Monday, October 16, 2023

Short Situation Update

The Light Forces are doing whatever possible to contain the conflict in the Middle East. They have communicated to Black nobility families that they will begin removing them from the surface of the planet if this conflict escalates much further. Quoting Fulford:


This is the real reason why Israel is hesitant to begin the ground offensive in Gaza.

The Resistance is getting much more directly involved in surface operations, top priority being the removal of scalar and directed energy weapons, among other things. Resistance agents are using Hamas tunnels in Gaza as a perfect cover to emerge on the surface:



The Light Forces are still asking as many people as possible to participate in our meditation for peace in Israel every 4 hours:

What is important at this time during this meditation is added focus to visualize humanitarian aid reaching people in Gaza and their situation being resolved in the best possible way. You can also visualize negotiations resulting in lasting peace in the area.

The following article, quite relevant for the times we are in and which I have posted in 2018, has been censored by Blogger and forcefully removed from my blog, and has been since reposted here:

Another article has many useful meditations you can use for your spiritual growth:

Many useful meditations can also be found from the transcript of my mini workshop in Germany:



You are still more than welcome to join our Ascension conference in Thailand in November, as we still have a few spaces available:

In your Ascension process, the following book from Solara can be very useful:

Many Goddess temples are finally being open:

We are getting closer to the completion of the Galactic prophecy:

Victory of the Light!



  1. They have told the black noble families that they will begin to remove them from the surface of the planet if this conflict continues to escalate.

    Why not now? They will continue to cause suffering and death again and again

    1. Like hey we will really really do it this time,, and Blackies just Laughed,, Black Nobility is same as Red John= they know where they go after this madness = Earth life. Red John is main Villian in Mentalist Show and he doesn't care he did bad things or he will do them because he will go directly home = into the Sun and become part of Source energy once again. So now Ben post truthful stuff? What about he said your friend Samsam something top Pleadian is traitor?

    2. In my personal opinion --

      The people on Earth who are in a position to do so (white hats / gray hats) indeed should just remove them. For some reason, they don't seem to have the guts to do so.

      The galactics either can't intervene, or want us to solve our own problems as much as possible.

    3. I believe it's because of compassion.

    4. I expect Cobra can answer why not now!

    5. In the name of the divine spirit I am
      We hereby request that the Divine Source accelerate the initiation of events to free the Earth as soon as possible
      The above declaration, as desired, must manifest in the Light

    6. :::::NEWBIES:::::
      if u dont see ur comment either 1. it has not been reviewed or 2. you have not loaded all the comments fully. To fix:
      1. wait however long it may take for moderator to review all comments. it may not happen in one bundle and it may not happen in one day
      2. scroll at end of comments if u see at bottom center the word "load more" hit it. Repeat previous step untill u see no longer "load more" at bottom

    7. I guess its the "escalate the crisis its immediate throw to the central sun. Or no escalation you are still in Earth but later face court and have chance for redemption if you change your ways"

    8. Here is another tip for the newbies that get an error about unable to sign in to comment. You just have to keep hitting the comment button until you get the comment box.

    9. thanks spirittoo.i'll add it to the list

    10. 因为他们想让尽可能多的人回心转意认出并按照宇宙真理的指引行事,除了那些彻底长歪了的个别坏种

    11. Exactly. The light forces are admitting they can take the black nobility off the surface any time they want. So why are they waiting? People on the surface have been suffering long enough.

  2. Actually your words help us a lot!


    Victory of the Light!

    1. Recent Light🌈

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    FRANCAIS Atelier sur les Protocoles d'Ascension avec Cobra le 10 septembre 2023 en Allemagne (Notes)


    "Until physical intervention occurs, Lightworkers and Light Warriors should HOLD THE LIGHT GRID as much as possible:

    a) The construction of the Cintamani grid:
    COBRA | 29th may 2017 : The Cintamani Network
    people who are involved in the surface cintamani grid, to refrain from having physical contact with their own cintamani stones at times when they are in conflict with other surface humans, or when they are in an extremely negative emotional state, to avoid contaminating the grid.

    b) The construction of the Tachyon chamber grid

    c) The construction of the Soul Family connection grid:
    COBRA | 2nd april 2018 : soul families

    d) The construction of sisterhood of the rose (with physical meetings)
    COBRA | 16th june 2018 : Planetary Activation of SOTR

    e) Prepare for physical contact with the Light Forces according to the internal guidelines:
    COBRA | 18th March 2018 : Contact
    COBRA | 9th May 2018 : Protocols of entry

    F) Refrain /Avoid From Interpersonal Conflicts By Choosing Non-réaction and Conscious Positive Action Over Reaction .

    Let's Continue to hold the Light together 🙂

    You can find some useful healing tips/meditations here :
    "Let’s Heal Together: Preparing Ourselves for Liberation and Ascension"
    We are so much stronger together💫

  6. Bonjour 🙂Notre équipe s’envole à présent vers de nouvelles aventures avec la création d’un nouveau facebook et Telegram avec sous-groupes encore plus beau, complet, et intuitif qui diffusera plus largement encore les informations, conseils et outils nécessaires à la transition exopolitique et spirituelle actuelle.
    Nous l’avons nommé « Libération Planétaire et Ascension » et espérons qu’il saura combler vos attentes et répondre à vos questions dans une large mesure. Il est constitué d’un canal principal auquel s’ajoutent de nombreux sous-groupes relatifs aux méditations, aux intels de COBRA, à l’ascension spirituelle, aux protocoles de guérison, etc.
    ✅ LIBÉRATION PLANÉTAIRE ET ASCENSION => canal général de nos émissions YouTube, salons vocaux, échanges, partage et questions.
    ✅ MÉDITATIONS => le canal principal pour les méditations de groupe.
    ✅ COBRA l’Intégral => toutes les intels de COBRA compilées dans un document PDF de plus de 2000 pages couvrant l’intégralité de ses mises à jour et interviews depuis 2012. Pour retrouver n’importe quelle information en un clic, rendez-vous à la FAQ de la page 14.
    ✅ ASCENSION Spirituelle => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif au processus d’ascension actuel, avec comme ouvrage de référence, « L’Escalier de Cristal » d’Eric Klein.
    ✅ SORORITÉ de la Rose - France => canal relatif aux sororités françaises, selon le fonctionnement et les directives données par COBRA.
    ✅ GALACTIQUE et COSMOS => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif à la Confédération Galactique, au Codex Galactique et plus largement aux lois universelles et cosmiques.
    ✅ Sessions IMPLANTS => canal principal de nos émissions de dissolution d’implants et de résiliation de contrats d’âme.
    ✅ GUÉRISON et Protections => canal d’informations et d’entraide relatif aux protocoles de commande pléiadiens, aux chambres à tachyon et autres outils favorisant le bien-être énergétique et spirituel.

    Retrouvez toutes nos émissions en intégralité sur notre chaine YouTube :
    Ainsi que les actualités de notre canal sur notre groupe Facebook :
    Pour nous rejoindre, C’EST PAR ICI :

    Liste officielle des groupes Facebook officiels du réseau "Prepare For Change" en Europe liés au réseau


    Groupe officiel Prepare For Change pour la France et les pays francophones

    “Prepare For Change #France#Francophonie" ”

    REPLAY LIVESTREAM FRANCAIS officiel du 1er Mai 2023 chaine youtube "Libération planétaire et Ascension" pour "l' Activation du Portail de Lumière"

    PDF FRANCAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumière du 1 Mai 2023
    PDF ANGLAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumièredu 1 Mai 2023 (ENGLISH PDF to explain the Portal of Light Activation on 1st May 2023)

  7. Victory of the Light !
    Thank you, my Brothers and Sisters !

  8. They will be removed anyway, it's time for them to go immediately. It's time for the Light to win!

    1. The primary anomaly blinds us. Therefore, we are not fit to give commands to the Light Forces.

  9. Thank You for update!
    The post in Czech:

    Hold the Light! Vicotry of the Light!

  10. Jésus disait : "I AM, Je Suis la Porte Ouverte que nul ne peut fermer !" Prenez cette Affirmation et dites : "I AM, Je Suis au-delà de cette porte ouverte maintenant, et je réside dans le Royaume du Feu Sacré de toutes les Qualités et Pouvoirs du Maître Ascensionné. Je répands ces Pouvoirs afin de libérer mon prochain, afin de libérer toute Vie. J'emploi les Pouvoirs et la Maîtrise de mon propre courant de Vie pour produire la Perfection Permanente que je désire."

  11. if you can remove the cabal from the surface of the planet now even with risk why not trigger the Event even if it's not as clean as you would like it to be? I knew this was coming years ago but all the good guys seem to be willfully ignorant that the cabal would attempt this. Innocent people especially children are literally being bombed to death by the hundreds of thousands OVERNIGHT! . I literally don't know how much more proof the light forces need that they need to act now rather than later.

    1. They need proof of what? You take them as fools because you are tired. We are all tired and fed up with this crap. But we dont know the whole picture.
      I'd rather get angry alone than come here speaking nonsense.

    2. I really don't know how many Red Line need to be cross in order to trigger the Event??

    3. @Spiritualneoplatonist

      The claim that "the light archetype is to save lives with as little loss as possible" is one that makes less and less sense with each delay.

      Every delay prolongs daily suffering for millions and brings countless daily deaths through poverty, illnesses, violence (not only wars but also everyday urban, gang, cartel, street crime violence, domestic abuse violence), natural disasters (often caused by the darks tampering with climate and geology), accidents caused by our outdated technology, aging (an unnatural process introduced by the darks), and famine all over the world.

      Especially now that the darks are supposed to be so weakened, chimera gone, positive timeline secured, it's making even less sense. So please spare us the talk.

    4. @arrowflashbr im glad at least one of you gets it 😡😡😡

    5. @arrowflashbr,
      I partly agree with you. But please be noted that it's our planet! NOT other ET's!
      The earth is the planet of human beings and should be handled and managed by humans.
      Positive ET come here and help is based on unconditional love and dealing with remaining darkness,
      Now Why could you shift all the responsibility to other ET civilizations? It seems a bit shabby to make yourself a victim.

      If it's other negative ET technology or strange and or toplet bombs,
      This is beyond the technological level of humans on earth,
      Not on the same level which can only be dealt by other positive forces.

      But now the Chimera is gone, and so is the Archon.
      Although there are still a lurker left, but basically only the cabal on the surface remain.
      Then it is best to rely on human beings' own efforts to deal with it.

    6. @R no faith in joe average and plain jane.

      Look how many humans who tried to change thing got 'suicided'.

    7. If the light workers worked as much as the light forces, the earth would have been liberated long ago.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. FRENCH Replay including Ascension Protocols Workshop with Cobra on September 10, 2023, in Germany

    REPLAY Émission explicative Cobra Atelier Protocoles d'Ascension +Méditations guidées en direct+ Situation planétaire +"RÔDEUR"&Anomalie subquantique+ nouveaux Outils spirituels+Réseaux scalaires et biopuces+Conference Thailande... +vos questions/ commentaires...

  14. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

  15. Here is Finnish translation of this article / Tässä on suomenkielinen käännös tästä artikkelista:

    Telegram group for Finnish translations of Portal / Telegramryhmä suomennetuille Portal artikkeleille:

  16. We do the meditation everyday! Victory of the Light! Thank you for this update dear Cobra!!!

  17. Hakann messes everything up.. He talks everything back together..

  18. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:
    Vabljeni na našo stran na Facebooku:
    Toplo vabljeni na Facebook stran Tahionske komore v Ljubljani:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  19. Nous faisons les méditations tous les Jours, Merci Cobra, merci les Forces de Lumière Sandrine Veilleuse des Energies de Gaia

  20. Thank you for your recently frequent updates.

  21. IN SPANISH, en español, en castellano:

  22. What if the conflict would not accelerate, but it will be continued in the same form again and again, without the end? Please, no more announcements and threats - JUST DO IT.

  23. Thanks so much COBRA.
    As a
    I do keep my hope that 2024 will be the year of the
    EVENT or at least it's principle star of the end.
    Victory of the Light!!!

  24. Ah, I was actually beginning to hope. I was wondering what they were doing as I watched the morning show (I don't watch the evening news). Now I know. This is great news. Thank you Cobra for keeping us in touch!


  25. Bloom.

    Stay strong.


  26. Thank you very much Cobra! Here is the Romanian translation post link and the Portalul Cobra Telegram channel link:

    It will be the Victory of the Light!

  27. Here is French translation of this article - Traduction de l'article en français

  28. From the solara book:
    "Or perhaps you experienced the sensation of becoming so vast that it stretched your mind past its limits of understanding."

    Yes, I've had this! But I was one with God. It is why I feel large whenever I look at the stars. I'm looking at a part of me... It's cool.

  29. "Light forces have communicated to Black nobility families that they will begin removing them from the surface of the planet if this conflict escalates much further"
    How about they remove them from the surface of the planet either way? Why continue to prolong it? Just get rid of them.

  30. @Libra I'm very happy that you created a blog, my sincere congratulations, I wish you and your website all the best every day... I thought something about you about this for a long time, I'm glad you made this decision, it would be good to be able to have comments on the articles too, of course my opinion, I would really like to be able to comment on beautiful and constructive things there, victory of the light my sister ❤️

  31. i remember months ago some of us signed the petition to give the green light to LF to end up this mess.. the suffering will reman if you dont ever dare to make your presence active on the surface .. now Gaza tomorrow some place else and at the moment the karmic suffering to every human being .. thats the truth, of course you know better than us the followers.. all the best out there..

  32. The dark Ones most hope for your warnings and threats, rather than clearing them now. Because if they don't escalate the conflict further, they just continue to do the evil deeds they have been doing, secretly infiltrating all countries and infiltrating the lives of the people, they can continue to be at large and enjoy their distorted desires, power, and wealth for a period of time. Relatively, most people continue to suffer. It is obvious that the Light Forces have the ability to remove them, and the Light Forces have the ability to act on the surface. So I suggest also telling us the reason why the Light Forces are not removing them now. If you're just worried about humans being scared, then I believe many people won't think this is a good reason from the bottom of their hearts. Because past information has shown that emergency plans for responding to the event and maintaining basic facilities are ready. Whether you trigger events now or in the future, the pain is there, and the latter accumulates more pain because people stay in the suffering for longer. For sub quantum anomalies, it is evident from the information that they have not prevented the forces of light from operating on the surface.

  33. I will keep on meditating :) I had a feeling this war wasn't going to pan out the way they intended it to. They are losing power more and more...I can see it and I can feel it. I'll keep sending healing, love and light to humanity and all conflicts around the world <3 VOTL :)

    1. yeah..yeah..yeah...Indeed DF are loosing power..first in ukraine now in gaza..

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Thank you COBRA for the latest intel and the further recommended reading and meditations to help with our Ascension process. God Bless all of you for making this finally come to fruition!

  36. Watched David Wilcock live stream yesterday on crops amagendon revelation etc, and Doctor Greer on Alien technology etc, somehow relevant to Cobra's but differs on solar shift. I wonder if there's any practical meaning and usage for the Thailand conference?

  37. The war shifted from Russia Ukraine to Israel Palestine, which perhaps leads to the final war on earth, and into the new Jerusalem?

  38. And,what about the Admiral Richard E Byrd discovery/ adventure in Antarctica?

  39. Our light working actually working so well although physical eyes cannot see right now...(we know physical dimension just tiny of multidimensional oneness.)

    Right now those Light working energy manifesting and reconnect multidimensional reality more and more ..
    Although not finish yet...but it forms like a ocean of light flowing with Unconditional loving that energy level AM strongly feeling it.
    Very great...
    We are the stars of ocean. the period of 2017/
    This is the most hard time of me in my life...
    But!! is most growing very faster time and become return to healthy I experience ..!!
    Light not means always "safety-comfort",

    Ture Light means if you have something not belongs to your True AM what AM.
    The Shadows need to purification. Need to face and reflection yourself also balancing the outside nature with wisdom and sagacity
    Until your inner world are nearly Pureness and no dust in is not easy. Not always comfortable . But you know...some clearing pain is good for you and you will experience return to be healthy...Your natural senses will gradually awaken.

    With the process More purification. You will Knowing more and Align with your true self more easily and you will stay in that AM what AM as a natural cosmoc state.
    And blessing Embrace all experience flowing through you.

    Now many people like "lighthouses" walking on Mama Earth/Terra/Gaia as a great Multi-Crystal energy fields ...
    doing much more than talking.

    We don't know eachother in physical level. But we always connecting eachother as many Anchoring of light.

    until the mission at this period are been done.
    Knowing soon those people will garthering together...they are the stars drops of light city. Of cosmoc lovers.


  40. We can visualize no ground offensive by knowing this information

  41. Last update cobra talk about some bible quotes so i did a little bit reaserch about not a christian but in revelataions it mentions year of gods jubilee and day of 1973 egypt and israrl went to war on the exact same date on oct 6.its called yom kippur war. so coincidence?after 50 years its the same according to the calculations this is the year of jubilee.may be something big will happen during oct 21st to year is the year of gods rest.which will be year of gods blessings and i think this november will be big because bible talks about new earth will be born.may be us dollar will start to crash gold and silver prices will go up.
    Because in the bible gold and silver called gods money.november is the harvest season bible talks about that harvest season you will get a harvest what you plant.that means if you did good you get the blessings and bible talks about great wealth tranfer to the people.cobra mentioned dreamland master plan testing lets see what will happe.VOTL.

  42. The quoting is from Benjamin Fulford. I sense it when I saw it without reading it in details.

  43. Thank you, and Victory of the Light.

  44. For those interested, we have a Discord server where you can chat, meditate and collaborate with like-minded people, associated with members of Sisterhood of the Rose (SotR), Prepare For Change (PFC), We Love Mass Meditation (WLMM), and this blog, 2012 Portal.

    Direct link:
    Or follow instructions here:

  45. If guys like Gates and Schwab are just stooges for the baddies, why are they of 'unholy 5'? I'm a bit confused, here. And WHEN do we see guys like Gates and Schwab finally get publically executed/assassinated?

    1. Parce qu ils ne meurt pas vraiment

    2. I used to think that label was for those direcly related to the chimera (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush..), a direct link with them for black programs, technology at the bases etc, bypassing black nobility.
      But Gates and Schwab obviously are not that, not even when the chimera existed

  46. Приветствую! „Творець Вездесущий, іже єси на Небесах! Да святиться Ім'я Твоє, да прийде Царство Твоє, да буде Воля Твоя як на Небі, так і на Землі. Хліб наш насущний дай нам на кожен день і прости нам долги наші як і ми прощаємо согрішившим проти нас, і не введи нас во іскушеніє, но ізбаві нас от лукавого, бо Твоє є і Царство і Сила і Слава во Віки Вічні. Во Ім'я Отця і Сина і Святого Духа. Амінь" Победа Света!

  47. Well, this is a request to the Light Forces... to provide some kind of a Strong Mental Deprogramming Protocol... I'm doing Violet Flame, blue ATVOR, 12 21, etc.. but I'm simply unable to give up memories that are no longer useful or which run rampant in my mind and are extremely annoying... With the biochips gone, it's now time to focus very strongly on Mental Deprogramming... Most of us have extremely dense concretized memories which almost don't allow our "I AM" Presence to expand.. Been meditating regularly.. but Mental deprogramming is something I have witnessed the slowest progress in... and expansion of Neural capacity... these two aspects if upgraded will greatly help in healing our Shadows....

    1. Mental Programming 2. Suppressed Shadow and Emotions... These two are very difficult to clean up.. If Light Forces can build a specific protocol for this, leading up to "visible" results... that would be ultra easy for all of us....

  48. I'm not a big drinker... though I have no issues with it. So I'm going to insist that COBRA has a cigar with me when this is all over. I will provide the hardware.

    1. Great idea and I'll raise my glass to you and Cobra and all who persevered and to those who came before us and paved the way and the RM and light forces! 🥂🍾

    2. I have a bottle of a very special wine waiting for the day of the event from some years ago. I hope we will be able to get a bit drunk on that day, before calling the mayor to explain and so on.. I´ll have to reread in prepareforchange the things to be done that day..

    3. I got somewhere a bottle of scotch, over 60 years old, waiting for contact.

    4. i should be able to grab my bottle of
      water :)

  49. My lord just remove them. If you have the chance, take them to the central sun and remove their existence from this universe. Why keep them in power. Make it make sense. Please.

  50. Indonesian translation:

  51. Mulțumim Cobra . Victoria Luminii .

  52. The long awaited surface operations, nice.

  53. Dear LF,
    it is way past WARNING TIME (situation is like a broken record... going over and over a horrible piece of music which makes you cringe)

    TIME NOW is for COMPLETE ELIMINATION of the black nobility, the jesuits (the nasty ones), the psychos and the sociopaths.

    No more games please.

    thanking you in advance

  54. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    The post in French / L'article en français :

    French transcript of the mini workshop in Germany / Transcription en français du mini atelier en Allemagne :

    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

  55. Felt a calling to move to Munich last year in October and have been doing loads of Energy Work here ever since. Tricky area, feels rather fragmented, energywise. But I also sense opportunities for first contact in the mountain area not far from the city and keep visualizing meetings, both with beings from space and from below the surface. Thanks for having done a workshop here, helps! :-)

  56. Amagendon and
    Victory of the Light!

  57. Resistance, thank you. I feel you rescuing the animals on and off the battlefield. I exposed the P family on a telegram channel and my dog became ill with a stomach ailment. They hit animals and our pets with DEW. My body was also attacked.

    While performing the meditation to dismantle these weapons of mass deception, I fill my heart with this verse:

    No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD

    Victory of the Light!

  58. If the last doorway was on 11:11 last year and the Thailand conference is 11.11 this one, at first sight it seems they have a good chance to get caught by the event there.. Cobra for sure knows when the event will not be (when it will be he may not), so this one probably is not the next doorway.. one possibility discarded.
    It surprised me to read "you can also visualize negotiations resulting in a lasting peace in the area", as if after all the conflict was a normal disagreement between neighbours and we had plenty of decades ahead for a good agreement to last. It looks like a slip into the official narrative paradigm. From some perspective it may make sense, but when you come across it at first it´s dicouraging and confusing. It must be the lurker (my impression)

  59. In the name of the divine spirit I am
    We hereby request that the Divine Source accelerate the initiation of events to free the Earth as soon as possible
    The above declaration, as desired, must manifest in the Light

    1. What is the source of this statement?
      Events are already accelerating.

  60. LFs is coward.WHY NOT CONTINUE attacking Black Nobility, waiting is shame

    1. Waiting and "not being allowed" are two different things.

  61. Thank you Libra for your contributions. It is sometimes difficult to be honest with your feelings and I am sorry that you suffered as a consequence. You have a bright, smart and sensitive persona, even though I can only guess by what you share on this blog. But since we don't have the full picture of external events our contributions made in the spirit of caring and sharing hopefully benefits us all. As Cobra frequently mentions, if we can just be kinder to each other, the world can be a better place. Peace to you warrior sister. 👍

  62. Replies
    1. The lurker supports waiting in a sneaky way.

  63. ...- .. -.-. - --- .-. -.-- / --- ..-. / .-.. .. --. .... -

  64. heard a "mayday mayday" call 3x @ "dream".. hopefully was from watching so many plane crashes series prev days.. and not connected to this..

  65. Then why dont they give us 1st physical contact and divine intervention?

    1. The answer can be found in this blog.

    2. physical contaxt is nit ubtil after the event. for the most part...

      reason why was not happening because of the existing control nechanism in place. i assume all jot removed yet.. as u are aware the team is tackling scalar devices currebtly

    3. They lift up people into their space pretty sure those places where light forces attacked and liberated people has highly concentrated anomaly and lots of scaler that didnt affect LF.they saved lot of people.thats why im confused.we dont have bio chips to send transmissions anymore if DF do some panic move to stop the contact cobra said they can take out their higher leaders.thats why im curious why its not possible.

    4. i know what you saying Hope. but it is not known to us in what way those removed are plugged to the matrix. were they average folks like us. or those that were underground?.. this liberation process has been going on for long time. or s? Remember some posts ago... cobra mentiioned about some LF
      afraid not sure if of quantum phenomenon thus kept them from acting...

      there is too many unknowns.. however your question is valid if indeed some of those LF were plughed to matrux like the rest of the population

      the fact the good guys cant scoop out nor the rest of LF or the bad guys that easily is telling things r not that simple

    5. at least nit simple just yet

  66. Now I'm getting really really curious regarding certain things....

    It seems that LFs can finally lift surface humanity up into their spaceships...."First step of this *surface* intervention process was the removal of all those Light force individuals.... About 80% of all star races members were taken out of the solar system" and now the removal of Black Nobility...
    The very least, Lightforces must be able to powerfully connect with Surface individuals and raise their vibrations tremendously....
    Like common... Biochips have been removed... Then WHY NOT POWERFULLY RAISE VIBRATIONS OF THE AWAKENED COMMUNITY BY TELEPATHICALLY CONNECTING TO THEM..? Aren't Biochips and the Chimera computer the only reason LFs weren't connecting to Lightworkers...? Now, it seems they're capable of even lifting up from the space... After all there are billions of cloaked lightships in the Solar System if I am not mistaking..??

    Now is the time to show serious upgrade with our Vibrations....
    Shows some actions of the Divine Intervention starting with individuals who are least likely to panic... I'm getting damn too excited for Surface intervention, magically raising vibrations like an antigravity waterfall....

  67. Cobra, A further insight on "Brutal Awakening" of the general surface population also need to be explained... Will the Event energetically overwhelming for most people, or will it be pleasant? Or does "Brutal Awakening" merely refer to extreme Cognitive Dissonance that will be brought about after Disclosure... The arrests of the cabal will obviously be a shock inducing unexpected reactions.....

    Why not target awakened surface Population, and boost their vibrations to such a level that it induces 100th monkey effect and the resonance will boost everybody else's vibrations.... I'm genuinely clueless why not? Seems like a wonderful idea to me.....

    1. I agree with you atleast they can connect with us can lead to higher vibration of light workers and light workers will work for light more willingly and strongly.may be it can repair the light grid.if they do that light workers can give a huge push to the final liberation.

  68. Cobra said the Black Nobles live in Italy. What is RM doing in the Gaza tunnels?

  69. The Chinese version of the book.😁

  70. 1. The LF and the black nobility have crossed the red line and violated the galactic codex many times. We were promised intervention if they do so. Yet another horrific massacre was allowed to take place and all they get is a finger-wagging to behave, or else they'll be removed. This makes zero sense. How many more innocent people have to die till they honor their promise what we successfully manifested with signing a petition for a divine intervention and with a GR++ mass meditation?

    2. What kind of "lasting peace" can we possibly meditate for in the area, when we at most have another year or two before the pole shift and tsunami? Won't most humans be transported off planet before the pole shift, which will actually cause chaos in all areas on the planet except in islands of light? Won't meditating for "lasting" peace prolong the path to the event again? All intel lately seemed to point towards the event being imminent but yet again, it seems like our goal here is a slow transition with peaceful conditions. I understand it's preferred for many reasons, but why aren't they telling us then how many years they envision this process to be, instead of making us think that the event could be months away or another year or two tops? This really makes it difficult for me to believe in anything anymore.

    In the meantime, terror threats grow, massacres take place, and the lightworkers are not getting any help whatsoever to stabilize their situation -even though we're the ones who deserve it the most since we've been on duty, many of us for decades, with little to no help other than vague promises and internal visions that we don't seem to be able to ground down. It sure seems like everyone and their dog is more important to the light forces on this planet than we who are the ground crew, their coworkers. As of late, it seems as though they are offering more protection and opportunities to the dark forces than the light workers have ever been afforded, myself very much included :(

    1. Ez a hozzászólásod elég negatívra sikeredett. Nem lesz időpont megadva sosem, mert az idő eléggé relatív, és gyorsul is. Ne hidd, hogy csak a fénymunkásoknak olyan nehéz. Vannak akiknek sokkal nehezebb az életük, csak nem tudsz róla. A fényerőknek minden lény fontos E földön, és nem csak az emberek, de az állatok is, sőt még a kövek is, stb. Tedd amit úgy érzel, hogy tenned kell, és várj, pihenj addig, míg megteheted, amit neked kell megtenned.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. I can confirm that the attacks in relation to lightwork have continued to decrease. However, the lurker still seems to be very active in slowing down the lightworkers by juggling the primary anomaly. And he prefers that they do not even realize it.

  74. My dream notification is to see the (c.o.b.r.a) blog, with the following message: "The Event has been activated, get ready!". Until then, God the Father and Mother give us strength! 💛💖💙

  75. For the last 3 years i start to belive in alien agenda, and imediatly i found this blog and its the only thing that i follow in this area. I read and study everything and watch all the comments. In that period of time my life start to be so much worse and worse. All my life is only dedicated to my children, and nothing else. I dont even have friends or talk to people. Now happened that my ex mannaged through lies make the.goverment take my children for more than 100 days now. I know that they are coming back soon but the trauma i think will never go away for them. I was always positive and strong for them but now that everything is close to end i dont know if i am goong to make it. I talk to one psicologe but also never truly talk to her about my inner feelings. One time here in this blog somebody told me to invoce command 771 and it helped. I dont know how i am going to make this through. I think that from today i know i am not going to make it and my time is counting for the end. I just needed to say this here because this blog is a piece of my house also, and i feel at home here. I think positive outcome can come for me by writting this comment.

    1. Ha valami megtörténik veled, az azért van, hogy enged el a butaságokat, a hiedelmeket, a hazugságokat, stb., és az erősít téged, ha megtetted. Semmihez ne ragaszkodj. Vannak dolgok amik maguktól megoldódnak, és neked nem is kell vele foglalkoznod. Hagyd, hogy áramoljon, aminek áramolnia kell.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. It's true, there's no information like this anywhere else. Also the tachyon products found on the right side of the page are legit. Only aliens could make such a thing, further proving it's the real deal. I'd recommend reading the articles from the beginning, they're all good. Hang in there, we're in the home stretch.

    4. hold on. you have come so far dont let go now.

  76. Hello! I was the one who asked about directed energy weapons last time. Thank you for taking my question seriously, surprise, my question is number four. Since I followed the Mission of Light in 2014, I was quickly targeted by the military. 2015-5----2023--10. Over 8 years, so many torture patterns. I have sent you an email but got no reply! Seeing that the resistance movement is about to clean up and dismantle the directed energy weapons, I feel the energy of joy, finally there is a glimmer of hope to escape torture! I am Chinese and have studied some Bagua ☯ divination. I predict that the dismantling of directed energy weapons will make great progress in the Chenlong year and month (2024--3---2024--4)! wish all the best!

  77. 可以的话,请提供更多宇宙中央种族和本银河系中央种族的信息

  78. Dear italian speaking fellows and Cobra! Here is the Italian translation of this post, I share the link of the blog post and of the Il Portale Cobra Telegram channel post too:
    Vittoria della Luce! 💖💖

  79. Hi Cobra
    Can you explain us about the real nature of Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Michael, cause according with the Galactic Prophecy they are "dark".
    thank you

    1. This question really need a serious answer.

    2. @Dennis

      I've read the "The Return of Light" book that Cobra provided a link to in his previous post, and it's very enlightening in this subject and many other things. I recommend everyone give it a read.

      Like all ascended masters and extradimensional light beings in this war, Gabriel and Michael have many different "aspects" and "identities". Their core identities themselves, their souls, are of the light, and most of their aspects are of pure light. But they might have some aspects that are still tainted by the dark to soome degree, and some channelers can end up being contacted by, or contacting, these compromised aspects and end up with the impression that they are dark. At least that's my understanding based on that book's material.

    3. Thanks for the comments, really if this question is part of the religious revolution that is going to take place in the world before the event, I think Cobra should answer it or at least make the necessary points.

    4. I had a sleepless night over this. I've decided that "The Return of Light", whilst a nice book, maybe shouldn't be trusted. Maybe an aspect of the book is true, but really all it is, is two women who are channelling. I know from channeling myself very often what you "get" via that route isn't wholly true. It's a nice book for sure. Maybe it is correct. But honestly I've let it go now, it's too fantastical. I think those women seemed a little crazy to trust so much channeled info? Anyway, I'm only going to stick with what Cobra tells us using FACT. I stopped reading at Ch 19, I flicked to the end (haha) and apparently that lady died in 2007. The book died with her as the other lady was unable to get a connection.

      Also, what Cobra showed us with AA Michael, I wouldn't necessarily say it's true. Maybe it is, but maybe it isn't. I'd like to hear more truth about it but I think some of these links are a little worrisome so I've decided not to worry, I will just take what Cobra says and leave the doubtful stuff. Who knows, honestly. Hopefully we will get a Q&A from Cobra soon; it's been a little confusing.

    5. Dennis, there are a lot of fake channelings out there pretending to be Ascended Masters/Archangels/Friendly ETs etc... Just listen to your heart/gut and not your thoughts. If you feel nauseous, tired, or cold they're probably not legit. If you feel very calm or even better a blast of real Love energy they are probably true. Trust yourself. Prayers for help bring out true beings more then channelings.

    6. These angels have nothing to do with darkness. But of course the dark ones have an interest in misrepresenting it.

    7. i do believe this topic needz a little clarification. For the sake of correcting a pattern or a program.

    8. @psychic

      As with any material, everybody should use their own discernment of course. And you are right on your issues with channelling.

      Still, one of the reasons I strongly resonated with this book, is that it strongly correlates with, and actually digs way deeper, in most things Cobra has been telling us over the years. Much intel on the specifics of the liberation of Earth and this sector of the Universe is probably outdated, of course, since the book was published in 2005 and stopped being updated in 2007 when the channeler lady died. It's a shame, since according to their Heru and Sananda channelings the Event seemed to be so close back then - would have been interesting to keep reading about what setbacks they kept coming through, to make us still here in 2023. Anyways one the things I liked about the book is that it doesn't sugarcoat anything - the channelings make very clear and explain why, yes, the DF have more "street smarts" than the LF and often are more clever and cunning, also in some densities the DF actually have better technology. As they keep delving in lower and lower dimensions and densities, it becomes more and more of an uphill battle for the LF.

      The Chapter 17 on connecting with Light Warriors is golden, and even clarified for me a few things on the workings of Command 1221 and Command 771 (the book doesn't mention these protocols specifically but any attentive reader can connect the dots)

      There's also much content all over the book about souls, ascencion, twin flames and the lifetimes process that correlates with other materials I've read over the years, but in a way more detailed and at the same time, easier to understand way.

      I wish the book delved deeper and with more detail and care on the subject of meditations. It's another reason I liked this book. I tried most of the suggested meditations. Most of them are very simple, but seem to be very powerful. Connecting with the Omniversal Energy, and the Atomic Correction Meditation in particular, is so powerful I'd say some should not go overboard with it since you might end up experiencing rebound and detox symptoms (I did).

      Anyways, if the book didn't click with you by chapter 19 I guess you wouldn't gain anything from reading further. A Q&A from Cobra about this book would be really interesting.

  80. This is not the real reason why Israel is hesitant to begin the ground offensive in Gaza. The real reason is because the worlds outcry and protesting against Palestinian civilians being murdered by Israel. The world is on Palestine's side. Israel's false flag operation has failed.

  81. Graphic warning with this prophetic message which came true about Justin Bieber sacrificing someone to be famous:

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. I don't think this calm will last very long. Israel just bombed a hospital in Gaza, hundreds of casualties. In response the Hezbolah intensified its attacks in the northern region of Israel.

    1. If thats true, then the LF's and RM hands will be forced.

  84. I was tricked by the forces of light into becoming vegan. I am now severely deficient in vitamin b12 and therefore now my nerves and brain are degenerating rapidly. I'm at risk of becoming blind and paraplegic and you don't do anything, damn the "light forces".

    1. FWIW, vegan of about 8 or so years here, I'm good and get labs done at regular intervals (for a chronic health issue) and they are normal. You might like this documentary (Game Changers). It goes over every argument against being vegan with studies and facts:

      And I know things are terrible right now but you're going to want to stick around for this finale, love. <3

    2. Get your shots vb12 asap. Dont listen to those fanatics

    3. Only foods of animal origin contain vitamin B12, in all channels, and messages from Cobra that I read, the "beings of light" never mentioned this, on the contrary, they always said that meat and the like are only harmful and that we should stop consuming them. . And I'm not asking if you agree with me, I'm stating what's happening to me. My vitamin b12 levels are extremely low, which is leading to blindness and loss of movement. All because I trusted such “forces of light”.

    4. Yeah vegan is deadly. I'm so sorry that happened. My heart hurts when I see people promoting vegan because it's not a game, people are permanently damaging their body and mind. It's not fun "Yay let's love animals", it's playing with fire. As for the Light forces, 95% of what's out there is imposters, I've always known that. The few real ET contacts I've seen incidentally don't promote deadly diets. So anyone who does is literally a demon speaking into a channeler's mind getting us to harm ourselves, like they always do. To anyone else considering vegan, why would you do the Bill Gates/Klaus Schwab diet? The NWO has always done it, played to people's compassion to manipulate them into self destruction. It's an obvious Hegelian Dialectic like any other. Guilt tripping people into starving themselves, it's so dark, gives me chills just thinking about it. Real science, real spirituality, and real aliens tell us to eat like our ancestors did, and it's just common sense. You don't get to decide what gases to breath or liquid to drink, same with food. Our diet is set, so play along with reality or get smoked. Well good thing you figured it out. Less aware people would have thought they weren't vegan enough, so good on you for listening to your body. Eating plenty of animal fat will help repair. Grass fed beef tallow is my favorite. Eat lots like you would butter or cheese. Good luck.

    5. Not all of us can afford to go vegan, and thanks to the artificially created shortages here in the states, thanks to, in part, to fucking Biden's 'build back better', good vegetables are hard to get these days, and what you can find, are literally half spoiled.

      ANOTHER reason, of many, we need first contact, and ME getting off this damned gulag planet.

    6. To cope with food, common sense should be enough. And there is also no reason to turn it off.

      I don't think that the light forces have tricked you.

    7. I'm not pro-right, pro-guns, or pro-anything. In fact, I'm a left-wing person and I hate Trump and all that shit you retarded Americans are fanatical about. For me, your country is the cancer of this planet. But I will warn everyone I can about the lies of the light forces and vegan discourse. They created our bodies incapable of producing their own vitamins and now appeal to our compassion not to eat animals (which I did for 7 years), making us deathly ill. And I politicize whatever I want, if you have a problem with that, you can find me and we can resolve it.


    8. You can use b12 supplements, vegetarianism is not a problem

    9. I picked and choose my battles and this is one I will choose. If someone's mind is made up on the subject there is nothing left to say. But, again, for what it's worth, one day probably some time after I had gone vegan (gluten-free first which was a paradigm change) the weight of what I had indirectly chosen to participate in had hit me like a brick wall at high-speed.

      Cows, pigs and chickens flashing through my mind's eye and the horror of the their situation. I couldn't stop it or avoid it. It felt like
      I was facing every single animal I had indirectly abused and eaten. I cried hard for what seemed like an eternity. I just kept repeating, "what have I done" and "I'm sorry" which I could barely say this as I was crying so hard. This was an external event, not one I asked for or wanted. The word vegan didn't even exist in my vocabulary before my awakening. You couldn't tell me anything about anything. You'd be wasting your time.

      At the first hospital I worked at, I gave my vegetarian (misnomer, really as they consume animal products) co-worker a bit of a hard time (I could never be vegetarian). Now others are giving me the hard time... Funny how what you to others do comes back to you...

      And animals can't advocate for themeslves so someone has to speak up for them, even if no one listens or cares.

      Commander Riker from Star Trek (S1 E7):

      "We no longer enslave animals for food purposes."

      The Orville (sci-fi show like Star Trek: The Next Generation - S6 E3):

      "That's an important detail, as people from the 25th Century no longer kill animals for meat. In fact dialogue suggests that doing so is actually considered murder! In the third act Gordon even mentions his disgust at having to kill and eat animals to survive when he first arrived in the 21st Century."

      But since folks have made up their mind there is not much point in going into this further. Thank you for your time <3

    10. Again, can't tell anyone what to do obviously, just make suggestions and encourage others to make up their own minds and do their own research.

      Eating vegan is easy (and cheap as I am poor and I don't have to think about it very much now, just like how I used to eat before) but what I've experienced over the years which makes it harder than it needs to be is other people like in this comment section. TY for your time <3

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. i need to step in for a min and i apologize before hand if i sound not agreeable to you.

    if the aim was to change your diet cold turkey or not then logic and caution dictates that one should research the procedure and pros and cons. This is what is advisable in pretty much any venture.

    if you are going to buy a car... or when choosing a college.. or when deciding on any major life changing step

    if you are telling us that somewhere in the net or the doctor didnt provide you with cons and pros and warnings then something indeed wrong with the information out there. If you are telling me before your body broke to such extreme level it did not provide you with clues early on that something wasnt right or missing that needed checking. i find that a bit difficult to swallow.

    i wish you luck in your journey. if indeed what you are saying is true there is a chance perhaps is not all too late.

  86. It's Berlin 1945 the most fanatical Nazis are fighting street by street ...please Galactics remove the black nobility sooner than later they serve no higher purpose remaining on earth anyway and must be taken off now along with the rest of their frontmen and women.

    It's time.
    Victory of the Light!
    It's time.

    1. or, in the VERY LEAST, supply us the weapons and tech that will let us take care of it.

    2. Contracts must be respected, otherwise there would be far-reaching consequences.

  87. And again hundreds of people killed in a hospital. WHEN will the red line finally be crossed? Remove them from the surface!

    1. I too wondered if that would draw some justice. Like we'll hear "so-and-so General was assassinated." But really it's small beans compared to everything else going on. In that same hour a couple hundred people diet from cancer, and the hour after, hundreds more, and more every tick of the clock. Those are all innocent children too. As bad as it looks, I think this is just business as usual for an embattled planet.

    2. im glad more people are calling for this rather than giving worship to these light forces

    3. I second that. Remove them immediately.

    4. Patrick Kehoe The question is, don't we lose our compassion that way? What is our limit for the fight against the cabal? I know the battle is complicated, that's why we are all still here after years of waiting, meditating and helping, but it makes you sick to see how many people are dying because of the dark forces and we just stand by and say, "That's what war is like.

    5. The red line has already been crossed, and action has been taken accordingly.

    6. The red line was crossed the moment they started abducting children and bleeding them for adrenachrome..

  88. Eu entendo, até certo ponto, a frustração de muitos aqui no Blog, porque mesmo com o avanço nossas vidas seguem igual e chata... mas Cobra avisou que era provável que nada ia mudar antes do evento e mesmo após o evento teremos muito trabalho pela frente, muito mesmo, teremos que fazer muito trabalho interno até termos uma vida sem sombras.

    1. Yes, and we will have an easier time if we start working now.

  89. Paper tiger....thats what the galatics are if they dont remove these barbarians from this planet NOW! IF THEY DONT THIS IS NOTHING BUT BULLSHIT! I put in many years of my life for the liberation of this planet. This means the galatic codex is not what is states. Show us that it means something. No reason for a extermination of a people. GOD HELP US!

  90. Command 12 21
    Command 12 21
    Command 12 21

    I command that all black nobility be removed form the surface of the planet.
    I command that all black nobility be removed form the surface of the planet.
    I command that all black nobility be removed form the surface of the planet.

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. it's really disgusting what's happening here... we're waiting here like sheep before the butcher comes... it will be a great galactic victory when you liberate the cemetery

  93. Arabic translation of this post/الترجمة العربية لهذا المنشور:
    لكي يتم إعلامك فورًا بترجمة جديدة ، يمكنك متابعتنا على تيليجرام:

  94. My guidance keeps communicating I need to explain this one better. This is a beautiful divine message which has come true for those who are interested.

    On October 15th I was guided to post a clip of Ke$ha's music video 'Blow' which features a gun battle in a mansion between Ke$ha, James van der Beek and people with horse masks (Eyes Wide Shut vibes). She uses ammo that creates spiral rainbows in the target when she shoots them along with specific lyrics: "We are taking over. Get used to it. This place about to BLOW!"

    Then the next day October 16th Cobra posted this short situation update which goes along with the original message perfectly:

    I think the Universe REALLY wants people to see this post.

    Much love and Victory of the Light!

  95. Slovak translation / Slovenský preklad:

  96. Regarding the Event:

    As many think that Event can or will happen at the end of 2023 or in the beginning of the 2024, so, yes, theorically it is possible, but the operations must be played out as some say according to the book.
    So in 2023 there chances equal to almost 0% for the Event to happen. Everything is set to happen and the biggest action will take place (if there are no any surprises) at the end of 2024 and the Event itself in 2025. So for today everything is set to happen like this, cobra understands the actions the same, that why he only says that it is only his educated guess, only because that the reality is fluid, nothing is set in stone, and the are many many many different variables. So we will have to wait til 2025, since simply I will tell you like this to be easy to understand: it is not enough that people from this forum knows something, the whole world must and will see and the most importantly will experience what is the kitchen of the hell in real time, so there are almost chances for it to happen in early 2024. At least, if something emergency happens, then the source could use solar flash as an emergency measure, then that could happen earlier, but chances are low FOR NOW.

  97. Meditations and other light work are especially important right now. In this way we can support and accelerate the liberation of the planet. The darkness will continue to increase, but so will the light.

  98. 1000 people died in Israel's cowardly attack on the Arab Al Ahli hospital. And the "light forces" with their fat asses sitting in the comfortable chairs of their ships, or fleeing the solar system to receive their much-deserved "cure". You are a joke.

  99. "Israeli war cabinet approves broad assault in Gaza; full backing from President Biden for Israeli actions; ministers okay evacuation of Israeli communities within 5 km of Lebanon border."

    The black nobility are continuing to cross the line with their plans. Please enforce the Galactic Codex and remove them immediately.

  100. Thank you very much Cobra! 🌟🌟🌟🙏

  101. 陈丹青—《局部》
    提取码: 79rs

  102. On the second day of the Kyoto Ascension Conference, there was one person who shared a dream they had after the first day of the conference. The Link to the English transcript is not available anymore so I retranslated the sentence from the Spanish one. It says" In my dream, someone told me that something big will happen in the Middle East in October this year. And they took me up to the roof and told me there would be a big change in our timeline." Let's keep that in mind

  103. This is my message to you

    [Because every thought creates]


    Estou lendo o Retorno da Luz, aconselho a leitura para todos, é muito esclarecedor !!!

  105. Apologies about posting and deleting things repeatedly.

    Here is a new prophetic message about Ascension which came true for those who are interested (this is a new one):

  106. No more "warnings" to the Black Nobility vermin, just take them out NOW. I'm sure you have the agreement and blessings of most Light Workers to JUST DO IT!!

  107. Can't speak for anyone but myself of course, one have to make one's own choice one's life, but when one is doing inner work (I'm guessing people are generally not doing this), one of the things I examined when I'm going through my life with a finetooth comb is my diet and doing what I can do to lessen the amount of suffering on this planet. I'm not here to keep everything the way it is.

    I'm very angry at myself because I never needed animal products (never got sick in the first 6-7 years of going vegan, even when everyone around me at work for 12 hours in the same room had the flu) and my only regret is not going vegan sooner.

    Again, it's up to folks here to make the choice, if you do, make sure you do research and learn what you're body needs and develop a relationship with one's body. The Cabal doesn't want people going vegan although they are trying to co-opt it like everything else... Peace and Love <3

  108. You can't love animals and participate in abusing them at the same time. This is so simple. Animal abuse happening in front of anyone is unacceptable. Most people would stop it, they know it's wrong. So it's okay when it's private and on an industrial scale? We treat animals the way the Cabal treats us and our children, like cattle. The Cabal has disconnected people's compassion with multi-generational programming but once people make that connection and resolve that immoral contradiction, they lose.

  109. Has anyone else noticed a deep apathy among the population that's getting worse? I couldn't even list all the ways I see it. Nobody is interested in relationships, careers, friends, hobbies, or even being interested in subjects. I know multiple people who in their 20's-40's have made up their mind to never do anything ever again, even saying those words. None of it makes sense either. Take dating as an example. They're avoiding it not because they're working on themselves, just some mumbling about "Everything is terrible so why bother." It's pretty bad when people don't even want to fuck anymore. That's a statistical fact too. And their lives are bad because they're rejecting everything, literally sitting around on their phones and made up their mind that's what their life will be. One woman is now homeless and has no reason to be like that. Content to just post on Facebook all day. They're rejecting every hierarchy of needs because "Things are dumb." What? It's not normal. It started before the pandemic and is worse now that it's over, so it's not that. It's been identified statistically too, I hear it all the time on NPR and EWTN. Being frustrated with the world is fine, but I'm seeing people destroy THEMSELVES because "things are dumb" and it's a little freaky. Is anyone else seeing this?

  110. As soon as I published that comment, one of my friends sent me this, saying it was him, Pathological Demand Avoidance. This is exactly what I was just describing. It's not avoiding difficult or unpleasant things, people are avoiding doing anything even fun and productive activities. It's unfortunate because yes the world is dumb, but seeing people destroy themselves makes no sense. What used to be an apathetic person was someone who only wanted to deliver pizzas and smoke weed, now people don't even want to do that. It's the combination of EMF's and social media. Take away their phones and they'd look around and be like "what the hell am I doing?" No more brain damage from radiation, and no (shallow) entertainment and they'd probably have normal human desires again. This shit is nothing to play around with, it worries me nobody takes it seriously. Radiation is not a "sensitivity," it's mutating everyone, from their cells down to the soul. I mean look, they're literally sitting around in squalor and hunger, that's not depression, that's soul damage.

  111. This comment has been removed by the author.

  112. Looks like Israel are still preparing for a ground invasion of Gaza. Let's hope the Resistance is successful in stopping an escalation.
