Monday, March 30, 2020

Joint Cobra / Benjamin Fulford interview by Prepare for Change

You might want to listen to the new joint Cobra / Fulford interview on Youtube here:


Or read the transcript in English here:

In German:

In French:

In Spanish:



  1. Excellent Cobra, thanks. Quarantine is good practice for the Event—I especially liked that part.

    1. I hated that part. I don't think encouraging human stupidity by allowing them to stay in the dark but safe is a good idea.

    2. Hmmmm... but not enough... the power is still on, the Internet too... the Event might not be as kind in the first few days...

      Hope the Dark surrenders now and gets it over with...

    3. Douglas - I think he meant it's a good test run to see if people can do this without looting all the stores and burning down the police station. I totally understand what you're saying, people shouldn't lock themselves in the dark watching Netflix, and what I've seen on social media about the quarantine being good for the planet is lame. But there is something huge to breaking the addiction of their jobs. If I was working I would have been happy to stay home. But I don't know ANYBODY in person or online who is comfortable not working, they all can't wait to get back because they are addicted. People have to spend time with their kids who they realize they don't like because their behavior is terrible because they are fed junk food, so the parents might start looking into causes of behavioral problems and begin to eat better. People can do their hobbies. And break their narcissistic need to always be surrounded by people. They go to work and are surrounded by people, they go out to lunch and dinner in a packed restaurant, they go to concerts and bars that are all packed, on weekends they go to movies, shopping, and more bars that are all packed. Even their spiritual time at church is a crowd of people! Going for a walk around the neighborhood alone is actually a pretty revolutionary thing for many people.

    4. Yes, thank you. We need the transcript because we don't understand english.

  2. Thanks for the update/interview!

  3. An update only after meditation? Many sources(Fulford, wilcock, Goode) say that a lot is happening right now (arrests, days without internet) I hope we will get very positive news very soon. It's time for the event ..

    1. Merci et que la lumière gagne sur terre. Enfin

    2. I'm a little worried about Fulford's March 23 statement:

      “We have defined the duration of the theater as 20 months,” says a European royal family source. So far over 30 countries and a billion people are on lockdown as part of the show.

      20 months? That would be a lot. I hope this is a mistake now.

  4. In Portuguese:

  5. Esse e um grande momento. A meditação vai ser a nossa resposta de força e união.Devemos ficar focados. Sempre com muito amor. Vitoria da luz

  6. I hope we reach record numbers in the upcoming meditation. I hope really positive things will manifest soon and our meditation will really speed things up. Fingers crossed!

  7. Thank you for the update & interview.🌏🌟

  8. Thank you to Cobra and Ben. Quite helpful and very interesting! Thank you also to Jerry of Prepare for Change, who did a great job on this.

  9. This is beautiful!!
    The future that is awaiting us is really wonderful. I mean, imagine all darkness being removed. Imagine all financial worries being removed. Imagine all illnesses being removed. Imagine all those wonderful technologies being released. Imagine being able to travel throughout the Universe, and all options, all possibilities, endless possibilities will open for us. So this is the golden age we are all working for. This is something that is awaiting us at the end of this dark tunnel.
    Thanks a lot Cobra

  10. Meditating daily regardless. See everyone this weekend, let's shift it.


  11. March 30, 2020
    Did the Fed accidentally trigger an accident in the housing market?

    By flooding the market with cash, the Federal Reserve just accidentally pushed bankers to the brink of bankruptcy.

    The Fed's rate cuts and the purchase of billions in mortgage-backed securities bring a seismic hammer to the sector.

    The Federal Reserve just bought $ 250 billion in mortgage-backed securities in an attempt to strengthen markets.
    But the move caused a tsunami of margin calls across the mortgage banking industry. Some warned that they could go bankrupt in days. Demand for home buyers has dried up and millions of defaults are approaching. The Federal Reserve has unloaded its stimulus bazooka across all markets in the past two weeks. But there is some major collateral damage. Flooding markets with (fake) money, they may have accidentally caused a collapse in the housing market.

    The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) warned of 'large-scale disturbances' in the housing market and accused the Fed of using a 'sledgehammer'.

    This is a breakdown of the system.

    How The Federal Reserve Almost Broke The Real Estate Market

    Here's how it works. Mortgage bankers protect themselves against rising interest rates. If rates go up, the hedge will ensure that they do not lose money from customers with a lower mortgage rate.

    It is standard practice across the industry and almost never causes problems.

    So far.

    As part of the coronavirus stimulus, the Fed bought $ 250 billion in mortgage-backed securities in two weeks. For perspective, this lowers the amount they bought during the housing crisis by $ 80 billion.

    Mortgage Bankers Now Face Bankruptcy

    By flooding the market with cash, the Fed forced the rate cut. The problem is that it ended the coverage.

    Mortgage bankers are receiving margin calls and must pay tens of millions of dollars to answer them. Even well-capitalized creditors are on the verge of going bankrupt because of this. In a letter to regulators, the MBA wrote:

    Margin requests from mortgage lenders reached surprising and unprecedented levels by the end of the week. For a significant number of creditors, many of whom are well capitalized, these margin calls are eating away at their working capital and threatening their ability to continue operating.

    1. Good! Maybe we will be able to afford to buy a house when this over. Debt will be wiped clean strengthening the dollar and current homeowners wont go homeless. And best of all. Down with the banks and derivatives markets.

    2. Accidentally. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. ;)

    3. By flooding the market with cash, the Fed simply is buying the time waiting for what solution would be taken in the secret talks on different levels and with different participants aimed to totally change the current global system, first of all the economy and finance.
      The selection of specific scenario and stages of its implementation is discussed behind the scenes within two extreme options. According to one of them, it is proposed to set to zero all international and national debts. Because at present for paying them off there is no such amount of money in the world. From 1971, when the gold standard was abolished, every single currency has lost 97-99% in real terms. Now it is offered to make new life from the blank slate.
      The second scenario is to leave everything as is, backing the global Ponzi pyramid by trade, currency and bio wars, armed conflicts, terrorism, "color revolutions", civil riots and wars, debt ceiling sky-rocketing, rigging rates, accounting, statistics and markets, new limitless QEs, buying out corporate shares and bonds at the taxpayers expense, hidden money printings and so on.
      I think that in the end everything will come down to a temporary compromise: the creation of a global multipolar economy, the introduction of new national and world currencies, backed by a modernized gold standard with use of digital currencies, blockchain and other technologies. And while the behind-the-scenes negotiations go on, the FED is helicoptering money, calmly watching on criminal and underground digital business, different crypto-currency exchanges projects, considering them as advertising, testing ground for the accumulation of necessary skills and experience.
      Alternative global multipolar project can take the edge off, but it is too far from Financial Reset, described by Cobra, from the World of no Expansion, but of Harmony. The World where Spiritual is higher than Material, Justice is higher than Law, the Common is higher than Private, Service is higher than Possession, Power is higher than Property.

  12. Breakthrough accomplished!

    I got Corey to re-tweet the meditation! Let's do this and hit that 1 million participant target!!!

    Corey Goode Ascension Meditation Twitter

    1. Fantastic Atreinos. Thank you.

    2. I'm just doing my part along with everybody else.

      It is an honor to be of service. 🙏

    3. Thanks for pointing that out, Anami.

      Every single person involved had a hand to play in this. I've seen hundreds of promotions for the meditation everywhere and it has filled my heart with joy. We really are going to surpass the critical mass!

      The moment Corey re-tweeted me brought tears to my eyes and filled me with so much excitement knowing that I had an opportunity to reach hundreds of people, that I rushed to announce it without checking to see if he had already done so before, this was a mistake on my part and I ask forgiveness for this. All credit where it is due. But alas, as we are human we are prone to make mistakes, but this is only natural, no?

      Anyways, I will say that this is not about indiviualism, self-promotion or ego. This is about something much, much, bigger than that. Humanity.

      With that being said, I close this message humbly and with great humility.

      Let's go team!!!

      Victory of the Light!!!

      In Gratitude, Love & Light,

  13. Za slovenske bralce:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the new interview Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

    Thank you for the news

  14. I listened to the YouTube meditation video and wrote down the timing for the instructions, so that we'll have everything we need on hand, just in case the internet goes down.
    Here is the first part of it:

    Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

    2:15. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to shift the planet into the most optimal timeline and as a tool to completely remove the Coronavirus.

    3:00. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white light emanating from the cosmic central sun

    3:30. Then being distributed to central sun's of all galaxies in this universe.

    4:00. Then visualize light entering through the galactic central sun, then going through our Galaxy,

    4:35. Then entering our solar system and going through all beings of light in our solar system and

    5:00. Then through all beings on planet Earth

    5:30. And also through your body to the center of the earth.

    The next instruction starts at minute 6, at least on the English language video. Maybe someone can write down minutes 6 through 12:20 as a reply and someone else can listen and write minutes 14 through 18:30 in another reply.

    1. You can convert from YouTube to MP3 and have the file in your PC

  15. Very enlightening interview! My favorite excerpts from Cobra:

    "Fear that is now being triggered was always there. It was subconscious. So what is happening now is an active purification of that fear, and much of the fear is actually entities which are co-existing in human energy fields.....We are not just removing the virus, we are also removing all those entities, as well as much of the global fear which has been suppressed throughout history and has been through generational trauma transmitted from parents to children, from generation to generation; it will now be cleared forever."

    WOW! It had not occurred to me that because the quarantine is starving out all those plasma entities lodged in people's auric (energy) fields, it is ALSO removing generational trauma in families passed down through the ages....and clearing it forever....this is huge!

    This trauma is a major factor that has been keeping the vibration of the collective so low as it includes rape, torture, child abuse, human trafficking, human abductions and experiments -- basically the most horrific experiences imaginable that kept being "recycled" over and over with each successive generation -- and all of this trauma will now be GONE - FOREVER!!!

    "This global quarantine thing is a good exercise for The Event, and all the transformation this world went through in the last ten days is a good rehearsal. So when The Event happens....people will be much more ready because they have gone through this preparation stage already. And this situation also makes it much easier for the Light Forces to plan The Event, because now they have much better models of human behaviour."

    "The dark forces are trying to do the impossible, they are trying to stop the Galactic Central Sun pulse which is of course something they cannot do. I mean they will try everything they can and they will fail." -- Yes indeed! Nothing can stop the "solar flash event"!!!

    "This is a covert war, it is not an open war, and this war is taking place on the physical plane and it is taking place interdimensionally on higher planes with advanced technologies. None of this ever gets reported. For example, there is a quantum war taking place right now. I was not speaking about that before. I can release that right now. There is a war with quantum technologies and the Light Forces are winning."

    This is one of the BEST reveals yet as I am pretty sure it has to do with the new Quantum Financial System that will replace the debt slave system and will likely be quite remarkable in its capabilities....not to mention fair and foolproof!

    And I love this dose of high optimism from Ben:
    "I’m sure now that statistically we are going to win. They’re doomed. I don’t see any way out for them. More and more of them are disappearing and they can’t cover it up with computer graphics and fake news reports anymore. Obama is gone, Hillary is gone, Rockefeller is gone… they’re all gone. Now Bill Gates will obviously have this blow up in his face. What is it like 1000 corporate executives, more than that, are quitting now? The whole system is falling apart and the next few weeks will be critical. But, I guarantee that humanity is going to be liberated."

    Excellent intel as always....thank you Cobra and Ben for this interview.

  16. Doing my best to wake up the sheeple. Got good lines to networks of normies in biz community ... blowing their hair back... not on the space stuff but trying to help them understand money is dead.... no more oil needed ... end of petro-dollar. Its tough for them to grasp even that much right now

    1. Yes dont overwhelm them yet with topics that they are not yet seeing changes on.. fantastic you trying to guide them.. good tactic too... not being forceful.. but informative.. diff perspective for them to chew on

  17. Reposting this article here so we can really RAMP UP THE VISION AND RESOLVE TO ACHIEVE & EXCEED OUR GOAL ON APRIL 4TH! Share it with your groups.

    Today President Trump extended "social distancing guidelines" a/k/a the general shutdown across America another 30 days through the end of April. And although Cobra said in the interview the 3 or 10 days of internet/communications darkness is "unlikely" there is still a possibility we could see the internet interrupted between April 1-10 from what many other intel sources are reporting {to facilitate the mass arrests}.

    So (just in case) you could copy and paste this article and refer to it if the internet does go down -- for inspiration and visualization aids -- it will help you see in your mind's eye all the negative/low vibrational creations, structures, systems and experiences you (as a Divine Artist) will be ERASING....and a picture of the New 5D Earth will emerge in glorious technicolor, an image you can hold in your mind as we approach the Day Of Our Quantum Leap to the first level of our 5D World!

    In this article you will also find a chart comparing the Low Vibrational Frequencies and Emotions to the High Range Bandwiths. You will be absolutely AMAZED at the vast difference between the two and this will Fuel Your Resolve to remain in the Highest Vibration possible every single day....especially leading up to April 4th/5th!!!

    I would encourage everyone to print out this chart and look at it every day....Raising Our Vibrational Frequency with loving thoughts and actions is quite literally our BOARDING TICKET for the High Speed Cosmic Train that will transport us out of the 3D Matrix on APRIL 4TH!


    This is a massive space vehicle that can hold up to ONE MILLION PASSENGERS so let's fill it to capacity!!!

    P.S. My personal pageviews are now at 105,000! Those are just direct views and does not include the infinite re-postings and shares I have seen all around the net so by now we could be looking at well over 1-2 million+ eyes having seen the Ascension Timeline Meditation invitations and this does not include the views on Cobra’s site or We Love Mass Meditations and other major sites promoting the meditation!! The "Urgent Call" Open Letter has been reaching new and more remote countries every day. I also reached out to a number of well known spiritual leaders and astrologers with wide global reach.


    1. How did you measure the different emotional states and their corresponding frequencies? Do you have some kind of machine?

    2. Great Post Brianna, Thank you for the terrific work you are doing. I am convinced that we will reach for more than ONE MILLION MEDITATORS ON APRIL 4/5TH. With Love and Light, Claudette

    3. @SACRED architect
      Thanks to you and everybody else promoting this!

    4. Nice Work, thank you!

    5. Thank you everyone for your very kind words and encouragement! All my life I've wanted to be a writer and published author but it never seemed to be the right time and I never could complete my writing projects or they were blocked somehow.

      Instead I spent the last 15 years learning everything I could about the inner workings of the 3D Matrix we've all been reincarnating in for so long. The knowledge I gained is proving invaluable and I feel truly honored that I can serve my fellow starseeds and awakening public as a Voice for the Liberation and Ascension of Earth and humanity as we Quantum Leap to a 5D World and usher in the grandest Cosmic Age this Universe has ever seen!!

      I am truly humbled that this message has reached the farthest corners of the globe and that so many are thrilled to be joining us.

      Sending Much Love to all who are reading this blog in the states and abroad.

      Your Devoted Ascension Hostess,

    6. Thank you, Brianna.

      I bow to you as a token of deep respect.

      You gave us a goal to set our minds toward, 1 million participants, and were absolutely vital in helping us manifest that goal.

      The heavens sing your praises and I thank you with deep humility.

      Your service is recognized along with all the others who have helped us bring this new age into fruition.

      Let's do this! Let's completely overload our planetary energy grid with the power of 1 million meditators and finally kick the dark ones off of our world for good!!!

      Let's manifest, peace, happiness, freedom and prosperity for each and every soul on Earth!

      Victory of the Light!!!

      Yours, in humble service

    7. @divinasion - Frequency is an entire study in itself. Everything in the Universe emits a unique frequency. Scientists use specific equipment to measure both harmful and healing frequencies and have compiled long lists of these.

      Your body emits a much higher frequency when in a loving state vs. when you are frustrated or angry. Because your thoughts which are fueled by emotions create the reality you see around you as they attract experiences that match the wavelength you are on, it's important to be aware of this so you can consciously work to feel and emit the higher, happier states of being.

    8. Thanks for taking the time to respond. I am aware of concept of an electromagnetic universe and the law of attraction. I was just curious about the list of emotional states you linked to and I wanted to know the method in which their corresponding frequencies were ascertained... you say scientists have compiled long lists of these frequencies, but after doing some web searches, I can't find any lists by any scientists..

      I appreciate your devotion
      to spreading a positive message but this endless trend of users leaving comments about metaphysical stuff without the necessary accompanying research or review isn't a "vibrational match" to an age of transparency and truth. It's partly why I stopped reading them. I'm really hoping I'm mistaken and you'll link your source, but it's fine either way.


  18. Polish translation

  19. Looking at the number of views of promotional videos I think critical mass will be reached.

    1. The critical mass, according to Dr John Hagelin, is the square root of one percent of the humanity, more or less 9000 people.

  20. I pray for real tanigible change that are more than just feel good emotions. It matter little if society does not actually evolve after this experience. I would like to remind people that this process is controlled by the light forces and not by the choices humanity makes since they're not conscious enough for this because they're not told the truth and all sides don't plan too until evolution has been reached but said evolution requires that higher powers take the first step.

    1. at the soul level, they are conscious choices..

    2. Not by choices of humanity... but seeking out the truth was our choice, wasn't it?

  21. Cobra, I have a sincere question about something you said in the interview.

    "So much more was possible, much more was planned to be achieved, and certain things would have been been very much different right now if certain key people and certain other not-so key people would behave differently among the Lightworkers. Many dark scenarios have been prevented and even this scenario could be prevented most likely if certain people would behave differently in Lightworker communities."

    What if certain Lightworkers made choices based on their free will to not be exposed to mistreatment and abuse from other people or entities? Would that have had a negative outcome for the progress of the light?

    Thank you for the interview.

  22. thanks for your effort, Victory of the Light!

  23. Wilcock did a mass meditation on YouTube recently. Why not also on August 4th? I hope he joins us with his viewers.

  24. Notes from David Wilcock 3-29-20 presentation/class… (“The Great Pandemic III: New Briefings, Restitution and the Big Picture!”)
    Posted on 2020/03/29
    by Kauilapele

    Click image to go to the video.
    These are very rough notes, and only taken from the 1 hour 45 minute mark and beyond. But I felt these were important enough to post now, even in “rough hewn” form. Here’s a link to the video.
    I’m putting these up now, even though the live stream is still ongoing.
    1:45 Fed has become nationalized!!
    David received the “ok” to release the material below.
    1:50 Arrests via Defense Europe 20 not necessarily happening. They’re being put in place.
    There will be 3 days of darkness (no internet). Will use Presidential alert system will be used to make announcements.
    Arrests occur during these 3 days.
    Internet must go down in order to reboot the internet. “Dark nodes” (choke points) must be removed.
    Alliance… “Do not fear these three days”.
    Stay inside your home during these 3 days… messages will be sent (e.g., Presidential messages).
    David presents multiple similar reports from various sources.
    David was texted today. Shutdown between 4/1 – 4/10.
    3 Days of Darkness also was noted in the Bible (Jesus crucified… 3 days of darkness… Resurrection.
    When we get out of this period, restitution will be given to the people (in various ways).

    David relates much of this to what’s reported in the Law of One.
    After this, people have free time, can find their Inner Selves. Just like what’s happening now!!
    Spiritual Aikido is very relevant to what is going on right now.
    ET craft will take most people off planet when the “Ascension Flash” (Kp note: that’s my term) occurs.
    “The cabal” represents the “hidden darkness” in our own souls. By our going through this current Ascension process, we are healing all of humanity (approximate quote).
    David: “Trump may not be the hero you wanted, but he’s the hero you got!”
    Corey said Karee said that it appears we are now on the optimal timeline for humanity.

  25. David Wilcock on The Great Pandemic III: New Briefings, Restitution and the Big Picture!

    He claims mass arrests and 3 days of darkness!

  26. AstralTraveler
    March 29, 2020 at 6:31 PM

    Invite Pamela Georgel to join a mass meditation on April 4th/5th inspired by higher dimensional ascended beings known as the Light Forces:

  27. AstralTraveler
    March 29, 2020 at 6:31 PM

    Invite Nyla Nguyen to participate on April 4th/5th:

  28. USA Government a Republic, Coronavirus caused by 5G, Oprah raided, 10 Days of Darkness Intel & more!

    "I have so much valuable and exciting news to share with the collective starting with the government no longer a USA corporation. I am giving an update on the Coronavirus situation so people stop panicking and also giving you natural remedies to protect yourself. Celebrities who have Covid-19 are guilty of consuming tainted andrenochrome supplies. Find out when to prepare for the 10 days of Darkness.
    If you feel guided to support the channel, visit"

  29. Here it is - the 10min/day instructions with visual aids for all, regardless of your internet being on or off.
    Both Q ... Anons & Trump have been giving clear indicators of a pending false flag, so that had to be dealt with (energetically) right away. The black covens/Luciferians were working hard to support this.
    'hold the planet steady' so the White Hats/military can do their job

    Free & Universal Invitation to All – No Experience Necessary
    You are invited to participate in a very powerful global meditation unifying our spiritual, cultural and ethnic wisdom and healing modalities to benefit all of humanity at this time of need. This meditation will be co-led by world renown teachers, healers & visionaries of Non-Human Intelligence Contact.

    Uniting together to raise the energy equal to and then greater than that of the energy of fear and re-center into love, peace & freedom.

    We are equally present as your Co-Leaders of this Council of Light Meditation:
    Barbara Jean Lindsey
    Eric Mitchell
    Solaris BlueRaven.
    Miesha Johnston.
    Geraldine Orozco.
    Lorien Fenton
    Melinda Leslie.



    Barbara: Welcome to the Mother ship and briefly introduce Council of Light
    1. Solaris - Purify and create sacred space
    2. Barbara & Eric – Begin Meditation Connect hearts, minds & souls to become a group synergy (keep it simple) – Female/Male/Galactic Balance
    3. Miesha – Speaking a Galactic Light Language
    Raising the united healing energy up and off the scale
    4. Geraldine - Eradicate fear, worry, blocks and anxiety
    5. Lorien & Melinda - Re-establish & Re-program into inner peace & harmony
    6. Solaris – Anchoring Galactic Center into the crystalline Earth grids closing circle
    7. Council of Light - each co-host express closing gratitude and heartfelt acknowledgments
    8. End of Meditation - Participants feeling more vital and empowered
    9. Feel free to contact us

  31. You can also join Alfred Webre in the up coming 5th April Meditation.

    He is also concerned on the subject:


  32. Excellent interview thank you Cobra and Ben!

  33. Hey all! Been following the Cobra for awhile now.
    Here’s a little gift of laughter I made with my wife and kids,
    A funny little rap song called “Quarantine Boring-tine”! Hope it spreads some joy !

    1. Wellsir ... it brought a smile to my face. :D You are blessed with a beautiful family. You and your family have such a bright future ahead of you. Will your children remember the horrors of being on a prison planet when they become adults?
      Thanks for sharing. VOTL

  34. Thank you dear Cobra! Let'do it! We will be working hard this week to spread the word about the meditation among our email and facebook contacts and in facebook groups. People are starting to understand the importance of this meditation, we think... A new life awaits us all! (V and M-H)

  35. Nyla Nguyen promotes out meditation

    1. We all should go to her site and support her... like a Q chain :)... spread the support people. Do a where one meditates .. we all meditate lol

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Gina Hill is a hoaxer, her photos are fake, and her analysis of sun images are incorrect.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Do you have proof of this, Pat?

    4. Yeah I've looked at all her photos going way back and they're all the same so I know it's not just a few flukes. She has cranked out a hundred fake pictures. They look like they are supposed to be taken from a satellite or a powerful telescope but she says she uses a clip on lens for her iPhone, she's said that several times. They're less powerful than binoculars yet her pictures look like they're supposed to be of deep space. I've seen lots of pictures through telescopes, and satellites, and it's not that, yet that's what it's supposed to look like. Many of her pictures have the "sun" which looks like an out of focus lamp or photoshopped ball of light, with little white photoshopped streaks that are supposed to be ships. Go back and look at her pictures with fresh eyes and ask what is this supposed to be, what am I looking at? And where is this picture supposed to be taken from, and with what kind of camera? They're composite images made in photoshop. Then she will take real images of the sun and say the cosmic rays hitting the lens are ships. There might be some actual pictures of crafts near the Sun, but she just blanket calls everything a UFO. Especially the billions of craft coming out of the sun, it looks exactly like a static burst. Sure I wasn't in space watching it happen myself, but if it looks like a static burst, why call it a billion UFOs. And the cloud pictures are pretty bad, she just takes pictures of clouds and calls them UFOs. I'd be understanding if she mistook clouds or cosmic rays for UFOs, but she intentionally makes fake pictures which is why I'm always calling her out for being a disinfo agent.

    5. Aww you didn't have to delete it Annabella. It's okay, it's hard to tell what's real. Here was the video.

      Another suspicious aspect to her photos of ships in the sky is nobody else has anything that looks remotely like it. If there were dozens of ships in the sky every month like she captures, and you could point your iPhone up at it and have it look like that, there'd be thousands of people having done it as well. Other people have filmed lights in the sky and they all look the same as each other.

      The most convincing UFO footage I've seen is by John Lenard Walson called Interstellar. He uses a powerful telescope and has shots of the International Space Station, the moon, and planets which look identical to his other footage of UFO's so it's convincing. I've watched lots of video of amateur astronomers filming planets, satellites, and the moon, and they look exactly like this as well. The rippling of the atmosphere, the apparent drifting of the ship which is actually the turning of the Earth, the zoom in and out looks just like this. It's hard to know for sure what's real, but this is what it would look like. You can watch it on Gaia with a free 7 day trial. This trailer is terrible quality and so are the YouTube videos, but oh well.

    6. Patrick, seriously? Just stop. She is genuine. What do you want to gain by bashing someone you do not know? What? This is an ineffective and threatening post Patrick. I do not understand your logic. Please explain.

  37. In Dutch:

  38. Should the internet be down during meditation, before meditation or after meditation for any reason I would like to thank Brianna and Cobra again for their inexhaustible commitment.

    For the people for whom the mass meditation already starts on April 4th...
    I would like to thank you for having decided to dedicate 20 minutes of your life to it with your free will.

    For those for whom the mass meditation starts on April 5th and who have decided to take part in it, I would like to thank you too and we will see you after the mass meditation at the latest. These would be the countries around Germany.

    I am very excited and very curious.

    I think almost everybody is waiting for "GR+" or whatever code should come.

    Greetings from Germany and Victory of the Light!

    1. Grüße an alle Lichtmächte aus Berlin —wir sehen uns im Astralen! 👋🏻

    2. Dankeschön!
      Thank you!

      Wir sehen uns im goldenen Zeitalter!
      See you in the Golden Age!

      Sieg des Lichts!
      Victory of the Light!

  39. Oof. It's pretty expensive though... perhaps some guineapig could put up the cash and do some testing for us on people that have been diagnosed with the virus.

  40. Guys, am I the only one who is getting a bit lost with the instructions to the 4th/5th of April meditation? Is there any map of galaxies, central suns, galactic central suns so that I have a better understanding of all that to help me visualize it during the meditation? I appreciate your help! Victory of Light!

    1. yes I agree...this should be pictured as have the visualization would help alot of us I believe!

    2. Here is a good visual.
      See the massive central sun in the middle with all the galaxies surrounding it. When it emits the bright pillar of light, see it beaming out 360 degrees to all the galactic suns, then zoom your focus in on OUR galaxy and see the pillar of light "raining down" on all beings in this galaxy, then down further, showering down and entering all beings on earth and finally see the pillar of light enter your body and anchor into the center of the earth.

    3. Just go with your gut on this one. Having a solid visualization is helpful, but intention is far more important.

    4. I visualize the Cosmic Central Sun surrounded by endless little galactic central suns. One of these little suns is the central sun of our Milky Way galaxy...

    5. @B.McGee:
      This might help:
      ("Manga illustrations of the "Ascension Timeline meditation")

    6. I've been finding that the more I meditate the stronger the visuals get. This might sound strange but I imagine the column of light from the Cosmic Central sun in the shape of a tree tunk shining on all the galaxies in the Universe, which I see as the the roots. Then I focus in on the solar system and then the earth like a fractal. This is just my interpretation. I know what you mean I found it hard to imagine at first.

    7. Thank you all for the answers and support! I'm sure the intention is the most important but I also remember Cobra not counting a certain number of people in one of the past meditations because we had to consider that not everybody did the visualization well. I'm practicing it every day. The manga illustrations helped a bit! Thank you my sisters and brothers lightworkers! Victory of the Light!

  41. All this golden age stuff is fine and all, but no one's answering the REALLY important questions here. Can we play GTA and DOOM in 4D? I missed out on several awesome games in this world due to my physical disability. And I intend to play all of them once I'm healed. No one is going to stop me. I'll create a whole new dimension if I have to. This is the promise I make to myself, to protect everything I care about. Even if it is looked down on by love and light people/aliens.

    1. Doom is the best, probably because it's half real. Great books from 1995, and there's a new movie that is not terrible which is about all you can hope for. A movie based on the books would be incredible. I don't know why nobody has done it, everyone would like it and they'd get super rich. Anyways, you can definitely play games in the higher densities!

    2. video games are based on the astral travelling experience and needless to say the real thing is far more incredible and immersive than 3d gaming. you wont be restricted to a written plot to say the least.

    3. There is movie Doom. ..a long while ago

    4. I have been playing Doom since the first one came out in 1993, and been playing the latest Doom Eternal, which ties in all the previous games except Doom 3.

      The movies so far have little to do with the video game story line. Their quality has been dropping sharply as well, whereas Doom video game franchise is over 25 years old and has endured successfully.

      The Doom Eternal storyline has so many references to the idea of extra-terrestrial interference its not even funny. ET involvement in human affairs and the price humanity paid for accepting help for advancing from beings advanced enough to be treated as gods but just as low conscious as themselves.

      The video game lore of the Sentinels also tells a story of the unstoppable power of Will in being able to overcome the worst of circumstances, with the Doom Slayer as the archetypal embodiment of this.

  42. So everybody is waiting for 4/5 in April...The white hat,the military,the alliance,the E.T.,the Galactic...

    1. I hope not waiting.. because that mean is giving the bad guys to prepare.. reinforce...

  43. Thank you Cobra and Ben for the interview.
    Only 5 days to go.Let's do it.
    With Love and Light, Claudette

  44. I like this new interviewer. He asked good strait forward questions. Good interview.

  45. In Hungarian/magyarul:
    Cobra blogja magyarul:
    És a FB csoport:
    Magyar Cobra Csoport

  46. wish we can reach the critical meditation number!

  47. Transcript in Greek:

    Meet you all guys on April 5/6 <3

  48. 💕✨✨✨💕✨✨✨💕✨✨✨

  49. 144 mil

  50. Manga illustrations of the "Ascension Timeline meditation"

  51. Count me in! Victory of the Light!!

  52. Interview in Dutch / Nederlands:

  53. It's very important to ensure that after the end of the dark cycle, entering the golden age, that the cycle will not repeat itself. There are four cycles that have been supposedly repeating throughout time. No more of this! The Golden Age needs to be permanent this time.

    1. Cobra said that this time it's different... it's the end of a cycle of cycles. It's a Great Grand Event that has never happened before...

  54. What about singing together? Wouldn't that be really close to meditating? How about reaching out to

  55. Slovenský preklad interview:
    Slovak translation of the interview:

  56. You got it.

    Trump and „Cabal-Lite“ want a Money System for Humanity. Their Mistake! Money, what for? Money is a $atanic Principle, it is only to bring Control. If you try to „make it nice“ for Golden Age, you can simply omit it completely.

    A Galactic Society does not use Money.

  57. There is still a meditation:

    The Great Stargate Choice Point. A mass meditation event hosted by Candace Craw-Goldman and Hara Katsiki Quantum Healers.

    Contact them, as much of us, to tell them to be done at the same time.

  58. A short vision during a meditative state - by LWStargazer

    Translated to spanish
    Traducida al castellano

  59. I sent another request to David Wilcock to support the meditation by announcing it some time soon... ....

    ....I'm TRYING !! ....

    He has some kind of "Q&A session" this coming Wednesday (tomorrow)... SO, he will be broadcasting live again, just before the April 4/5 date.

    Surely he knows about the April 4/5 global meditation by now.

    1. Persistence pays off Megan, great work! I too sent out very well thought out personalized invitations to both David and his wife. As of yet no response, but that doesn't mean that they (or their followers) won't join us. Alot more is always going on behind the scenes than we can ever know.

      Each invitation we extend, every comment we make about the meditation event on social media, is a major SEED planted in a vast sea of communication and one never knows where those waters might carry our seeds.

      I expect many of those seeds to yield a very large crop! I have gotten responses from a handful of larger influencers so that is encouraging. I am staying in non-judgment mode and feel it's counter-productive to send anyone (including these well known figures) any negative energy, especially at a time when we are working on UNITING the globe. Let's send them unconditional love and visualize the best possible scenario playing out.

      I choose to believe in MIRACLES and with or without the larger names, we SHALL join hearts with One Million Meditators on April 4th!! It matters not where they come from....the NUMBER is more important than the source. One Million is easy for the Universe to manifest considering there are 7.5 Billion souls on this planet. :-)

      A spiritual teacher was once asked where the needed funds would come from for a large scale project. The wise teacher replied "From wherever the funds are right now."

      Time for Total Faith in the Infinite Universe to bless our efforts and materialize the needed results!!!

    2. sent the request for support as question for wilcocks q & a
      stilness in the storm is supportive

  60. Hah - seems like Humanity grows more and more fine Light Warriors:


  61. We also wrote to Corey and DW and if they don't respond, it's because they don't want this unit and we will be very disappointed!We wish they had as much humility as our dear Cobra...

    1. I've seen DW doing meditations of his own on his recent live videos. It's odd that he hasn't talked about the Cobra meditation. I know DW probably has disagreements regarding intel, but that shouldn't stop him from telling people to join in. I emailed both of them a week ago as well.

    2. hopefully they are participating in this meditation and their followers too.
      But the fact is, many of us in this ( had been trying for years to get them involved in other important meditations and nothing happened. so don't get disappointed if they don't want it this time again. they have people behind them that tell them what to do and what don't. they don't take decisions for themselves!

    3. Maybe it is an idea to put comments on their latest YouTube videos regarding our meditation. DW and CG may not participate but at least we may get attention of some of their followers

  62. I just received an email from Conscious Life Expo calling on 1 million meditators for April 4th @7:45pm! Victory of the Light ❤️

  63. From contemplation, I see that the virus spreads more when there is news in the media that promotes catastrophe. Today the media promoted 200,000 deaths being reached in the future for the U.S. The number of deaths has therefore increased for today in the charts, using mass consciousness to manifest this. There are more deaths today than any of the previous days. The media needs to be put on lock down as soon as possible because they are spreading the virus. There are not enough mediators to stop mass consciousness from spreading the virus. Too many people are allowing themselves to be manipulated by the media for further virus spreading.

    1. only heart disease kills 650000 in the us yearly 200000 casualties sounds horible but even worst case you are waz more likely to die from other causes

    2. Barrybas, there is a great deal to consider. I don't want anyone dying from the virus, but true, it is a small number compared to many other causes of death. The panic factor is of concern. If the numbers get too high the public may start to panic to greater and greater extremes. On a regular basis now, grocery shelves are empty of basic food items. The lockdown is good for the light forces and planet but the instability of the public may become too extreme for a positive outcome. Just have to see. The meditation will hopefully do some greatly needed good.

    3. (I work in a grocery store with people constantly getting angry because they can't get what they are looking for (out of stock) so this probably skewed my perspective.)

  64. A couple days ago or so when they said that the cases in Washington were getting under control, the rate for the number of cases and deaths went down. This is further evidence showing how mass consciousness is affecting this when looking at the headlines.

  65. "Some people are doing really, really, really, everything they can. They are very dedicated, but some people are… Actually I would say their personality flaws, their belief systems are coming in the way. So much more was possible, much more was planned to be achieved, and certain things would have been been very much different right now if certain key people and certain other not-so key people would behave differently among the Lightworkers. Many dark scenarios have been prevented and even this scenario could be prevented most likely if certain people would behave differently in Lightworker communities."

    GUILTY! dont really think anybody could be as disappointed as i have been in myself. the enlil archetype has been the hardest to conquer.

  66. My intuition says that The event "window" is already happening, we are already there! It's happening very slowly and it will get faster as months goes by. "Get ready with popcorns , the show will begin shortly" .

    We should do the mass meditation on April 4/5 to have a very soft and sweet transition.

    Victory of the Light!


  67. For the duration of this mission the Prime Directive is rescinded.



  68. I believe Cobra said some time ago (years ago, now) that we would switch to a new money system for just a little while, because there will be a new system in place, very soon, that doesn't deal with money... a new, fair, "galactic society" system.

    Ben doesn't know about the eventual galactic society, but he knows a whole lot about other stuff.

  69. You never know who of your friends has other friends, who have big lists of friends they can tell about this meditation!

    I emailed the info to a bunch of friends and acquaintances.... One of my friends, "P" sent it to several others, including "this one lady in the Midwest," "P" told me....

    Well, I received word from "P" that "this one lady in the Midwest" loved it and has blasted it out to her mailing list of 550 people, encouraging them all to do it.

    !! 550 people !!

    So, people, you never know.

    We just need big HIVES of people, to promote it.

    Everybody is talking by email now, because of the quarantine, so just send out to everyone your know, by email.

    Also, this meditation is going to capture the imagination of everyone, who is sitting around, reading, cleaning out closets, and stuck at home because no restaurants or coffee shops or gyms are open, and so many parks and beaches are even closed.

    Send it now, so it can be forwarded and multiply!

    Victory of the Light!

  70. #Make meditations great again!

  71. Today, while walking (sanctioned exercise), I saw, chalked on the pavement, the words 'COVID NO MORE, surrounded by a heart. A touching thought.
    Then I thought, this might be a way to get info out about the global meditation and other info, depending on how restricted people are to go out walking.

  72. I finally got around to making a Plasma Breather. It really works, very energizing. Gans is exactly what you need to treat viruses. Part of how viruses kill the cell is to drain it's plasma (etheric energy) until it dies. Charging your body with plasma doesn't exactly kill the virus, but it keeps your cells alive so your immune system wins in the end. You add gans to filtered water, shake it up, it charges the water, and let it sit overnight so the nanoparticles settle to the bottom. You can drink the water and it's very healing. Add one part gans water to three parts fresh water with a little lemon juice to adjust the pH of the traces of minerals in there, and shake it up. The only risk is there are traces of zinc and copper, but those are in vitamins too so it's okay, just don't drink gallons of it. I've been doing this for years and it's cured all my problems, food allergies, back pain, nerve pain, depression and anxiety, it really is good for everything. One of the main manufacturers has also been doing this for years, he used to look his age, but now he's 40 and looks 25. It's incredible he looks like a kid. Anyways for a plasma breather you can make your own, it's a bong essentially. I bought this one for $18. It will save your life if you get Covid. I hadn't used gans water in a long time, but recently I was in a hospital for another reason and a couple days later came down with a fever and lung problems. I drank some gans water and was 80% better in an hour. I'd recommend buying the five main gans from the link below. If you can only afford one, get the CO2. Gans perpetually makes energy so one bottle will last basically forever. If you have questions or want to learn more, email me at

    1. infelizmente o ¨gans¨ é placebo e não funciona.

  73. Here is the interview in Spanish on YouTube video:

    Victoria de la Luz.

  74. I'm surprise no one has posted any announcement of the April meditation rummormill ...

  75. I question everything. Victory of the Light!

    1. I feel I heard Source correctly. Answer below if approved.

  76. COBRA.
    Eu aprecio e respeito muito o seu trabalho em prol deste planeta. Mas tenho uma pergunta a fazer: sabendo-se que necessitamos de um representante terrestre para tomar as decisões em nome dos humanos, na sua opinião, quem deveria ser este homem? Donald Trump está descartado por você. Então este homem seria Barack Obama?

  77. I think it's because of the 'Anti-Trump' statements. It doesn't fit in their narrative that he's not our savior. Seems like the whole Q thing is only hope porn, too. They, DW and others, don't want to see this.

  78. If you're wondering what Keanu Reeves, the star (Neo) in The Matrix Trilogy of ground breaking films, believes about the current planetary situation, here are his words. He could seriously be our advocate!

  79. Formidables are no more.
    According to the Cobra, "powerful ones" get their power from the plasmatic archons. Since the dark beings have been largely removed from the plasma plane, that possibility disappears. "Impressive" also refers to an overemphasis of the lower self over the Higher Self.

    Heaven sent messages are received in Joy.
    Connecting to Higher Dimensions is now more productive.

    Surrender to the old and reception of the New occurs in simultaneity.

    Florescents are sown.
    Architects of the Age of Aquarius are sown.

  80. Is there anyway to see the fireworks built to explode in a gaslyzone but turn out the universe and peacefully intent of mother earth together with sepicific ORACLE contain it successfuly within a non- harm radius of fabulous sound and light create a harmonious show for all to watch?

  81. Sim. Somos ovelhas. Mas ainda assim nos damos conta de algumas coisas. Não sabemos o que não sabemos. Mas sabemos quando mudar algo. E como mudar. Pode apostar suas fichas nisto.

  82. Dedicated to SURFACOM Forces

  83. I remember that too Megan. The introduction of Replicators (after First Contact) will replace the need for money.

    I am so tired, I wanna sleep through the temporary financial system (while everyone is scrambling to invest in this and that) and wake up only after the Replicators come out!!!!

  84. This video (vimeo link, below) is a doctor in New York City speaking about his experiences at Cornell University Hospital in New York.

    He is a pulmonologist and on the front lines and he is addressing family and friends here.

    His talk gives simple procedures to keep yourself healthy and it takes the fear out of the whole thing. And it is really interesting.

    Listen to the whole thing: 57 minutes.

  85. Prime Source and I are having a heart to heart chat now. Source (all genders, species) said observed us all the times the reset could have happened but did not. Our pain and distrust was obvious. Now it is happening for real and not many believe it is. Wolf has been cried too many times says Source.(to me, not putting anything on anyone, free will)
    Source says heartaches with you at all times. Never leaving us or them. It is what the collective consciousness got away with. Period.
    I asked, what about now? I heard this: Dearest Diana, I (private stuff) my words to friends of yours is nothing else is expected of you because this should have happened so many times by now. No fault of yours at all. The free will I gave is unrevokable. It was hijacked. My heart sank beyond expression. Cobra and team, light worker/warrior did everything right. The dark did better because they are forced into discipline. I dont do that, they do. That is why they got victory over us so many times. It is true.
    Now we are here, in the storm. The same remains true. Discipline is key. You need to discipline yourself as I will not force you like the dark does.
    Source expresses more love than we can express.

  86. Do NOT fear. Simply be aware.
    Victory of the light is assured.
    Accelerate that victory by participating in the meditation.

    Jupiter is the bringer of joy.

  87. Just posted the meditation in the comments section on youtube's Higher Self channel, which gets lots of traffic. Please join me in this endeavor!

  88. Invictvs81, if my comment gets approved things might make sense. Judge for yourself of course.

  89. I will discipline myself and meditate April 4 with my physical sword in hands. Yes I will.
    10:45 EDT (New York time)
    I will prepare ahead protection over all who want and need it. I am equipped. Please, start stating how you are equipped and help. We need unity and to come together as one body. United we stand, divided we fall. Your choice.


  91. I agree that when we become a Galactic Society we will not need money. But there needs to be a "transition" period. The logistics involved to completely eliminate money altogether are greater than we might imagine. But it definitely could happen sooner rather than later, depending on the success of our Global Mass Meditations. Once the really advanced technologies are released by the galactics, it will be much easier to transition to the "No Money" system.

  92. I can feel it, something's are changing forever. It won't be the same again, wickedness/wokeness are working overtime/double time to keep it status quo but love/light in most are starting to rise (Phoenix). Its very troubling/disheartening as an empath during this time. My emotions are like lightning, you never know where its gonna strike. Soooooo much fear and worry. Soooooo many emotions, soo much negativity, I cant turn it off. Population needs 10 days of darkness. Unplug, revalue what's important, reconnect, bond,share,create,EXPAND. What ever is gonna happen "I greet in the love and the light". Not scared! Anticipating. Adonai

  93. Join the upcoming critical Ascension Timeline Meditation online with us or our friends!
    - Meditations On-The-Go:
    - Web portal:

    Our Meditations On-The-Go platform is running all of the active meditations from the We Love Mass Meditation initiative:

    If you can, come together physically to amplify the meditation exponentially.
    The cabal are doing everything in their power to prevent this!

    * Ascension Timeline Meditation, April 5th, 02:45am UTC.

  94. Yes — and don‘t fall for Cabal-Lite Companies like TESLA. Why they need Batteries in Cars? Because you can put a Meter on it! Meter = Money. Stone Age Tech. We have Free Energy. We don‘t need Meters. Electricity is everywhere, abundantly.

  95. Thank you, Cobra! That was so important for me to see right now. I’m still struggling with visualization but I won’t give up. For all those going through the hard times: meditation is literally your savior.
    The only disappointment for me was that I had to spend quite a lot of time trying to watch the video as I didn’t have a stable connection. Finally, I gave up and just converted it with youtube converter. Hope it may help someone too. And again, thank you a lot for sharing, that really changes my mind.

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.
