Saturday, April 14, 2018

Potentially fatal hyperphasic systems failure, request immediate intervention at 504


  1. Wow!
    Today i spent my time listening to uplifting songs and my emotions are more balanced.
    I'll keep holding the light knowing this will be fixed in a few moments.

    Love, love and love everything everyone all the time <3

  2. We're with you, Cobra! Victoria of the LIGHT!!! It's already worked

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. ����✨���� Join us every day whether it is to meditate, chat with other like-minded individuals, participate in Healing Circles, get updated on the latest intel, clear your mind by attending our mindfulness meditations ... there is something for you.

    ***PEACE MEDITATION April 15/16th***: Please join us also "Where we Infuse Love and Light into any Discord" :) <3 for the PEACE MEDITATION on Sunday April 15/16th at the exact moment of the New Moon on Sunday, April 15th at 9:57 pm Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) this equals to Monday, April 16th at 1:57 am UTC.


    ✨ Are you one of those people that find that the time of the daily hosted meditations is not convenient for you to participate? Would you like to do all of the planetary liberation meditations (PFC, WLMM, etc) in JUST ONE SINGLE meditation, including all the key points of importance? If so, then we have the answer for you ... Join us here and invite others to join you in our �� MEDITATIONS-ON-THE-GO Platform: ������ where we are Prepared For the Change:
    Our COMBINED Planetary Ascension MEDITATION combines all PFC/WLMM/etc meditations into ONE and is hosted every 6 hours to cover as many areas of the world. We are hosting this meditation at UTC Midnight, 6 AM, 12 NOON, 6 PM UTC. �� If you do not want to use our hosted meditation platform, feel free to use the meditation directly:
    To read the script of this meditation, please take a peek on our platform, under the room called #Meditation-Scripts. ✨

    �� We also host a selection of Mindfulness Meditations from various masters like Mooji, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Eckhart Tolle, etc 4 times every day. A randomly selected meditation is played at 1 AM, 7 AM, 1 PM and 7 PM UTC, to further ground our own light in this realm so that everyone can experience more aliveness and empowerment. ��

    ��‍�� We currently also host the SUNday Unity Meditations from Sandra Walter on Sunday at UTC 3:11 PM, 6:11 PM and Monday 12:11 AM UTC, in our special MEDITATION UNITY audio room. ��‍��

    �� We invite you to join us in various initiatives that we provide and collaborate on together, such as sharing your light business and healing practice through our promotion room with FREE advertising, localized chat to find people in your area to connect with, the Lightworkers In Need Of Funding initiative for those in difficult financial situations, the Ubuntu Healing Circle for those in need of special healing, and a host of sources sharing intel (Current events, Exopolitics, First Contact, etc) for those keen on getting their fix �� ��

    �� We continuously collaborate with Prepare For Change (PFC), We Love Mass Meditation (WLMM), and many other groups and individuals in the hosting of daily meditations to create to bring more light to our own lives and the world at large:
    With great joy we invite you to collaborate with us (as well as WLMM and PFC) on any light-filled projects that you may have in mind, such as hosted meditations and healing initiatives. ��
    If you are Prepared For the Change, join us to connect with like-hearted beings, and to raise the Planetary Vibration, on our �� MEDITATIONS-ON-THE-GO Platform: ������ <3 (Disclaimer: If you dislike the name, or feel uncomfortable with the intro image, let it be a reminder that we are here to infuse all discord with light) ������✨��

  5. they still resists... i just want to be free... live, not survive...

    but in the end, the victory is ours

    stay strong RM,

    love and light

    1. The resistance is futile. :)

    2. What a good idea. Yes RM always stay strong. Thanks for all you do already for such a long time. Blessings and lots of love from me.

  6. Everything is a potential. Now is now. Always now every second, every moment, every thought and action.

    The potentia is you; look within, change is always now; when our cup is full, we flow from that cup; when our cup is empty, we always choose. One foot in front of the other. Backwards & forwards, forwards and backwards.

    Belief in the unity and community. Be like water my friend. Flow within. Knowledge comes from awakening, from awake, we choose destiny and thought, from history and experience, we choose always, every momentum of the now. One backwards, we listen, two forwards. Unity; trinity; all is all, always now.

    Reality is both produced locally & globally. Every momentum. We produce our reality now within and without is the reflection of to be. Never stopping, always moving inside out.

    Once we awaken, knowledge is old. Now is anew. Our cup must never be full. Always, we, I, you, who; continuously moving. History is the past, we learn of the past, we create a new. History is history. We are now. Now is Now always.

    Peace & Healing, we create the world both locally & globally. To many have taken the burden in the past and been manipulated or confused. Remember, our mind produces reality from within and then without.

    Be like water my friend. Be like a river that is always flowing.

    Peace & Love

    1. Thanks a lot for those words! ..exactly what I needed today to stay strong. <3


  7. Time is approaching for our Peace Meditation and the energies are rising as more and more people has made a decision to join us and we are gaining momentum.
    Hopely there will be again many signs in the sky in the form of rainbow cloudships especially in Asia in this day before our meditation, indicating that the Light forces are supporting us in this endeavor.

    Next hours will be decisive for how many people join us and how much impact or meditation will have on the planetary situation.
    Therefore we ask for all to spread the news about this meditation far and wide.

  8. Only light and love will prevail ✨🙏🏼❤️🌈

  9. Nice words “up above there” Charles in your cosmic cloud world of “now” & “flow”
    enlightenment ~ up in the clouds with a birds eye view just like Aristophanes and his play “The Birds” from 414 BC & you wrote this on 4/!

    And to add a wee bit, indeed we have more “contaminated” words to throw in the delete bin, any words with “stay” in them ~ stay, station, state, these words don’t exist in reality as everything is always in flux & flow on the cosmic circuit board of creation...

    There is no “stay”, staying creates friction, friction against the holding on either, just let go ;)

    Oh yeah and here are a few other backwards virus bits embedded within our language that I just “real eyes-ed” (realized) today,

    Don't wait for things to “fall” into place, (yikes!)

    Rather Make them “Rise” into “motion” & do it with a giddy “spin” ;)

    Oh yeah and the synonym words “Balm” & “Bomb” ~ the ancient one heals, one recent one kills....

    I think we know which one here to throw in the trash....

    And then also, what do you “sing in church”? But, “Hymns” (Him’s), of course says the horse (Horus) ~ wow!

    Much Love

    1. i don't know if words are contaminated in and of themselves - as one who has studied etymology and enjoys reading the wiktionary/wikipedia in the translated languages to english - i have realized that it is more about how our mind is able to read and hear the sounds and tones in dynamic spherical flow - so no matter what words are used, they will be given the flow through our own minds as we hear them and feel their energy/vibrations. We are communicating through tones and intentions and the words will follow easy enough. I may have misunderstood what you were implying when you said it was a problem to use the phrase "fall into place" - for all it is worth, i can not find a single problem with this statement! Falling is good when we need to fall and if it goes into place, all the better. Am i missing something? Try reading a sentence with the words all mished up and no matter how you mix them, the meaning is vibrationally within the sentence.

  10. What's needed, Cobra?, Radja? Is it possible someone forgot about his/her mission? Please?

  11. Let's do this bro

  12. ����✨���� Join us every day whether it is to meditate, chat with other like-minded individuals, participate in Healing Circles, get updated on the latest intel, clear your mind by attending our mindfulness meditations ... there is something for you.

    ***PEACE MEDITATION April 15/16th***: Please join us also "Where we Infuse Love and Light into any Discord" :) <3 for the PEACE MEDITATION on Sunday April 15/16th at the exact moment of the New Moon on Sunday, April 15th at 9:57 pm Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) this equals to Monday, April 16th at 1:57 am UTC.


    ✨ Are you one of those people that find that the time of the daily hosted meditations is not convenient for you to participate? Would you like to do all of the planetary liberation meditations (PFC, WLMM, etc) in JUST ONE SINGLE meditation, including all the key points of importance? If so, then we have the answer for you ... Join us here and invite others to join you in our �� MEDITATIONS-ON-THE-GO Platform: ������ where we are Prepared For the Change:
    Our COMBINED Planetary Ascension MEDITATION combines all PFC/WLMM/etc meditations into ONE and is hosted every 6 hours to cover as many areas of the world. We are hosting this meditation at UTC Midnight, 6 AM, 12 NOON, 6 PM UTC. �� If you do not want to use our hosted meditation platform, feel free to use the meditation directly:
    To read the script of this meditation, please take a peek on our platform, under the room called #Meditation-Scripts. ✨

    �� We also host a selection of Mindfulness Meditations from various masters like Mooji, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Eckhart Tolle, etc 4 times every day. A randomly selected meditation is played at 1 AM, 7 AM, 1 PM and 7 PM UTC, to further ground our own light in this realm so that everyone can experience more aliveness and empowerment. ��

    ��‍�� We currently also host the SUNday Unity Meditations from Sandra Walter on Sunday at UTC 3:11 PM, 6:11 PM and Monday 12:11 AM UTC, in our special MEDITATION UNITY audio room. ��‍��

    �� We invite you to join us in various initiatives that we provide and collaborate on together, such as sharing your light business and healing practice through our promotion room with FREE advertising, localized chat to find people in your area to connect with, the Lightworkers In Need Of Funding initiative for those in difficult financial situations, the Ubuntu Healing Circle for those in need of special healing, and a host of sources sharing intel (Current events, Exopolitics, First Contact, etc) for those keen on getting their fix �� ��

    �� We continuously collaborate with Prepare For Change (PFC), We Love Mass Meditation (WLMM), and many other groups and individuals in the hosting of daily meditations to create to bring more light to our own lives and the world at large:
    With great joy we invite you to collaborate with us (as well as WLMM and PFC) on any light-filled projects that you may have in mind, such as hosted meditations and healing initiatives. ��
    If you are Prepared For the Change, join us to connect with like-hearted beings, and to raise the Planetary Vibration, on our �� MEDITATIONS-ON-THE-GO Platform: ������ <3 (Disclaimer: If you dislike the name, or feel uncomfortable with the intro image, let it be a reminder that we are here to infuse all discord with light) ������✨��
