Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Eostre's Gift Update


  1. Brown Eyed Girl (Live from.. It's Too Late to Stop Now...)



  2. This is a bit baffling.

    I think the goddess is looking at Italy, from above. The brightest lights, above her head, must be Milan.

    I don't understand the other images, though.

    I am hoping we get some relief from the crazyness pretty soon.

    Thank you Cobra.

    1. Where is her upper body directed? In which direction is she looking?

  3. Cobra❤️ 🛸✨👽
    I have Lepus the Hare on my arm as well🐇💜 When I try to take a picture of it, it is not really clear on the photo, so I will show you when I can get a clear photo of it. It is underneath Orion👄 And in 2010 a psychic woman told me she sees a rabbit next to me. Maybe you know what it means. I have many things to tell you, but I'm scared.

  4. Anyone good at riddles? Would love if Event was the outcome of this puzzle

    1. I'm not sure but for me mean that Divine/Sacred Feminine energy is wathing over the Grid reverting the negative into positive, and yes an full positive Grid would result in the event if i'm not wrong.Because negative beings can't survive in a full positive grid from my undertanding.

      But from the info i got at least for now only places with almost no human have full positive grid like florests and nature(Its actually big, think about the oceans).But the grid seens to be turning into positive faster and faster, so maybe this means will be even more fast?

    2. Interesting from Wikipedia :
      Mathematically, the Higgs field has imaginary mass and is therefore a tachyonic field.[152] While tachyons (particles that move faster than light) are a purely hypothetical concept, fields with imaginary mass have come to play an important role in modern physics.[153][154] Under no circumstances do any excitations ever propagate faster than light in such theories – the presence or absence of a tachyonic mass has no effect whatsoever on the maximum velocity of signals (there is no violation of causality).[155] Instead of faster-than-light particles, the imaginary mass creates an instability: Any configuration in which one or more field excitations are tachyonic must spontaneously decay, and the resulting configuration contains no physical tachyons. This process is known as tachyon condensation, and is now believed to be the explanation for how the Higgs mechanism itself arises in nature, and therefore the reason behind electroweak symmetry breaking.

    3. beautiful research! Thank you!

    4. I think it means we're moving towards a more stable time line (green). At least closer to green than red. : ) Thank you to all of you who are helping so much in these troublesome times. Meditating for all of you. VOTL

    5. Removal of the black stone will create the vacuum metastability event that will allow the penetration of bubble nucleation front across the Veil boundary towards the surface of the planet and will effectively trigger the Event. The Event is the moment of instating true quantum vacuum conditions inside the Veil and thus the removal of the part of the primary anomaly that is directly responsible for the existence of evil. The underlying force that was allowing the existence of the Cabal and suffering will cease to exist.

  5. Us thus related to quarantine status?

  6. Thanks cobra for the new intel, an explosion has happened in Beirut, Lebanon, any comments?

    1. Israel claiming they bombed fireworks factory that was making war explosives - missiles?.

  7. was that a toplet bomb in Beirut?

    1. That's a normal bomb, toplet bombs absorb and destroy matter. There would not be a part of the planet if was detonated

    2. M Pike are You creator of the song?

    3. M Pike I imagine it wasn't a toplet, nonetheless, what do you call a normal bomb?

  8. Related and suggested links

    Thanks for the update!
    Translated and extended to spanish
    Traducido y extendido al castellano

  9. Eostre. Ēostre (Ostara, Ēastre) is an obscure Germanic and Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and dawn, and is thought to be the namesake of the Christian holiday Easter. ... Her name is thought to mean “to shine”, therefore Ēostre is seen as a goddess of the dawn.Mar 2, 2013

    Source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://thecelticjourney.wordpress.com/2013/03/02/eostre/amp/&ved=2ahUKEwi2m9v6z4LrAhUSLX0KHbscDwUQFjANegQIDBAw&usg=AOvVaw2Of1eZMT-jMbEdfK39YsMv&ampcf=1

  10. Sounds good to me.. Victory of the Light!

  11. New Dawn. Archeia Aurora. Eostre. The Law of Grace.

  12. @Cobra i'm not sure if you read comments our not but if you read, is this related do goddes energy?

    Yesterday at night it come to my mind "amadai knight" as a call to me. Never heard the word amadai before reaearched and find amadai kannon that if i undertand correctly is a divinity and i have then reserched more and find some conection with Kuan Yin, goddes of mercy and a seens she is also ascended master.

    Anyone that read this are free to answer, even if only your personal opinion being called amadai knight have any meaning?

    1. Kannon is the Japanese name of Kuan Yin (Chinese name), the goddess of mercy and he has many forms and many Kuan Yin (representing difference aspect of him). Amadai Kannon is one of them (Kuan Yin is a group conscious, not just one).

    2. When I Googled EOSTRE found it is a pagan festival happens on Spring, and yes it is for a Goddess.


  13. Sweet Disposition

    Won't stop till it's over.
    Won't stop to surrender

    And neither will any of YOU wonderful people.

    Love, Light, Unity, Peace, Freedom for All


    1. I'm right behind you, or next to you, or whatever required.

  14. This comment belongs a few updates ago but, Cobra, you were very brave to field random questions from an internet chat room!

  15. Into inverted quasi-trapezoidal negative grid reverse to the harmonious Platonic sacred geometry ... That's what it's about .

  16. This seems like incredibly good news! Eostre is the Goddess of the Dawn and Cobra has been referring to the fact that we are right on the verge of the arrival of the Blue Dawn.

    In Cobra's own words "When the Blue comes...in the flash of the moment...all that is Done will be Undone."

    That chart is also referring to top quarks and the target is in the Metastability region. If this has to do with the primary anomaly and the False Vacuum, then it sounds like the very mechanism keeping the veil in place could be cleared soon.

    This is from a 2017 Cobra update:

    "Black stone is a big hadron made of top/antitop quarks that were created by the Chimera millions of years ago in huge particle accelerators (Dyson rings).

    Removal of the black stone will create the vacuum metastability event that will allow the penetration of bubble nucleation front across the Veil boundary towards the surface of the planet and will effectively trigger the Event.

    The Event is the moment of instating true quantum vacuum conditions inside the Veil and thus the removal of the part of the primary anomaly that is directly responsible for the existence of evil."


    We are approaching the peak of the 8-8 Lions Gate Energy. This is a very powerful ancient Goddess Portal which we can use to Accelerate the collapse of this old 3D timeline and our Quantum Leap to the new 5D Ascension Timeline! We can also use this portal to Anchor in a TON of Light and Goddess Energy onto the Earth Grid.

    I relay some fascinating things about the Lions Gate Portal in an article I wrote along with a celestial Guided Meditation I created for 8-8, after which we will do the Flower of Life Meditation in concert with the wonderful group at We Love Mass Meditation.

    Sirius is a powerful star system and a great repository of divine wisdom. It's been said that the positive beings communicating with people in the Tachyon Chamber are either Syrian or Pleiadian - I can personally testify to this as I was communicating with one such being a few months ago in a Tachyon chamber. They can greatly assist us with physical healing and spiritual development.

    Ideally it’s best ON AUGUST 8TH if you can be outdoors and connect with Sirius rising in the sky just before sunrise, then connect with the Violet Ray at the moment of sunrise which activates the pineal gland followed by the Guided Meditation at 8:08 am your local time.


    The Codes Streaming from Sirius from July 26 - August 12 enable us to Fully step into our Power, Reclaim Our Sovereignty, Manifest Abundance and Quantum Leap out of this crazy place!

    Who's Coming With Me???

    1. I am planning to do the 8-8 meditation.

    2. will do my best to spread the word!

      LOL 8:08 am local time?

      you drive a hard bargain! LOL

    3. thank you very much for this comment!! :-)

    4. Yes, with this operation they are trying to destroy the 'Backbone of the Matrix'.. This can be concluded..

    5. Thank you for these interesting thoughts

    6. Sounds like a plan!

      I've been experimenting with different kinds of flames, and I made a blog and a blog post about it.



    7. ME! I am!!! Thank you for sharing, see ya on the other side ;)

  17. Interesting re:Northern Italy in earth pic....maybe implant/otherwise toplet bombs are now being disabled there and in Central Europe( Black Nobility's)....in a recent intview between Corey Goode and Michael Salla CG mentioned some of these" people" in central europe were arrested under cover of Exercise Defender 2020....but they were forced to release them as the use of"exotic weapons"was threatened if they continued to hold and fly them out....in the meantime in SE Australia where i am things are just sweet mate......meh

  18. Into inverted quasi-trapezoidal negative grid reverse to the harmonious Platonic sacred geometry ... That's what it's about . "Order of the Trapezoid" "/thought.html" - (evolution of the order trapezoid insignia )

  19. Replies
    1. Nothing of the sort. We are entering a glorious time. Fear is the last thing you need right now.

    2. hes just caught in his psychological drama.

    3. Yes, it is so beautiful and awsome. The clouds have not been so beautiful since the times of Enoch ;) and they are lower and lower :)) I'm about to go: Here, here, me, me!! :)))

    4. @Zack Farell

      You got an odd idea of 'glorious'.

  20. The forces of light should recognize that the real gift for light workers is EVENT. I hope the EVENT will come as soon as possible.

  21. Getting closer. Energies are intense. Having some difficulty processing in some moments, density builds to release. Lessons and blessings, the usual. Quite intense. Outer world mirroring the internal. Chicken or egg?

    Thanks Cobra.

  22. We need to be more positive and of to transport that from meta stable to stable. I think we are quite close to what we are all dreaming of.

  23. Italy is about to put forward a National referendum for Italy to Italexit.

  24. This message is explained by the so - Ahead happens sverhdorogoy Pulse of energy which will give rise to quantum restart and the beginning of a New Bright Future ! Your prayers are being heard !

  25. The gov is threatening to vaccinate my kids beyond my reach at school. i´m panicking don´t know what to do.

    1. There are so many things you can do...
      Make them play barefoot and catch cold so that they stay home these days. They dont vaccinate 'sick' children.

      You can ask doctors to sign the paper that all the componemts have been tested and that they take responsibility for consequences (or similar)...

    2. How about saying go go gadget arms, see if they'll grow 🤗, on a serious note what about home schooling. Here my job requires me to go into public buildings such as libraries and they have mandatory masks (work has contracts so have to comply) but they could change that to vaccine but I won't take it so after a long time in this industry I'm screwed

    3. Take your kid off the school. School is a terrible idea to begin with...imho.

    4. There is a lawyer on youtube where she is organizing a campaign or group that will help individuals deal with this type of issue.. i cant rem her name... chekc her out i cant reclal her geoup name hm. I will look for it.. i stumble into her video just befo rd e independense day..

    5. Ok the geoup is called Citizen in Charge..
      I saw this video. .. i hope it may be if help

      Note i do not know what has happened since that video or what the video is all about.. however it may have what you are looking for

    6. Move to Sweden as quickly as possible. They seem to be the country in the world who has the least, or no hard marshal laws enforced. You definitely won't be forced to vaccinate your children or yourself there. I know because I have a brother living there. VOTL (In Swedish: Må ljuset segra.) ; )

    7. pull them out of school if necessary, they wont learn anythign useful there anyways and you can teach the basics at home. just make sure they still get enough in contact with other kids. wish you the best! <3

    8. Take out of school it's all bs anyway and wont matter soon

    9. Write to the school head teacher/ principal, and tell them under no circumstances is your child to be vaccinated.

    10. Enter this web address into your browser
      It tells you how to decline a vaccine with forms you can fill out.

    11. You don't know when of course. If I were in your situation I would tell the school that you don't agree and want to be warned as soon as they know a date.
      Tell your children you don't want them vaccinated and if possible tell you what they know if there's news. If they have mobiles you could ask them to phone you when it happens unexpected and tell school about it.
      It will depend on the school. The more you are able to trust them, the more chance you have of cooperation. Good luck.

    12. talk to your kids first tell them do not let any one vaccinate them to call you if they try and go from there the power is our time to be brave and face this evils one

    13. future thinking is the cause of fear...stay in the present

    14. I do not advise any direct confrontation because thwy interpret non-vaccination as negligence. Do not sign anything, make them sign (which they will not, but you have stale mate which is ok).
      Educate your children reasonably.
      Be clear, be brave, stay loving 🥰❤🙏

  26. I take it that this is good, yes?

  27. Maybe only a very small percentage of the surface population can feel the holiness of these times.🌟🌟🌟 I was able to get a fade glimpse of it in meditation yesterday and today. What is about to happen is beyond words..

    It´s both the most challenging and the most beautiful times for us now. We have to keep focused. What´s not always that easy, like you can see in my previous comments..🙃

    On the first picture it seems like the Godess is about to jump, but hesitating.. Come on, do it! We will catch you!👰 🧜‍♂️

    Victory of the Light!

    1. @Noris1986
      I feel more like a Pilgrim who's trapped in unholy land.

    2. @Sherman: I know what you mean. Hold on, it´ll be worth it!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. wow! 🌹💟🌹 wow!

    "We are also being assured that our commitment to these endeavours will soon begin to yield tangible results. Encouraging us even further, to keep this positive momentum going. Accelerating our expansion with devotion to the magical interplay of alchemy through conscious action and focused intent...."


  30. Has anyone felt the planetary grid is much more positive now ??

    As if it were lighter, filled with light.

    1. Absolutely confirmed!😄👍🌈☀️

    2. Si la conexión en las meditaciones es más fácil, el anclar energías de luz también. Hay islas de conexión donde siempre se puede encontrar cobijo.

    3. Yes! But there is a split, we are in the positive split.It's quite intense.

    4. Yes, I felt a huge shift on July 26th!

    5. All I see is stupid people walking around with masks on.

    6. welcome light! Friends, this is a call from Russia. I am an ordinary person, in my search for what is happening, contact information was found, similar to science fiction. Colas of the Absolute, the Creator of material existence in the three-dimensional world known to us, functionally transforms a certain mind of the Architect, his experiment is destruction and technogenesis. In addition, man died millions of years ago, creating an artificial intelligence that will re-enact us again, trying to solve the problem of Man. Does anyone know this?

    7. spatially becomes more flexible from now on. The teacher system swaddles more awakened souls. We are all loved and create a space of prosperity!

    8. Hello everyone,

      Yes so I was not the only one. I have it directly the day of this message and the days follow. But the day after the explosion of beirute the planetary grid became less positive but I feel that the grid is very strong and even after this event it returns to the same levels as before the explosion even to see stronger I hope in the next few days. "It's a pretty weird coincidence that right after this improvement in the grid there was a major negative event. Looks like we're getting closer and closer. They don't like high vibrations."

      I would like to let you know that on August 5th I felt like a feeling of the New Renaissance, I personally felt some very strong things never felt before. I felt the vibration and the feeling of how the rebirth will be after the event all this mixing with a feminine energy surely from the goddess, it was incredible. It was at this moment that I had the confirmation that the event is very real and that it will happen when the forces of light have finally finished cleaning the draco fleet and the reptilians.

      @ R.T
      I had a good laugh on your perception 😂 I admit myself that the masks although this is not the end of the world is kindly starting to peace me off 😁🤣.

      Take care of you starseeds. 🙏🏽💪🏽

      (I try my best for the translation sorry if is not perfect.)

    9. @R.T.
      I call 'em stupid MONKEYS with masks on.

  31. In onother side She is working with you.the Divine feminine is your over soul Cobra. Good work. How Divine is to have someone in onoher side who left from the Earth plane with the intention to support you in this beautiful work...you are so blessed

  32. unknownJuly 30, 2020 at 10:55 AM
    Cobra, do you give "no dates" for the Event, or for the Age of Aquarius start on 21.12.2020?
    Is it, or not, possible to have the Age of Aquarius start on 21.12,2020, while the Event on a later Date?

    Cobra, you give 'no dates', but you claim however that the Age of Aquarius start at a certain date, on 21.12.2020:
    "After the Age of Aquarius activation, there will be many astrological configurations throughout the year that will lead our society through transformation that will officially begin the Age of Aquarius at the moment of Jupiter-Saturn conjunction at 0 degrees Aquarius on the day of winter solstice on December 21st, 2020:"

    We need your point of view in a bit more details, to put things better together. Please!

  33. So this is about the healing of the human/ity Kundalini.

  34. Article with from Jeffery Pritchett: Ghislaine Maxwell Black Pope Bombshell! The Mossad Via Esoteric Atlanta

    with video from

    Esoteric Atlanta
    2,47K abonnees
    HOLY SH!T. When I decided to do a story on Ghislaine Maxwell, I did NOT except the research to take me down the path that it did. If you had told me a month ago that researching Ghislaine Maxwell would bring me to the Black Pope, Soul Scalping, and the execution of President George H.W. Bush, I would have laughed at you. However, I do urge you to take all this information with a grain of salt. As always, please do your own research. Never take my word for it. Even though research is done on every topic covered, this channel is strictly for entrainment purposes.

    If you want to tip the channel, you can at Venom: @Brice-Watson-3

    Don’t forget to subscribe and tell your friends!

    “Throughout Christendom, Protestantism was menaced by formidable foes. The first triumphs of the Reformation past, Rome summoned new forces, hoping to accomplish its destruction. At this time the order of the Jesuits was created, the most cruel, unscrupulous, and powerful of all the champions of popery. Cut off from earthly ties and human interests, dead to the claims of natural affection, reason and conscience wholly silenced, they knew no rule, no tie, but that of their order, and no duty but to extend its power. The gospel of Christ had enabled its adherents to meet danger and endure suffering, undismayed by cold, hunger, toil, and poverty, to uphold the banner of truth in face of the rack, the dungeon, and the stake. To combat these forces, Jesuitism inspired its followers with a fanaticism that enabled them to endure like dangers, and to oppose to the power of truth all the weapons of deception. There was no crime too great for them to commit, no deception too base for them to practice, no disguise too difficult for them to assume. Vowed to perpetual poverty and humility, it was their studied aim to secure wealth and power, to be devoted to the overthrow of Protestantism, and the re-establishment of the papal supremacy. – {GC 234.2}



    I really enjoyed watching it but had to delay till 70%:)

  35. Was the gift a giant explosion?
    We would like to return this... "gift".

    1. Very funny gunz. Cn I return your joke?
      Its a war you know...

  36. lets be real. dark forces are taking as many humans as they can with them and the light forces dont seem to react aggressively. people have financial fear on top of covid. so many are paralyzed with fear and others die helplessly with some self rebellion. if we are all one,and they are allowing a natural course without inteference, are the light forces not hurting themselves as well? and if they are, then maybe this positive timeline is serving its purpose.

    1. BINGO!

      Time to for the light forces, especially up in space to go "RED ALERT, ALL HANDS TO BATTLE STATIONS, IT'S TIME TO KICK SOME BAD GUY ASS!"

  37. The Prime creator love us so much, I have felt it in my astral body. In my dream were it shows me the Cosmos.

    When I woke up, I've questioned my self if I deserved such Love. Ofcourse every sentient being in the universe deserves that Divine Love.

  38. I just did a video about the convergence of Avalon and the Angelic realm. Feeling the connection of the two strongly. Never was an angel girl but feeling the true angelic energy without the organized religion strings. Earth and Ether becoming one..

  39. Thank you Cobra.. 💕🕊️🇰🇿Victory of the Light

  40. I just live in the centre of northern part of Italy, as shown in the picture. Life is very hard throughout the world indeed but in Italy the situation is particularly hard now. I hope that Eostre will pay attention especially to my country and has the will to help Italy cause, based on my sentiment, it's the epicenter of all the evil things in this world.

  41. quoting from

    "During the Galactic wars in the last few millions of years, the Draco have gathered many exotic technologies on planets they have conquered, and turned them into superweapons:


    One aspect of operation Mjolnir is capture, research and then destruction of those superweapons:


    Among those superweapons is a special scalar grid inversion technology on Draco ships which suppresses human kundalini and inverts planetary energy field from harmonic Platonic sacred geometry grid:"

    I'm getting the feeling that Cobra has left us SO MANY clues. It's totally "future proves past" from my perspective. Not sure WE have to get into the weeds about the science. It's progress that's for sure.

    And here in this report from Cobra

    "Aside from the clearing of the Draco fleet, the Light Forces are also clearing all grid inversion technologies that the dark forces have in their possession. Those technologies distort the energy grid around the planet and are the basis of the Matrix construct."


    I can't repeat or EMPHASIZE that enough. Do you SEE? The chains of manifestation are coming off. We've got to be EVEN MORE MINDFUL of our positive and negative thoughts and emotions.

    NOW is the time:

    We need to do as the Dragon Sources told us in this one
    "Dragon sources have communicated that at our Age of Aquarius activation, a positive timeline shift has occurred and are asking everybody to “focus only on writing your favorite, chosen life script. The more detailed visualization of the desired optimum life script one would wish for, the more confirming to the new timeline this be.”"

    Why WRITING?
    To my mind -- WRITING has a way of helping to ground our desires. It pulls it out of our mental energy into the realm of the materializing. We are ALWAYS in the NOW moment. Actually let me correct that we walk through a series of NOW moments. A series of choices. OUR PAST choices bring us to where we are in THIS NOW moment.

    WRITE out your happy end results.

    My Happy End Results

    1) Financially bringing in 3 times more than I spend
    2) Having fun guiding people to THEIR happy end results via whatever ultimate shape my business takes form
    3) Witnessing and Inviting "physical materialization of Ascended beings on the surface of the planet."

    #3 for me, means we've got an army of Miracle Working Experts here able to help us with miracles and help us to materialize the Miracles that are hovering just a small phase shift away from what we call "reality".

    This is us learning how to express our God and Goddess powers that we have inherently WITHIN each of us. Our will will only be activated if we are in alignment with God/The Universe/Source. There's no need to fear "getting out of control"

    So long as we align ourselves with
    LIGHT to be powerful and SEE the TRUTH
    TRUTH to be BOLD and completely visible
    COURAGE to take Divinely GUIDED ACTION based on the data from LIGHT and TRUTH.

    I've already gone to

    to work on the "crack the matrix implants" if you feel guided, please do this also.

    The more of us doing this, the faster, smoother, easier this will be for all of us.

    We've GOT THIS!

  42. Cobra!
    Please tell me that Eostre is ok.
    I had a very sad worry that she caused herself harm in delivering this gift?
    Please tell me there were no Queen sacrifices to gain position on the board.

  43. I reverse image searched the 2nd picture and it's from this science article:

    Cosmological Aspects of Higgs Vacuum Metastability
    5.2. Late Universe

    I'm currently reading through it, but it's very hard to understand. Maybe someone who knows more about cosmology and physics can get something from it and explain to us what it means for the Event and Earth's situation. I'll continue reading and if I'm able to comprehend it better I'll post another comment here.

  44. Article head for fun:
    Man Driving On Road, Arrested For Driving On Road, Meanwhile Shooter Has $2000 Reward Colorado A Bad Actor State


  45. I am in a location where 5G testing is going on. I did not know this when I came here a few weeks ago.
    All I experienced was tiredness and a slight left sided headache since I came here.
    I was guided to have glucose whenever the tiredness and headache became overwhelming.
    Now I don’t know if it’s good and healthy or not but having the glucose makes me feel normal again, not euphoric but just as I was before.
    Does anyone else have a similar experience? I would really like to know!

  46. does 200805.2112Z point to the future?
    (the 200805 self-explanatory. .2112Z=higgs mass, Mh125.18/GeV-trapezoid )

  47. ... @Cobra (haha) I support you too with your beautiful work Cobra:) thanks for all you're doing and get done:)

  48. I live just i the centre of northern part of Italy, as shown in the picure. Life is hard throughout the entire planet but the situation in my country is particularly negative. I hope that Eostre will take in full consideration the dramatic condition of Italy and will help Italy as much as she can. I deem that Italy is the root of all evilness in this world. To free Italy would be the decisive step in order to free the entire world later

  49. que les festivités commence , quelle chance de vivre ce moment si précieux

  50. Beautiful, it is always nice to see family members return after such a long time. 💟

    🌟 Victory of the Light! 🌟

    In humble service to the one infinite creator,

  51. @LM
    To answer your question from your post about Ellen DeGeneres...

    LMJuly 29, 2020 at 4:20 PM

    Can you post a link? I can not find this information online.

    Here is the link you asked for on her arrest ...


  52. I think the Goddess energy is important. I love women more than ever right now.


  53. Inseperable Universe



  54. Rain Man - Bring Back The Summer



  55. And after all the violence and doubletalk
    It's just a song about the trouble and the strife
    We do the walk
    We do the Walk Of Life


    Oh Happy Day


    Love, Life and Light


  56. Just interesting:

    In some Shivait Indian traditions a great being, Taraka Brahma, comes every 3500 years of Kaliyuga to help humanity (which coincides with the arrival of Nibiru with our anunnaki ancestors, especially Enki).
    Sada Shiva arrived 7000 years ago, Krishna arrived 3500 years ago.

    It is interesting to see that:
    - Shiva is blue and has a trident (just like Neptune). He also has a Moon and a snake around his hair. Hallo Enki! :))
    - Krishna's abode Dwaraka means "gateway"
    - They all used vimanas, i.e. flying saucers, for example in Kurukshetra fights, in the epic of Mahabharata...
    - Two divine clans were clashing for supremacy (just like Enkites and Enlilites)...

    Omg, there are anunnaki everywhare... (I am hesitant to open my fridge)... Enki is Poseidon and Neptune and Shiva and Viracocha and probably Odin... so many "Gods" on different continents, it is amazing...
    And now it seems our prescious Taraka Brahma, our beloved Viracocha who comes to help humanity in times of darkness is here again! Welcome Enki, the mighty one, it is so great to have you with us! Let's make this Age of Aquarius real for all beings on Earth!

    With a happy heart, tonight I raise my glass to the Final Victory of the Light!

    Yes, let the beautiful Goddess with gifts jump IN us, we're not going anywhere ;) :)

  57. @ Gautami. Cobra is blessed, we are blessed, Earth and all living is blessed, the whole of the Galaxy is blessed, and thus God is blessed too. Love is the only thing that matters.

  58. This picture reminds me of a dream I had a few years ago. In my dream I had jumped from space (can't remember if it was another planet) and was gliding to earth and landed smack in the middle of downtown Toronto, Canada.


  59. Are you ready?


    Let it Rain.


  60. Beautiful! Thank you Cobra! VOTL ❤️❤️❤️

  61. @AstralTraverler thanks for this connecting the dots summery! nice!

  62. Charlie Ward VIDEO 8-5-20… “Gold Backed QFS, NESARA & GESARA with Santa Surfing and Chris Pomfret – Part 1”


  63. Harmony of the Spheres

  64. What about Beirut explosion? What was that?

  65. What about this , Light city over Italy and more

  66. We can help to rebuild Beirut https://www.gofundme.com/f/hope-for-lebanon

  67. https://www.gofundme.com/f/hope-for-lebanon Please donate for Beirut.

  68. just let me out of this planet

  69. This Video is a Must-See update to what has been going on in front of and behind the cameras, relating to President Donald Trump, The Q Plan, and the completion


  70. A riddle I cant solve but I can assume a Goddess is coming


    You Can’t Stop the Girl (Goddess) // Bebe


    Oh, they're trynna shoot down angels
    They're trynna pull their wings off
    So they can't fly
    And oh, but she's so brave though
    Just like a tornado (((Goddess Vortex)))
    She's taking us by storm

    You can't stop the girl from going
    You can't stop the world from knowing
    The truth will set you free, oh
    You can't stop the girl from going
    You can't stop the world from knowing
    The truth will set you free, oh
    You can't stop the girl

    They're trynna take our voices
    They're trynna make our choices
    So we scream loud, loud, loud
    And oh, I know you feel the lightning
    And it's so exciting, so here we go

    You can't stop the girl from going
    You can't stop the world from knowing
    The truth will set you free, oh
    You can't stop the girl from going
    You can't stop the world from knowing
    The truth will set you free, oh
    You can't stop the girl

    You can't stop the girl
    You can't stop the girl
    No you can't stop the girl

    Oh, I know you feel the lightning
    And it's so exciting, so here we come


    March 3, 2013

    “Goddess Vortex is the ultimate technology of the Light forces which will finally dissolve the Matrix on the astral and etheric planes around our planet.”

    “You can activate the Goddess Vortex anytime you feel guided to do so and this will strengthen the planetary network of Light and accelerate the purification process of the non-physical planes that will ultimately lead to the Event.”

  72. An infra red video brings down the official version of the explosion in Lebanon!


  73. the Goddess has been erased but see how She is found all over with the same names:
    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astraea ( related to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virgo_(astrology))

    She was raped by a priest of Baal in the cnaanite traditions - as was the Feminine Divine was held captive by Bael and his counterpart "angel" Yehovah (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bael_(demon)) in the false dichotomy of the Matrix (the belief without return). But they are (and the void they are made of) is going away now.
    These are only my hypotheses that I hope will inspire other people to open their eyes together with me and to find the possibility to pray and worship her - how do we do that? Each one on his own this time, no priests I hope.

  74. What an interesting area for having power outages... Looks like Long Island is at the center lol!


  75. Yeah the Light Forces are close to a break through...Yet the largest bomb ever dropped in the Middle East happens and we are supposed to believe that the Good Guys are about to take charge...? Man This Blog is Beautiful, but the Intel is very questionable.....

    1. Taurus, there were quite a few 'explosions' in the Middle East not just the one in Beirut. Cobra warned that the next few months will be chaotic. Remember this is a hostage situation and the LFs are bringing it down as safely as possible.

  76. The GCR (global currency reset) is ON it says. ON. Not boom worldwide but gradual over the world. Santa surfing, Let's dance:) Thanks to God.


  77. But then there is this???:
    Trump, Apollo, Rockets & Rituals - A Lie Too Big To Fail! They Had A King Over Them! Great Videos Shaking My Head.


  78. Big uptade coming i guess 🤷🏽‍♂️

  79. "Israel destroys East Beirut with a new weapon"


  80. Another 'directed energy device' about which peoples have to know and to be aware:


  81. Trying,Conscious work👍

  82. Could anyone tell me where I can buy Pleiadian products with the certainty that they are authentic? There's a lot of sites selling these technologies and I don't know if they are trustworthy.

    1. @Walter Amantea

      I say, as tough as we got it here, those items outta be issued to all of us for FREE. We need all the help we can get.

  83. Quantum Financial Systems Tests = Fiat Crash! Oval Office Gold!


  84. "Those that love this world will lose it. Those that hate it, will have it forever."

    1. I'm afraid that hate never is the solution. There is only love possible.

    2. So good, thanks! I interpret the losing of "this world" as gaining access to another world. As in the quote "my kingdom is not of this world".

  85. Nisan Sharu: I thought for sure it was going to be last spring, and then again this spring. I am more prepared as the years go by; that is all I can do. I look forwards to being the leader I am becoming. I have nothing left for me in this life. It's funny how people don't like me calling myself crazy, while at the same time they think I am absurd. The world will be turned upside down as peacefully as possible. Keep the mass meditations coming Cobra.

  86. Maybe I'm blocked. My last date here is 8-5. Anyway go on informing:
    Santa Surfing VIDEO 8-7-20… “Charlie Ward and Chris P with SantaSurfing – Talking GESARA and our Purpose” [this is “Part 2”]


  87. Remember this from Cobra, February 2019?

    It reminds me of my college professors, saying "....I have office hours, but nobody ever comes to see me when I'm there, waiting to help you...."

    So: time to call in our Central Race friends!


    Upon the request of the Light Forces I am hereby releasing a meditation which you can use to connect and cooperate with the Cosmic Central race.

    1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

    2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool for the planetary liberation.

    3. Visualize beings from the Cosmic Central race emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being dispersed through Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize these beings entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through Alcyone Pleiadian stargate, then going through the Sirius stargate, then entering our Solar System and being positioned inside our Solar System in a flower of life mandala, and then connecting with all Light Forces above the surface, below the surface, and on the surface of the planet Earth.
    4. Visualize beings from the Cosmic Central race transmuting all remaining darkness of this Universe until only Light remains. Visualize a new grand cosmic cycle beginning, bringing pure Light, Love and Happiness to all beings in the entire Universe.

    I think they'll be happy to hear from us!

  88. I'd love to hear how command 771 is doing with the human populations. Have many people used it already? Can the Pleiadians keep up with the demand? How effective is it? Have there been dark technologies that make it less effective? Are some of the human emotional problems too bad or too deep for the command to be effective against them?

    I can share my personal experience with is: I've used it about a month ago and the first feelings I had were of love for the little things. Love and appreciation that made me happy. I've used it multiple times and have even convinced some of my friends and family members to use it. There didn't seem to be an obvious change for most of them. I only saw a slight change in my grandmother's eyes, they seemed light and happy immediately after the 30 minute mark.

    As for me, I've been racing at full speed through my own traumas. I seem to have an increased ease at solving them. But I want to mention here that I have (completely removed/cured) individual traumas before and I use an array of self-help/ emotional-healing methods. I assume that if I also work on myself, it adds up to the emotional healing process and makes it faster.

    I've also had many hard traumas surface since I used the command. Some of them were quite hard to bare and work through but the end result was bliss. After every hard episode I'd have a feeling of relief, a weight lifted of my chest and intense relaxation and happiness.
    With every trauma removed, I'm reaching higher and higher states of self-love and happiness. This I can't deny!
    I'm sure that command 771 has played a big part in my progress but I would love to see a breakdown of the factors at work. How much has the command added to the healing process, how much is my own efforts, how much is the current state of the liberation process and the new energies & entities coming in contributing to it, how much is the daily flower of life meditation adding to it, etc.

    I also have some questions:
    -Is it "command seven-seven-one" or "command seven-hundred-and-seventy-one"?
    -Does the language and English pronunciation matter?
    -Does it work for people who are unaware of it's actual effects? Do we need to be aware of what it is and what it does to have the intended affect?
    -Is it enough to be called upon only once? Or are we actually meant to use it multiple times (like once per week or whenever a trauma gets triggered)?
    -Can it cure people suffering from antisocial personality disorders
    -How does it work? Do the Pleiadians give us 'something' and then that 'something' removes traumas over time?

    I'm highly interested and I would love to know so much more about his emotional healing protocol!

    1. Hi Aria from my experience, for what that is worth, I just think "command 771" three times. no full number counting in hundreds etc. I use it nightly when I remember and think it works repeatedly. I think in that regard the only limit is how many they can assist at the same time if it happens that many people ask at similar times. Use it whenever you feel you could benefit, as this is the case for other commands like command rcv stardust for the anti covid nano tech. I don't know anything more than that.

    2. I would say give it to God:) Let the healing do ist own work.

    3. I did pray "Command 771" 3 times, I don't see any result, how often you do it ? until you see something coming?

  89. Games industry
    According to Cobra, the entire games industry is in the hands of the cabal. If the dark ones want to keep something completely under control, all the alarm bells should go off at Star Seeds, because obviously there is a lot to lose with the masters of the Matrix.

    The higher purpose of games is, I would say, to support evolution. The higher purpose of evolution is to return to Source.

    Without the control of the cabal, games would probably promote the connection to the Higher Self and the I Am presence. This is what the dark Ones are trying to prevent.

    From the dark ones' bag of tricks
    ― People are tempted to put their focus on coincidence rather than the Higher Self.

    This gives the dark ones the opportunity to bring the Primary Anomaly into play instead of Source.


    Competition ― Which allows the dark Ones to use divide and conquer.

    1. @3k14Pi

      For myself, games help me vent (from the abuse I had as a kid and a teenager in school, I would have done a Columbine about 3 or 4 years before that one happened), also as a training.....I like Star Trek Online and other space games, helping me be set to go on an actual ET ship and do 'my part' and help in the actual FIGHTING, up in space...which I still volunteer my services as either a helm or a gunner. Think of the movie, "the last star fighter", where the video arcade machine that Alex Rogan was able to beat, was actually a training simulator, and got Centuri, Alex's future mentor, to come and get him.



      And my favorite clip

      You folks go on shouting "Victory of the light!", I shout, "Victory or death!"

    2. Hi Sherman, the video of your favorite clip is not available.
      SHOUT JUST VICTORY!!! Thanks.

  90. Princess Diana's Driver Finally Breaks His Silence | Good Morning Britain


  91. A video from David Icke about the pandemic. It includes real loud music from our friends of the other side:) Never the less, watch!!!

    David Icke: How They Pulled Off the ‘Pandemic’ – An Animated Film Explanation


  92. Cobra I think you know by now that the majority of people demand an answer about the tactical nuclear bomb/DEW detonated by the Cabal in Beirut.

    If they managed to do that being cornered how long you think they gone take to detonate something similar in Europe or US?

    Because it’s clear that the Cabal has still access to high tech that it can wreck havoc on this planet.

    They are rumors that the Draco satanist Benjamin Netanyahu did this in order to distract the attention from his upcoming trail and the protests in Israel against him.


  93. Dancing Queen



    1. Thanks Rajah. All beautiful people:


  94. https://thegalacticfederation.com/8-05?utm_content=11358728&utm_medium=Email&utm_name=Id&utm_source=Actionetics&utm_term=Email

  95. Flower of Life Meditation
    Especially during the Lionsgate :)

  96. Do you think it is good to connect to the Galactic Core and through her, connect to Source, in order to anchor Source energy on Earth in order to save Earth from the coming tsunami and Earth changes? Maybe instead of destroying the Earth with a pole shift and tsunami, we can all choose to live according to the principles of Jesus Christ the Lord which is to do unto others as you would do would have done to you. The Roman Empire (Catholic Church) may have done a lot of things that weren't so good over history. But that doesn't mean we need to throw it all away. We can be that change so people can learn to change their circumstances and learn that the only lesson to be learn is to do no harm.

  97. It seems that we are moving towards stability and the Quantum space has all been revealed with all the Cabal presence.

    Victory of the light!

  98. So from original Eostre's Gift link Lester shared plus zokan77's sharing of Cobra's info on the black stone we get some correlation imo that it's the Black stone anomaly that is going to be targeted with reversal energies. Quite exciting! As black stone is a key part of the environment holding up veil. Cobra thought plasma toplet bomb removal would trigger the event so I better not get over excited that this might too but it's another box to tick on the way there. Thank you ao much Cobra

  99. i don’t even want to live or exist on this planet even one second i hate all the morons on the surface and everything they created which is 99.99% of everything just one single job just pull me out the earth give me back my freedom and memories send me to the place i decide after i have my memories back or just on the ship or i just pick any place then stop forcing me to do anything in this junk pit to suffer in this hell let go of me all you defective life form coward useless life form that hiding on the since the beginning of any of want to perform this clown show this hero game then come down here yourself all you jesus wannabe

  100. ...tears...
    Article from Jeffery Pritchett: SGTreport: No Other President Would Dare Do This!


    Bless them, bless it, bless us.

  101. Cobra has said many times that Goddess energy is key to planetary balance for our liberation to occur.
    The following is from his post on April 28, 2019 titled The High Priestess:

    “The sixth high priestess was Isis Astara. She was killed in 2018.
    Now the surface of the planet is without a high priestess. This presents a certain problem as the energy grid of Light on the surface of this planet is destabilized. The Light forces are taking certain actions to counteract this problem and at this point, nothing more can be said about this.“

    So my question(s)... Does our planet now have a new High Priestess, represented by the first picture in the above riddle? Is she Eostre’s “gift”?...now here to assist the LFs in re-stabilizing the Light grid, and by restoring the balance necessary (as the other two pics indicate to me) for the Event to quickly happen? I also couldn’t help wondering if Isis Astara has returned to assist (starting in Italy), pre-Event...?
    This riddle has really set my brain to work!✨

    Victory of the Light!

  102. I started doing this older Trigger the Event meditation again, along with the Flower of Life one. Anyone else?

    Trigger the Event Meditation

  103. Article: Betelgeuse And The Cosmic War In Heaven. Great Video And Explanation As To Who Our Spiritual Enemies Are.


  104. Read in the opdis newsletter of today 9-8-2020). A relief for many:
    8. Over the weekend and by Mon 10 Aug. the banks will be notified about starting the debt relief programs. On Sat. 15 Aug. the banks will begin to forgive (zero-out) mortgage debt & credit card debt (this is not across the board yet, but it will begin after 15 Aug.)

  105. ... and this:
    TRUMP DID IT!!! Payroll Tax "Holiday" - UI Benefits extended - No evictions all til 12/31/2020


  106. Ja, I have to mention it now. I learned from my son when I had computerproblems to pull the plug for 10 seconds out of the socket and start the whole thing up again. I first thought of it with small things, but started to use it more and more. Now I also thought of Sherman who was kicked out for almost a whole week.

    Just before a Mail was refused to be sent. Yesterday it seemed that the whole system was fucked. Nothing worked anymore. So that I suppose are serious problems. But what was my surprise? It worked. The mail has now been sent and yesterday the system was fine again after it was reset. So boys and girls, shut it down, unplug it for 10 seconds and everything is ok again. Yeah!

  107. ... and even, after such a reset, Cobra popped up with the latest commens:)

  108. I found new proofs of slavery: marriage. Looking for tribal jewelry I found pictues of women decorated with some kind of beads against their nose or in the wholes of their noses. I could not figure that out. But it looked impresing:
    1) https://hu.pinterest.com/agiroman65/face/
    and 2: https://wovensouls.com/products/377-antique-wedding-beads-apatani-tribe-arunachal-pradesh-tribal-jewelry

    Of course we have the ring, but I always saw that more as a promise. I wonder what kind of messages are in the old juwelry.

  109. Thanks to Cobra for those high energetic messages and statements on this blog and thanks to all the conscious and beautiful commenters here who provide magnificent insights and interpretations as well!!

  110. Some kind of disclosure
    In recent years, it seems that real magic (making things out of etheric matter) and the use of portals in television entertainment shows is increasing, apparently preparing people for certain things. In an interview, Cobra once confirmed that the Light Forces are up to something with entertainment shows.

