Saturday, January 6, 2024

Pump Up The Volume



  1. We are so pumped! Clear the Lurker!

    1. 🙋🏻‍♀️💃🕺 bye bye Lurker 💃🕺 Victory of the Light!!!!

  2. INFRAGARD/COINTELPRO is the modern concentration camp right in public. Biochem dust is being used to assault targeted people by confidential informants then police show to shoot or arrest. State Sponsored human trafficking and terrorism.
    I stopped the first 9/11 in 1999 and I'm in an INFRAGARD death camp in Denver Colorado.

    1. what is that on the cell phone.

      question. i hope that while in search for a lawyer or Dr. you have not been making claims that you stopped the first 911 in public or similar... because if you dont realize it now. whether is true or not the probability of most people thinking you are joking or insane would be high.

      Did you go to Dr immediately after you got release?

      Can you go to another state . where you may feel you can start anew.

    2. No normal folks I might talk to about any of those issues think "insane" but police state peeps might make claims or imply such during targeting. Your personal attack to get me to self silence is b.s.
      Maybe you know what the dust is since it's obviously a weapon not a citizen would have but COINTELPRO does and is using it.
      You're response is not serious concerning serious subjects and was meant to be antagonizing.

    3. "Did you go to a doctor"
      "Can you go to another state?"
      "What is on that cellphone"

    4. you kidding right?

      ok take care.

  3. V slovenščini:

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    Toplo vabljeni na Facebook stran Tahionske komore v Ljubljani:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!


  5. Pump up the volume aka Pump up the Mjolnir

    1. 'Mjolnir technology is now at about 7% capacity, and its intensity will greatly increase in the coming months.'

    2. I was thinking the same... Pump up the volume yeaahhh 🙏❤️

  6. At the 1:04 time stamp, that is Gordon Cooper test pilot facing to the right in his helmet. Before he passed he was asking for full disclosure of off planet races and their advanced crafts.

    1. Yes I watched his interview with I think abc reporter he was describing seeing a fleet of UFOs over Germany in the 1950s when he was flying his sabre jet..he said they were too high for them to reach and they were performing maneuvers at right angles that were simply impossible to believe. He also mentions to here a small craft landing near a runway here in the US when he was testing aircraft. He was the right stuff for sure.

  7. Something really big is happening-

    Certain groups of Pleiadians and Feline Aliens have started to openly criticise the Galactic Confederation. Those who are intelligent will understand-

    Will the Resistance rebel against the Federation with the help of the Felines? LOL

    1. Obviously the swaruu contact is a dark psyop. They constantly smear the Galactic Confederation and say that Jesus isn't real and was made up by humans. Come on!
      How ya'll still falling for these nonsensical distractions is beyond me..

    2. FluffyFractalshard,

      Tunia and Hakkan and Rkok are also indirectly criticizing the Galactic Council i.e. the decision making people-

      Unfortunately, the truth has come out finally. The reality is not looking like what you say.

    3. Not surprised law of one had ascension in 2011/2012 of course more have awakened but a solar flash and then real information to all of humanity wld also awaken is all with identical information!! As it stands now there is a lot of conflicting Intel from people we trusted ...look at Corey Goode recanted his 20 and back stories...Mathew Wars channeling now says slow ascension next 35-40 years!! WTFrick I feel bad for great people like Allison Coe..her qhht clients had solar flash in 2018 I just knew we wouldn't make it to 2024 I kept telling friends and family all will crash down..prepare makes us all look like we are crazy nothing even in the 3D to use to show anyone or give us support it's happening..all anecdotal at this pt. Japan just hit with earthquake weapons..who is able to do this still??
      Frustrated galactics we have met critical mass on 3 separate mass mediations we want direct intervention now! Thank You!
      Victory of the Light ❤️

    4. darn it. is a pity i was starting to like the stories of felines...

      i have not read this particular one... but i find compel not to. I think the good guys upstairs have come too far as a group and supposedly they already are doing operations on the ground.

      the only reason why i would think some groups from upstairs may criticize or even oppose the progress speed would be if indeed all major exotics weapons of the matrix had been rendered useless and the call for swift action (or event) is being held back intentionally... intervention after all was requested and supposedly will be given at the earliest possible opportunity.

      other than that i would think the alliance would follow prudence.

      they said intervention would be done and i believe them. Thus i feel the alliance that are aware of this and truly cares for our quick freedom will make sure it happens when is feasible.

      in fact. if me family upstairs (if i have any) is certain that this game is being push to be delay intentionally n truly they know matrix is down... i believe they will pick me up themselves or at least attempt it.

      why.. cause this game ( considered a school)had lost its sublime point long ago. right now Gaia deserves freedom.. humanity deserves freedom.. every other being trapped deserves it


    5. @Fluffy
      Could care less about the Jesus's her constant BS about non interference, that everyone beyond earth is heterosexual, and that Gosia's so-called contact 'Swaruu' is never seen...and that we are not even allowed to hear their voices, much less see them. Not to mention saying we ALL chose to incarnate here, to learn about pain and suffering, and they can not intervene, because we have free will.

      Gosia's either having her leg pulled, or she's a deliberate disinformation agent.

    6. It is a real source of bad information

    7. I don't trust the source of tunia and hakann either. Just because Cobra posted once a channeling of them which made some good points, doesn't mean its a 100% reliable contact. Any of their channelings past the one Cobra posted didn't resonate.
      All these contacts do is sow more distrust, confusion and doubt.

      The reality is exactly looking as Cobra is saying and anyone who let themselves be distracted by following these nonsensical sources is still falling for dark propaganda.
      Ofcourse the greyhats have failed, this is nothing new and you would know that simply by reading Cobra's blog.

      But to assert that the galactic confederation is somehow failing and that the pleiadians and felines are somehow now on a better path (again the separation narrative) is pure nonsense. We know that those with too much trauma have been removed from the operations and the Lightfroces are still doing their best. Swaruu completely fails to mention that they are already working tirelessly on the removal of the dark which only serves the dark agenda of having lightworkers resent the galactics.
      You guys have literally 0 discernment skill. What a kindergarten!

    8. To have critical opinion about LF or RM is old news for me,, don't know is truth what Cobra said about reorganization of LF and RM but he personally said they =some of them are to damaged to continue so am i still bad,? , but now I have new mantra = LF or DF will say anything in your mind just to get what they want =one want positive energy one want negative but in end they say allot of thing's that do not mean nothing to me. And my experience with LF is one big NOTHING,, I don't trust Cobra I don't think any scene in Universe can hold so much as one = Behind the Scene they talk about. and if LF would feel as I do when they say We Love You they would never know what Love is so stop defending LF if someone say I do not agree with them about this or that. LF will give med bed treatment only to people who will agree to relocation on another planet =after they enter Light Ship and that is what Cobra (they changed that) said, then Source made time from event to when we run from Earth longer and there was more things like this so ask Cobra why they changed their opinion or plans. And I don't trust them because this is nightmare for me and them and they will promise me anything so I stay positive but that doesn't mean that promise isn't one big fat lie and I'm ready for worst of them because I'm Human not some whatever people say they are. Be prepared for worst and you might be surprised with small positive things or expect NOTHING and then you might get Something. Sub Zero aka Nothing wrote this message



  9. LOL, six weeks ago the XXL-version of that song was presented to me by the YT algorhythm. Totally unprovoked, mind you, so I listened to 11+ minutes of M.A.R.R.S. :-)

    And so can you, here is the Extended Pump Up Mix

  10. Volume è intensità. Forse si stanno intensificando le energie attraverso alcune tecnologie contro gli oscuri?

    1. Didn't COBRA say something about the Lightforces increasing the Mjolnir technology from 7% over the next few months?
      This is his quote from his previous post:

      Event Situation Update from December 3rd 2023:

      COBRA: "Mjolnir technology is now at about 7% capacity, and its intensity will greatly increase in the coming months. One aspect of this Mjolnir boost will be activation of various tektites, among them Cintamanis, Galactic Cintamanis, Moldavites and Tibetan tektites."

      This is how I'm interpreting this latest post of the song "Pump Up The Volume"
      They're letting us know they've increased the Mjolnir technology... IMO.

    2. @144 , si è vero. Hai dato un' interpretazione pertinente. Anche secondo me è così. Bravo che mi hai ricordato le parole di Cobra a proposito della tecnologia Mjolnir. Grazie. 😄👍🌈

    3. @144k ✨️correct✨️now with the next step. The light energy Crysral grid more clearly to Supporting Many light activities working and manifest in reality! 2024! DRAGON Rising! ABUNDANCE RISING! ALL- AM-NESS RISING!!

  11. Thank you, Cobra, for letting us know 🙏👍🏻

  12. Hello Cobra, is the news about the supposed alien walking through the Miami mall a few days ago real? Can you offer us any comments on this?

  13. De acordo com COBRA, as missões da Apollo eram uma pequena parte do Secret Space Program.

  14. We will have a president Ko in Taiwan, he will lead a new golden age , LF we need your full supports !!! Don't let the dirty things happen in Taiwan elections and make him safe .

    1. Ko wanted Vaxx passports for all just to go to restaurants in Taipei. How many experimental injections did you get?


    3. 柯是陰謀集團,不要期望太高

  15. I, too, can vibe with communication by music, so here ya go family, in order.

    Do you read and copy me, family?

  16. 人類の未来への大きな第一歩を踏み出したのかな?

  17. There are several quite popular world scientists who, using both historical information and mathematical calculations (including Big Data), have come to the conclusion that human history has been “edited”. The largest number of them go back to the 16th century, one of the keys is the so-called Tartaria (the diaries of F. Drake’s voyages are present in the US National Library, I don’t remember exactly, but in my opinion it is the Library of Congress; in one of the volumes of the diaries there is a description of Tartaria. It is assumed that Drake's oath to the Queen of England to keep the secrecy of his journey by Drake and the sailors of his ships was intended to hide the fact that the largest intelligence operation at that time was being carried out.). The most important thing can be stated: the date is the 16th century, the concealment factor is the Jesuits. A version about the replacement of the Russian Tsar Peter 1 with a pro-Western double with a description of his appearance different from the one who went on a trip to Europe and several military riots under the slogans “the tsar is an impostor.” I ask you to pay the closest attention to the Jesuits and the Vatican, or rather not to the Vatican, but to their repositories and guardians, because if the history of mankind was rewritten, then it was there that those located on the territory of Siberia of that time and Russia were taken: golden disks with Vedic knowledge (not Indian, but the Russian part as a divided part of the library of the Indo-Iranian people), a 3-D map of antediluvian civilization (in which the exact form it was then, and even now it is not known for sure) with the location of the “places of power” (although an approximately accurate map of these places has been recreated in modern times, but it is impossible to be 100% sure) and who knows what else. It is known that through the Jesuit agent Miller (a royal historian of foreign origin), many expeditions were organized to search for and export artifacts abroad, this was done through Jesuit channels. I ask you to make every effort to ensure that these artifacts are not destroyed or lost; they will help establish many truths and are in fact priceless.

    1. Many historians in Russia confirm this. That the allegedly named Tsar Peter was a substitute. And the people called him "okayanny". He did not speak Russian well, was a pervert and organized orgies.

  18. The Light Forces are going for it!

  19. I have heard rumours that trump died.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Feline aliens called Urmah have revealed the truth about the Galactic Confederation-

    Also, it seems that the particular group of Pleiadians behind this 2012 portal blog are actually Taygetans. Both the Taygetans and Urmah are hated by the Galactic Councils-

    It seems that the felines entered our Solar System in 2019-

    Now the question is, if the Felines decide to take physical action on the Earth, will the Galactic Council will be able to stop them?

    This might seem like a joke right now but we need to understand that Felines are just similar to Royal Dracos in power.

    1. This interview is bunch of BS, Alpha Draconis aliens are positive? Illuminati and Satanists are created by human mind? Galactic Federation is evil and we must save ourselves? Everything that is written in that interview sounds like something that Draconians would write against Galactic Federation to confuse the people. Guys don't fall for this obvious and stupid trap....

    2. GPiksel,

      There is mentioned in those interviews that the Felines consider Alpha Draconis as enemies and fight wars with them. Humans have signed contracts with evil aliens and ETs thats why they are a creation of human mind. Galactic Federation is allowing the Earth Governments and Militaries to kill innocent people through poverty and wars.

      You tell why has the Event not taken place yet? Who is not giving Green Light to the Resistance to initiate Global Arrests? The comment of mine is not BS. Think with a calm mind.

    3. specially when an anonyous nick posts it.

      so based on those claims... and thanks to anonynous push less and less credibility i would give to swaru.

      First if there is any disagreement between races upstairs. they would sort it our in one of them meetings ..

      there had been disagreements i am sure... but i doubt there would be any attempt to jeoperdize some remaining critical operations.

    4. @Anonymous

      I don't think your comment is BS but the interview. Humans have signed contracts with evil ETs but i think they are not normal humans but reptiles and draconians inside a cloned human suit, normal humans are mostly forced into such contracts because of weaker position. Satanism and other evil things are reptilian and draconian religion, they are not invented by humans. A lot of evil entities from other dimensions are funneled to this planet via tunnels of Seth. Galactic Federation is not allowing for innocent to be killed but we're in a terrorist kind of situation, we're hostages and Galactics need to rescue us, it's very difficult situation. Green Light must be given in a most optimal situation with a good timing (specific astrological configurations) or it will be very messy, billions could die if not executed properly. I think that from January 20-21 situation on this planet will drastically accelerate, everybody wants for The Event to happen as soon as possible...

    5. GPiksel,

      Yes, evil entities are real and are not just imaginations of the mind.That is just similar to how this blog says that there are no laws of karmas, but the truth is that there actually are. So, the Swaruu website might also be doing the same things that this blog is doing.
      Waiting for optimal Astrological Configurations is just similar to the situation where one has only 10 months of ration for a whole year and he decides to stay hungry for 2 whole months so that there will be no scarcity of rations.
      Normal humans have made contracts with evil aliens and ETs, after this only they got soul swapped.
      It can be understood that some members of Galactic Confederation are good, but they are only the minority. The majority which dominates the Galactic Council are causing pain and suffering to the humans. The situation of Earth is very simple. Those who are saying that Earth is too complex to liberate are fooling the Earthlings. The technology of the Cabal and human militaries is just similar to firecrackers in front of the Galactic Confederation.

      You see, the Galactic Council will drag this nonsense till 2028. Everybody is just getting fooled.

    6. @Anonymous
      PROVE to us there is karma. We'll wait for you.

    7. @Anonymous

      - Cobra didn't say that there are no Laws of Karma, Cobra stated about Fake Teachings of Karma, for example if you are born poor that doesn't mean that you should stay poor for your entire life to repent yourself, that is Fake Teaching, mostly dominant in India. We are manipulated into different bad incarnations by Lords of Karma so it's harder for us to advance and to lift our and consciousness of humanity into higher frequency. When you start to lift your personal frequency onto higher level, Karma is processing very quickly, when you are doing good deeds, it's neutralized. The Laws of Karma exist but they are not functioning properly because people with least Karma will suffer the most but people with a lot of Karma to repent like Negative Beings, Satanists and other Dark Forces will live the longest life possible to do as much damage as possible so only option to repent their Karma is to get reseted into Galactic Central Sun, so it's bad for us and it's bad for them. This is intensionally being done by Lords of Karma who are manipulating Natural Laws. So people who do most evil deeds possible will feel very powerful because their Karma is delayed so they will worship Satan for giving them power to whatever they want and people with least Karma will feel very insecure, doubt in existence of God and discouraged to do anything because of fear for thing to get even worse then their current situation. That's why this world is fucked up, Cobra stated recently that Lords of Karma are gone.

      - Galactic Federation have more Advanced Technology than Cabal but this is terrorist type of situation, imagine this like Israel - Gaza war, Israel have more Advanced Technology than Gaza but to eliminate terrorist and liberate hostages takes much more than Advanced Technology. Galactic Federation can liberate Earth right now but it would be similar like what Israel is doing to Gaza, they destroyed the whole building or hospital with civilians inside just to eliminate few Hamas terrorists underground, compare that to liberation of Earth situation but thousands of times more complex, you can see why this is difficult situation for Galactic Federation to execute. Galactic Federation also had a few bad apples so their plans get delayed, humanity is also not doing very much, especially people on powerful positions so it's complicated. Divine Timing is Specific Powerful Astrological Configurations so this can be executed with least possible collateral damage. We're all tired of waiting but i think we're really close now. VOTL 💜

    8. If the lords of karmas are gone why are the souls still getting born into plants, animals, insects, etc.?

      The Galactic Confederation has the power to kill dangerous aliens like Chimera but not normal humans? Who is the Galctic Council trying to fool?

    9. @Anonymous

      Plants and Animals are just way of Evolution, it must be gradually, not everything have a Soul, there are different ways of Evolution, God only knows what we have been in the past but everything is written in Akashic Records so we will know in the future. Galactic Federation can easily kill Cabal Humans but they're mixed deeply within the society so it's very hard to kill them without too much Collateral Damage. Would you be ready to die, to be a Collateral Damage for some Cabal members to be killed? It's easy when someone else is going to be killed but we must put ourselves into their shoes, would you be ready to take sacrifice and die as a Collateral Damage???

    10. All the sentient beings in this creation contain a soul including plants, animals, birds, insects, bacteria, fungi, etc. Even Earth is a sentient being and contains a soul. The souls who obtain humanoid bodies are forced to be born as plants, animals and insects in their next births and are experiencing indescribable pain and suffering. This is called the reincarnation cycle of 8.4 million species which Bhudda talked about. No soul is getting enjoyment in being born as plant, animal, bird, insect, bacteria etc. Will you enjoy becoming an insect, or an animal? Or becoming a tree which stands at the same place for 80-100 years?

      Collateral damage is a nonsensical topic created by the Galactic Councils.

    11. @Anonymous

      - I don't think that everything have a Soul, it's first time a hear that, there is existence without a Soul.

      - Who told you that humans get incarnated as animals? Why would we go down in evolution cycle? By that logic, society could never advance... Maybe some people with too much karma get slapped back to learning lessons by incarnating as plants or animals...but that's very small percentage of humans, who told you that tree suffers? It's different kind of existence, you can't watch a tree life from human perspective and thinking that you would be bored standing on this same place for hunderds of years, that's illogical...

  22. Full force let's take down the dark ones and liberate humanity now! Gratitude and love to all involved...
    Did we even go to the moon with 1960 tech I know we went using anti gravity tech...I assume Apollo was all a psy op to keep the public distracted.

  23. The intensity of Mjolnir/ATVOR was around 5-7% but it sounds like they are about to turn it up a notch. VOTL!!!!

  24. Is it Operation Pandora and Moss? updates? Don't they need to be completed before the event is triggered?

  25. One of my favorite song since i watched American Psycho, i guess it's time to pump it up and get ready for surprises!! VOTL

  26. Anyone here deciphering these posts/updates on a regular basis? If there is a website/channel, etc. where someone is interpreting COBRA's updates, I would love to know.


    1. Some very good points are made in this article, but at the end when it's stated that there will be intervention 1 or 2 years from now, this feels similar to the narrative the grey hats have been pushing. Positive Et's need to completely take over the operations of all grey hats immediately. If not, I'm more inclined to no longer think about such matters and instead have my primary focus be on the present moment, no longer having the next 1 or 2 years on my mind, as such thinking has been a great source of torment over the last several years.

    2. (My previous reply was stated outside the context of 2012 Portal, as the general in the Federation in the article does not mention other barriers, such as subquantum anomaly/the lurker. My reply is how I would feel in a scenario where the Federation continually waits on the grey hats. The article is contradictory in that sense, because it says that the grey hats will not be given any more time, but then the next 1 or 2 years is said to be given to the grey hats as another chance to act.)

    3. There's actually quite a difference between 2012 Portal and the article. 2012 Portal states that there cannot be intervention on the level of mass arrests yet because of subquantum anomaly/the lurker. The eraoflight article states that the Federation can intervene any time it wants but has been waiting on the grey hats to act, and will continue to do so up to 2 years into the future. Free will is still involved to speed up or hinder progress, but the two scenarios are very different from each other. In the eraoflight scenario, I would accuse the Federation of being no different than the grey hats. In the 2012 Portal scenario, I would not make that accusation.

    4. One more reply from me:

      In the eraoflight scenario, why would the Federation give the grey hats another 1 or 2 more years when it's already obvious to the Federation that the grey hats have failed?

    5. @Starlight 432, yes giving the grey hats 1 or 2 more years when they've failed doesn't make sense to me either. Interesting that this information source also says Donald Trump is dead and the grey hats are using actors/body doubles to continue impersonating him. Pretty much like what the dark hats are doing. The fight for power between factions continues while the world suffers and the longer events drag on, it is to the advantage of both the dark/grey hats.

    6. @Starlight 432 Sto cercando di non pensare al futuro ma di vivere al meglio possibile il presente nonostante ho un po' di problemi in questo periodo. I cappelli grigi non sono ciò che sembrano. Dal mio punto di vista tutti sono allineati ad un controllo "superiore". Liberarsi dalla mentalità di parte (dualità), è ciò che ci avvicina maggiormente alla nostra anima (Divino femminile). Quando la mente si calma, lo Spirito (energia maschile) può fondersi con l'anima. In questo modo anche le proiezioni della mente si integrano con le altre due energie ed è così che il nostro stato della coscienza ritrova l'equilibrio.

    7. This Hakkan is bollock from day 1...totally recycled from cobras intel and a mix with the crap Q. Cmon, we are better than this sh*t.

    8. my understanding or gossip is that the clone or double of putin was the one tgat ended up finally working with the light forces. who knows what really is true.

      in my opinion. i dont care if they replace any of the leaders with pikachus as long as they start doing what they suppose to be doing. working for light.. dont care if all is CGI

  28. Cobra is sending many times coded messages as those for the Resistance Movement. Please, read again the post "Bubbles of Heaven Update" - February 6th, 2019, remember the graphic : "First, the six phases of a phase transition will be explained in more detail. Each of those phases is a complete stage of a planetary Ascension process and is estimated to last somewhere between a few months to a few years. This is as close as you will ever get to an answer to your question “when will the Event happen?”, on this blog. (...) - The third phase of phase transition is called Bubble Elevation phase. This phase sees the thermal flux from the Galactic Central Sun rising exponentially, with more and more Bubbles of Heaven actively forming and matrix society actively collapsing, until the thermal flux peaks at the moment of the Event.

    The moment of the Event is the moment of critical thermal flux, the matrix society collapses, the Contact is made, the entropic elements of the old society are swiftly removed, and we enter into the fourth phase." It seems we are approaching to these final phases dramatically, the solar maximum of our Sun will be not in 2025, but earlier this year 2024! I say, expect the Event in 2024!!!


    God bless us, Victory of the Light!

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Pluto, Violet Flame, Mjolnir all have the common characteristics of transformation and change..... Boredom will slowly be removed from existence !


    The animation updated in 2024 is very interesting, and it feels like seeing the shadow of the Renaissance💖

    Reunions with soul mates or soul families start in June or may become more frequent



      ReoNa's song once again fits my desire for a soul mate at this time💗

  32. Yes, strong evolution combined with Aquarius will be very positive!

  33. This is a little off course... So I haven't taken any pills in a looong time. I'm a little concerned that my vitamin D is low. Not enough sunlight. I heard about this 10 years ago or so from a doctor.
    They say low vitamin D causes vertigo.

    I asked my angels can I use my 9010 pads to clear pills. Remove toxins. I've tried it before on tuna to remove mercury. It seems to work. Well my angels say it works well. My angels really back 9010!! sooo... I've decided to take the D3 pills. I just want to 1) remove vertigo! 2) get legs working again. I can't even RUN because I get dizzy. So I gotta get the vitamin D up!!!! Most people are vitamin D deficient.

    My angels think it will work. I hope so!!!
    I also have to eat more sardines and tuna... for vit D. But clean it of toxins first!
    Not eating much meat but I can do it for fish! And 2 eggs a day.

  34. Listen to this. They really explain how we are experiencing dizziness right now. They also explain how we need our alone time. This is very very important.

  35. This is my deciphering of the Codename MOSS:

    Disclaimer: It might be wrong so take it as a grain of salt.

    MOSS stands for Multidimensional Operation Solar System. It is the codename for the final liberation to end all darkness on earth.

    (Source of statement above:

    “After the successful removal of all physical strangelet and toplet bombs in late January this year, an operation for the final liberation of our Solar System (codenamed MOSS) has been initialized.”)

    My guess is that we are almost reaching the climax after the release of Jeffery Epstein client list, and the subsequent 21st January 2024 Pluto configuration shall pull the trigger of revolution of light. As stated by fellow lightworkers, the capacity of Mjolnir/ATVOR was around 5-7%, this time they might “pump up the volume” and increase it to beyond 10%!

    COBRA may likely release a lot of new intel regarding our solar system after 21st January 2024, which will be a complete shocker.
    Depending on the progress of galactic light forces, mainly Ashtar Command, we might be in the final phase of MOSS. The galactic light forces may utilize scalar fields generated by astrological configurations and interplanetary alignment to bombard Sublunar space and Earth with Quantum Cannon of Light. It is no coincidence that some dark lords want to ramp up the attack on Ashtar Command right now, and in the near future.

    Accordingly, I infer that it may trigger strong geopolitical events when the “volume is ramped up”. Lightworkers might need to meditate to connect with a certain flash of energy around end of January 2024 to anchor the light.

    (Source of the statement above:
    “As the next phase of MOSS will be activated in May, the activity of the Ganymede Portal will increase dramatically. This portal will also be the main transmitter of energies from the Galactic Central Sun at the Event.”)

    MOSS is also related to the physical incursion of light fleets to liberate the solar system colonies built by Chimera and other dark forces. Since even NAZI commanders are captured, and have accepted Galactic Codex, I suppose that most dark SSP have fallen apart, and reintegrated into the forces to liberate earth, supporting my previous guess of MOSS is now in its final phase to liberate earth.

    (Source of the Statement above:
    “It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world and the Solar System in our own hands! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, on May 30th this year. Many of us will gather and assist in the breakthrough of the Multidimensional Operations Solar System (MOSS) to support the Light forces which are now liberating our Solar System from the last vestiges of darkness.”
    “In 2012, the Light forces have cleared our Solar System of all secret space programs and their colonies that were not directly protected by the Chimera group.”)

    A part of MOSS is definitely about Sublunar Operations to dismantle the last line of defense formed by man-made orbiting satellites. As stated before, Starlink satellites are used to strengthened the veil, and monitor any activities of the light forces. When the time is right, the “coincidental” actions taken by Ashtar Command will send dark forces into complete disarray.

    (Source of the Statement above:
    “The Resistance defines sublunar space as the space below the Moon orbit and above the orbit of the lowest man-made orbiting satellites.
    The Light forces have begun sublunar operations today, as the next logical step towards the completion of MOSS.)

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. This is about the Mandala effect. It's driving me crazy. Clearly a lot of us have jumped dimensions, but many remember things as they were. Like from the Bible they don't say "the Lion and the Lamb" anymore. It is written as the "wolf and the lamb". I mean, how evil is that? But the thing is, there are remnants of Lion and Lamb. Things from old newspapers. Rarely is it completely gone. I happen to be from some other timeline who remembers ALL of the old stuff. So weird.

    Here is the Bible one:
    I just remember all the old stuff.

  38. Oh yeah, I once met this physicist from Austria or wherever Tesla comes from, and I mentioned Tesla, his inventions, etc, and he had never heard of him! He was like, "Who's that?" And he was this innocent physicist. Now, Tesla lived until he was an old man! What is going on with the mandala effect? It's crazy. It's a whole jumble of dimensions, all mixed in. I can't keep up.

  39. Honestly.. I just wish the murder and wars happening still would be dealt with first at this point. I hope it halts the cabal war machine completely with the coming energies. Call it another intermission, but the Palestine killings needs to stop... everyone can see how the devil worshipping cabal, netanyahu, Mossad etc etc is bulldozing the land and grinding their victims bodies into it... as usual. Sure, as each decade it happens more people call it out, but... should more mass human sacrifice , child sacrifice be the cost for disclosure and awareness...?? What about the jabs? Human trafficking in general? It's just crazy to me how they are even able to do all this for this long with what appears like 0 intervention.... those people are being harvested for their deaths, hatred and misery and we know why. It makes me so sad because they wont experience liberation... they were barely ever free in the first place ... and we cry about it for the rest of us, but many could only dream of what we have at present. it's just so sad. I hope justice comes very soon now, it has to..

    1. Totalement d'accord !! Les palestiniens sont les oubliés de la terre. Je parle arabe et je regarde les vidéos, c'est une boucherie chaque jour, j'ai envie de vomir !!!! C'est l'horreur !!!


  41. So what does this video want to express???

    1. Pump up the volume - It's probably a code for Lightforces to increase intensity of Mjolnir technology which works now at 5-7%, dark forces are getting eliminated by that technology, it's more and more harder for them to survive. Technology must be increased gradually because dark forces could snap a do really bad things in short amount of time.

  42. Petition to allow 'Feline Aliens' to provide free food, shelter and healthcare to the poor and the needy humans-

    " According to the data of the World Bank, nearly 700 million people of the world live in extreme hunger and poverty-

    Forget about the poor countries, the situation is too dire that even the children of developed countries are unable to satisfy their hunger-

    God is not happy with the Earth Governments and Militaries regarding this dire situation of the Earth and has ordered 'Feline Aliens' to eradicate hunger and poverty on the Earth. Feline Aliens are benevolent aliens species created by God himself. More information about feline aliens can be found from the following web links-

    The Felines have diplomatically tried to seek permission from the Earth Governments to help the hungry and poor humans, but they have been denied the permission by the Earth Governments and Militaries. The Felines have also tried to land on the Earth using their airships but are being shot down by the Earth Militaries and Governments. As a result many Felines have been killed by the Earth Governments and the Militaries.

    The only option now that remains with the Felines is to take 'Military Action' against the World Governments and Militaries. But the Felines cannot do that without the permission of humans.

    Therefore, the objective of this petition is to give 'Green Light' to the Felines to allow them to take 'Military Action' against the world governments and militaries, so as to provide relief to the hungry and the poor humans of the Earth. "

    Those who are interested to sign the petition can sign it from the following link-

    Also share if possible.

  43. I have a bad idea now, the gray hat is delaying time and making it easier for them to completely control the surface of the earth

  44. That is when it happened. Remember when I said I'd had this memory not long ago of dying. Something from a helicopter hit the house and in an instant I was gone. Well, when you die, you go to a similar universe but NOT THE SAME UNIVERSE. This is what happened. Since that time, maybe 2 or 3 years ago, I've been here - same house, same neighbours, but whopping big changes. At least communism stopped here in Australia, thank God. It's all linked to that death. Here it is:

    Lots of people have died but... they kind of remembered but they avoided death, and went on, esp on this timeline where it now seems more jumbled.

    I'm surprised American's haven't reacted to any of it. They just sit there. BUT this is a weird timeline, not at all like the one I remember! Yeah... I'm starting to notice the differences now...

    It's late. Bed now.

  45. Let us take the leap of faith together.🌟🌟🌟

  46. I was listening to some interviews online and it's seems like that modern women love criminals, thugs, felons and even murderers. They are attracted by those type of men, they even say that they love evil look in men eyes, one girl said that she would love to have man that has look like he is going to kill or fuck her dog, she was so excited by telling this as she probably imagine that guy in her head. Lot of these modern women have very high body count at young age and they are very proud when they cheat their boyfriend, they seems like empowered when they are cheating or behaving irresponsible. WTF is happening, why are people so degenerate? Is that brainwashing, entity posession, bad influencers, hollywood programming or anomaly? It's no wonder we can't make progress as humanity... My question to Cobra is: Why women get attracted by criminals, thugs, felons and murderers? Are we going to have somekind of split so this type of women that like criminals and murderers can get together on one planet and like them there so we normal and empathetic people can create positive society without this heart and mind poison from that kind of people?

    It's interesting that all of these women that like murderes, criminals or only egoistic and selfish men, they are in their best and young years, when they get older, they understand that they were wrong and now they want nice guys. So they give their best and young female sexual energy to egoistic and selfish men to lift them up and support their behavior and later in life after they have been passed around by a long list of guys, when they get older and don't have that wild and vital female energy anymore, they want nice guys so he can be trash can for her personal baggage and bad emotions, and he will get in return older, damaged and trashed female sexual energy. No wonder why is this world falling apart, worst kind of men gets youngest and best female sexual energy and good empathetic guys gets damaged goods so they can be trash can for her life problems and negative emotions.

    This is the video example:

    The thing about women liking criminals and murderers starts from 6:20 - 7:56 min. but the whole video is eye opening.

    1. @libra

      Yes it's possible to be nice and badass at the same time, i think that for males it is a purpose to unite all of male parts into one being: alpha, beta, sigma etc...but that's very hard to do, only advance type of males can do that, that is a perfect male being. Society is constructed very hard for men to function, girls only have to be pretty but guys needs to be pretty, nice, badass, to have a lot of money, to be a good father, to be funny etc... We have been given an impossible task, that female Stockholm syndrome is the reason why most women call men pigs, they choose the worst ones and then they are mad because they get treated bad, it's nonsense... I think men will only get healed after The Event, MedBed Technology and Financial Reset, too much stress has been put on us to function normally. The best thing after The Event and before Polar Shift is to split society by their personal frequency so lower frequency people should go on one planet and higher frequency people on another, we shouldn't mix after we get evacuated from this shithole...

    2. Read my posts on there as well, gotten to the point I totally gave up on finding ANYONE on this rotten planet as a lover. ONLY AN ALIEN WILL I ACCEPT.

      This, along with so many other reasons, is why I look foreword to GIVING up my masculinity and humanity...neither have done me any SHRED of good. Just sources of pain.

    3. If Hitler was alive today, he'd probably be Brad Pitt to some of these women......

    4. @Sherman

      But Hitler was Brad Pitt to German Women at that time 😂 when you brainwash population to a certain level, seems like everything is possible, no limits at all... Degeneration and depravity becomes modus operandi for society.

    5. @GPikel
      Probably......Charlie Manson had his share of women. *face slams keyboard*

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. ok. the behemoth of boredom is something you could address by adding some activity into ones life.

    i dont understand how that can be blamed on a planet .

    setup project for urself.. sonething u may enjoy doing.

  49. What is going on in Florida? You guys good? :D

  50. Can you turn down the volume a bit? The "tinnitus" in my head has been screaming for a week from the energy. Turn down the volume, turn down the volume, turn down the volume, gah, gah. (or at least tell us when the volume will go down). Thanks

    1. Funny you mention tinnitus.mines been anxiety inducing lately. Pretty much all 2023

    2. you better get used to that...there is no pleasing every person...we are in times of great purging and solar activity...

    3. @Dartanian il Magnifico Io mi sono abituato a convivere con l'acufene da un po' di tempo ormai. All'inizio è dura, poi ci si abitua 🌈

    4. Well you will have to find some way to cope with your tinnitus. This process can't be slowed down anymore, it has been going slow enough. The transformation must happen. The volume must continue to be turned up so this can finally be done.

  51. DH, true. I've decided to walk about 10,000 steps per day. The very powerful health benefits from this are both physical and mental. It's especially good to go on walks when there's restlessness.

  52. Victory of the Light :) Sending lots of love to everyone here :) Cobra, I remember you mentioning about interesting things happening with Galactic Cintamani stone. I do not have one yet but every time i say "galactic cintamani stone" outloud I get strong energy shooting down through my body from the top down so it is a very powerful stone as you mentioned. I noticed with my regular cintamani stone that its energy is increasing especially when i picked it up in my hands yesterday and felt it. I slept with it under my pillow last night (which I do from time to time) and dreamt of a flash of energy from the sun. It was so powerful ...i could feel the energies very strongly. I was outside and everything kept getting brighter and brighter and then the energy was released and the color of the energy i saw was violet and hitting the planet. It was very beautiful :) I also had a vision of the Great Pyramid a few days ago and I could see a ball of white light at the tip of it and all of sudden i felt like I was struck by lightning...the most powerful energy I've felt went through my body from top down...I was in shock in how strong it was! I've been having lots of interesting experiences including Goddess Isis showing up in a healing session I had which has never happened before!

  53. (Actually, I calculated my steps, and so far it's closer to 6,000 steps per day. It takes somewhere between 1.5 to 2 hours of walking to get to 10,000 steps, depending on how fast someone walks.)

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. I can report a large increase in the success of my shadow work. I watched a video (humor me) of a therapist analyzing the character of Lord Voldemort. For some reason, that video explained in just the way my mind needed to hear, that that character was always a fragment of his once whole self who totally embodied all of his Shadow elements. It was explained that all those things that we "stuff down" so we can "keep going" keep living, eventually rise to the level of taking over the identity. So, I went inward to that place where I always used to "stuff things down". I experienced a huge sense of release that is still continuing, but later that night, I become more lucid than ever in dreamtime. At first I became self aware in the dream, but then what followed was the realization that everything in the dream, especially the challenging and scary parts, were also me. Instead of participating in the same battles my mind has been waging for decades, I was able to stop, realize that everything here is me, and then approach all those scary things with apology, forgiveness, and acceptance. All the battles in my mind came to an end, and instead they became peaceful discussions that resulted in huge integrations of these dismissed parts of myself. I am feeling more whole than I have in decades. The process is still ongoing, but it's gotten to the point where every healed wound, every integration of an abandoned piece of myself is resulting in big waves of euphoria and shifts in perspective. I hope that others are also experiencing breakthrough success with their journeys of late. It seems that as the volume gets pumped, the vibe will not abide those self-judging patterns any longer. I knew this party was gonna be bangin.

  56. Thank you, psychic.
    Copy that.
    Copy that.🙏👍👌😘🥰😊💓💜🤍💕💞🔥❤🙂🐬💖💗💪💞💕🤗🎉😍👋🎇🎆🌹

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. I understand that these comrades have all the information about Mars-Saturn and other planets missions. I believe they are hiding it. These are secret space programs.

  59. ❤️🙏🏻❤️ If you're seeking a positive space for like-minded individuals to chat and feel supported, feel free to join us here:
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