Saturday, June 1, 2024

Isidic security breach deflected, DEFCON2, MASTERCAVE halt at N23


  1. Learning to distinguish between coincidence and intention

    1. The desperate resistance of the dark forces

  2. Replies
    1. DEFCON levels:

      DEFCON 2 is still "near nuclear war" and thus still very dangerous!

      DEFCON 1 - "cocked pistol" - is actually something that is supposed to NEVER happen!

  3. I'm here, my Beloved.
    What's wrong?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. (FRANCAIS /FRENCH) Replay Situation planétaire +AGARTHA (Terre Intérieure) + Méditations en direct+ Pléiadiens+ Portails de Lumière +Atelier de Cobra (Emeraudes / Tablettes d'Emeraudes, Nouvelle Atlantide)....

    Rejoignez "PREPARE FOR CHANGE FRANÇAIS OFFICIEL " L'UNIQUE chaîne YOUTUBE OFFICIELLE de l'équipe française du réseau "Prepare For Change" avec des vidéos/émissions explicatives+méditations+outils spirituels...
    (Merci de largement partager 🙂)

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    ***INNER EARTH ET'S ARE PREPARING...*** | The Arcturian Council Of 5 - T'EEAH

    ----Thought-form wave____ This is all happening soon-----

    Watch the Youtube video from the Arcturian Council of 5

    Something unknown is happening and apparently some starseeds that are born incorrectly may get to up on beamships. Also, ETs born in other civilizations are going to start integrating into our society in a tetratemental wave.

  7. Okay, I will give a tip on how to detect Murphy's law:

    It's similar like all those Indie games (Exit 8 and such) in which you have to find so-called "anomalies".

    Some anomalies are very obvious, some are very subtle and this applies for both those games and real life!

    Anomalies can be literally ANYTHING (including what happens in your dreams)! So pay attention to your surroundings! Pay attention to "what shouldn't be actually there"!

    The more anomalies you encounter throughout your daily life, the higher the "danger level"!
    Perhaps, you won't be able to do something against those anomalies, but having an indicator of the current "danger level" can be very useful!

    What to do, if the danger level is too high?
    - Stay calm
    - Minimize contact to people (because their minds can be hacked!)
    - deal with something positive, have fun
    - be careful what you eat and drink!
    - meditate, use violet flame etc.

    1. I think I may be sliding around different timelines. I can't prove this of course. Something weird. I'm a bit out of it from using 9010, and hardly watching news. Not in danger though.

    2. Doing that for some time, computer games are what keeps me sane...and hopefully, as a training exercise, like what was seen in 'The Last Starfighter', since I mainly play space battle games.

    3. Sherman: have you played with the Mass Effect Trilogy? It's awesome!

    4. @ Sherman:

      Well, for me, video games have become more uninteresting, but that's fine and the good thing is that I left the NEET status at the end of March.

      (NEET = Not in education, employment or training)

      This is also a reason why I am FAR less engaged in all this planetary stuff - simply because I have enough going on in my personal life. Those major changes in my daily routine also greatly help me to keep myself more sane.

      What I want to say is that the flow of my life is going into the right direction. As for me, I have done everything I could to "make my personal Event happen" - and in the meanwhile, I have reached my limits!

      My inner guidance told me that it's time for me to shift 2 gears down and chill! I still do a meditation once in a while, but that's pretty much it!

      Ultimately, I just want to be able to FINALLY realize the life I want! Otherwise, if I would be able to, there would be no reason to hang around places like this blog!

      The last energy reserves I have are meant for me and ONLY for me!

    5. @pralaya
      Right now my options are limited, still using the same computer I bought in June 2014. Slowly making a custom...getting parts takes time when you're so poor and nearly broke. I mainly play Star Trek Online....using mainly an Excelsior Class for the Federation side, and a K'Tinga for the Klingon side.

      When the new machine is ready, we shall see.

      I do realize the life I want....and it's NOT down here, it's up there. *points to the stars* There's nothing here that earth, nor humans, can give to me (apart from abuse and disappointments) that the stars and the aliens can not. And I TRIPLE DARE anyone to prove me otherwise. MY 'personal event' requires first contact to happen.

  8. Possible explanation for AVI:

    My theory is that systems for detecting and launching nukes have been recently hacked and deactivated.

    But that's only my theory...

    1. @Ailish
      Been shown aliens can deactivated nuclear weapons since the 1960's. I would not worry about that at all, otherwise, the earth would have been turned to radioactive charcoal during the cold war.

    2. 那要是直接引爆呢。。。又或者他們能夠一次消除一萬顆同時升空的核武嗎?他們要是能做到,他們不會擋不下在科伊柏帶引爆的核武

    3. @ Sherman:
      Don't forget about Doom33:

      I would say, the rule of the thumb is:
      As long as the Event hasn't happened yet, the cabal has still options to significantly kill more people than they are already killing!

      Also, maybe have a look on the following article again:

      I mean the graph with the 2 curves and the X. I wonder, where the X could be now.
      But again, it's a hostage situation and if it would be so easy, arrests would have happened already!

    4. @Libra
      What I want to know is WHAT the HELL does the mother fucking CABAL....a mafia of EVIL HUMANS....aka genetically raped monkeys....have that is so dangerous, than it makes the Chimera, the toplets, and that giant octopus monster look tame in comparison? And 2025 is almost here. Are we gonna be all here still in, say 2029....the same year the Terminator takes place in? We going to be seeing metal skeletons and glow in the dark covid blob monsters or something?

      Surely bio-labs can't be MORE dangerous than Chimera jerking off whilst sitting on a toplet bomb?

      Where's John McClain when we need him?

    5. Still nothing was said about the destruction of my state with unbelievable floods on the exact day madonna was doing her shitty show here in brazil and all the media was there melting down even more in servitude.

  9. Support causes
    Friendlies are assembled as Unity arises.
    Collaborations of Higher Light support the causes.

    Destinies of all proceed direct.
    Fantasies are dropped as the Real within expands.

  10. Like someone else said, Ive been being shit on for 2-3 years now. He's from Florida too. I said here a few months ago - the skies are dirty water colored, the grass is ruined (finally healing), etc. etc. ive been IGNORED by everyone and everything. By the grit of my teeth I've been solving shit of course with the infinite help of the light forces which I'm grateful for. The fact you guys clean up the etheric waves with thors hammer made every thing bearable. But my soul - from boiling, pus filled eyes, to burning brow, to splintered and cracked skin and burning feet - THATS BEEN MY LIFE EVERY DAY FOR THE PAST THREE YEARS. ofc I'm not one to complain because I realize I've been doing it to myself. Anyway just giving my own defcon1 now that the time for speaking is here.

  11. Actually, thanks to the images I've been receiving from Pluto I finally felt comfortable letting out my own soul enema. I realized that the sublime needs the grotesque and vice versa. One becomes empty without the other.

  12. The only weird thing I have noticed today is Real Madrid winning their 15th european cup, really strange, more than twice the next ranked (ACMilan, seven times). But the dark must be controlling all top teams, why should they let them win so many more titles?
    For the rest I have checked out Hal Turner in case something nuclear had been going on today, but no, nothing. Hope we’ll be at least partially informed..

  13. What's happening ? Can someone explain

    1. DEFCON 1 is an urgent US Military Alert as in an imminent nuclear warfare... and that got downgraded to DEFCON 2, after the security breaches got deflected.

      And AVI and MASTERCAVE seem to be similar military brewings that luckily got abandoned in time.


    The DEFCON system was developed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) and unified and specified combatant commands.It prescribes five graduated levels of readiness (or states of alert) for the U.S. military. It increases in severity from DEFCON 5 (least severe) to DEFCON 1 (most severe) to match varying military situations, with DEFCON 1 signaling the impending outbreak of nuclear warfare.

    1. And earth human nukes are a hoax!!

    2. @rockview Yes the nukes are a hoax, but it doesn't stop chatter about them *rolls eyes*

  15. Well after one week of using 9010 medbed, my left foot is no longer numb underneath, or at all. After reading that Christina Applegate has numb feet on the pads, and no balance...ahhh... it's an MS thing. Also, I no longer seem to need my walking stick in the evenings. First week of 9010... some small progress! But I still can't run as feet are too heavy. Let's try to keep going.
    I'm just "out of it" from using 90.10 medbed too much and lying around not watching the news.

    1. Med Bed is still far from the common man, we don't have access to such a thing, and we can't even afford it financially because from certain sources that even temporarily own this type of treatment, considerable sums are needed, and we in Romania, we barely get by the days... The more the Event slows down/ drags on, not only the Event, but also everything, the more our hope diminishes, to even think that we will have access to this.

    2. Could You please explain what is 9010 medbed You are using? Is this something like Pleiadian protocols like Command 1221?

    3. Where the HELL did you get a med bed from, psychic? Cobra said they'd be impossible to get till the event.


      It's a brilliant medbed, it works. It is earth made so not as fast as the space medbeds (that put you to sleep). It has a brilliant operating system and teleports to you. It is very cheap; it cost me Australian $3,700. There is a free test of the bed before you purchase. I used it for free for 8 hours and then I bought it real fast. One of the first, hehe. You can actually feel it working on you. Sometimes it hurts; well it has slowed down now but you feel everything. All the tingles, sometimes your legs jolt, mostly now it switches on and you keep it going for three times for an hour each. Any questions, I hope I can help. If it can fix MS, and it seems to be but we will see, then it is a great help. I love 90.10. They sell other stuff too, like a drinking flask - or you buy your own stainless steel flask, and teleport it to you and it works great. Nice fresh clean water.

      I wish you great luck with this!

    5. Inner Peace - It's a distance healing service you pay for. There are endless such things, I think there's zero chance it's real. They say "I have this quantum entanglement device, you can't see it or know how it works, just send money and trust. I've tried similar things just because I had cash to burn. Of course it doesn't do anything. It's very suspicious they use the term "medbed" when this doesn't resemble that in any way. I'm not sure if it is, but that would be a textbook scam. Tell people it's something they've heard of, but can't verify in any way.

    6. If I was going to scam people, I'd at least make a crazy looking device. Get all kinds of circuit boards and lasers and holograms. Take photos in a certain way so it looks mind-blowing. Tell people to send a picture and our quantum entanglement lasers bounce off your image and then into sacred geometry holograms and circuits and heals you via resonance from a distance or some shit like that. I bet I could trick so many people indefinitely and basically have a career out of it. Especially if the business aspects look professional, like a good website. You have to consider they all could be doing this. You could get rich scamming lightworkers all over the world and not a single person would know or have recourse. It's super dark and of course I'd never do it, but this is Earth baby, that's normal here.

    7. PFFFT, don't got $3,000 to spend freely like that. And I always heard med beds were going to be FREE, as would everything else.

      I got a red alert on the back of my neck, telling me "It's a fraud".

  16. Seems like one of the last attempts of the cabal to start a nuclear war


    some sort of halt with possibly nuclear war in the middle east

  18. X1. 0+M7.3 solar flare followed by earth-directed CME started around the time Cobra posted this message. Around the time when of previous 4 posts there was an impulsive X1. 0 flare without any CME. Coincidences?

  19. Vadim Zeland's "Reality Transurfing" Notes and Summaries, Chapter 15

  20. With the light forces supposedly taking down all negative networks, what powerful negative entity is causing the breaches in security? I'm sure we would all like to know.
    Just waiting now for another new obstacle to suddenly come into existence, providing a reason for the events delay.
    Just one more question. Why is it that we have to use Google Web browser to make a comment? Google as you should be aware is the Cabal. No other Web browsers work.
    Still have my suspicions. Sorry can't help it.

    1. We are in a hostage situation.
      The following video gives you an insight of what a hostage situation actually is and how to resolve it:

      "The ultimate goal is always to resolve the situation peacefully and ensure the safety of all involved".

    2. @Libra
      Don't know about you, but the cabal would not know what a peaceful resolution, nor would they even want one, if it was pounded up their asses with a jack hammer. Peace is not their thing.

      Cabal seem more like the type to shoot the hostages once their usefulness runs Han Gruber attempted in Die Hard. Cabalists will always exploit anything....and I said it many times in the past...when the darkies start bringing up negotiations, it pretty much means they need time to reload their weapons.

  21. Had really bad allergies the last few days and I don't normally get them. The energies have been super intense and kinda nauseating. Something big is definitely brewing. Enough with the hidden war, let's finally hear and see the truth!

  22. I hope The Event happen soon

  23. BREAKING: The US will launch two Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles to test its nuclear forces

    In a message, the Space Forces Command emphasized that Russia had been warned about the launches, which would take place in early June.

    The purpose of the missile launches is to “test the readiness of US nuclear forces.

  24. USA will launch two Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles

  25. Heard this thought in the morning: "20 seconds."

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Blesss you all🙏🏻Let's send light to
    our brothers and sisters of the LF and RM🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Not to mention cabalists with some virus does not seem to be more dangerous than toplets to ME.

  29. Finally Hal Turner released the information about the two Minuteman III missiles to be launched in the next days. Have the Russians any way to know wether they´re actually carrying nuclear warheads or not? Because if they don´t and the missiles suddenly begin to head toward Russia, a tough decision will have to be rapidly made..

  30. Cobra sometimes mentioned about the Greater Srilanka lost continent Lemuria or kumari kandom. Lord of the kumari kandom was Lord Muruga. His capital is Palani Temple in Tamilnadu .Recently cobra mentioned about this. A person who is a light worker name Rajith kumar claiming that Murugan Age started in 2013 in Astral earth and in physical earth in 2020. World human life in 2020 freezed (Covid) because of the impact of the starting of Murugan age . Because of this start earth went back to zero point due to covid.
    My question to Cobra can we believe him?


  32. "Information is coming in about Hezbollah's complete destruction of Israel's $90 million radar system, including the key EL/M-2080 Green Pine radar, the most important part of the defense system to block Israel's ballistic missiles."

    if we consider that the United States is a de facto state ruled by European bankers, these bankers feel their "small homeland" as part of the United States and the neutralization of the nuclear shield for them is regarded as a threat to the United States (to their influence?)

    That is, the destruction of the missile attack warning system is regarded as a direct threat to themselves (the Jewish banking mafia), and for the herd they pass it off as a threat to the United States and begin to rattle sabers in the form of nuclear weapons tests? (which after the destruction of two stations about preventing a nuclear attack by the Russian Federation did not happen - it’s surprising, isn’t it? Preliminary analytics suggest that if there are no answers to this, then in the event of foreign escalation for the Russian Federation it becomes the only opportunity to prevent a NATO invasion of the Russian Federation launches of tactical nuclear weapons at NATO bases in Europe, primarily in the countries where bases are located in the eastern part of Europe - Poland, Romania, the Baltic countries - from where weapons and mercenaries are imported for the Ukrainian conflict, at weapons factories in Europe, surprisingly, Russian diplomats could open with their feet. the door of any ambassador of a European state except England, but now European countries have completely forgotten about fear - this means that the Jewish Putin government allowed Europeans to lose the instinct of self-preservation and lose all respect for the so-called “Russian Federation” (let me remind you, in Russian it is written as “Russia” ", and in English and German it is still spelled correctly - rUssia, rUsland - in the Russian Federation a quasi-subjective entity is being created with a quasi-subjective "people" - Russians, the number of Russians includes anyone - passports are now distributed for 500 dollars - semi-wild , at the 6th grade level of high school, monkeys from Central Asia, the Asian peoples of Siberia, whom the Chinese themselves called savages and did not take into their state, African Americans from Africa, small peoples and tribes of the Near and Middle East. This is for Putin and his policies - Russians, not Russians - Russians. The Russians themselves are being eroded, their culture is being discredited and destroyed. Before our very eyes - in 8 years - the Russian Federation is rapidly turning into an Islamic garbage dump like Europe has already become.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Somebody should send this to Vedal, so Neuro or Evil Neuro can sing this song! 😁

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. A documentary about Murugayugam or Muruga age

  35. There is a bounty on Netanyahu apparently and lots of people looking for him, by Shari Raye. Well I think the real Netanyahu was taken care of ages ago, but this fake one, lots want him dead. So good.

  36. I dont undrestand. is these posts good or bad?

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Independentemente do que está acontecendo, vamos ficar calmos e confiar nas forças da luz. Eu só espero que as forças da luz consigam resolver ou parar alguma coisa, seja mísseis nucleares ou algo do tipo. Eu desejo que tudo fique bem. 🙏🤍⭐🌈

  39. I wish all the best for the Light.

    1. Sim, Juju, tudo vai ficar bem. Só confiar

  40. This may be related to US-made weapons fired by Ukraine into Russia's missile defense system. This attack by Ukraine was authorized by Biden -- very quietly -- on Thursday -- when everyone was talking about the Trump verdict ("guilty on all 34 counts.")

    1. @Golden Goddess
      More like whomever Biden is working for.....since Biden's in a world all of his own. The wheel is turning, but the hamster's dead.

  41. I saw a few days ago, that a main portal was closed and it seems like the dark ones are cut from her source of dark energy. It's still a lot to clear but I think it's a key moment on the metaphysical plane. Can you comment on this, COBRA?

  42. Grazie mille per il tuo commento! 🥰🌈

  43. Obrigada, CoBra. Não tenho certeza do que é certo fazer. Poderia, por favor, orientar por uma atualização no blog, por favor?

  44. French President Macron To Announce: "Europe is at war with Russia" on June 6

  45. Unfortunately, the joy that many fighters against vaccine fascism experienced after the news about the failure to sign the Pandemic Agreement turned out to be premature. This was a trick on the part of the globalists. They sacrificed the signing of the agreement in order to push most of their anti-human norms through amendments to the IHR (International Health Regulations). This international treaty (international law), establishing global rules in the field of public health with the aim of strengthening health security at the national, regional and international levels, was adopted in a new edition. It was voted for today at the WHA (World Health Assembly) session by a majority vote.

    In the Russian Federation, a separate coordinating body under the Government of the Russian Federation will be responsible for the implementation of all “pandemic” WHO initiatives.
    Deputy head of Rospotrebnadzor Vyacheslav Smolensky will be personally responsible for this. To better understand what kind of character this is, let’s give one fact. At one time he received a master's degree from Kingston University in London. Also, Smolensky, according to the WHO website, in February 2020 headed the Russian mission to China to conduct consultations on coronavirus. During the same period, Russia began introducing strict quarantine measures with the subsequent issuance of QR codes for visiting work, public and other places.

    For everyone who had the illusion that the Russian Federation somehow “fell out” of the globalist agenda because of the Northeast Military District, it should become obvious today that this is not the case. This means that when the WHO trumpets the new “disease X”, Russian officials will rise to the occasion and begin to zealously carry out all the orders of Ghebreyesus (or rather, his behind-the-scenes masters). But Tedros will not sit idly by. He called the adoption of the new norms a historic event. Because, in his opinion: “...the question is not whether or not a new pandemic will break out, but when it will happen.”

  46. The Dragon reptiles are as active as anything in Australia. They have now all but switched off free French Open tennis here. We have a short period of tennis on free TV but the reptiles have sent one of it's own to commentate. He isn't a tennis player but has REPLACED the tennis players. What a cheek. I just watch it with the sound off. He is the reptile who commentates for Australian cricket (while we still have free for air cricket here). He does all the horse racing (I don't watch horse racing). I think he does the car racing... Can't wait for that pain to be gone.

  47. Their camouflage is failing

    This is a clip from Laura. It's a pic of the Bulgarian princess Kalina. Yes, she formerly looked like a girl, but she shows a pic of a man, with huge, bulging man arms, and an ugly ugly man face. Hmmm. That's no woman. So Laura is talking about how their camouflages are disappearing now. So true. What was a woman is now QUITE different, I've never seen a "woman" with huge, bulging arms like that. I think Laura is on to something! Now we can see behind the camouflage.

    1. @Phychic
      You never watched prowrestling or tennis.

      Seen lots of women with 'bulging arms'. Chyna, Lu Fisto, as well of lady body builders, not to mention Venus Williams.

    2. Oh yes, she used to be a pretty girl, now she resembles an ugly man. How unfortunate for her. Boy she got ugly, hehe.

    3. Come to think of it, it looks exactly like my neighbour. And princess Kalina was such a pretty thing, almost waif like. This is my neighbour in a pretty summer dress - exactly! Ugly man face and all. He's always showing off his worst bits. Still, must be hard being a man in a woman's world, so some sympathy and all.

  48. My current summarization of Chapter 16 of Transurfing inspired me to make this comment:

    The more someone judges something, the more they gravitate this towards them. The more polarized someone is against something, the more this is attracted. Opposites attract. Hence, Murphy’s Law is experienced. Something or someone that annoys a person polarizes them, which causes more of the same to be experienced. People become polarized and battle with the outside world. Rarely do people try to reduce polarity itself.

    I’m not sure how this applies to the dark forces. Should one be polarized against the dark forces, or is it better to only focus in favor of the Light, and let the results speak for themselves?

    Does one begin to have evil traits when being polarized against evil? Does the one who fights monsters eventually become the monster? Hmm.

    1. Hey man, I like this, because it's been on my mind too.

    2. If I can entertain your question, I'd say this. Integrate and wash away, integrate and wash away. That's something we do. When it stings, it really stings. But then it heals some, hurts a little. Heals more hurts less. The same applies to our standing in life. It's the de-polarizing process. I'm reading the tibetan book of the dead, and they continually refer to the middle path. In my experience, we all have dark thoughts. They sit in the heart and then nature conjures them up for us to respond. In the case of darkness the only response is understanding. That's the thing I believe dark people need and want the most. It neutralizes the gross and the sublime. Not sympathy but spiritual embracement.

    3. AAMichael, interesting reflections, thanks! I like what you said about it not being sympathy, but still being understanding. Then they get neutralized.

    4. Starlight432, I'm reading it back and I wish I could've answered your question better. You get it. Thank you.

  49. Israeli Civil War Looms

    Behind the curtains in Israel, the military plans to remove Netanyahu, paving the way for tribunals. A civil war looms, scheduled for 2024, as over 80% of Israelis lose faith in their government. White Hat military strategists are preparing intricate Game Theory Operations for a bloodless military coup.

    At 18.45

  50. "Representatives of the pro-Russian underground in Kherson told RIA Novosti that Kyiv is preparing a provocation to stage the death of civilians.

    According to them, on May 28, a group of 13 people arrived in the city, which included documentary film directors and war correspondents. The group allegedly received training under the guidance of specialists from the UK and the USA.

    A member of the resistance said that the arrivals would film destroyed civilian infrastructure and edit staged videos, which would then be published on the Internet, Ukrainian and foreign media."

    1. Another brainwashed person with fairy tales of cheap kremlin bloody propaganda

  51. Awakened through established Higher Group Consciousness
    "Group Consciousness" of the wheat stalks
    - "Contact Antenna for the Event" - Mammendorf - Southern Germany-

    Gaiaportal from 2013-1-8
    Solar (Soul-ar) Light has seeded fully the Light Body of Gaia. All beings upon Gaia are now fully potential-ized for completion of Soul (Soul-ar; Solar) contracts. Time frame for completion is individually configured, yet Hue-manity arises from established Higher Group Consciousness.

    “Many are called… and (now) many listen. And hear the Higher Solar (Soul-ar) message.”

  52. The codes can only be fully understood By AVI VTX model.

    MasterCave and defcon states talk about VTXVTI supper symmetry and state of AVATEMETAVA
