Friday, February 23, 2018

VTXC sequence activated at 504


  1. Replies
    1. For me too :) My guess: vortex c activated...woaah, could only be Good!! Keep on beaming the wonderful roses-sented pink bubbles ♡ (this is my everyone have your own beautiful way♡)

  2. Keep pushing, Victory of the Light!
    Waiting for some theories about VTXC haha ;D

    1. VorTeXClearing of (aspects) of the Veil (504)

    2. VorTeX Clearance sequence activated at 504, I gess.

    3. Wonderful status. ✨Victory of the Light!✨

  3. Am so pleased to see this status update. Victory to the Light!

  4. I will assume this is great news. Thank you Cobra!

  5. Today is the birthday of my indigo goddess. A great day for the event and moss competition. Victory of love and light.

  6. Great work I have been feeling like my old self again happy for no reason.
    Victory of the light!!!

  7. I'm not 100% certain, but I think this 504 thing has basically been torturing me - it definitely seems to tap into the darker parts of my personality.

    1. Look some people are having legit experiences here and some are just crazy you might be one of them

    2. but, you ever notice the way you feel when there are alerts at 504?

  8. Bring it on!!!!! Southwest Florida is ready!

  9. My guides channelled to me early this morning that the event is upon us!!!!! I trust them whole heartedly! Victory of the Light!! Love to you Cobra and everyone fighting for freedom!💟

    1. can you please explain.. you mean the solar flash very very close.. like hours or days? Anything you can share would be great!

    2. Hope she responds back.

  10. Question: Do you feel that ritual is beneficial to contact “God,” the Source of All, and to bring about magnificent transformation on earth?

    "If individuals have faith in rituals, then certainly rituals will be of benefit. But just because there are people who have faith in rituals, that doesn’t mean that all should observe rituals. Rituals are preliminary stages in the spiritual life, like kindergarten. Some children study in kindergarten before they enter into primary school. Some students skip kindergarten. It depends on the individual case."

    “Love is not a thing to understand.
    Love is not a thing to feel.
    Love is not a thing to give and receive.
    Love is a thing only to become
    And eternally be.”

    "Life is nothing but the expansion of love. We can cultivate divine love by entering into the Source. The Source Is ‘God,’ who is all Love."

    "When your love is pure or spiritual, there is no demand, no expectation. There is only the sweetest feeling of spontaneous oneness with the human being or beings concerned."

    What is meditation? “Meditation is our conscious awareness of something vast and infinite within us. Meditation grants us Peace, Light and Bliss.”

    "Meditation speaks. It speaks in silence. It reveals. It reveals to the aspirant that matter and spirit are one, quantity and quality are one, the immanent and the transcendent are one. It reveals that life can never be the mere existence of seventy or eighty years between birth and death, but is, rather, Eternity itself."

    “Aspirant! If evil has an access to the mid-ocean and to the sky, God’s all-pervading Compassion has a freer and more embracing access to these places. Impelled by His strongest Compassion, God takes the feeblest human being into His Omnipotence.”


    Thank you for your continued prayer, requests for Divine Intervention, meditation, and for following your innermost sense of what's right for your life in each moment, even if it doesn't seem typically "spiritual" to yourself or others. Every part of creation is valuable to life in the grand picture of the ONE "God" and Everlasting Source of All.

    1. Namaste }{ Patience is willingness. And Eye thank Ewe for your courage and honor.

    (Cobra) Significant progress has been made in recent days. The forces of the Light were finally able to put a virus in the etheric main computer of the etheric network of the Archons. This will have important long-term consequences. There will be constant and expanding cracks in the etheric matrix and more and more Light and Love of the Galactic central Sun will shine through them. The long-awaited Golden Age will finally begin slowly to manifest itself for humanity.
    To create a support field for warriors and light workers under attack, we have created the Ethereal Liberation Facebook group, here.
    For those who need deeper healing, we have created a special website with the best healers available that will also become one of the main link points for healers after the Event.
    The Pleiadians have also instructed us to create a website with the most advanced Pleiadian technologies available to help you in your healing process, which includes the famous Receptors developed by Dr. Fred Bell, a well-known Pleiadian contactee.
    All of this will help expand the cracks in the matrix and make room for more Light and Love to enter.
    The victory of the Light is near!

    1. Parece un Sitio ( adoninas) donde VENDEN sanaciones, hay mediums, algo asi como un sitio de aprovechados.

    2. That's one of Cobra's old posts from a while ago.

    3. It seems that it is a fake site, where they sell healing, services of mediums, smells false. (


    5. THIS MESSAGE ... IS OLD ...Tuesday, January 8, 2013
      Etheric Liberation

    6. Cobra wrote this in his latest article 'At this point I have not received clearance to release any intel about the planetary situation, and when I will be able to release it, I will.
      This probably means that he will release more intel in future on THIS blog.Do not trust others blogs that claim that they posted something written by Cobra because that would be written here.

    7. This is old -

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. This is a repost from Cobras blog on January 2013.

    10. @maria faria That's an old post from 2013. If you clicked the word "(Cobra)", it would have led you to this link:

      Frankly, I find the Adoninas website to be dishonest by taking random old Cobra posts and making people believe them to be new ones. I think it would be best for the community not to repost from that website anymore.

    11. Wonderful news dear Maria and Cobra.! You're an Angel.. And Cobra too..

    12. A good opportunity to take stock of what has changed in the last 5 years:

      The Etheric Archon Grid described here:

      has become weaker and weaker.

  12. 20 celebrities about Transcendental Meditation:

    20 celebrities that meditate talk about their experiences with meditation. Jennifer Lopez, Hugh Jackman, Jennifer Aniston, Jim Carrey, Heather Graham, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Liv Tyler, Howard Stern, Cameron Diaz, Martin Scorsese, Katy Perry, Jerry Seinfeld, Oprah, Russell Brand, Ellen Degeneres, Clint Eastwood, Judy Greer, The Beatles: Paul and Ringo, Maya Stojan and Dr Oz share how meditation has affected their lives.

    David Lynch, Paul McCartney, and Moby on Transcendental Meditation

  13. Although I do not understand this message, I feel it is very positive and out say I feel lighter somehow, like a cloud has lifted slightly!

    Deepest gratitude and love to all Lightworkers, Lightwarriors everywhere! Victory of the Light is near, it has to be!


  14. Notice to Agent is notice to Principal. Notice to Principal is notice to Agent.

    By my inherent Authority as Eternal Essence In Body:

    I am the sole lawful and legal REGISTERED owner, custodian, and trustee of my BE'ing, any and all creations therefrom, and property thereof.

    I duly give and make notice that I DO NOT CONSENT to any unlawful and illegal devaluing, diminishing, abrogating, subjugating, subordinating, usurping, invading, violating or theft of my duly secured BE'ing, any and all creations therefrom, and property thereof.

    All Rights Reserved, Without Prejudice.

    ~ Joseph

  15. Of course I don't know what this mean, I assume this is progress. I hope L2 has been cleared and L1 is next?
    I know many in the QHHT world like Allison Coe, have stated per her clients, the flash will happen 1Q2018 to awaken the world then we will have a period to grow spiritually with much help of course so we can ascend in a few years. This is fine by me.. I just want all to be awakened and see the truth. Thank you Galactics! Thank you Cobra, bless you Isis Astara for your sacrifice, I can't wait for you to come back for Cobra. I ask Divine Creator so hasten the Event and to begin the purification of Gaia and all her inhabitants. Victory of the Light!

  16. They kill my lovely cat, i want this war finished Now!

    1. That's beyond terrible. My is acting strangely these last days, is full of sadness and so I am.

    2. I am sorry for your lost. I went through the same my best friend Maximiliano a siberian husky, die on feb 6.....u r sexy

    3. William i am so sorry for your lost. i have two cats and one Dog. I can imagine your pain. Please know something. you will be with him. This is not the end.Please read -

    4. So sorry for your loss. I lost two dogs recently all of a sudden. I know they were taken out or took a hit protecting us. I know this because members of my family and other animals are under constant attack on every level.Blessings to you and your kitty.Soon this will be over and we will be able to reunite with all our loved ones in some ways.


  17. Isis & Cobra - The Goddess Spiral Meditations (Full Album)
    Healing Songs Space

  18. kryon's "are we ready" checklist... ☺❤

  19. Ripples are being felt. Energy grounded and anchored

  20. I made a meditation song for Command PB Stardust!

    Soon everything will be FREE. Check out my FREE Worldwide Animal Therapy YouTube Channel: Bulldog Hobo

  21. Love and Light to All💙🌎💚

  22. "The Battle"?

    Feb. 19 2018, Nevada: "Shocking footage of UFOs Attacking each other over Nevada?"

    Jan. 27 2018, Peru: looks like orb UFO interception. After the initial blow up you'll see two orbs speeding to the front:

    Feb. 16 2018, Utica NY: 3 or 4 UFO orbs in night sky, the one closer to the horizon getting zapped up with an energy beam?


    1. Hi my dear friend’ You are right about the battle in Nervada ! Let me explain as I believe “ Cobra “ has not yet explained this current event that has happened within NOW expression . This information I am writing is a telepathic communication with the Ashtar Command ‘ There are several 4th Dimensional portals in The Nevada desert . On the 17th & 18th 19th of this month February operation Pegasus is been full swing, on the 19th one of the portals in The Nevada desert was being open by a fraction of the Archons( Chimera ) to escape ‘ there attempt was futile ! As you can see in the video several ships entered into the portal to pass through the portal ‘ then you see as they try to escape they were met with ATVOR technology ( plasma weapon ) many ships were taken out My the Federation & many were arrested and quarantined . As this is now Federation space as they now control the star-gates’ Gaia is now quarantined under the super Confederation. The remaining Chimera are forced underground and they are understanding that they are losing as the “prophecy is in full swing “ so they are attempting to escape from multiple Stargates and are I met with ATVOR every time they try to escape.
      This video was captured in 4th dimensional perception that means we are now operating between 3-4-5D perception. So stay vigilant stay steadfast ‘ the war still here ‘ stay within your high heart ❤️. Continue to be the light that you are needed within this now moment🕊 blessings of conditional love🕊❤️
      Ashtar Command 🕊

    2. Amazing video of war! This is authentic and really fantastic! It looks like they are destroying the Enemy. Amazing,,thanks for sharing, we deserve to know the details of this war!

  23. Shocking footage of UFOs Attacking each other over Nevada

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi my dear friend’ You are right about the battle in Nervada ! Let me explain as I believe “ Cobra “ has not yet explained this current event that has happened within NOW expression . This information I am writing is a telepathic communication with the Ashtar Command ‘ There are several 4th Dimensional portals in The Nevada desert . On the 17th & 18th 19th of this month February operation Pegasus is been full swing, on the 19th one of the portals in The Nevada desert was being open by a fraction of the Archons( Chimera ) to escape ‘ there attempt was futile ! As you can see in the video several ships entered into the portal to pass through the portal ‘ then you see as they try to escape they were met with ATVOR technology ( plasma weapon ) many ships were taken out My the Federation & many were arrested and quarantined . As this is now Federation space as they now control the star-gates’ Gaia is now quarantined under the super Confederation. The remaining Chimera are forced underground and they are understanding that they are losing as the “prophecy is in full swing “ so they are attempting to escape from multiple Stargates and are I met with ATVOR every time they try to escape.
      This video was captured in 4th dimensional perception that means we are now operating between 3-4-5D perception. So stay vigilant stay steadfast ‘ the war still here ‘ stay within your high heart ❤️. Continue to be the light that you are needed within this now moment🕊 blessings of conditional love🕊❤️
      Ashtar Command 🕊

  24. Thank you dear Cobra ✨🙏🏼 Víctory of the Light! ✨🙏🏼❤️🌈


    Heads up to positive law enforcement and military. Looks like there's a false flag being plotted in Houston on 3/4 targeting a medical center.

    3/14 is another possible false flag date given a suspicious craigslist ad paying people to protest (national school walk outs) at high schools across the country.


  26. Thank you, Cobra.

    You and Isis Astara Be Blessed.

    It is urgent now that all beings still using means of deception, parasitic actions and abuse are fully convinced that proceeding in such a depleting and damaging way is no longer an option.

    The only way their situation can improve now is by making different choices, leaving behind what can no longer work and bring results and instead taking on approaches that will be in favour of their survival and progress while existing in this Ascending scenario.

    May this Course, Established and in full expansion, unfold with the highest understanding by all.

  27. There is a coming energy shift that will happen very soon, very, very soon.

    It is expected to happen as soon as tomorrow February 24th, 2018.

    This article explains the sudden uptick in activity and also why I have been seeing blue orbs more frequently and with more intensity.

    Let's see what happens. Hopefully this recent Cobra update relates to this.

    Cobra, I know you don't reply or maybe you are not allowed to reply but, can you care to comment on this please?

    I believe it somewhat, but then again you would of wrote something about it as a heads up for us, so I digrees. Please enlighten us with your educated insight. Thank you.

    ~ The Light Sharer


    I am having problems with wireless connections in my house, blutooth, wi-fi, etc. It's like there's some kind of interference. I think it may be due to the increasing energies. Is anyone else experiencing this?

    1. Yes, i have interference in my mp3 speaker. A lot. Also the internet

    2. Yes i have also started having contact via dream state and also seeing ships in the sky again after along period of nothing. Something is definitely ramping up, its like the bubble can burst at any moment. My guess is April - May time.. thats just a gut feeling. I also believe we ( lightworkers ) will know instinctively when the event is about to occur, possibly few days before hand

    3. Yes ive been experiencing that as well over these past couple of days. Both wifi and bluetooth. I also wondered if this could be related to increasing energies.

    4. To be honest, I didn't quite resonate with those qhht sessions' info. It basically said that we should expect an "energy wave" (as if we haven't already heard that enough times) to occur "every few months." Sounds pretty lame... Enough delays. Would much rather have the Event happen.

    5. Replying to your P.S - Yes, but just once or twice. It could be due to increasing energies or due to the Great space battle. I do not know. :)

    6. @person,... I also feel the same way, & I have heard the same thing too many times. I guess some people are happy eternally waiting,... But I have had enough of this "wait game" myself,...

    7. Thank you for your comments, it is good to know that I am not the only one dealing with this phenomena.

      Victory of the Light!!

      Much Love to all!! 💟🗺🕊🔯

      ~ The Light Sharer


  28. What is this?
    Somebody filmed an honest-to-goodness Star Wars (put on line on on 20 Feb 2018) over Henderson, Nevada. Henderson is next to Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

    1. Hi my dear friend’ You are right about the battle in Nervada ! Let me explain as I believe “ Cobra “ has not yet explained this current event that has happened within NOW expression . This information I am writing is a telepathic communication with the Ashtar Command ‘ There are several 4th Dimensional portals in The Nevada desert . On the 17th & 18th 19th of this month February operation Pegasus is been full swing, on the 19th one of the portals in The Nevada desert was being open by a fraction of the Archons( Chimera ) to escape ‘ there attempt was futile ! As you can see in the video several ships entered into the portal to pass through the portal ‘ then you see as they try to escape they were met with ATVOR technology ( plasma weapon ) many ships were taken out My the Federation & many were arrested and quarantined . As this is now Federation space as they now control the star-gates’ Gaia is now quarantined under the super Confederation. The remaining Chimera are forced underground and they are understanding that they are losing as the “prophecy is in full swing “ so they are attempting to escape from multiple Stargates and are I met with ATVOR every time they try to escape.
      This video was captured in 4th dimensional perception that means we are now operating between 3-4-5D perception. So stay vigilant stay steadfast ‘ the war still here ‘ stay within your high heart ❤️. Continue to be the light that you are needed within this now moment🕊 blessings of conditional love🕊❤️
      Ashtar Command 🕊

    2. I looks like it is spilling into our density and coming to lower earth orbit. I say it is a good sign😊

    3. thank you so much AthenaAsh!
      i'll keep doing my Best! love love love

    4. It would be nice to have Cobra let us know what this is. But thanks AthenaAsh for your info & Spirit Bear for your comment. I think it's a good sign too.

      (Can you imagine seeing this happen in the sky above? It's over Las Vegas, so probably "the public" thought it was some kind of Las Vegas Show.

  29. I dont think Cobra posted that as it is not from this blog, so I wouldnt trust it.

  30. thank you! can i help?


  31. You know that something is happening when a friend from Brasil sends a German song to a guy in Germany - and I had never heard that song before.
    I do not know how he came to find this, and I did not bother to ask.
    But in addition to the usual Kundalini Power flowing through me, this sent chills of excitement up and down my spine when I first heard it and took the lyrics in.

    A few hours and a few more songs later he played me something that got me not only dancing barefoot but also made me step out onto The Balcony and made me Ride My Surfboard for the first time in a long LONG time :-)


    Among other things I sent him his Favourite Song and his girlfriend actually danced all across the room when he played it.
    That is one more girl than usually dances when I play the Music given to me by the Universe :-)

    And We want more of that.
    More, More, More, More, MORE!

    Bom dia, amigos!


    1. Bom dia! Vitória da Luz! (From Sao Paulo, Brasil)


    2. For obvious reasons the Universe would have *never* presented this to Me in a million years, but it was sent to Brasil. And back to Germany - again! :-)
      TeamWork and Timing, baby!

      Du bist
      Der Himmel über mir

      Obrigado, meu amigo.
      And now it is snowing over here.
      Shit is ON!

      Vitória da Luz e Amor!

      Dein ist mein ganzes Herz

      Love, Light, Unity, Peace, Freedom, Healing and Ascension for All and Forever.


  32. On sex and sexuality someone asked a question before: what will sex be like after the event?

    My answer: Immediately after the event things will largely continue as normal as far as human relationships go. However, that all changes with ascension into the 5th density which will occur a few years after the event.

    From my understanding sex does not exist in the 5D because people live greatly extended lifetimes and reversed aging reduces the need for reproduction almost completely. When beings live for thousands of years sexual reproduction is a very low priority and people stop thinking about such things.

    What exists in the 5D is male and female energy. When people live in balance of the male and female energies there is no longer a desire to seek out sexual pleasure. Life itself will become "orgasmic" 24/7 entirely without the need for temporary sexual gratification. Sexual intercourse is merely a substitute for the balancing of male and female energies. When people experience the true balancing of the energies everyone will forget all about the inferior substitute we 3D beings call sex.

    Peace be with you

    1. i like it very much, but let us not forget about thousands of years opressing this energy, specially women's sexuality so a lot of healingwill be needed.

    2. Thank you. It was I that asked that question. So the whole gay / straight thing will be a thing of the past

    3. So what's w/ the 5d pictures depicting their beings as young healthy human looking adults w/ sexual organs & huge mammary glands,... ??? Is that a deception,... ???


    4. If done correctly sex is much more than just exchanging physical pleasures. It is an act between two soulmates merging their physical bodies and becoming literally ONE with their minds, energies and bodies combining.

      It is one of the most wonderful experiences in all of the Universe, much more far-reaching and fulfilling than just the physical act.
      It is an act of Making Love not only on a physical but on a spiritual, mental and energetic level that binds two soulmates even closer together.
      The connection between the two soulmates becomes even stronger and more intense, much much deeper by giving themselves to the other in an act of complete trust and Love.

      That is the true meaning of sex, and it is meant to lift the participants up even higher than by just exchanging energies.
      I can hardly wait to experience that myself with my One True Love and Soulmate. I have had sex before, but it has been over 13 years since the last time because now I know it has to be with the *right* person to be real and pure and good and the way it is intended to be.
      The physical orgasm is *nothing* compared to the spiritual Highs that can be reached.

      If beings in 5D choose not to experience that anymore, then they are missing out on a huge part of what this Universe is all about.
      Because not only is Making Love in a physical way a way to further Enlightenment, it is also a lot of FUN.

      To fully experience it the way it is intended to be there will be a lot of healing and learning and readjusting needed here on Gaia.
      But somewhere down the line that will be accomplished, and when people find their Soulmate and One true Love they will experience what sex is really all about.
      A LOT more than what they now perceive it to be. And a wonderful way to express the Love they feel for their Soulmate.

      I know for a fact that I am looking forward to that experience.

      Love and Light for All



  33. From North to South, from East to West
    From Top to Bottom and Inside Out:

    I Love The World


  34. LIGHT WARRIORS and LIGHT WORKERS all over the world, it is time to be more united than ever by increasing the pressure on the Cabal.
    Comment on your blogs, make the MEMES viral, share the information.

    I am willing, ready, and able to unleash my potential, exercise my purpose, and pursue greatness with a relentless focus on expanding my concepts of what is possible.

    Our leaders have taken the privilege of their service and used it as a tool to manipulate and control us.

    They have used personal natures and unchangeable attributes to divide us against each other leaving us weakened, suggestible looking to them for guidance thus surrendering our right to govern ourselves.

    We have unwittingly allowed them to stay in positions of power by accepting the toys they provide as technological breakthroughs to distract us as they “entertain” us.

    Meanwhile they hold back solutions and cures that would change the way we understand life, history, and our future.

    We are powerful creative beings that will not be oppressed any longer. Humanity must stand together against the forces of evil that wish to enslave, poison, and destroy us.

    Most of us don't even realize that we've been fooled and lied to about everything we trust to be true. We don't know why we can't get to where we want to go, or what it takes to break out of the ruts we've found ourselves in. We know something is wrong, but we don't even really know who we are.

    I’ll tell you who we are. We are the Sovereign People of the Planet Earth and today we stand united as one voice claiming our freedom from the oppression of the “elite” forces that do not see us as equals, to be supported and respected, but as cattle, to be herded, controlled, and used for whatever purpose they see fit.

    Today we claim ownership of our being, our rights as members of the collective body, and our duty to create a world worthy of the powers latent in everyone of us.

    We are the fraternal brotherhood of human beings and we stand united as one voice to tell the Universe that WE ARE FREE.





    He who calls me by my name does not really know me.
    If I identify with my name, I limit myself.
    The important thing is the message, not the messenger.
    The reason is the ego that dwells in the mind and wisdom is the truth that resides in the heart.
    Let your ears hear, your eyes see and your heart receive.
    We are the daring warriors of Love who will not cease to open their hearts until the world is in our embrace. We are remembering and expanding the power of Love on Earth. Keep yelling!
    With infinite Love I AM.

  35. I found thirst energy comes 24-27th February.
    Meanwhile listen to this -
    Two insiders interview about Deep Disclosure, An evolving reality.

  36. I’m wondering where is Dragon Heart. Missing his posts...

    1. I’ve been wondering the same...

    2. Though it is my guess, he read quotation that was from an old article posted in this blog by Cobra. It was an article when the situation was not good, it seems that Dragon Heart thought that was about current situation, and feeled disappointed when he read it.

      After a while later, he will come back again.

    3. We have a nice community here. :) I miss Dragon too.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Goddess meditation 2:30pm everyday and 4:30pm on Sunday

    2/23/2018 07:50:00 pm

  40. What is Unconditional love and compassion?

    Questioner: Amma, what is Your definition of unconditional love and compassion?

    Amma: It is a totally undefinable state.

    Questioner: Then, what is it?

    Amma: It is expansiveness, like the sky.

    Questioner: Is it the inner sky?

    Amma: There is no inside and outside there.

    Questioner: Then?

    Amma: There is only oneness. That is why it cannot be defined.

  41. Join the Global Meditation Call Hosted w/ Jared Rand Every Day for 30Mins at 3:00PM EST,
    PH: 641-715-0857 (Replay:641-715-3579), Pin: 303471#

  42. David Bowie: Labyrinth, As the world falls Down ;)




  43. Friends ...I'm on Twitter often. Today a person claims that Cobra passed away in January and that Isis is still alive. I'm unhinged

  44. Investigation into 3/4 update.

    The Q board thinks they found the target: Harris County Community Reception Center.

    If my deduction is correct, then I think I know what the planned murder weapon is. "Radiation Victim Simulation" is possibly code word for a plot to use a "dirty bomb" or some other form of radiation dispersal method.


    Divine Mother Akasha

    Let the love light of the divine mother awaken every heart ♥️


    Breakthrough Meditation at 2 PM UTC and Emergency Meditation at 3 PM UTC as of March 12th, 2018

    2/25/2018 01:24:00 am

    "As mentioned in the previous meditation update on February 17th, Aurora is a project that this blog has been working on.
    The main aim of this project is to reduce the number of daily meditations.
    By doing so, we can reach the critical mass with all of our meditations more easily and help the Light Forces to achieve planetary liberation as soon as possible and as smoothly as possible."
