Monday, October 23, 2023

Short Situation Update

The Light Forces are still doing whatever possible to contain the conflict in the Middle East, and the ground offensive into Gaza keeps being delayed.

Their focus on removal of scalar and directed energy weapons is already bringing results, and many Lightworkers are reporting much less attacks than in the past.

Another focus of the Light Forces is the removal of secret biolabs, from which the Cabal under the command of the Orsini family could release dangerous viruses if the Light Forces would take too much action:

These biolabs need to be made harmless to a great degree before the Event can be triggered:


The Light Forces are still asking as many people as possible to participate in our meditation for peace in Israel every 4 hours:

They are also asking for one big meditation for peace in Israel with as many people as possible participating at the moment of the Lunar eclipse on October 28th/29th.

If enough people participate, this meditation has great potential to stabilize the situation.

Instructions are here:

The exact time for different time zones is here: 

The link to the livestream meditation is here: 

Victory of the Light!


  1. Keep pushing forward LF and RM... you got this! We have your backs and will keep doing our part by HOLDING THE LIGHT!

    1. Way to go @Libra!
      You're making quite the impact in COBRA'S updates!
      I'm very, VERY proud of you and your personal BLOG info, work and dedication! You're a true inspiration!👏

    2. :::::NEWBIES:::::
      if u dont see ur comment either 1. it has not been reviewed or 2. you have not loaded all the comments fully. To fix:
      1. wait however long it may take for moderator to review all comments. it may not happen in one bundle and it may not happen in one day
      2. scroll at end of comments if u see at bottom center the word "load more" hit it. Repeat step 2 untill u see no longer "load more" at bottom
      1. 'error about unable to sign in to comment'
      -keep hitting the comment button until you get the comment box.

    3. Oh, targeted weapons attacks have not been eliminated, and they still exist in China. In the name of my inner divinity, I demand that targeted weapons from all over the world be eliminated immediately, completely eliminated, and no longer endanger human beings.

    4. Oh, targeted weapon attacks have not been eliminated. In the name of my inner divinity, I demand that targeted weapons from all over the world be eliminated immediately, completely eliminated, and no longer endanger human beings.

  2. "They are also asking for one big meditation for peace in Israel with as many people as possible participating at the moment of the Lunar eclipse on October 28th/29th."


    1. Vamos fazer isso acontecer.. imagina 144k de pessoas participando e a gente encerrando essa guerra... Que linda que isso séria 😍

    2. That would be great. Let's meditate together.

  3. Since 2012 I have followed Cobra and this blog. I listened to his words, waiting for the Event, the great solar flash. The flash of LOVE. I am now convinced that this flash is from the SUN of God/Source is like Obi-Wan Kenobi, our only hope. The lies, the variables of what will happen if the flash does not occur. So many road blocks and threats of biological warfare if the RM does too much. We will be doomed in one fashion or another by HUMAN BEINGS LED astray. We fought the good fight against the archons and the cabal. Now we fight the humans that are entrenched with their power. The only way out is this Flash of LOVE !! I say to God let the VICTORY of LIGHT commence! That should be part of this meditation coming up.

    1. Não espere flesh solar por tão cedo , há um cronograma para isso acontecer e bem provável que nenhum de nós estaremos aqui. A purificação ainda não começou, carmas de nações, e muitos outros, ou seja viva um dia de cada vez .

    2. @Give Bastos

      1: NO such thing as karma.

      2: I will NOT live life 'one day at a time'.

    3. @Giva Bastos I believe the the flash will occur in the solar maximum 25 that we are in. Years ago Cobra stated that the Event will happen the latest of 2025 . Thank you

  4. ✨FREE live international healing session Wednesday, October 25, at 7pm UTC, "Let's Heal Together: Preparing Ourselves for Liberation and Ascension!" Let's work together to heal ourselves and heal our world!

    ✨Theme for this session: Shadow Work Part 2: “FREE YOURSELF WITH THE POWER OF FORGIVENESS”
    Forgiveness is a powerful and transformative tool we can use to help free ourselves from the shadows that hold us back from our fullest joy and dim the light of who we truly are. It is a key step in our evolutionary journey of liberation and Ascension. Join us as we discuss the importance of practicing personal forgiveness towards others and ourselves, as well as the importance of collective forgiveness to heal our world. We’ll share tips, affirmations, and meditations to release yourself from the energetic ties that bind you, so you can set yourself free!

    We will also do protocols and meditations together for protection, healing, and anchoring Goddess energy, and end with an optional group meditation to bring peace to the situation in the Middle East.

    ✨Go here to join the LIVE session:
    Sisterhood of the Rose YouTube Channel:
    Twitch users, you can join live at:

    (Note: To review "Shadow Work Part 1: Identifying Our Triggers", visit beginning at time marker 41:48)

    ✨Date & Time: Wednesday, October 25, 2023, 7pm UTC/3pm EST/9pm CEST
    Check time zones here:
    (Please allow yourself approximately 2 hours for this experience)

    ✨Working together is very powerful, and the more people that attend, the more impactful it will be for all … so please spread the word!

    ✨At this pivotal time on the planet, it is of the utmost importance that we heal ourselves to be free of limiting beliefs, sabotaging behaviors, and lower vibrational frequencies, thoughts, and emotions. Join us for meditations, exercises, and group healing to more quickly and fully manifest individual, collective, and planetary liberation, as well as prepare ourselves for the Ascension process!

    ✨Goddess wants Liberation and Ascension and So Shall It Be! Victory of the Light!

    ✨For more information on these sessions, please visit:


    "Until physical intervention occurs, Lightworkers and Light Warriors should HOLD THE LIGHT GRID as much as possible:

    a) The construction of the Cintamani grid:
    COBRA | 29th may 2017 : The Cintamani Network
    people who are involved in the surface cintamani grid, to refrain from having physical contact with their own cintamani stones at times when they are in conflict with other surface humans, or when they are in an extremely negative emotional state, to avoid contaminating the grid.

    b) The construction of the Tachyon chamber grid

    c) The construction of the Soul Family connection grid:
    COBRA | 2nd april 2018 : soul families

    d) The construction of sisterhood of the rose (with physical meetings)
    COBRA | 16th june 2018 : Planetary Activation of SOTR

    e) Prepare for physical contact with the Light Forces according to the internal guidelines:
    COBRA | 18th March 2018 : Contact
    COBRA | 9th May 2018 : Protocols of entry

    F) Refrain /Avoid From Interpersonal Conflicts By Choosing Non-réaction and Conscious Positive Action Over Reaction .

    Let's Continue to hold the Light together 🙂

    You can find some useful healing tips/meditations here :
    "Let’s Heal Together: Preparing Ourselves for Liberation and Ascension"
    We are so much stronger together💫

  6. Bonjour 🙂Notre équipe s’envole à présent vers de nouvelles aventures avec la création d’un nouveau facebook et Telegram avec sous-groupes encore plus beau, complet, et intuitif qui diffusera plus largement encore les informations, conseils et outils nécessaires à la transition exopolitique et spirituelle actuelle.
    Nous l’avons nommé « Libération Planétaire et Ascension » et espérons qu’il saura combler vos attentes et répondre à vos questions dans une large mesure. Il est constitué d’un canal principal auquel s’ajoutent de nombreux sous-groupes relatifs aux méditations, aux intels de COBRA, à l’ascension spirituelle, aux protocoles de guérison, etc.
    ✅ LIBÉRATION PLANÉTAIRE ET ASCENSION => canal général de nos émissions YouTube, salons vocaux, échanges, partage et questions.
    ✅ MÉDITATIONS => le canal principal pour les méditations de groupe.
    ✅ COBRA l’Intégral => toutes les intels de COBRA compilées dans un document PDF de plus de 2000 pages couvrant l’intégralité de ses mises à jour et interviews depuis 2012. Pour retrouver n’importe quelle information en un clic, rendez-vous à la FAQ de la page 14.
    ✅ ASCENSION Spirituelle => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif au processus d’ascension actuel, avec comme ouvrage de référence, « L’Escalier de Cristal » d’Eric Klein.
    ✅ SORORITÉ de la Rose - France => canal relatif aux sororités françaises, selon le fonctionnement et les directives données par COBRA.
    ✅ GALACTIQUE et COSMOS => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif à la Confédération Galactique, au Codex Galactique et plus largement aux lois universelles et cosmiques.
    ✅ Sessions IMPLANTS => canal principal de nos émissions de dissolution d’implants et de résiliation de contrats d’âme.
    ✅ GUÉRISON et Protections => canal d’informations et d’entraide relatif aux protocoles de commande pléiadiens, aux chambres à tachyon et autres outils favorisant le bien-être énergétique et spirituel.

    Retrouvez toutes nos émissions en intégralité sur notre chaine YouTube :
    Ainsi que les actualités de notre canal sur notre groupe Facebook :
    Pour nous rejoindre, C’EST PAR ICI :

    Liste officielle des groupes Facebook officiels du réseau "Prepare For Change" en Europe liés au réseau


    Groupe officiel Prepare For Change pour la France et les pays francophones

    “Prepare For Change #France#Francophonie" ”

    REPLAY LIVESTREAM FRANCAIS officiel du 1er Mai 2023 chaine youtube "Libération planétaire et Ascension" pour "l' Activation du Portail de Lumière"

    PDF FRANCAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumière du 1 Mai 2023
    PDF ANGLAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumièredu 1 Mai 2023 (ENGLISH PDF to explain the Portal of Light Activation on 1st May 2023)

  7. On the ball, as usual! I'll pass it on to our FB group "New Atlantis".!

  8. En Español:

  9. Light Forces must be decisive enough.
    If Light Forces always dare not attack boldly because of the safety of Sheeples, Light Forces will only be despised by Black Nobility, and they will still continue to do evil.

    You should think about how many light workers are still in a state of abject poverty, and you should also think about how Chimera brutally killed your soul families before.

    By the way,I want to say to St Germain:
    If you really want to defeat the Black Nobility quickly, you should send someone to find me and pick me up. First of all, I am the most professional in dealing with Black Nobility. Secondly, there's really nothing I can do on the surface right now.
    Make your decision!

    1. Remind the curve which demonstrates the point where the event will happen. If the entropy which can be controlled is higher that the current, that means the event will bring more disasters than doing nothing, what is the point of triggering the event earlier then?

    2. and i thought i had a big ego

    3. however that brave stance may be needed in case things get too close for comfort. Perhaps you are where you are needed even if you sonr see it at rhe moment.

    4. Dear St.G. please help AS and US

  10. I thought all negative timelines have been removed and the positive timeline was secure? So now secret biolabs are delaying the event? Seems like something new always gets added to the list. I think we are at a point where the light forces have to accept that conditions are never going to be absolutely perfect, they need to stop the endless waiting for perfect conditions and just trigger the event now. Think of how many people are suffering and dying every single day the longer this keeps getting delayed. Just rip the band-aid off and end it already.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I'm all for ripping off the band-aid, too.

    4. Toplet bombs... Yaldoboath...sic
      Pits...chimera ... Implants bio labs? Just vaporize issue?

  11. Today, all biolaboratories belong to the forces of darkness, where biological weapons are being developed. Therefore, I am clearly convinced that they must be destroyed by fire, simply put, burned!

    1. bomb them all!

  12. There have always been animal and human experiments there. Why else would they be created?

  13. Of course we'll meditate, I'm always in favour of meditating

  14. You have earned it! So happy for you! 💜

  15. Here is Finnish translation of this article / Tässä on suomenkielinen käännös tästä artikkelista:

    Telegram group for Finnish translations of Portal / Telegramryhmä suomennetuille Portal artikkeleille:

  16. Thank you Cobra and all Light Forces!!! Here is the Italian and Romanian translation for this very important update and to prepare the new Mass Mediation globally to be a huge event!

    Italian blog:
    Il Portale Telegram Cobra:

    Romanian blog:
    Portalul Telegram Cobra:

    It has to be a great Victory of Peace and Love and Light!!!

  17. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:
    Vabljeni na našo stran na Facebooku:
    Toplo vabljeni na Facebook stran Tahionske komore v Ljubljani:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  18. We will meditate of course. But there is still something I cannot understand. We have been told that the only darkness still existing on the planet are just few dark families. WHY they are still free and do almost everything they want? Are their slaves still so strong to do every evil, even without their leadership?

    1. Ola, I'm guessing the Light forces hesitancy stems from the fear of retaliation with things like bioweapons/cabal stooges setting off bombs or shooters/HAARP and weather-earthquake shenanigans etc... What I don't get is why can't the Light forces just dematerialize all that bullshit with high level tech? Pull all the demon's teeth and claws and then deliver the knockout punch!

    2. The dark oriented families have been well established into the very fabric of this realm for millennia. They are quite influential. They have a huge following on this planet. They still have access to darkness that enables them carry out their nefarious deeds.

      "The main factor now delaying the planetary liberation is the Lurker with its sub-quantum anomaly.

      The Lurker directly influences human sub-consciousness by manifesting sub-quantum anomaly into quantum fluctuations at the weakest spots of the human energy system.

      Black nobility is now on the top of the food chain on this planet. They were mandated by the Chimera 26,000 years ago to run the management and control of the surface population.

      Since the Chimera is now gone, they are connecting with the Lurker in their black magic rituals, receiving guidance from him.

      Main black nobility families such as Orsini, Colonna, Torlonia, Theodoli and Massimo claim their descent from the Roman empire.

      - Black nobility members together with their Jesuit agents are about 2,000 people strong.

      - Below them are about 50,000 Draconians in cloned humanoid bodies which infiltrated the surface system since 1996 as politicians, businessmen, lawyers, doctors.

      - Then there are about 400,000 members of the Illuminati network who are there willingly, and about 2 million members who were forced into it. This network is also called the brotherhood of death because someone needs to kill a human being to be initiated into it.

      - Then we have about 100 million psychopaths who can be quite dangerous under certain circumstances, such as / covid doctors and nurses.

      - Then there are about 400 million sociopaths who lack empathy.

      - Then there are about 3 billion sheeple who do not have the ability for critical thinking, and just follow the trends of the society.

      The main factor now delaying the liberation of the planet is the Lurker with sub-quantum anomaly."

    3. the example i give is about satan/lucifer when they got captured or removed from equation years ago. the bad guys proceeded doing rituals and mass murder even withoutt them to their name.... negativity doesn't immediately get removed when they got removed. people's(bad guys)programming does not necessarily get a reboot readily... in addition you have the simultaneous removal/reduction of the quantum phenomenom and lurker which is part of the equation yet to be resolved.

      bad guys dont necessarily tell their minions that the end of the rope is before them. ... very least they will use them to the very last moment and hope to throw them under the bus if they can in order to safe their own asses. or mass sacrifice them in some last failing attempt.


    4. bsr if you have no dark families members on the planet you probably have no one to efficiently contact Lurker, that's what I think. But maybe we need to have more information to fully understand the problem. Thank you.

    5. Good ? I heard today Israel was moving on Gaza .. so there are 1000s of advanced ships near earth...and they can't stop this from happening the non intervention is BS if that were true how were the pits taken out the chimera removed??
      Sorry more meditating did that stop the Ukraine war?
      Ironically the Russians were clearing bio labs!!!

    COBRA-23 octobre 2023- Courte Mise à Jour de la Situation ( Méditation pour la paix en Israel +éclipse lunaire 28 -29 octobre)

  20. It's great that the scalar weapons are less! They haven't tried that on me. I just get the archon attacks, which is more personal BUT it is a suicide attack. They basically suicide themselves. Keeps them away!

  21. Let us hope that the biolabs and all their other weapons will be eliminated quickly so that we can finally trigger the event and remove them all from the planet. We want peace, harmony and prosperity for all.
    Victory of the Light

  22. Hopefully, 5G electromagnetic radiation can be cleaned up

  23. Gostaria de compartilhar com vocês este Blog em Português, com as atualizações do Cobra, Documentos e todas aa Entrevistas do Cobra, Tudo traduzido !!! Obrigado

    1. Fico feliz com seu site meu querido, boa sorte nesta caminhada, sua tudo de bom pra ti sempre 💪👊

  24. A scalar attack, is that when, one time a had an attack during the day, it went for 3 days but was okay when I slept, weird energy, made me dizzy to turn left. I know that sounds weird. It was off putting. I wonder if that maybe was a scalar attack? Very weird energy. I don't know.

  25. Being referenced by Cobra is a great honor.

  26. the cabal have no means of countering the technology the light forces have in a active manner anymore I believe so in that logic I believe you can kill cabal agents which have 3rd dimensional bodies with your current weapons and any and all viruses. A second pandemic is the least of anyone's worries. No dark technology and no Chimera should put us in the new age however if a few handful of criminals with some guns bothers the plan I fear for the true willingness to do good. Evil magic space dust,viruses and lasers are no excuse. 😡😡😡

  27. Monthly divine meditation will be done at 20:24,
    this peace meditation will be done at 20:14,

    how will we deal with?

  28. Well don't blame me for writing stupid stuff. I'm a blonde you see. I'm afraid saying very stupid things just comes naturally to me (try being me). I try not to let them out. Don't blame me lol. I try very hard not to be stupid.

    1. dont say that to yourself psychic. It happens.. at times circumstances can make us act or say thins off beat.. hey recognizing specially when one may have made a mistake takes guts... we living in a world that is not straight forward... lies all over the place and so very easily we can reach either wrong conclusions or react too hastily. but as we learn about thw tricks and games we make the adjustments to not fall for same pattern. it is a trial and error venture... we all go thru that at diff levels.. and at dkff times..

  29. What is a Virus? Extraterrestrial Pleiadian Communication (Taygeta)

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Each one will growing become itself master ..
    As each one a unique within oneness.
    Thanks for working Liberating the Earth and Dismantling Pandora's Box for All Life.
    Blessing !

    Deeply Loving....
    If you touch my will seeing and knowing how much I love you....

    It is so love that I learning patience, not rush..learning balance...learning stay in Loving state even now you are not by my side.
    And I knowing one day we will garthering together!


  32. Genau und danke, Libra! (Sorry my German is limited even though I am partly German...)

  33. Schroeder gave an interview in which he revealed the details of Putin’s failed Istanbul agreement with the Ukrainian punitive forces.

    Reading Schroeder’s revelations, I remember again and again the words of our man from Kiev, who, after the conclusion of the second Minsk agreement in early 2015, said: “Well, we have only one hope left: for the Ukrops and the Pindos. And they will not let us down.” .
    “Schroeder’s Revelations: Ukraine’s Missed Opportunities” 😳

    ( German Chancellor Gerhard #Schroeder told the Berliner Zeitung about the Ukrainian-Russian negotiations in Istanbul in the spring of 2022, in which, according to him, he took part. The Ukrainian side invited him to the role of negotiator, deciding that he would be able to effectively convey Ukrainian proposals to Putin. Schröder told what peace conditions were proposed by the Russian side. And these conditions were more than mild. 🤔

    Firstly, it was assumed that Donbass would be completely returned to the control of Kyiv, albeit on the terms of autonomy “like South Tyrol” - a territory in northern Italy populated predominantly by a German-speaking population. This autonomy, it must be said, is quite broad, however, it has not damaged the territorial integrity of Italy over the past half century. 👈

    Secondly, it was assumed that Ukraine would refuse to join NATO in exchange for, I quote, “security guarantees, including from the UN Security Council and Germany.” ☝️

    Thirdly, Russia demanded a solution to the language issue, and in an interesting formulation: “The Ukrainian parliament abolished bilingualism. That needs to change,” Schroeder said. Apparently, there was no talk at all about granting the Russian language the status of a second state language, but only about returning to the norms of the language law adopted under Yanukovych. 😒

    The status of Crimea was also discussed, but in this part of his interview Schröder was the least specific, saying that “Crimea for Russia is part of its history,” and that the fate of the region was supposed to be decided “in the process of further negotiations.” Let me remind you that Lukashenko previously said that Moscow was even ready to agree to recognize Crimea as Ukrainian subject to the condition of transferring it to Russia for a long-term lease. The Kremlin, however, denied Lukashenko’s words, but somehow ambiguously. 😏

  34. ...

    If you believe Schroeder’s words, then, by accepting Russian proposals, Ukraine could have ended the war with complete victory a year and a half ago - in the sense that its position after the war would have been at least no worse than before the outbreak of hostilities. NATO? They didn’t take Ukraine there anyway, and so far they haven’t taken it either. Russian language? Well, the Kivalov-Kolesnichenko law is a pure formality, and by and large does not oblige anyone to anything, so the demands for its return are pure “for show,” they say, “to protect the rights of Russian-speaking people.” It is unclear about Crimea, but Ukraine did not control it before the war, and does not control it now. And one must have an extremely developed imagination in order to believe, based on the results of the counteroffensive, that he will control it in the near future. Therefore, long-term leases like Hong Kong could really be the biggest victory of all possible in this matter. Donbass? Even in the worst case scenario for Saloreich, there is the status quo at the time before the start of the war, and in the best case, there is a real chance to hoist the Ukrainian flag over the Donbass Arena and the Lugansk House with a Spire. ☝️

    According to the Hamburg account, what the refusal of these agreements cost Ukraine is also quite clear: minus significant parts of the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, huge damage to industry and infrastructure. Donbass and Tavria were officially accepted into Russia, and now their return is becoming a very ephemeral matter. Significant losses at the front and in the rear, and most importantly, even more significant demographic losses in the form of refugees who left the country during this time, and those who, after a year and a half, have already taken root in a new place and will not return. 🤷‍♀️

    In general, no matter how you look at it and no matter how you think about it, signing these agreements in the version in which Schröder presents them was maximally beneficial for Ukraine, but refusing to sign them was not. And the corresponding decision was made not taking into account the interests of Ukraine and its people, but focusing on the interests of completely different forces. 😔

    But now, after Schroeder’s revelations, it has become completely clear why they did not consider it necessary to notify the citizens of Ukraine about all these conditions. And they won't notify you. Indeed, otherwise it will become absolutely obvious on whose hands the blood and thousands of lives of both Ukrainians and Russians are. 🤬


  35. "Bad propaganda is not encouraged!

    The Israeli government is dissolving the Ministry of Information ( for failed information policy with the moment of the Hamas punitive raid. The department failed to coordinate the media and was unable to establish normal communication between the state and the population of the country and the international community.

    As a result, Hamas, Palestinians and Arabs are completely outplaying Israel in the information field, attracting public opinion to their side even in Europe and the United States. Due to Israel's incompetent information policy, the whole world practically no longer remembers the events of October 7, when Hamas militants killed everyone who caught their eye. But now we all experience daily shock from the barbaric cruelty of the Zionists, who will bomb a hospital, an ancient Christian temple, a market, or something else - and always with a lot of casualties, especially among children. And although in the end it turns out that the hospital remained intact, the Christian church also stands - but the first perception is important, after which a general impression is formed, and almost no one hears a refutation.

    Thus, Israel, whose diaspora rules many of the world’s media and social networks, turned out to be practically helpless in the confrontation with Hamas in the information field in the struggle for the minds of even neutral-minded people. Israel turned out to be incapable of waging its information war, and only reacts poorly to Hamas attacks. Due to the helplessness of Israel's official propaganda, Western media and governments were even forced to resort to outright censorship with the removal of objectionable journalists from their posts, which cast them in an extremely unflattering light. And so the Israeli leadership draws a conclusion and sends the useless propagandists who have wasted all the polymers to oxygen. A right, albeit belated step.

    But let's extrapolate this to our situation. The Saloreikhists, like Hamas, are literally outplaying all Russian state propaganda with one wicket. Remember February 24, Bucha, the regrouping from near Kyiv and much more. Everything was mediocrely screwed up, which gave rise to distrust and pessimism in Russian society, and in response, the state was forced to introduce criminal liability for fakes about the SVO and stupidly engage in repressions against those who were besotted by Saloreikh’s propaganda, effectively going into blind information defense. This was a necessary measure precisely because of the mediocrity and wretchedness of the bronzed Russian propagandists.

    But if Israel sent its own people on oxygen after just two weeks, then in Russia they not only did not fire their people, but they also encouraged and rewarded them, which made them even more stupid and caused no less harm than the Saloreich and Western TsIPsO. Therefore, Israel has even a small chance of turning the tide on the information field, while Russia has a chance of zero."

  36. "In continuation of the conversation of the so-called “General” Gurulev about “80 percent support” for Vladimir Putin, I would like to introduce you to new interesting data from a social survey ( , which prepared the largest headhunter job search service.

    According to hh, the proportion of Russian citizens who do not have enough wages for basic needs has increased significantly. 45% of respondents do not have enough income to meet basic needs. In 2021, 25% of respondents answered this way. Another 36% of respondents said that their salary barely covers basic needs, and only one in five admitted that their income allows them to buy everything they need.

    Is this exactly what the 80% of those who support the government look like, about whom talking heads on screens constantly sing to us? Or are they some other people? Who doesn’t go to the store for buckwheat every day. From Rublyovka, for example.

    I don’t follow any other logic."

  37. Your worries are unnecessary.
    As long as the light forces directly attack the surface, DF' plans will be invalid.

    However, if light forces do not attack decisively, the darkness will have ample time to prepare their doom plans.

    Make a bet that the dark forces will make a desperate move. They have been betting that the light forces do not dare to let the radicals take power, so they are very unscrupulous.

    You should thank carefully how Chimera brutally abused and killed your soul families before?

    So, attacking the Surface directly is the unique choice.

  38. It is said that the time when the Antichrist appears will be the end of them. In that sense, the very fact that a proper name is mentioned is a message that their end is near. So thank you Cobra telling us that.

  39. That's encouraging news. Biolabs are much less scary than unfathomable space monster super mega bombs.

  40. Bahasa Indonesia

  41. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    The post in French / L'article en français :
    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

  42. Updated this: On 10/19 I felt like I was dying intensely. These episodes are prophetic & preclude some kind of high-level death & sometimes I write them down.

    On 10/21 Vinny Asaro died. He is from the Bonanno Crime Family which is directly connected to Black Nobility:

  43. More messages on the US Debt Clock website:

  44. Thank You!

    The post in Czech:

    Victory of the Light!

  45. So, if they´re going for the biolabs, it´s because they´re going to take much action right afterwards, very good to hear this!
    Going a bit further, of course they´ll find a way to do it, but protecting the distribution of electricity, internet etc seems to be quite difficult, specially electricity, because of the many weak points it has in the distribution network. There will have to be people implicated at a local level, knowing or not the reason why.
    Also in the west we have thousands of "inmigrants" who are males in military age, apparently being paid a salary by the UN and waiting for "further instructions". They will have also to take care that they don´t follow those instructions, we can guess what they will be..
    When you are heading to the end it´s true that you have to take care of a lot of things that can be disrupted, it seems we are entering this phase.

  46. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

  47. I am hoping that Galactic Confederation takes it much MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH seriously that Dark will do all their efforts to trigger world war this time. All the tricks must be identified carefully and successfully. The attitude from Galactic Confederation to this war will determine the level of difficulty of humanity’s living on the surface of Earth in the following years.

  48. I'm afraid that the amagendon is inevitable, as a US kernel says .. a process that must undergo to wake up collective consciousness globally, to achieve peace and end all wars and eradicate the hands behind that are advocating and initialize and stage, propaganda wars .

  49. With middle east war on trend to escalate, what is the light forces doing in that region?

  50. I really need help me raise at least $5,000. Please - I need two high-power hearing aids and a wheelchair and money to cover the huge debt for utility bills, otherwise we will be evicted. The dark ones attacked my mother to the point of paralysis and since the beginning of this year alone they have killed 7 of my 12 cats.
    I have no money and need medicine for diapers. Light Forces help me!

    1. i take it for whatever reason you are not able to work off site. is it possible to find work online? i will assume for now you dont have skills to be a freelancer such as to be a remote developer or consultant or even an artist of sorts. can you research perhaps on other options online such as being a "product reviewer" "survey taker".. medical data entry clerk, translator if bilingual .. even some phone games pay as you play.. u can get addicted if not careful but at least u get pay something(so i hear)

      in short leave no stone unturned

  51. For those interested in seeing the ET crash landing/human contact movie 'Jules', here is a quick summary. It's more Cabal/Satanic nonsense as the alien needs to sacrifice 7 cats to restore power to its ship. Benevolent ETs don't need to do this. Watch it if you wish, of course... I'm sure it helps with the acclimation process but the animal sacrifice wasn't necessary.



  53. Well they got a big new helicopter (or borrowed this quite large one) and it did one pass right near my house then immediately circled back around (full circle). Then it headed front on, lights shining in my eyes, and right there.... dum dum dum... yes, it went down. On the bicycle track it seems. There it sat for like 10 mins, maybe less, then I think it got off the ground, got away but I couldn't see it at all, just heard it. Way to harass! Bloody idiots. Take your loser copters and GO AWAY.

  54. Overlooked a problem. That is, no one ever said there would be an incident after the energy weapon and the lab were cleared. So, The question is, what are the prerequisites for The Event to happen? The stars? Let me guess that's the horoscope. Because the ground already has the conditions to trigger an event. You're waiting for the stars, aren't you?
    Only Israel has energy weapons? If not, then all clean-up operations need a cover for war? So you need to start a war all over the world?

  55. Why do not you write about reptilians telepathically talking to us and pretending to be our soul mates ????

    1. are they all reptilians?.. or could be other entities....

      i do know cobra said the number of entities for every human has reduced.. before it was quite a lot.

      the soul mate feels false? i believe we have guides too btw


  56. Wait - they just fired up the engine. They never left. The copter is right near my house. If it goes on the internet I will post it tomorrow. Well they fired it up for several minutes and then just LEFT. What? Scared maybe. They were coming right at me but waited half an hour and left instead. Stupid pussies. Come back! I wanna see your stupid loud copter.

    1. psychic. you live near a military base..or some area where helicopters get used often?. have you research that.could that be one reaso where maybe some of the helicopters are seen hovering around ur home

  57. They don't like that I got rid of archons so easily. Maybe that was it.

  58. Traduction du dernier post en francais avec images et liens en français. Merci Cobra -Translation of the last post into French with images and links in French. Thanks Cobra-

  59. Who are the Warriors of Light described in the link below?
    Has Cobra ever talked about these Warriors?

    1. is there a section where it lists all the warriors you referring cause thta is a long article/book

  60. Thank you very much, dear Cobra!🌟🌟🌟🙏

  61. So happy for you, dear Libra💖😊🌹

  62. Dear Cobra, Mr. Saint Germain and light forces, this is the first time I left my comment here. Please, please do whatever is possible to save Gaza, cease the fire, and free the people there. I will continue praying for them. Thank you.

  63. Yeah, awesome work Libra! I like the posts you made with all of Cobra's replies as well. Excellent compilations!

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.


  65. People Everywhere.
    Still Alive.


  66. How much darkness and light is present on this planet now?
    May we know what is the percentage of npc among us.
    Is it true that earth population is not more then 300 crore, and data provided to us is fake.
    May we know, you said, Muhammad is enlightened now, in one of your interview, but his teachings were not peaceful, he alloweded meat eating, slavery, child marriage.
    Answer if you fell guided to.
    Light is always victorious.

    1. Muhammad is an Ascended Master and his teachings are absolutely peaceful. He was a lacto-vegetarian and only ate meat 4 times in his entire lifetime. He never allowed slavery but gave freedom to the slaves instead. And about child marriage, during the time of Mohammed people used to marry after attaining puberty. Even during the time of Rama people used to marry after attaining puberty at the age of 13-14 years. Rama got married to Sita at the age of 13-14 also. So will you also call that child marriage? What the Muslims of the world are doing right now are against the teachings of Mohammed. Similarly what the Hindus are doing right now are also against the teachings of Rama. So spread your Islamophobia somewhere else.

  67. Well this is NOT what happened. They are reporting a fatal car crash in Moolap, the next suburb along. Instead there was a helicopter downed in Whittington, for half an hour, and then it got up and flew away, no one hurt. Cover up. Here's the story.

    Why won't they report the truth? It was super loud helicopter.
    Still looking...
    The light forces did not kill anyone.

  68. Still no attack in Hamas. Don't they realise it won't happen? Well, they are still getting "ready"... It's coming... It's still coming...

    And $20 million just got given to Ukraine by our PM. What rubbish.

  69. I will speak frankly.

    I am sick of being told either directly or indirectly that I have to 'serve the light, ' 'honor the goddess' and just be a good little human who does what he's told. If life in 'galactic society' essentially boils down to serving the interests of 'the goddess, ' I want no part of it. You can throw me into the central sun. I am done being subservient.

    The aliens, including ascended beings, have to show me what they have done for me in particular before telling me what to do. I am not foolish enough to believe that I haven't received any assistance. But I will NOT be grateful to a bunch of faceless aliens. I want to know who helped me so I can thank them specifically.

    1. to be honest. i dont know who has said you have to do this or that.. is not about doing something by force.

      when people do the right thing is because it grows in them.. they feel it. they are compell to do it. is almost second nature. there is no stress or forc e behid it.

      now i know dissapointments and a rough life can turn us to be rebels.. disgruntled .. thinking someone has to show us this or that or give us this or that.. imho.

      your soul and subconsious already probably know all that you seek... your hostaged existence is not aware of it.

      now will the 'aliens' go ahead and show you what you demand on demand... well good luck with that.. but i take it in time all will become clear.. demanding riight now of them to show you stuff is as useful as demanding for the event right now.

      however if it you do get those answers on demand.. more power you. just a tip.. imho like humans. i dont think aliens appreciate someone "demanding"

    2. btw on rl i do make demands.. but usually to me higher self... is my personal punching bag

    3. @DH

      I'm not demanding anything from anyone. My 'hostaged existence ' is my reality. I will not suppress the emotions I feel right now because my soul knows better.

      Oh and if I have to deal with aliens like they were humans, i would rather not interact with them. Dealing with humans is tiring.

    4. Ryuga lol you got a point as far if aliens were like humans.. however i was referring they could categorize "demanding" behaviour as out of scope... negative... or even arrogant. then again i am not in an alien skin to tell well. but my understanding some civilizations out there are like star trek civilizations. they are passed gone beyond the petty behaviout of humans.. so they may not respond with same level of compassion as higher light beings would. they probably would understand your frustration. just my guess.

  70. There are still serious archon attacks. They want to humiliate me in one way or another. If they detect that I'm aware of their tricks they try another way harder.

  71. It is time for the Resistance and Positive Military to start contacting physical Ascended Masters-

    I came across this blog in 2020 at the time of coronavirus and usually used to hesitate to make comments because of the bigotry of people here. But now that the Resistance and Positive Military is in a difficult situation I think it is time for them to leave their bigotry aside and make use of the 'Tools' available on the Earth.

    1) There are physically incarnated Ascended Masters present on the Earth.

    2) These beings can help the Resistance and the Positive Military at the Spiritual level and also provide guidance regarding the future.

    3) The most powerful one is named 'Baba Gurinder Singh Dhillon' of the organisation 'Radha Soami Satsang Beas'.

    4) Contact should be made in secret.

    5) Initally these beings will reject but continuous contact and relations will make them to open up.

    If the RM thinks that this comment is a fraud then they should channel the Ascended Masters and ask them about this being. The RM and Positive Military failed to contact this being since 2012 but now atleast do it. This being is stopping the Chinese and Pakistani incursion into India.

    Whenever somebody tries to give some important information he is regarded as a fraud without doing any research. Thanks to this bigotry the RM and Positive Military is losing the war. So stop your unnecessary bigotry and open up before it is too late.

    1. you know who are the RM.? i doubt they are void of receiving higher ups guidance. in addition there were reasons why people were not being contacted.. and those who are making any strides i doubt they are not receiving any guidance too.. so i am not sure what is rhe bigotry you referrinf if speaking of the RM.... also who says RM is losing the war?..

      However as far as the positive military i can see they might indeed hesistate on contact other beings they may find a threat to their own interest.. however all that could be fixed once all concern are debrief.. the real truth... i dont know how much truth they hold at the moment..

  72. Well despite no one else dying on the roads at all in Australia today, I saw this happened last night near here.

    It came on at 5.30am, when I was awoken and quickly turned on the tv. NOTHING SINCE. No other reports, no pictures, no names. It's now 8am. Isn't the TV quiet? Hmm. What a damn cover up.

  73. Oh yeah, I should mention what they did last week. We get a lot of motor cycles around here; I usually ignore them. But last week one of them seemed to want to crash into this house. I'm not sure if this is true, but it seemed to round the corner here, well like most of them do really... but it was stopped. Must of suddenly run out of gas or something. Didn't bother me again. That would be a desperate move if that was true...

    Anyway, a high level target; isn't that what we are saying here now. You wanna be a high level target?? Be my guest. Why don't you move in here? You can be a High Level Target as much as you like.

    High Level Target. What a douche.

  74. Benjamin Mileikowsky's ("Netanyahu") days are numbered. If the light forces don't step in and Stop The Killing of Palestinian civilians they can really never be trusted. They are yet to show us any physical action and prove us wrong.

  75. How many more excuses are you going to take from the light forces on why they won't intervene they need to step in now or nerver

    1. 80% of them are in fear even if they are high dimension beings.

  76. The Israeli army is “not yet ready” to launch a ground offensive into the Gaza Strip and lacks “achievable military objectives” to accomplish the stated goal of “eradicating” Hamas, according to senior US officials who spoke with the New York Times (NYT) on 23 October.


    hats off to all lightforces here in theatre of war operations;and a special thanks to the resistance lightforces for expanded active surface operations being unleashed on the dark forces...bravo zulu cosmique....

  77. in the matrix we went way off the range a long time ago....a civilization that has been so vacant/careless/reckless/abandonment/disregard etc;so often when employing their warriors doing the heavy lifting;that same civilization may want to watch for the ricochet.....


    the biggest spoon at the troff;is the big bad boss...

    you better suck it all up;while the people get f$$ked...

    its feeding of the greed;the poor man/woman has to bleed...

    same as long before;the profiteers are making war....

    synthetic democrazy.....

  78. Hey Cobra, I wrote a book with the assistance of St. Germaine. I spoke with him today and I'll release it after the Event. May the universe be blessed by the force of light!

  79. I think it's better to ground invasion than blowing up all the buildings with innocent people in them.

  80. Then let's end the conflict in the Middle East.

  81. La mise à jour en français avec des liens en français :

  82. Focus

  83. I have been attacked for 3 years. Today they keep attacking me. I am in Tainan Taiwan. Can the light force helps me?

  84. I have been attacked for 3 years. Today they keep attacking me. I am in Tainan Taiwan. Can the light force helps me?

  85. From darkness into light

  86. Quote: These biolabs need to be made harmless to a great degree before the Event can be triggered: end

    It seems the list keep growing for reasons to delay The Event. Will the list keep on growing?

    1. i think the approach being taken is to dismantle as many immediate threats.. major ones... to be in a better position to implement the event.. if there is still time. if they have yet not disbanded or taken care of the Lurker or quatum phenomenun . they will proceed to tackle any other threat in the meantime.

      so my guess yes.. the trend is the LF may disclose the next on the list.. although multiple threats are being dealt with simultaneous... until the time is right for the ultimate step

    2. MK-Ultra threat would be nice if it can be metigated.

  87. Intersecting personal missions

    In duality, then, regulations are sometimes necessary, that is, the lower the vibration, the more. In the realms of oneness, or the higher the vibration, the less they are necessary, or even none at all.

    People who like to rule over others, or the dark ones, tend on this occasion to install excessive and unnecessary "laws" that thwart star seeds.

  88. I had a problem signing in getting the error ...kept getting it even after reloading the page several times .... finally I open another tap I always use the firefox browser ... closed the tab that didn't open the box ... went back to the site and the comment box was there. Just in case other are having this problem.

    1. Had problems recently also with Firefox to login to comment. Maybe something to do with updates. I found a workaround that involves going to top of page (on pc) address bar and look for the shield emblem, click on it which is about tracking protections for the website, toggle off/on, wait a few seconds for page to reload, toggle off/on again and then comment section is good to go. You might have to play with this a few times for it to work. 🙂

  89. Time portals used more or less

  90. Dear Cobra, the energy weapons attacks , are not the problem, the physical attacks , are a huge problem. Today I have more stalkers than Michael Jackson and I am doing this, nearly 7 years , I had to quit my jod 2021, because so many cabal agents arrived.I can not do many things now, and always with protection a helmet. It seems the Event will happend the last date of the info that you gave , long time a ago 15/12/2014 until Aug 2025. I start to worry a little bit, there is always something , why this not possible. It is true the chronian apostates are very old and can not be overnight, but humanity is in bad position,the Light Workers even worst and there is no end.This possibility is a fact , if they come to late , they wont find find many people on the physical plane.

    1. what sort of physical attacks you getting. I think it would be a bit more manageable if attacks were physical compared to energy weapons effect you may not be able to measure or persive.

      at least physical you have opportunity to get physical proofs. video audio etc

    2. All kind , 2018 gas attack, I have huge eyebags since then, 2021 I thought is a dog but was as small child 5 years old with his father touching my legs, I have difficulties to walk and stand. It took me one year to recover but 2022 another child. The military hospital in Berlin, the ear measure 2020, I was a garbage man and i had to do it, since then I can not bite . My jaws are targeted my mouth the speach with every day attacks, with bikes or running persons.The last one was 2 weeks ago, the repair men for my window, they put something at my bed.This is a small report I had around 1000 attacks. The cabal manages to buy everybody, coffee shops, restaurants. Doctors and even repair men.,I can avoid them as much as I can, but I am doing this 6-7 years. As you see I cant proove , because the cabal will be there before me. Maybe the Russian Embassy can do something, I wrote to them.

    3. ok my friend. You know when you write to them (especially officials) you need to sound not just convincing but also you need to provide proof. 7 years i am sure this has been taking its toll on you. Now i know how it is when one does not have the resources and all one could provide are words and experiences. Having that said. you said you had a gas attack. did you go to Dr. (you still have to start there even if you dont trust them...but you need that initial report...

      Is it possible that working on that field you worked on may have compromised your immune system.

      Any idea why the Cabal trying to get you.

  91. And after everything, everything, everything...
    Again, let's raise our heads!
    Enough kneeling!
    With the years behind us, well equipped, we have sharpened our vision!
    Our hands are calm, our hearts are strong!
    Well, let's shoot the arrows!
    Dignified, as we have always been, let's go to the next divine battle!
    ~ Om Mani Padme Hum ~

    P. S.
    My country was engulfed in war and I know well the pain, destruction and running to shelter.

    In what cosmic depths is my Commander Ashtar?
    Thank you to all Galactic Confederation personnel who are recovering and a big thank you to those who have stayed with us.
    Gratitude and a hug to Master Cobra.


    Victory of the Love!

  92. Reminder of full Moon Meditations and International remote healing sessions between October 28th and 30th

  93. This is a lesson in false pride. Such as thinking you are a fascinating High Level Target. Just absolutely fascinating. Er, NO.

    Great lesson. Get rid of false pride.

    1. The core message is spot-on, aside from the new age poppycock packaging. Thanks for sharing!

  94. And Father Absolute says, I quote:

    "Remember more often that any excessiveness in emotions, words and actions feature low vibrations since they are based on false pride – the desire to prove your superiority to others."
    i.e. I'm a "high level target"


  95. A great positive message from Ashtar!! Don't sink into darkness by watching news or the dark agenda (and there is lots of it). Just ignore it; stay in the Light. I'm in my own little world. Channeled by Sharon Steward.

  96. Ha a fènyerők a tökéletes helyzetre vàrnak akkor mègis mi szükség van ràjuk?mikor már nincs semmi akadály akkor minek jönnek ide?Megfőtt az ebèd ès lehet asztalhoz űlni.Ha mi végezzük a munkàt akkor màr ha kèsz van minek jön bàrki?Elvinni a hasznot?Ez olyan Illuminatis nem?Mèg a kibaszott chemtrailt se oldották meg itt Magyarországon ugy szornak minket mint a szunyogokat nyàron.

  97. A Very Powerful Attack, and Give it Your All

  98. Stock market might crash in oct 30 or 31st.lets see what happens.


  100. What percentage of the so called Positive Military has betrayed the Light Forces?

    1. will make no difference. The light will succeed. The decision is what wagon you will jump into.

      The time of darkness and ignorance ruling is gone... the time of light is here

  101. Hello, everyone! Since every '-bras' have done their jobs so great, so I Got myself a New name: Babra! Which maens "Beat the Archons and compression BReAkthrough" !!! Nice to meet you guys!

  102. is it normal that there's a high influx of archons attacking me every other night? I'm guessing its because of the pre-lunar energies but not really sure.

    1. You're not the only one. They seem hungry and desperate. Every one that gets attracted to Light gets a one way ticket to the Great Central Sun. Stay strong, final reconning in progress!

    2. dont confuse archons with other entities.. they r diff is my understanding.

    3. Yeah they certainly do feel very desperate, but this is a good indication that maybe the lurker's time is almost up or maybe its gone. DH you are correct I'm not really sure whats messing with me. I've never truly known the difference between archons and reptilians, I have mostly the ones that like invading my negative blockages during OBE, those im not sure what they are if its reptillian vs archons or something else

    4. I've been getting attacked for quite sometime, but since this past Saturday it seems to have intensified. I've been down for the count for almost a week. I get knocked down from time to time but I always rise back up. I have an ancient demon harassing me and he has been after me for quite some time. Just hang in there...I know things are rough but try to stay strong. These aren't the easiest of time we are in but just keep the faith <3

  103. Focus on: Mission | Goal of the mission


  104. Le Parfum des Esprits


  105. @Lightpower
    Many of us are right there with you. We're physically, emotionally, mentally exhausted... but spiritually WE are above the norm, and that's what makes us key to this mission and process. 😌
    WE have that extra endurance, that extra Light that is what's needed to tip the scales. It's no accident that WE, the Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, and Starseeds made our way to this converging path that brought all of us together to focus our Love, Light, Will, and Intent on behalf of those that are good at heart but still under the amnesiac spell. We're at the precipice my friend, and I am resonating with @Libra's guesstimation that The Event could happen at the end of this year, or the beginning of the next... I feel it.😉
    When we reach our goal... our Victory, I look forward to meeting all of you and giving tons of high-fives, hand shakes and hugs! Hang in there... you got this!

    Love and Light,

  106. Adapted against the Higher Self

  107. is this your first time experiencing this problem

  108. FYI for people that like to watch youtube videos. Youtube is blocking people from seeing videos that use an ad blocker so you don't have to watch those annoying ads during the video. They want people to disable their ad blocker and watch the ads or pay for youtube, in order to see the video.

    In order to by-pass this you will need to download the extension U origin for what ever browser you are using. Do a search and you will be able to find it and instructions on how to set it up. It is free. If you have other ad blockers you will have to disable them. U origin is the only blocker you will need.

    1. It's called Ublock Origin actually. I've been using it for years, it's amazing and even blocks sites that are potentially malicious like a firewall.🙂

    2. thank you divination. i will update out cheat sheet :)

  109. remember to clear the cache. or history on browsers.. not all options on the history because if you select passwords you will be prompted to enter it again. so be careful what you clear. then revisit site

  110. The solution

  111. Spiritual principles

  112. I have made a promotional video of this meditation in Japanese and English and posted it on X.
    Please help spread the word.

    - Japanese ver.

    - English ver.

  113. It was unnecessary for Hal to put such a negative spin on this, but good news:

    Keep going!

    1. 😱

  114. owner and loc of original tip are btw brackets [ owner cobrapostdate posttitleinitial ]. When providing an error tip please incl. the error msg.

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  115. I really hope our meditation will be successful.if it wont be successfull and war will further escalate i pray LF will intervene and stop the war.if that doesnt happen it will be like the never ending ukraine war.

  116. There are spiritual inventions that we can use
    (durch: through | wird: becomes)

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. @Lightpower

    This is precisely why I backed off from commenting as much because, like you, I noticed alot of negativity, arrogance, and insults sifting through. They're mostly from new profiles I've never seen before and seemed to mostly start after COBRA's Q&A session. I hope you're right and these trolls are exposed for the divisive shit-starters they really are. There are many on here that I resonate with such as yourself, @COBRA, @DH, @Libra, @Sherman, and a many others I haven't mentioned, but just KNOW they're genuine. I think it's more or less an instinctual thing. There are a good amount on here that feel like true Lightworkers through and through. Because of you guys, I have great faith in our core collective Light.

  119. I have come to the conclusion (reading Reich's book) that the main issue people have is compulsive morality, especially about sex. There is an inter-generational, emotional plague that causes needless suffering directly and indirectly through projection.

    Many effects of this plague are taken at face value through sublimation as energy attacks, entity attachments, and unreasoning angst at life and people. Many deeply unsatisfied people look to alternate values and beliefs to cope with unhappiness and lack of satisfaction. Being "healthy" means being able to be spontaneous and at the same time having the discipline to see it through. There is a joy to be alive that is obscured by the social plague as well as distorted by the individual.

    I believe Cobra is spot on about the goddess temples and sexual healing centers. Establishing these would be incredibly difficult due to the social stigma.

    I don't believe in the 'lightworker' concept. I don't think a 'lightworker' would be poorly adapted to life. Nonetheless, I think many humans, potentially a third, have an alien point of origin. Everyone forgets who they are and becomes a native.

    I have recently come across information where many alien point of origin humans will transition back to their race when full disclosure occurs. That is roughly 2 and a half billion people. Looking at the human race from an interplanetary perspective, many races came to help lighten the vibrations to make ascension easier. If this is true, it begs the question, when is the mission finished? The exodus Cobra has talked about makes more sense if such a large population was already orientated to alien societies.

    I have to admit, I have been reeling from the idea of conspiracy theories. I look at the two most impactful potential events as being 'alien disclosure', and new physics from UFO energy systems. Without considering any white hat alliance, these two are on the table.

    Again, I don't think there will be a sudden ascension. It's completely unrealistic. I do, although, think there could be an energy event where the social fabric reorients to a higher (4th) density. That assumes some meta-physics, which might be false. I think there must be a tipping point past which humanity cannot return and at the same time disclosure will begin.

    I do believe there is an electromagnetic space fence around the earth and the militaries are attempting to weaponize the sub space. I also think because humanity's vibration is so low, it is difficult for aliens to lower their vibrations to interact with us. The vibration difference is the real preentative for contact, along with the national security interestes to some extent.

  120. False spiritual assessment
    To my astonishment, this riddle (which lower part belongs to which upper part) was only solved by about 8% of the people.

    Most of the 92%, when I told them the solution, said: "How could anyone think of that"?

    The 8% said something like: "What a simple task". And: "How could you not come up with that"?

  121. What the bloody hell are they doing with Israel anyway? Are we supposed to watch as they kill people? Why do we have to kill anyone? Why the hell are we KILLING anyone for??? Are we supposed to watch it, or cheer them on? What the hell are they doing (or trying to do?) I'm so so tired of this. Oh let's go around and KILL everyone we feel like who has done NOTHING!! It's getting pretty thin now.


    STOP KILLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Seriously, I can't believe this. Whether you're Israel or Hamas or anyone, what does the killing actually achieve??????????????
    They think we will watch and cheer as they kill humans? WHAT ARE THEY DOING???? Stop hurting people. Bloody stop all wars.
    Seriously it should be ILLEGAL.

    What the F*ck are they doing? I just fail to understand ANY OF IT!!!!!!!

  122. The only ones we should be killing are the Illuminati, the Dracos, the Archons - those of that ilk. Because they will never stop, so we have to throw them in the Great Central Sun. Just hurry up.

    I can't wait until we finally disclose some stuff. They are taking soooo long. Please hurry up.

  123. This comment has been removed by the author.

  124. Will be there ... with heavy duty psiotronik assist , the lurker will begin to squirm ...
    modulated by
    and will perhaps be assisted by a Whitednobility Beacon Of LIGHT ... Taduuuun

  125. Arabic translation of this post/الترجمة العربية لهذا المنشور:
    لكي يتم إعلامك فورًا بترجمة جديدة ، يمكنك متابعتنا على تيليجرام:

  126. In seeing that bioweapons are becoming a larger concern, I 'sent out my feelers' to see if I could understand what's going on through my own perceptions. What I saw, again through the lens of my own mind, was basically little elementary spirits are being 'caged' by fallen matter and forced to provide the living energy required to power virus cells. This life force energy is what tricks our bodies into accepting or allowing its presence, while the fallen matter's programming is what controls the behavior of the cell. These little spirits reminded me of Mushi, so I did the meditation required to perceive the Underground River of Light. In doing so, for the first time, I encountered another being there. I discussed what I had perceived, that darkness was hijacking elementary light spirits to serve as power plants and cloaking devices so the darkness could enter living systems, and the entity seemed surprised by this information. I asked if the prismatic white fire energy that I'd been using lately would help strengthen these spirits enough to break their bonds, and the entity accepted. It felt like what happened next, was that each of these light spirits that had been tricked/intoxicated into dark cages began growing stronger and refusing to be used in this manner.
    When I returned to the River a few hours later to see how things were going, it was overflowing. It seems many of the trapped spirits either broke themselves free or received help. Obviously I do not have the ability to confirm this, as viruses of many kinds are still present on the Earth, but I believe that the 'bioweapons' are becoming much more difficult to create and maintain.

  127. 3500 + so far children blown up in Gaza, Israel needs to be stopped, just blatant random blowing people up. Both sides just want to keep killing civilians, it's all a con.

  128. How many more Palestinian civilians have to be murdered before the light forces intervene. Shame on you "light forces"

  129. So we can say that we are at 95 %

  130. I hope we reached critical mass, there were 1100 on YouTube, but I don't think there was much publicity, hope it was of some benefit. It was nice to see comments in the live chat of all the different countries participating.

  131. We hope we did it! Victory of the Light once more! Thank you guys!
