Sunday, August 2, 2020

EOSTRE Lfiltration protocols modulation in progress, evaluate 200805.2112Z


  1. Sounds good!! Victory of the light!!




  3. Victory of the Light!! Time for the event

  4. Not going to quit visuallizing the EVENT happening ASAP each day. We need it.

    1. @Anami

      Got news for you....some of us NEED HELP.

    2. @Anami

      And WHAT 'karma' may that be? Sorry, but I go NOOOOO memories of past lives, so there. Also, I've YET to see the bad guys get THEIR 'karma', so I find the whole idea of karma highly questionable.

  5. Date: 5 august 2020
    Time: 21.12 Zulu
    Operation: evaluation will be done

  6. bigfish criminals are on the ropes news pick of the day…..hats off to the lightforces media warriors for primo works ongoing…..bravo…..

  7. off planet media: eye of the needle

  8. Any Other Way - We The Kings

  9. Eostre: Easter: Ishtar. Return of the Goddess!

  10. Faydee - Unbreakable ft. Miracle

    Victory of the Light :)

  11. I love to read these coded messages, even if I don't know what they mean.exactly. But,I sense high level of consciousness and divine mastery.😇🌌🌟🤩

  12. It is time that we stop looking up to people like Cobra & David Wilcock, and instead create our own reality. Count me in for mass meditations, but count me out for looking for a leader. Many of us have been leaders, are leaders, and are becoming leaders.

    1. Indeed


      Empower yourself.

      Free yourself

      Cobra has enough on his plate without taking on others' burdens; though he and RM are much appreciated.

      BE the Victory!


    2. Who ever said we see Cobra as our leader? Don't put words in our mouth and assume because you feel inferior or threatened by these people that we are not sovereign thinkers. We are all in this together. Get over yourself.

    3. I sense Cobra's message (and all the other councils here to help us) is for all of us to take the lead and create our own reality. We all are leaders!!! We are here at this specific time for a purpose and a reason.

    4. Leaders should be dynamic and chosen for each project. After each task/project there is no special leader, everyone has the same responsibilities. That is the kind of group dynamic I would like to work in.

  13. Godess energy rising in Portland? "Naked Athena" demonstration:

  14. "Every year on and around the 8th day of the 8th month of the year (August 8th), there is a cosmic alignment called “the Lions Gateway”. The Lions Gate is a time of increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms.

    The Lions Gate has ties to ancient Egypt and for Thousands of years has been observed and honored as a time of a great energetic influx and activation!

    This gateway is marked by an alignment between the Earth and the star Sirius. As the star Sirius rises in the sky, Orions Belt directly aligns with the Pyramid of Giza, and from our perspective on Earth, it appears that Sirius (the brightest star we can see) comes closer to the Earth.

    The star Sirius is twice the size of our Sun and 26x brighter! It is a serious source of spiritual light on the inner planes. Sirius represents abundance, harvest, and fertility.

    This alignment is called the Lions Gate, or Lions Gateway because it occurs when the sun is in the astrological sign of Leo (the Lion). As a Zodiac Sign, Leo is associated with the heart center and represents the individualized expression of the Divine.

    The Leo energy is the perfect stage to anchor the ascension codes and energies of higher consciousness broadcast through the star Sirius and through the Great Central Sun.

    When this alignment happens, there is an intense surge of light which awakens DNA, activates the human energy field, and transmits high vibrational frequencies and codes of awakening.

    Light codes of ascension, mastery, and evolution from Sirius pour towards Earth, sometimes called the Spiritual Sun, aligning yet another level of activation and opportunity for progression on the ascension path.

    The Lions Gateway energy is all about more fully awakening your Divine Light and embodying Divinity within a physical form."

    More here:

  15. Robert David Steele talks to Charlie Ward #UNRIG

  16. 祇園精舎の鐘の声 諸行無常の響きあり
    沙羅双樹の花の色 盛者必衰の理をあらわす



  17. EVENT right NOW!!

    Its ENOUGH right now!

    1. Did you get it? It started. They start with erasing all debts and mortgages before paying. That would be impossible. And its all worldwide of course. Down here nothing yet.

  18. What if Goddess is the savior and not the other way around??? It makes perfect sense why I have a 'crucified body'. 7 demons = 7 chakras? I don't know but one thing I can tell you is if there's a demon (in me) it has always been there. "Demonic attacks/Harassment". I suffer daily from my wounds, it is not easy, but it will be worth it. I know this may sound crazy to you, but I'm not makin this stuff up. I'm telling you the truth. I wish you could see me in person and know everything I've told you so far is nothing but the Truth. Goddess annoints the King so that he becomes the Christ "God". Hieros Gamos/Sacred Marriage.
    Mary Magdalene: The Woman Who Enlightened Christ❤️
    I get messages while I'm sleeping. I do feel WE ARE CLOSER THAN EVER for the Event.

    If you read this know that I love you❤️ Please hold on, our time is coming.🛸✨☄️👽


  19. We seem to have received an important message.
    The link below shows a pictogram that was handled near Stonehedge, July 16, 2020.

    In my opinion, it shows the sun in the center. The three orbits are the planets counting from the sun Mercury, Venus and the Earth marked on the pictogram.

    Another white circle behind Earth is, of course, Mars.

    In my opinion, this pictogram represents the Earth's polarity reversal process, it looks like it will happen when Mars is aligned with the Earth.

    This pictogram is quite uniform, it is difficult to interpret it differently.


  20. 🌺🌺🌺Thank you Cobra Love and Peace🌺🌺🌺 💖🙏🙂🌺🌺🌺

  21. Musically speaking, the Pleiadians probably hear music different than humans, with each tone being it's own expression. Sorry for saying that it was bland.

  22. There's something maybe I can talk about now regarding the draco. There's evidence suggesting that for years the draco have been targeting me and even trying to hybridize my DNA.

    Years ago, I knew a woman who was extremely powerful who I saw battling the draco on my behalf on other planes. They were trying to drag her into their ship but she fought them off and injured one of them. After I saw her do this in a semi-asleep vision, she confirmed this to me when I spoke to her. I lost all contact with her because a friend of hers was hit by a car and she thought I was somehow responsible. Those who were targeting me probably didn't want me to help her, as I was giving her money and running errands for her.

    I don't know the science behind all this of course, and what I'm saying sounds insane, but I know what I saw. Her power level was beyond anyone I've ever known (at least for the surface population). She was being actively hunted by other groups. Anyway, I thought maybe this would help clear the draco, as they may be hiding close to humans.

  23. Not sure what everyone has been going through but it has been hell on all levels starting this past weekend.........horrible.

  24. That's a good news
    "Former king Juan Carlos to leave Spain after years of scandal"

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I just had this awesome dream.

    On that dream, I was on metropolitan area the night's darkness was unusual it so very dark like there is no street lamps everywhere.

    All I can notice is the unusual position of the stars. I can see the Pleiades star cluster so clearly like I can hold it in my hands. In my dream it was surrounded by a gas giant similar to pillars of creation. Also I saw fireworks happening in pleiades. Those fireworks looks like the color of USA flag.

  26. L amour de Soi. Règle numéro 1 :)

  27. Are The Light Forces waiting for something, some kind of condition, or maybe for the energies to reach some kind of peak, or for the 'purge' to finish?

  28. Video: The Next Two Weeks…Fear or Freedom? by Lori Ladd.

  29. Article: The Day of Judgment is Near

  30. Families
    The archetype of the family is, I would say, a fifth-dimensional relationship as it is possible in soul families.

    The dark ones have been overemphasizing families (bloodlines) for thousands of years - why?

    Cobra: „All interlocking levels of connection within a soul family create a Clifford torus that breaks the Matrix. This is the reason why the dark forces have always wanted to destroy soul families.”

    Even before incarnation, Archons try to prevent members of a soul family from being born into one and the same family. In such families, no fifth-dimensional or even higher relationships are possible. That's why starseeds born into such families always have the feeling that they are missing something very important:

    „Tears in the sand...“
    “They always bring me back a bag full of sand... Let the sand fall from my hand like tears... wind-blown sand falls on sad eyes... The wind blows sand through all memories... The wind blows in the sand... and it cries...”

  31. I cant even forget the dream of being near on the stars. I'm still crying until now in joy. I can't explain that feeling of love. No such words can explain, I literally crying as type this words..

    The CreatorLove every being unconditionally...

  32. The love that I feel on my dream was so immense and no words can describe. I know it is just fractal but I feel it even in astral state. That even after I woke up on my dream. I am thinking of it the whole day, so magical and divine.

  33. Above & Beyond pres. OceanLab - Sirens Of The Sea

  34. I AM [all right]

    „The hardest mile I ever walked was the one I walked away from you“

    Out of dependence. Away from programming. Towards my I Am Presence.

  35. ISLANDS and AREAS of LIGHT – Infrastructure Development

    Subject: Electricity – Off-grid ELVDC 48V power distribution

  36. Distant memory
    of a star seed of a
    City of Light

    Pedogate 2020: Massive Update

    1. By the end of the article, I was almost crying. I wouldn’t care if I even got to hell, put these pedo animals in my hands, I would teach them what the agony and pain were.

    2. Ja I know what you mean. The problem is they dont feel empathy. Kind of robots. It's the hardest challenges to love. Thanks for sharing<3

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