Saturday, August 1, 2020

Security breach deflected, EOSTRE coding sequence started


  1. COBRA what you can say about romania ? and the athlanitian quantum library and ROMANIA future spiritual centre of humanity ?

  2. Ēostre (Old English: Ēastre [æːɑstrə] or [eːɑstrə], Northumbrian dialect Ēastro,[1] Mercian dialect and West Saxon dialect (Old English) Ēostre [eːostrə];[2] Old High German: *Ôstara ) is a Germanic goddess who, by way of the Germanic month bearing her name (Northumbrian: Ēosturmōnaþ; West Saxon: Ēastermōnaþ; Old High German: Ôstarmânoth), is the namesake of the festival of Easter in some languages. Ēostre is attested solely by Bede in his 8th-century work The Reckoning of Time, where Bede states that during Ēosturmōnaþ (the equivalent of April), pagan Anglo-Saxons had held feasts in Ēostre's honour, but that this tradition had died out by his time, replaced by the Christian Paschal month, a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.

    1. Thank you! I appreciate this information.
      Love and blessings.

  3. Good :)
    Can surface population help with VTX / SD so that the requirements are met?
    Victory of the Light! :)

  4. I went into a bit more depth in studying human history and how it intertwines with the annunakis.
    In short, I just love Enki and very much appreciate what he does for humanity :)
    I do not think this galaxy quadrant has ever seen such a brilliant scientist with such big heart and so strong Life force...
    If my reasoning is any good, his beautiful mind should also be behind this 3D-5D merger. What a beautiful mega-project! :) So be it. Victory of the Light! :))

    1. @LighthouseSouth

      Pity his brother is such a bastard in comparison.

    2. Please share more what you know about our origin and what happened.. I know we were created by ETs not sure the timeline

    3. @Unknown

      Yes, I wanna know...ARE we just genetically raped primates? Can we get our genetics HEALED, since humans, looooong ago, lived far longer lives than we do now.

    4. @ unknown
      If you want to study, you can go to
      Or read any of Z. Sitchin's books
      Have fun and do your own thinking as well as ask your heart 😊❤

  5. I love it when the deflections happen this fast.
    that coding code is new.


    1. Brandon, it was no coincidence 144k mass meditation was going on in interim me thinks, hence faster clean up. The power of mass meditation, as Cobra keeps reminding us!

  6. Had my 1st lucid dream( fragment) in over 8 mnths this am....talking to a woman who was cuddling a young looking version of a friend of mine( he was very coy and was buried in her lap)..i said/asked as i became lucid.." Matt looks young here...what year is it as im lucid dreaming and its 2020 in my timeline".. blank stare from her,dream

    1. I discovered that as well. When you become cognizant of the dream then the focus of the dream turns to you (it's explained in the movie Inception). You have all the control from that moment, yet you expect an answer from this "blankness". My question is "Why am I not 'aware' that I was lucid in a dream until I wake up, when it's too late to do anything about it?" Lol.

  7. My EVENT Spidy senses are tingling...

  8. he claims you have had already now UFO you could see inside,... and healing as well...

    Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr and very special guest Q

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. 🙏💙✨Bình An, Voi ve hanh phuc! 🌏🌹Love Light Peace Joy and Abundance For All❤🌴🐬🌞

  11. 🙏🏻I hope everything goes well💪❤️

  12. I recall 'Return to Innocence' when I hear Eostre

  13. 💜💜💜🙏🙂Thank you Cobra, dear Cobra

  14. Eostre... Ostara...
    Le Renouveau après l’hiver froid 🌸🙏🏼
    C’est l’heure 💜

  15. "A Galáxia está no Cinturão de Órion."
    (Na coleira do gato.)
    Esta frase está no filme Homens de Preto.
    Para compreender o significado mais profundo e oculto dessa frase precisamos saber algo mais. O famoso conhecimento prévio me diz que no Cinturão de Órion foi cavado um buraco negro por 'arquitetos' aracnídeos, de onde eles comandavam a quarentena no nosso sistema solar. E quem sabe, pretendiam dominar toda a galáxia.
    O comando das sombras nesta Galáxia estava mesmo no Cinturão de Órion.
    A Operação STORM desencadeada pelo Arcanjo Miguel contra os arcontes e seus domínios não é apenas essa guerra que assistimos agora na superfície do planeta. A guerra está acabando aqui,. Mas começou nas Estrelas.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Desperate moves to be made. White Hats are in control. Urgent message. SH

  18. I wish you could heal me like Christ did.

  19. What about the cowardice of the citizens? Please take time to hear this Concentration Camp Whistleblower:

  20. US Concentration Camp Whistleblower:

  21. Whether the forces of light still maintain their snail speed. Why is it so slow. ?The light of the whole universe can't solve a small draco fleet?
    When can the forces of light surprise and not disappoint the surface humans?

    1. @holysprit gingse

      I ask the same thing.

    2. Because these Dracos are holding everybody hostage. So it is not about large or small fleet. The GF can not do any direct intervention here on Earth as long as the Dark ones have some power to hurt or annihilate many people here. I mean they can basiccaly finish the Dark ones off. But at a very high price for everybody on Earth right now.

    3. Steven Jeanty. The light forces delayed too many times. They seem so unsecure. They always seem to hesitate and wait and wait and still wait . I feel exactly this gave the dracos time to regroup and do this takeover. They prepared it since many years yet the light forces were surprised ! ( As was said in a recent interview ).

    4. @Steven Jeanty

      So...if they don't so something, we're fucked. If they do something, we're fucked.

      MAkes me feel a WHOLE LOT better, Steve.

      In wartime, one needs to take risks.....I am willing to accept those risks.....either the bad guys get destroyed, or myself...I'll be free of this miserable prison planet one way or another.....I'm willing to take the chance and risk....time the light forces toss the dice, for once, I say.

      Otherwise, the GF are going to be viewed as both soft and weak by the galaxy.

    5. I agree you!We don't need delay.
      It's enough!

    6. The author stated that the draco are hiding in quantum superposition. It's probably time-consuming to triangulate their positions in order to clear them out.

    7. Remember that we absolutely have to see what the dark forces are doing to understand who we are dealing with. The magnitude of evil on earth is extreme! Of course a lot of people will leave, but it's a pre-incarnation decision, even the way to leave was chosen. And above all, above all ... Trust, everything is fine, even if the reality seems to show the opposite. Things are going to get even worse by the end of the year, but rather than whimper, let's look with confidence and act.

    8. The answers to my comment about my pet hen says it all...
      1. The light forces find the dracos cuter than say a reptilian so they negotiate with the Draco
      2. Light forces say that if the Draco is shorter than them, then they will let it be a nuisance because a shorter Draco is no threat in their perception.

      Get it!!??!!
      We need to consider all of them as foes. That does not mean kill them but it definitely means that we should show no sympathy.
      All sympathy and attention and money and more goodies should be invoked for us who have suffered and keep suffering...

      The GF should be united in this fight. We should all identify the enemy and then visualise them as vanquished and removed. No exceptions.

      Remember the dark forces attack all members of the light equally. They don’t let us off if we seem Unappealing or ugly or whatever (opposite of cute)
      Let us be united and victorious for the light!!

    9. @ holysprit gingse and a lightworker

      LF are not here to surprise you.
      Is is not snail speed and certainly not insecurity.
      Stop thinling human.
      Pleadeans are much more focused and resilient.
      I would call that strayegy and tactics which necesarily need to be flexible if LF want are be sucessful. Victory of the Light :)

    10. I feel this whole mission cannot progress fast and smoothly as long as people give away their control by waiting for an outside force to come and rescue them. We should finally abandon the fear-based programming, step into our true selves and start living in a fully heart-centered way! I feel this is our most important contribution for the Event to happen sooner.. Stay positive and shine! <3

    11. It is up to us, the surface population, to join together in unity. Even though a lot of people are awakening, there is still alot of fear, impatience, negativity etc. We need to replace the fear with love, impatience with faith and negativity with positivity. WE CAN DO THIS!!! Unity will help speed up the process and in one second, the dark forces will have no other choice than to transmute into light or leave the planet.

    12. our freewill has already been violated by the dark ones. so don't tell me the light cannot intervene. I completely comprehend the magnitude of how deep this planet has been infiltrated by forces of the Draconian Empire.

    13. In those days, the love of many shall wax cold - keep your heart strong everyone. Love wins!

    14. Don't wait until November for things to change. November will matter when it's November. Right now it's August. Change can happen much faster than November if people focus more on clearing out what needs to be cleared. Focus on clearing the mental plane and draco fleet.

      Being upset with the light forces is not going to make them do more than they can. I've been upset in the past but it accomplished nothing.

    15. Time is linear and shifting and in flux.
      Patience is virtue, Keep holding the Light.

    16. @Aditya Regarding your comment about your pet hen in the other post, since I'm one of the people who replied. I can't speak for others but I didn't mean it like that at all. And I doubt the light forces find any of them negative aliens "cute", however I agree with your underlying message that we should be particularly suspicious of potential "wolves in sheep's clothing". It's obvious none of them can be trusted.
      I think you might have misinterpreted that reply I've made to your comment. All I did was voice my concern about people feeling encouraged and justified to cause unnecessary harm and suffering to innocent animals in nature just because they're reptiles or arthropods, due to all this demonization that in a few occasions has flat out implied that even such animals are "negative" - something I don't resonate with at all. I'm pretty sure some are doing this, and they're probably just lowering their vibrations and that of the environment around them. Actual negative entities like reptilians, dracos, etheric spiders or whatever, are a completely different thing. Just like no one's going to go around harming mammals or apes/monkeys in nature just because many humans are negative - same thing. Hope I made myself more clear now.

    17. Ma intreb unde am aterizat? Din cate constat citindu-va niciunul nu a intrat sa se documenteze vizionand regresiile hipnotice in care intelegem ca avem contracte cu dracos si repti si insectoizi si tot felul si de aceea nu plecam, ca am dat permisiuni, accepte, avem contracte la zeitati, pluto, zeus, artemis, lucifer, yahve ce cresc cu energia umanilor...Apoi nu tinem cont ca suntem o ferma umana care este creata genetic de Supercivilizatia lui Dumnezeu ce apoi recolteaza structurile mele/tale la fiecare destrupare si asa cresc mnealor si devin imensi in Spatiul Cosmic.....Astia vin sa ne faca si creasca si ne fructifica. Suntem pomi roditori, nu ne lasa sa plecam...rodim in fiecvare viata cu trup fizic si hranimi si parazitii ce ni-s kontroleri si ne baga la munci si altele dp fiecare destrupare,ne mint din holograme cu tati carunti si ei defapt sunt repti/draco/maco,etc! Si, cuulmea e ca sustin ca noi i-am fi creat !Deci am tras noi un rateu creational cica!, dar astia s-au intors contra creatorului lor, Omul si deaceea cica se hranesc cu energia chinurilor noastre pe care evident ca le provoaca ei ca sa se hraneasca. Ce zice Cobra de asa ceva? Si de atatea structuri cu pretentii de zei, apoi creatii robotice ce au realizat Arhitectul, ce e ajustat mereu robotic, i se ajusteaza mentalul in functie de felul cum umanitatea si-a resetat modul de a gandi ca sa facva fata. Si, nu apare in info de la civilizatiile acestea benefice nimic despre Adam Kadmon, Primul Om, ce conduce jocul in sensul ca de la calculatoarele lui ne sunt trasate destinele fiecaruia dintre noi, in plus el decide cand pune capat unei civilizatii si provoaca cataclismele planetare si cand reincepe o alta cultura umana....Ce vaspun aici baietii cica ok, nu pare sa fie cf problematicii umanilor, nu intra in detalii, cred ca nu pot mai mult,nu stiu sa imi explic daca nu-s tot ei de ai lor, ca sa acopere si segmentul interesat de a scapa din Matrix in acest mod. Fermierul isi apara constiincios ferma/cultura biologica umana de alti poftitori....


  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. 请全速歼灭龙人舰队!

  25. Great it was deflected this fast


  26. Talkin' 'Bout A Revolution

    Time to not just talk about it.


  27. Visualize all draco fleet taken out, all exotic weapons, implants all removed. All interference by the dark ones stopped. We need a swift end to the dark ones time they ALL go back to the GCS and be repurposing!

    1. Yeah. Also visualize the draco fleet's quantum locations being found faster and faster.

  28. This is the LONG-awaited companion Video to the show we did with Mark Devlin on his Good Vibrations Podcast, Episode #161...

  29. Romania needs URGENTLY healing and divine intervention . too many beings there are easily accepting the matrix of fear and slavery . The lightworkers and all innocent beings there must be saved

  30. «M» are multichannel or areas of monitoring. «DL» - Downlink – sending data from Space to ground stations; transmitting information from a spacecraft or satellites to Earth. All that means that positive energy has not yet reached necessary vibrational level to 5D leap for total disintegration all remaining negative energy on Earth. «HP» - high-power, i.e. designed to operate at a high energy level; capable to withstand high energies. It means that LFs’ Sentinels control each movement of the negative entities. «VTX» is a vertex – a common point of curves of energy flows created by different vortex areas. «SD» - Systems Displays – electron beam indicators for monitoring energy flows and energy fields.

  31. Não existe força da luz, existem facções alienígenas em guerra pelo controle do planeta e a facção vencedora implantará uma nova ordem mundial, e o gado humano apenas muda de dono.

  32. This is a video found by the Nationale Bond tegen Overheidszaken for fighting the so called health measures ordered by the Dutch government in connection with corona. The video is made by Mikey Landings that summarizes very important work by Dr. Tom Cowan, David Crowe, Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Jon Rappoport. We're gonna fight the corona measurements by a lawsuit. The video takes 9.09 min.

    1. ... and gape gape forgot it again. The link of the website:

  33. Guys, remember the story Lord of the Rings? Even till the end, the Evil looked stronger and left us thinking Good wouldn't win cause Frodo wasn't strong enough to throw the ring to the fire. We were left thinking Good is too slow, not strong enough, strategies are not going to work. At the end Good won and began the New Era of Man. So we should not fall into despair thinking Good is weak and failing when actually the opposite is happening.

    1. @Sasanka

      We need to SEE the evil being destroyed, seeing their defeats....and none of this "BEHIND THE SCENES!" CRAP.

  34. To what extent is it up to us Earth humans to free ourselves from this? i know the meditations are a powerful force but I'm thinking of the souls who are not aware yet to stop complying. We need to do this.

  35. Not so fast, waiting for the first contact? That could be in the next century.

    1. @UN404

      There will be NO world to have 1st contact on if it takes another century....just a burnt out, nuclear cinder.

  36. Considering it was a full moon, last night I came under attack out of nowhere. I walked 5 miles on my treadmill and went to sleep and was continuously attacked with a dark entity or entities trying to take over me the entire night during my sleep. They continuously kept coming into my dream and tried to mess with me. I woke up early in the morning and I could feel their energy around me ... I decided to do the Pleiadian protocol “771” and I started shaking all over and then I felt warmth through my body and a peaceful feeling. Please everyone be careful right now because things are escalating! I’ve had to fight these things most of life starting at a young age. Love you all! We are strong!!! VOTL❤️❤️❤️

  37. We also host all the important meditations on our Meditations-On-The-Go online platform!
    Check out:
