your imagination do the work, and you can even do it (and is even recommended) to do it while in Astral Projection, in an "Out of Body" state; that is an advanced application of Astral Projection.
For many Mages also utilize Astral Projection before doing spiritual and metaphysical work--we are not only there to enjoy flying and floating or other idle BS, we utilize Astral Projection to do "THE WORK", and that includes healing others, self-defense, vanquishing enemies etc., while in the "Out of Body" state.
Our powers relies mostly on conscious imagination (not idle daydreaming), and utilizing all of our senses, including emotions and thoughts for the imagined acts. Which is also the basis of pretty much every metaphysical and spiritual abilities and techniques, including Magick. It's one of the ways to bypass the limitations imposed on us Divine Souls by our Physical Body in this 3D environment (and once our bodies are in the 5D environment and above, it won't be a hindrance anymore).
I told you before, never underestimate the power of Imagination--"there is no spoon". And Astral Projection (which you seemed to be capable of doing), can also help with this--you can even use it to augment Neville Goddard's techniques while you are in the Out of Body state.
Once again, Astral Projection's uses extend far beyond just "flying" or "passing through walls" or "going to other places or planets"--its full potential actually lies in making the YOU (beyond your physical body), be able to do various metaphysical workings and tasks, as you can manipulate your powers even freely from there, and even manifest Metaphysical Weapons and equipment to heal, protect, vanquish, etc., what you can do in while seated in conscious imagination or even Astral Projection in an Out of Body State is only limited by your own imagination.
That's it. I hope I was able to remind you of the tremendous power you already possess, and how to use them, and show you that you are NOT powerless and weaponless. All it takes is a mindset & paradigm shift, and telling yourself the RIGHT things.
@Sherman (and those who might need it)
Delete[5/4] Addendum:
Lastly, never forget after doing the exercises, Neville Goddard's techniques, metaphysical healing, manifestation--after using your powers, to always be in a state of Gratitude.
And then live the rest of your day after the spiritual workings maintaining the feeling of the "wish-fulfilled" and of gratitude.
The more people who do it, the more the Collective Unconscious of humanity gets redefined, the faster the 3D Matrix dissolves.
Right now, the ones actually powering up the 3D matrix and all of the Entropic forces that is in it, all the suffering and misfortune, is due to the Collective Unconscious of Humanity, who, as Deities in their own right, keeps manifesting the worst possible outcomes due to fear and limiting beliefs.
Since every individual Humanity has the power to manifest such horrors of immense magnitude, each of us also has the power to manifest the opposite; we possess the ability to dispel and vanquish such horrors, by making full use of the full-capabilities of our Subconscious Mind, by "seeding" it with all the good things we desire for ourselves and others, without any fear, without any limiting beliefs, without any entropic emotions and thoughts.
And Neville Goddard's teachings and techniques are one of the few ones out there that can help you utilize your Subconscious Mind--your very own personal physical reality projector, which only outputs what you "Feed" it with through your own mindset, paradigms and any words or sentences that follows the "I AM" sentences you say to yourself, without judgment.
"Garbage in, Garbage out; beautiful things in, beautiful things out", is the way the Subconscious works, as per Neville Goddard's paradigms.
@Don Pepe
Thanks for feedback. Actually I apologize but if you'd allow me to rant & vent my frustrations a little bit & I'm not deleting this unlike a certain someone:
See, I cannot do the heavy-lifting for them; only support--I do the heavy lifting for my own life, hence I only provide information & reminders of the powers they truly possess; I am doing them a favor of NOT babysitting and enabling their self-destructive behavior and yet they accuse me of lacking empathy?
They didn't seem to realize how difficult it is for empaths like me to not automatically put myself in their place and feel their suffering and try to distance myself from it or else I won't be able to send a rational message and function?
They keep asking for empathy, but where are those who empathize with US who are aware of the divine powers each human being holds all the while automatically putting ourselves on the place of people who does nothing but hate upon themselves whenever they look at a mirror for not looking a certain way or being a certain biological sex, who keeps doing their utmost best to NOT wake up and realize they themselves are the ones perpetuating the hell they are experiencing?
They keep acting like victims and snowflakes while not realizing their entropic attitudes affects other people who come upon their messages of powerlessness and victim-mindset!
Do they have any idea how difficult & frustrating it is for people like me to see people like them who keeps on telling themselves all the wrong things, feeding their subconscious (i.e. personal reality projector) with loads of BS and garbage, hating upon themselves, decreeing they are powerless, weaponless, limited, being snowflakes and acting like beggars to Extraterrestrials or whatever, and just keeps on doing that kind of BS that serves nothing but suppress the Divine Powers they already hold?
It's like watching a walking deity in the flesh who keeps on feeding their subconscious mind with all the negative and entropic things that prolongs their suffering and due to their immense power and their subconscious mind, they manifest that instead, all the while acting like victims and snowflakes and blaming their predicament on individuals and situations that are outside of themselves while begging and waiting for an external savior to save the day and clean up their own mess for them, when they themselves are already very powerful enough to destroy and get out of that self-created hell they are in.
@Don Pepe
Another problem is those people who sends messages that are nothing but "keep holding the light" or "love and light" or "victory of the light" or "trust the plan" or other random string of acronyms from god knows where!
Those mfs just does nothing but perpetuate the inactivity of other people, especially those who are already rock-bottom on their lives, causing them to wait for external saviors while remaining oblivious to the divine powers they already hold! They keep telling people that they are powerful and must keep holding the light, but doesn't even give a freaking clue HOW to use that Light!
So there you go, I gave methods from Neville Goddard's techniques and teachings (AND IT'S ALL OVER REDDIT AND IN PUBLIC DOMAIN TOO) that require little to no years of training to do, and all it requires is a functioning brain and imaginative mind. Where passive and idle daydreaming doesn't do crap, Neville Goddard's methods with his conscious imagination with intent--way different than idle daydreaming--and incorporating all the senses and perpetuating the feeling of the wish-fulfilled throughout the day, all the while being in a state of gratitude and love for oneself and denying the evidence of the senses that they do not want, is already a very effective method to get out of their predicament.
What's even better is they can use Neville Goddard's techniques for OTHER PEOPLE, or even the people of a country, or even the collective of this whole planet!
Yet they still keep on feeding themselves and their subconscious with all kinds of GARBAGE, while wallowing in their victim/powerless/defeatist/weaponless mindset, of being snowflakes, of self-hatred, of allowing themselves to get affected by their "triggers" and various other BS instead of realizing they are very powerful, sovereign beings and are way above those lowly mindset, triggers and such self-destructive BS.
I had moments in my youth wherein every time I look at the mirror I did hate myself for all of my short-comings, but it's all the past now. I remind people that they can get out of that, that there is a way out using their own power, and to rise above. No extraterrestrials will do the heavy lifting for you--deities, spirits, angels, dragons, ETs, whatever, are only there for the support role; each individual humanity themselves are the "Carry": the ones that does the heavy-lifting; other entities, even humans, cannot and should not do the work for them.
@Don Pepe
Delete[3/2] Addendum:
Anyway, I sincerely apologize again for venting to you; but then again this is a public forum so let's just look at it another way and see as if I vented my frustrations to all the people here who would read those two venting messages.
I'm trying to stay strong while other people suffer around me, since I'm still unable to do my "role" in this play due to personal circumstances and on how major it is.
So while I let the progress advance itself, let the plan/script play out and let the other "actors" and "actresses" play their part before I could play mine, all I can really do is to offer recommendations, and remind people--who are so rock-bottom or clueless--of the power they truly possess and the ways they can USE it.
Either through the simple, no-training required techniques of Neville Goddard (which only requires a few hours of reading to know the mechanics on how and why it works, and the very simple and short basic way to use his techniques), to complicated ones that can take years such as "Quareia", "Initiation Into the Hermetics" and so on... yet they hardly listen!
Truth be told, I think those two venting posts are the first time I ever vented in any community related to this.
I've been rock-bottom too many years ago, literally down in the dumps with no hope of salvation except death, but here I am today, still standing after every "fall" I endured in this path, and through research and teachings of Neville Goddard and other wise individuals, I realized my own power and the power of my fellow human beings too...
Yet what do I see them doing? Using their immense power of manifestation to manifest all the wrong things, feed their subconscious all the self-destructive and self-limiting things and perpetuate the hell they are in while acting like a victim, beggar, snowflake, you name it.
It's so frustrating, especially when I know that they are very powerful enough to destroy that hell they created and get out of that and rise above to become the greatest version!
They can literally destroy and overcome their trials in life, even their soul/core of their being that exists outside the confines of their temporary meatsuit knows it, yet they just don't do it, and even infect other people with such entropic emotions and thoughts.
@Don Pepe
Delete[4/2] Addendum:
Well in any case, I have a blog in the works on this platform.
I'll dump out all of the realizations, things I've learned, my insights and so on for the public to see and hopefully it can help people who will be receptive of it.
I can only really go so far by spreading what I know and realized on the comment sections of various websites and forums at this point. It truly is time to make my own platform soon so I can organize them better.
Well, at the end of the day, it's really just so sad, and even frustrating for me, seeing such amazing, powerful and beautiful human beings doing such disservice upon themselves, and even disgracing themselves in this way.
DeleteWhat's more they are using the very power that they possess (e.g., their subconscious) to do just that, instead of using it to become their greatest version, with the help of the multitude of methods, techniques and teachings from very wise people out there (e.g. Neville Goddard, Franz Bardon and such) who realized and teaches the true power and potential of humanity and how to use them.
They keep asking for empathy, but where are those who empathize with US who are aware of the divine powers each human being holds all the while automatically putting ourselves on the place of people who does nothing but hate upon themselves whenever they look at a mirror for not looking a certain way or being a certain biological sex, who keeps doing their utmost best to NOT wake up and realize they themselves are the ones perpetuating the hell they are experiencing?
They keep acting like victims and snowflakes while not realizing their entropic attitudes affects other people who come upon their messages of powerlessness and victim-mindset!
Do they have any idea how difficult & frustrating it is for people like me to see people like them who keeps on telling themselves all the wrong things, feeding their subconscious (i.e. personal reality projector) with loads of BS and garbage, hating upon themselves, decreeing they are powerless, weaponless, limited, being snowflakes and acting like beggars to Extraterrestrials or whatever, and just keeps on doing that kind of BS that serves nothing but suppress the Divine Powers they already hold?"
Contrary to what YOU and certain others, who shall remain nameless...or unknown, as it were....I do NOT hate myself, I love myself more than anyone else.....THAT is why I want and need to get my become an alien woman again, to get off this rotten planet, and to go HOME, and find my REAL friends and family. IF I hated myself, I'd settle for being an little ugly human man, living on planet gulag, living under a region of artificial status quo. And I did not chose this life, nor perpetuate it. I tried, tried TRIED to fix myself, but no luck, and require outside help.
And BEFORE you point your finger at me and shout "SNOWFLAKE!!!!" "VICTIM!!!!" "YOU ARE GIVING AWAY YOUR POWER!!!!!" I got news for you.....asking for help takes a LOT more courage than trying to tackle something alone. It takes more guts and courage to say one, or both of the following:
"I don't know"
"Please, help me"
Boy, I could see you being a police officer, or a fire fighter in some emergency, you'd just get into your full metal jacket mode and shout to, say someone in hostage crisis, or in the top floor of a burning building, "TAKE CARE OF IT, YOURSELF, SNOWFLAKE!" "STOP ASKING FOR SOMEONE TO SAVE YOU!" Or I can imagine you at one of those Nazi concentration camps, or those facilities where kids are getting farmed for adrenachrome, calling either the mostly started prisoners or the kids getting raped and tortured as 'snowflakes' or yelling at them for 'giving away their power'.'re gonna be quite the role model to everyone, Azure.
And, correct me if I am wrong...but is this NOT a universe where know, HELP EACH OTHER? Service to others, love and light, love thy neighbor, etc, etc? Or as there some sorta fine print, or asterix next to it or something?
YOU might has solved YOUR problems....yay, congrats, way to go.....but not all of us can do that...and YOU show ME how to become an alien woman again, how to get off thus P.O.W. camp of a planet, and travel the stars (and DON'T start the lecture on astral travel, for it is CRAP)
If YOU are sooooo mighty and powerful.....SHOW OFF that amazing 'power' YOU claim to have, buddy-boy.
Though you'll probably do nothing, like all the other 'experts' and 'teachers' always do.
Are you even reading what I'm saying to you? I told you already: that doing the step-by-step techniques I gave as taught by Neville Goddard, daily for at least 15 minutes right after waking up and before sleeping--until you fall asleep--will "seed" your subconscious with the necessary information, energy, frequency and vibration, and as a result, will give "birth" to the realization of your desires!
As you do the techniques, your subconscious, along with your reality, your Divine "I AM"-ness/Awareness of Being, and the Universe itself will CONSPIRE to bring your imagined scene into your present reality by making you and other people do what must be done, and cause SPECIFIC EVENTS to happen in your life in order for that reality you imagined to happen on your present reality, because that's how it works! And yes, HELP WILL COME TO YOU if you do those techniques and utilize your own powers, not by "having the courage" to ask--or god forbid beg--for help.
And what do you think is "THE EVENT" that will enable you to have what you desire? It's nothing more than "The Event" talked about by COBRA and many others! Including--but not limited to--the exchange/revelation of advanced technology so that the rest of humanity can be helped and healed and get the kind of body you all want, the vanquishing of the Entropic forces and etc.
Hence I get so frustrated when people like you talk about being "powerless" or "weaponless" or can't do X unless this and that happened and drown in your defeatist and self-limiting mindset, because you can already do so much more due to you having a functioning brain coherent enough to read and make sentences and do basic stuff like imagination!
Doesn't matter how hard you prayed for 30-odd years if you're doing it WRONG and you are praying from a state of lack, begging and need, instead of FROM a state of abundance, gratitude and the state of the wish-being-already-fulfilled as taught by Neville Goddard!
"What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." Mark 11:24
I'm no longer a Christian but it's in the freaking Bible, and that is also how Neville Goddard interpreted that passage as one of the basis of his teachings!
What's also disappointing is how you're looking for proof about your own powers, when your miserable state of needing help (from what I can glean from many of your posts in this blog) is the living proof that you are using your immense powers of manifestation to create the hell you're into now because you seem to keep following up your "I AM" sentences with self-destructive BS, looking at yourself in the mirror and project BS energy to yourself and feeding your subconscious with nothing but powerless, defeatist and limiting mindset and beliefs!
You just keep impregnating your subconscious with garbage upon garbage and then you wonder why you're in that state when your subconscious outputs that same garbage you fed it, along with your "misconduct" (through your faulty beliefs) towards yourself, is the reason why!
Your subconscious is only obeying your command as its "boss", it doesn't give a damn whether or not what it will manifest (based on what you feed it) is beneficial or not for you, or whether or not it is what you truly want! It's just your "personal reality projector", it will--and can only--output whatever your feed it, for better or for worse.
What you resist, persists; what you focus your attention on, you give power and life.
Absolutely NONE of you are powerless, weaponless, and limited from a metaphysical and spiritual standpoint! Sure your physical bodies can only do so much along with this crippling monetary system, yet your conscious imagination, spiritual and metaphysical prowess can do so much more and with much more freedom than your physical bodies will ever have.
It seems to me you all just keep on underestimating the power of imagination so much when it's the very same thing that first conceived every creation of mankind you see and use, and it's also one of the basis of metaphysical and spiritual prowess of us Mages and even the Entropic mages of the Cabal.
You all think they robbed any of you the means to fight back against them with this messed up government, societal and monetary systems, when in fact, no matter how hard they try, they cannot even deprive any of you the ability to use your Divine Powers through conscious imagination and memory/sense recall--with focused intent and other such CREATIVE powers, and yet you still believe you are powerless, weaponless and limited?
This is such a disgraceful behavior and mindset coming from very powerful, divine, noble and beautiful beings you all are.
All of you are more than your physical bodies!
@ Sherman
DeleteAnd lastly, I suggest peruse the information I gave you in that 5-part message above, including the step-by-step technique I gave way up.
You keep asking how to use your own divine powers and I gave you the information that can lead to just that.
Stop wasting your time arguing to other people and do your own work if you want help to come at all.
DeleteAnd before I forget something, Sherman, did you just have the gall to compare your situation to those powerless kids, prisoners and such people in concentration camps, burning buildings and other sick scenarios you thought of, all the while painting ME the bad person in it by ignoring their plight in a physical emergency?
You, who has access to the internet and can possibly eat meals everyday with roof over your head without an active fire or a gun pointed to your head right now where your life is threatened every second?
You have the gall to compare you, an inherently spiritually and metaphysically powerful human being who has the cognitive faculty of conscious imagination, to people who are in a state of PHYSICAL emergency with their limited physical bodies that could die at any second?
And when I thought you couldn't even surpass insulting this planet and its inhabitants even further, you display this disgraceful behavior?
I did you a favor since you seem to be asking for help; I gave you such help through the information on how to utilize your own divine spiritual and metaphysical powers (DIFFERENT FROM PHYSICAL POWERS THAT CAN BE USED FOR PHYSICAL EMERGENCIES BY THE WAY) with little to no years of training on your part--with only a few hours of your day required, yet you still keep on spouting this disgraceful drivel!
With all due respect, shut up and do the necessary spiritual and metaphysical work (which is the only way to solve this planetary mess on our part as mere civilians)--if you want PHYSICAL help to come at all!
And I keep saying, Azure....SHOW me this 'power' in ACTION. Actions speak more than words, I want proof, something we all can see and hear.
DeleteWhat I ask is not unreasonable.
DeleteStop asking others to do YOUR work for you. I have my own role to play at certain phases of this plan/script and so are everybody else.
It's so disgraceful of you to ask others to prove their powers to you, when they are already giving you ways to prove this very same power to yourself THROUGH YOUR OWN EFFORTS.
Stop wasting your time moping around with your limiting beliefs and defeatist attitude and do the work--that is if you truly want help to come to you and if you truly want to help contribute in cleaning up this mess, if at all.
DeleteAnd this plan is time-sensitive, I cannot act out of turn, so what are you gonna do? Wait and see until I and others act, when I already went ahead and showed you the methods how you can take steps to get out of your predicament now and even contribute to cleaning up this mess, and subsequently prove to yourself what I'm talking about through your own efforts?
I'm not going ahead and execute my role out of turn and mess up the "script" and everyone's parts for your "unreasonable" demands, when I'm already giving out so much with what is allowed.
Stop wasting your time and effort waiting for others to make their move when you can already make your move NOW; I already showed you the door that can enable you to do just that.
correction: *"not 'unreasonable' demands" just in case you tunnel-vision again on something so insignificant.
DeleteI don't EVERY tell people to be grateful because of people like you AzureLeaves telling me to be grateful, think about that...
DeleteI meant EVER not EVERY
Delete - VICTORY OF THE LIGHT!!!ππ«✴
ReplyDeleteBoots on the ground
ReplyDeleteAnd no weapons or super powers, or even supplies.
ReplyDeleteThose people still challenging the light forces to come down and live among us etc etc... Really people? ... I would understand if you are new on the blog and think the star being presence on earth is a new thing ... And the liberation of the planet was planned starting last few years... And you also believe no one here on earth may have any ET origin and we don't have a Galactic history... So yeah I would understand if such comments come from a blog newbie... Who in addition have not read beyond a few blogs.. if that is not the case.. I would encourage those people to read some more.. a lot more.
ReplyDeleteSo Let's get the record straight and please someone correct me if I am wrong. The planet liberation entails the participation of all beings at different levels of existence (above n below) not limited to human native or star seed..
there are also animal n plants devic kingdom etc.
So the next time someone commands for the light forces to spend one day on the ground . Direct them to any star seed you know... And ask him or her as you point at the star seed ... .. "what is he,. Chopped liver?"
Yes communication between above n below was severed for sometime that we learn but we are beyond that point... So let's skip the part where we think there is no knowledge of the ground struggles because that is just impossible. Just take a peek at the comments thru the years... Plenty of victimhood comments to paint a canvas clearly
DeleteWe got no powers, no weapons, no powers (Show ME someone who HAS the powers, and actually taking on the darkies....I'll wait for you).....many of us are trying hard just to survive, now....
Add to that star seeds, as well as those of us forced to come to this planet unwillingly, have been persecuted and spat on by the masses in addition to the darkies.....we pretty much are 'chopped liver'. If the starseeds can actually GET something, be it mega tech, weapons, or having amazing powers like Super Man or She-Ra, flying in the air, taking on whole platoons of darkies, tying their guns into knots, and totally destroying the darkies, THEN they can actually do things.
"Holding the Light" is not enough, especially when WE are the ones get attacked by the darkies on a daily basis.
Sherman.. first you should know the answer by now why those things are not possible or not happening in the open.
DeleteBy the way How you know people are not doing just that (taking on the darkness)... maybe they are participating in other levels. When people are trying to right the wrongs.. that is battling darkness... when people are saving animals from atrocities.. rescuing human trafficked individuals... the cops saving someone from spouse abuse... stopping robbery.. people getting together clearing portals.. getting together to meditate and raise vibration... the list is endless.. the power is within them as they face what seem impossible odds.. so while we complain why this and that and wait cause we dont have a laser gun.. others have to carry our load... assuming the person that is waiting is truly just waiting which is a pity.
Unfortunately the paradigm we are under.. has rendered us weaponless in some ways but not in all. Yes it may be too uncomfortable and inconvenient we don't have those lasers... so we do with what we got... complaining of what we don't have do nothing to improve anything.
Last... how you know people are also not contributing in other higher or lower dimensions. Maybe while you dream you are doing what your conscious mind wish could be happening on this dimension
There is too much we don't know to assume "what we see is what we got".
ReplyDeleteI meant need them, the "gods", not me. Maybe they don't even exist, in the sense that they are part of us or they are fake. I hope I made myself clear. So the external savior is just a metaphor, but then what's the use of COBRA?
A 2 kiss ΓΆrvΓ©ny aktiv. KΓ©sz. Uj cΓ©lpontra vΓ‘rva.
ReplyDeleteDo not trust experts too much
ReplyDeleteHere is a simple arithmetic problem that the physics genius Albert Einstein could not solve by logical thinking. He only figured it out by recalculating. But he was fair enough to admit it.
I have changed the task to free it from unnecessary ballast:
A car travels at a speed of 50 km/h on the first half of the track.
How fast does it have to go on the second half so that the average speed over the whole distance is 100 km/h?
Solution: For the half of the distance with 50 km/h the car needs the same time as for the twice as far distance with 100 km/h. But: The time has already expired after the 1st half of the distance. Therefore, the speed on the 2nd half would have to be infinite.
If experts can't come up with such simple solutions, then the question arises as to what else they can't come up with.
Un nouveau virus arrive. Covid bisπ
ReplyDeleteExcerpt from Wednesday, August 15, 2018:
ReplyDelete"Since our meditation, Galactic Command forces have started the next phase of the planetary liberation and now have a very strong presence in our Solar System that is relatively accurately described here:
Galactic Command forces in our Solar System are comprised of:
1.Jupiter Command, located in the outer Solar System beyond the asteroid belt with the primary purpose of processing all negative entities that get cleared from the Earth quarantine through the Ganymede sorting facility towards the Galactic Central Sun.
2. Ashtar Command, located in the inner Solar System with the primary purpose of liberating planet Earth.
3. Atlantis Command, about which nothing can be said.
Many years ago, Ashtar Command has given quite accurate guidance for the Ascension process through a channel named Eric Klein. Here are the recordings of those channeling sessions that were given to us trough a contact inside the Brotherhood of the Star:"
Video unavailable
DeleteMany of us still wanting to JOIN those guys in space to fight evil.
DeleteTry this one @DH:
Zero Hedge is starting to talk about the mile-high tsunami:
ReplyDeleteI dare say that even after the last tunnel is cleared, the light forces will still be afraid to intervene on the surface. We'll see.
ReplyDeleteThey will have a LOT of explaining to do, if that is the case. And IF that is the case, I can see the population, starseeds included, meeting the light forces (when everyone is living like in the Road Warrior movie, or Hunger Games) with pitch forks and torches.
DeleteImagine when they are told the light forces protected key cabal members from getting killed....
DeleteVTX nearly Victory and complete .
ReplyDeleteFor only who might be still interested,
ReplyDeleteSome new images are on our blog pages:
If are you not, please do not lose your time.
Kind regards!
Here is an amazing prophetic message from the Pleiadians for those who are interested. Everything in one picture (you may need to zoom in to read the text):
Or see it here:
On January 30th I was looking through a beautiful subreddit which features pictures and videos of nature and animals. I felt a wonderful uplifting energy along with getting 'Pleiadians' in my mind's eye. I also got 'paradise coming' which I documented in an email (included in the pic at the link above).
Then on February 5th I saw a video uploaded to a YouTube channel I'm subscribed to titled 'Paradise, Here We Come!' which features 6 hours of footage of French Polynesia:
And we know that the Pleiadians have a base under Bora Bora island in French Polynesia:
"...The Pleiadians, however, managed to negotiate a permission from the Negative Military to build a secret base under Bora Bora island in French Polynesia, under the condition that its existence remains unknown to the surface population..."
Caribbean Blue - Enya:
Victory of the Light <333
"...The Pleiadians, however, managed to negotiate a permission from the Negative Military to build a secret base under Bora Bora island in French Polynesia, under the condition that its existence remains unknown to the surface population..."
DeleteAnd how is that a good thing, respecting the darkies' demand? They outta announce themselves and wipe the negative military out of existence.
New COBRA Interview:
TΓΌrkiye has a strong earthquake! Now is the time to help!
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting to read comments here and it is clear that the complainers in almost all of Cobra's posts keep themselves in a low vibration. If you truly want to ascend you have to work on your shadows and start changing your thoughts and attitude. Raise your frequency to help yourself. There are those that are soul contracted to go to 5D and there are those that are not. Create happiness in your life in any small way that you can. BE grateful for the fact that we are actually going through ascension and that you have this opportunity to be able to do it by being in a human body. Enjoy the ride until we reach the end. Focus on the progress we are making. For me it is interesting to be on a planet with people all at different frequencies and different beliefs...this is very educational.
ReplyDeleteOne can be high vibrational and still be angry and pissed off, you know.
ReplyDeleteThat's the power grid exploding!
ReplyDeleteTraduction en français sur le blog de Prepare For Change France Officiel depuis 2013 :