Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Absolute surface P501 APR abort exc DL / STS


  1. Hope I'm first to say, hang in there all!! Things getting bumpy.🙏 Victory of the Light!!🙏

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. In the name of the divine spirit I am
      We hereby request that the Divine Source accelerate the initiation of events to free the Earth as soon as possible
      The above declaration, as desired, must manifest in the Light

  2. https://thenewrenaissance2025.blogspot.com/?m=1

  3. Light, good and justice will triumph; It's only a matter of time. (Prophecy of the Christian Mystic Beinsa Douno). ☀️💖🕊

  4. Bonjour 🙂
    Notre équipe s’envole à présent vers de nouvelles aventures avec la création d’un nouveau facebook et Telegram avec sous-groupes encore plus beau, complet, et intuitif qui diffusera plus largement encore les informations, conseils et outils nécessaires à la transition exopolitique et spirituelle actuelle.

    Nous l’avons nommé « Libération Planétaire et Ascension » et espérons qu’il saura combler vos attentes et répondre à vos questions dans une large mesure. Il est constitué d’un canal principal auquel s’ajoutent de nombreux sous-groupes relatifs aux méditations, aux intels de COBRA, à l’ascension spirituelle, aux protocoles de guérison, etc.
    ✅ LIBÉRATION PLANÉTAIRE ET ASCENSION => canal général de nos émissions YouTube, salons vocaux, échanges, partage et questions.
    ✅ MÉDITATIONS => le canal principal pour les méditations de groupe.
    ✅ COBRA l’Intégral => toutes les intels de COBRA compilées dans un document PDF de plus de 2000 pages couvrant l’intégralité de ses mises à jour et interviews depuis 2012. Pour retrouver n’importe quelle information en un clic, rendez-vous à la FAQ de la page 14.
    ✅ ASCENSION Spirituelle => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif au processus d’ascension actuel, avec comme ouvrage de référence, « L’Escalier de Cristal » d’Eric Klein.
    ✅ SORORITÉ de la Rose - France => canal relatif aux sororités françaises, selon le fonctionnement et les directives données par COBRA.
    ✅ GALACTIQUE et COSMOS => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif à la Confédération Galactique, au Codex Galactique et plus largement aux lois universelles et cosmiques.
    ✅ Sessions IMPLANTS => canal principal de nos émissions de dissolution d’implants et de résiliation de contrats d’âme.
    ✅ GUÉRISON et Protections => canal d’informations et d’entraide relatif aux protocoles de commande pléiadiens, aux chambres à tachyon et autres outils favorisant le bien-être énergétique et spirituel.

    Retrouvez toutes nos émissions en intégralité sur notre chaine YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/@mmariemichele2243
    Ainsi que les actualités de notre canal sur notre groupe Facebook :
    Pour nous rejoindre, C’EST PAR ICI : https://t.me/+mEqk0T08SehlMDE8

    Liste officielle des groupes Facebook officiels du réseau "Prepare For Change" en Europe liés au réseau

    "Prepare For Change Francophone" page Facebook officielle du site français de Prepare For Change

    Prepare For Change #France #Francophonie https://www.facebook.com/groups/1489034111157314

    Replay LIVESTREAM FRANCAIS officiel EN DIRECT du 1er Mai 2023 chaine youtube "Libération planétaire et Ascension" pour "l' Activation du Portail de Lumière"

    PDF FRANCAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumière du 1 Mai 2023
    PDF ANGLAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumièredu 1 Mai 2023 (ENGLISH PDF to explain the Portal of Light Activation on 1st May 2023)


    "Until physical intervention occurs, Lightworkers and Light Warriors should HOLD THE LIGHT GRID as much as possible:

    a) The construction of the Cintamani grid:
    COBRA | 29th may 2017 : The Cintamani Network
    people who are involved in the surface cintamani grid, to refrain from having physical contact with their own cintamani stones at times when they are in conflict with other surface humans, or when they are in an extremely negative emotional state, to avoid contaminating the grid.

    b) The construction of the Tachyon chamber grid

    c) The construction of the Soul Family connection grid:
    COBRA | 2nd april 2018 : soul families

    d) The construction of sisterhood of the rose (with physical meetings)
    COBRA | 16th june 2018 : Planetary Activation of SOTR

    e) Prepare for physical contact with the Light Forces according to the internal guidelines:
    COBRA | 18th March 2018 : Contact
    COBRA | 9th May 2018 : Protocols of entry

    F) Refrain /Avoid From Interpersonal Conflicts By Choosing Non-réaction and Conscious Positive Action Over Reaction .

    Let's Continue to hold the Light together 🙂

    You can find some useful healing tips/meditations here :
    "Let’s Heal Together: Preparing Ourselves for Liberation and Ascension"
    We are so much stronger together💫

  6. ✨If you missed the recent "Let's Heal Together: Preparing Ourselves for Liberation and Ascension" live session, you can still benefit from this powerful session by participating in the replay, you'll find it on the Sisterhood of the Rose YouTube channel at: https://youtube.com/live/_tyjPQa8jl8

    ✨Theme for this session: Shadow Work Part 2 “FREE YOURSELF WITH THE POWER OF FORGIVENESS”
    Forgiveness is a powerful and transformative tool we can use to help free ourselves from the shadows that hold us back from our fullest joy and dim the light of who we truly are. It is a key step in our evolutionary journey of liberation and Ascension. Join us as we discuss the importance of practicing personal forgiveness towards others and ourselves, as well as the importance of collective forgiveness to heal our world. We’ll share tips, affirmations, and meditations to release yourself from the energetic ties that bind you, so you can set yourself free!

    We will also do protocols and meditations together for protection, healing, and anchoring Goddess energy, and end with an optional group meditation to bring peace to the situation in the Middle East.

    ✨Key time markers for this session:

    OPENING 12:03-18:17
    - Intention Setting 12:03-13:17
    - Astrology Report for Scorpio Season 13:17-18:17

    PREPARATION & PROTECTION 18:17-01:01:53
    -Command 12 21 Invocation 18:46-21:32
    -Violet Flame 21:32-24:54
    -Blue Bubble of Light 24:54-26:15
    -New ATVOR+I Am Presence Meditation 26:15-30:35
    -Goddess Meditation to Neutralize Negative Rituals + Goddess Energy 30:35-01:01:53

    HEALING PRESENTATION 01:01:53-01:55:01
    "Shadow Work Part 2: Free Yourself with the Power of Forgiveness"
    -What is Shadow Work (review) 01:03:51-01:07:52
    -Importance of Forgiveness 01:07:52-01:22:13
    -Ho'oponopono 01:22:13-01:36:52
    -Forgiveness Meditation 01:36:52-01:46:41

    LET'S HEAL TOGETHER 01:55:01-02:16:30
    -"Command 771" Invocation 01:55:01-02:00:20
    -Bonus Meditation (optional): Peace in Middle East 02:00:20-02:16:30

    (Note: To review "Shadow Work Part 1: Identifying Our Triggers", visit https://youtube.com/live/Cqi5pIyjlDk beginning at time marker 41:48)

    ✨When we join together for meditations and group healing, we more quickly and fully manifest individual, collective, and planetary liberation, as well as prepare ourselves for the Ascension process! At this pivotal time on the planet, it is of the utmost importance that we heal ourselves to be free of limiting beliefs, sabotaging behaviors, and lower vibrational frequencies, thoughts, and emotions.

    ✨Working together is very powerful, and the more people that attend, the more impactful it will be for all … so please spread the word about these sessions! 💖

    ✨SAVE THE DATE! Next session is scheduled for Wednesday, November 29, continuing with shadow work: Healing Our Inner Child. More details coming soon!

  7. (FRANCAIS / FRENCH) REPLAY Cobra Situation planétaire+ Importantes victoires+Israël +Méditations +biopuces+ "RÔDEUR" et anomalie+ Ashtar et Saint Germain+Codex Galactique +Noblesse noire et sauvetage d'enfants...

  8. ✨️🪔✨️🪔✨️🪔✨️🪔✨️🪔✨️🪔✨️

  9. Is that good or is that bad? o.o

  10. Please help I'm being condemned and I didn't do anything wrong.
    Eagle County Colorado.

  11. When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven. Revelation 8:1
    (Solar Flash = The silence of the mind)

  12. Silence, all people, in the presence of the Lord, who has left his holy dwelling. Zechariah 2:17

  13. Whatever this means, hold the light guys! ✨
    It feels like shit is about to get real - at least for the cabal HAHA 😁
    VotL! 💜🙏💫

  14. Spiritual Guidance → Higher Energy
    Higher Energy → Higher Vibration
    Higher Vibration → Higher Consciousness


  15. executing the Event finally or another side operation?


    I have been following this blog for over a decade, and over the last few months, I have materialized A LOT of work that I am confident is pertinent to the Resistance Movement and liberation of the planet.

    You can view the work at this link - https://www.hisway4kids.com/

    It includes 3 books and an app that instructs children on the fundamentals of prayer.

    Several years ago COBRA made the following request seeking an attorney. I am making the same request.

    "I need to expand my legal team and need an attorney that can at least to some degree understand and support my mission, and has a good understanding of international law, copyright issues, defamation and libel issues and harassment / threatening / cyberstalking issues. If you are such an attorney, you can contact matthew@hisway4kids.com"

    Specifically, I am looking for a lawyer who knows how to write and structure divine contracts.

    If this work resonates, and you feel guided to reach out, please do so immediately.

    Victory of the Light!


  17. I really this is a good news! 🙏🏻

  18. I wish LF have massive luck with their progress!

  19. 501 Dispose of contents/container
    Air Raid Precautions (ARP)
    EXC External Countermeasures DL Deputy Lieutenant
    (STS) Shoulder to Shoulder


  20. Keep pushing till it's understood
    And these Badlands start treating us good.



  21. Heart attack danger? Data list? Project 501?

  22. It's about time you post something that the layman can understand.

  23. I don't have a comment on what Cobra posted...
    Just listened to something amazing. Very Interesting!


  24. August 3rd 2019 on this blog. All 501 protocols are nearing completion, 501/MASTERPIECE integration delayed due to unfavourable grid ratio, PT intersection on hold.

    Evaluation expected 190921

  25. looks like its 1023 AD currently on earth;and not 2023 AD.....as the dark forces made up an extra 1000 earth years of history that doesnt exist;since the ascended master incarnated on earth as jesus.....this is from a super primo intel source.....

    in case some havent seen yet the ships in the skies(at link below) of chiang mai;that has been filmed immediately after the ascension conference....its just a coincidence these ships were captured on film immediately after the conference;of course;not-hahahahaha.....


    1. Here is another clip captured by a Chinese on 27Nov 2023. Different clouds & foreground, same kind of illuminated UFOs.

  26. https://youtu.be/pvP_OwVSFpk?si=F2ayq_Oavutm0YtT

  27. Recently, resettlement from Tajikistan to Russia has taken not just massive, but already catastrophic proportions. More than 30% of citizens of this country already have Russian passports, and their number is only growing. For the last few years Tajiks have been the leaders (https://t.me/ia_steklomoy/21460) in obtaining Russian citizenship. At the same time, a significant number of them hold radical religious and even extremist-Wahhabi views, the manifestations of which are being fought more and more harshly in their homeland. In addition, there are many Afghan Tajiks among those moving to Russia, and with their arrival in our country, the flow of illicit drugs, primarily opiates, is growing, as this is part of their traditional family "business".

    Tajik organized criminal groups continue to increase their influence. Of the foreign groups in prison, Tajik groups are the most influential. Even in our schools, major problems and violent conflicts are most often associated with children of Tajikistan natives/migrants (the number of these often tragic cases is also increasing).

    Most experts who know the Central Asian countries since Soviet times claim that it is in Tajikistan that Russophobic sentiments have always been and remain very strong. It is enough to recall the brutal persecution of Russians (including mass murders, rapes, and property seizures) that actively continued from 1989 to 1992, until almost all Russians were forced to leave the country. Remembering and knowing all this, this "time mine" continues to be laid under our stability, security and unique multinational world.

    However, this in no way embarrasses the migration lobbyists, who are getting stronger and stronger in their sense of limitless possibilities, together with the "experts" and the media that serve them, who accuse those who disagree with them of populism (https://t.me/media_mig_ru/2554) and even worse.

  28. Here is some information for you to ponder.

    Issuance of Russian passports to foreign citizens, first half of 2023, data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation:

    Tajikistan - 86,964 (+17.26% vs. APPG)
    Ukraine - 39,053 (-62.5%)
    Armenia - 17,921 (-19.04%)
    Kazakhstan - 13,876 (-35.89%)
    Kyrgyzstan - 10,506 (-1.18%)
    Uzbekistan - 9 340 (-28,69%)
    Azerbaijan - 7,457 (-39.51%)
    Moldova - 6,857 (-16.77%)
    Belarus - 4,557 (-48.52%)
    Turkmenistan - 1,759 (+13.55%)
    Georgia - 1,182 (-35.76%)

    - 70% of Tajiks receiving Russian passports are young men.
    - Compared to Tajiks, the number of Russian passports issued to natives of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan is many times lower.
    - Tajikistan is the most derusified republic in Central Asia. Unlike Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, it has no Russian diaspora (in 2011, the authorities counted as many as 30,000 ethnic Russians). There are ~30 Russian-language schools for the entire 9 million inhabitants of the republic. Tajikistan is not a member of the EAEU, and its citizens have no preferences in terms of obtaining Russian citizenship. In recent years, the socio-economic situation in the republic has not undergone serious changes either for the better or for the worse. The more questions are raised about the dynamics of issuing Russian passports.

    - If the current rates of passportization are maintained, by 2030 Tajiks will become one of the five largest peoples of the Russian Federation. This will give the Tajik diaspora additional levers of influence on social, cultural and political processes in the country. With maximum effective penetration of the diaspora into the loose carcass of Russian statehood, it is possible to proclaim Tajik autonomy in the central (historical) regions of Russia: "Tatars and Chechens have autonomy, but we do not - this is fascism.
    - Apparently, this is the very "healthy conservatism" that we are relentlessly told about from TV screens and high offices. Every year it becomes more and more difficult to distinguish "conservative" Russia from "tolerant" Sweden. Conclusion? We need more TV reports on the migration crisis in Europe.

    1. Your thoughts on Russia ukraine war

    2. the performance of puppets of world Zionism - "Putin" (or the group of persons behind the group of actors called "Putin") and Zelensky on destruction of Slavic population as Canaanites - Slavs, as one of Jewish travelers in the 18th century during pilgrimage in Europe admitted. According to this Jew's text, the male Canaanites (Slavs) are to be exterminated (down to their children) and their wives and daughters are to become Jewish prostitutes. All this is very much in line with their holy books where it is said that whoever is not a Jew is not a human being and can be robbed, raped or killed. It was their agents who assassinated Joseph Stalin in 1953, in Russia they started planning the revolution from 1885-1890, which was written about by Dostoevsky in his writings and notes, not to mention the bigger statesmen. At the moment there is bargaining in an attempt to suspend, freeze the conflict until the presidential "elections" in the Russian Federation, and then start mass mobilization and send Russian soldiers into a positional, protracted massacre, because the so-called Ukrainians work for the so-called Ukrainians all the Western military industry, and inside Russia agents of the West directly rule the country in the person of Putin, members of parliament and ministers. At the same time the country is being flooded with migrants and it seems to me that this will be a one-time start - an attack of armed Wahhabi migrants all over the country with a simultaneous offensive by the forces of so-called "Ukraine", possibly together with NATO.


    I just made a video about the start of the presidential election campaign, in which I stated that Russian elections are an imitation of elections (an institution for legitimizing decisions made behind the scenes in the Kremlin) - and here is another confirmation of this.

    The RF Ministry of Justice intends to deregister the Party of Cause. That is, the Ministry of Justice keeps thirty parties that nobody needs, which are not parties of mythical structures at all, but the Party of Cause, which really works and is gaining points in the regions, has decided to cover it up.
    What is the reason?

    And the reason is simple. Officials and merchants do not need a structure that would be created from below and would live in the interests of voters, not the oligarchy. And even more so - a party that is engaged in business and moves the new economy.

    The current ruling class realizes the global attitude that there should be no economic development in Russia. Russia should be a raw material colony of the West, nothing more".

  30. This is pretty amazing. A family member has been listening to "channeled Pleiadians" and I was like yeah yeah okay. They told me this latest session sounded like what Cobra talks about, so I gave it a listen. Definitely. This is a real contact. She describes the same things in her own words, which gives it credibility. Sometimes in more simplified terms which is understandable. Like they fight Anomaly with sound. Well it's just not the purpose of her work to get into advanced technology, so "sound" will do well enough. She describes primary anomaly as a black goo the ET's found in space and "didn't know what it was." It's a kind of ultimate negative energy. Beings exposed to it experience amnesia. She says they, the Pleiadians, tried to clear it from other planets but the black goo was always one step ahead. "Always something new, something new." It's an expert at reproducing itself, "quite genius" she says. Beings exposed too much who become too dark are beyond help and must have their souls restructured back into Source. Wow! Throwing them in the Central Sun right? She said now war has been declared. Yes there had been an ongoing war, but now it's different, and all-out because they crossed a red line. "Just recently" she said. Like the Primary Contract Violated post here! She describes the Event, how everyone on the planet doing wrong will be removed, even down to doctors and politicians. "By the time you turn around, it will have already played out."

    Some of it is vague or confusing, but the point is I think it's a real contact so that's cool. Season 6, episode 44.


    1. Thank you so much! I can't stop watching her videos, they are so informative and in line with what Cobra tells us :D

  31. 3D – Soul > Thought > Emotion > Action > Manifestation
    4D – Soul > Thought > Emotion > Manifestation
    5D – Soul > Thought > Manifestation
    6D – Soul > Manifestation
    7D – Instantaneous

  32. Mire kell, minden rendbe jön. Ahogy érzékelem, az égiek gőz erővel teszik a dolgukat. Akiket meg támadás ér, azok, meg egyre erősebbek lesznek. Köszönet a mindenségnek ezért.

  33. Wish I know if this was good or bad.


    1. In 7 years of posting the same things in response to other people's comments you didn't even take the time to pay any attention to the actual posts, did you?

      Hint: When something gets reported as having been aborted it's usually not a good thing.

  34. Ground Commander Kim Goguen of United News Network mentioned that on Tuesday night 11/14/23, One hundred twenty thousand Angels from Source (positive) had come to Earth to help with the Restoration of Earth. As the time of her report published 11/15/23, she said that 250 thousand people of Earth that would not comply with the Positive Restoration of Earth had been eliminated. Can you verify this?

    1. Dear Cobra

      Please do confirm that Kim Goguen and Elena Danan are puppets of the dark force.

      Dear Readers. Please do your homework and realize who is really serving the lightforce and who not.

    2. Kim is not a white hat. Infiltrated controlled opposition.

    3. Elena Danan is a fake, I think she must be dead in reality and was copied. There is no truth from her, oh and she rewrote her book! Sad.

    4. provide link. cause all i found about kimberly ann goguen is that is a woman that talks about finances

    5. these two characters have a large following?

  35. Please post another comment that a layman can understand, and even if we didn't attain heaven on Earth yet, at least we are getting more communication from a decent place that gives us some solace that things are actually being done

  36. "Ukraine is finished." The United States told how they would harm Russia in a new way.

    The United States will try to harm Russia through the Middle East and Central Asia with the help of terrorists because of the failure in Ukraine, Paul Craig Roberts, a White House official during the Ronald Reagan administration, said in an interview with the Dialogue works YouTube channel.

    “If the United States can knock out Iran, then it will be possible to transport terrorists to Central Asia and to Russia itself,” he said.

    According to Roberts, the Americans intend to create for Russia “a much greater threat than Ukraine.” - RIA News.

  37. Le Rôdeur, c'est lui, c'est moi, c'est nous...La Source a décidé de projeter une partie d’elle-même dans l'anomalie pour la comprendre. Pour l'Amour de Dieu (notre Père), mettez-vous à sa place.
    Suivez le conseil de Jésus : "Ne regarde pas l’homme en accord avec sa chair !"  VOTL!

    1. Car l'Éternel regarde au cœur, j'aurais fait la même chose que Source , il sait dans mon cœur qu'il peut compter sur moi , je sais ce que c'est de se confronter à l'anomalie primaire .
      Prends soin de toi belle âme.✨🌹🙏🕊️

    2. Merci Steph I AM ✨ - Bénédiction - ✨
      Puissant Feu Créateur ! Nous Te louons et Te remercions car Ta Grande Omniprésence guérit, bénit et comble tous les êtres partout ! Pénètre le Cœur des humains de Ta Présence Créatrice et de Ton Génie ! Que la Totale Justice Divine de Ta Suprématie règne dans toutes les fonctions officielles du Pays ! Place l’Autorité entre les mains de Tes Envoyés Fidèles et Sûrs afin qu’Ils gouvernent tout le Pays ! Qu’Ils soient divinement soutenus afin que le peuple soit béni et prospère à jamais ! Que toute influence sinistre soit repoussée et consumée dans notre pays et dans le monde ! Saint Germain - VOTL!

    3. Saint Germain ! Ne m'en veux pas mais ces histoires de dragon violet et Jésus m'ont apporter plus de stress que de lumière et je dois transmutter cela, j'ai besoin de me concentrer sur ma mission et je dois avancer sur ce qui n'est pas clair pour moi.
      Ce monde a effectivement besoin d'un retour à la lumière et l'abondance pour tous, avec des guides ( je n'aime pas le terme de chef ou dirigeant) pour les accompagnés dans le changement avec beaucoup de bienveillance et douceur.
      Mes guides m'aident beaucoup, ma présence aussi, cette nuit j'étais avec un Etre de lumière c'était magnifique.
      Bisous lumineuse âme.
      Que la Déesse veille sur toi et sur Tous.

  38. I'm not agree, you know 😘❤️ love is powerful ! My nature doesn't change specially when is eternal . Light is light you know

  39. Victory is at hand. Imagine it. https://youtu.be/zZBtrdyVoto?si=Zfx5qYPfU2thIHgc

  40. Amíg nem tudsz magadra, a magodra (mag) figyelni, addig semmiféle magosabb technológiát nem lehet kiadni. A magyarok fogják odaadni a magosabb technológiát, de csak azoknak, akik tudnak magukra figyelni. Később a hét mester (hét Buda, hét Krisztus) is meg fog születni, akik eddig E földön tanítottak.

  41. How quickly money is collected for fundraising companies 1 And I barely raised 1381 all year and no one wants to help me raise 5000 dollars, I need it so badly. I am so upset and understand that no one will help me.

  42. The Magic Flute


    1. Very good thank you! ⭐️☀️😇

    2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t99Ppk6eOZA&t=444s

  43. I received this message today:

    "This week, thousands of American Jews and allies took action all over the country (USA) to call for an immediate ceasefire, an end to the massacre in Gaza, and an exchange of all hostages. Every day, more and more people are recognizing that a ceasefire is the only way forward to peace and justice for all Palestinians and Israelis. As of right now, at least 35 members of Congress have publicly supported a ceasefire. Our pressure is working — but this moment requires everyone."


  44. I just bought this wallet (booster abundance) from 9010. I think it will work well, I mean my angels thought so! You take a pic of your wallet, upload it, i.e. send them the pic, and it starts to work. Hooray! Love 9010.


    Hope that link works. I wanna get the shoes also (I mean, the "add on" for the shoes) so I can walk further. Fun!

  45. Hello,

    You've listed a lot of things that make people confused about what spirituality is and what it isn't. It happens when you read too much of that stuff and your mind starts to imagine all kind of different things that are not part of your conscious experience. It's very tricky because it can lead to the situation where your project your beliefs on top your conscious reality. It can also be used by the mind as an excuse to avoid problems/challenges in your physical life and wishing for an easy escape into spiritual realm or being saved by some external force/teaching.

    It's better to get away from all of that. Go to nature, be present and disengage from that kind of thinking. Exercise, go to the gym, medidate, learn new stuff. Focus on your life, improve with each day. Make yourself better and later contribute to the society as a result. Do not avoid your present reality in favor of wishful/magicial thinking because it leads to nowhere.

    Path is simple. Be kind, be present. Nothing else is needed. Just sharing my personal experience after many years wasted on that kind of magicial thinking... All the best o>

  46. 👏😀
    Nice job Libra!🫵😉👍

  47. So I guess the meditation from October 28 was not very effective in stabilize the situation in the middle east. 6 weeks in and not only have they invaded but have also bombed the place to smithereens.

  48. Firstly, there is the problem of the veil that holds back the energies of the Ascended Masters.

    Then there is the problem that the Ascended Masters are different from what people imagine them to be. People would therefore not listen to the Ascended Masters.

    Only some time after the event, when the time is right, will there be direct teachings from the Ascended Masters.

  49. I had a sudden idea of ​​what a race that would make first contact with humans would look like. I guess they may not be much different from humans in appearance, except that their skin is golden, just like Adam's race in the movie Guardians of the Galaxy Part 3. Of course, this idea is just a whim of mine.

  50. I know, people are looking like George Soros.

  51. @Sebastian
    That won't help me.

    1: Pressing weights will just make my body more masculine....and more depressed.
    2: Going to nature won't transform me or get me off planet gulag.
    3: WHY would I WANT to contribute to this SICK society. I wanna DESTROY it, if anything.
    4: This rock, and the monkeys who inhabit it have NOTHING that can help me, ONLY the stars and the aliens can.

    What works for YOU, Sebastian, does not work for everyone. It's not one size fits all. I want to be far more than a genetically raped money, pal.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Just had three black crows eating the heart of another bird on my front lawn is that a good or bad omen?

    1. Black crows eat any bird that dies. I had them not long ago on my roof because a bird died up there. We have constant crows living here. They just clean up dead things.

    2. Omens tend to be pretty personal, so it would depend on some more details. What was the other bird? Does your spirituality interact with the Crow Spirit and if so, in what way? Some see them as messengers of Odin, others as carriers of dead Spirits to the Realm of the Dead or messengers of Death, others still see them as keepers of wisdom independent from any cultures or deities. Some call them friend.

      It could mean that there is wisdom in cutting straight to the heart of an issue. It could mean that Spirits protected you from a deathly attack. It could mean that, as long as we're in a 'fallen' universe, sometimes the only way forward is to eat the heart of your enemy and grow stronger. It could simply mean to tell you that you are not alone, you have support, including some Spirits willing to do what you are not to protect the Light. Depends on where the message is coming from and what lens you interpret it through.

      Since it's your omen, only you know what feels right, but selecting your lens can make sure you don't focus on extraneous details. Exploring several can expose details that one alone can miss, and can reveal which details are consistent and most relevant. Hope that all is helpful.

    3. Three black crows are associated with Celtic goddess morrigan she symbolises the cycle of life and death,the destiny that leads to rebirth if you see three crows in your yard it's a sign of good health in the future, transformation and the presence of a guardian angel.to see a crow eat a pidgin symbolises a warning think before you act and to stay away from negative influences,or it's just simply birds having a feed lol...

  54. What I can offer based on my own experience:

    Forgiveness: Both Self and Other Self must be forgiven. What helped me to do that, was the understanding that we are currently still in a "fallen" universe, in which even the laws of physics have been influenced by Darkness. In such a 'fallen' state, how can I expect anything to be uncorrupted? How has this other been so hurt by the Dark that this is how they waste their Light? We all do what we think is the next right step, but some people focus on the wrong details and step wrong. It's natural, I've done it, and it honestly happens to us all. The Dark influence has so much more to do with why you were hurt than anything they actually felt or thought, that I can see it as they were also being hurt and used by the Dark. Forgiving myself for falling for the Dark's tricks was a little harder, but not much.

    Visualization: When I 'go looking for trouble' in my emotional body, I often find that there is a place in my body where the muscles are suddenly very stiff. I visualize that stiff energy in my mind (my minds eye gives me the specifics), and with the gift of Will I imagine that this energy is turned into helium balloons that quickly scatter upwards. Usually that's the fear that was keeping the deeper issue hidden. Beneath that is an issue that the emotional body has been holding onto "so it doesn't happen again", which must also be turned to balloons. Beneath that is the lesson this experience is there to teach. It'll take time, and some issues may be buried under others, but clearing out the open wounds from your energy body gives you more strength. The Violet Flame is, of course, an excellent visualization to do as often as you think of it and works in conjunction with the 'balloon' approach. You can also turn it to smoke that blows away in the wind if balloons seem too childish.

    Honestly, clearing out old wounds and gaining the gifts those experiences had for us goes a long way. Using the emotional energy of forgiveness and the mental energy to dissolve blockages, you not only heal but train your senses to follow energies. With this, you can explore more of what the Creator made you, and you're likely to find your answers more readily within than looking outside yourself. I spent so much time avoiding looking within because there was so much pain there, and therefore allowed myself to be distracted by stories, shadows, and illusions. The more I healed, the easier it became to find and dwell in that calm, quiet, powerful place within. FYI the 'balloon' technique described above is a slightly embellished version of the Monroe Institute's Release and Recharge technique.

  55. I just saw this; it popped up on youtube. Good interview with David Icke.


  56. Sorry to comment, but a big jet crash happened in the bay. Two people seem to be dead. Geelong is near Mt Martha but on the left side. Helicopters were flying around just to annoy me, but it may be something else.


  57. That's the major problem for Lightworkers in couples - the other person is totally in control. I find it hard to stand mine, it's becoming a brake on my spiritual and vibratory evolution, I've asked my team several times to attempt an awakening but obviously he's too much in their grip - it's not a beam of light that's needed but a halogen spotlight, maybe your idea of withdrawal isn't such a bad idea.
    I sincerely sympathise with you.
    It's certain that I wouldn't finish my life with it and I don't want to get involved with anyone again.Maybe some of us just aren't cut out to be in a relationship.
    May the Goddess protect you.

  58. Praying for your healing and to all who are in need of that also. 🙏

  59. @Sherman

    I agree with you completely, Sebastian has some good solutions but that works for a very few people. Not all of us are passive personalities that going to nature to meditate can calm us down. It's like telling prisoner in prison to go to the yard to play basketball with his friends to relax a little bit. It can work for a little time and then you remember that you're still in prison and can't be happy, especially knowing that people, animals and nature are suffering and getting destroyed every day and we're just supposed to meditate and thinking that everything is going to be ok. Meditation can calm me for an hour and then everything is the same, we need some real action in this world, some real change.

    Second thing is that not all of us are in a good condition, physically, mentally, emotionally and financially. Some people have very hard times with money, going to nature won't do anything for them. Also if you don't like your physical appearance, your physical body, no one can help you, your spirit must live in a skin shell you don't want to be in and we know that only in a healthy body is a healthy spirit. And mental and emotional trauma is another thing depends on every individual. Most people in light community can't grasp things like this, some of them have descent money income and they are living decent life and have good physical and healthy body and they are thinking just by meditation, positive thinking and going to nature will solve everything for them to be happy, maybe that's true for you but for most people in light community that doesn't work, we are HUEmans after all and we all have different life problems, most of this solutions won't work for mayority of light community, i think that can help you for a little bit but then you're back into the hell.

    I'm not talking that we should surrender or anything like that, we should keep fighting with life, doing meditation and be positive with others as much as we can but i can sense we're on the breaking point, if Lightforces doesn't take some serious physical action in 2024, my opinion is that from the end of 2024 things will go down drastically and it will be very hard to recover, once you get into destruction and anarchy, it's hard to come back but light forces probably have some advance technology to see these timelines as they develop so they can act swiftly in the right timing.

    The another thing is that Cosmic Laws are failing big time on this planet and generally in this Universe, the Evil forces are making fun of the Cosmic Laws, how can some individual like Henry Kissinger who is so much evil live 100 years??? He's done so much evil things, you could send him to Galactic Central Sun for reset 50-60 years ago and because this Universe and it Laws are a big failure and humiliation for Source, The Creator and all of the Light Community, Old Henry is still alive to do evil things, not to mention other evil people. This things are killing my motivation, because Cosmic Laws doesn't work very well...they have big holes...i don't know who built this Universe but this things are very big problem...Cosmic Laws needs some big update to fix this bugs... because if you have Evil people to do anything they like and they get no karma punishment, of course they will continue to do those things...

  60. The Power of Ignorance

    If a nation allows uncontrolled immigration, the nation turns into a third world country, because there are simply not enough resources to take care of millions upon millions of immigrants. It's the same with one's own consciousness. A mind that gives attention to millions upon millions of areas will be scattered, and a scattered mind is a powerless mind.

    Ignore = ignorance. The word "ignorance" has a negative connotation, but in the case of someone who's mind is stretched far too thin, ignorance is not just bliss. Ignorance becomes self-empowerment!

    What should one ignore? It's individualized. As a general rule though, if there's something negative happening that one doesn't have the power to change, when focusing on this something, loosh generation and a reduction in power are the results.

    Conflicting intel is also something one would do well to ignore.


    A scattered mind is powerless.

    A mind that singularizes focus is unstoppable.

  61. monetary - moneyterra . and not a money planet for 2800 years? even the most sacred things are sold for money . for example, health is a twentieth -rank thing, so it costs money .

  62. Message from Ashtar about a "large energetic transmission" on the solstice. It will give us more of who we are, memories, dreams, understandings! Take some time out of life to absorb this transmission on and for a week after the solstice.


    And on a different track, Australia just won the World Cup of cricket! We were against India in the final, the whole crowd were backing India and they had not lost a single game in the World Cup. They were batting first, and we just managed to get 3 wickets... and the entire crowd became silent (for the rest of the game.) We irked India. They had it coming and got the fear into them. Virat Kholi was batting and you could see it in his eyes. He is an excellent player - but a tad full of himself. Anyway, they were so full of fear they were unable to bat... only got 240 runs. I went to bed at 11pm, so missed our innings.

    Well, we won :) It was a long time coming this victory. Woohoo! I think maybe it was karmic... Who knows?

  63. They released all the Jan 6 footage and these people did NOTHING wrong!
    Can't get the original video, this will have to do:


    1. link to them in here

  64. someone explain this... note that one image has yhe portal2012.. the one that mentions rhe scalar UFO detection grid in long island... hasnt long island been dealt with already?

    in any case where is rhe news that the etheric grid is down.


    1. That sounds interesting ,,so if truth we should see something cool very very soon like in days or weeks tops and if you don't see anything cool then it's not truth because what that post says it is Huge

  65. Wow! I didn't think the prowler was......
    Source of Love, you've managed to bring your whole Being back into the powerful Light!
    I love you, the dark ones were stunned when they saw your power 🤩 it's as if they'd repented .
    I love this premonition.

    1. I don't think we'd see him physically, but yes, I did have a dream where Source absorbed his negative double. In fact I was in front of the prowler and I don't know, it looked like he was furious and uncontrollable and Source came from behind, the other didn't even notice and Source recovered all his powers, it was magnificent and at the same time the image in my vision was a dark place and at the same time when Source absorbed the other the darkness of the place was absorbed by a brilliant light, the room lit up as if a veil of Light had replaced the veil of darkness and I saw people repenting totally frightened.

    2. How very perceptive of you, Steph. Sapere Aude...

  66. In the name of the divine spirit I am
    We hereby request that the Divine Source accelerate the initiation of events to free the Earth as soon as possible
    The above declaration, as desired, must manifest in the Light

  67. For those who are interested, a huge prophetic confirmation of personal Ascension:


  68. Removal of the subquantum anomaly



    1. Hi!
      Wow! I've already seen this phenomenon last year, I found it curious that only one field had been affected, I thought it was heavy rain that had created this, I had thought of a crop but the drawing didn't seem to resemble anything, but when I saw this one it was very similar.
      Thanks for sharing.
      May the Goddess watch over you.

  69. ....Meanwhile...the genocide goes on and o and on.....

  70. @La(w)li(e)t
    You're welcome! I understand very well what you mean, after all we all have those ups and downs moments in our lives. Just a part of being human.

    Your reply definitely carries more positive energy and consciousness behind it. Reading it made me smile, you're doing really well!

    Good luck on your journey and thanks for the great reply!

  71. https://beforeitsnews.com/paranormal/2023/11/new-benjamin-fulford-jim-willie-trump-returns-november-remember-2023-11182023-2564257.html

  72. guys.. next time you search for a companion. bid for one on ebay.. money back guaranteed. you don't have to return him or her mint condition. just almost mint condition should work for return policy. ahh wait..no. wrong timeline.

  73. "Leonid Kuchma has written a new book about Russian-Ukrainian relations: "Ukraine is not Russia. Twenty years later." And this is no longer interesting, unlike his first work with the same name - "Ukraine is not Russia", which was published in 2003, shortly before the second Ukrainian president left office in the wake of the first Maidan, also known as the "Orange Revolution".

    The first book is an exposition of Leonid Kuchma's political credo, his goal, to which he led Ukraine during his two presidential terms. It should be read carefully, especially the characteristics given by Kuchma to Ukrainians and Russians. "Ukraine is not Russia" is actually a manifesto of Ukrainian Nazism, the superiority of Ukrainians over Russians.

    But a manifesto written very subtly. The ideology of the separation of Ukraine from Russia is well traced in it, although it is professionally camouflaged. And the most surprising thing is that its author, Leonid Kuchma, always came to power solely on the slogans of protecting Russians and maximum rapprochement with Russia. Moreover, Ukraine survived during the years of Kuchma's rule only at the expense of large economic subsidies to Russia.

    Leonid Kuchma is a symbol of a politician who can change shoes with a straight face. During the Soviet era, he made a dizzying career, heading a strategic enterprise - Dnepropetrovsk Yuzhmash. In those days it was impossible without oaths of allegiance to communism. And he swore. After becoming president of Ukraine, he also fervently assured Russia of his loyalty, because otherwise his country would have turned into a bankrupt.

    But the true face of Leonid Kuchma, a terry and cynical nationalist, was revealed only a couple of years before leaving politics - in 2003, after the publication of the book "Ukraine is not Russia". Surprisingly, Moscow did not react to it in any way. And they even made a bet on Leonid Kuchma's protégé, Viktor Yanukovych, literally a year later. And we got a natural result. The only question is, have you drawn conclusions?"

  74. Kirill Kachur, who is on the Federal wanted list in the Russian Federation, wrote in his Telegram channel a few days ago:

    “Deputy Prime Minister Alexey Overchuk, who formerly served as deputy head of the Federal Tax Service under the head of Mikhail Mishustin, and before that was the person whom Mishustin trusted exclusively to carry his briefcase, is very pleased with the results of the APEC summit in San Francisco. The summit is a screen. The meeting between Xi and the heads of the largest American transnational corporations discussed in general the future of the World and the political alignment in all regions, including Russia. And it looks very much like the American elites and the Chinese Communist Party have finally decided who is most convenient for them ( profitable) President of Russia.

    Why, in fact, the Russian delegation at the main political (and macroeconomic) meeting of the year was not represented by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, or Vladimir Putin’s assistant on international affairs Yuri Ushakov? Why was it Mishustina’s former briefcase-bearer Overchuk, and the Government of the Russian Federation, who was tasked with approving the full composition of this delegation? This is an important signal. I have said more than once that it is Mishustin who is a compromise (https://t.me/kirill_kachur/1283) figure for the American elites, their agents of influence in the form of our oligarchy and a certain part of the leadership of the Chinese party nomenclature. And judging by Overchuk’s joyful mood, we can confidently assume that Xi and the American elites have reached an agreement.

    P.S. There is a simple rule, confirmed by the history of at least the last 75 years: what is good and profitable for the American elites in relation to Russia and its people, is bad and deadly for our people. If Mishustin is good for them, then he is bad for our people. Why it’s bad - I previously wrote about this in detail. If the plan of the American elites is implemented and the traitor to the Motherland Mikhail Mishustin is nominated to the post of President of Russia, we can say with confidence that the coup in Russia, to the delight of the United States and our oligarchy, was successful. In the event of such a development of events, we will not sit silently and with folded hands. We will not allow Russia to collapse, continue to exterminate the country’s indigenous population, and privatize the entire state economy to the delight of its enemies.”

    as of November 20, 2023, Kirill Kachur’s telegram channel was deleted without warning.

  75. Video in which Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, together with the chief digitalizer of the banking sector of the monopoly bank Sberbank in Russia, welcomes Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum and calls him “dear guest”: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=cHc3tYCH7vc&ab_channel=BI.ZON%D0%95

  76. 1.

    "Technologies determine everything - the standard of living, the quality of economic growth, the depth of economic diversification and the variety of inter-sectoral connections, forming technological trends, determining the measure and scale of dominance (including geopolitical dominance).

    Over the entire modern history of mankind, more developed countries in terms of technology have determined the vector of population migration and the concentration of resources and capital. The strong become strong not because they declared themselves so, but because of their superiority and economic development, which in turn determines the level of defense capability and geopolitical influence.

    As technologies become more complex and intersectoral, the role and importance of technology becomes increasingly contrasting, which can be traced throughout the 20th century.

    Since the 1980s, developed countries have been deindustrializing with varying intensity along the trajectory of globalization (the transfer of low-profit and energy-intensive industries to the periphery).

    The peak of deindustrialization occurred in 1995-2008 (Asian countries and Eastern Europe), however, deindustrialization does not mean a decrease in technological dominance, because The Western world controls the value chain, as well as the final profit.

    Deindustrialization is not a weakening of industrial potential or a decrease in influence, it is about something else - cost optimization and diversification of supply chains for intermediate products.

    By moving production outside, Western countries continue to control added value as before, because What is key is not the place of production, but the control of production.

    Control over production is determined by technologies that are not exportable, because Deindustrialization involves the export of capital goods (machines, equipment, production lines) and management personnel to control quality and the production process. The technologies themselves are protected and it is the technologies that determine the cost."

  77. 2. "In the structure of the cost of the final product, production accounts for a small part (from 20 to 60% depending on the type of product and place of production), while a significant part per employee or resource unit is represented by the costs of R&D, marketing and administration, which are controlled the collective West, where all profits are concentrated.

    Over the past 30 years, a new world has been emerging, based on the knowledge economy - that same post-industrial world, and the further it goes, the stronger the shift towards the innovative component (digital economy, AI).

    The main profit is not in the means of production, but in the creation of means of production and production technologies. The innovation component determines the wealth and success of the country.

    The concentration of R&D expenses determines the growth rate of business financial performance and the corporate multiplier coefficient.

    The higher the concentration of R&D in the revenue structure, the higher, other things being equal, the higher the revenue per employee and thus the higher the wages, the higher the medium-term revenue growth rate, the higher the margin and the higher the market multipliers, with the exception of banks and commodity companies, where the logic for determining value is different business and margins.

    Geopolitical dominance is determined by the economy, and the economy is determined by technology, so the main architect of the new world order will be China and the United States with the support of the conditional “collective West” with the representation of Europe, Japan, South Korea, Australia and Canada.

    India largely copies the Chinese development path of 1990-2010, so India will enter the international arena as a full-fledged competitor no earlier than 2050-2055, and no more contenders are visible in the next 50 years.

    However, outside the context of geopolitical dominance, qualitative economic growth is possible only through the development of science and technology. The problem is that the entry threshold is increasing exponentially and in order to produce competitive goods and services it is necessary to concentrate a disproportionate amount of effort and resources due to the increasing complexity of technologies and inter-industry connections."

  78. 3.

    "The average salary for a highly qualified engineer/IT specialist/scientist/computer systems architect in leading US corporations is $150-200 thousand per year in accrued pre-tax income (base salary + bonuses + bonuses, benefits + stock options) with more than 7 years of experience -8 years and the opportunity to create advanced innovative developments on a global scale.

    This does not apply to management personnel. Large corporations have salaries 30-50% higher than the economic average according to the Indeed/Glassdoor job registry and Macroeconomic Survey (https://www.bls.gov/ooh/computer-and-information-technology/home .htm) BLS.

    Cutting-edge jobs in fast-growing segments, such as creating generative AI with the opportunity to lead a project, can offer 250-340 thousand dollars per year in base salary only, with the possibility of reimbursement of up to half a million dollars before taxes (50 million rubles per year). Taxes and fees should be subtracted from this amount (with an income of about 500 thousand dollars a year - about 35% is cut off in the USA).

    It is clear that it depends on the company, region and position. The best opportunities in companies such as Microsoft/OpenAi, Google, Meta, nVidia, Adobe, Salesforce, AWS division of Amazon and other large fast-growing companies in departments related to AI and information systems architecture development.

    175-200 thousand dollars per year of net income after paying all taxes and fees (if you do not take the highest segment of the TOP) is a very realistic level for highly qualified top-level specialists with many years of experience and with real competencies in creating advanced/innovative developments on a global scale in fast-growing divisions of AI, nanotechnology and biotech.

    For a comparable advanced position in Europe, the average net disposable salary in 2023 is about $145-170 thousand, in Japan and South Korea about $135-160 thousand, in China $110-135 thousand, in Russia at the current exchange rate in a company like Yandex about $50-70 thousand .

    Without taking into account hype divisions, the average net income is about 0.7-0.75 of the reported income for leading corporations and top specialists.

    For engineering vacancies in companies like Mercedes, Tesla, Airbus, Boeing, Intel, AMD and the like, the average net income is about 0.65 of the above income, i.e. up to 10 thousand dollars per month in net income (after paying all taxes and fees) is quite acceptable for the best engineering minds. The average macroeconomic level may be 1.5 times lower, because large corporations greatly shift the proportion.

    It is fair to say that in 2023, the average net disposable monthly income starts at $10,000 for highly qualified specialists in developed countries and in the largest corporations. The upper echelon is 20-30 thousand per month, but these are very rare specialists (elite).

    This is the cost of the knowledge economy, where incomes are at least 3-5 times higher than the national level.

    High salaries are fully justified through the high return on investment, because... innovative developments are multiplied multiple times, creating hundreds of billions of dollars in income and trillions in capitalization, but more on that another time.

    This is just a reminder that the wealth of society is created exclusively through technology and nothing else."

  79. 4.
    “The Nasdaq 100 set a new high this year, concentrating around itself another wave of hype for IT companies, trillion-dollar capitalizations, hundreds of billions of dollars in profits and tens of billions of dollars in net investments.

    What is the US IT industry like in terms of workforce? In mid-2022, almost 4.5 million jobs are concentrated in the most promising, capacious, profitable and fast-growing segment of the American economy, which have a median income of $102.2 thousand, according to our own calculations based on the review (https://www.bls.gov/ooh/computer-and -information-technology/home.htm) BLS.

    Taking into account the accumulated inflation and the rapid growth of employee income in this segment over 1.5 years, in November-December 2023 the expected annual income could be 110-115 thousand dollars (median pre-tax income appears).

    Below are the specialties, the number of officially employed people in thousands and the median pre-tax income in thousands of dollars in mid-2022 (the list is sorted from highest salary to lowest):

    • Computer and Information Research Scientists - 36.5 thousand employed / $136.6 thousand
    • Computer Network Architects - 180.2 / $126.9
    • Software Developers, Quality Assurance Analysts, and Testers - 1795.3 /$124.2
    • Database Administrators and Architects -149.3 / $112.1
    • Information Security Analysts - 168.9 / $112
    • Computer Systems Analysts - 531.4 / $102.2
    • Computer Programmers - 147.2 / $97.8
    • Network and Computer Systems Administrators - 339.9 / $90.5
    • Web Developers and Digital Designers - 216.7 / $80.7
    • Computer Support Specialists - 914.1 / $59.7

    Salary statistics take into account payroll (base salary plus bonuses and bonuses in cash equivalent), but DO NOT take into account stock options and non-cash items (corporate benefits, lunches, fitness, corporate mortgage subsidies, free company healthcare, etc.)."

  80. 5.
    "The average salary in IT is at least 1.5 times the median, and highly qualified specialists with extensive experience in large corporations can earn an income 2-3 times more than the presented income, because BLS statistics combine all regions of the United States, all companies (including small and medium-sized businesses) and employees of all experience levels. The calculations in the previous article (https://t.me/spydell_finance/4519) about 175-200 thousand are quite fair.

    Two interesting specialties can be distinguished here.

    The very top and elite of all elites are Computer and Information Research Scientists. Computer and information scientists develop innovative ways to use new and existing technologies, develop new computer languages, software systems, systems and other tools, and create and improve computer software and hardware.

    In this category, specialists develop operating systems, create game engines, drivers for hardware, create algorithms for information systems, and improve programming languages.

    The weekend brouhaha over Sam Altman's departure from OpenAI underscores the concentration of media hype around AI, and therefore the interest of large corporations (Microsoft has already brought Altman back) and the huge profits that flow there.

    The main division of OpenAI is Computer and Information Research Scientists. Specialists can be divided into those who support existing systems (median incomes are close to official statistics) and those who create fundamentally new solutions.

    This is where income can go to infinity, because... 500-700 thousand dollars and even 1 million for leading specialists is quite the norm for 2023 in large corporations. Another thing is that there are literally dozens of them in one company, but the return on investment can be colossal, because We are talking about a business worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

    Software Developers, Quality Assurance Analysts, and Testers are the largest category with 1.8 million employees. These are software developers. All American software that you use was created by specialists in this category. The nuances can be described endlessly, but in this category there is the most significant dispersion of income due to large differences in the areas and specifics of applied tasks."

    1. Perhaps you could create your own blog instead of hijacking Cobra’s.

  81. Waiting for the situation update and conference notes.

  82. 6. Science is driven by scientists, and technologies are implemented and developed by engineers, turning concepts into prototypes and production units.

    In the United States, there are officially (https://www.bls.gov/ooh/architecture-and-engineering/home.htm) 2.35 million engineers and support employees of various specialties, with a median pre-tax annual income of $88.5 thousand, and income over $100 thousand have about 560 thousand engineers of various specialties.

    Excluding technical and support staff ($580K and median income of $60K), engineers have an income of about $97K.

    Often the line between an applied scientist, nuclear physicist and nuclear engineer is very blurred, because They work in close coordination and usually in the same department, where the areas of research and nuclear testing intersect. This is true for many other engineering and scientific fields.

    Therefore, it is correct to count engineers along with scientists (1.4 million people) (https://t.me/spydell_finance/4521). If we single out scientists with purely humanitarian and social profiles, we are talking about 1.1 million scientists in applied sciences.

    Accordingly, scientists, together with engineers, create a core of 3.5 million people driving the technological progress of the United States without taking into account IT specialists, of whom there are almost 4.5 million (https://t.me/spydell_finance/4520) people, and if you highlight the IT support service and system administrators - a total of 3.2 million IT specialists (including system analysts).

    It is fair to talk about 6.7 million highly qualified workers engaged in creating innovations and supporting existing systems in the segment of science, technology and IT solutions.

    This, of course, is a fairly limited list of qualified workers, because... management personnel, financiers, lawyers, doctors, and so on are not taken into account.

    Bioengineers, chemical engineers, materials engineers and electrical and electronics engineers have a median income of $100-106 thousand. Nuclear engineers receive $122 thousand, aerospace engineers - $127 thousand, petroleum engineers - $132 thousand, and computer hardware developers (hardware). component) – over $132 thousand.

    Surveyors, cartographers and landscape architects earn the least ($63-73 thousand).

  83. I wanted to post in about 2 in morning that Thor is in my city (joke) but look 1st image in article

  84. Csukott sem, csukott száj, és magadban mond: "Minden támadás menjen a magamba, most.", "Minden kellemetlen érzés menjen a magamba, most." Addig tedd meg, amíg elmúlik a támadás, vagy a kellemetlen érzés. Ezzel azoknak is segítesz, akik támadnak, vagy a kellemetlen érzést okozzák neked. Ez a legjobb védelem.

  85. Viewer discretion is advised. Disturbing organ harvesting. Save the children


  86. Tarot Cards Revisited, and the Naturally Positive


  87. Hello family, thanks to Cobra's work I was able to find my way, learn to understand myself, have awakened and now know who I am and now know my path. I have now also opened a blog to work with informed water, to strengthen the existing mass meditations and to harmonize and stabilize the planetary ascension and to reactivate the old priest class male/female around the knowledge of living water and make it accessible again. And now I am trying to awaken the "water work department" so have a look at my blog and if you feel drawn to water, get in touch and join in :-) Victory to the light, God bless us all!


  88. We are all eagerly waiting for an update Cobra... thank you in advance 🙏

  89. I hope I make it to the ships with all of you @Lightpower... the last several months have been extremely challenging. I'm experiencing daily highs and lows and being triggered constantly. I hope this roller-coaster ends on a positive note for all of us Lightworkers that are going through so many ups and downs trying our damnedest to hold the Light. I can't wait to be clear of this place for awhile aboard the Motherships or a City Of Light to get the true healing and help I need to feel whole again... to reconnect with my I AM presence and come back to help the rest of humanity in my BEST FORM!


  90. Love Can Heal.



    1. @Steph
      If I recall, the jedis were stagnant, stuck in an old fashioned system of theirs....which led them to not even be able to find the evil they were looking for, who was right under their noses, and they got nearly all slaughtered by the same people they thought were allies. And not letting jedis fall in love.....wtf?

      No wonder the empire kicked their asses.

      Qui Gon and Asoka were the ONLY jedis I liked and respected, the rest were all crusty gits who had their heads way buried their old ways.

  91. Pain is not required, but CBSs
    will likely choose the pain path for a period.


    Simplicity programs being transmitted enable recognition for most. Those with CBS (“Complicated Brain Syndrome”) will not receive, and require additional transmutation prior to reception. Pain is not required, but CBSs will likely choose the pain path for a period.


  92. Кобра, Вы можете подтвердить, что Елена Данаан не является эмиссаром.Уж очень назойливо пропагандирует аннунаков и ее болтовню слушает целая толпа поклонников.Где можно прочитать заметки с Вашей последней конференции? Я живу на Украине и ищу единомышленников для общения.

  93. The manifestation video titled 'The Event And Beyond' is now available in English, French, German and Hungarian at it's original platform: https://odysee.com/@The_Event:6

  94. This is a beautiful message from the Pleiadians, things really are changing and we have won. There is just a bad appearance right now which I think will be short lived. We have won.


    And just a note about Australia. There has been an illuminati man on television here (no face ever provided) just a voice over. I would rate him as 11/10 in terms of how gross he has been. We have been listening to this voice for ever (5 years, longer?). Now he has gone. HE IS GONE. (for maybe 3 weeks). New illuminati have come to fill in the voice over job, but I would only give them a 3/10 - not nearly as annoying! So let us hope soon they will all be gone. I'm hoping!

  95. At first that seems reasonable, but the fact implants rotate, possibly at hyperspeeds like electrons around an atom, doesn't mean visualizing your chakras spinning would do anything. You think you can intend a micro black hole to stop? I'm not so sure, it sounds like a physical force and we couldn't stop it anymore than a baseball. Also spinning chakras different directions to clear them isn't even advanced knowledge, there are a dozen books at the library that cover that level of energy work. There have been several implant clearing protocols released here over the years. The Blogger search function is terrible, but searching "implants" could be a good start. There was the "cutting ties" method. There's requesting ATVOR. And the phrases targeting each implant and it's function. You write and think contradictory phrases which glitch out the implants. There are different subjects to address each implant and it's purpose. There's more but I can't remember off the top of my head. He talks about these at every conference and we get the notes. There have been interviews and I think workshops dedicated specifically to all the implant removal techniques.

  96. "Some Moscow schools are introducing quarantine for 2 weeks. I understand that this is just the beginning. Did you think that the SVO (specific military operation) canceled plans to build an electronic concentration camp, canceled the destruction of education and the transition to remote control? Putin, Nabiullina, Golikova, Mishustin and other officials and oligarchs suddenly fell in love with us all? We were like cattle to them, and we remain cattle."

  97. This may not be the first time I’m posting this, but I suggest you familiarize yourself with the historical documentary film about Joseph Stalin (the video was edited using modern 3D graphics and modern digital editing tools).

    Film "Real Stalin"/"Real Stalin"/"Verdadero Stalin" (English subs, subtítulos en español)


    Probably, no other historical figure causes the same heated discussions as the figure of I.V. Stalin. Programs about him are broadcast live and recorded; his biography becomes the topic of serious analytical programs and talk shows like “Let Them Talk.” "Russia" and "First", Ren TV and NTV, History, Discovery and National Geographic are making documentaries where Stalin appears in one way or another. It cannot be ignored when discussing the USSR, socialism, Soviet history or the Second World War. The discussion about Stalin has been going on for a long time on the Internet. Beginning and popular bloggers participate in it. Parfenov and Puchkov, “Namedni” and “Politprosvet” - on the World Wide Web, opinions about the Stalin era also differ radically.

    Say “Stalin!”, and on the one hand you will hear indignant: “Dictator! Gulag! Repression! On the other hand, they begin to remember with delight the great successes of the Soviet Union: “From a plow to a nuclear bomb in a quarter of a century! Industrialization and collectivization! Great science! Victory Day! Yalta Conference! World superpower status!

    But this heated clash of conflicting opinions, interesting facts, jokes and anecdotes flowing in an endless stream, historical and war films most often do not touch on the main thing. What, what ideas did the man who led the Soviet Union and the Communist Party for a long time serve?

    In the film “The Real Stalin” we invite the viewer to remember this.

    “The task to which I devote my life is the elevation of another class - namely the working class. This task is not to strengthen any “national” state, but to strengthen the socialist state... If every step in my work were not is aimed at strengthening and improving the position of the working class, then I would consider my life aimless." I.V. Stalin.

    You can help bring this film to YouTube trends! All in your hands! (Read to know how!)
    0. Before moving on to this, I ask you. Click on the bell to receive all channel notifications and quickly see our next work.
    1. Watch the video to the end here on Youtube, rate it with a like/dislike, subscribe to the channel, if you haven’t, leave a comment - positive or negative, respond to the comments that catch you the most.
    2. Share the film on all your social networks: if you have your own YouTube channel - in its YouTube community, on Instagram put a link to the video in your profile, place the poster in stories and in a post, on VK share with your friends on the wall, those who the film, in your opinion, will not cause rejection, send it via private messages. Send the video to the groups you are subscribed to, on Facebook, Odnoklassniki, offer it to groups and on your personal page.
    3. Distribute the video in WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram messengers".

  98. Animated series of historical-futuristic orientation "The World We Lived in. Episode 1: The Structure of Society."


    2222 Earth. 51 years ago the last capitalist state in the world ceased to exist. A communist society is being built on the planet. A new chapter is being written in the history of mankind. Professor Thomas Miller conducts a series of popular science lectures on history on his social media channel. He talks about the difficulties that humanity faced at the beginning of the 21st century, talks about the capitalist society of that time and asks the question: “Why, despite all the achievements of scientific and technological progress at people’s disposal, humanity could not overcome poverty, misery, unemployment, wars and other socio-economic problems of that era?”

    This is the 1st episode of a large popular film about modern capitalism. Despite the increasingly obvious catastrophic nature of the historically established economic system, the majority of people on the planet are still captive of myths, illusions and misconceptions imposed by the intellectual servants of the ruling class. Many people still believe in the so-called free market and its lack of alternative, they believe in the possibility of improving capitalism through economic and political reforms. Breaking these myths apart is the main task of the series “The World We Lived In.” It is very important for us to distribute this film to as many viewers as possible in different parts of the world. Therefore, it will definitely have English and Chinese subtitles right away, and in September we will release a version of the film dubbed in English (full dubbing).

    English and Chinese subtitles have been added to the film.

    For adapting the film for Chinese viewers, we thank our comrades from China: Hongsongshi Studio and personally its director Tang Zhaoyang

    (English&Chinese subtitles)

    If you want to make a professional translation into another language so that we can add subtitles, contact us studio_ds-ds@bk.ru

    Comrades, distribute the film freely by any means! Capitalism will be broken, progress will not be stopped!
    Our foreign friends, you can support the production of the second part by following the link: https://boosty.to/yhinkyourself/singl...
    To be or not to be the second part of the film is up to you.
    Our dear Comrades from Russia, please support the release of the second part of the film: https://planeta.ru/campaigns/the_worl...
    Link to the dubbed version of the film in Russian:

    • The world in which we lived. Episode 1: Install...
    Other ways:
    Sberbank card: 5469 6700 1822 0585
    Yandex - wallet: 410013892261321
    For contacts and suggestions:


  99. "The world we lived in. Episode 2: Social Progress"


    2222 Earth. History professor Thomas Miller continues his series of popular historical lecture-films. How did it happen that in the 21st century humanity found itself in the deepest crisis of its entire existence? The answer lies in the main milestones of human history. Using specially designed educational simulations, we will consider the path of humanity from primitive society to society of the 23rd century.

    Each socio-economic formation, like a living creature, is born, lives and dies, becoming the foundation for the next. Although sometimes some peoples skipped over one or even several stages in their development. Thus, the primitive aborigines of territories colonized by Europeans often immediately began to live under capitalist conditions, bypassing the slave and feudal system.
    Classical political economy developed in England before Marx. Adam Smith and David Ricardo laid the foundation for the labor theory of value. Marx developed this theory.
    His doctrine of surplus value explains how the capitalist appropriates the labor of the wage worker.
    Karl Marx's main work, Capital, was devoted to the study of the capitalist system. Thanks to dialectical materialism, history has ceased to be a mystical chaos, where everything happens according to the will of supernatural higher powers.

    Thanks to the struggle of millions of communists, which lasted more than 3 centuries, we live today in a society of social equality and reasonable abundance. In a society that develops without exploitation, crises and wars. We have come to scientific planning of production and distribution of goods. The main criterion for the appropriateness of any of our actions is now not someone’s personal gain, but the good of all humanity and balance with nature. Crime has almost disappeared. Racism, chauvinism and nationalism have been left in the dustbin of history. Never before has the health of earthlings been so strong, never have they lived so long.

    And perhaps some of the environmental consequences of capitalist barbarism that have not been fully overcome still remind us of the dark era of imperialism. But here science does not stand still. With our help, the Earth quickly heals the wounds inflicted on it. Man of the 23rd century has resolved all his major internal conflicts and the conflict with nature. And now He can rightfully be called by the name that biologists once gave him: Homo Sapiens. Reasonable Man. And our current way of life can indeed be called civilized without reservations.

    Well, I think it's time to take a short break, get some rest. The next lecture will talk about class consciousness.

    A very important topic. Working people have always been the majority in any society. But why then did they tolerate the domination and oppression of much smaller exploiting classes?
    Let's talk about how capitalists deceived the proletarians, manipulated public consciousness and maintained their power.

    English, Chinese, French, Spanish subtitles.

  100. Another consideration is the Light forces actually said implant removal wasn't a high priority because the Dark had a system that would automatically recreate the implants. I believe it was said whether we, a healer, or the Light forces removed them, they'd come right back.

  101. The world we lived in. Episode 2: Social Progress


    2222 Earth. History professor Thomas Miller continues his series of popular historical lecture-films. How did it happen that in the 21st century humanity found itself in the deepest crisis of its entire existence? The answer lies in the main milestones of human history. Using specially designed educational simulations, we will consider the path of humanity from primitive society to society of the 23rd century.

    Each socio-economic formation, like a living creature, is born, lives and dies, becoming the foundation for the next. Although sometimes some peoples skipped over one or even several stages in their development. Thus, the primitive aborigines of territories colonized by Europeans often immediately began to live under capitalist conditions, bypassing the slave and feudal system.
    Classical political economy developed in England before Marx. Adam Smith and David Ricardo laid the foundation for the labor theory of value. Marx developed this theory.
    His doctrine of surplus value explains how the capitalist appropriates the labor of the wage worker.
    Karl Marx's main work, Capital, was devoted to the study of the capitalist system. Thanks to dialectical materialism, history has ceased to be a mystical chaos, where everything happens according to the will of supernatural higher powers.

    Thanks to the struggle of millions of communists, which lasted more than 3 centuries, we live today in a society of social equality and reasonable abundance. In a society that develops without exploitation, crises and wars. We have come to scientific planning of production and distribution of goods. The main criterion for the appropriateness of any of our actions is now not someone’s personal gain, but the good of all humanity and balance with nature. Crime has almost disappeared. Racism, chauvinism and nationalism have been left in the dustbin of history. Never before has the health of earthlings been so strong, never have they lived so long.

    And perhaps some of the environmental consequences of capitalist barbarism that have not been fully overcome still remind us of the dark era of imperialism. But here science does not stand still. With our help, the Earth quickly heals the wounds inflicted on it. Man of the 23rd century has resolved all his major internal conflicts and the conflict with nature. And now He can rightfully be called by the name that biologists once gave him: Homo Sapiens. Reasonable Man. And our current way of life can indeed be called civilized without reservations.

    Well, I think it's time to take a short break, get some rest. The next lecture will talk about class consciousness.

    A very important topic. Working people have always been the majority in any society. But why then did they tolerate the domination and oppression of much smaller exploiting classes?
    Let's talk about how capitalists deceived the proletarians, manipulated public consciousness and maintained their power.

    English, Chinese, French, Spanish subtitles.

  102. https://youtu.be/Bw9zSMsKcwk?si=7ydy-TksHuD1EHdB

  103. https://youtu.be/AQL6qcGqQ0Y?si=bwhen8AS8HolccJC

  104. https://youtu.be/Vu-Nw_ea9N4?si=r6TK3blyov_79gyU

  105. Hi beloved Cobra, when will we know in detail about the Thailand conference.

  106. Sherman,

    1. Sebastian said "exercise, go to the gym," and did not say "pressing weights." There are many exercises one can do at the gym that don't buff up the body, but instead make the body more slender, if preferred.

    2. Nature won't change your physical gender, but nature can definitely be transformative, and allows one to go beyond thought, or get out of one's own head.

    3. Society definitely is sick, but if you destroy society, all the things people take for granted disappear, such as food, all those video games people love to play because there would be no electricity, physical safety, etc. People who want a different gender would probably be among the first to be killed off by looting in an anarchy situation.

    4. The 'monkeys' have nothing that can help you? Then don't live in a house or apartment, don't eat their food, don't wear their clothing, don't get on a computer or cell phone to complain about 'planet gulag,' don't play their video games, etc.


  107. The Best Ways to Remove Pesticides from Your Fruit and Vegetables



  108. There is no energy crisis...


  109. Gaia nodes are requesting Ascended Collaboration
    Higher Self knows.



  110. What on earth is this about? The Dragon reptiles are planning to steal the sunlight? This suddenly came out of the blue. I hope Father Absolute will be wrong!!!!!!!!!!


  111. I thought we were winning?? What is Father God on about??

  112. Unless they worked out how to put a fake message on Marta's website. Maybe it is fake. Seems to be. Now we can't use Marta's website...

  113. This is the literal translation of that beginning of interview the reporter ask the security officer before the 7th of October they(lowborn Zionist)confiscate from you several of monitoring systems, which they decide to give it back to you after the seventh of October if those system which I don't understand anything about them would be in your possession on the seventh of October could that change the event even in a minor regard the security officer respond there was no event at all and then he's crying say I was literally begging for them to listen to me but nobody wanted to listen to me I begged I went to the highest government levels and they told me you are blocked from above we don't have any idea who blocking you but you blocked from above and we don't even know why conclusion the lowborn luciferian Zionist Nazi criminals gang did it again end of transmission.

  114. Higher D energies do not support intellect
    Seeking the intellect-guided, leaves emptiness within, as Higher D energies do not support the intellect.

    Seeking the Higher Intelligence aligns Higher Hue-Self with the upgraded Higher D grids.



  115. Avito is a Russian Internet service for posting advertisements about goods, real estate, vacancies and resumes on the labor market, as well as services from individuals and companies, ranking first in the world among advertisement sites.

    Avito joined the Code of Ethics in the Field of Artificial Intelligence at the international AI Journey conference.

    Avito representatives believe that this is an important step that will increase user awareness and trust in AI-based products and technologies. The company plans to further develop ethical and high-tech products for customers.

    Its task is to unite leading technology companies for the development and implementation of AI in education, science and business. The Code has already been signed by Sberbank, Yandex, VK, Rosbank and other large companies.

    1. when u mention large companies.. if companies controlled by bad guys. then it may not be suxh good news

    2. Az Avito is beállt a sötétek oldalára, és nem tudja betartani az etikai kódexet sem.

  116. https://www.jutarnji.hr/life/znanost/otkriven-amaterasu-znanstvenici-zanijemili-mi-nemamo-pojma-otkud-to-dolazi-sto-se-dovraga-dogada-15397739

  117. Just,be the light,if you can...?

  118. No, that won't happen because we don't want it! Because this negative thinking, these fears and anxieties and expectations are exactly what the lower ones want so that we can manifest their world. Please finally understand that the only power the lower has is to communicate their intentions as ours. Only through us can the lower ones act! It is really only up to us how we choose to perceive the world and live life. So these days just ask yourself over and over again, do the intentions come from you and your heart or from outside? We are all powerful, it is our imagination and our power of imagination, our God-given creative abilities that the lower ones depend on, do not continue to give them your power and do not continue to allow yourselves to be abused! God bless you, God bless us all! Victory of the light!

  119. universe does not communicate just via lucid dreaming..

  120. with respect, you're thinking from a 3D perspective.

  121. Recognising the "Higher Calling" from within
    Increased sense of purpose
    Increased desire for change in local circumstances


    durch - through
    wird - becomes


  122. Can someone give true information about what is happening in Peru? "Peru Attack"

  123. Beyond the Matrix

    "Don't go crazy trying to prove yourself to a system that's already gone crazy. (Because,) It challenges you to prove your worth to it, and if you take the bait, it absorbs all of your energy that you spend in pursuit of proving sanity to an insane system, a task which cannot be completed. You can see this pattern playing out a lot lately with distraction loops - sequences of distraction that aim to pull at one's focus until they become lost in battling (so-called) 'issues' that are purely tossed into the collective to unground and distract people from their inherent power.

    We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. Trying to prove your sanity to an insane system, is to pick a fight with ancient models of thinking, most of which are so outdated and chaotic in their creation, that the undertaking of such outdated models is exhausting to the cohesive, organized, and empowered thought models you wish to build from.

    Seeing as the collective hysteria has reached a mass level, there is a certain amount of momentum and hype moving it forward, plunging it deep into the ethers of our subliminally joined consciousness. This is why it is sometimes so unbelievably tempting for us to prove ourselves, our new ideas, our alternative ways of living, to the mass hysteria. When something outside of us appears to contain a large portion of power, our primal instinct, our need to defend that which is ours, kicks in, and we spend more time defending ourselves rather than cascading forward and claiming our own momentum.

    The best way to defend your lifestyle is to live it, to dedicate your soul, and your love to it. Eventually, the alternative lifestyle you have invested your heart and soul into will grow to be far more powerful than a hysterical system whose illusion of power remains hanging on a thread of existential collapse. When such a system inevitably disintegrates, yours will be there, not to prove itself, but to offer another way to those who have lost their direction.

    And so my love, infuse your light into the perceptual shift you wish to create while allowing all that is tainted in dogma and limited thinking to fade away. The more light (awareness and focus) you direct into this perceptual shift, the quicker the dogma and indoctrination melts away, as indoctrination that is clearly not welcome has no choice but to retreat."

    - Mary Allison


  124. Кобра, где можно прочесть заметки с конференции в Таиланде? Вы можете давать более расширенную информацию о происходящем? Благодарю Вас за ответ.

  125. Be You and the world will adjust
    rare | frequent


    Cobra: “And if you are yourself, then this will create a very powerful manifestation vortex which will begin to adjust the reality around you to your own I AM presence more and more.”


    In the matrix, there is programming for conformist behaviour to prevent us from being ourselves and thus connecting with our I Am Presence. In nature it is different.

  126. https://gazetteller.com/breaking-global-currency-reset-and-iso20022-system-activation-a-revolutionary-shift-in-global-finance/

  127. @Starlight
    1: With ascension symptoms rocking and reeling some of our bodies, can't be done. One symptom includes weight gain, unwanted weight gain. Trust me, I tried EVERYTHING to remove it. 2 weeks into the beginning of ascension symptoms, my 8 pack abs were covered in flesh.

    2: And once I 'get out of my head', then what?

    3: We need the ALIENS. This society runs on artificial status quo, which includes, but not limited to, artificial scarcity....fighting wars over resources, murdering each other in quarrels over tribal god images, etc. And trans folks are already getting killed.

    4: I said the human monkeys and this planet have nothing to offer me that the aliens can not. WHAT can planet gulag, and the stupid, Stockholm syndrome afflicted, genetically raped apes who live on it offer me what the aliens can NOT offer me. Read my stuff more carefully, next time.

  128. Az eddig E földön megjelent mesterek újra eljönnek, így az is, akit Krisztusnak neveztek. Összesen hat, ami hét mester fog megszületni, és ezt Buda is megjósolta.

  129. A sátán, vagy ahogy nevezed az antikrisztus most rabságban van, de el lesz engedve, és le lesz győzve az armageddoni csatában. ar mag ed don - ár mag ad da én - csak magyarul értelmezhető.

  130. Van benne igazság, amit mondasz Nine of Wands, csak ne bízd el magad.

  131. Practice! :) It sometimes takes weeks of trying, don't give up :)


  132. Donating living expenses to CN Electric


  133. @Libra
    I never volunteered for any 'mission'. And I got nothing to fight with, we're not armed, and what compensations have we gotten yet?

    I'd rather 'contribute' with a blaster, not 'holding the light'.
    I want to go home, damn it.

  134. @Libra
    Go for it, if you wanna do that.

    Well, for me, when the aliens finally show up, I'm gonna hitch a ride on the first available ship and I'm going, I am done with earth. Too many painful memories and experiences, both past and present. Probably gonna need years of healing on some alien planet once this BS is finally done.

  135. Any idea what time of year that was?

  136. @Libra
    Wish I had some really good weapons and healed up. I really don't have a problem will spilling blood and guys of bad guys. To pretty much pull a "Die Hard".
    "Four thousand throats may be cut in one night by a running man." Klingon proverb.

    Meh, I say contact will fix all that stuff.

  137. If we can make Michael Jackson sing and dance on stage NOW, imagine what the darkies got to play with.

    Check out the youtube channel, "Deep Fake", that person does real good video manipulation, and he's a amateur.

  138. Sherman:

    1. Can be done. I'm living proof because I used to weigh 40 lbs more than I do now. It doesn't have to be cardio though. It may be more a matter of avoiding vegetable oils (and even nuts and seeds) and sweets, at least in my own case.

    2. After getting out of one's own head, there are unique and undefined feelings that come through that are indeed very interesting.

    3. If society was destroyed, all people would be destroyed/killed, because it's people that make up society. There are redeemable aspects of society, but yes, society definitely needs to be improved. So more accurately, society needs surgery and transformation. It's a 'body with a tumor' kind of scenario.

    4. This is your exact quote:

    "4: This rock, and the monkeys who inhabit it have NOTHING that can help me, ONLY the stars and the aliens can."

    So no, you didn't say it like you are claiming. I paid attention. The monkeys don't have nothing that can help you. It may not be 'alien quality,' but there are many 'ape things' that help you every day, as previously mentioned.

    Libra, excellent points, well said! Yeah, I knew a girl in high school who was raped by her step father over and over when she was a child, so there's no group that suffers more than another. It's individualized. Many trans people can have it worse than others, but there are those who have been tortured in ways I can't even imagine who are not trans. That sort of thing.

    Sometimes things need to be said, and they have been said. Alas, this will be my last reply for this comment. All the best.
