Sunday, January 21, 2024





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    2. @DH
      Hey my friend... I'm sorry it took so long, but I'm on the discord you invited me to. I've never been on one of these before so I don't really know what I'm doing or how to navigate.🤔
      I haven't heard back from @Ezra to confirm whether or not he will take my spot at the Ascension Conference... so I'm kinda lost as to what to do. I'm willing to give my spot away for the two day weekend plus lunches. Do you know how to get in touch with Ezra?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

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    5. btw no. i thought he would have emailed you since you provided the email

  2. Man this is an awesome read cobra.

  3. ARTICLE FRANCAIS pour annoncer CONFERENCE de PHOENIX avec explications
    (French article to Announce the conference in Phoenix with explanations)

    ENGLISH article to Announce CONFERENCE in PHOENIX with explanations

  4. What an absolute dub for the Movement

  5. V slovenščini:

    Pridružite se nam na Telegramu:

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    Toplo vabljeni na Facebook stran Tahionske komore v Ljubljani:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  6. we dont have access to inner earth, just the elite ones.. thankfully things are about to change

  7. You have Polar Bear on left of 1st picture,, well half of head

  8. Think you should watch Rob Shinder's stand up 2023 think(think I wrote it good =famous comedian),, he has few jokes about Trump and Biden then he talks about NLO and he nailed it as how it is. He said that American Government 1st time in history said NLO exists and people where like OK we don't care give us some toilet paper.,and they are not stupid because they will wake up and start living in Paradise in few days time and will have better life then me and half of people reading this blog. Maybe not all people but big majority of them,, it's like you got on Jackpot one day and your life changed over night just 100times better.

  9. North Korea could learn from you how to suppress the truth

    1. Truth about what ,,I mean say it then . I'm curious now and bored to death

  10. Por favor...traducir al español...gracias

  11. If the Light Forces and the false god YHWH thinks he can end the Earth with a Pole Shift, think again.
    Revelations 12:15-17
    15 And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.

    16 And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.

    17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

    As you can see, the false God of the Light Forces, YHWH, the Most High, is the Dragon who spews a flood out of his mouth just like he destroyed the earth with a Pole Shift and destroyed the ancient Atlanteans thousands of years ago. YHWH and his demonic forces, the Galactic Federation of (Lucifer) Light, can destroy the Earth again and drown out the Remnant of God (Jews who reject YHWH and the Law) and the Tribulation Saints (Christians and all gentile allies of God) but the Earth will help and swallow up the flood caused by Cobra's tsunami from the Pole Shift. In other words, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior will be victorious over the Devil YHVH and his forces and prevent a pole shift. Yeshua, the Anti-Christ will be vanquished by Jesus and his heavenly forces, the Angelic Roman Legions of God who once destroyed the evil temple in Jerusalem in 70 AD. When the Third Temple is rebuilt and rededicated to Satan, the Most High, Jesus will come back with and destroy it just like the Great Emperor Titus Flavius did two thousand years ago.

    1. one can't even write an answer to this. is soo out there.

    2. Jesus references the same God of the old testament.. God doesn't just "shift roles" through time lol. God IS (the True God that is) the ENTIRE bible is infiltrated with references to the "one infinite creator" aka yahweh.. infinite creator of THIS world and universe. We are outside of it all, even the whole "heriarchical" structure of "gods" in your astral and other subtle realms. Which is STILL matter.. Yahweh is the God of matter.

    3. @Paul Vid ahuuha laughable indeed

    4. Since when has the bible become THE be all, end all?

      Sorry to burst your bubble, but the bible's been edited, censored and changed over the centuries for political and material gain. The bible also has centuries of innocent blood scrawled upon its pages.

    5. Concerned: Your quoting a Bible that has been made to control you. The pole shift happens AFTER the harvest. It's cyclical dude. You'll be off earth by then. Celebrate and Praise the Infinite Creator.👯‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️❤️🎉🎉🎉

  12. C'est parti, en avant toute <3 Merci Cobra, Merci les Forces de Lumières, VOTL <3
    Sandrine Veilleuse des Energies de Gaïa

  13. German translation of this post - including the translation of the text from the link / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Posts - inklusive der Übersetzung des verlinkten Texts:

  14. Compression breakthrough
    ~Agartha~Surface~Galactic Stars~


      P1 chamando Terranos para reconhecimento de origens! Atenção para chamadas em PVSE/SdE!!

      Bolhas temporais ativamente se dissolvem.

      Akáshicos são liberados para impulsionadores reais.

      Tensões em Zona T caem.

      Abertura de camadas especiais para entradas de Mestres autorizados.

      Avatares caídos são bloqueados em zonas pontuais.

      PVSE integrado em CNED++++++.

      Proteções especiais continuam sendo ativadas! PVSE +++++++.

      Temporariamente, fim da transmissão.

      Plêiades 1 (Apoiando Tríade de Básico em Ativação)

      A quick note on the situation (2062): Temporal bubbles actively dissolve.
      P1 calling Terranos to recognize their origins! Attention for calls to PVSE/SdE!!

      Temporal bubbles actively dissolve.

      Akashics are released for real boosters.

      Voltages in Zone T fall.

      Opening of special layers for entries from authorized Masters.

      Fallen avatars are locked in spot zones.

      PVSE integrated into CNED++++++.

      Special protections continue to be activated! PVSE +++++++.

      Temporarily, end of transmission.

      Pleiades 1 (Supporting Basic Triad in Activation

      简要说明一下情况(2062 年): 时间气泡主动溶解。
      P1 呼叫 Terranos 认清自己的身世! 呼叫PVSE/SDE请注意!!






      PVSE(星种) 集成到 CNED++++++。

      特殊保护继续激活! PVSE +++++++。



  15. Portals of understanding
    Visions of Higher Nature, occur at individual, group, and planetary levels, and inspire all involved to release restrictions from individual, group, and planetary growth paths.

  16. Well I had a look but I can't be bothered reading it. I prefer reading Ben from suspiciousobservers. Of course we will all be rescued before this happens; those of us of the Light. But the earth will go on and I suppose those who are Dark will start eating each other, and other things like that. Lovely. I suppose it is a warning to the Dark. Other than that, I just leave it...

    1. Ben also receives 99% of his info from Nasa.. if we are to take that organization as a truth telling organization in the first place. That is up to the individual to decide. Albeit I am sure there are connections in his view, still, his evidence is PURELY from a governmental institute mainly.

    2. NASA - Never A Straight Answer.
      It's is a military organization, not a civilian one, for it answers directly to the department of defense. Plus the STUPID ASS Brookings Report.

      Richard Hoagland's "Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA", goes over the very dark origins of NASA, which includes:
      Free Masons
      Magicians, aka Alister Crowley's lot.

      I trust NASA as much as I trust the government, and I stopped voting 20 years ago.

  17. What I am hearing about this year, 2024... is BIG. Huge undertakings.

    And this is from the Pleiadians, and it is all about Pluto. This is great (about 4:30)

    1. Don't be too excited, this same massage is repeated over and over again for the last 10+ years, believe me I listened to all of them year after year through many different channels and in the end nothing happens. It's a salad of good, positive and triggering words for Light Beings and they get disappointed in the end when nothing happens. Those are recycled messages probably made by negative forces for fake hope or people who have YouTube channel are doing that for views and promotion, they are partly fake, partly true. All of that 12 strands of DNA activation is biggest bullshit I've ever heard. DNA Evolution on this Planet and in this dimension is Snail Speed Slow, you will not get any new powers, if you believe in that, you'll be disappointed. Only thing that can heal us is MedBed, Cloning or other Advanced Technology. Our DNA was manipulated by negative beings in the past and we're fucked, negative beings broke Sources DNA Code and brought us to hell, it was probably a really shitty code when they could broke it. Pleiadians should take all of those 12 strands of DNA and shove it up their ass 😂 They probably didn't wrote that message, even if they did, the message was first manipulated then channeled. So people on YouTube who are recycling that message will one day be right, if you repeat every year same message, one year it will happen, just pure logic.

    2. Exactly we shouldn't get too excited cause the real change will take many years. I heard this shift to 5D, fall of illuminati or CABAL whatever, end of race dispute and religious dispute etc. etc.. are going on since the time of my great grandfather but nothing happened till now. Sometimes I think these are all just part of a false satisfaction and disappointment from Top of the pyramid to harness the loosh energy.

    3. I've gained telepathy though.

  18. Text in the picture:
    Thousands of years ago,for reasons unclear to scholars,ancient cultures around the globe decided to escape from the surface of our planet and seek shelter deep within Earth

  19. Cobra, what happened with the Entry (to Inner Earth) Protocols? Are they still available? I would like to join the Resistance. Life has no meaning for me here on the Surface. My poor mother passed away recently. Im ready! No attachments, no to go down!

  20. Dismantle directed energy weapons, arrest them

  21. Archaix on YouTube talks about the nemesis phoenix program that controls this simulation and resets the program at certain intervals by burning away the world. 2040 next one.

    1. Ive never seen anyone conduct and PROVIDE every source of the claims made as he does.. mad respect for the guy. Although you should never fully buy into someone else's entire paradigm, he does provide valuable facts. Been following him since 500 subs on YT lol.

    2. What about now? What's happening right now?

  22. Not a very uplifting hypothesis but it's exactly what the dark elite wanted to happen. I actually think they wanted a nuke exchange as that would insure no survivors as they had supplies for a few decades to wait out the radiation I had read. We shall see how this all plays out...sure hope the golden age of 5D earth is our destination!!

  23. Lord Rama returning to its temple after 500 years on 22nd Jan.Victory to light 🙏

    1. Free people have no rulers (lords), they are their own masters and are responsible for their actions directly to themselves and their conscience.

    2. “There is an ancient saying: “A slave does not want to gain freedom; he wants to have his own slaves.” A person cannot become truly free while he exists in the dead-end paradigm “slave - master” (lord - lord - master = synonyms). In this "In the system, any master is someone's slave, and any slave is someone's master."

      Calling someone a lord means calling him a ruler, a master - you are in the “slave-master” paradigm. If someone is a lord for you, then you only have the place of a slave. Do you agree to it? If not, why do you call someone master (lord)?

    3. Rama was an alien from Aldebaran Constellation who came here to help the ancient Indians for the fight against Ravana a human hybrid king from dark force human - Draco-reptillian alliance. Sita was from agartha, inner earth or patala. Mr. Narendra Modi and his government is misleading the Indians towards a weird techno-superstitious India.

  24. Lord Rama returning to its glorious temple on 22nd Jan after 500 years.Victory to the light.🙏

    1. I have still doubts on this Government under PM Mr. Modi. They support WEF and Schwab. G20 summit and India's lead in the NWO. Still many things to be cleared.

    2. “They support the WEF and Schwab” This is already an answer to the question, logic as a mental discipline-science always gives the right answers, you just need to give it “food for thought” (collect a database of facts). You are thinking in the right direction, I am glad that there are more people like this.

  25. Showdown

  26. Szóval akkor a fény erői hagyják, hogy az emberiség nagy része elpusztuljon, az idióta milliárdosok, politikusok túléljék, aztán ide jönnek játszani a megmentőt.

    1. A szabad akarat mindenek felett. És te teszel is valamit vagy csak nyavalyogsz? :D Akár olvashatod addig is az Accademia Occulta-t. ;)



    January 2024

    Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar

    Lisa Renee

    Corrected Ruby Order Records,
    Rise of Atlantis

    Currently, the planetary body is undergoing a space-time reorganization that ripples out many strange anomalies that greatly influence the quantum field into the subatomic layers, generating confusion and some panic for those entities who were regularly using interdimensional portals or jump gates. Some of the ancient portal systems used for centuries by dark cabal or illuminati groups are no longer working or are sending the entities into spaces and places they did not expect.

    Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar are corrected instruction sets for the Ruby Order records for re-aligning spiritual architecture governing the quantum fields that are currently reverberating shifts throughout the 1D-4D-7D atomic cores of the Earth-Taran-Gaian matrices. This appears to further activate the planetary Ruby Crystal network in the Solar-Galactic Gates which are extending into the Metagalactic Core through Ruby Spirals that are transmitting from the 22D Ruby Ray capstone. Universal Ruby Pillar activations began building out the Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar clockshield for the returning Cosmic Father Ruby Ankh body components, such as linking into Ruby Diamond Hearts coming from the Cosmic Ruby Sun. Which are anchoring within his newly appearing spiritual fleet of Solar Ruby Dragons that are defenders protecting the North-South-East-West pillars and horizontal shields that are being built out for the planetary KA Body and the authentic Temple of Khemalohatea.

    Guardians further mention that the rebuilding of the Ruby Rod for the Temple of Khemalohatea, and securing the Addondra White Rainbow complex for the Solar Rishi-Reisha, for the restoration of the primary gender twin matrix in the Triple Khemalot, aligns angelic humanity back into the pre-fall timelines of Atlantis. This surfaces the esoteric meaning behind the prophetic term for the end of times, the Rise of Atlantis.

    Apparently, located upon the major continent that sank into the North Atlantic Ocean on the outskirts of the east coast of the United States that extends into the Bermuda stargate and up through the United Kingdom, was a large land mass with several sections of thriving Atlantian colonies using Khem codes with many forms of advanced crystal technologies, zero-point energy devices, flying and submersible crafts, portals and jump gates that were lost in the ocean during the Atlantian cataclysm. Although we can see visible remnants of the lost advanced civilization that was Atlantis all over the planet, the distinction is the underwater technologies found in the sunken lands of the North Atlantic Ocean have been actively weaponized against humanity since the Atlantian Flood.

  28. Since then, these areas around the Bermuda Triangle have been inhabited by alien invaders that are using the many forms of advanced technologies from the Atlantian civilization they found embedded in the main land mass that sunk, and this was subsequently outfitted into the underwater alien bases and tunnel systems in which to supervise and carry out assorted crimes against humanity. Such as administering to the supply routes used for NAA based operations to harvest planetary resources from underwater bases that involve hidden advanced technologies with unidentified aerial phenomenon, submersible naval ships and submarine based human slave trafficking networks that move in and out from Antarctica.

    The Rise of Atlantis means that the advanced technologies that have been hidden from humanity and abused by the dark cabal for centuries for their covert criminal agendas such as the advanced technology stolen to power up secret space programs, above in the skies and under water, have been hitchhiking on the assorted technologies they took from our past Atlantian civilization.

    This discovery spans into the depths of the Northern Atlantic Ocean where the lost civilization of Atlantian crystal technology and underwater bases will be revealed when it is disclosed that these submarine tunnels are connected to massive cabal run industries organized for off planet human and child trafficking, that extends into several islands owned by the billionaire class of Luciferian elites.


  29. “The Ram Mandir is a Hindu temple under construction in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, India and is scheduled for Prana Pratistha on 22nd January, 2024. It is located at the site of Ram Janmabhoomi, the hypothesized birthplace of Rama, a principal deity of Hinduism. Rama, an incarnation of Vishnu, is a Hindu deity. According to the ancient Indian epic, Ramayana, Rama was born in Ayodhya.”


    1. Do you think Ram Mandir consecration is devoid of any Indian illuminati network interference. If that's what you are thinking, think again. I am from India and according to me Rama was an aldebarani alien who came here to help the ancient Indians and he don't deserve worship from us. We should worship ourselves.

    2. Yes, it one of our Galactic Families member!
      No worship.
      Just connecting equally between every being as Loving friend!

  30. YUUUuuupppyyyyyy, YUUUUhhuuuuu
    Grateful thanks to all
    Cobra, RM, com. Astar, St. Germine and others
    I hope you felt what happened yesterday.
    Dude Mjolnir.....
    Victory of Light!
    A heartfelt hug to you, dear Cobra, and to all the Forces of Light who work tirelessly to liberate planet Earth and beyond. Dear sisters and brothers reading this blog, my affection for all of you is immense.💞💞💞
    Victory of the Light!

  31. Here is Finnish translation of this article / Tässä on suomenkielinen käännös tästä artikkelista:

    Telegram group for Finnish translations of Portal / Telegramryhmä suomennetuille Portal artikkeleille:

  32. The linked article is just a detailed summary of the situation in 3D reality for normies. Most people who read Cobra will know all of this.

  33. On April 18, 2023, from the position of “KRP” it was written:

    “Many people ask about scenarios for the development of the situation in the next year or two. What awaits us and what to do. So let’s go.

    The development of the political situation largely depends on the situation at the front, and much will be clear in the summer.

    Scenario one: the counteroffensive will be repulsed, and the Ukrainian Armed Forces will not be able to seize the initiative. This will seriously weaken the position of Kyiv and cause mass unrest within Ukrainian society and elites. Criticism of support for Zelensky and the Ukrainian Armed Forces within the Western community will intensify. Considering the mass recruitment campaign that has begun in the army and PMCs, as well as the adoption of the law on subpoenas, we can conclude that our government has chosen a “mobilization” strategy according to a soft scenario. I think Prigozhin’s statements about the completion of the Northern Military District are the beginning of a campaign to transition to the defense of new territories and an attempt to “freeze” the conflict. This is where additional contract and mobilized soldiers will be needed. According to experts, a defensive defense requires a reinforcement of at least 500 thousand soldiers.

    There are presidential elections next year, and the SVO should not go into a pre-election year.

    Let us remember how the Chechen war became one of Yeltsin’s most powerful pain points. I think that after the failures of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the counter-offensive, the Ukrainian army will be unable to seize the initiative for some time, and the war will actually move into a positional phase. Our state channels and propagandists will present this as a victory and will actually declare the preliminary goals of the NWO achieved. The fighting and shelling will not stop, but the situation will be suspended. These decisions will cause discontent among part of the patriotic public, but the authorities will do everything to stop the threat.

    The political situation in Russia will develop according to a conservative scenario: complete control of the media, possible blocking of Youtube and controlled elections. In this scenario, Putin wins decisively, and we enter an era of protracted confrontation on all fronts. There will be no radical reforms. Maximum personnel changes. The chances of changing course are negligible. Some protests during the presidential elections are possible, but the state will be ready for them. Yes, there are various strong players within the ruling class, but so far everyone is afraid and remains loyal.

    Scenario two: the counteroffensive will be successful. Then the situation inside Russia will become more complicated. This could cause massive discontent in society and within the ruling class. Then a fight will begin between all against all. Of course, the GDP will try to suppress the unrest, and the security forces are now determined to do this, but the political configuration will clearly go “out of whack.” Then personnel decisions will be possible in the Ministry of Defense, in the government and at the regional level.

  34. ...
    I think that in the end the situation will be maintained despite serious discontent, and society will swallow this humiliation. I am sure that the authorities will pursue a conservative scenario. Presidential elections must be held on time and with a clear advantage for the candidate in power. If the Ukrainian Armed Forces are successful, they will mobilize again in the fall and try to go on the defensive. They may want to reach a ceasefire and sign a new Khasavyurt. This is where unpleasant surprises for the authorities may (or may not) occur in the presidential elections. But we must clearly understand, without any illusions, that the system is configured to reproduce and stop ALL threats associated with the seizure of power. And from different sources. The main task of Putin and the system remains to stop the split in the elites: no alternative centers of power should appear.

    Scenario three: something incomprehensible happens and the system begins to crumble. Controllability is lost, radical events occur. In this case, a big fight for power, influence and property begins. I have already said that many are preparing for such a turn: regions, departments, financial and industrial groups are gathering resources and forces. In this scenario, making predictions is a thankless task. This is where their own laws come into play.

    In any of the options, the threat of terrorist attacks and sabotage on our territory remains.

    I think the situation will develop according to one of the first two scenarios, but I don’t exclude the third, so we are preparing for anything."

  35. Following the manifesto, the “Club of Angry Patriots” or “KRP” developed a manual of questions for the “guardians” (the security forces directly involved in keeping the olegarchs and “Putin” directly in power in the Russian Federation. Here they are:

    Questionnaire manual for an angry patriot. (A collection of questions to government officials and propagandists-guardians, for which I would like to receive specific, direct and honest answers, with the ensuing organizational conclusions).

    I. “Historical” questions:

    1) In 2014, the power of the junta was hanging by a thread, the whole of Novorossiya - looking at Crimea - was waiting for Russia with hope. But the Kremlin first refused to send peacekeeping forces to Donbass, and then was the first in the world to recognize the legitimacy of Poroshenko’s election. As a result of the 8-year “Minsk burden” of the so-called authorities. “Ukraine” created a combat-ready army, suppressed the protest movement, brainwashed a significant part of the population, and by 2022 they were able to resist the Russian Armed Forces on the battlefield. WHO is responsible for the strategically failed decisions for which Russia is now paying with thousands of lives and tens of thousands of cripples? Who has suffered or should be punished for this cretinism and/or direct sabotage?

    2) Why were (and still are) outright swindlers and swindlers put in charge of the People's Republics of Donbass, who discredited the ideas of the Russian Spring by the very fact of their presence in power? How and in what way were the most famous and authoritative heroes of 2014 physically eliminated from among the militia commanders? Who bore or will bear responsibility for the fact that instead of the “showcase of the Russian World” in the LDPR there was a “settlement tank” for 8 years, in which people lived much worse than in the Russian Federation and worse than in “Ukraine”?

    3) How did it happen that the President of the Russian Federation (by his own personal admission) “was led by the nose for eight years by respected Kyiv and dear Western partners” within the framework of the “no alternative Minsk agreements” and the “Normandy format”? Where were the principled and professional advisers and officials who were obliged to warn the president about what was obvious to many outside observers who were not receiving government support? Have these officials been punished in any way or at least suspended from further duties?

    4) What is the role of a number of high-ranking Russian officials (Surkov, for example) in the fact that in the fall of 2014, the DPR and LPR militias, together with the “North Wind”, were unable to reach the borders of these republics, pursuing the already disorderly retreating Ukrainian Armed Forces? Why was the front “fixed” on the outskirts of Donetsk? Why was Mariupol abandoned by the Ukrainian Armed Forces not liberated? What role did the behind-the-scenes negotiations between Surkov (and other representatives of the Kremlin VIP bureaucracy) with Ukrainian oligarchs and, in particular, with Rinat Akhmetov play in this? Why - after the liberation of Debaltsev in the spring of 2015 - were hostilities again “frozen” and the Ukrainian Armed Forces got a chance to restore their lost combat capability?

    5) Why, for 8 years, while the Armed Forces of Ukraine were feverishly arming themselves and preparing for a big war, did formations and units of the People's Militia of the LDPR eke out a miserable existence, received extremely meager supplies and were armed with outdated weapons systems? Why did they practically not undergo normal combat training and coordination? Who was responsible for these questions in the RF Ministry of Defense and who should answer for the criminally sabotage attitude towards the combat effectiveness of the People's Militia Corps?

  36. Concerning the recent discussion on the web about the so called "soul fragmentation" and the much inner work needed to be done for the so called "soul retrieval", there are also rummors and points of view, as well, that a lightworker or starseeds might be much more in advantage if he leaves the things as there are in the matter of soul fragmentation.
    You seem to be much more in advantage to remain soul fragmented, as long as this will lead to the inability of the soul to plan and to engage in other, so called, 'soul grow experience'.
    So, if you want to prevent another 'volunteering' to eliberate, let's say, the negative side of the Andromeda Galaxy,
    So would you better remain soul fragmented.

    1. The call given on the galactic level to volunteer for earth liberation was rather a lure instead of a proposal to follow your free will.
      So, if your soul had been fragmented at that time, you had been not eligible for volunteering. So, your path of evolution has to be better on this time, by not been engaged in an endless and clueless, so called, mission to liberate an earthling humanity who really do not want to be liberated.

  37. ...- What explains the “grain deals”, which (according to the Russian Foreign Minister) “do not bring any benefit to our country at all, since the “partners” have never fulfilled their part of the obligations”? Considering that as a result of compliance with the terms of the agreements on our part, “Ukraine” not only receives large incomes from the export of its grain and other goods, but also receives a significant part of its supplies (the same fuels and lubricants and much more) through the unblocked Odessa seaport?

    - Why has there still been no condemnation or even comment on the behavior of the special representative of the President of the Russian Federation R. Abramovich (a British citizen, which in itself is a scandal), who, after the exchange of captives in Mariupol, "Azovites" (an organization recognized as criminal in the Russian Federation) publicly gave them all expensive gifts and fed them delicacies, not counting the most friendly disposition? And why did the criminals who were exchanged turn out to have committed mass murders, torture and other particularly serious crimes against citizens of the Russian Federation was proven by the investigation?

    - As a result, the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet "Moscow" sank? And if he was sunk by the enemy (about which there is “no hoo-ha”) - how did he end up in the range of the enemy’s anti-ship systems without escort and cover, as well as with non-working air defense systems, with a crew staffed largely by inexperienced recruits - conscripts? Who bore responsibility for this and what?

    _ What caused the “de-escalation” with the hasty withdrawal of troops from the Kyiv, Chernigov, Sumy, Nikolaev regions and what did the officials who proposed this solution as the optimal one count on as a result? How did it happen that at the beginning of the "North Military District" our troops carried out a deep offensive without bothering to protect communications that were subject to enemy attacks? Who was responsible for this or will be held accountable?

    - Where were the many hundreds of ground-, sea- and air-based cruise missiles, massively launched at the beginning of the Northeast Defense against targets on enemy territory, spent, if as a result neither the centers of its military and political command nor the communication centers were defeated, the air defense system remained unsuppressed, little communications centers and air force facilities were damaged, but telecommunication centers and transport infrastructure facilities were not damaged at all?

  38. COBRA i must say as a Male I'm very suspicious about this Goddess Worshipping Cult that you're talking about. I love females and Goddess Energy but girls don't actually like Kind and Nice Guys, they're making fun of them, example is OnlyFans.

    Men on OnlyFans are Worshipping girls like Goddesses and giving them enormous amounts of money and in return they get few nudes and become Simps while Bad Boys get all of the Pussy while Girls become evil, materialistic, depraved, heartless brats etc...

    Goddess Caring Energy in this way on this Planet means that only Bad Boys gets Energy (Pussy) while Kind and Nice Guys are used and humiliated, that's why MGTOW movement is on the rise, there are very good things in this movement but also a lot of toxic ones.

    For example they teach men to be a Toxic Heartless Alpha Male without Empathy becaus Girls loves them, they're also teaching men to treat woman like a Slave (traditional wife that only sits home to cook, clean and reproduce).

    This is example of Goddess Worshipping Cult on OnlyFans, when i watched this video i got sick to my stomach, i didn't know situation is this kind of bad on OnlyFans, i knew it was bad but this is shocking, this is sign of end times and must watch for everybody, it's the first time i hear about terms Pay Piggy and Whales and Girls seems very excited to exploit Men in this cruel way:

    - OnlyFans Girl bankrupts lonely man and doesn't care:

    Second thing is that Girls don't like Kind and Nice Guys or Bad Boys but the combination of both, it's a Perfect Male Being, definitely very very rare. But the problem is that Bad Boys gets all the Pussy so Kind and Nice Guys now wants to imitate and become like them which will be very bad situation for girls and society in general.

    So in society like this, it's better to be Heartless, Toxic, Power obsessed Male than a Nice Guy, girls love that more so they give them Pussy, Nice Guys can be a friend which means Trash Can for her life problems and Negative Emotions, so they become retarted docile Simps. That's why people like Andrew Tate and MGTOW movement are so popular.

    Here is excellent video example of Graphic Relationship Chart, it explains Male and Female relationship psychology. People can learn a lot from this:

    - Zones: A map of relationship types to help relieve dating confusion:

    I think that Light Forces must shutdown these sites like OnlyFans, Til Tok, Facebook, Instagram etc... These sites are made to destroy the society. When The Event happens they must delete and destroy every sites like this, we're all falling into abyss and it's getting deeper and deeper...

    1. Think that big part of problem is our past. Before woman's wound chose big and strong men's for protection and like whatever you want from building house to going in hunting to get food. But you are correct they like Alfa males that have at least little bit pumped muscles. But they also all want Prince on White Horse and rich family and that is not bad at all from their personal perspective. thing is they try out with few rich people and few Alfa guys then if they are smart they settle with normal guy. Example of that we have in Bing Bang Theory =Penny.. Actually Penny would never end up with Lenord if she didn't had those Rich Pumped and whatever else boys. I have little bit older sister and who Gods what she did when she was young and how far girls go to get their dream weeding or whatever else they read in those magazines. But their problems,, they can do whatever they want so you shouldn't even think about that. It's same did guy went in casino end lost money or spent it on Only Fans,, same stuff =energy he gets from it

    2. You are absolutely right brother. I think the whole Internet of Things, AI BS must be taken down and everything which requires healing should be reset and restored for the positive outcome.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. well, I think it should be said that capitalism (at the moment already post-capitalism in at least the second stage), as the most mysterious socio-economic system, has significantly distorted the relationship between people, including such concepts as friendship, honor, dignity, love and brought out the only For myself, the truth on the pedestal of human relationships is the availability of money. Money already exists even outside of industrial capitalism, and even within the framework of financial capitalism - banks with their digital components. Previously, the money supply was backed by precious metals, which made it possible to significantly limit inflation (or eliminate it altogether), but now the printing press prints any amount of money that the owners of the financial system need for their needs or to save the financial system (which accelerates inflation and leads to a decrease in wages and an increase in prices - poverty of the population). I can assure you that the current state of affairs with OnlyFans is a rather unnatural process (although after the puppet of globalism Schwab declared in “his” “Great Reset” that a person as a BIOLOGICAL being must cease to be a person - a cyborg, a biorobot, a transgender and other things unnatural to nature "creature", it is naive to think that such things as "love" as a highly moral human feeling and the attitude towards the female body not as a commodity are not the natural state of things for the world they have built).

      BUT! I can assert, based on certain scientific data (including archaeological and geographical, not to mention sociology, statistics and energy physics), to my greatest surprise (quite recently found both in this blog and independently of it) - the Goddess (not as a biological organism descended from the sky in the form of an unrealistically physically attractive girl, and as an image, a symbol for constant remembering, like a monument or painting, a flag) really existed in the ancients (especially in pre-Christian times). She, as a symbol, personified a set of actions for a woman as one of two genders that are capable of developing humanity as a race and providing her family with spiritual saturation. All this, of course, requires a lot of investigation, including interdisciplinary research (related fields of science), but I assure you that the knowledge base from which you can build already exists, including in the form of photographs from archaeological excavations, frescoes, mosaics, statues and paintings).

      One thing can be said and this is a 100% confirmed fact - the role of women in the family and life at the moment is artificially formed in a completely false direction, with a view to the extinction of humanity as a race (within the framework of inclusive capitalism where the human species should differ like two biological ones - rich oligarchs living for 100-150 years and lower creatures biomass hard workers living for 30-40 years in appalling conditions).

  39. ...- Where did all our latest military equipment, which we boasted so much about in the pre-war years, go to? Why are T-54/55 tanks and D-20 guns, adopted during the life of I.V. Stalin, being put into service in combat units at the front? Who “scattered” (usually for free) much more modern “unnecessary” Soviet weapons and ammunition in huge quantities throughout Syria-Libya-Sudan and other African republics? Who should be responsible for this? Where are the promised "combat robots"? Where are the “tens of thousands of Arab volunteers, grateful to us for the assistance provided,” promised to the president by the Minister of Defense?

    - How did it happen that Kazakhstan, which was saved from civil war by our peacekeeping forces literally a month before the start of the North Military War, is moving faster and more openly into the camp of the enemies of the Russian Federation, demonstrating growing Russophobia and gradually joining all types of sanctions? Who made the decisions to support exactly the group that (having been nurtured by the “Soros Foundation,” which was well known) is now in power in Kazakhstan? What was the basis for supporting this particular group, although there were others who were much more loyal to the Russian Federation?

  40. I don´t mean we should relax too much, but as we´ve been told time will be given until the next solar maximum in the next decades for the cataclysm to happen, I don´t think we should be overly worried about that scenario: of course not if you end up in an Island of Light, but even if you don´t you will have time to prepare..
    It´s interesting his theory about why the Cabal keeps pushing the 2030 plan despite knowing this is going to happen: to reduce the number of hardened survivors to deal with on the surface when they emerge from the bunkers. But whatever it is, it doesn´t matter much now..
    So, just by gathering the existing information and analyzing it, this guy has come up more or less with the right conclusions, only the Phoenix will be different this time: instead of rising again from the ashes with battered survivors or, it´ll do it with those who have shifted density along with the planet in the Islands of light (and want to remain here).
    Let´s go to Phoenix!

  41. For those who are interested, an amazing divine Jesus synchronicity:

  42. I would like to note that the Putin government has not given answers to these questions posed by the “KRP”. And, no, she adopted the law “On discrediting military personnel” and began repression and issuing real criminal sentences for cases of public disclosure of the facts of catastrophic cases of theft in the army and command and control of troops on the battlefield. First, the prosecution of Colonel Kvachkov was organized, which miraculously stopped at the last moment when the verdict was announced.

    Colonel Igor Girkin Strelkov was condemned for saying that people who have not paid wages to military personnel in the trenches for MONTHS should be shot (as the highest form of punishment under martial law). Why does this deserve special attention?

    Since the beginning of the “Special Military Operation” (the war in Ukraine), the personnel army of the Russian Federation, vaunted throughout the world on paper by 75% or more of contract servicemen, fled and refused to participate in hostilities after suffering the first losses (private and non-commissioned personnel serve in the army for a monthly fee, while in Soviet times there was a conscription system - officers are trained in special schools and remain to work for a salary, but they supervise ordinary citizens who are annually called up for training for 2 years; 3 years for the fleet, which since the beginning of 1990 has been cut to scrap metal, and some admiral managed to sell a submarine for a drug cartel from South America). The so-called “limited conscription” or “limited mobilization” began; it took place in several waves. From the military commissariats, people began to receive summonses to be sent to training camps and then sent to the front (but for some reason almost no one was sent to the camps, but the overwhelming number of conscripts were sent straight to the trenches, which is why the losses were simply catastrophic - this is how the corrupt oligarchic functions a state in which all structures and institutions have been stolen and sold). There were even cases of mass capture of people on the streets of the largest cities of the Russian Federation (including Moscow and St. Petersburg) with their direct delivery to the military registration and enlistment office and forced transfer to military training camps (which, as stated earlier, almost never existed). The whole tragedy was that the people who received military alerts were listed in the military commissariat databases as having completed military service in the period before the collapse of the USSR and the beginning of 2000; they had already started families, had children (some even several) and received injuries, to obtain a state of health unsuitable for military service (the body's reserve of strength in the vast majority of cases depends on nutrition and high-quality medicine, which, as you yourself understand, has the quality at the level of African countries in a state sold by Jewish oligarchs). But no one cared and the fathers of 3 children were sent to the front (who, according to the “laws” of the Russian Federation, were written from an assortment of constitutions and legislations of many countries in the world on the instructions of CIA consultants who sat in the government of the Russian Federation under Yeltsin), people without an arm, without fingers, without an eye and other ridiculous cases. All these people left behind families, for whom in the overwhelming majority of cases the father, sent by the regime to the front, was the sole breadwinner of the family. Propaganda in the media stated that this was the same war with the collective West that did not happen due to the collapse of the USSR, but now the patience of Western TNCs had run out and they were preparing for an attack, which allegedly gave rise to an incident belli - the majority of middle-aged men raised in the late USSR believed in it and went to the front as volunteers.

  43. ...
    The worst thing was that for what “Putin” and his regime called “Special Military Operation” or “SVO” for citizens of the Russian Federation, there is no legal definition that would justify this very massive conscription of people into the troops. The regime did not want to declare martial law because the people could rebel because of the policies of the regime, which for the last 30 years had mercilessly robbed them in alliance with foreign multinationals, having previously destroyed their country, and then plunged the people into war. The regime urgently passed a law stating that the “Special Military Operation” cannot be called “war”; those who did not understand this were quickly put in prison. Everyone who was captured by the commissars during the waves of “mobilization” or who came as a volunteer, thinking that this was a “people’s war”, signed a !CONTRACT! with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation about participation in the “Special Military Operation” with a fixed salary on paper 6-7 times higher than the REAL salary in the country, i.e. are not combatants - participants in the hostilities of one of the parties to the military conflict (a significant part of the volunteers volunteered because of this, because in a country with industry and science destroyed for the sake of Western TNCs, most of the population, 70% are openly begging). But according to the laws of the Russian Federation, engaging in mercenary activities carries a prison sentence of 12 to 15 years in prison (the status of the so-called “Wagner” has not yet been publicly confirmed, but in fact it is a mechanism of terrorism controlled by the Russian Federation).

  44. It was precisely because of the “meat assaults” (when they became known) that the flow of volunteers to participate in the “Special Military Operation” abruptly dried up (as after the Jewish oligarch Abramovich exchanged 150 selected elite Nazis from the Ukrainian Nazi subunits captured near the plant " Azovstal", where, according to rumors, there were biological laboratories and instructors from the CIA, MI6? and Mossad and even generals from NATO countries) on Putin’s relative - Medvedchuk, a Ukrainian politician who for years has stated that in Ukraine he is pursuing a policy friendly to the Russian Federation and he has everything under control, Ukrainians will be happy to reunite with the fraternal people of Russia (in fact, no work was carried out, no cultural funds were created, money was stolen by Medvedchuk and his entourage). After Abramovich freed these elite Nazis, he took them on his private plane and took them, as far as I remember, to England, after which he gave them each the latest model iPhone and treated them to teramisu (there are photographs on social networks and the Internet - everything is public, on camera - don't be shy). And this “man” - part of the government of the Russian Federation - sends hundreds of thousands of ordinary civilians to the front, into a virtual meat grinder, and after a few months releases them and gives bonuses to the commanders of the most inveterate war criminals and Nazis. Who wrote on the blog about “Vladimir Putin is a gray hat”?

  45. I think the story is about the confrontation(?) within the framework of the post-capitalist (capitalism and the digital era are already over, in 1990 and 2020, respectively, now the era of digital platforms has come, we are unique people who have lived through 3-4 historical periods) Rockefeller system (USA) through Armenia (Pashinyan puppet of the CIA) and Azerbaijan, controlled by clans of Mountain Jews (a proxy of Turkey, which is a proxy of Israel and England-Rothschilds) as countries surrounding Russia and having the largest diasporas in it deserve a separate story, but for there is no psychological strength, no time, no desire .

  46. "Directive "Hannibal": one of the secrets of the Israeli army revealed

    While monitoring the network, I came across some pretty interesting things. Background - on November 9, 2023, he noted in his channel ( that there was a leak of video materials from the Israeli Air Force, which proves that the IDF, with the help of Apache helicopters, attacked their own fellow citizens on musical festival on October 7, 2023.

    The Israeli newspaper Haaretz explained the incident as an error. Helicopter pilots allegedly had difficulty identifying Hamas militants in crowds of people.

    However, there was another explanation for this incident. The newspaper Yediot Ahronot, publishing a chronology of events on October 7, posted a message from war correspondent Yoav Zeitoun at 08.44 hours that the order had been given to launch the “Hannibal” directive.

    What is the Hannibal Directive? "Hannibal" Directive ( D7%A2%D7%9C) is a set of measures established by the IDF General Staff, which concerns immediate action in the event of the abduction of a soldier by the enemy.

    Throughout Israel's many wars, there have been incidents where the enemy captured IDF soldiers and then had to exchange them for large numbers of Palestinians.

    In 1982, after the capture of 8 soldiers in Lebanon, the IDF issued a verbal order that everything possible should be done to apprehend the kidnappers, even at the cost of the health of the abducted. In 1986, after two more soldiers were captured, this verbal instruction became a written order for every IDF soldier.

    Since 2002, this order has undergone changes, since the threat to the lives of the abducted in the event of its direct implementation was too great.

    In 2003, the military prosecutor's office changed the order without publishing its wording. The latest edition of the directive was made in 2017, but its essence has not yet been disclosed.

    The Hannibal Directive takes its name from the commander of the Carthaginian army who chose to commit suicide by drinking poison when the Romans demanded his head.

    The Haaretz newspaper on January 9, 2024 called for an investigation into the shelling of Kibbutz Be'eri by an IDF tank and the death of Israeli hostages, suspecting the use of the Hannibal directive.

    The newspaper Yediot Ahronot confirmed on January 11, 2024 ( that on the day of the Hamas attack on Israel, the IDF ordered all its units to use the “Hannibal” directive. The order, in in particular, was to stop “at all costs” attempts by Hamas terrorists to return to the Gaza Strip. Therefore, Air Force pilots destroyed all vehicles that tried to break into the Gaza Strip from Israeli territory, even if there were hostages there.

    This is the harsh truth of life and moral standards in war from the Israeli army."

  47. For those interested, another Jesus synchronicity:

  48. What are they prepping for? World's billionaires are building bunkers

    This is different article then about Facebook owner Mark ,,because about him and his Hawai complex was few days ago ,,this one has few more names and information,,like one third of Americans are preparing for some sort of dooms day

    1. Sounds like they are feeling safe and secure. /s

  49. Archaix's research is top notch.. Dude hands you EVERY bit of material where he gets his claims from. Been following him since his start.

    1. I've heard he is rubbish. Besides, isn't he a Flat Earther? Pure rubbish. I think I once watched him and couldn't get out fast enough.

  50. "People are now an extra link in the evolution of LLM.
    A self-learning technique has been invented for superhuman AI agents.
    This news makes it clear why Zuckerberg poured billions into purchasing thousands of Nvidia H100s, confident that his open source LLM would beat out the leading models from OpenAI, MS and Google.
    In all recorded cases of AI systems achieving superhuman level abilities, the experience and knowledge of human teachers (and all of humanity as a whole) turned out to be superfluous.

    For example, the AlphaZero AI from DeepMind learned to play chess independently and without teachers. Playing tens of millions of games against itself, the AI reached superhuman levels of play in just a few hours (!).

    Researchers from one of the leaders in this field (with a former name like “Mordocbook”) posed a reasonable question:
    ✔️ Why do we need people at all if the task is to bring the linguistic abilities of generative AI large language models (LLM) to a superhuman level?

    Currently, when training such LLMs, people's responses are used to create a reward model based on people's preferences. But this way of creating a reward model has 2 big drawbacks:
    • it is limited by the level of productivity of people;
    • Frozen reward patterns cannot then be refined during LLM training.

    The authors' idea is as simple as radishes - to move towards self-sufficiency of LLM when creating a reward model, by designing an architecture of "self-rewarding language models" that can do without people.

    This self-reward model (LLM-as-a-Judge) uses prompts from the LLM judge to formulate its own rewards during training.

    Having tested this self-reward method for Llama 2 70B over three iterations, the authors obtained a model that outperforms the vast majority of existing systems on the AlpacaEval 2.0 leaderboard, including Claude 2, Gemini Pro and GPT-4 0613 (see table .ru/i/-hqFSCIfcFNI5w)

    And although this work is only a preliminary study, it takes the hypothesis that people are unnecessary for further LLM self-improvement to a practical level."

  51. France produces as many NATO 155-mm caliber shells in a year as Ukraine spends in a few days, said Cedric Perrin, head of the French Senate Commission on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Armed Forces.

    According to him, the Ukrainian Armed Forces produce 5-8 thousand shells of this caliber every day, while France produces only 20 thousand such shells.

  52. “Today I spoke on Skype with a classmate. He lives in Germany. Hysteria is growing there. Scholz is already directly saying on TV that he will soon have to fight with Russia. He says that this will happen in two or three years. And to this the people of Germany must be prepared!!! The man is seriously afraid of being expelled from the country. Our media is silent about the intensification of militarism. What is happening?"

    1. He will need to fight with extreme right politics and people supporting them,, think they speak about baning them from elections,, similar what they are doing to Trump and as Cobra said they where polarizing people in USA Tru their people =then they get conflicts,, so think he will have to fight his own people if they do that,, what choice did you leave them if you take only peaceful way for changes = Parliament = Elections

  53. A Japanese scientist proposed mass suicide of elderly people. For starters, in Japan

    According to Yusuke Narita, a 37-year-old economics professor at Yale University, there are too many useless people in the world whose solution to the so-called problem is forced “mass suicide” of the elderly.

    Speaking about forced euthanasia of the elderly, Narita said that "there will be the possibility of making it mandatory in the future."

  54. Victory of the light!!!✨✨✨

  55. This is China, and retribution is accelerating. Why doesn’t retribution find those who use directed energy weapons? Is it because they use AI to avoid karma?

  56. Alexander Mukharev (Ac)

    “We are not having a war, but a SVO (special military operation) and the incomprehensible status of this event is manifested in the practice of forming volunteer battalions. Where the conditions of service are reduced in comparison with the army. They do not even have a permanent deployment point. Collected at some training ground, they They go into battle as soon as they receive a weapon and don’t even have time to really get to know each other, not to mention competently and fully mastering the weapon, learning tactics, and practicing interaction.

    At the end of the contract, the unit is disbanded. That is, all accumulated experience goes into emptiness. In the absence of continuity - the impossibility of transferring knowledge and skills to a new formation - one has to fight practically “from scratch.” Repeating the mistakes of predecessors. That is, where it was possible to work in a calm, planned mode, without any special need they resort to situational, emergency solutions to the problem. An emergency is an effort at the limit of possibilities (in war this results in a lot of blood), with a lack of time and limited resources. Highly likely to fail."

  57. Portals into Higher Consciousness
    “Portals of exigency” have been created to accommodate rapid movement across planetary energetic boundaries.

    Alignment of Hue-beings with such portals facilitates accelerated movement of consciousness into Higher D realms as chaotic node points are encountered.

  58. Truth Justice@SpartaJustice

    "8 MILLION CHILDREN MISSING: Former United Nations Executive and Former President of the Club of Rome for Europe confirms that the Oligarchs who rule our world (The Committee of 300) are Pedophiles who control the systems of global child sex trafficking and control the UN and WEF. The United Nations 2030 agenda is the same as the Davos (WEF) agenda, these NGOs are both involved in global child sex trafficking."

  59. Truth Justice@SpartaJustice

    "OBAMA BIDEN RAPED ME: Child sex trafficked victim confirms that Barack Obama and Joe Biden raped her as a child. She was sold to Joe Biden multiple times for sex. She also confirms that Michelle Obama is a man and sexually abused her. Has evidence of Police reports and rape kits.

    CPS (Child Protective Services), the FBI, CIA and local law enforcement are all involved. Government agencies and the public are all complicit to the horrors of child trafficking. The case was covered up as was thousands of other cases around the world. There are underground tunnels throughout cities that facilitate the torture and rape of innocent children.

    It has already been confirmed by other victim survivors that President George Bush, Bill Clinton and President Ford were also Pedophiles along with many other Presidents and Prime Ministers. We have Police documents proving former Prime Minister Scott Morrison is a Pedophile child rapist."


  61. Goku Riden A Cintamani Stone That's Fire.

  62. Second Picture: The kid is riding Cintamani stone!

  63. I swear the past few days the dark ones have been doing energy rituals. Feeling very disconnected lately.

  64. The "light forces" allowed 15,000 innocent Palestinian children to be murdered in Gaza by evil Zionists. They have allowed millions of unnecessary deaths. 166,859 deaths per day could be prevented by the "light forces." We have seen zero help from the light forces, no matter what they say. The human suffering gets worse every day, and they seem to be on vacation and not very worried about us. We greatly regret the lack of intervention and integrity. The Galactic Federation has the power to implement change. Humanity has been wrongfully treated with disrespect. If the Galactic Federation cannot hold the Spiritual Law of Oneness, it will no longer exist. In this case, we will replace them with completely new Guardians with Divine Light Resonance. The Galactic Federation has already been put on notice and is fully aware of what is stated here. We will not allow this corruption to go unchecked any longer. Unfortunately, all this is just empty talk and nice stories, which don't serve anyone until there is real physical action taken against the dark forces. This is not helping anyone; we have just more stories with no physical action. We waited for many years to see something.

    1. These BS are going on since the days of my great great grandfather. These are just repetitions no more than that which leads to disappointment and emission of negative loosh energy when nothing positive happens. That's all what they wanted for the spiritual community 😂😂😂. Never ending loop BS!

  65. Activation of dormant portals
    Surfers of Higher Dimensional Cosmic Waves inspire and collect increasingly more conscious humanity individuals.

    Full release of all inner entrapmens nears completion.

    Celebration at all levels is in progress.

  66. Police poisoned me before meditation and the next morning had a fbi ci swing at me as I left a Starbucks, then sprayed me with a burning neurotoxin in the back of the head. Then I couldn't walk and threw up again:

    Feel free to comment at video, CIs do...

    Mason human trafficking criminal network includes police in USA who are currently using chemical bombs against the public then trying to shoot the public. See here:

    Please spread this evidence. We're in the Denver area and there us no recourse to the law. 911 operators laugh at suffering from assault repeatedly. Not just unprofessional but obviously a crime.

  67. Saiyûki – A Jornada para o Oeste:

  68. when are all these negative entites gonna be remove from this planet?

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. Is Rama temple consecration in Ayodhya, India is a step towards victory of light?

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. @COBRA
    Hello my friend. Perhaps you can help with this dilemma. I won't be able to attend the Ascension Conference in Phoenix due to developing personal circumstances, but I purchased a spot for the two day event plus lunches for the amount of $360.
    I'm willing to GIVE this spot to anyone that wishes to attend this conference... free of charge. This is my way of "paying it forward".
    I thought one of the commentors on your blog that goes by the handle @Ezra was interested, but I haven't heard back from him.
    Is there any way that you can help me find someone to attend in my place, or at least guide me to the right peopleto help make this happen? It would have to be transferred to their name on a first come, first serve basis.
    My email address is
    I hope someone can take my place and benefit from this gesture.
    Thank you!
    Love and Light,

    1. so you will not be short of money... i will reinburse the ticket value... i have not bought mine yet.. so i will give you the ticket amount and you just change the name of ticket to me name.

    2. err nm. probably i am sending message too late.

    3. @DH
      You're not too late bud... we can do this. Please email me at so we can communicate faster and I'll see if I can get a hold of Debra or whoever in order to transfer to your name. You don't have to reimburse me... it would be a gift to a fellow Lightworker.
      Email me as soon as possible and we'll make this happen!

  73. The article "THE PHOENIX HYPOTHESIS" translated to czech language:


  75. This enlightenment inducing planet is very interesting. This channel is good too.

  76. Shots fired. Prophetic music video message to the Cabal and Black Nobility comes true:

  77. Phoenix hypothesis is flawed. Nowhere in that article does God or Angels or our star friends mentioned. We are NOT sitting ducks.

    1. yes usually not all literature covers all angles... i dont think links are presented necessarily because they flawless. as i dont know if there is any that is not. but does help to add or consider perspectives . sort to expandvour critical thinking.

    2. Azt vedd ki belőle, ami neked hasznos, és ami emel téged. A többit engedd el.

  78. Exclusive Breaking News: Trudeau regime in full panic mode after court ruling

    Triumphant Victory: Eddie Cornell the cofounder of Veterans for Freedom and distinguished former Canadian soldier and gunner has reignited the Flame of Freedom in Canada

    In a momentous and heart-stirring victory, Eddie Cornell, a pivotal figure in the battle for Canadian liberties, has emerged triumphant in a significant legal battle against the Trudeau administration. This landmark win is not just a personal achievement for Cornell but a beacon of hope and vindication for all who have steadfastly held the line in defense of freedom.

  79. "A new article in the Spanish weekly Cronica El Mundo has once again shown how closely the foreign political world is closely following the fate of Igor Strelkov and is already joyfully rubbing its hands, sweaty and sticky from the blood of others, hoping for demonstrative reprisals by the Russian system against Russian patriots.

    In his homeland, Igor Strelkov is on the “black lists” on federal channels and on government-controlled social networks, which strive to hide his every word from the people. And even so, with such strong pressure and opposition, people remember Igor Ivanovich.

    The announcement of the verdict will take place on January 25 (Thursday) at 14:00 in the Moscow City Court - st. Bogorodsky Val, 8, main building, room 404."

  80. EUROPEAN FARMERS UPRISING – In the following countries, farmers stand up against the Elites:


    hats off to the european farmers;bravo zulu cosmique.....

  81. Utilising the energies of Pluto in Aquarius
    These energies bring to light what is hidden. - We can utilise them.

    Yesterday I was in a large bookshop. I sat down in the café there. Some people were reading books there.

    I visualised their soul star chakra lighting up and the light descending into their energy field. I visualised the books as books from the Mystery Schools. I visualised how, with the help of the Aquarian energies, this light would awaken people to the reality of light and how they would then continue their education and join the network of light.

    1. A brilliant and beautiful idea.

    2. Ez valójában egy programozás. Nem tenném a helyedben.

  82. Blogger, YouTube are owned by google. Going by one of the themes of this article… people who visit 2012portal, archaix, suspicious observers etc are also on a list inside the system. Just waiting to get to us if “they” win in the end…
    So us people with android or apple phones and with personal laptops are targeted by the system. To get away from the system we need to surrender everything and keep away from any information, not talk about the light with any person etc etc.
    And live a life without expecting any miracles. The saddest person is that who is expecting a miracle at any moment or at a particular time and the so called miracle does not happen.
    On the other hand physically trying to manifest things like Cobra has explained, is more satisfying when the so called thing, manifests.

  83. Cobra, I wish could come to the upcoming Phoenix Conference to really(in all honesty) just thank you and your team in person. Without this hub of information, I really don't want to imagine where I would be. Unfortunately, I'm getting my ass kicked financially, at the moment, but since Pluto has gone into Aquarius, I was able to get a slight uptick in my back pocket and I am very hopeful for this year. Even I was gifted a ticket I still could not make it there, though; but since you think it's safe to be back in the states, I assume there will be another conference and I am looking forward to it. It would really be awesome to meet other folks who have traveled the same heavy footsteps as I have.
    FYI 2020 Mars retrograde survivor speaking

  84. I've become obsessed by a woman who is teaching about the 5D new earth, she is psychic, channels, a great teacher, and young... she is even a MASTER about children and teaches this but, she hasn't HAD children. It seems she is the master about everything, but can no one notice how obsessed she is by money?

    The reason she has so many followers is because she is very pretty. But she is a fake blonde... look at her black roots. It is the number of videos she has made about "money" that clued me in. Yeah, she knows all the latest stuff but her obsession with money makes her kind of 3D... while she is trying (and claiming) to be 5D... she is really trying hard to get us to buy stuff. Off her. I can hardly watch her now.

    It is amazing how many people still need a guru. They are lining up to buy stuff; there literally isn't enough stuff for people to buy (special teaching packs, readings, etc - the book will come as soon as she has time to write one) (by the way, all the successful books so far are not 5D, so they don't "work anymore" - so I reckon her book is coming soon). So she can claim how well she is doing and it seems she is the only successful one. She's completely self-obsessed. She has this power over people. I'll need to let this one go... eventually. I'm nearly there.

    Is there anything she can't do? Any reason why people have to give her their money? And she is even living in Bali I think, so less expenses and more money for her. Totally obsessed. Come on, she doesn't have nearly all the answers... Oh, she does think it will remain peaceful on earth for the next 500 years, hahaha lol, so she got kind of a big one wrong...

    It probably suits her in some way... pretending we will stay in peace... What is her angle?

    1. is she giving good advise at least?

      it doesnt matter if someone is rich or not in my book.. is she at least guiding in the right direction?

      lightworkers imho do not have to live in poverty to be effective or respected... should learn skill to make money too... creating abundance is not something to look down upon. imho... now if she being honest? is she a double agent. is she playing the newagers as suckers. i dont she delusional?..

      whats his name.. david wilcock... not my cup of tea.. he seemed to work hard to create them books and podcast etc.. he seems succesful n created his abundance by sharing his research. although was he one of the ones that went astray i dont know... hmm regardless...

      people need to learn to play in the playground. However they need also cautious of the dangers...

      that if you become too successful. the bad guys will go after you to break you or pull you to their team. other words become a double agent. some will be implanted.

      as far as the younglady.. i really dont know what is to be a 5D person. i assume they referring to mental state... obviously 5D beings supposedly are not corporial is my understanding.

      maybe the guy that has recently been posting here claiming to be 5D may get some tips from her... whatever helps right?

      so... are the messages she gives at least helpful.

    2. Yes, I know. There is nothing wrong with making money. She shouldn't have to be poor, and she needs to advertise on YouTube. She is smart living in Bali, or Indonesia... she's not doing anything wrong. I would look at the money as just a tool, as neutral, but there is something about making "lots" of it that just puts me off. I'm too Buddhist, I know. I think, because she is 25 or something, pretty young, just I wish she would not, in her attitude, become too obsessed with the money although I understand that it is pretty normal to think like that. I did, until I became Buddhist at about 21. I think as she gets a few years older she will probably change her attitude.

      It was only a few years ago that they wiped out my very successful website... suddenly went from over 10,000 a day to under 200 people a day. Wiped out my profit. Whatever, wiped it out, gone. That was a good little earner. I'm not the type to want to go on YouTube. It would probably be over 15,000 now. And they attacked my book giving it a low score even though it was high scoring. So whatever, I took the book down. And trying to kill me constantly. Whatever.

      Yeah, when they focus on you, they will destroy you. I really like her though. She is a Crystal, and so am I. I became Crystal at 30. I think she was born one...
      She'll get a little older... It will settle down, she will be fine. A good teacher when she is good.

      I think you can be 5D and still physical... but it is unusual. Need to think like 5D though all the time... let all the 3D or 4D stuff go maybe.

    3. You know, in the narrow circle of professional military personnel in Russia there is a story about the so-called “proverb from the KGB”, it goes like this: “The best legend (the life story of a person invented for a mission under the guise of an identity) is an unverifiable legend.” That is, a person, an event, or anything you can imagine - if this thing does not have a background, history, its trace in past, current events - with a 99% probability it is a fake, a lie. If you doubt something, ask for a list of sources confirming your information and start checking the facts, preferably 3-5 sources (this is quite enough to start thinking about whether it’s true or whether you’re being led on the wrong trail).

  85. Oh I see. It's when she is channeling, that is when it is wonderful. That's when I want to watch. It is when she is just pushing her wares, and acting all 3D, that is when I need to turn her off. Got it. She isn't all 5D after all, clearly - except when she is channeling.

    1. yea... seems like a good conclusion. of course we hope they being honest... if she is and she creating abundance. then i'll give a point for the team.

      if one creates abundance one will be able to help people in other ways too if one smart about it...

    2. Thanks DH. I believe the "dead internet" theory also. We are supposed to believe the internet is "alive" but it is mostly dead. People just go to certain websites, or use it to shop. I use it exclusively to buy online. It's not as alive as you think. Apparently google only goes up about page 40. So if you search anything, google will list thousands of websites, or millions - but it only goes up to about 40 websites, whatever your search. The internet is actually dead.

    3. i have not come accross that theory. yet.. curious

  86. 中東現在是怎麼回事?嘿嘿想發動三戰嗎?

  87. In the United States, state authorities are no longer subordinate to federal authorities.

    As you know, under Biden, illegal migration (across the Texas-Mexico border) has gotten out of control. Texas Governor, Republican Greg Abbott is trying to take restrictive measures, but federal authorities are preventing him from doing so. In particular, he stretched barbed wire along the border, kicked out the feds and replaced them with parts of the Texas National Guard, packed up illegal immigrants and took them on buses to Chicago and New York.

    The day before yesterday, the US Supreme Court ordered the dismantling of Abbott's barbed wire. And Abbott responded by declaring an “invasion” regime in the state, giving the right to override federal laws in favor of state laws.

    He ordered more barbed wire and sent more National Guard soldiers to the border.

    Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt, also a Republican, has already expressed his full support. Abbott was also supported by the governors of Florida, Virginia and South Dakota.

    1. Send the man some barbed wire! Go Greg Abbott!

  88. The so called earthling experience of soul growing might be an heritage of the earth liberation and evolution.
    So, even in an liberated earth, earthling humans have to "learn" the Galactics (who so by so claim that are curious to learn from us) that men are free to go on their own way, and women might also be free to choose and to go on their own ways.
    No matter is it result from archons' manipulation, but as long as it is an earthling learning experience, it has to be also respected at a galactic level, and even borrowed, as the case might be.

    1. Read Stanislav Lem's book "The Sum of Technology" (second half of the 20th century), if we are not being fooled in this blog (which we cannot but doubt due to the lack of visible changes in the spectrum of perception available to us - the 5 senses), a civilization of such level (or a sum, a group of civilizations, as far as I remember they called themselves a confederation?) should have long ago gone through the stages of socio-historical development characteristic of our society, because for the operations stated in this blog, they use resources and technologies that require the resources of centuries and possibly millennia of scientific, technical and scientific and social development, i.e. the experience we gained should have already been gained by them, if not one of the civilizations of the confederation, then another - for sure, the proof is that they are civilizations that have gone into space, and the amount of energy required to terraform the planets already shows how much they are ahead of us in energy - such a level of science requires the most harmonious socio-ideological base in society, which means all material contradictions and conflicts in their society had to be resolved, i.e. they learned their lesson from their environment and rushed further into space. Against this background, I am interested in the issue of races on the planet, because I read somewhere that in order to achieve the unity of society on a planetary scale, it must completely occupy this planet numerically, in our case, on the planet there is a hodgepodge of peoples who are at different stages social (philosophy, worldview, vision of oneself in the world and the universe) and cultural (everyday life, leisure, learning, worldview), technological (the ability to achieve one’s goals despite the environment) development. That is, if there are many races on the planet, is this an external reason (the crash of alien ships and the survivors populate part of the planet)? Or will inner and earthly humanity not become united and reach the level of “conqueror of the stars” until it kills everyone who is different from the rest, which will resolve cultural, social contradictions and allow the concentration of resources without the need to pay for an army to achieve technological peaks?

    2. ...
      I am hinting that, unlike some on this blog, I do not feel inferior to some aliens for being a “backward monkey” and I claim that Russians, as a people, have a project for the future both for themselves and for everything humanity as a whole (but whether it is capable of perceiving it or not is another question), not to mention the fact that there are developments in realizing oneself through the past. To begin with, it’s worth starting with rewriting physics as a science, because an alternative scientific base has already existed since the end of the 19th century, as well as “Einstein’s theories” refuted in the KGB laboratories, alternative energy was laid down in 1970-1990, polymers of unique materials for space shuttles with a unique density/ weight were also developed. It is possible to provide food and materials (it will take 2-3 decades to grow the number of scientific specialists). Imagine that tomorrow the so-called “gang” disappears and some “aliens” declare that you will all be sorted and settled depending on “your level”, but does this seem fair and honest to you? Perhaps there is something in this, but it seems to me that it is worth considering which of the civilizations came closest, both socially, culturally, and technologically, to achieving the “space age” and could most likely join the “family” of peoples at the interplanetary level if the “controllers” did not interfere with it, let the representatives of this civilization receive the right to remain living in the territory they occupied at the time of the “outbreak”. For example, I’m very interested in studying the history of solar civilization, learning about Arctida as the possible ancestral home of all the whites on the planet, what they believed in, what guided them, and eventually carrying out some excavations. Otherwise, it turns out that after the outbreak, all history and mysteries are flushed down the toilet, and only certain “star seeds” will be able to live on the planet, and the rest can only buy a visa. If solar civilization is a "cosmic crash" - where was their cosmic ancestral home? Who were they, what did they achieve, what became of them? But it turns out that humanity is a peasant thrown out of the countryside into the city during the industrial revolution - he is lonely and no one needs him, but it’s easy to control such a person and make him an obedient worker (although everyone is promised freedom, equality and brotherhood), strange, don’t you think?

    3. It is truly surprising to me that a civilization of this level, having colossal experience in the social, cultural, and technical spheres from the point of view of our development, has such weak intelligence structures and an army, because you can completely paralyze the governments of the countries of the world simply by demonstrating your technical and military power, and in the period confusion to take control of checkpoints and establish control over the territory and restore order, start arrests (the more fleeting the conflict, the fewer casualties there are). I strongly doubt that there is a strategy that allows absolutely zero losses among the attacking side, again, no one has canceled the art of negotiations (which made it possible to achieve incredible results if they were carried out by an experienced, even talented specialist), and the above-mentioned demonstration should serve as an ironclad argument to these inclining submission of proposals. According to truly independent experts from the Russian Federation, the country’s safety margin has reached its peak and should expire in the fall of 2024. What will begin here against the backdrop of the activation of migrant diasporas in openly training militants in MMA gyms (to which the local FBI - FSB clearly does not react) for reprisals against the indigenous population and occupation of their territory; the background of the militarization of Northern Europe by the hands of the United States and the delivery of huge ships with military equipment in 2022-2023; the cries of the German president about war with the Russian Federation, holding NATO military exercises in European countries - nothing good will clearly come of this. I hope that REAL events will be accepted before the Fall of 2024, because it seems that the liberal-Zionist forces represented in the Russian Federation by the Hasidic branch of Zionism are preparing a surrender-betrayal of the country, this has become especially noticeable in the last 6 months in the form of maximum pressure on prices by the hands of the government to the side increases, decreases in salaries and a jump in the key bank rate to 16%, not to mention open political repressions against patriots who want Russian sovereignty. It’s disgusting to realize what a state with a 1000-year history and a historical list of scientific achievements, philosophical research, and a list of military victories on a human scale has been turned into by a tiny nation of satanic traders from the Middle East. “He crept up from behind, stunned him with a blow to the head, tied his arms and legs, took off his armor and melted the sword and shield into money. He left only the mouth into which he poured alcohol, 50 ml of which dulls the brain for 3 years, and inserted a cigarette to quickly cause pneumonia. The mouth. "I didn't close it, my hands are tied, and you can't achieve victory with your mouth. All that's left is to curse fate out loud." After Prigozhin’s rebellion, the weapons of his units, including heavy equipment, were transferred to the arsenal of the “Rosguard,” an analogue of Putin’s Gestapo created “against the internal enemy.”

  89. A fizikai síkon lesz igazán hatásos a lurker. A microprocesszorok nem fognak működni. A lurker lebontása a nem megfelelő technikai fejlődés visszabontása.

  90. I'm sorry if I am troubling anyone with these requests. If anyone feels led to help me go the Cobra conference (I am a volunteer there) this would be extremely appreciated. I'm using GiveSendGo instead of GoFundMe as GFM has proven over time to be compromised. Anything can be compromised of course but it looks like GiveSendGo is better for now. I appreciate your time and wish everyone much love and light always! <3

    Wishing everyone much love and light always! <3

  91. I'll do this now before I forget it. Saint Germain made a comment about the Mandela Effect!!!! Obviously I'm very into it, and I seem to be blaming CERN for it. But he doesn't think so. I'll find you the link to it.

    Love St Germain!

  92. Tsitsipas (the Greek tennis player) called Aussie Kyrgios evil... they played a whole bit about it. I love how they left off Kyrgios being taken to court over violence towards this beautiful woman. Well we know Kyrgios joined the Illuminati. Fool. Well guess what, he is no longer allowed to play tennis... again no tennis this year, or last year... just no reason given. Oh, he is now Illuminati, so they will make him suffer.
    And who said he is friends of Tsitsipas. NO HE ISN'T FRIENDS WITH TSITSIPAS. A group of people eating is all that was. I'm sorry. Kyrgios is EVIL. Evil evil evil. Go to hell you stupid Illuminati media. Wait until it starts to come out... This year I believe. 2024. It should be a good year!

  93. Chimera spiders still seem to be a theme in the movie industry:

  94. This is a very interesting and thought promoting video, to do with the Phoenix. It's astrology, it starts out with the sun, etc, and it eventually goes into Archaix. The author, Joseph, loves Archaix. I really thought it was all a setup when I visited Archaix' website... it didn't do anything for me, I admit. Anywho, it goes for 57 mins but is pretty interesting. There is some interesting astrology at the end. So I might go back and read the article Cobra put up... Here is the link:

    1. No, I still hate Archaix. Everything about him screams wrong. Seems he is getting quite a following, but... I don't BUY IT.

  95. ✨🪷🌿🤍🌿🪷✨✨🪷🌿🤍🌿🪷✨
    ✨🪷🌿🤍Dear StarSeeds🤍🌿🪷✨

    Humanity is winning!😃🙏🏼
    Menschheit ist am Gewinnnen!😃🙏🏼

    I am a starseed from Switzerland.
    Ich bin eine Sternensaat aus der Schweiz.

    Are you interested into Leylines and Energy Places?

    I want you to invite to join the english-telegram-Channel.
    "Starseeds & Leylines 🇨🇭🌍"

    Ich will dich einladen zum deutschen Telegram-Kanal.
    SternenSaaten & LeyLinien 🇨🇭🌍 Kraftorte

    Lovely, that you are interested into the topic LeyLines. 😃🙏
    Schön, dass du dich auch für KraftOrte interessierst. 😃🙏🏼

    Galactical Greetings

  96. 8 hours of countdown on Q site ,,but I'm more about current picture there ,,what are those 9 hoodies,,they look like those shadows that chase Frodo in Lord of Ring ,,can't remember them but think there is 9 of Nazgul riders or whatever.,that is my 1st guess and 2nd is riders of Apocalypse?? Here is link to I guess new Q site-founf is on B Fulford last weekly post

  97. You will return to A ,,joking but we all end up in Foozball of One(cobra said ) where you started your journey so I think we start from 1st letter of ABC so A would be One

  98. Visualise how Pluto in Aquarius spreads the truth

  99. LISA RENEE: “Family of RA Defend Rama Passage & Sacred Blue Cow 6D Gates”

  100. They reckon 100 million will be coming to America by 2026. America is already full. I'm just listening to Joseph Anthony. The astrology guy. He's pretty honest and interesting. Thank God we have ocean around Australia. Europe, the farmers... I get all of this online, the TV tells you nothing. We have constant game shows. Blah. We are awake you know. The revolution is coming. Thanks Pluto in Aquarius.

  101. Military is the Only Way
    The Global Military Alliance is ending Deep State Global Rule over the People
    The Fri 26th Implementation of BRICS Nation's Global Currency Reset Cuts off Globalist's Money and Dissolves Cabal Central Banks across the World
    The GCR also eliminates Cabal's IRS and Federal Reserve, Replaces with 14% Sales Tax

    Man, I super enjoyed typing that! Go America!

    1. STILL waiting for that.

      Business as usual here in the states, so far.

    2. Oh, things are afoot in the USA...
      Everyone is rallying behind Texas. Things are afoot...

      You see it at 10:20. It is starting...
      Great video by the way.

    3. I am positive and I too follow operation disclosure but they were saying martial law during the trump term ..and RV is always week then next week repeat..I love the optimism.but come on so much hopium..let it happen now

  102. There was a sci-fi movie about aliens trying to hijack moons in the solar system: the name was Moonfall. My inner sense told me the Chimera like to steal moons instead of making Death Stars from scratch. I have a good suggestion on how to prevent it happening to our solar system. At the best the Chimera see us as a zoo.

  103. I've just been mind fucked, I believe. I can hardly remember anything, my mind is all full of holes. I remember I was watching something about a contactee... at some point my mind went away. That's really not a nice feeling. I just can't seem to reconstruct it. I'm like a total blank. I just channelled this from my guides.
    "A big chunk of your memory seems to be missing, yes. No harm will come from it, they just wanted to control you but it seems they cannot. You are NOT interested, yes. Some UFO's are not friendly, no, and they use the internet to look at people, to suss out how it can be. You want none of it, so you have erased it from your memory; not them. You want none of it, yes. Nothing bad can happen now, no. You have ended it for good, yes. You did not welcome it. They won't bother you again. Just leave it dear. We know it is beyond your present understanding. They are NOT NICE. Plans of their own, yes. They will get caught up with soon. Just stay out of it dear, okay?"

    Well I went for a walk, and when I got back I started watching this video about this contactee... now it is all gone. I'm pretty confused.

    And I got an email, a reply from Joseph saying that Jason (ie Archaix ) is not a flat earther, but "he believes we live in a construct controlled by an AI." Do we, because we are living in something weird. But I remember clearly a few years ago when I checked him out, he was a flat earther... Besides this whole thing about being in jail for 20 years and somehow becoming this genius through old books... none of it rings true for me.

    I still don't believe in someone who has a name that sounds like an Archon. I can't even think... Something weird happened...

    1. I clearly remember that Archaix WAS a flat earther. He may not be about that now. I know it's become very unpopular now but he had all the pics, all the graphs and info about flat earth. He was really into it. I remember seeing it in his videos/articles. So apparently he is "not" a flat earther anymore. How anyone can believe it...

      So it is nice to know it has changed to "we live in a construct controlled by an AI." Okay, this is what he is saying. Firstly, if it was really controlled by an AI, then why is the Federation winning, huh? Maybe not so controlled. Oh, I feel sorry for those who don't leave this Matrix; those who stay in it. They will be lied to...

      And second, how come I can channel my guides, I have even channeled God before. We are controlled by the AI? Sorry they, the Dracos and Archons, are trying hard to control us but on this timeline they aren't doing a good job... they are doing a horrible job actually.

  104. Oh, that's what I did, I remember doing it to that Archon I ran into when I decided to practice astral traveling into that photo Cobra put online, that underground tunnel in Ukraine, I think. I was traveling around feeling happy with myself (as in look what I can do) and it, the archon, began telling me stuff. I blocked it out so fast, I remember doing it. And then I opened my eyes in my bedroom a second later and couldn't remember what it had said. No memory. Or was it a Chimera? Well same thing. Boy there are weird things in this world...
    I gave up astral traveling right there. Scared the h*ll out of me.

  105. The name Archaix sounds a lot like "Archon". Just saying...

  106. For those who follow Era of Light or don't, an interesting post appeared and is worth looking into. It covers the galactic perspective of intervention, why channelings are confusing, Hakann and Tunia, etc. Many of era of light's articles are just a repeat of spiritual cliches, but sometimes a good one is available.

    1. @Libra
      They gotta live down here for a few years, if they wanna know what WE gotta go through on a daily basis.

      Like from "Q Who", an episode of Star Trek the Next Generation:

      "Q… end this."
      "Moi? What makes you think I'm either inclined or capable to terminate this encounter?"
      "If we all die here, now, you will not be able to gloat. You wanted to frighten us? We're frightened. You wanted to show us we were inadequate? For the moment, I grant that. You wanted me to say, 'I need you'? I NEED YOU!"

      - Picard and Q, about the pursuing Borg

      TO HELL with being 'empowered'. I never wanted to be on this damned planet to begin with. And I want to GO HOME....and NOT stay here to 'rebuild a brave, new world'. And where is this so-called 'power' when we're all genetically floored primates? Pitifully short life spans, degeneration (aka 'aging'), prone to disease, and the only thing we seem to be good is making babies (gotta keep the cattle population going!), I hardly see any 'power' in THAT.

      And, as stated, the petition, which was hacked several times, and the meditation was done with the required numbers needed. The good guys are OBLIGATED, both LEGALLY AND MORALLY, to come here and to INTERVENE.

      Enough lollygagging, I'M ready for contact, and to go HOME.

    2. I only got to the part about Ashtar, who I channeled for many, many years... although I didn't know it was Ashtar. Anyway, a near blind cave-man? There are nuances he doesn't understand. I'm great friends with Ashtar, Mother Mary... and a bit with St Germain, although I don't need to channel St Germain much. They are good friends who I got to know quite well. Mother Mary was so evolved, I was very aware of that.

      Although I don't really agree with the author (the arcturian), yes the pleiadians are a bunch of vastly different people with different stations in life. I saw that myself. I became aware sometimes they were telling me stuff maybe they shouldn't, many times actually. It's a way to learn secrets lol. I was even offered one of those transformer devices (I've forgotten the name) and then I channeled Ashtar a day later, who told me I wasn't allowed to have one of those! Best to leave the pleiadians alone until we are allowed to own stuff from them. He was just being nice to me and offering me cool tech.

      They aren't always spiritual - yes, I noticed that. I don't like my friendship being likened to a blind cave-man. Not sure if I will read the rest because of that, honestly. A bit of humor is good but... can be offensive.

      Libra, your comment was good.

    3. Humans as a general rule are like half-blind cavemen. Considering I often call humans blind apes due to much that was said, it's a much more empathetic approach.

      Abraham threw Isaac to a very karmic loop. "Torture your own children and pass this on. Obey fully. You are promised eternal survival and a well-fed ego." - This is just line of code pushing for energy harvesting. It's the basis of all Abrahamism. If any single person were to observe the situation with their own eyes, they'd see multigenerational baby torture rituals for what they are. But instead, they are legal everywhere, worshiped by half of humanity outright and never even mocked by their secular "enemies".

  107. @Libra
    At this rate, we'll either be elderly, or dead, by the time enough of it is gone. @_@

    And the only thing even giving me a will to live anymore IS alien contact, as I said, it's the ONLY reason I've yet to either become a drug addict, or put a revolver to my head.

  108. Very dangerous negative influences can take people over completely still, it's true. Even if a fraction of a percent of the surface population are sociopaths and psychopaths, this is several millions of people. These sociopaths/psychopaths have more anomaly.

    On a personal note, unfortunately, I got ahead of myself when thinking the clearing was much further along than it really is. I'm having to go back to 'square one.'

  109. Az a baj h.itt mindenki olvasott valamit valahol de hol a saját tapasztalat?mi van ha lapos a föld ès ez itt mind hazugság?nincsenek fènyerők pokok meg semmi se igaz?

  110. 前幾天的晚上,我房間電腦的音響傳出不明的吵雜聲音,而且語調很像有人在說話的聲音,之後我的房間的地板瓷磚開始在我眼前剝離破裂,隔天又莫名其妙的騎車自摔,到底光明勢力什麼時候能結束這一切,而不是嘴上說說

  111. Some thoughts go around my mind that are not of me and they say something like this= if things get to hard or serious that He/She is ready to DE-Scend,,, so if thoughs are not fake Black Joke then I guess some Ascended being is ready to do something. And again I know it just as thoughts don't know anything else,, don't think it's true and lie because I don't give a dime for whatever I hear in my mind but it was interesting enough to post it.

  112. There are those who have kindly donated but the PayPal app wouldn't let me email them to THANK them so I'm sharing my email address to thank them here $ offer them a psychic reading if they wish:

    Much love to all <3

  113. I'll just put this link here because she is a very good psychic. I'm really into it this year as this is when things will start to happen. Long, I've only listened to the second half. (2 hours and 37 min)
    Best part... She mentions there will be photos or videos of lizzies FOR REAL.
    It's really a fantastic reading.

  114. The Power of I Am Presence

    Eckhart Tolle stated in one of his many lectures that one's presence is far more intelligent than thoughts. He said that in fact, one's presence is one's source of intelligence.

    One's presence, or I Am Presence, is the you that is experiencing you. When mental noise ceases, one's I Am Presence can shift from being in the background to being in the foreground.

    Experiences that cannot be defined with words may be part of the intelligence of I Am Presence. Connecting with the essence of plant life and other environments can be experienced as undefined.

    I extrapolate that I Am Presence is among the highest sources of Divine Power. I Am Presence combined with the Violet Flame is particularly powerful. Perhaps Saint Germain would agree.

    Personal observation: My own battle against the dark forces has been a battle over my I Am Presence. The dark forces wish to suppress my I Am Presence through a multitude of energetic attacks. I become present beyond thought, which heals and empowers me. Then more attacks ensue, and so on.

    (I also of course utilize Lightwork, which is strengthened by I Am Presence, and it's possible to do Lightwork without doing an official meditation or giving any outward signs. One can do Lightwork at any time, during any activity. Of course, official meditations are great too.)

    Having a strong scientific side is also important. Often times mainstream science is not real science - this is definitely true in regards to diet. Many so-called 'healthy foods' are actually toxic.

  115. Somehow I feel things had already gone hilarious, These delays all along the way should never have happened.

  116. That's what cilantro is; it is coriander!
    Best way to detoxify mercury.
    I'm adding coriander to my diet immediately.
    Maybe lots of it for a few months.
    Cos a bit of numbness returned a few hours ago, and I'm SICK of it.

  117. Divine message (seeing 'threat' in my mind's eye while writing all this) for Black Nobility and Cabal:


  118. Do the D-A-N-C-E
    1, 2, 3, 4, fight
    Stick to the B-E-A-T
    Get ready to ignite
    You were such a P-Y-T
    Catching all the lights
    Just easy as A-B-C
    That's how you make it right

    Justice - D.A.N.C.E.

    That's right.


    1. You must dance like Kung Fu master fighting for his life . It a joke but then it's not

  119. According to Izabela (Tarot by Izabela) all of the millions of illegal refugees in America will be going home. Really? I hope so and can't wait! We are winning!! Go home illegal refugees. It takes time but it will start this year. Hopeful!

  120. Stop reposting and reading fake messages from Kabamura and the Taygeta Family! This is a false distorted information and the people of Kabamur and his friends are deceitful. Kabamur writes lies about Ashtar - saying that he is a bald humanoid who lives in two bodies, one on Sirius and the second as a Chinese dentist with long hair named Ashtar.
    says that Ashtar wears an image of a cat’s head on his chest and that his father is a retiloid with Nibiru Anunnaki and his mother is a Sirian hybrid.
    Kabamur constantly lies and tells everyone that Trump is Saint Michael and also that Trump is a Pleiadian on a mission of light! This is nonsense of course! Call pedophile Trump a Pleiadian saint and pray for him? Someone wrote here that Americans are stupid and don’t understand anything, they write all sorts of nonsense in the media and they believe in Saint Trump.
    Stop reading Kabamura and his lying family, who are actually not from the Pleiades but from a madhouse!

  121. Libra, your honesty and ability for self introspection while trying to do the best for yourself and others is heartfelt and these comments are full of warmth and may resonate with others also along the road to self discovery. 😉
